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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Mika & Joe were very excited about Al Sharpton's new Sunday show. Conservative websites are mocking Joe for being happy about all the MSNBC shows being cancelled earlier this week.




Joe must be mad that he hasn't been invited back to MTP since he was made Senior Political analyst when Chuck Todd took over the show.

I didn't last long the last time I watched the show. They were talking about Hillary and her terrorist comment. I was very surprised at what they were saying she said. Then they showed the clip. It wasn't as bad as they claimed. I turned the show off. Hopefully she won't apologize.


My favorite MSNBC moments with Trump are when they announce that he will shortly be speaking or answering questions and then they show an empty podium for several minutes on half the screen while constantly stating that he will be there soon. This happened at least twice. I didn't check the time, but it seemed to go on for 30 - 45 minutes.

So now that I've sorted the nonsense about Sharpton in my head - he's moving to 8 a.m. on Sundays presumably taking out Up on MSNBC.  Even Up with Steve Kournacki (as opposed to baby wonk Chris Hayes which/who is much better) is better than Al for crying out loud.  Leave the shows UP and MHP alone!!! 

Edited by NextIteration
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Whenever a Dem forgets to lift their pinky while sipping their tea Joe loses his shit. When a Republican commits actual criminal offenses, shoots someone, steals, adultery, whatever, Joe is all about not throwing stones and 'the other side does it too!' etc.  So when Hillary says the far right conservatives attack on women's health (abortion and contraception notably) is reminiscent of the way women are regarded in those cultures we are fighting as terrorists, she is not wrong.  But oh no!  She called us terrorists!! No, she did not. She said you sound like them when you take these particular positions.  That's a huge difference. The positions aren't terrorism, it's just that the terrorists seem to hold those positions too. If you find yourself sounding like the terrorists, perhaps you should go back and think about what you are professing to believe in, IMO.  


Which I keep thinking when Trump's supporters keep coming out as white supremacists, racists, etc. When asked if that bothered him, Trump just replied no, that 'everybody likes me'.  I think I'd be concerned about the type of people who feel they have found common cause with me but I guess that's just silly me, overthinking and all. Trump lives in a simple universe where he is king of all he surveys and he doesn't have to think that hard.  He'll just let us know what we are supposed to think about him so we won't have to think so hard either.  A nice, simple blank universe.  


But yeah, Trump can abuse and insult anyone he wants. He's just being 'real'. Hillary makes a simple comparison comment and they freak out and demand an apology.  She'd better not apologize.  

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Bloviatin' Joe attacks Hillary with a tsunami of hyperbole because she employed hyperbole. 

“It was disgusting,” the Morning Joe host said about comments the Democratic frontrunner made on Thursday comparing Republicans to terrorists. “She had to be so hyperbolic and insulting and quite frankly it’s gutter politics at its worst to compare people to radical terrorists who cut off people’s heads.”

He is such a douche bag.

After reading about Joe's glee that MSNBC is changing it's format to "hard news" (meaning leaning right), I can only think that HE is running the network; or so it seems.  His ego is out of control, and the network should rein him in.  Like that would happen...he seems to be the voice of the network at this point.  No, I don't watch anymore - can't get my day started with irritation and yelling.  CNN is maybe a little better, but CBS This Morning is now my morning news show of choice.  Meeeeka is a horrible example of a female journalist (or any journalist/reporter).  Put her and Luke Russert together and you have two people who were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.  I am so sad for what MSNBC has become.  If they want to feature more hard news, then get rid of ALL the opinion shows; starting at 5 a.m.

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Whenever a Dem forgets to lift their pinky while sipping their tea Joe loses his shit. When a Republican commits actual criminal offenses, shoots someone, steals, adultery, whatever, Joe is all about not throwing stones and 'the other side does it too!' etc.


Joe is the patron saint of Republican Governor's who commit wrongdoing. The Governor's of South Carolina(Sanford), Virginia(ODonnell) & New Jersey( Christie) were all personal friends of Joe. Joe backed them up even after they were convicted. Christie wasn't convicted but I think one of his staffers admitted guilt over Bridgegate.

It will be fun to watch Brian Williams on Morning Joe next month.

