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S05.E17: Forgive & Forget


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I don't know.  I can't imagine wanting my child to be Sophia's friend.  And I think anyone with sufficiently poor judgment to want their kid around that mess of a family wouldn't have a problem with having their kid on any TV show, including this shit show.



If my kid went to school with her I'd be torn between feeling sorry for her and wanting to to everything in my power to avoid a crazy confrontation from her grandma or mom. Because heaven forbid you have a play date and Sophia goes home with some crazy story and you get a harridan shrieking VM from mommy followed up with a restraining order.

  • Love 7

Ha ha, touche on the Leah and Yolanda comment!  Although I'd argue their scenarios are a lot different than Cate's (and I do believe Leah suffers from depression and self medicates, hence her pillses.)


LOL @ the pillses. That never gets old. I too question Leah M. and her diagnosis. The girl is an addict, I just don't know that she is depressed as much as she is overwhelmed at life in general, choosing to hook up with guys so quickly because there is some void in her life that she is trying to fill.


Again, I don't know these girls other than what they have presented on our television screens. I can't comment on what I don't know, only what I watch and what they present in various interviews and when someone links a story to their social media page. What they [Cate and Leah] present to me doesn't come off as being depressed in the sense they have a chemical imbalance. According to Cate's own words she is not dealing with PPD. If we are to believe her words that she is depressed, then we are to believe her when she says she doesn't have anything associated with the birth of Nova.  Cate and Leah M. have one thing in common. They each haven't had much of the real world except being inside a trailer tending to babies and seeking some sort of validation from the guys in their lives. Leah did have that job at the dental office, but that is not enough for what I think both of these girls need. They both need some exposure to life outside of their SAHM status and away from the idea that their lives only matter if there is a guy by their side. I am of the belief Catelynn would likely feel like a different person (mentally and physically) if she did something with her life and changed up her health habits. It is no big secret that sometimes depression is connected to an unhealthy lifestyle and a toxic environment, not so much what is chemically going on in one's brain. Cate may have episodes of feeling the "blahs" (it is what I called it when I dealt with depression due to a death in my family). I soon realized through therapy how a lot of what I was feeling could be greatly reduced if I did something about my grief rather than just cry about the loss and how my life had changed. I decided to do some volunteer work at my local church when I wasn't working at my job. It helped to keep my mind busy, it made me feel as if I was doing something on behalf of my loved one, and it kept me from having to rely on any anti-depressants which didn't help me at all. It was being pro-active that got me on the road to feeling better after a year of feeling so damn horrible.



I'm not impressed with Catelynn's therapist


She is NOT Catelynn's therapist. Cateylnn and Tyler visited his counselor.


I thought I would point that out to those who are posting how awful Cate's counselor is and how she needs a better one. So, Tyler needs a better counselor, not Cate. We don't know who Cate is seeing, which is likely a good thing since I am also of the belief therapists or any kind of counselor shouldn't be counseling people on the air.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

I noticed in the car on the way home from Gary's after Amber and Matt visited Leah for her birthday that Matt had on a Planet Fitness PF shirt (and a red flannel shirt open over it). For some reason I doubt he's made much use of his Planet Fitness membership, since it entails leaving Amber's house (and getting up off her couch for an extended period of time other than to wait on her or Leah).

  • Love 5

I know I'm not the only therapist commenting and we all provide a little differently -- Professionally, I believe it is unethical for the clinician to provide both individual psychotherapy and conjoint (couple) sessions. That's just me. I'm either the individual's psychotherapist or the couple's. Never both. Of course everyone rolls different. I'm not impressed with Catelynn's therapist. Was she in the basement of a community center? Was it laundry day for her? Does Catelynn get homework at all?

Tyler is manipulative and I've seen behavior indicative of psychological abuse. He's left before and he'll leave again regardless of how many more NotCarlys she births. Is her therapist even working on her issues of dependency?



I see a therapist and she suggested that my husband may need to see someone based on things I've shared with her - but she made it absolutely clear that SHE can not provide that for him or "us" as a couple.   She says she has no problem with a few "couple" sessions, to get an idea of the dynamic and stuff like that - but that she is MY clinician and can not take him on as a client.  


Flashback 8 years ago, we had a therapist who I didn't care much for, but she saw ME and my husband as a couple AND individually (so 3 sessions a week) and I think that was HORRIBLE.  She had insight that made her be a bit more judgemental than an impartial party should be.  


I quit her.  My husband continued with her for a few months then quit as well.  


