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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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3 hours ago, Damaris56 said:

Did I miss something this morning?  I honestly don't recall Willie even mentioning that Joe & Mika were off (doing God knows what).  It's not like they can go anywhere.  They're prisoners in their own home since they live in Florida.  Is it too much to ask that they show up for work and do their jobs?

Mika, according to her latest KYV post, is too woozy from her Lucky Charms/cake binges to get up and sit in the basement and mispronounce names!!

It sounds like Joe is about 3 days away from living in a van down by the river (his choice), rather than spend another minute with Crazy Sugar Lady. 

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12 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

I did check out CNN New Day and they are reporting that there is a new billion dollar contract for a Covid vaccine.  They are also reporting new stuff about Ghislaine Maxwell.  I cannot remember the last time that JoeMika did actual breaking news.

I guess what I am saying is that I actually learned something from the other network, versus hearing the same things from Joe and Meeks.

New Day also seems to be live for a full 3 hours and the anchors may be married, but definitely not to each other. And they've got this annoying habit of letting their interview subjects talk. It's a very weird show.

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If the news wasn't so dire, and Joe didn't KEEP REPEATING the same lines every damn day . . . at least Mike could wear some colorful outfits.  All we get is black, once a brown, black again, and that gosh-awful black sweater covering what appears to be the same pajama top!  I haven't left the house since March and dress better than she does.  Where is a producer? 

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23 hours ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

Where is a producer?

Back at 30 Rock sticking pins in Mika and Joe Voo Doo dolls, waiting for the new head honcho to wake up early enough to see what a shit show this is. The show was so much better, well except for what nonsense Mika spewed, before the election...it was well lit, moved fast, covered many topics, and, since the affair was in full swing, it was fun to watch the obvious flirting, which Mika's short sleeveless sheath dresses and fuck me heels were part of. Now it's like a dull, dreary, joyless early cable tv show from someone's basement, circa 1980. BORING. It seems like a chore for them to get through every day...just how their viewers feel. Thus, I don't really watch anymore, just flip by now and then.

Edited by plumbago blues
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We all know they do the show from the basement.  It's a shame that they don't get rid of the phony DC backdrops and actually show their house/room, like all the other contributors to the show are doing.  If anything, I'm sure it would provide endless sniping from viewers over their decor as well as comments from Room Rater.  I remember a few weeks ago when Donnie Deutsch was on and Joe went on and on making snide comments about the room he was broadcasting from.  It was all white and the consensus was it looked like a dentist's office.  While I don't like Donnie Deutusch and I didn't care for his all-white decor, all I could think of was, "Let's see your rooms, Joe.  Since when did you become a decorator?" 

Also, I noticed that most mornings this week, Willie didn't even bother to say that Joe & Mika were off.  It's as if they never existed or were part of the show.



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On 7/9/2020 at 12:51 PM, KayVeeTeeVee said:

If the news wasn't so dire, and Joe didn't KEEP REPEATING the same lines every damn day . . . at least Mike could wear some colorful outfits.  All we get is black, once a brown, black again, and that gosh-awful black sweater covering what appears to be the same pajama top!  I haven't left the house since March and dress better than she does.  Where is a producer? 

I agree.  She should dress in a manner befitting a millionaire TV star.  Seems like she stopped trying to look sexy once she snagged Joe!

Edited by nittanycougar
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Tuned in around 7:30...Meeka in mourning with the all black; but she did get her hair cut.  She botched the "good-bye" to the guest - I didn't hear his name or the interview; "uh" was said a few times.  I was going to watch a bit more but when she went to commercial, she said next up was a discussion on how the Virus has impacted woman.  I sensed a KYV piece coming up so I switched to "Mom" reruns and the local news.  She is such a one-note kill-joy. 


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1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

From the looks of Mika this morning there may be trouble in the Scarborough relationship. She looks depressed and has bags under her eyes. The black outfit may signal something is up.

I think Joe was spotted in Nantucket meeting with Barnicle this weekend. Joe may also be meeting with other important people that spend the summer there.

Mika is stuck in Florida. She has to take care of her mom.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I sensed a KYV piece coming up so I switched to "Mom" reruns and the local news.  She is such a one-note kill-joy. 

Yeah she had the hysteria dialed up to 11 this morning. I think I heard her say "what the hell" at one point, or "doesn't give a damn"? 

Real professional Screech.  Why is it Willie and Yasmin can host and show their utter disdain for what is going on without sounding like Karen was forced to wear a mask at Trader Joe's? 

