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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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"Because Rolling Stone" has become Joe's rallying cry for every inconvenient fact that doesn't align with his world view.


"The torture report is bullshit Because Rolling Stone!"

"Bill Cosby is innocent Because Rolling Stone!"

"Mitt Romney won in 2012 Because Rolling Stone!"


The thing that infuriates me more than anything about the conflation of the torture report and the Rolling Stone article is that, unlike the UVA rape case, NO ONE - not even Darth Cheney - has disputed the underlying facts of the report! We captured and imprisoned people without warrants, some of whom were completely innocent, and tortured them (to death in at least one case). Let's start with the morality of THAT, shall we, before we start arguing over whether it "worked."

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I think Joe is just faking this defense of Cosby argument to cause waves and generate news... while toeing the standard Conservative line that any victim is actually not a victim and all attackers are the real victims.  To wit: the current meme that the real racists are the victims of racism, and women pretend they're raped because men are the real victims in rape.


Also, aren't Mika's girls right at a prime age where they are likelier to be a victim of rape?  Odd that a mother of college-aged girls would demand that rape victims back up their clams or shut it.  Mika's such a liberal Democrat!  #hilarious

Edited by Landsnark
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Honestly, I don't know what I'd do with out you guys. I was so incensed by Joe's comments on Bill Cosby that I had to turn it off. I agree with everything you guys stated. Mika's ever helpful comments that while 20 women have come forward they all could be using the same story as reported by the press and some of the women are not "credible". Sam Stien tried to helpful but I even thought he was too wishy-washy. Joe is out and out crazy if he thinks the Prosecutors can open up these cases again and get to the "facts".

Why is it so hard to say Cosby is a slim ball and should have been locked up if the stories are true? Both Mika and Joe live in a bubble if they think that the women that came forward got their 15 minutes of fame (like that's the most important thing to women). I'd like to know what makes a witness credible in a rape case? Hmmm...white and well educated?

I've said this before that I have abhored Cosby ever since he turned his unrecognized daughter in for extortion--after all he paid the mother off so why should he care about his offspring? He was the victim. Don't get me started on his Stockholm Syndrome wife.

And apparently one lousy article in Rolling Stone proves that women make this shit up. I get the sense that Joe "doth protest too much".

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Also, aren't Mika's girls right at a prime age where they are the likelier to be a victim of rape?  Odd that a mother of college-aged girls would demand that rape victims back up their clams or shut it.  Mika's such a liberal Democrat!  #hilarious


I remarked about this the other day, Johns Hopkins is on the Title IX investigation list and has had a couple awful incidents in the last couple years.


I don't know how she thinks it could never happen to her daughters, it's just stupid and naive.

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"... talking about the effectiveness of it, most Americans are like me, they don't think all of this happened by mistake [continued use of torture on detainees].  They think the program was effective.  Khalid Sheik Mohammed spilled his guts from being waterboarded.  And for most Americans in 2003, that was OK!"

I thought there was definitive proof that KSM provided his information prior to being tortured, and what he gave afterwards was nonsense?

When is someone going to say that the reason people support torture is because of how it's depicted in the media as being effective, but most of those Americans actually support torture as some sort of sadistic retribution we get to exact on "the bad guys" to even the "score" somehow?  THAT is the reason for its popularity. 

If it could, Fox News would broadcast detainees being tortured and wrap it in the flag.

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WTF is this, The Spew?


Do none of these idiots at the table know the legislative history of running for two offices at once?  The first time a state legislature was lobbied to change the books to allow for two state-wide federal offices was by Lyndon Johnson.  Since then, off the top of my head, we've had Biden, Kerry, Ryan, Mondale.  I see 3 winners from this, Johnson, Mondale and Biden.



Edited by NextIteration

Joe's position on Cuba is just ridiculous. The fastest way to usher in democracy is to open up trade and diplomatic relations. If you want to slow down this progress, by all means leave them cut off and isolated. 'cuz that's worked so well for the past FIFTY YEARS.


But, but...but...they're COMMUNISTS!  The Castros are MARXISTS!!


Never mind that this country has had normalized and trade relationships with China and Vietnam for years.  China isn't exactly a beacon for human rights, but I guess since they provide cheap labor, it's all good.  In fact, our citizens are allowed to travel, trade and work in both countries.  Try again, Joe.  


