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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I want to thank you all for posting and recapping. I stopped watching long ago but read here every day. What on Earth is msnbc thinking? I'm so tired of American "news". I go to BBC or Al Jeezera for American news. No bias.

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I'm so sick of hearing Huckabee reducing our judicial branch down to "five unelected lawyers." You can bet he doesn't complain when the court's decisions go his way.

Mika and Joe's contempt for Hillary is so obvious. I can see why her apology didn't come off as terribly sincere because she had NOTHING to apologize for. Now that she has apologized are they going to spend weeks harping on the tone of her apology? Get over it!

I wish some of their guests would call them out. I swear they must have nude pictures of Eugene Robinson that they're holding over him.

I can see why Joe would kiss Chris Christie's ass, but why would Mika? Her own husband got into an ugly confrontation with Christie, yet her allegiance lies with Douchborough. I don't get it.

Edited by KittyS
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I'm so sick of hearing Huckabee reducing our judicial branch down to "five unelected lawyers." You can bet he doesn't complain when the court's decisions go his way.


Yeah, for example; Bush v Gore, Citizens United, evisceration of the Voting Rights Act, pro-gun decisions...those were just fine.

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I was just trolling @Morning_Joe on Twitter, and apparently Bloviatin' Joe said that doctors are overworked because of Obama?  Which Nicole supported wholeheartedly and said the ACA doesn't work because too many people want to see doctors?

Did this really happen?

Edited by Landsnark
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Cackles was back today. She had fun with Sarah Palin talking about Unicorns. Trump & Carson continue to rise. Sanders ahead of Hillary in Iowa.


Martin O Malley was on. He wants more debates. Debbie Wasserman is opposed to that .


Joe is opposed to the Iran deal. The Ayatollah of Iran said Israel won't exist in 25 years. Joe went on about people becoming smug about the Jewish Lobby.


Joe said people should be concerned about Israel's existence. Mika said Joe was repeating himself about Shumer.


Mika made faces while Joe was talking. Mika said there were no other viable options because other countries will sign the deal.


Ratner has charts!. Hillary has 70% chance of winning the nomination.


Bush has a 35% chance of winning.


Democrats have a 57% chance of winning the election.

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I loved the look on Nicole's face after that clip of Palin and her fairy dust and unicorns comment and her voice just kept getting squeakier and squeakier.


"There's your candidate, Nicole, wanna explain her latest attempt to string words together into a coherent sentence?"


What Joe and Nicole don't seem to understand with their double digit IQs is that you don't make progress with enemies unless you can negotiate and try to reach an agreement.  This isn't 1941.  We can't just bomb a country into submission.  


Didn't whatshisname in the Members Only jacket, Ahmadinejad, also say Iran was going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth?   Iran threatening Israel is like Cubs fans saying "wait till next year".  Yeah whatever. 

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I was just trolling @Morning_Joe on Twitter, and apparently Bloviatin' Joe said that doctors are overworked because of Obama?  Which Nicole supported wholeheartedly and said the ACA doesn't work because too many people want to see doctors?

Did this really happen?


That was a common refrain during the healthcare debates. Opponents claimed that the ACA was bad for American because it would increase demand for healthcare and no one would be able to get doctors' appointments. Translation: "All those poor people are going to jostle you out of line."


It was disgusting.

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That was a common refrain during the healthcare debates. Opponents claimed that the ACA was bad for American because it would increase demand for healthcare and no one would be able to get doctors' appointments. Translation: "All those poor people are going to jostle you out of line."

It was disgusting.


And the GOP wonders why it has a messaging problem.  We don't want you to go to the doctor. Stay stupid and sick so we can control you. 


Only liberals ask those college educated white coat wearers for medical advice. 

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I loved the look on Nicole's face after that clip of Palin and her fairy dust and unicorns comment and her voice just kept getting squeakier and squeakier.


"There's your candidate, Nicole, wanna explain her latest attempt to string words together into a coherent sentence?"


What Joe and Nicole don't seem to understand with their double digit IQs is that you don't make progress with enemies unless you can negotiate and try to reach an agreement.  This isn't 1941.  We can't just bomb a country into submission.  



I am tired of Cackles on the show. She's a 1 trick pony when it comes to Sarah Palin. Frankly, I don't she is much brighter than Sarah Palin. She had her chance to denounce Sarah Palin & resign from the campaign in 2008 when she found out that she was unqualified to be VP.


