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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Matthews in his own way is almost as bad as Scarborough.  He is thrilled with Hillary and hopes for a Bush-Clinton II race in 2008 (I guess he never stopped to notice Jeb wasn't running until he had ten seconds of outrage that Obama had stolen her moment).  Then he hated her again after she lost the nomination.  Then he went batshit crazy and said she would challenge Obama for the party leadership in 2012.  And when she didn't he went back to hating her.  Then after she retired from State he went back to talking about her and her inevitable candidacy all the freaking time until it started to seem that 2014 was a Presidential Election Year.


Now he is back to hating her.


And I would not use the word joy in regards to the Trump 'campaign',  Unless Matthews thinks Hitler in Nuremberg is 'giddy".

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Matthews in his own way is almost as bad as Scarborough.  He is thrilled with Hillary and hopes for a Bush-Clinton II race in 2008 (I guess he never stopped to notice Jeb wasn't running until he had ten seconds of outrage that Obama had stolen her moment).  Then he hated her again after she lost the nomination.  Then he went batshit crazy and said she would challenge Obama for the party leadership in 2012.  And when she didn't he went back to hating her.  Then after she retired from State he went back to talking about her and her inevitable candidacy all the freaking time until it started to seem that 2014 was a Presidential Election Year.

Now he is back to hating her.

And I would not use the word joy in regards to the Trump 'campaign',  Unless Matthews thinks Hitler in Nuremberg is 'giddy".

I'm right there with you. I've posted before that he's a fanboy of Trump's as well. He did a special called "Citizen Trump", took up another damn hour of television.


Every time he spews his joy/focus views of the two campaigns, I'm like. Hillary doesn't look unhappy to me and I'm not unhappy with her as a supporter. I switched my support for Obama back in 2008 and I posted that it was in part to he being the first president that was of African descent, the ethnic side of me won out the female side. But still, you would have NEVER seen me at an Obama rally. Does that mean that I was unhappy, or settling?  No, it means I don't like crowds, because I really don't. I like small group settings. If I felt compelled enough to leave my house to go to one of these events, you would more see me at the smaller settings on the trail, than at a huge concert like setting.  


I mean is Kasich unhappy? I don't think so. He's very positive, I don't think his campaign lacks joy. The only one who actually seemed miserable at one point in time was Jeb and Rand Paul.  Yet, Matthews keeps claiming that all the rest of the candidates would rather be anywhere else than on the campaign trail because they aren't filling stadiums; therefore, they lack joy. 


Will you find me at a Hillary rally? No. But I find nothing unhappy about her.


I have always admired her, she's qualified, and I love her strength.  


In the SNL skit, at the end of it, they had one guy saying I feel cold, yet safe in reference to Hillary, I died laughing. But the skit ended on that note, and I was like yeah that's fucking right, the safe part.  One may not find her warm, but who the hell needs warmth, I need safety.


People want to talk about a leader making you feel safe when they walk in a room, that's her for me. 


Talking all this shit about how she can't be trusted, and she's a criminal. 


Well if she is, she's a damn brilliant one to have evaded prosecution for damn near 20 plus years. That's about how long they've been accusing and trying to lock her up for these "crimes." I mean common sense?  Come on, either she's that good or the ones in authority trying to catch her, throw her in jail for her "crimes" are completely and utterly fucking incompetent, wasting tax payers money and making shit up. 


If I could bottle common sense and sell it, I'd be rich.

Edited by represent
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I have always admired her, she's qualified, and I love her strength. 

In the SNL skit, at the end of it, they had one guy saying I feel cold, yet safe in reference to Hillary, I died laughing. But the skit ended on that note, and I was like yeah that's fucking right, the safe part.  One may not find her warm, but who the hell needs warmth, I need safety.

People want to talk about a leader making you feel safe when they walk in a room, that's her for me.

Talking all this shit about how she can't be trusted, and she's a criminal.

Well if she is, she's a damn brilliant one to have evaded prosecution for damn near 20 plus years. That's about how long they've been accusing and trying to lock her up for these "crimes." I mean common sense?  Come on, either she's that good or the ones in authority trying to catch her, throw her in jail for her "crimes" are completely and utterly fucking incompetent, wasting tax payers money and making shit up.