I feel bad for Catelynn - depression doesn't just show up one day and BAM! you're depressed.  It's slow.  It's gradual.  It's not showering today because you're too tired, and then maybe you call out of work because you're not "feeling well", next thing you know you're being written up for attendance and haven't washed your hair in a week and even the THOUGHT of getting into that shower and lathering up your hair, rinsing it, and drying it is so overwhelming and insurmountable that you become exhausted and just need to rest. 


Then?  The hair doesn't get washed for TWO weeks.  You're fired for no call/no show.  And leaving the safety of your bedroom sends you into a tailspin of emotions.  Meanwhile no one "gets" it and feels you should just "snap out of it" and regales you with stories of how THEY snap out of their "blue" moods all the time.  


Depression isn't about feeling sad - it's about not feeling at all.  No pain, no sadness, no joy, nothing.   


I'm not sure if Cate is depressed, but the fact that she's no longer giving a shit about her appearance, gaining weight, dirty house, passing her baby off, lack of goals/motivation, etc would all signal that to me.  


I also feel it's cyclical. (perhaps that's more manic depressive?) 

  • Love 6

As someone who has spent my whole career working with people with a variety of mental illnesses and histories of trauma and abuse, I have never questioned the depression and anxiety that Catelynn has reported experiencing. I've unfortunately seen people fake mental illness for whatever gain and that just isn't what it looks like, in my experience. I also think it is unfortunate when people sit in judgment over whether people are "really" depressed or if they are depressed enough, etc. It's hard enough without the dime story psychology.

THANK YOU!!! That's the feeling I've been trying to express about the posts exclaiming she's "faking it" for whatever reasons.

We're all entitled to have our opinions. I haven't seen any bad comments at all, just us expressing our opinions. If she's going to put it on TV, people are going to comment on it. I don't think there's anything wrong with people questioning it, we've questioned every other illness and things about these girls. Why should this be off limits?

It's also hard to tell from 3 minutes of edited film whether she's faking or not. I have no opinion on it either way. Therapist or not, I just don't see how somebody can tell from a short, edited segment whether she's faking, that would be impossible to know for sure.

A thousand people can act and behave in a certain way, that doesn't mean number 2001 is going to be the same.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4

When Catelynn and Tyler went to see that woman in the episode that aired a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was very odd that Catelynn was lying down on Tyler during their session. That was very odd to me. I have seen counselors both for myself, as part of a couple and as a parent and I was always able to sit up for the session. (And I've known people in the throes of horrible anxiety and depression who have been able to manage that, too.) To me that's just more evidence of a sort of slothful disposition than depression.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 6

I hate all these people so much I just feel disgusted and ashamed after watching, but I can't freakin quit. Wonder how many of us there are out there that feel this way, and keep this shit show going.

Amber-everything has already said about Matt so I will talk about the visit to Gary's. Ok nobody likes Amber or Matt but really you couldn't try to be nice? I have no doubt Leah felt all that tension in the room. And while I appreciate the nice text Kristina sent Amber after they left she sat there stone faced the entire time they were there. Makes me wonder if she is only nice to Amber behind Gary's back. And the baby needs to get some hair. Every time I see Emilee (ugh the spelling) I can't decide if she is cute or not and I think a little hair would help her on the cute side. She looks too much like a little fat mini Gary without it.

Catelyn-I used to like her but she has really bothered me lately. I am not against honeymoons at all but shouldn't they wait until Nova is a little older? I can't imagine leaving my infant for a week and be so far away, although given the baby lives at April's part time I guess it's not that big of a deal. And all the talking about her anxiety, are they really that boring that whether or not she will get a panic attack on their trip is the main topic of conversation?

Maci-both her and Taylor seem really detached to Jayde, almost like they are just babysitting her for someone else. I just don't see the normal love and cuddling you would between a parent and infant and they feed her they always have her laying down and they hold the bottle instead of holding her. And the mimosas in the morning, wth? These two act like kids in their early 20s with no kids don't they?

Farrah-much better this episode but only cause she wasn't on as much. She sure is raising her kid to be just like her huh? Encouraging makeup in elementary school (it doesn't help, she is still not cute) and sending her cleavage baring pictures I can only imagine Sophia in high school. All the while talking to her in a baby voice, the situation is beyond creepy. And Debra with her creepy face, baby voice, belly shirt and Farrah ass kissing comments is a total loon and is just as much of a fame-whore as her daughter.

  • Love 2
And while I appreciate the nice text Kristina sent Amber after they left she sat there stone faced the entire time they were there. Makes me wonder if she is only nice to Amber behind Gary's back.