A few months ago, she denounced Trump as a clown & a buffoon & now she is much more supportive of him & said her dad loves him etc.. She is an opportunist.


Heileman must be fed up with Joe's constant attacks on Hillary's email scandal.

Edited by oakville
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Iran threatening Israel is like Cubs fans saying "wait till next year".  Yeah whatever. 


Even though next year may have come this year for Cubs fans it's still a yeah whatever with Iran.


All this talk about the Jewish Lobby is making me giggle.  I'm Jewish and I must have missed the memo about having a lobby, which must have been one helluva party.

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Even though next year may have come this year for Cubs fans it's still a yeah whatever with Iran.


All this talk about the Jewish Lobby is making me giggle.  I'm Jewish and I must have missed the memo about having a lobby, which must have been one helluva party.

They serve bagels? Just kidding...I do love bagels though.

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Here's the transcript of the fight between Joe & Mika on Schumer being controlled by the Jewish Lobby.


I actually watched this twice to make sure I heard Joe correctly when he said "the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose this deal".  The Pew poll that they put on the screen shows 49% opposed, 21% in favor and what they don't show is 30% who have no opinion.  It's been awhile since I took a math class but I don't think 49% qualifies as an "overwhelming majority".  I actually respect the 30% who have no opinion.  There are many people out there who don't like to give opinions on things that they haven't had the time or interest to study thoroughly.  I wish Sarah Palin was one of those people.



That was a common refrain during the healthcare debates. Opponents claimed that the ACA was bad for American because it would increase demand for healthcare and no one would be able to get doctors' appointments. Translation: "All those poor people are going to jostle you out of line."


My very Republican parents were two of these people.  They were certain they would not be able to find a doctor who accepted Medicare, there would be long waits and their out of pocket expenses would skyrocket.  Since the ACA took effect, my Dad had eye surgery and my Mom has had both hips replaced.  They had no problems finding great doctors, didn't have to wait and their costs were minimal.  Of course, Obama is still the worst president who ever lived according to them!

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I'd love to know if Joe & Nicole have actually read the entire Iran Agreement document. If Nicole put as much thought into her opinion of this deal as she did into getting Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket, I'm going to guess she didn't get thru the first two pages. 


Joe wouldn't read it because it's not about him. 

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Maybe the Trump love is wearing off.   Bobby Jindal took the gloves off yesterday and went after Trump big time and MJ showed clips of his speech.  They seemed to be enjoying it, esp. Mika.  Maybe now when the rest of the candidates grow a pair and call that idiot out for his bullshit, the media will follow suit and stop kissing his ass. 


CNN staff told Zuckerberg they were done with the 24-7 coverage of him. 

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I made it to the part where Joe thought the Justice Department was covering for Clinton and that it set a bad precedence. The Bush years never happened?



Seriously!   Considering Bush had Ashcroft and  Alberto Gonzalez, I'd say the precedent was set about 7-8 years ago. 

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I'm so sick of the fake scandals about Hillary and all the poll-panicking. I'm thinking the numbers will come back once the primaries actually get here and the party activists realize they want to you know, WIN.


Frankly, the strongest, most excitable and most likely to win candidate the Dems could have in 2016 would be Obama again, lol (if only!). Really though, if he was somehow eligible for a third term, I really think he would win easily. Against Jeb Bush? Trump? Rubio? They'd all be toast.

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Obama would be my candidate if he ran again. I never warmed up to Hillary and I was angry at her use of private email for government work.  However, the opposition has run her use of a private server into the ground, and it has somewhat negated my initial feelings. I tried MJ again but didn't last more than a few minutes.

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Frankly, the strongest, most excitable and most likely to win candidate the Dems could have in 2016 would be Obama again, lol (if only!). Really though, if he was somehow eligible for a third term, I really think he would win easily. Against Jeb Bush? Trump? Rubio? They'd all be toast



Agreed. I think that  Obama  is more popular than Hillary or Biden so if he decided to endorse Biden over Hillary, wouldn't Hillary have to withdraw from the race?


On the other hand, if Obama came out & said that he would pardon Hillary  for any email scandal, wouldn't she have a good chance of winning the nomination?

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Agreed. I think that  Obama  is more popular than Hillary or Biden so if he decided to endorse Biden over Hillary, wouldn't Hillary have to withdraw from the race?

On the other hand, if Obama came out & said that he would pardon Hillary  for any email scandal, wouldn't she have a good chance of winning the nomination?


