shrewd.buddha February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 For the majority of the X-Files cases, Scully and Mulder are like Indiana Jones in the Raiders of the Lost Ark : events play out the same whether they were involved or not. I'd like to read some of the actual X-Files cases ... maybe Mulder is the originator of the phrase "a wizard did it". One of the the most shocking elements of Scully's mother's death was how horrible the conditions were at the hospital. They didn't even bother to pull a curtain around the bed when the doctors removed her breathing tube. I am glad there are only six episodes to suffer through of being weepy for William while doing nothing about it. I would say that I can't imagine this being drawn out for ten or twenty episodes, but sadly enough, I can... Link to comment
eleanorofaquitaine February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 The one thing that I will say I did not like about this episode was the portrayal of HUD. I mean, I know that making the first guy a HUD employee was a way of bringing in Mulder and Scully as FBI agents, but HUD wouldn't really be involved in a local issue like moving a homeless encampment, and they certainly wouldn't be a party to doing so in order to facilitate gentrification. Mostly what they do is provide financing for people who are trying to build affordable housing. But I know that the X-Files grasp on what federal agencies do is tenuous, at best. 7 Link to comment
festivus February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 (edited) I don't know. Maybe it's because I've been watching lots of episodes of the earlier X-Files seasons lately, but I've always seen Scully as being more in control of her emotions, more reserved, more...I don't know, just not someone who dissolves into tears so easily. She usually can hold it together, but there were even flashbacks to the later seasons were she was bawling. I've been watching the old episodes too so I can see why it's a bit jarring. Scully is a reserved person but she has now been with Mulder 23 years and has been through much in that time. As a really reserved person myself who has been with her hubby for 25 years I can tell you things do change so Mulder and Scully's interactions felt true to me. My favorite moment in the episode was Scully calling Mulder a dark wizard and the laugh he gave. I agree that it seemed like it should have been two separate episodes, I spent all the trash monster time wanting to get back to Scully. I get what they were trying to go for but I don't think it worked. I wish we could have 10 episodes instead of 6 and maybe things wouldn't seem so clunky. The first scene of Scully by her mother's bedside seemed completely realized; it really hit home for me. I agree also that it seems unrealistic that the hospital would not wait for Bill to arrive before yanking the plug on his mom. And I was sure there was going to be a plot-derived reason revealed for the change in Margaret's living will. But those things served to confirm Bill's utter uselessness as a human being -- berating his sister, again, over the phone, and then not showing up before his mother dies. I think they said she was an organ donor maybe that's why they had to go ahead and take her. Edited February 9, 2016 by festivus 4 Link to comment
Sandman February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 (edited) I was distracted by the idea that the "suburban lady" had a trash compactor. I mean, not that Trash Man wasn't a compelling and creepy presence, but -- people still have those? Also, Suburban Lady? Scary Tulpa the Thought-Form Trashman is in front of you. The nearest door is at your back, and just beyond it, your car is waiting. Why run past the scary monster, through the house towards the furthest and, apparently, the most securely and recalcitrantly locked, exit available? I mean, I know nobody practices their emergency home evacuation plan, but, c'mon, Suburban Lady, you can do better than this! Edited February 9, 2016 by Sandman 5 Link to comment
ksb February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I liked various parts of the episode individually. However, the story as a whole felt uneven with quite a few cringeworthy moments, first and foremost, of course, "Fox"; that was just so OOC for Scully. The stronghold of the episode was everything MSR and everything Scully/Ma Scully, although the final scene was lacking because of the clunky dialogue. In the first bit of the conversation I didn't feel GA, which never happens. Given what she had to say, it's understandable though. And no matter how often she keeps stating otherwise, it was her and her (stupid) decision alone to give William up for adoption. Mulder didn't have any say in it, at least, that's what has been established as canon since "The Truth". All in all, the two storylines just didn't fit together, and the effort it took to mesh one with the other made the whole thing come off a tad artificial and contrived. My personal highlight of this episode was the way Mulder treated Scully: the way he was just there, looked at her, touched her, held her, talked to her, didn't talk to her, just let her be. Major kudos to DD for that portrayal, which struck a major chord with me. It's just like old times: MSR at its most powerful, a deep connection that doesn't need any words. So beautiful. 6 Link to comment
joelene February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I agree with everyone saying it felt like two episodes battling it out, fighting for attention. I liked both components a whole lot and I enjoyed the episode, but between this, the William fantasy-filled Founder's Mutation and the comedy episode (which I loved, btw), I am kind of bummed that we're not gonna get just a straight up regular MotW episode without all these distractions. 1 Link to comment