I think she's pissed no one noticed her new hair cut.  If they were staying somewhere up North, couldn't BeBop go with them?  I'm assuming they fly private jets, as they don't want the unwashed masses to inflict their cooties onto the superstars of cable news. 

I turned on Raymond.  And was rewarded with one of their best, the one where Ray sets the kitchen on fire.  I lmao every time it's on.  Made up for the previous 60 minutes of ear piercing insanity. 

Joe should have his ass kicked for screaming about Trump and masks, etc. and then is sitting there on a bench in Nantucket with Barnicle, no mask. 

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20 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Yeah she had the hysteria dialed up to 11 this morning. I think I heard her say "what the hell" at one point, or "doesn't give a damn"? 

Real professional Screech.  Why is it Willie and Yasmin can host and show their utter disdain for what is going on without sounding like Karen was forced to wear a mask at Trader Joe's? 

I think she's pissed no one noticed her new hair cut.  If they were staying somewhere up North, couldn't BeBop go with them?  I'm assuming they fly private jets, as they don't want the unwashed masses to inflict their cooties onto the superstars of cable news. 

I turned on Raymond.  And was rewarded with one of their best, the one where Ray sets the kitchen on fire.  I lmao every time it's on.  Made up for the previous 60 minutes of ear piercing insanity. 

Joe should have his ass kicked for screaming about Trump and masks, etc. and then is sitting there on a bench in Nantucket with Barnicle, no mask. 

I, too switched to Raymond and enjoyed one of my favorite episodes ever.  The tissues!  The fire!  The hose!  Hysterical.  Barnicle may have been in Nantucket, but was on MJ this morning, until his audio feed froze, so Mika jumped in like the true professional she is.

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5 minutes ago, SG429 said:

Is something going on here? No "Joe has the morning off" at the top of 6 and 7? Ruh-roh.

Mika's pissed she has to host alone so Joe doesn't get any acknowledgement. 

Does she have the a/c in their house set on 50? How in God's name does she have on that top and a sweater in FL heat in the summer? 

Today's word/phrase of the day :  Super Spreader

Eat a handful of Lucky Charms every time she says it. 




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11 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

I, too switched to Raymond and enjoyed one of my favorite episodes ever.  The tissues!  The fire!  The hose!  Hysterical. 

OMG when he's in the living room trying to spray the kitchen and he takes the nozzle off.  And then sprays Debra when she comes downstairs. 

Update: Mika is trying to make this happen  #Superspreaderpresidency  on Twitter. 

Super Spreader Super Spreader Super Spreader!!!    It's like Beetlejuice! 

She is seriously on the verge of a breakdown. 


Edited by teddysmom
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Other than age, do we know what her mother's health concerns may be?  I am thinking that maybe The Twins were both in Nantucket last week but Meeka was possibly not as out and about as Joe.  Or maybe Joe is waiting until the "shaming" over his maskless mug dies down.

But from what I saw this morning (and most mornings) - Meeka is not capable of hosting the show on her own.  Other than maybe for the train wreck appeal.  There is so much hard news happening; but unlike CNN, this show only discusses The Virus and Trump.  

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10 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Other than age, do we know what her mother's health concerns may be?  I am thinking that maybe The Twins were both in Nantucket last week but Meeka was possibly not as out and about as Joe.  Or maybe Joe is waiting until the "shaming" over his maskless mug dies down.

But from what I saw this morning (and most mornings) - Meeka is not capable of hosting the show on her own.  Other than maybe for the train wreck appeal.  There is so much hard news happening; but unlike CNN, this show only discusses The Virus and Trump.  

I think that Mika's mom has Parkinson's.

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Wow, what a mess! First off, Mika looked like shit. I like her more natural hair color, but girl, volume is your friend. I know she's used to having her hair done by others but FFS, she's had months to learn how to use a blow dryer. Since it's shorter now it would be even easier. She looks like she hasn't slept in days.

I guess Joe went to Barnicle's place in Nantucket on his own...thus affirming her essay's cryptic "we all don't agree on how to handle the pandemic" or whatever she said. She must have stayed home with her mother (I think she mentioned that Bomba has Parkinson's and heart issues...but still can wield a chainsaw...go figure.) and is royally pissed about it. She's acting out her anger in her shrillness and hammering the SuperSpreader theme...cause now Joe can fit into that category...who knows if he'll bring back Covid Cooties to the homestead.


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1 hour ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

Barnicle may have been in Nantucket, but was on MJ this morning, until his audio feed froze, so Mika jumped in like the true professional she is.

HA! Who wants to bet that Joe was behind that "freeze"?! Standing behind the camera messing with the wires. Playing a little passive aggressive cat and mouse with Mika! Making her sweat. Trouble in paradise?