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This morning I watched for a relatively long time (just under an hour.) I get disgusted with the endless outrage and pique at Hillary, and the endless Trump coverage, and sometimes can't take it for more than a few minutes. This morning I watched for awhile. Trump's disgusting tirade about Huma was aired, in full, TWICE during that time. Every lovely word. Other than a very tame remark by someone wondering why people think Huma would have told Anthony Weiner about the contents of Hillary's e-mails, there was basically no pushback by anyone against those sleazy remarks. Trump expressed himself like a snarky, know-it-all college kid sitting around a table having a beer and thinking he's clever and funny. Morning Joe chose to air it twice in one hour, with barely a peep of criticism, while Hillary is treated with contempt.


Why does this continue to go on?


Our lamebrain press is guiding this presidential election. What a disgrace.

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Great Job "Know Your Value" Mika (not) defending Huma Abedin, you never fail to disappoint.


I don't usually watch M.J. since I'm in California...but was wide awake a few days ago at 3 - 4 a.m. and Mika was blathering on about how brilliant Trump is, how smart & clever Trump is....Trump this...Trump that.  I was just about ready to reach through my t.v. screen and grab her by the throat til her eyes bulged (like the old cartoons).


Not surprised at her silence at all.....blechhhh

What are the ratings?  They have to be up.  There can be no other feasible reason for the overboard support of Trump and aggression and derision towards Clinton.  Or, there's some strategic plan to tack the show's political leaning to the far right... which makes so little sense.  Morning Joe is the hard news right-wing alternative to FoxnFriends, which is fluffier less serious right-wing wing-nuttery?


Had drinks with a lovely couple last night (yeah, I was drinking on a Monday evening.  Don't judge).  He offered out of the total blue when the word "cartoon" was mentioned, that "the real cartoon is that clown in Washington."  I didn't reply, or let him know he had mixed his metaphors.  And then later we were laughing about something Trump had said and he said "at least he's not a liar like that liar Hillary."  Lost my shit!  Shouting match!  So embarrassed today though. 


That's why Morning Joe's callous disregard for evenness, fairness, perspective, and objectivity makes me angry, because it has a material effect.  It matters that they are partisan and bloviate and cherry pick and shout down other voices.  Shrieking talking points repeatedly goes to truly shape narratives for many people.  I have heard "Hillary lies," dozens of times now in the past few weeks from totally unlikely sources... my friend from last night is a high ranking civil servant here, for example.

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I'm so sick of Joe and the other republicans comparing Hillary's email situation to David Petraeus.  Petraeus let his mistress see classified information.  His mistress had no security clearance to see this information and could have used it to blackmail him later if the relationship went bad.  There is no evidence that Hillary sent any sensitive emails to anyone who did not have clearance to see it.  The only issue here is that she had her own server.  With all the stories of security breaches of other government servers, Hillary having her own server may have been a smart move.

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Chris Hayes had Carville on last night and Carville brought up a bunch of old Clinton scandals, it was pretty funny.


Anybody remember the Christmas cards?   Apparently Congress spent 140 hours investigating the money spent to send out Christmas cards from the White House or something.  I get cards every year from the Obamas.  I guess I'm going to be called to testify any day now. 


 He also asked why nobody mentions Benghazi any more.  Other than the security failings at the Embassy, which just could have been "we need more security as soon as possible, and State telling them, we'll do what we can to get you more people",  and the tragedy of the deaths, they never discovered that anyone did anything intentionally. But how does Hillary get blamed for that? Esp. when Congress cuts funding for security at the embassies. 


What did Huma Abedin do? Other than be Muslim and work for Hillary?  I think her judgment is more questionable from marrying that skeeze Weiner. 


Also, why are we not talking about Darth Vader and that Evil Incarnate daughter of his? (ie Dick & Liz Cheney).   WTF were they even doing there?  Who listens to anything those two miserable excuses for human beings say? Other than your crazy uncle and Sean Hannity. 

Edited by teddysmom
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Heh, remember when the Bush Administration and the GOP would claim that America had remained safe from terrorist attacks on their watch, like 9/11 didn't happen under Bush?  Same thing - they are full of horse manure.


Nobody on the panel really countered Darth and Daughter - they just let them bluster.  Book tour and all that. ;)

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I've had to bring up the "except we were attacked during Bush's first administration" so many times, I feel like recording that statement on my phone so all I have to do is push the play button.  