threebluestars February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I agree with those saying it felt like a classic, old-school X-Files episode. You can always count on Glen Morgan to ruin an upbeat song with gruesome murder lol. It's been really odd but I've recognised so many more locations they're shooting at during this run over the original. Not sure why - but I recognised streets, buildings, parks, and in Were Monster, I even knew what cell phone store it was. Either I'm more attuned to looking or the show isn't hiding things like it used to, but I actually love being able to recognise my city in the show. 4 Link to comment
Tardislass February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I agree with everyone saying it felt like two episodes battling it out, fighting for attention. I liked both components a whole lot and I enjoyed the episode, but between this, the William fantasy-filled Founder's Mutation and the comedy episode (which I loved, btw), I am kind of bummed that we're not gonna get just a straight up regular MotW episode without all these distractions. that is why I am hopeful that there will be a sense of closure about William-at least after the first episode of next season. Not in the big happy family way but Scullywill find out about Will and hopefully he is mostly a normal boy. I'd bet he has also been searching for answers as well, given his parentage 1 Link to comment
Nutjob February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I definitely thought GA knocked this one out of the park. The scene where she was sitting in the car waiting for Mulder, who was in the paint store--her face perfectly conveyed that empty feeling you have when you lose a loved one. When my dad died a few years ago, I remember sitting at work having that feeling... you're just numb, trying to process what just happened. I'm honestly surprised this arc of episodes has been so focused on William, especially since I recall that not being a favorite story line of many fans. Since I'm a mom now, it doesn't bother me like it did in the original run, but I can see why a lot of people wouldn't want them to spend this much time on it. I do hope they resolve it or go somewhere worthwhile with it, though. 3 Link to comment
Apocalypse Cow February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 Did anyone else think that the graffiti artist was less innocent than how he was portrayed. I definitely got a mastermind vibe from him at the end when he was leaving--- like his job was done, now off to the next place to murder folks. 5 Link to comment
festivus February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I'm honestly surprised this arc of episodes has been so focused on William, especially since I recall that not being a favorite story line of many fans. Since I'm a mom now, it doesn't bother me like it did in the original run, but I can see why a lot of people wouldn't want them to spend this much time on it. I do hope they resolve it or go somewhere worthwhile with it, though. I was frustrated with this story during the original run but I am one of the fans that really needs to know what happened to William. I just get the feeling we still aren't going to find out what happened and well that's just The Show. I'd like to be wrong though. 1 Link to comment
baileythedog February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I was frustrated with this story during the original run but I am one of the fans that really needs to know what happened to William. I just get the feeling we still aren't going to find out what happened and well that's just The Show. I'd like to be wrong though. I wasn't frustrated with the William storyline until they turned him into the Christ-child and then adopted him out. It seemed like a nonsense end to a storyline that had been Scully's main focus for so long. But even if there were going to be further movies (or series) that dealt with colonization, I always assumed that William would necessarily have to be part of it, one way or the other. Am I the only one that interpreted the boy in the S9 opening credits as William? It looked like a 12 year old boy to me, who would match up with the 2012 colonization date. I understand why we're seeing this depiction of William now as we are. They need to figure out their relation to him, and what it can be, before any true colonization event happens. (Whether it's alien colonization or whatever Mulder believes now.) 2 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray February 9, 2016 Author Share February 9, 2016 I wasn't frustrated with the William storyline until they turned him into the Christ-child and then adopted him out. It seemed like a nonsense end to a storyline that had been Scully's main focus for so long. But even if there were going to be further movies (or series) that dealt with colonization, I always assumed that William would necessarily have to be part of it, one way or the other. Am I the only one that interpreted the boy in the S9 opening credits as William? It looked like a 12 year old boy to me, who would match up with the 2012 colonization date. I understand why we're seeing this depiction of William now as we are. They need to figure out their relation to him, and what it can be, before any true colonization event happens. (Whether it's alien colonization or whatever Mulder believes now.) Word. I hated that story line with a passion. And it's one reason I don't like religious XF episodes. Very well said. Link to comment
snarktini February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 (edited) For those asking why she'd have her brother's full name in her phone, that's normal to me. My phone is linked to my desktop contacts application which has whole names for everyone I know, down to a Jr if needed to differentiate. In Bill's case, the Jr is probably overkill considering there's no longer a Sr -- was probably a directorial decision to visually confirm "brother" for casual viewers, not to be confused with Scully's dad or son. Edited February 9, 2016 by snarktini 2 Link to comment