If I could bottle common sense and sell it, I'd be rich.


THIS x 1000!!!  I love your post!   


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oakville, you need hazard pay for watching this.


I find it fascinating to watch shows about American politics. I prefer watching Morning  Joe at night because I can enjoy the show with a glass of wine. I must say that this campaign is very bizarre. I remember watching Bernie Sanders on the news as Mayor of Burlington, since that was the CBS affiliate in Vermont that we had access to in Montreal. I never thought he would run for President. He is an honest man. Bernie used to bring buses of Seniors to Montreal to stock up on cheap prescription drugs. I think it was against US law, but it helped the Seniors get the medicine they needed.


Anyways, I think that Mika & Joe should have done a better job of challenging Trump on his policies last night.


On today's show, Joe was bragging about how tough he was on Trump. He wasn't that tough.

Edited by oakville
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He is an honest man. Bernie used to bring buses of Seniors to Montreal to stock up on cheap prescription drugs. I think it was against US law, but it helped the Seniors get the medicine they needed.


I'm not sure about how many politicians have done this, but when he was Senator, now Governor Dayton did this as well.  If I remember correctly, a lot of politicians, especially those in border states made these trips to Canada especially but also to Mexico before Medicare Part D, with senior citizens and made a lot of noise/news about them to bring attention to the ridiculous amount of money we pay for medications and the fact that none of our government programs negotiate on price.

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My MIL was the white haired lady holding a coffee and clapping behind Ben Carson as he was standing, introduced as they kicked it to commercial before his sit down segment.  She thinks he's bat shit crazy.  She texted us right afterwards and "I am mortified."

Today was perhaps the worst example of Morning Joe being a securely locked echo chamber.  He was off the charts insufferable, self-congratulatory and dishonest (which by the way, is the Trump Playbook).  I got up and left the room repeatedly.  I just can't listen.

Edited by Landsnark
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Did I say Ben Carson's "sit down segment?"  I should have written "shit down segment."  Ben Carson is absolutely bat shit crazy.  What was his slow motion rant supposed to mean????  It was a word salad of conservative talking points.  He just repeated "irresponsible spending," "neglected infrastructure," "Christian first," and connected those vague thoughts with various conjuctions and without context or meaning.  Wow.

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LOL! I've always thought that Joe was a hysterical bitch!


So let me know this straight...they actually rolled footage of Trump contradicting himself on abortion and Iraq, and more footage of him just telling out right lies (remember the Muslims partying on rooftops on September 11?), but we're supposed to accept that as a part of Donald Trump's colorful personality. Hillary says that she has never knowingly lied to the public, and that's a problem? Doesn't ANYONE on these panels recognize the double standards?


Why does Joe keep insisting that the pope "attacked" Trump. Even Trump has admitted that he overreacted.


I don't even like Rubio, and I'm tired of Joe picking on him.


Lastly, I actually feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is one sad sack SOB. Maybe Kasich should give him a hug.

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Glancing at Scarbs tweets. He is such an asshole, I swear. Another gd overgrown white frat boy with emotional arrested development. 


Now he's railing against the Pope and the Vatican etc with a photo of the Vatican and its exterior walls. 


Joe Scarborough ‏@JoeNBC  Feb 18

"Pope Francis, tear down that wall!"


Did I say Ben Carson's "sit down segment?"  I should have written "shit down segment."  Ben Carson is absolutely bat shit crazy.  What was his slow motion rant supposed to mean????  It was a word salad of conservative talking points.  He just repeated "irresponsible spending," "neglected infrastructure," "Christian first," and connected those vague thoughts with various conjuctions and without context or meaning.  Wow.



Did you hear about that new sleep medication called, "Benesta". You can sleep and makes speeches at the same time. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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He was ranting and his tone was so hateful.

Because that's all he is, hateful. He's an angry white man which is pretty much IMO the  make up of Trump's supporters.


Except financially/economically at least, I think those men have a reason to be angry, Joe doesn't.  I also know the lot of them are angry about all the "color" that's "infected their" land, but...I will concede that many are struggling financially. 


Joe is not.