I had the same thought. It makes me wonder if Gary has given her shit before, about "taking Amber's side" or something. Maybe Kristina just wants everyone to get along, for Leah's sake. Gary shouldn't have a problem with it. I'm not saying that's the case, just speculating based on what we see. 


I really don't get why Amber had to bring the gift over to their house anyhow. Was that even ON her birthday that she brought it? I guess it might have just been easier to give gifts when she actually had her, you know, when she took her for the limo ride to the magic show? I'm a child of divorce and my birthday was always extended across several days, Christmas too. Not really a big deal. 

Maci-both her and Taylor seem really detached to Jayde, almost like they are just babysitting her for someone else. I just don't see the normal love and cuddling you would between a parent and infant and they feed her they always have her laying down and they hold the bottle instead of holding her.


I have thought this since the first episode. I found her very detached from Jade, but I said - it's just one episode, I'll give it time. Nope. I still see no connection there. And the laying down, with the bottle basically propped up, is very weird. It's like she's feeding a doll. I nursed all my kids until they weaned after a year, so I'm not super used to bottle feedings. But I just know one of the best parts of feeding my babies was cuddling with them, and the way they would wrap their little fingers around mine. I just get sad when I think about babies like Nova, and possibly Jade, who seem to be missing a lot of that crucial early bonding time. 

  • Love 1

I had the same thought. It makes me wonder if Gary has given her shit before, about "taking Amber's side" or something. Maybe Kristina just wants everyone to get along, for Leah's sake. Gary shouldn't have a problem with it. I'm not saying that's the case, just speculating based on what we see. 


I really don't get why Amber had to bring the gift over to their house anyhow. Was that even ON her birthday that she brought it? I guess it might have just been easier to give gifts when she actually had her, you know, when she took her for the limo ride to the magic show? I'm a child of divorce and my birthday was always extended across several days, Christmas too. Not really a big deal. 


It was her actual birthday yes, Amber mentioned that several times (apparently it is an egregious injustice that she not get to spend Leah's bday with her, although she didn't think about that when she CHOSE to be incarcerated rather than get treatment for her addiction.)  I also don't get why she had to give her the present THAT DAY.   My b-day is a week before Christmas and I'm a child of divorce.  I could get that shit spread out for the better part of a month!

I have thought this since the first episode. I found her very detached from Jade, but I said - it's just one episode, I'll give it time. Nope. I still see no connection there. And the laying down, with the bottle basically propped up, is very weird. It's like she's feeding a doll. I nursed all my kids until they weaned after a year, so I'm not super used to bottle feedings. But I just know one of the best parts of feeding my babies was cuddling with them, and the way they would wrap their little fingers around mine. I just get sad when I think about babies like Nova, and possibly Jade, who seem to be missing a lot of that crucial early bonding time. 


I've bottle fed two babies and I never just laid them down and held the bottle.  Snuggling them is the best part!

  • Love 5

Gary shared with Starcasm that they didn't do a birthday party on Leah's actual birthday because it was a school night and she has a firm bedtime/schedule -- so it's not like there was an event that Amber was locked out of. She does well in school (all As) and has perfect attendance. Amber lives over 50 minutes away and isn't trusted to get her to school. http://starcasm.net/archives/341978

  • Love 9

Why would Amber choose to live so far from her?  I understand how the non-custodial parent can't always be chasing the custodial parent around - it's just not practical. Most have jobs, etc. and it is really difficult to pick up and move based on someone else's whim.  (Looking at you, Kail.) But Amber doesn't have a job and it seems like Gary's lived in the same place for a while? 


I got acquainted a few years ago with a family who really knew how to do the whole blended family thing. Mom and Dad lived within a couple of miles from each other - the kid could go home to either house after school. Watching the parents at events, you wouldn't know they were actually divorced because they sat together and went out to lunch together.

  • Love 4

Gary shared with Starcasm that they didn't do a birthday party on Leah's actual birthday because it was a school night and she has a firm bedtime/schedule -- so it's not like there was an event that Amber was locked out of.

Which makes it extra annoying that she was telling Matt something about how she didn't care even if it was 10:00PM she was determined to see Leah ON her birthday (somehow I doubt she would have been so adamant about seeing her at 10AM). It was a school night, Amber. I realize Gary intentionally messes with Amber a lot but I don't think he was in this instance.

  • Love 10

Which makes it extra annoying that she was telling Matt something about how she didn't care even if it was 10:00PM she was determined to see Leah ON her birthday (somehow I doubt she would have been so adamant about seeing her at 10AM). It was a school night, Amber. I realize Gary intentionally messes with Amber a lot but I don't think he was in this instance.