I don't think he'd ever pardon her.   No drama Obama.  They mended fences after he appointed her SoS, but I don't think he has the same warm fuzzies for her as he does Joe Biden.  Also the shit Bill said about him is still pretty hard to take. 

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All of those clips of Trump at that big rally scared the shit out of me.


I'm not one to throw around Nazi references willy-nilly, but I saw all those angry white faces screaming "USA! USA!" and was reminded of Hitler.

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After preempting most of Hardball and All In Last night (as did CNN) to cover the Trump rally, (I tuned into Nancy Grace, for God's sake) I turn on MJ this morning, only to hear Trump declaring that Romney chocked, he struck out, he should have won the 2012 election.

Why? You have to win a majority of the votes. He didn't. Not enough people liked him or his polices.

That's what's going to happen to Trump if he wins the nomination.

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Lawrence O'Donnell pointed out that Trump's little plan to charge Mexico a 35% tariff on imported cars wouldn't work out as well as he thinks, as in it can't be done.


NAFTA would have to be dismantled and Congress would have to pass a new law.  


These people are going to a rally to hear this orange covered with a dead squirrel talk about how great he thinks he is, and about everything he would do as President,  99% of which could not be done.  


"I'm the best. Everybody else sucks. Obama's so stupid.   I shouldn't say what a schmuck somebody is, should I?  Okay, I will.  One of my friends is really rich and good at something.   Did I tell you I went to Wharton?"    There you go, the script of a Trump rally. 


He acts like we have no treaties or trade agreements with other countries that he can't just tear up.  Donald, they aren't employment contracts.  The United States isn't The Apprentice.  You do not get to fire everybody.

Edited by teddysmom
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The United States isn't The Apprentice.  You do not get to fire everybody.

I don't think he's grasped that concept yet. 


Also, he seems to think he's The Great Negotiator.  Not that I want him to be President--Lord knows, I don't-- but in my dreams I have a scenario where he's at the table with, say, Putin trying to negotiate a deal.  Putin would make him pee his pants.

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I don't think he'd ever pardon her.   No drama Obama.  They mended fences after he appointed her SoS, but I don't think he has the same warm fuzzies for her as he does Joe Biden.  Also the shit Bill said about him is still pretty hard to take



If Obama doesn't help Hillary get out of the email crisis, then her chances of winning the nomination are reduced.


On today's show, Joe said Hillary is behaving like Rick Perry 2012. Steve Schmidt was mocking Hillary by saying she was acting like a parody of herself on an SNL skit.


Mika wouldn't defend her speech on women's issues.


They showed extended clips of Trump's speech in Dallas. He was yelling at everyone.


Cackles family & friends now support Trump. I don't believe her.


I liked the segment with the Trump hats.


I am shocked that no one on the panel has discussed how the delegates are selected in each state. I think many states have proportional representation, so if Trump won 40% of the vote, he would only get 40% of the delegates.


Wouldn't the GOP have enough anti Trump voters to ensure he doesn't get 50% of the delegates?

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I don't think he'd ever pardon her.   No drama Obama.


There's nothing to pardon!!!! FFS, Clinton hasn't done anything illegal, hasn't been charged with any crime, and least of all hasn't been convicted of anything. Maybe the idiots on Morning Joe's kangaroo court would like the public to believe otherwise but that is the bottom line. Even the NYT has retracted all the nonsense they printed which was leaked to them by Trey Gowdy who's heading the Republican Bengazi inquiry, said commission not having met for one hearing since last February, and who by the way are refusing to release their own emails. The whole thing is just such a clown show and Bloviatin' Joe is the one in the front seat of the clown car wearing the biggest red nose.

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I guess we're going to be treated to lots of Nicole since she was canned from the View. No thanks! She's such an opportunist. You know she'd totally jump if the Trump campaign offered her a job.

They insist that Hilary be something she's not. No, she's not going to blow anyone away with her personality while campaigning, but I'll take policy over personality any day.

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The Bloviator cannot stop re the Hillary emails because it gives him the constant/daily opportunity to mention "when I was in Congress" - "when I was on the Armed Forces Committee" - "when I had the highest security clearance" ... and to mention that "everyone in Washington behind the scenes knows _ _ _ " - "everyone behind the scenes in Washington tells me _ _ _ "


A wise poster here said not too long ago that The Bloviator longs to be relevant. Hallelujah and Amen to that.