Yeah, other than that one time, in which we endured the decimation of lower Manhattan, 1/2 the Pentagon building being destroyed and another plane crashing into a farm field in Pennsylvania, other than the thousands of people that died or were injured, you have done a bang up job.


Cheney's wife and other daughter must just live in constant humiliation having to see those two idiots parade around spouting their bullshit.  The thing I don't get is, why does anyone have them on?  Other than Al Gore's climate change work,  what other former VP stays in the news so much. 


At least Gore is trying to help the world.  Cheney just wants to blow it up. 

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Morning Hillary email & Trump today. Joe was shocked that some of Hillary's staff are pleading the 5th because they don't want to incriminate themselves over her emails.

Hillary's popularity down to 45-53 unfavourable.

Hillary remains popular among democrats. 80-18.

Mika hopes Joe Biden runs for President. They showed a clip of Elizabeth Warren not denyting she spoke to Biden about a joint ticket for 2016.

Joe was happy that Jeb Bush speaks Spanish fluently. Joe said Trump was mad at Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail.

Joe said it shows respect for Latinos. Joe said Hillary uses a Southern accent when campaigning in the South.

Joe said the Ky clerk should follow the Supreme Court & issue the marriage license. Huckabee said the forms don't have forms for females only marriages.

Joe said the Supreme Court rulings should be followed even if you don't agree with them.

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Secretary of State Rice refused to release any emails regarding 9-11.  3000 Americans died

Secretary of State Powell refused to release any emails regarding the case for war.  7000 Americans died, it's unknown how many Iraqis died, deaths and tumult continue to this day.

Secretary of State Clinton releases 30,000 emails.  4 people died in Benghazi.   If you ask Joe Scarborough, she's the worst person who's ever lived.

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I'm not sure why Hillary's favorables/ unfavorables are a constant red flag, yet nobody makes a big deal about how Jeb Bush's are so much worse! And among Republicans too. Hillary is in a stronger position than any other candidate yet the press wants to scream hysteria about her constantly.


I guess she's used to this, so it just kinda bounces off her, which is a good thing, but man, I didn't realize before just how much she really is targeted by the media.

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I guess she's used to this, so it just kinda bounces off her, which is a good thing, but man, I didn't realize before just how much she really is targeted by the media.


It's terrible and so uneven.  I thought we weren't going to do this, this election cycle, but it smacks of sexism once again.  The good news this time?  It doesn't seem like the public is piling on.

I guess I must have not noticed last time because I was so gung-ho for Obama that there were times when I really was mad about things the Clinton campaign did in that primary fight. But I think she's actually running a much better campaign this time around (Bernie Sanders and the last eight years in general have probably pushed her more to the left), and the email thing is just so silly and ridiculous that I can't believe the press is harping on it this much. I'm not sure they would do that to another candidate who just used the wrong server, a rule that wasn't even a rule before her time at the State department. I mean, seriously, who cares? What actual voter cares about that?

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More Morning Joe ! 1 extra hour. Jose Diaz Belart out at MSNBC!. This is shocking. I bet they will just repeat the second hour of Morning Joe like they do from 8-8:30. It's sad that MSNBC cancelled Al Sharpton's show & now Jose Diaz Belart who had a unique perspective on immigration issues.


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I guess I must have not noticed last time because I was so gung-ho for Obama that there were times when I really was mad about things the Clinton campaign did in that primary fight.


There were some crappy things done in the Clinton campaign but there were some really shitty things done by the Obama campaign as well.  Like Jessie Jackson Jr playing the race card after the New Hampshire primary.  It was easier to see both sides since I didn't have a horse in the race, Biden was my guy and it was over for him.  I never ever caught Obama "fever", so I could see the amazing marketing machine that was his campaign.  I happily voted for him, don't get me wrong, but I was never over the moon for him like so many people were.


Matthews started dissing Hillary the day after the 2006 elections as did many others.  The inside the beltway hate for the Clintons never ceases to amaze me.  I get why the far left don't favor her, but she got painted with every Bill Clinton sin plus her AUMF vote.  It was breathtaking to watch.