Haha about the 10 am dig.

Amber: I INSIST on seeing Leah ON her birthday, I don't care what time!

Gary: fine Amber, you can come over and have breakfast with her before she has to go to school. Be here by 7:30 am.

Amber: (long pause) eh I guess it can wait a day.

  • Love 17

I have thought this since the first episode. I found her very detached from Jade, but I said - it's just one episode, I'll give it time. Nope. I still see no connection there. And the laying down, with the bottle basically propped up, is very weird. It's like she's feeding a doll. I nursed all my kids until they weaned after a year, so I'm not super used to bottle feedings. But I just know one of the best parts of feeding my babies was cuddling with them, and the way they would wrap their little fingers around mine. I just get sad when I think about babies like Nova, and possibly Jade, who seem to be missing a lot of that crucial early bonding time.

It bothered me too, but not being a mom, I didn't want to comment- it could be normal for all I know? In one scene she was lying flat on her back when they were giving her the bottle. Seems it would be difficult to drink in that position too...

Which makes it extra annoying that she was telling Matt something about how she didn't care even if it was 10:00PM she was determined to see Leah ON her birthday (somehow I doubt she would have been so adamant about seeing her at 10AM). It was a school night, Amber. I realize Gary intentionally messes with Amber a lot but I don't think he was in this instance.

My feeling was, Amber was adamant about being seen for Leah's birthday because the CAMERAS WERE IN TOW. How would it look for MTV to film a scene at Gary's as they mention it is Leah's birthday and then MTV shows us a scene of Amber laying on her couch? Not to mention, it is all part of Amber's master plan to make it look as if she is all involved in her child's life. When the cameras aren't around she can't be called out on what she does or doesn't do because the cameras don't capture it. Amber made it crystal clear how the reveal on camera about Matt's list of unsupported children was a sore spot with her. Her only concern was with what we, the viewers, would think of her. Forget the fact the guy she is set to marry possibly has 9 children by at least 7 different women. Her bone of contention was how it was captured on camera. She then mentions the cameras again and what people would think when the producers were there at her home talking about how angry Matt and Amber were about the information revealed. I think the producers were hoping for Amber or even Matt to spill more about that aspect. Instead, Amber sits there and bitches about Gary and the cameras!


I don't believe Amber had to be there for Leah's birthday as much as she had to show what a fantastic mother she is on camera. If she was that concerned, she would pay her back child support and make sure to continue paying it on time. Now that is the shit this show should be focusing on, not a scene where Amber tells Gary that he has to show Leah how to play with her new gift. Amber GTFO with that mess. As if Amber spends any time with her child, playing with her new toys, watching a DVD or interacting with her.


ETA: Forgot to add...Amber lives 50 minutes away from Gary? More shit that MTV should have mentioned. That puts a spin on things. How is it Amber expects to have custody and then have her child at school on time when she lives almost an hour away?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

I hate all these people so much I just feel disgusted and ashamed after watching, but I can't freakin quit. Wonder how many of us there are out there that feel this way, and keep this shit show going.


I feel the same way.  However, I have satellite TV and it's never been hooked to a phone line so everything comes down to me and nothing goes back up to the mothership, so there's no record anywhere of what I watch.  Thank god.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
  • Love 2

My feeling was, Amber was adamant about being seen for Leah's birthday because the CAMERAS WERE IN TOW. How would it look for MTV to film a scene at Gary's as they mention it is Leah's birthday and then MTV shows us a scene of Amber laying on her couch? Not to mention, it is all part of Amber's master plan to make it look as if she is all involved in her child's life. When the cameras aren't around she can't be called out on what she does or doesn't do because the cameras don't capture it. Amber made it crystal clear how the reveal on camera about Matt's list of unsupported children was a sore spot with her. Her only concern was with what we, the viewers, would think of her. Forget the fact the guy she is set to marry possibly has 9 children by at least 7 different women. Her bone of contention was how it was captured on camera. She then mentions the cameras again and what people would think when the producers were there at her home talking about how angry Matt and Amber were about the information revealed. I think the producers were hoping for Amber or even Matt to spill more about that aspect. Instead, Amber sits there and bitches about Gary and the cameras!

I don't believe Amber had to be there for Leah's birthday as much as she had to show what a fantastic mother she is on camera. If she was that concerned, she would pay her back child support and make sure to continue paying it on time. Now that is the shit this show should be focusing on, not a scene where Amber tells Gary that he has to show Leah how to play with her new gift. Amber GTFO with that mess. As if Amber spends any time with her child, playing with her new toys, watching a DVD or interacting with her.

