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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe is back in fleece today. Joe mocked Obama for his speech on same sex marriage. Joe said Biden had to embarrass Obama into changing his position in 2012. Amy Holmes said Obama bragged about his religious conviction in 2008 made him believe than marriage should be between a man & a woman. Jeremy Peters was upset that there were no gay republicans in Congress or as Governor. Joe assured Jeremy that there were gay republicans in Congress.

Barnicle said Obama singing amazing grace was one of the highlights of his presidency.

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Joe said he always in favor of states rights on gay marriage. He said there should never have been a federal ban on gay marriage.

Joe said Obama was too conscious of black churches being opposed to gay marriage. His political career would have suffered for supporting gay marriage while attending a black church.

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Joe is mad at the State Department for not investigating Hillary's private emails. Joe said his sources in the Obama administration are upset at Hillary for her private emails.

Fournier said Obama hasn't rebuked Hillary for her actions so he is complicit in supporting her actions.

Chris Christie & John Kasich are running for President.

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I got to watch the final 30 minutes today. Joe disappeared from the set. Mika got to interview Soledad Obrien, who used to co host the Today Show. Soledad was very upset about the Confederate Flag & said it was crap for its admirers to talk about it promoting heritage & Southern Pride. Mika agreed! Lol! Yet, when Joe bragged about having the flag in his dorm room in college, she didn't say anything.

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I wonder if Joe & Mika will become more critical of Trump now that he no longer has a relationship with NBC.?

I also wonder if Christie will agree to an interview with Mika & Joe now that he is running for President. ?

4 years ago, Mika & Joe were practically Christie's Press Secretaries.

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I wonder if Joe & Mika will become more critical of Trump now that he no longer has a relationship with NBC.?

I also wonder if Christie will agree to an interview with Mika & Joe now that he is running for President. ?

4 years ago, Mika & Joe were practically Christie's Press Secretaries.

When did they stop? Haven't they been cheering him all along? exonerated by his bought lawyers, not indicted, etc.

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Joe got very mad......

Hah. We can keep that sentence fragment around forever. Each day just finish it with Joe's daily outrage.


Saw a bit of Mondays show. So much to discuss, all the Supreme Court decisions, the Isis attacks, Obama's eulogy....but nope, right back to their favorite topic....Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.

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Wow.  It must have taken them all morning to kiss that ass.


Could have. I turned it off.  


Apparently to Joe, Christie's presidential bona fides are that he was against the Confederate flag being flown on state property in 2001 or something.


If that's all it takes, I guess I'm running for president. 

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What legislation?

O did get don't ask, don't tell repealed in his first term.

There was a Supreme Court opinion settling differences between fed court decisions on gay marriage. Not O's call.

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The administration also stopped defending DOMA several years ago- that was significant. Not to mention he appointed two liberal justices to this court, and we wouldn't have had this decision under President McCain, who would've appointed conservatives.

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Chris Christie was on set today.  Do they suck up to him the way they do to preserve their better-than-average access to him, or, was the piece enlightening?  I turned it immediately when I saw his face.  I suppose I should subdue my own bias and listen to what he had to say, but.. ugh.  It's Monday morning, and Christie was taking credit for the US Women's team victory... i just couldn't.

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I caught the first part of the show. Joe was yelling at Jeff Sachs who was involved in the Greek- Euro debt negotiations. Joe said the Greeks don't pay taxes & have too many social programs, so they are bankrupt. Sachs tried to explain the complex situation but Joe kept yelling at him. Sachs gave up after a while. Joe didn't care that Sachs was directly involved in the negotiations. Nicole Wallace came on & laughed about Greece saying she didn't know anything about what's going . She said she got married in Greece & has a Greek grandmother. She was upset at the rumors that she will be fired from the View for being to wonky. Wallace supported Hillary's decision to rope in reporters so that they don't disturb her while she spoke to voters. Mika must be on vacation.

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I tune in this morning at 5:00 am central time. Show has just started.

Are they covering the ground breaking vote to remove the confederated flag in SC that passed overnight?

No. They're too busy rerunning the NBC Trump interview and debating it.

Really? Who cares? He's going to crash and burn soon enough and if he doesn't, the republicans get what they asked for. Attracting every whackadoodle to run for president.