The countdown to when Senator Marco Rubio will appear as a guest to regale the audience with his embellished tales about his parents' "exile" from Cuba begins in 10...9...8...7...

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What slays me is that for decades the U.S. did business with and supported the racist regime of South Africa.  We had to be practically shamed into foregoing our policy of "constructive engagement."  But, we had to have those diamonds, right?  Don't even get me started on Saudi Arabia.  But, oh wait...they have oil, don't they?


Our official and unofficial policies have been a comedy of errors, from the failed attempts on Castro's life to the embargo that only hurt Cuban citizens economically. 

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I think MJ has made it pretty clear that there is no intellectual 'bar' one must pass in order to come on their show and hold forth on all kinds of things of which the speaker has neither accurate information nor a reasoned response



MJ has made it pretty clear that there is no intellectual bar to host let alone be a mere guest.


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Joe of all people decided to criticize Megyn Kelly for her choice of dress on Jimmy Kimmel. Joe is the worst dressed host on cable.




Joe was ranting against North Korea today & blasting Obama for opening diplomatic relations with Cuba.


He's seems to be going though the motions & not even bothering to defend his opinions.


Mika tried to cheer him up by cooing at him during the first hour but with little success.


I can't believe the show's guest list has fallen so much over the past year. Sheri Sheppard?

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Positing an opinion about the appearances of both Cantone and Shepherd, yes, Nicolle is now on The Spew but I think it's more about Joe.


Bear with me here.


Back when Joe had Scarborough Country he spent weeks on end analyzing, criticizing and pontificating against Rosie O'Donnell the year she was on The View.  Joe absofuckinglutely hates Rosie O'Donnell, with the passion of 10,000 suns, Willie was often right there with him.  I think it's about sending a message to Rosie by ignoring her, which is so stupid because I'm sure she couldn't give a shit about Joe Scarborough.  (Also of note, a few weeks into the season Thomas had one of his "calls" on Way Too Early with Whoopi, supposedly to clear the air about early contentiousness on The View.)


That's my opinion and theory anyways, maybe I'm crazy.  We'll see how it plays out as this season of The View plays out.  Right now, honestly, Whoopi and Joe could team up because their opinions on a lot of recent events are the same.  Shocking, I know. ;)


Mika sucking up to of all people, Sherri Shepherd was absolutely stomach turning.  I did enjoy the Steve Madden block, I had no idea about his life.

Edited by NextIteration

That was 5 minutes of bloviating that amounted to nothing...


Joe: "I understand the anger and the rage police officers are feeling after being assaulted over the past four months." Too bad the black community can't relate. Oh wait... Of course, four months doesn't exactly compare to 100+ years, does it, Joe? All situations of intolerance are wrong. But let's not canonize one group and demonize another, Joe.

Edited by Jessie Q
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Joe went on a scripted rant today blaming the protesters for the two police officers killed. Does Joe realize how obnoxous he sounds? Joe is comparing this to Vietnam. I don't get it. Why is William Kristol on the show? Why was Halperin on? They have no expertise in these matters. Why was Joe wearing a dark suit today from his undisclosed studio? The show is getting too weird.

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I was just disgusted by the rhetoric this morning. The media all but ignores the fact that this guy shot his girlfriend before going to NY. Did he do that in retaliation for Michael Brown? No. He was a deranged man with a history of criminal activity but the media refuses to tell that story but focuses on his Instagram where he tries to justify his actions as retaliation for Michael Brown.

Darrien Warren was eloquent in trying to separate the incidents and when Joe challenged it he responded by saying it diverts the conversation from police/community relations which basically caused Joe to shut him off. I thought the head of the police union saying Deblassio has blood on his hands was reckless and a disservice to those officers brutally assinated by a criminal. I thought it was brave of the one family to ask the mayor to speak at the funeral when the head of the Union said he shouldn't show up.

I had to turn it off.

  • Love 8

Joe went on a scripted rant today blaming the protesters for the two police officers killed. Does Joe realize how obnoxous he sounds? Joe is comparing this to Vietnam. I don't get it. Why is William Kristol on the show? Why was Halperin on? They have no expertise in these matters. Why was Joe wearing a dark suit today from his undisclosed studio? The show is getting too weird.


The scripted rants are contrived and awful.


I also thought it was interesting that Joe focused on criticism of the police arising from the Cleveland and Ferguson shootings - criticism he deemed "unwarranted and over the top" - while completely ignoring his own rhetoric and criticism of the police after the Eric Garner incident.


