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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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14 minutes ago, Kemper said:

maybe he will need a morning platform to promote said project. 

I'm sure there's a Kennedy somewhere he hasn't written a book about.  Caroline's pony, Macaroni?  Katherine Schwarzenegger (Eunice's granddaugher) is marrying Andy Dwyer, there's a story that should be told. 

Edited by teddysmom
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When they plugged the best seller in the whole world, "Earn It" again, I wanted to shout "Burn It"! I mean if it's doing so well, why the constant peddling and push to "get your copy now"??? I was just slightly optimistic when they were showing Mayor Pete, and the standing ovation he received on FOX. The discussions on Iran were interesting and informative. If Bolton were shown the door, along with Pompeo, maybe all these empty threats would stop and real negotiations could begin? Scary times, indeed.  

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27 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika came up with several openings for Chris Matthews Hardball show. It was so weird.

I just didn't get that at all. Was it Meeks feeble attempt at humor??? The panel seemed a little confused too. And I didn't see Mathews writing down any of her suggestions either. No stand up comedy for you, Mika!

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7 hours ago, oakville said:

Why is Chris Matthews on the show ?

He said that Kamala Harris will not be a Vice President.She will be a President or go back to the Senate.

Not so sure I agree with Matthews opinion. If Biden gets the nomination, wouldn't it make sense that, given his age, a younger, experienced Harris would be a good choice for Veep? I don't think she would mind that position, but IMHO, would take it knowing it's only "a heartbeat away" from being POTUS. I don't mean to be pessimistic, but this is the reality we are looking at. Remember the fears that Palin could have been POTUS???😧

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I'm officially sick and tired of all the special dispensation being lavished upon Americans who are so consumed by the state of their household incomes (or lack thereof) that they have stopped caring our democracy is being ripped apart.

Scarborough and Barnicle were really laying it on thick this morning, droning on and on about all the people who live paycheck to paycheck who don't care about Russia or Trump's tax returns, who enjoy the entertainment value Trump brings, who like his swagger ... and how Democrats have to come down to their level if they want votes.

Screw that.  I live paycheck to paycheck, I don't know what the future holds, but I still manage to read the news every day and feel outraged that a billionaire and his millionaire minions are determined to strip me of my healthcare and my civil liberties.

  • Love 16
17 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe warned Democrats to read article about Blue Collar workers supporting Trump in Ohio.

Joe is like a weather vane . Every day he switches between Trump is doomed & Trump will be re elected.

And I'll send Joe the article I read this morning about farmers in Iowa that would be more than happy to run Trump over with their combines if he sets foot in their counties they are so angry and devastated over what his policies have done to their businesses and families.

Even pollsters are admiting their old methods are no longer reliable/accurate and the new ones being developed won't be fine tuned before 2020 so phooey.  Anyone can find folks that have all sorts of opinions but I would bet those that can't afford to have their coffee and breakfast in a coffee shop/cafe are silently seething at home.

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

I'm officially sick and tired of all the special dispensation being lavished upon Americans who are so consumed by the state of their household incomes (or lack thereof) that they have stopped caring our democracy is being ripped apart.

Scarborough and Barnicle were really laying it on thick this morning, droning on and on about all the people who live paycheck to paycheck who don't care about Russia or Trump's tax returns, who enjoy the entertainment value Trump brings, who like his swagger ... and how Democrats have to come down to their level if they want votes.

Screw that.  I live paycheck to paycheck, I don't know what the future holds, but I still manage to read the news every day and feel outraged that a billionaire and his millionaire minions are determined to strip me of my healthcare and my civil liberties.

I couldn't agree more, Millennium. Don't these "paycheck to paycheck" Americans have kids and grandkids? Have they completely lost their common sense? Don't they worry about the very real possibility that we are losing our Democracy to someone who idolizes dictators and wants to become one? Of course, DH and I aren't rich.....far from it....but we are filled with anxiety thinking about the future for our kids and grandkids. They want swagger? Rent a John Wayne movie. He was an actor, just like trump is.  

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, millennium said:

I'm officially sick and tired of all the special dispensation being lavished upon Americans who are so consumed by the state of their household incomes (or lack thereof) that they have stopped caring our democracy is being ripped apart.

Scarborough and Barnicle were really laying it on thick this morning, droning on and on about all the people who live paycheck to paycheck who don't care about Russia or Trump's tax returns, who enjoy the entertainment value Trump brings, who like his swagger ... and how Democrats have to come down to their level if they want votes.

Screw that.  I live paycheck to paycheck, I don't know what the future holds, but I still manage to read the news every day and feel outraged that a billionaire and his millionaire minions are determined to strip me of my healthcare and my civil liberties.

This reminds me of the "white working class" mantra that people like Barnicle like to spew.  Like nobody other than white people work hard.

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5 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe warned Democrats to read article about Blue Collar workers supporting Trump in Ohio.

Joe is like a weather vane . Every day he switches between Trump is doomed & Trump will be re elected. 

You can't pander to an uneducated electorate. If anything, you need to educate them if they're capable of learning. Write them off if they can't.