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The SC senate/confederate flag story ran second after Trump, they aired a passionate speech by SC state senator Jenny Horne.  It seems Joe and Mika are off today.  Of course, the show is much better.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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The cynic in me questions why Campbell Brown (married to the uber neocon Dan Senor) is so fucking passionate about education, you can bet your bottom dollar that her kids are in private schools.  I think the answer has to be in more corporatization of public schools, school choice my ass. I'd like to see how this little family is invested.


Obama sucks on this and Jeb! sucks on this, I have no idea how Bernie is on this aside from him wanting state universities to be free, I'm actually hopeful that Hillary will come down on the side of the unions and traditional public schools and move the hell away from charter schools and common core.  Maybe do something about fucking Texas having a stranglehold on textbooks as well.

Edited by NextIteration
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Maybe do something about fucking Texas having a stranglehold on textbooks as well.




Also, this morning Joe reported that people are coming up to him in the supermarket asking him for his thoughts on education reform.

Edited by Eliot
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God I hate Joe so effing much. "The president is taking a page out of George W.'s book with the Iran deal"..."Even liberals in San Francisco are saying that Donald Trump has a point"...I think he really fancies himself a brilliant political strategist, the way he twists logic into the most dumb ass Republican talking points.

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What balance is there this morning?  Cotton, Graham and Manchin - how ridiculous.  How about a senator that supports the deal?  (I'm just guessing that Manchin doesn't.)


eta: Never mind both Wallace and Schmidt.  Phooey.

Edited by NextIteration
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So let me get this straight.  The president and John Kerry say that this deal requires Iran to destroy 98% of their enriched uranium.  Then Lindsey Graham says "we just gave Iran the bomb and the entire middle east is going nuclear".  How can these two statements exist in the same universe?  One side must be either lying or delusional.  I'm guessing it's the side that has not read the 80 page agreement yet.  "Obama's for it so I must be against it" seems to be the only page in their playbook whether it comes to diplomacy, immigration, healthcare - you name it.  

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I like the conservative Harvard professor's admiration and approval of the plan after Cankles and her evil cohort would've spit on the treaty if it was on the table.  Then he's followed by Lindsey Graham, who, predictably has the vapors over this because it was the worst thing possible. 

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This morning Joe reported that an ambassador called him up to ask him for his thoughts on the Iran deal. I assume this is in addition to all the other people who come up to him in the supermarket and ask for his opinions.

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Cankles is just the worst.   I hate her on this show.  I hate it when she opens her mouth.


Cackles can't be taken seriously. Calling Trump a bozo isn't very sophisticated analysis. Her & Steve Schmidt shouldn't lecture anyone on Trump after they were the key promoters  of Sarah Palin as VP. She was never properly vetted & they never apologized to the American people for not alerting John McCain that she wasn't ready to be VP.


Cackles couldn't stop cackling last week when they asked her about Greece last week. It was embarrassing.


It's fun to see Joe hollering at the screen from his undisclosed studio in Martha's Vineyard. I wonder if Joe gets tired talking to all the residents of the Vineyard who come up to get his advice about US politics.


I hope the deal works out with Iran. It would be tragic if Iran used Nuclear weapons on Israel or anyone else in the region. It seems that many of the young secular people are tired of the ayatollah's so the lifting of sanctions could help bring more democracy to the country.


I wonder if Iran will release the American journalist from the Washington Post as a goodwill gesture.?

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There was a moment yesterday morning.


IIRC (and paraphrasing) Joe was doing his Do you know when I knew that? Do you know when I knew that? Do you know when I knew that?


or Do you know when I said that? Do you know when I said that? Do you know when I said that?


And Mika came off with Was it when you were in Congress?





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Lawrence O'Donnell flipped right the fuck out. His stance was that Trump lied in his financial statement re how much NBC paid him, and that NBC has in the past refuted Trump's claims re his compensation. There was yelling and interrupting and talking over. What I got was him calling Trump a liar, and saying either Trump lied or NBC lied. That somehow got conflated into LO'D calling Joe a liar. During the next segment when LO'D was gone Joe said "Maybe they talk like that on network TV but it's not done here." Then the next couple segments opened with comments wondering if LO'D is OK, should Mika take his pulse, etc, etc. So undoubtedly he is 86'd from the show, again.