ETA: Forgot to add...Amber lives 50 minutes away from Gary? More shit that MTV should have mentioned. That puts a spin on things. How is it Amber expects to have custody and then have her child at school on time when she lives almost an hour away?

This comment right here? This is why you're my favoritest favorite who ever favorited.

I agree with every single word.

You hit that nail smack dab in the head. She did the whole birthday thing for the camera.

Like Farrah, I think she does zero actual parenting unless the cameras are there.

I had forgotten that her first reaction to finding out about the loser's 24 kids was to worry that it would make her look stupid.

She doesn't realize that the longer she stays, the stupider(is that a word?) she looks.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

I haven't been able to sit down and watch this episode until now, so I'm sure everything I'm going to say has already been said so I'll keep it brief. Sophia looked a lot better when she had her hair back in a pony tail. It's a true testament to the power of the comb. I don't believe that Catelynn really had a problem leaving Nova for a week, since we all know she only has her for half the week anyway. It's all lip-service for the show. I wish Ryan would get his shit together so Maci could stop being so fucking smug about how much he sucks. Amber sucks and Matt is so fucking creepy. Those two wackos have no room to talk shit about Gary.


Also... Ryan having a full conversation in skeleton makeup made me laugh a lot more than it should have.

Edited by Spacecow
  • Love 5


I had forgotten that her first reaction to finding out about the losers 24 kids was to worry that it would make her look stupid.

She doesn't realize that the longer she stays, the stupider(is that a word?) she looks.

LOL Don't be shocked when the number of kids reaches that figure. Pretty soon I won't remember the amount of kids he is being accused of abandoning. I will remember the number 24, though. :-)


Thanks sweetie.


Amber is stupid and she shows how stupider she is each and every time she opens her fucking mouth!



Also... Ryan having a full conversation in skeleton makeup made me laugh a lot more than it should have.

Oh my. I am busting a gut right now thinking of that scene. So true! I was laughing so hard, I didn't even pay attention to what he was saying.

  • Love 1


ETA: Forgot to add...Amber lives 50 minutes away from Gary? More shit that MTV should have mentioned. That puts a spin on things. How is it Amber expects to have custody and then have her child at school on time when she lives almost an hour away?

Is this correct?  If she still lives in Ingalls, a little Googling says it is 9 miles to Anderson.  Unless there is L.A. or Manhattan style traffic, 50 minutes seems like a lot.  Gary's closer to the other end of town, but even so...

  • Love 1

I haven't been able to sit down and watch this episode until now, so I'm sure everything I'm going to say has already been said so I'll keep it brief. Sophia looked a lot better when she had her hair back in a pony tail. It's a true testament to the power of the comb. I don't believe that Catelynn really had a problem leaving Nova for a week, since we all know she only has her for half the week anyway. It's all lip-service for the show. I wish Ryan would get his shit together so Maci could stop being so fucking smug about how much he sucks. Amber sucks and Matt is so fucking creepy. Those two wackos have no room to talk shit about Gary.


Also... Ryan having a full conversation in skeleton makeup made me laugh a lot more than it should have.


I honestly thought Catelynn was probably shocked she had to find a sitter if she was going to be gone for a week. I get the feeling that both of them just don't think about that child's care. When she IS home it's probably something like "there's a baby here! are we supposed to do something with it?"


Ryan cracked me up too!

  • Love 3

Is this correct?  If she still lives in Ingalls, a little Googling says it is 9 miles to Anderson.  Unless there is L.A. or Manhattan style traffic, 50 minutes seems like a lot.  Gary's closer to the other end of town, but even so...

My (step)mother is from Indiana and I lived there during a few of my high school years (it was awful, it don't recommend it) and I even spent time with my (step)grandparents and cousin that lived in the Anderson/Pendleton area. For the most part Indiana is the most boring parts of the South and the Midwest mixed together with lots of corn. We lived in the snobby, upper-class suburb of Carmel and it took about 50 minutes to get to grandma's house in Anderson.

Long story short, I could see Amber moving to Carmel as soon as she had the money. High school football is important in that area and it was a constant source of irritation to other schools that the stuck-up rich kids from Carmel were always winning the state championships. I could see Amber, who seems to have never matured beyond high school, thinking that having that zip code was some kind of status symbol regardless of how far away it puts her from her child.

  • Love 2

That Ryan moment of him in make-up made me laugh as well. Thanks for sharing that photo. Some funny scenes get overshadowed by the other stuff that goes on.