He rolls his sloppy ass out of bed, to come to work so he can bitch and read newspapers and get a fat check from MSNBC.

Edited by represent
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It's astounding to me, that the Trump supporters are so ignorant.

Who disses the Pope?  I'm Jewish and I still respect the Pope. Any Pope.

Trump has now pissed off Benjamin Netanyahu, the British people forcing Parlament to bring up a vote to ban him from the country and gets into a fight with the Pope.  Well at least he still has Putin.

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Morning Joe Saturday Morning edition:


Joe is still wearing his fleecy sweatshirt with no socks. Mika is wearing a navy blue cardigan with Jeans.

They are happy to do the show at 8 am.


Joe starts with quoting the polls that show Trump leading with 35%. Cruz & Rubio are tied for second & third place with 18%. Jeb is in 4th place with 10-12%.


Joe said Rubio should get out if he doesn't finish a strong second. Halperin said that was ridiculous.


Joe got mad at Halperin & called him a hippie for believing that a third place finish is OK. Joe doesn't want people to get trophies for third place.


Joe was surprised that Clyburn was supporting Hillary. Bernie's political views are closer to Clyburns.


The panel forgot about Bill Clinton blasting Clyburn in 2008 for supporting Obama.


Heileman said Lewis threw a cheap shot at Bernie over his civil rights record. They showed pictures of Bernie being arrested in Chicago in 1963.


Joe s quick to say that people should drop out of the race.


Joe  said he was tough on Trump. He blasted Anderson Cooper for asking Trump about what Pizza he likes.


Mika found a baby to hold with a Rolling Stones t shirt.


A Ted Cruz impersonator showed up.


Joe said Cruz and Rubio were playing dirty tricks in South Carolina.


Joe said he went to catholic school & that the Pope was wrong to criticize Trump.  It seems that Joe has gone to every possible denominations's school as a child. Was his family a bunch of nomads?


Jane Sanders as on. She said Bernie will help kids get college education & cheaper drug prices.



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Mika wears these children like accessories. When did she start doing this and why are people handing their precious children to a Bond villain?  Does she think it makes her look more humanlike?  


These two are promoting the crap outta Bernie. The Right is all over Bernie. They want him to win so they can go against him in the general.  MJ is all over that tactic, has been for weeks.  They are so transparent. 


They say you know which dog you hit when you hear it yelp.  Well, Joe got hit and he cannot seem to stop yelping about it.  The Trump tongue bath moves on unabated with only short pauses to  angrily deny that this is what they are doing.  Mika is extremely giddy about the whole thing. She acts like she's fallen in love with Joe and can't believe her good fortune in having snagged him. It's really weird, this vibe she has right now. Maybe that's where the random babies and small children she keeps grabbing up come into it: she's nesting. I'm actually embarrassed for her she's so...needy. 


Apparently MSNBC has decided to give these two a lot of extra air time during this election cycle. I fear we will be seeing a lot more of them this year than we want to. 


Mark Sanford. Seriously?  I swear, Republicans can do the most outrageous things, say 'oops, sorry!' and be forgiven and anointed with the 'human frailty, good intentions, he who casts the first stone, etc' mantra. But a Democrat, Hillary in particular right now, so much as uses the wrong fork at dinner and they are damned for all eternity, no forgivesies in sight.  


Every time Mika says Hillary's name it sounds like Seinfeld growling 'Newman!' She seems to hate her that much. 

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Mika wears these children like accessories. When did she start doing this and why are people handing their precious children to a Bond villain? Does she think it makes her look more humanlike?

Thank goodness you guys are on this too because I thought it was just my curmudgeonly self. This morning it practically looked like she was nursing one. The kid was definitely eyeing one of her funbags.

I did laugh however when at the end of the show they cut to a guy whom they decided was a Ted Cruz lookalike (poor guy) and some baby screamed in the background.

Curious what Mr Christian Ted Cruz feels about admitted adulterer Mark Sanford's endorsement.