I guess criticizing the police is only irresponsible when that criticism doesn't align with his own opinions.

  • Love 4

I was just disgusted by the rhetoric this morning. The media all but ignores the fact that this guy shot his girlfriend before going to NY. Did he do that in retaliation for Michael Brown? No. He was a deranged man with a history of criminal activity but the media refuses to tell that story but focuses on his Instagram where he tries to justify his actions as retaliation for Michael Brown.

Darrien Warren was eloquent in trying to separate the incidents and when Joe challenged it he responded by saying it diverts the conversation from police/community relations which basically caused Joe to shut him off. I thought the head of the police union saying Deblassio has blood on his hands was reckless and a disservice to those officers brutally assinated by a criminal. I thought it was brave of the one family to ask the mayor to speak at the funeral when the head of the Union said he shouldn't show up.

I had to turn it off.


I've been screaming this for two days now.  In all the heated rhetoric, the girlfriend is only mentioned as an afterthought and a mere footnote to THE BIGGER STORY.  I deeply resent the media for allowing certain people with their own agendas to change the narrative, i.e. the protesters, along with the mayor's audacity to insist on reforms in the department, are to blame for this senseless tragedy. 


This deranged psychopath shot his girlfriend in Maryland, which had nothing whatsoever to do with any "retaliation" against the police.  It's amazing the damage one fool can do.  I don't see anyone out there celebrating the deaths of these two officers and to hear certain conservatives ranting and raving, "Why aren't they protesting and marching for THEM?!" is unnecessarily inflammatory and grossly irresponsible.  But, they are always quite skilled at changing the narrative, and the corporate media is more than happy to give them the platform to do so. 

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I guess "left wing talking heads" is Joe's code words for Chris Hayes and Rachel? 


If I was either one of them, I would be torn as to whether I'd ignore him, or call him out for his stupidity on my program.  But I guess arguing with someone like him is like arguing with a four year old.  A spoiled whiny four year old who has to outshout people to get his point heard because he doesn't have the facts on his side. 


The man that murdered those two police officers had a record a mile long.  And he wasn't encouraged by anyone, conservative or liberal to do what he did.  Joe is doing this as his way to jump on the DeBlasio Hate bandwagon.  And he'll be taken as seriously as Guiliani and Kristol, ie not at all. 

Edited by teddysmom
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I was deeply offended by what Joe said at the end of the show today about the divisions in this country.  He compared it to Vietnam when half of the country was on the side of the soldiers and half was on the side of Jane Fonda.  Joe said that now people are either on the side of the police or on the side of the "left-wing" protesters and you can't choose both.  Well, Joe, yes I can!  I am perfectly capable of respecting the dangerous job that police officers do and being saddened by this tragedy while also believing that we have a history of institutionalized racism in this country and a few bad cops who get away with harassing (and sometimes killing) young black men.  This is not an either/or situation.  


I read an article today that compared this situation to the Catholic church.  Just because we need to remove the priests that are abusing children doesn't mean the entire church should be disbanded.  Just because we want the bad cops fired and prosecuted when they kill innocent people doesn't mean we are "cop-haters"  To suggest otherwise really does highlight Joe's "stunning superficiality".  


The protesters who chanted that what we need are dead cops are terrible human beings.  I do not think they are representative of everyone on the left.  Just like the people chanting racist hateful things about President Obama are not representative of everyone on the right.  Right Joe?  I really hope that Chris Hayes and Rachel take Joe down a few pegs on their shows tonight.

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Why does Joe speak like the only other protests other than Ferguson are in NY?


It sickens me that there is a conflation of the brutal assassination of two NYPD officers by a disturbed individual with peaceful protests against the racism and injustice in our system.


And that Pat Lynch from the NYPD Union is just terrible.  DeBlasio may not be perfect, but blaming him for this incident is just beyond, and the media like Joe shoving this conflation and false equivalency in our faces is heinous.


eta: Chris and Rachel will always act as if Joe does not exist.  And it was widely known that the horse's ass Joe thought he could take the seat at MTP, which is an utter joke, but then MTP has been a complete hot mess since before Russert passed.