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26 minutes ago, oakville said:

Meeka is not capable of hosting the show on her own.

This.  Yasmin does the same type of show, she may not have four guests on Zoom at the same time, but she has had two discussing a topic, and she is professional yet can be light hearted or intense depending on the situation, and this morning she seemed a little cheerier than usual, like her week off allowed her some rest. Unlike Mika, who takes a week off and comes back pissed off at the world. 

Maybe Joe flew up north because the new boss wanted to discuss changes to the show..... as in hosts. 

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

I think Joe was spotted in Nantucket meeting with Barnicle this weekend. Joe may also be meeting with other important people that spend the summer there.

Mika is stuck in Florida. She has to take care of her mom.

I don't think she's in Florida. Her backdrop is tilted at a weird angle and the picture is sort of out of focus, much poorer quality. Lighting is also terrible. Guessing she's at their summer house studio (in Maine or something?)

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2 hours ago, neona said:

Her backdrop is tilted at a weird angle and the picture is sort of out of focus, much poorer quality. Lighting is also terrible. Guessing she's at their summer house studio (in Maine or something?)

That's a good point...I noted that too but figured Joe was the "set" guy and she was winging it. So, they both escaped the pandemic pandemonium for a 2 week vacation? Amazing.

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My first thought this morning was that Mika has turned into Joe with all the screeching, yelling and interrupting people.  She was positively unhinged.  I thought I read that if you come back to Florida from another state that you had to self-quarantine for 2 weeks.  Is that still in effect?  Honestly, if those two were in Maine or Nantucket this past week, would you really want any Floridians anywhere near you given what's happening in Florida right now.  And not to wear a mask?  For shame!

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32 minutes ago, xaxat said:


Interesting. Both Massachusetts and Maine request that state visitors self quarantine for 14 days.

I'm too lazy to read through all the guidance but in fairness I do think visitors who are able to prove that they test negative are exempted from the quarantine rules in most states. Getting tests probably isn't too hard for the wealthy and well-connected. It's still disrespectful to go out without a mask though. 

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1 hour ago, neona said:

I'm too lazy to read through all the guidance but in fairness I do think visitors who are able to prove that they test negative are exempted from the quarantine rules in most states

In some cases that's true, but I actually doubt they got tested. There is a tremendous backup on processing in the South. The mayor of Atlanta (who, unlike Joe is an actual high profile politician) had to wait eight days for her results. President Trump's former chief of staff (who, unlike Joe, retired from a real position of real power) had to wait a week. In Maine, your test must have been conducted less than 72 hours before entry. Massachusetts only has state exemptions. 

Needless to say, Florida is not on either states' list of exemptions.

I guess Mika was screeching about "superspreaders" this morning. She can't be lecturing people when they left a hotspot to travel to two states against those states' guidelines.

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1 hour ago, plumbago blues said:

The more I think about it...hard to believe Mika would pack those fugly mourning clothes for a trip to the summer home. And the pets? And, I guess her mother and her aide? Yikes. They really are special. (And here I think overdo it when I take my hot air popcorn popper on a road trip.)

I like the Maine Summer home. Last summer, one of Mika's dogs interrupted the broadcast of the show by barking. Bamba also wandered in the background looking for coffee on the deck.

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Joe is still out.  Mika didn't even mention that he is absent.  Is he no longer on this show?  Or she thinks if she doesn't mention Joe, no one will notice.

Mika is comparing Covid-19 cases in Miami Dade County to Wuhan.  Man she seems excited to read about all those new cases. 

She interviewed the president of the Jackson Health System.

Why is the president of the health system, who is running the treatment, calmer about the Florida Covid-19 situation than Mika?

Edited by nittanycougar
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MIka just threw the segment to Willie and she was staring down and pursing her mouth in a tense way.  She seems upset.

I find it odd how they obsess on one state and then move onto the next one.  Last week it was Texas and now they are on Florida.  I guess the topic is determined by whatever the production assistant can crib from the NY Times on any given day.

Edited by nittanycougar
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She did seem a little calmer today, but her language skills are atrocious.

I think it was with Susan Rice, when she asked Susan what Trump was referring to when he said Obama stopped testing, and she said "and all that stuff".  FFS Mika 3 hours a day, tops, you are asked to use proper English, not behave like an out of control toddler, pouting and screaming. 

On the plus side, I didn't have to clean up the bathroom from my head exploding, as she didn't refer to "Know Your Value" during the Susan Rice segment. 

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3 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Is he no longer on this show? 