Looking at Cate's background and what she's dealt with in her life, I'm not quite sure what would lead someone to assume she's lying about being depressed or anxious.

Part of Catelynn's background, and apparently is still happening, is her need for marijuana and a party lifestyle according to the links on the Catelynn thread.


Someone who will lie about their marijuana use and dump their child at their mother's house so they can go about their partying ways while hiding that part of their lives from the camera is likely due to the fact they don't want to mar the image they and MTV have created - America's sweethearts. No one will sympathize with a couple of stoners and drinkers who sit around at home doing nothing while their baby is being tended to by a questionable relative. Apparently they have fooled some people with their story of two young people, one who claims to be depressed and ridden with anxiety and just wants to be a SAHM.  


When Tyler's therapist mentioned "there is something else there (going on)" when discussing why Catelynn has her child over at her mother's for more than 2 days out of the week, I had wondered what was Cate hiding or not being forthright about. It makes sense now after reading the links on the Catelynn thread. Catelynn is not about to tell any therapist she can't bother to tend to her baby because their partying comes first.


Never have I ever found these two to be America's sweethearts. I felt sorry for them for what they had to endure growing up. They had a chance to better their lives. Even if Cate had depression and anxiety, what excuse is there for Tyler not getting his shit together?

  • Love 2

Oh wow, I had no idea Amber lived that far from Leah/Gary, WHY??? She has no job, she can live anywhere she wants. Given that knowledge, even if she had her shit together, I don't think 50-50 would be reasonable. If Leah has to take an hour to get to her mom's, she really only needs to go on weekends, so it doesn't interfere with her school schedule. Kids have so little free time these days, she doesn't need to spend all hers in a car. 



Ryan in the skeleton makeup is going to give me nightmares! And I still maintain that some girl (Shelby?) did that makeup, but it was only after they boned. Because...priorities...

  • Love 4

I honestly thought Catelynn was probably shocked she had to find a sitter if she was going to be gone for a week. I get the feeling that both of them just don't think about that child's care. When she IS home it's probably something like "there's a baby here! are we supposed to do something with it?"

Maybe they have been watching too much Friends on Netflix and thought their baby would be like Ross and Rachel's; only appears every few episodes.

  • Love 5

Maybe they have been watching too much Friends on Netflix and thought their baby would be like Ross and Rachel's; only appears every few episodes.

The only way we know Rachel has a kid is because of the big E on the wall of her apartment.

Maybe Cate and Tyler should get a big N to remind us they have a kid because I haven't seen any giant Nova blankets laying around like I always saw the Carly blanket.

  • Love 5

I can't believe after being told by the principal that they don't want the grade schoolers wearing makeup Debra went ahead and told "Baby" she could wear makeup anytime she chooses. Actually, I can believe it. Way to get a head start on ingraining  Sofia with that "the rules don't apply to you" attitude Farrah has. I hope they boot Sophia out of the school for failure to follow the dress code. I was floored when Sophia told Debra she didn't want to take one last big bite of her breakfast because it would make her look fat. At 7 yrs old kids shouldn't even know there is a correlation between food and getting fat. At that age they should be taught healthy food= a strong,healthy, growing body with no mention of weight/fat. Sophia also commented that "Mommy's boobie looks really big." It's obvious the child has picked up on Farrah's obsession with looks. She'll have Sophia at the plastic surgeon by the time she's 15 yrs old.


Why did Farrah move to Texas in the first place? If it was ever said on the show I missed it. I guess when you have no friends or community ties it's easy to just pick up and move every couple years. She moved from home to Florida, then Texas, now California. I cracked up when she said she needed to see if Sophia was okay with them moving to LA, as if she wouldn't do if if Sophia had said no or as if Sophia even understands what this means.


Cate's "therapist" is a hack. Cate's anxiety may be because of the horrible childhood she had but the "therapist" is dead wrong when she says anxiety is ALWAYS caused by some event or trauma. I have issues with anxiety attacks and had a normal childhood. They started when there was no unusual event or stress in my life. My therapist said it can be biochemical just as depression can be biochemical and not be caused by any event. Sometimes  brain chemistry goes awry. Not saying this is the case with Cate but her therapist's statement raised a huge red flag with me regarding her competence. The best therapy for anxiety is behavioral therapy to learn how to cope with an attack, to stop one before it spirals out of control into a full blown panic attack. Unless she learn this, all the "tell me about your childhood" therapy won't do a thing for her. Certain anti-depressants can actually make anxiety worse. She needs a consult with a psychiatrist to get her meds straight and have him give her a referral to a psychologist or therapist properly trained to help her specific issues. Cate was right when she said Tyler constantly bringing up her anxiety makes it worse. I know from experience that once you start to worry about having an attack the worry makes you have one. It's a hellish circle. I wanted to slap Tyler when he told Cate, "We don't need you having anxiety in Hawaii". Like she can help it!!! Selfish bastard.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 3

I cracked up when she said she needed to see if Sophia was okay with them moving to LA, as if she wouldn't do if if Sophia had said no or as if Sophia even understands what this means.