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We were going to go, but tomorrow is going to be very crowded and it's been recommended by the owners of the hotel (friend of a friend) to get there before 6:30am.  So... strike one.  6:30 for an 8am show?  Nah.  And, the restaurant (which is amazing, go if you ever visit, and the rooftop bar is fuuuuun when the weather is nice) isn't serving food or drinks.  So that sucks.  I'm not fasting from 6am to 10am.  Also, you can't talk.  I am not going to stand/sit quietly for 3 hours.

And finally, I hate the show.  I loathe Joe Scarborough, and I don't know if I could sit tight and listen to his horse shit in person.

So, not going.

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So, almost half and hour in and Hillary's win in Nevada hasn't even been mentioned. But of course they have an interview with Trump. They really are pathetic.


And then we get the "Harry Reid rigged it for Clinton" narrative again.  I know this is partially true, but the exit polls I think?  Showed that Clinton actually lost the Latino vote by a couple percentage points - she won the Black vote by 54% - and that is what brought in the win.  This speaks volumes about how SC is going to play out in all likelihood.

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We were going to go, but tomorrow is going to be very crowded and it's been recommended by the owners of the hotel (friend of a friend) to get there before 6:30am.  So... strike one.  6:30 for an 8am show?  Nah.  And, the restaurant (which is amazing, go if you ever visit, and the rooftop bar is fuuuuun when the weather is nice) isn't serving food or drinks.  So that sucks.  I'm not fasting from 6am to 10am.  Also, you can't talk.  I am not going to stand/sit quietly for 3 hours.

And finally, I hate the show.  I loathe Joe Scarborough, and I don't know if I could sit tight and listen to his horse shit in person.

So, not going.


That's awful !.  I have seen them serve food or coffee at previous locations. We were in Sarasota in 2012 during the GOP convention. Trump came to the hotel for a speech & it was chaos. We tried to go see Morning Joe in Tampa but there was a hurricane forecast so we stayed at the hotel.


the "Harry Reid rigged it for Clinton" narrative

fwiw, this is the value of being connected and influential.  It's a real world example of the positive benefit of being a career "insider" and being a professional politician who can influence outcomes.  It's the purpose of wielding influence and power.  It's what you want from states people.

"David Cameron rigged the negotiations for Clinton"

"Angela Merkel rigged the trade agreement for Clinton"

"François Hollande rigged the support for ISIS operations for Clinton"

Because leveraging connections is what you don't want from a politician = Bloviatin' Joe logic.

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Morning Joe recap. Joe is wearing his navy blue fleece with tan pants. Mika is wearing a navy blue cardigan with tan pants. Joe refuses to wear socks. The first clips showed Rubio & Cruz claiming victory. After this, they showed Mika surrounded by little kids on the  floor. Mika handed out paper certificates to each child & said they were all winners. It was hilarious. Mika & Joe were mocking Rubio & Cruz for claiming to be victors when they came in second & third place.


Joe went to brag about him being right about Trump. Joe said Rubio should have done better given the prestigious endorsements of Tim Scott & Nikki Haley.


Joe said he would have voted for Jeb Bush.


Halperin said it will be tough to beat Trump going forward.


Trump was on the show. He said he did great!. Trump said Obama was a Christian but he should have attended Justice Scalia's funeral. Trump said since the funeral was on Saturday, Obama couldn't go because he was playing golf. Joe & Willie challenged Trump on the cheap shot. Trump said it was rude not to show up at Scalia's funeral.


Trump told Willie there should be a Morning Joe everyday.


Trump was mad about the fake tweet that was sent last night trashing Jeb Bush. Trump said he liked Bush & respected the family but didn't like negative ads against him.


Joe was impressed that Hillary won Nevada. The exit polls showed Hillary won the African American vote 76-22, lost Latinos 53-45 & split virtually tied among whites 49-47.


Joe said Harry Reid delivered Nevada for Hillary because all the unions listen to him.


Halperin said Reid was officially neutral. Halperin said it will be tough for Bernie to win states going forward.


It's a bit confusing to follow Joe. How can Harry Reid "singlehandedly" deliver Nevada but Nikki Haley have no influence.? Some endorsements work but others don't?


The panel was shocked that Trump did so well after last week's debates & Trump's battle with the pope. Joe said his contact who owned a big company in the state had interviewed all his employees & they were all voting for Trump!.