Tardislass February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 Word. I hated that story line with a passion. And it's one reason I don't like religious XF episodes. Very well said. Let's not forget the light in the sky and the three wise men aka LGM bringing gifts. Just no. 3 Link to comment
TattleTeeny February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 And one was ripped to pieces over the jaunty strains of "Downtown". Shades of Home, anyone? When I saw the episode's title, I was truly hoping that it was a a real-deal recall to Home. Link to comment
DaynaPhile February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I loved it! The actual X file was secondary for me, I really watch for M&S. They did a fabulous job, their characters have evolved over the years and how they interact have too. The way Mulder just held her, or touched her gently, and let her talk and much love. Throwbacks to Home, Arcadia, love those. Their short conversation as they sat in the hospital, the dark wizard line, I'm eating it up. The way Scully was looking at him, like she's realizing again that he is everything to her. The heels comments, all the flashlight moments, I'm just a big melty puddle right now. Gillian's emotions were spot on and I love her for it. I'm pretty sure we'll never know what the quarter means. It will drive me batty and I'll have to make up my own reason, Scully seemed to have tried everything and didn't come up with a connection. Maybe it was in the envelope of personal effects when Pa Scully died. I hear people talking that the final ep is supposed to be a cliffhanger? Argh... 5 Link to comment
Tara Ariano February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! I'm Stuck On X-Files, 'Cause X-Files Is Stuck On MeGolem? Damn near killed 'em! Link to comment
Tardislass February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 More good news. Last night's episode:FOX | The X-Files (8.3 mil/2.5) dipped but still led the night in the 18-34 demo. Only a 0.1 decrease from last weeks.These numbers are good for a 20 year old revival and shows that there is a solid core of about 8 million fans who will watch it live each week.So CC is in the catbird seat. I think it's going to be timing, availability and pay that determine in what shape and form the show will return. I'd be surprised if FOX isn't pushing for another TV series. 5 Link to comment
SmithW6079 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 ...Bill's utter uselessness as a human being -- berating his sister, again, over the phone, and then not showing up before his mother dies.Because he was in Germany, trying to get a flight home. As for "berating" Scully, maybe he's upset because his mother's in a coma and he's thousands of miles away, feeling helpless. 1 Link to comment
SparklesBitch February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 So upon rewatching, I liked the scene at the end a lot more than I did the first time. Paying more attention to Mulder helped. =) I agree, he was definitely comforting her and helping the best way he knew how: by just letting her vent. It really was beautifully executed. There were only two flaws in that scene as I see it. The first was hearing her call him Fox. I just can't. I hate it when they use each others' first names. It doesn't feel nearly as genuine as their last names. Also, I still don't like Scully's last line about treating William like trash. I get what they were trying to do, the parallel they were trying to draw, but "treating William like trash"? No. she didn't discard him without thought, without care. She did the best she could at the time. Giving him up might have been boneheaded, but she genuinely thought it was in her child's best interests at the time. I can't fault that. I know guilt is guilt and logic be damned, but the trash thing is still too much for me. The way she cries though...good lord, I will never not feel for Scully. Dammit Gillian, causing me such heartbreak! We need some happy!Scully scenes so that we can hear her really laugh for once as part of the show. Also, I missed the first time just how sad Mulder looks after Scully demands they drive to back to Philly so she can work. After she grabs her bag and coat and books it down the hallway, he's left behind to just stare after her looking for all the world like his heart has been damn near shattered by just hurting for her. Every so often there are moments where I realize that for all my GA fangirling, I forget to fully appreciate DD. He really did a fabulous job in this episode as well. He was subtlety sympathetic and supportive and perfect. I can't get enough of Mulder and Scully at Ma Scully's bedside in particular. Mulder knows her so completely, and so he's able to gives her exactly what she needs. His "I'm here" made my heart smile. I hope we find out what the significance of Ma Scully's coin necklace is....I'm very curious about that. Not holding my breath for answers, but it would be nice. And back to GA fangirling....I feel a little dirty saying this, but I'm loving these partially unbuttoned dress shirts Scully's been wearing. It might be the wrong thread for this, but I do wish she'd wear a little less makeup as Scully. I feel as though I've been spoiled by the comparatively fresh faced look she's been rocking in The Fall. 8 Link to comment