Every day this show becomes more of a blowjob to Trump.

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2 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Joe compared Trump to the short, fat little man behind the curtain in the “The Wizard of Oz.”

When I heard Joe say that this morning, two things came to me.

#1 stop trying to find clever analogies to make light of the indefensible.

#2 this is the same short fat little man you were yucking it up with a few years ago and loving every minute of it.

And while you're at it, stop calling yourself a former Republican. You are still going to back the first Republican that comes after this circus.

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On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 1:50 PM, stormy said:

You are still going to back the first Republican that comes after this circus.

Every day he lets slip his inner Republican.  No different from the rest of the Never Trump Republicans.  You helped create this mess, now deal with it.

Edited by Tom Holmberg
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I was glad I caught part of the interview with Joanna Mendez who's husband Tony is the character that Argo was based on.  What a wonderful couple they must have been and the stories they could share about their CIA days.  I am going to buy that book as I love that kind of stuff.  Willie did a great job with the interview while Meeks was doing her best beat-box immitation in the background.

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"I hope Hope Hicks Knows Her Value and testifies before Congress" . . . . atta girl Meeks.  

And that is one bad pumpkin spice latte jacket on Susan Del Percio today, yikes.  Better rethink that until the fall.

I am over Emily Jane Fox and the whole Vanity Fair crew.  No it isn't hard to escape the Trump tsunami if you have any morals/ethics and while I'm at it you can keep your puff piece on Avenatti too.  VF really likes putting a shine on scuzbags these days.

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Goodness I love me some Rep. Katie Porter.  It's Congresscritters like she and Sherrod Brown that continue to renew my faith in the system.  So great to see her shred Carson who clearly doesn't have a clue what his agency does and doesn't even have the good taste to look embarrassed.  Can't wait to see her train her sights on Mnuchin.  He better wear a cup, he's gonna need it.

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Yes, I was waiting for her to try and wedge a KYV into the Katie Porter interview, too. 

Meeka...pursed lips and wearing black; she is in "serious" mode today; running the show, she is. So.  Joe is finishing up his book? Sweet Jesus, I dread the beating of the drum for this.  You just know he will be on with Chris Matthews and most of the other shows.  Wonder if he will avoid Rachel. The upside is that maybe he will be off for a couple of weeks on a tour to promote the book.  Is it a biography?  Or a book on True Conservatism?  Hushed, revered tones.

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Seriously. How many times can Mika squeeze KYV in when talking about a young woman?

You guys are quicker on the trigger than me.  Hope Hicks Knows Her Value? Lord Above.  I couldn't believe it.  Meeks also  had numerous name/word stumbles today.  Since her job is solely as a news reader, don't they coach her or something??

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Chloesmom said:

"I hope Hope Hicks Knows Her Value and testifies before Congress" . . . . atta girl Meeks.  

And that is one bad pumpkin spice latte jacket on Susan Del Percio today, yikes.  Better rethink that until the fall.

I am over Emily Jane Fox and the whole Vanity Fair crew.  No it isn't hard to escape the Trump tsunami if you have any morals/ethics and while I'm at it you can keep your puff piece on Avenatti too.  VF really likes putting a shine on scuzbags these days.

Between Susan Del Percio's horrible jacket (are her shoulders really that broad or did the dress have shoulder pads?) and that dress that Emily Jane Fox had on...I was blinded.  And Emily Jane's top looked too big; she should have borrowed some shoulder help from Del Percio.

Emily Jane leaves me cold; and I am still waiting for Susan D to smile.

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Between the shameless know your value plugging in what was supposed to pass as a legitimate news story and Barnicle's comment about "are they afraid of the Trump taint?" (yes, I am a twelve-year-old boy, why do you ask?), I feel dirty after watching my daily five minutes of this show.

Dirty enough to leave a $50 bill on the nightstand for Mika for prostituting herself this (and every) morning.

At least I watch my five minutes before my shower...

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13 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika's is over the top with her KYV promotion. She mentioned that they would be covering the issue on her website. It's weird .

What issue is she addressing now?  

If know your value is such a nationwide movement, why is it the only way you can get to the web site is thru the nbcnews.com site? 

Shouldn't they have the site be stand alone so women in need of Mika's wisdom and "don't eat a whole cake" advice easier to access? 

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6 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

What issue is she addressing now?  

If know your value is such a nationwide movement, why is it the only way you can get to the web site is thru the nbcnews.com site? 

Shouldn't they have the site be stand alone so women in need of Mika's wisdom and "don't eat a whole cake" advice easier to access? 

The issue was Abortion.

I haven't tried to access any of her projects ... but you access it through the NBC website?  I must not have read that correctly.  Does CNN do this? Although I don't know if CNN has personnel using their show to promote themselves for money. Or attention.  It is just unseemly and unprofessional.  