Edited by suomi
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I only watched twenty minutes today.  It was basically Rattner talking sense to four complete fucking idiots (Joe, Mika, Willie, Barnacle).  Thank goodness for Ratt.  I never thought I would see the day that an MSNBC show would have four Donald Trump supporters out of five panelists.  And those four idiots are the worst kind of idiots, they're the kind of idiots who think they're smarter than everyone else.

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I only lasted about that long myself this morning, but I don't get the impression that Barnicle is on the Trump bandwagon.  He was the one saying that Joe Biden "is what an adult sounds like".  And I love Rattner too!

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I don't think he'd ever pardon her.   No drama Obama.

There's nothing to pardon!!!!


I agree with you, my point was if it ever came to that, Obama wouldn't pardon her.  


Unless they find an email of her taking bribes from Putin or something, this is all bullshit.   And for everyone saying that the emails are coming out too slowly, well that's the Justice Dept.  She gave them the emails, they have to review them before they're released. 


Joe is like Trump Lite when it comes to tooting his own horn and bragging about shit he never did. 

Edited by teddysmom
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Every single person I have ever heard saying "Obamacare" with a sneer has been a person who already has/had health care coverage.


Correction: Every single person who has said "Obamacare" with a sneer has or has had healthcare coverage but never actually needed it for anything big.

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The Bloviator cannot stop re the Hillary emails because it gives him the constant/daily opportunity to mention "when I was in Congress" - "when I was on the Armed Forces Committee" - "when I had the highest security clearance" ... and to mention that "everyone in Washington behind the scenes knows _ _ _ " - "everyone behind the scenes in Washington tells me _ _ _ "



Yeah.....like everybody knows a dead intern named Lori Klausukis was found in your Florida office. 


And you didn't run again for Congress thereafter, asshole.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Yeah.....like everybody knows a dead intern named Lori Klausukis was found in your Florida office.

And your didn't run again for Congress thereafter, asshole.


But according to Joe, only a monster would bring up Lori's death, or ask for an investigation, because a dead woman in your office is nothing. 


But using a private email server?  Why that's akin to the Holocaust. 

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OMG, you guys, I am following the debate on Twitter and Joe is tweeting his complaints about all the attention being paid to Trump!

Has he not been watching his own show for the past three months?

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They are loving Fiorina this morning. I worked at one of the companies she ran but never met her. The negatives I observed in the past were reflected in her debate performance.  I see her as callus, cold and self-righteous.


They think her numbers will increase sharply, and that she will replace Ben Carson.  She was described as a star. I don't see it.

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I guess Carly is the new Trump. Mika thinks Carly know her own value!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's not even mention that the PP abortion video she referenced doesn't actually exist. Also, her "middle class secretary to CEO" story isn't actually true. Minor details...

I guess what gets me about Carly is that she fits their version of how a female candidate should look and talk, versus Hilary. Hey, let's not bother with trivial details like whose policies actually benefit women!

The panelists are confident that W would have shut down Trump no problem. With what? His dim wits or his mediocre intelligence? Talk about short memories.

I should probably quit this show for my own sanity. It's waaaay to early in the election cycle to be feeling this cranky.

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I had to turn it off. The ass kissing they were giving Carly was nauseating. 


Carly Fiorina is just awful.  And them bringing up her daughter, trying to give her the same sympathetic ear that Joe Biden got on Colbert last week is pathetic. 

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I didn't see 100% of the show? Did they ever show a clip of Hilary's appearance on Jimmy Fallon last night? I thought she came off as very warm and personable. They LOVE showing late night talk show clips on MJ, but I doubt they bothered with this one.

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What did she say that made them all genuflect...?  "Life isn't measured in time, it's measured in love?"  Was that it?  I turned on MSNBC in the gym and turned the sound up... lots of older Doctor-types and retirees gave me the stink eye... and when MJ did What Did We Learn and repeated what she said in such hushed, reverential tones, I laughed out loud and dropped the weights. 


On CNN they were worse than MJ in terms of kneeling in front of Fiorina.   I don't know if the two guests who were talking were Fiorina's campaign managers, but they ought to be.  They claimed that nobody hurt worse about her firing 75000 employees and nearly bankrupting the company than Fiorina, and she did an excellent job, "She did what she had to do."

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"Life isn't measured in time, it's measured in love?"


Stop stealing quotes from posters at the Hallmark store, Carly. 


I don't know what's worse. Trump's comment about her face, or Joe comparing her to Margaret Thatcher.  Of course to Carly that's the highest compliment.  


Her real goal is to be dubbed "2015's Marie Antoinette". 

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