baileythedog February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 So upon rewatching, I liked the scene at the end a lot more than I did the first time. Paying more attention to Mulder helped. =) I agree, he was definitely comforting her and helping the best way he knew how: by just letting her vent. It really was beautifully executed. There were only two flaws in that scene as I see it. The first was hearing her call him Fox. I just can't. I hate it when they use each others' first names. It doesn't feel nearly as genuine as their last names. Also, I still don't like Scully's last line about treating William like trash. I get what they were trying to do, the parallel they were trying to draw, but "treating William like trash"? No. she didn't discard him without thought, without care. She did the best she could at the time. Giving him up might have been boneheaded, but she genuinely thought it was in her child's best interests at the time. I can't fault that. I know guilt is guilt and logic be damned, but the trash thing is still too much for me. The way she cries though...good lord, I will never not feel for Scully. Dammit Gillian, causing me such heartbreak! We need some happy!Scully scenes so that we can hear her really laugh for once as part of the show. Also, I missed the first time just how sad Mulder looks after Scully demands they drive to back to Philly so she can work. After she grabs her bag and coat and books it down the hallway, he's left behind to just stare after her looking for all the world like his heart has been damn near shattered by just hurting for her. Every so often there are moments where I realize that for all my GA fangirling, I forget to fully appreciate DD. He really did a fabulous job in this episode as well. He was subtlety sympathetic and supportive and perfect. I can't get enough of Mulder and Scully at Ma Scully's bedside in particular. Mulder knows her so completely, and so he's able to gives her exactly what she needs. His "I'm here" made my heart smile. I hope we find out what the significance of Ma Scully's coin necklace is....I'm very curious about that. Not holding my breath for answers, but it would be nice. And back to GA fangirling....I feel a little dirty saying this, but I'm loving these partially unbuttoned dress shirts Scully's been wearing. It might be the wrong thread for this, but I do wish she'd wear a little less makeup as Scully. I feel as though I've been spoiled by the comparatively fresh faced look she's been rocking in The Fall. I think for me it was just that there was too much in the episode to really allow the "trash" metaphor to percolate, particularly as it pertains to William. But I do truly understand the sentiment. My oldest nephew Logan (15) was adopted as a baby from birth. He has always known he was adopted and I guess it is somewhat open although thankfully there is no contact with his birth mother. She was a mess. My younger nephew Truman was not adopted--he's 6 years younger and absolutely adores Logan. (As, obviously, we all do.) When he was finally told that Logan was adopted, (probably around age 4-5) he was shocked. His first statement was "Who would throw Logan away?" I think no matter what your intentions are with adoption---and undoubtedly it's usually done for the benefit of the child---that feeling of "disposal" creeps in whether that was the fact of the matter or not. 3 Link to comment
festivus February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 So upon rewatching, I liked the scene at the end a lot more than I did the first time. Paying more attention to Mulder helped. =) I plan to rewatch the episode tomorrow but I don't know if I can do that. I truly do find it hard to look away from GA. I guess I'll have to watch more than once. I did love the scene at the hospital when he called and there he was at the door. I do look at DD sometimes I swear! I will also be looking for the scene with the crossed flashlights, missed it the first time. That's one reason I love this board so much. One thing I did notice at the begining was the homeless relocation sign having yesterday's date and then the one for later having today's date. I just thought that little touch was cool. 1 Link to comment
eleanorofaquitaine February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Also, I missed the first time just how sad Mulder looks after Scully demands they drive to back to Philly so she can work. After she grabs her bag and coat and books it down the hallway, he's left behind to just stare after her looking for all the world like his heart has been damn near shattered by just hurting for her. Every so often there are moments where I realize that for all my GA fangirling, I forget to fully appreciate DD. He really did a fabulous job in this episode as well. He was subtlety sympathetic and supportive and perfect. I can't get enough of Mulder and Scully at Ma Scully's bedside in particular. Mulder knows her so completely, and so he's able to gives her exactly what she needs. His "I'm here" made my heart smile. As Mulder, Duchovney can be so smirky and arrogant (though part of what I've liked about him this time around is that we have seen Mulder's growth beyond his smirkiness) but what he's always, always been brilliant at is conveying how deeply important Scully is to Mulder. I read something in the past few weeks where Chris Carter said that Mulder basically fell in love with Scully as soon as she walked into his office in the premiere. At the time, I thought that didn't seem quite right but as last night's episode reminded us, Mulder became attached to Scully very early on. So to some extent, Duchovney has played the character as love with Scully since some time in season 1. What I really like about it this time around, though, is that there's no pretense about it. It's kind of nice to see Mulder not trying to hide it. He loves her. She will forever be the most important person in his life. And Duchovney is doing a great job with that. 7 Link to comment