Remember when Farrah took Sophia to the pet store and repeatedly asked her if she wanted a fish or a dog? Sophia said fish each time she asked and Farrah went ahead and bought a dog anyway because that's what the answer was supposed to be.

Sophia does not factor into anything Farrah does or any of her decisions. I have never seen Farrah have a normal human interaction with her daughter, just talking baby voices At her, not having a conversation With her. Farrah seems to think of Sophia as a particularly high maintenance house plant.

I think of kids like Sophia when people are dismissive of adults that claim their shitty childhoods are partially to blame for for their character faults. At what age will Sophia be expected to automatically and fully recover from her feral upbringing and assume full blame for all her decisions? 18? She won't be ready for that.

  • Love 5

The only way we know Rachel has a kid is because of the big E on the wall of her apartment.

Maybe Cate and Tyler should get a big N to remind us they have a kid because I haven't seen any giant Nova blankets laying around like I always saw the Carly blanket.

*high five* Gurl!!!! This right here!!


The only things laying around at Casa Tyler are Cate and Tyler. Oh, and likely a wastebasket full of dirty diapers that have accumulated since Nova has been there. That would roughly be about 20 diapers and whatever dog shit is likely laying around. 


I think of kids like Sophia when people are dismissive of adults that claim their shitty childhoods are partially to blame for for their character faults. At what age will Sophia be expected to automatically and fully recover from her feral upbringing and assume full blame for all her decisions? 18? She won't be ready for that.

Neither will society.

  • Love 3

Ha ha, touche on the Leah and Yolanda comment!  Although I'd argue their scenarios are a lot different than Cate's (and I do believe Leah suffers from depression and self medicates, hence her pillses.)

I forgot to post this when I responded to your comment. When I mentioned Leah Messer I was referencing her claim of narcolepsy, not her claim of depression. Leah M. is trying to fool people into thinking she has that disorder in order to cover up her real issues: pillses and addiction. That is why I brought up her name in connection with Catelynn. To me, Catelynn is not being honest about what she is really doing and why she doesn't have Nova around. Keeping Nova at April's is so she can indulge in her pot smoking, beer drinking and going out to party. She may also worry about someone calling CPS on her, too.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

Remember when Farrah took Sophia to the pet store and repeatedly asked her if she wanted a fish or a dog? Sophia said fish each time she asked and Farrah went ahead and bought a dog anyway because that's what the answer was supposed to be.

Sophia does not factor into anything Farrah does or any of her decisions. I have never seen Farrah have a normal human interaction with her daughter, just talking baby voices At her, not having a conversation With her. Farrah seems to think of Sophia as a particularly high maintenance house plant.

I think of kids like Sophia when people are dismissive of adults that claim their shitty childhoods are partially to blame for for their character faults. At what age will Sophia be expected to automatically and fully recover from her feral upbringing and assume full blame for all her decisions? 18? She won't be ready for that.

My best friend does this and it drives me crazy... She knows how to pose a question to her child to get the answer she wants, and so if we are making a decision, even something as simple as where we are going to eat dinner, she'll ask the child and then say "well that's what _____wants" like its out of her hands at that point. and she does it all the time, from what to wear, what to listen to in the car, what to name subsequent children, where to go for vacation... It's basically a maneuver to get her way, and it makes me mad when she manipulates situations like that (and I have called her out for it). I feel like that's what Farrah does too, especially because apparently baby goo is the end all be all of decisions in that house.

  • Love 2

Before Tyler and Catelynn had Nova, I wouldn't care if they were smoking more weed than Willie Nelson because they had given up Carly and weren't responsible for a child. If you get pregnant and you can't give up the constant partying and drugs, then you should place the child for adoption. That's what they did, so I didn't begrudge them partying too much. I thought "well, at least there's no baby around." We've seen plenty of other "16 and Pregnant" parents who kept their kids get arrested, etc.

I assumed they had somewhat outgrown all the partying, especially since they purposely had a second child and did not place her for adoption. If they wanted to be big stoners/drinkers/partiers, they should have never had another child. They had Nova, now it's time to grow the heck up, stop partying all the time, stop smoking pot, learn a skill/trade (I doubt either of them will ever finish a four-year degree, but they need to learn to do something that can get them gainful employment), and take care of your own kid. GROW UP, Catelynn and Tyler. The party is over.