Is he no longer on his  show?

Fixed it for ya. Cause it sure isn't much of a show with Mika at the helm. I just don't get her continued hysteria. That doesn't make this go away. If anything, it makes their escape to the Northeast so much more hypocritical and elitist. 

Why haven't I noticed Katty's neck before?  Kasie-like. But she does look so much more normal now that her face has "released".

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1 minute ago, plumbago blues said:

Is he no longer on his  show?

Fixed it for ya. Cause it sure isn't much of a show with Mika at the helm. I just don't get her continued hysteria. That doesn't make this go away. If anything, it makes their escape to the Northeast so much more hypocritical and elitist. 

Why haven't I noticed Katty's neck before?  Kasie-like. But she does look so much more normal now that her face has "released".

Perhaps there isn't enough room for both Mika & Joe to be on tv together in Maine ?

MSNBC could have decided to evacuate Mika & Joe from Florida due to their importance to the network.

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12 minutes ago, oakville said:

MSNBC could have decided to evacuate Mika & Joe from Florida due to their importance to the network.

I read "evacuate" as "evaluate" and thought "It's about fucking time!!!" 

I kept hoping when Willie showed up this morning Mika would disappear.  

Do they really need the money? Joe wants to be a musician, and Mika wants to roll around in cake batter and vodka.

Give the show to Joshua Johnson and Yasmin. OMG there is a dream team.   

That would help the new boss with his goal of having minorities and women in hosting positions. 

Joe's not even on Twitter. I wonder if he got blasted over the photo with Barnicle. 

Something is going on. Usually she mentions what he's doing. 

Maybe he's home binging Hamilton to get ideas for his Trump musical. Remember when he was going to do that? 


Edited by teddysmom
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6 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Do they really need the money? Joe wants to be a musician, and Mika wants to roll around in cake batter and vodka.

Give the show to Joshua Johnson and Yasmin. OMG there is a dream team.   

That would help the new boss with his goal of having minorities and women in hosting positions. 


Their contract comes up for renewal in 2021. If Biden wins the election, Mika & Joe won't have anything to complain about. They could retire.

Joe does consider himself to be an expert on race relations .He grew up in many Southern states & attended desegregated schools in the 1970s.

Joe has frequently mentioned his popularity with his African American classmates due to his strong athletic & academic performance.

In his spare time, Joe would write songs for local bands.

Joe's teachers were always impressed with his knowledge of history & would occasionally let him teach the classes when they went out of the class.



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28 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Is he no longer on his  show?


I actually think he's sort of an Evil Genius. He takes time off and who does he put in charge? The two dullest most lifeless people on the planet. Ratings go down-ish and he gets to say, "Look! I'm indispensable! They all watch for meeee!"

Imagine the ratings if a real person like Nicole Wallace took over for a couple of weeks. They've been riding this MSNBC wave of viewers desperate for information and get to take credit for higher ratings - when no one actually knows how high they truly COULD have been by now if the hosts had been consistently in New York, consistently informed, etc. But they've expertly shaped the narrative of their success and made themselves untouchable. It really sucks for viewers. 

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Started watching this show from the very beginning. Mike was outmatched by everyone back then. She seemed to have no cultural references to draw from, probably because of her restrictive upbringing (no TV and who knows what else). For some reason, she wasn't able to recall any history to make historical references. And more curious still, she didn't seem to be up to date on recent politics. Once, Jenna Wolfe took her place and geez, the show was noticeably better.

I used to refer to Mika as a shadow talker. Someone would say something, and then she would quickly repeat it, as though they were the thoughts she had, too. But now she seems to have discovered a soapbox and she gathers up all her (pre-packaged) grievances and spews them out in bursts. The problem is, her sentiments are usually those already expressed by others. She just doesn't have what it takes to host a political show. 

Like Joe, who goes over the top and repeats himself way too much,  I've decided to take this week off, too. I watch this show for the evenness of Willie and for the guests. And I must admit, I do feel good when Joe goes on about how Donald Trump is sinking deeper and deeper into a hole.

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12 minutes ago, mojito said:

Once, Jenna Wolfe took her place and geez, the show was noticeably better.

Or when Willie & Savannah would co host together. They were great, they had an almost brother/sister kidding each other type relationship, and it was so fun. And they knew how to run the show smoothly, be professional.  They didn't beat one subject into the ground for weeks on end.

Agree re Mika's lack of knowledge of popular culture. Someone on Twitter mentioned Willie referred to Stefon (from SNL) this morning "It has everything". I'm sure Willie referencing SNL really improved Mika's mood....


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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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