I love Joe's secret contacts!

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It's a bit confusing to follow Joe. How can Harry Reid "singlehandedly" deliver Nevada but Nikki Haley have no influence.? Some endorsements work but others don't?


In all fairness to the idea (but to Joe, lol) Harry Reid owns the Democratic political machine in Nevada and has for a very long time, he's been a leader in the Senate since 1999.  Nikki Haley, though a twice elected governor has nowhere the power in South Carolina that Reid has in Nevada.

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I just saw Trump say that Joe CALLED him yesterday after "researching" his comments about invading Iraq. Told DT he had found something that backed him up and then tweeted about it, so DT could retweet it, with link. On a primary election day. "Joe Scarborough. Just like Edward R. Morrow."


I did enjoy what Joe Klein was saying on MJ after the mid-week lovefest with Trump. He was undaunted in his point that Trump speaks nonsense, often non-stop, and no one calls him on it, asking for specifics. (JS of course, tried mocking him, talking over him, and recognizing someone else to speak. Klein still got his points out.) I can't stand Mika either, but I did enjoy it when Klein said, "The best question of the night was Mika's, when she read the description of Bernie Sanders and asked Trump who it was and he guessed himself."  Haha. You could almost see steam coming out of Scarborough's ears at the idea--the idea!!!--that in all that time when his brilliance was obviously on display, someone thought MIKA had asked the best question! Too funny. But... wow...is he obnoxious.

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So, I've taken to watching Morning Joe now during election season and heard Mika say something strange recently. In regard to Hillary's Wall Street transcripts that she is hiding from the American public, Mika said at least 1 print journalist has the transcripts and is working on a story. Everyone else on the panel looked surprised. Any chance that Mika knows what she is talking about or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

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I want to see every private contract Trump has ever agreed to and hear all private negotiations he's ever conducted because I need to negatively judge the fact he does things to earn money and I hate it because he works with big businesses and is a woman.  Or something.  I'll just repeat this constantly thus proving he's a liar and sinister.  Or something.

We're all aware that Hillary is being excoriated for getting paid to speak at conferences for Wall Street firms, and Donald Trump actually literally fucking owns parts of the real Wall Street?  We're aware of this?  I wonder if Joe will point out this inconsistency.

Because $500,000 paid to Mrs Clinton will manipulate her into flushing America down the toilet, and $9B in leveraged real estate holds absolutely zero hold over Donald Trump's decisions?  Right.  Makes sense.  Let's just go with that.  Seems legit.

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Morning Joe recap Monday in NYC. The gang is back. Joe is still wearing his navy blue fleece & tan pants. Does Joe realize he looks like a schlub on TV? I have never seen such a poorly dressed broadcaster on TV news before. Mika looked nice in a pink Ralph Lauren oxford cloth shirt. Joe joked around with Cackles over Trump's victory. She said she is going through ten steps of grief.


Joe was surprised that war veterans were against the war in Iraq & voted for Trump. Joe said he projects strength. Joe said Hillary will probably win in South Carolina.


Joe said the GOP establishment is in disarray. The chance to stop Trump was in SC but they failed.


Halperin said Rubio could do well in NV with Mormons. Joe mocked Rubio's firewall in NV.


Joe wants Apple to give the code to the phone locks so they can read the terrorist emails.


Ratner said US manufacturing jobs have dropped 30% since 2000. It's even a bit worse in SC. Trump's tough trade tariffs appeal to workers.

The jobs at Boeing & BMW don't make up for overall losses.


The panel liked Hillary's ads mentioning African Americans was good.


Joe said the Democrats are corrupt for allowing so many super delegates. They could overwhelm Bernie even if he won the most votes.


Rubio & Kasich don't have much money left. Kasich is waiting for Michigan & Ohio.


Mika joked about the Rubio Super Pac comparing him to Harry Potter. The pac said that Trump is Voldemort. Mika was confused about Harry Potter & didn't know what a Horecrux was.

I want to see every private contract Trump has ever agreed to and hear all private negotiations he's ever conducted because I need to negatively judge the fact he does things to earn money and I hate it because he works with big businesses and is a woman.  Or something.  I'll just repeat this constantly thus proving he's a liar and sinister.  Or something.