Changes may be coming to MSNBC primetime as well, as network executives still are mulling exactly what to do at 8 p.m. with the struggling Chris Hayes. Another source indicates that Willie Geist may get his own program at that time, replacing Hayes, but that is not confirmed at this time.


Oh fuck no.  No no no no no.  And 4 hours of the MJ mess?  What nonsense.

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Joe is a horrible douchebag, but at least he has some life to him.  You put Willie Geist and Chuck Todd together, you maybe have the charisma of a single turnip.  Maybe.  So MSNBC will be unwatchable for over 5 hours (at least) in the mornings.  Four (!!!) hours of Joe and then an hour or so of Willie Geist. And then dour Andrea Mitchell.  Just wow.  I have been enjoying Jonathan Capeheart at 5; also enjoyed Steve Kornacki in that time slot.  But they are not Big Ed.  I weep.


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Morning Trump today . The first hour focused on all the great things going on for the Trump campaign. Trump would renegotiate parts of the Iran deal. Joe agreed with Trump position on America not working. Joe said he didn't like the airport at LAX. Carson is gaining ground on Trump. Joe said he didn't know much about him.

The panelist from Urban League said there was TV movie about him & it was very impressive.

Cokie Roberts was skeptical of Trump.

Trump signed the pledge to not run as a 3rd party candidate. It's too difficult to get on the ballot & if he wins, it goes to the House of Representatives which would vote for someone else.

This is disappointing for Hillary because they have a better chance of winning the election with Trump as a 3rd party candidate.

The big joke today was how Trump & Eugene Robinson are friendly with each other.

The panel thought that Joe Biden probably won't run for President

Andrea Mitchell was excited to interview Hillary.

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It was painful to watch them all peeing in their pants for Trump.

I can't believe they're dumping Jose Diaz Balart! He has really grown on me. MSNBC is going to be as homogenous as Fox pretty soon.

In other news...


Yes, they really do have it in for Hillary.

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Weird article about Morning Joe.  I think the author has perhaps only read about the show.

And, he actually thinks Joe's interruption of Capehart (as described) makes for good TV or discourse or... something.



Secretary of State Rice refused to release any emails regarding 9-11.  3000 Americans died

Secretary of State Powell refused to release any emails regarding the case for war.  7000 Americans died, it's unknown how many Iraqis died, deaths and tumult continue to this day.

Secretary of State Clinton releases 30,000 emails.  4 people died in Benghazi.   If you ask Joe Scarborough, she's the worst person who's ever lived.



THIS. ^^^^^^ Thank you Landsnark.

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I really don't know why I tune in any more. This morning I did the 8:00 shift, to find dripping contempt and sarcasm about Hillary. What is going on with this? It's really like watching Fox News. People on the panel were saying that Hillary should come up the show. Joe said that she wouldn't because "we ask follow up questions." They showed clips from an earlier segment in which Chris Christie said the President "promotes lawlessness." I am curious about whether there were any follow up questions about that. I hope if Clinton is elected that she will piss all over this sorry excuse for a news program.


In the "what did we learn today" finale, Mika said she learned from a NY Times story today that the paper "likes" to write about Hillary's campaign hoping to make her seem more warm and funny. Not that she learned that this is what the campaign is planning, but that the Times "likes" to do such stories. Is that why they write news stories? Because they "like" to? She is such an idiot.



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I just got an email from Hillary telling me she's sorry she used two email accounts. I couldn't possibly give a fuck. And I've never met a single person in real life who does.


I am so sick and tired of this bullshit email "scandal." If someone wants an apology I assume it's the media, since the talking heads are the only people I've seen who seem to be personally angry/upset about this.

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I just got an email from Hillary telling me she's sorry she used two email accounts. I couldn't possibly give a fuck. And I've never met a single person in real life who does.


I am so sick and tired of this bullshit email "scandal." If someone wants an apology I assume it's the media, since the talking heads are the only people I've seen who seem to be personally angry/upset about this.

Got the same email. Wish she wouldn't play this media game. Can't win it.

Got the same email. Wish she wouldn't play this media game. Can't win it.


Clearly.  Look at the bullshit in the whole first block.  Mika's sneering is getting prehistoric.


It will be interesting to see how this proceeds, if Hillary manages to outpace Bernie (or whomever, it's early days) in the primaries, what will these freaking idiots have to do to get her to appear on their show?  If I were the Hillary campaign, I'd have a very long memory about these assholes.