Edited by NextIteration
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On today's show , they showed parts of their best interviews over the year. I enjoyed the interview of President Carter. Mika showed pictures of her & her family during the years her dad was the National Security Advisor. Dr Z said Mika & Amy Carter drove a golf cart at Camp David without permission. Mika hit the Prime Minister of Israel , Menachem Begin in the shins. Dr Z said they came close to running him over which would have had severe implications for the Middle East. He said that a secret service agent had to jump on the cart to prevent Mika & Amy from injuring any other world leaders & diplomats.


Mika almost became an assassin at age 9!


Mika also interviewed Ian Ziering from Sharnado 2. Mika wanted to know how they could keep a straight face while interacting with fake sharks. He was a good guest.


Martin Short is a regular Morning Joe watcher.


There was a segment of Joe playing guitar with Mr Nash of Crosby Stills Nash.


I wonder if the show will have more music segments next year. It could become  a variety show.!



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A new segment on today's show had Mika, Joe & Willie eating White Castle veggie burgers. Mika said they tasted good so they can't be healthy for you. Joe then started blathering about college football with Willie. Mika was bored with the topic so she started flipping through the newspaper. She asked for a second hamburger. Joe is still wearing his navy blue sweater. Mika found the people under 30 to be annoying. There was atribute to the late Stuart Scott from ESPN who died of cancer. Joe also talked about the funeral of the NYC police officer who was killed. Joe said he understood why the police were upset at Mayor DiBlasio.

I wonder if this new segment of eating on set will be repeated.? Mika seemed to really enjoy the hamburgers but kept looking for the nutrition information on the package before she felt comfortable eating the rest of the food.




Joe was mad at Deblasio during the election campaign. He was worried that DeBlasio would let NY go back to the days of Dinkins who was the mayor before Rudy Guiliani. Joe frequently complains about NY in the pre Giuliani days. He said it was crime ridden & he was scared to walk the streets.


Joe was a big supporter of Bloomberg's stop & frisk. I think Deblasio is opposed to this.

Joe has been relatively well behaved during the past two shows. Good panelists who seem to know more about the issue than Joe.


Joe exploded at Moyhadin when he tried to defend the turkish govt. Joe is mad at Turkey for arresting journalists.


Mika has been pronoucing the french cities correctly.


Joe is wearing his navy blue sweater . C'mon Joe wear a suit. It won't kill you.

Can coughing and hacking Joe get the F off of TV? Does he think that he's so important to this situation that he can just sit and loudly cough over everyone (and now he's also sneezing)? Thomas can take the seat ... please.

Breaking news is really Mika's forte. As long as she's not allowed to ask deep questions and stops with the sighing - she's good at ad-libbing her way through a developing story.

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Excellent post, EmeraldGirl. I agree with every single word. To add my 2 cents: Granted, I have never worked in television so have no knowledge of the technicalities involved, but at the very least...could Joe not have covered his mic with his hand while coughing up a lung or snorting snot? Good lord that was disgusting. Couldn't the control room have kept an eagle eye on him and just cut his sound for 5 seconds while he "cleared his throat"? It doesn't seem like rocket science. Plus all that hacking while everyone else was speaking was impolite and disrespectful. Also, terrific observation regarding Mika's skills with breaking news versus everyday panel discussions. I knew there was a reason she wasn't getting on my last nerve today but couldn't put my finger on it. Thank you.

Edited by Ladyrain
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Dr Z comes under fire from a conservative website for his comments on Friday's show.




I watched yesterday's show & found the discussions interesting.


I also watched the France 2 coverage & found them to be more accepting of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons than Dr Z. They also had better info than NBC. I suppose it helps to be the local broadcaster with better sources.


The magazine makes fun of all religions but I agree with Dr Z that its pretty vulgar .


I agree that Joe should have not been on the set when he was coughing. It was distracting.

Twenty minutes into the show, we're off to the first commercial break with the tease of Kramer and Trump ahead (ugh) and not a single word about the utter slaughter in Nigeria by Boko Haram.  Lot's of criticism of Obama and Kerry for not being in France yesterday, but no mention of possibly two thousand brown people being massacred.  Hmmm....

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Joe admitted he watched the NFL games yesterday. I thought he was boycotting the NFL until Goodell resigned.


Cramer came on to discuss the US economy.& said free trade with mexico was affecting us wages.


Mika said she didn't watch tv but wanted to see season 3 of House of cards.


I am surprised the USA didn't send VP Biden to the rally in Paris.

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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