We're all aware that Hillary is being excoriated for getting paid to speak at conferences for Wall Street firms, and Donald Trump actually literally fucking owns parts of the real Wall Street?  We're aware of this?  I wonder if Joe will point out this inconsistency.

Because $500,000 paid to Mrs Clinton will manipulate her into flushing America down the toilet, and $9B in leveraged real estate holds absolutely zero hold over Donald Trump's decisions?  Right.  Makes sense.  Let's just go with that.  Seems legit.


Trump is being sued in Toronto for the condo/hotel project he developed. People were promised certain levels of rental income which have never materialized. Trump sells the naming rights to the hotel. He doesn't own the real estate. I am surprised that the media isn't covering all the shady business deals that Trump has made over the years.

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I am surprised that the media isn't covering all the shady business deals that Trump has made over the years.


They don't talk about anything at all unless it's been polled on, and only then as to whether 'the base' will react to it or not. Never do they actually examine facts or ask whether something is good or evil, just how it's polling and how it will 'affect the campaign' going forward.  The media has completely abdicated journalism and is strictly into entertainment news now. And that includes politics. Only PBS and print media are willing to do anything real regarding any issue at all. TV just wants to dazzle us with the bullshit, unexamined. 


This is more true on MJ than most places on the MSNBC schedule, but it's pretty pervasive. Once the networks moved their news divisions to combine with entertainment the writing was on the wall. So we get Brian Williams, lightweight news anchor, doing 'analysis' on debates and elections. Even though he has nothing to say and no depth. But Brian is photogenic and has a good voice and they have to do something with him. Rachel Maddow, on the other hand, will actually analyze and be all 'newsy'. And we can't have that, now can we?  MJ does interviews all the time with Trump but rarely asks or delves into anything important. They just set up an easy lob and let him riff for the entire 'interview'. It's basically free campaign advertising commercials for Trump. I get so aggravated when they crow about how great Trump is doing without spending hardly any money. No shit, Sherlock. He doesn't need to spend money, he has the media, especially MSNBC and MJ, on speed dial every damn day. Who needs commercials?  


What do the polls say? How's the polling going?  Trump must be great because the polls say so.  (I'll bet Hitler would have had great poll numbers back in the day. Just sayin'. )

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They don't talk about anything at all unless it's been polled on, and only then as to whether 'the base' will react to it or not. Never do they actually examine facts or ask whether something is good or evil, just how it's polling and how it will 'affect the campaign' going forward.  The media has completely abdicated journalism and is strictly into entertainment news now. And that includes politics. Only PBS and print media are willing to do anything real regarding any issue at all. TV just wants to dazzle us with the bullshit, unexamined. 


This is more true on MJ than most places on the MSNBC schedule, but it's pretty pervasive. Once the networks moved their news divisions to combine with entertainment the writing was on the wall. So we get Brian Williams, lightweight news anchor, doing 'analysis' on debates and elections. Even though he has nothing to say and no depth. But Brian is photogenic and has a good voice and they have to do something with him. Rachel Maddow, on the other hand, will actually analyze and be all 'newsy'. And we can't have that, now can we?  MJ does interviews all the time with Trump but rarely asks or delves into anything important. They just set up an easy lob and let him riff for the entire 'interview'. It's basically free campaign advertising commercials for Trump. I get so aggravated when they crow about how great Trump is doing without spending hardly any money. No shit, Sherlock. He doesn't need to spend money, he has the media, especially MSNBC and MJ, on speed dial every damn day. Who needs commercials?  


What do the polls say? How's the polling going?  Trump must be great because the polls say so.  (I'll bet Hitler would have had great poll numbers back in the day. Just sayin'. )

Agreed. The most interesting part of the show today was Ratner's charts on manufacturing jobs in South Carolina vs the rest of the USA. Joe used to brag that everyone spoke German in the city in South Carolina where BMW built a car plant. Ratner proved that those jobs are very few & furthermore the company had to hire workers from Europe to fill the jobs because they were very high skilled.


Ratner said the consequences of he trade agreements need t be analyzed in more detail.