I think the best use of Meeka's time could maybe be spent with a really good therapist.  And why did she jump right into engagement/marriage right after her divorce?  But good grief, woman.  Give yourself some time to live your life, nurture your kids, just "be" - without a very public engagement, ring and wedding.  Live by yourself for awhile. Know your own damned value and stop pushing your insecurities down all of our throats.  Go lie on the beach; lie on the couch and binge Netflix or the Real Housewives; eat what your want; exercise, don't exercise.  I have no idea why she enrages me; and why I continue to watch.  I guess it is entertaining and then we can all share our frustrations here.

Sorry...again.  The comments were so far down on the page I thought I was on the "Host" thread.  Again, tried to move/delete it but it was too late.  I will try and never to do this again; don't be mad.

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Just now, Kemper said:

I haven't tried to access any of her projects ... but you access it through the NBC website?  I must not have read that correctly.  Does CNN do this? Although I don't know if CNN has personnel using their show to promote themselves for money. Or attention.  It is just unseemly and unprofessional.  

I think the best use of Meeka's time could maybe be spent with a really good therapist.  And why did she jump right into engagement/marriage right after her divorce?  But good grief, woman.  Give yourself some time to live your life, nurture your kids, just "be" - without a very public engagement, ring and wedding.  Live by yourself for awhile. Know your own damned value and stop pushing your insecurities down all of our throats.  Go lie on the beach; lie on the couch and binge Netflix or the Real Housewives; eat what your want; exercise, don't exercise.  I have no idea why she enrages me; and why I continue to watch.  I guess it is entertaining and then we can all share our frustrations here.

all i know is when i put kyv (spelled out) in a search engine the only way it appears is after a backslash at the nbcnews site. 

I agree I don't know why she enrages me so much other than I can't stand phonies.  She doesn't try to educate herself, she acts like she hates everything any one else is interested in, or she's above it all. 

Yeah there are certain pop culture things I think are dumb, but if I was hosting a show and a guest said they liked it I wouldn't roll my eyes at them like they're idiots. 

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3 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I agree I don't know why she enrages me so much other than I can't stand phonies.  She doesn't try to educate herself, she acts like she hates everything any one else is interested in, or she's above it all. 

Yeah there are certain pop culture things I think are dumb, but if I was hosting a show and a guest said they liked it I wouldn't roll my eyes at them like they're idiots. 

She sits there like she's the doyenne of daytime TV, too refined to show interest in things that amuse the commoners (though how that comports with her hanging on Scarborough like the world's oldest groupie as he goes from one fake band gig to another is a something of a mystery). 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Kemper said:

orry...again.  The comments were so far down on the page I thought I was on the "Host" thread.  Again, tried to move/delete it but it was too late.  I will try and never to do this again; don't be mad.

I realized too late too, sometimes the comments go from what they said on the show as related to their quirks of personality. 

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I haven't tried to access any of her projects ... but you access it through the NBC website?  I must not have read that correctly.  Does CNN do this? Although I don't know if CNN has personnel using their show to promote themselves for money. Or attention.  It is just unseemly and unprofessional.  

I think the best use of Meeka's time could maybe be spent with a really good therapist.  And why did she jump right into engagement/marriage right after her divorce?  But good grief, woman.  Give yourself some time to live your life, nurture your kids, just "be" - without a very public engagement, ring and wedding.  Live by yourself for awhile. Know your own damned value and stop pushing your insecurities down all of our throats.  Go lie on the beach; lie on the couch and binge Netflix or the Real Housewives; eat what your want; exercise, don't exercise.  I have no idea why she enrages me; and why I continue to watch.  I guess it is entertaining and then we can all share our frustrations here.

Sorry...again.  The comments were so far down on the page I thought I was on the "Host" thread.  Again, tried to move/delete it but it was too late.  I will try and never to do this again; don't be mad.

I think Mika & Joe wanted to make their relationship public ASAP. The tabloid rumours were getting too uncomfortable for Mika.

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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

What issue is she addressing now?  

If know your value is such a nationwide movement, why is it the only way you can get to the web site is thru the nbcnews.com site? 

Shouldn't they have the site be stand alone so women in need of Mika's wisdom and "don't eat a whole cake" advice easier to access? 

I wonder if NBC will allow her to promote her book on the Today Show & NBC Nightly News.

Joe is a very powerful personality on the network.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Sorry...again.  The comments were so far down on the page I thought I was on the "Host" thread.  Again, tried to move/delete it but it was too late.  I will try and never to do this again; don't be mad.

One little thing I do (if you're reading on your phone or tablet, never mind) is glance up at the URL, and I see 'morning-joe-all-episodes-talk' embedded in the middle.  

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4 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

Goodness I love me some Rep. Katie Porter.  It's Congresscritters like she and Sherrod Brown that continue to renew my faith in the system.  So great to see her shred Carson who clearly doesn't have a clue what his agency does and doesn't even have the good taste to look embarrassed.  Can't wait to see her train her sights on Mnuchin.  He better wear a cup, he's gonna need it.

I was shocked that it appears Carson was never educated for the HUD position. Didn't someone "show him the ropes",  after  he was appointed?? Yes, that was really funny, sending Katie Porter those Oreos.......just shows how seriously Carson takes his position IMHO.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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