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I watched part of the latter part of the first hour.  OMG, Mika's sneering at Mrs Clinton is... I don't know how to describe it.  She's giddy.  She's gleeful.  I've never seen a bitchier face.

They threw a question to the old guy sitting to Mika's right, and he pondered sloppily on how Clinton isn't always straight with things, using her quip about Trump's helicopter as "proof" that she prefers to speak very carefully like a politician.  (Um, like your garden variety politico, save the incredibly stupid ones or the incredibly glib ones)

Then Mika straightens her back, makes her smug head toss, lifts her chin and sneers, "So you're calling her a liar?"  And flashed her eyes confidently.

He said, "No."  Then went on to explain Clinton isn't straight ahead or brusque or off-the-cuff, but instead carefully chooses language in a way that frustrates him.
Then Joe said, "I cannot remember a politician who has a harder time with the truth than Hillary Clinton."  Which is simply pure bullshit.  (And also is an ironic comment because... it's not true. Nixon? Cruz? Trump?)  Gonna think about this for 1 second and off the top of my head, on his own damn show yesterday, he accused DeBlasio of being untruthful about crime numbers, and, he had on his set an outright liar - Chris Christie, he of the Bridge-gate string of lies.
Changed the channel.  I hate this show.  Joe is loathsome.  Douche bags are like, "Well... at least we're not Joe Scarborough."

Edited by Landsnark
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Mike Huckabee is full of it.  He keeps repeating that "five unelected lawyers" have forced same-sex marriage on our poor Christian country.  First of all, they are supreme court justices who were nominated by presidents and confirmed by the Senate.  Second, same-sex marriage was legal to at least some degree in 38 states before the supreme court ruled.  That is why the supreme court took the case, it is not practical to have different laws regarding marriage in different states.  What if a couple wants to move to a new state.  Would their marriage be declared null and void?  We also know that the President would sign any law Congress passed making same-sex legal.  


To summarize, that makes the judicial branch, the executive branch and 38 states declaring same-sex legal.  Let's put to rest the "five unelected lawyers" argument.  What we really have is a few congresspeople and a few states that think their religion should trump everyone else's legal rights.   Instead of bringing up what Jesus said about divorce, Mika and Joe should have gone after Huckabee with the facts.


My smart lawyer husband just helpfully pointed out to me that there are existing laws that the Supreme Court is following.  They did not create new ones.  The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and due process for all Americans.  The Supreme Court only ruled that states that deny same-sex couples the right to marry are violating the 14th amendment.  

Edited by ShuFace88
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Interesting that nobody was talking about the CEO of United being forced out due to the Port Authority/David Sampson scandal.  Why do they continue to kiss Christie's ass?  


I don't agree with Joe & Mika attacking Hillary, but she really doesn't seem to be able to get out of her own way.  This email apology tour is doing nothing but making her look weak.  Stop talking about it.  The people who care probably aren't going to vote for you.  


The sad thing is, the guy who hasn't even announced he's running looks more like a real candidate and has more charisma in his little finger than Hillary.  Joe Biden at that Labor Day parade sure looked like the guy everybody wants to run.  And he isn't going to cordon off the press, or have stiff interviews with Ellen and Andrea Mitchell.  He's a natural. 

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My smart lawyer husband just helpfully pointed out to me that there are existing laws that the Supreme Court is following.  They did not create new ones.  The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection and due process for all Americans.  The Supreme Court only ruled that states that deny same-sex couples the right to marry are violating the 14th amendment.  


That's exactly the point someone should have made on the show. The 14th amendment also applies to racial equality. Is Mike Huckabee seriously arguing that states should be allowed to codify segregation again because the Supreme Court's interpretation of the 14th amendment doesn't carry the full weight of "real" law?


It was nice to at least see Mika get frustrated with him (finally) but she was so timid and tip-toey in her questioning up until that moment that I wanted to slap her.

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Did Huckabee never take a 3rd grade civics class? The U.S. has three equal branches of government, checks and balances?

Why was it ok for the US Supreme Court to basically name W the President? A lot of people didn't agree but they had the authority.

The only thing that makes this mess worthwhile is the Twitter account #sitsnexttokimdsvis. Hilarious!

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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