The "horse race" & polls has taken over Morning Joe. If they banned polls a few days before election day, Joe would have to rely on his secret network of highly placed sources to provide all the news! I recall on Thursday or Friday, Joe said that he heard his sources that Jeb! would do much better than expected. Jeb came in 4th with 8% which was much lower than the polls.


They showed a highlight of Trump yelling at the lighting guys in Atlanta. It was surreal. Trump reminds me of the former mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford Jr.

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Boeing has moved here to Charleston in the past 7 or so years.  The reason they moved here is that SC is strongly anti-workers' unions and the state agreed to not tax Boeing (I'm not sure how long the untaxed status lasts, I think 20 years).  So an aeronautical mega-corporation moves here and hires very very low-skilled workers at ridiculous wages.  All professional employees Boeing uses come from outside of the state.  They move here.  Boeing and these transplants make all the money and weigh HEAVILY upon SC infrastructure w/out paying taxes to support the infrastructure.  It's a recipe for disaster and is wholly unsustainable.

Boeing cycles through their low-paid workers relentlessly.  They work them like serfs and if they complain they get fired.  Simple.   The work is very pressurized, the hours are very long, and the pay is very low.

I was just in the gym and a commercial I heard on the radio said something about not allowing un-American unions coming in and taking from us what we've earned, and something else about America and something else about the holy merits of honest labor and something else about being takers.  Boeing must spend millions on these commercials. 

I've read anecdotes about Boeing "enforcers" or thugs visiting pro-union types at their homes.

Economically, South Carolina is a very very shitty place.  And the idiots here vote against their own best interests because 'Murica.

Joe merely toes the political party line when he crows about manufacturing in SC.  Companies come here for the dumb, unskilled labor that will never unionize, and the lack of taxes.  Hell, there aren't even any good engineering schools in the state, let alone aeronautical programs.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 7
They showed a highlight of Trump yelling at the lighting guys in Atlanta. It was surreal. Trump reminds me of the former mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford Jr.


Oh, if only it were drugs!


I saw that clip.  Trump cannot abide people who do not fawn over him.  He'd burn the place down to stop people protesting him if he thought it was 'necessary' in order to silence them.  The guy is scary.  

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Morning Trump busted on a hot mic at their promotional event Town Hall.

Boeing has moved here to Charleston in the past 7 or so years.  The reason they moved here is that SC is strongly anti-workers' unions and the state agreed to not tax Boeing (I'm not sure how long the untaxed status lasts, I think 20 years).


Isn't that why you have BMW in your state as well?

Edited by NextIteration
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I mercifully missed MJ this morning. But there was a brief piece on the show following Andrea where an MSNBC reporter (Eric somebody, with glasses?) was reporting on the Trump hotel in Las Vegas--one of the 2% of hotels that do not allow unions!  The workers voted last December to be part of the Culinary Workers Union and Trump is fighting them tooth and nail over it!!!


Why haven't we heard a peep about this? Joe and Mika COULD have asked him about opposing unions in their lovefest but of course didn't. I can't believe it's never been brought up in any debate.


But the press corruption continues in spite of getting in this story. FIRST, the reporter got to stay in the penthouse suite overnight--free--and gave us a TOUR of it--"so luxurious and elegant!" blahblahblah!!! Then he went down to the parking lot and interviewed two brave housekeeping staff with limited English who were willing to talk on camera about the need for a union. Instead of leaving the impression how awful Trump is, you kind of felt, "Wow! I'd like to stay in that penthouse suite!!!" 


Of course, he SHOULD have mentioned how much that comp'd suite would have NORMALLY cost someone. But...no....just "luxury! wow!"  I was glad to know about unionizing effort but totally turned off by the complicity with Trump's PR machine.

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I was waiting for him to say "you stupid bimbo" to Mika when he was telling what/how she should ask the questions. His tone certainly sounded like she was nothing but a nuisance, coming over an interrupting his pow, wow with his buddy Trump.


Sorry Joe, even with the cameras off you have to take a shit on Hillary, you are an unprofessional bastard. There is no doubt about it. The word association game was done on a number of candidates yet you had to get off on the Hillary one with your buddy.


And kudos to whoever it was that got this on tape and released it.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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