  • Love 2

I don't think there's anything wrong with a parent smoking weed. As long as its done responsibly and doesn't rule their lives, I don't think it's wrong.

I've smoked for a long, long time. I don't drink, I had a major problem with alcohol and it did rule my life. Haven't touched that crap in over 20 years.

If a parent can have a glass of wine to unwind and relax after a long day, why can't parents who don't drink smoke a joint to unwind?

People hear the word marijuana and assume that the smokers are useless stoners who sit with their face in a bong all day and that's just not the case for most people.

I get it legally now but I've never understood why alcohol is legal and marijuana isn't.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 10

The difference is, C and T are pushing off the responsibilities of caring for their baby onto other people. If C and T want to party every other weekend and indulge in smoking weed, then that should be put out there for the world to see and it should not interfere with their responsibilities. Hiding the fact they are partying and smoking weed while touting depression and anxiety, is very shady. I seriously doubt they ever mentioned their drinking and pot smoking to Cate's doctor or her therapist.

If they want to indulge in smoking pot, do it. But, shipping off Nova for more than 2 days a week is extremely questionable and not the sort of thing a SAHM does. Cate cannot claim depression and anxiety as a reason for not caring for Nova while at the same time partying, pot smoking and drinking.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Like another poster noted in their thread, this story about Cate and Tyler was 3 years ago.

I'm not saying they're on the straight and narrow now and I'd bet they aren't.

There's always been something sneaky about Tyler that I've never liked. I could never put my finger on it but I have never thought we were seeing the real Tyler. Even after all these years, I don't think we've seen who he really is. And I don't think who he really is is good at all.

I think there's a lot of emotional abuse in that relationship. Just a hunch I've always had.

  • Love 2

I don't think there's anything wrong with a parent smoking weed. As long as its done responsibly and doesn't rule their lives, I don't think it's wrong.

I've smoked for a long, long time. I don't drink, I had a major problem with alcohol and it did rule my life. Haven't touched that crap in over 20 years.

If a parent can have a glass of wine to unwind and relax after a long day, why can't parents who don't drink smoke a joint to unwind?

People hear the word marijuana and assume that the smokers are useless stoners who sit with their face in a bong all day and that's just not the case for most people.

I get it legally now but I've never understood why alcohol is legal and marijuana isn't.


I agree that if alcohol is legal pot should be legal BUT I don't think one should get drunk or high if there are kids around that one is responsible for the care of. The difference between having a glass of wine at the end of the day to relax and smoking a joint is one glass of wine won't get you drunk. It will relax you. Smoking a joint will fuck you up. The last time I smoked pot was in college so maybe I'm remembering incorrectly but from what I remember there was no in-between with pot. You were either fucked up or not. No middle area of just bring relaxed like with wine. When we were smoking the goal was to get fucked up so maybe I am, as I said, remembering it wrong. For the record, I don't drink. Tried that in high school and college and just couldn't stand the taste. Blech!

It' depends how much you smoke.

I'm just saying, my kids are 30 and 31, they both have careers, both own their own homes, one has kids the other doesn't. I raised 2 well adjusted, productive members of society who are also good people and both are in good, stable relationships, neither has ever had a drug or alcohol problem and they don't even smoke cigarettes. I did it alone while also working and I smoked a joint every night after my kids went to bed.

That's all. Not everybody who smokes is sitting around getting fucked up all day. I hate that stereotype.

  • Love 6

Maharincss, I think you need to separate how you handled smoking pot vs. how Catelynn and Tyler or anyone else handles how they smoke pot. Any references being made are being made about Catelynn and Tyler. I know you handled your business and you did it with a lot on your plate. Major props to you. Catelynn and Tyler on the other hand are not overwhelmed, although Cate would like it if everyone believed her about how hard she has it, so much so she has to leave Nova at April's home.

I am of the belief these two have been shady as fuck. Tyler is real shady to me. I never used to feel that way, but little by little his true colors have been showing. Cate is no angel either. I do believe these two have not only NOT stopped smoking weed, they have amped it up. Nova is just a prop and annoyance. They do nothing and have nothing going on. Fucking sloths.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I know, thanks Kazu. I just hate that stereotype so much. My point was just that not everybody who smokes is a stoner just like not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic.

I agree about Tyler being shady as hell. There's somebody else lurking in there that the camera doesn't see.

Edited by Maharincess
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