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I'd say it was Joe who did the flipping out although yes, Lawrence was pretty overwrought as well. I wasn't watching and could only hear it from another room but I heard Joe bellowing and yelling and talking over and not letting Lawrence get a word in edgewise. And then afterwards Joe had the gall to say he had been polite and it was LO'D who was condescending and out of control. Mika's mousy 'oh my'ing' and asking if Joe was ok was sickening. As if I wasn't sick enough from all the Trump adoration and Bill Krystol already.

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The show is hilarious today. Joe is happy that Trump's favourability ratings are up to 57%. Joe loved Trump's press release about how wealthy he is.


Krystol was on the show & said that Kerry should run for President after he receives the Nobel prize for Peace for his work on the Iran treaty.

Lawrence O donnell hates trump & said it takes 2 hours to get 7 minutes of coherence from Trump on his Apprentice show. O Donnell said Trump is lying about making 200 million from the apprentice. LOD said Trump got paid 50K per episode .


Joe & Mika made fun of each other's book tour speeches.

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Joe is kissing up to Trump just like he kissed up to Christie.  He wants to be asked to run a campaign so bad we can smell it thru the television. That's his ticket (he thinks) into become a White House advisor. 


I loved when he said that Biden or Chris Dodd had more practical experience to take over the presidency from day one in 2008 rather than Hillary or the President, and that everyone was looking for a rock star back then.  


And yet he thinks Trump would be ready to be president?  


I do wish Joe Biden would run.   Then we'd have a real horse race in the Democratic field. 

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Me too.  I had heard that he was going to wait til late summer or so to announce.  And then of course with Beau's passing, he's probably more worried about taking care of Beau's family.  


But I would love for him to run.  I would work for his campaign locally if he did.  I just think he's the best.   

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I would also love it if Biden ran.

Joe would love it too, he could pump Joe up to get a rise out of Hillary supporters, and then when Biden gains ground, go back to slamming him. Remember when Joe (and Pat Buchanan!) were promoting Hillary to comic effect in the Spring of 2008?

Whether or not Lawrence is right about his point, I enjoy seeing someone give it back to Joe a bit to demonstrate how thin skinned and defensive he gets.

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I wanted Joe Biden to run, but then with the passing of his son, I figured that that wasn't going to happen, understandably.  But now, I truly hope that he and his family have recovered enough from this tragedy that he will decide to run.   (I would go so far as to say that I think Obama wants that, too).  I would work my butt off for him locally, just as hard as I did for Obama's campaign. 

Edited by Ohwell
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Trump called in to the show after 8 am to make a bet with O Donnell about his salary from Celebrity Apprentice. I think Trump got a percentage of the profits of the show but O Donnell said he didn't. Joe mocked O Donnell's salary from his show & said Trump's show was the most popular one on the network. Halperin said that Trump has to tell the truth to the FEC, so he wouldn't lie on his press release. Halperin wants Trump & O Donnell to release their college transcripts.

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Hello crazy Joe and the rest of you republicans. Keep up the Trump love.

Remember how you wanted to change the constitution so Arnold Schwarzenegger could run for president?

Of course after he practically bankrupted California you decided that wasn't such a good idea after all.

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I can't stand Trump as it is, but I really do wish that Lawrence O'Donnell would tone it down when it comes to Trump.  It's as if there's a personal feud that he has going on but I don't think he realizes that it makes him look kind of crazy, and that Trump just feeds on this kind of stupid shit; hence, calling into the show this morning to make a bet with O'Donnell.  It doesn't make O'Donnell look like an "adult' at all.

Edited by Ohwell
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Donald Trump is Goauld. I don't know why the news doesn't get on this.  


Seriously though, when I turned on the tv this morning the first thing I hear is Trump' big mouth.  No one should have to wake up to the sound of that jackass.  I hope MJ moves on from him to....anyone else. Really. ANYone. 

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Cackles aka Nicolle Wallace has been fired from the View. I suspect she will show up more on Morning Joe. :((. It looks like Morning Joe is becoming the Morning Trump show. Mr. Smirky Krystol was looking forward to Bernie Sanders & Trump winning the Iowa caucuses. 


Odonnell seemed to be very upset with Trump & reality tv in general. O Donnell said almost every actor on prime time tv made more than Trump.

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