Bastet February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 For all my DD issues back in the day, he's pretty much always had a handle on what Scully means to Mulder (I love the "human credential" line). This time around, I'm not sure how much of it is the scripts and how much is his portrayal, but I am loving Mulder in a way I never did before and finally thinking it's possible for him to be a healthy life partner for Scully. This episode was a terrific illustration of that; their interaction was spot on based on what we've seen before, but better in a way that suggests such possibilities. I've re-watched, and still think there were two good stories crammed together in a way that lessened the final product (and distracted from a good MOTW), making a really good old-school XF episode less than it should be, but I've long since been in this for Scully, and the interaction between the two of them. On that front, minus the "Fox" nonsense, it delivered. The actors are nailing the hell out of this revival. 7 Link to comment
shanndee February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I'm happy to hear that so many people are enjoying this new season. I, however, am afraid that it has put the final nail in the coffin of my X-Files fandom. For me, it was handicapped right from the start when it became apparent that the focus was going to be the one storyline that I hated with the intensity of the heat from 1000 suns. William. Grr. Snarl. Hiss. Even without this, the series has yet to truly speak to me (and it meant so much to me in its original run). I have only really liked one episode so far. :( But, as someone pointed out to me on another forum...TV has changed a lot since the original run of the X-Files. I guess my tastes have changed with it, and this episode showed me that I really can't go home again. (pardon the pun). Since there are only 2 episodes left I will see this to the end. After that, if there is another season, I will rely on your reviews and live vicariously through you. Have fun everyone, I hope you continue to enjoy the journey! :) Link to comment
supposebly February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I was actually glad for a bit levity between the family drama. I remember avoiding Emily and the other one for years because it's just so overwrought with sacrifice and death and dead children and being "barren". Ugh. So, although I didn't think it fit, I was glad to have a bit of an interruption. DD has vastly improved as an actor, now I am wondering if I should check out Californication. I remember checking out an episode or two at the beginning and found him to be a sleazy Mulder. Which I didn't think I need in my life. Loved the hospital which has been in many X-files and supernatural episodes and the Bandaid Nose Man was also a Gholem on Supernatural back when I still watched. I would have liked to have a bit more from Mrs Scully. I always liked the character a lot. Yes that final trash line from Scully at the end was terrible. But GA can sell almost anything. So now I'm actually curious about William. Although I'm not sure I want to see teenage-angsty William yelling at his parents for abandoning him. I couldn't help but giggle at the tulpa or whatever it was taking out the trash. I was wondering why he would leave some pieces behind though. Overall, I liked the monster. Link to comment
baileythedog February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) DD has vastly improved as an actor, now I am wondering if I should check out Californication. I remember checking out an episode or two at the beginning and found him to be a sleazy Mulder. Which I didn't think I need in my life. "Back in the day" I didn't have near the problem with DD that I am guessing many here have. (From reading the comments.) Although I think his range is more limited than GA's, I've never felt him to be a poor actor and I think TV is definitely his wheelhouse. "Californication", by subject matter, wouldn't be my first choice for a comedy, but I went into it being a fan of DD's. And he rocks it, he really does. He makes this totally hedonistic fuck up of a guy someone you actually root for as he shows over and over again how he's his own worst enemy. And there is really nothing Mulder about it, nothing at all. It's raunchy, of course, but in retrospect, the pilot episode of "Cali" does an excellent job setting up the characters and the series. The first 4 seasons are the best and complete the main character arc, in my opinion. The show drags after that (cash cow!) and definitely goes at least one season too long, but I do think there's some really good work on display in the first four seasons. I may not be objective. Edited February 10, 2016 by baileythedog Link to comment
tennisgurl February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 So...was there a second trash Golem driving the truck around? GA and DD just killed it in this episode. Just so much great acting, and their chemistry and comfort with each other was just perfectly done. They really have slipped back effortlessly into a partnership, and into these roles. Plus this episode gave Scully something to do, after last weeks Mulder centric episode. GA is just a wonderful crier. 1 Link to comment
Finis Terre February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 An interesting and plausible explanation of the coin necklace was offered by this reviewer: "If you are familiar with the Bible, you get a vibe from the prodigal son parable told by Jesus where the older son who was righteous is jealous of his younger brother who returns from wickedness and his treated like a king by their father who is just grateful that his younger son has returned. In this episode, Scully is questioning why her mother is calling for the estranged son and not for her two living children who have always been there for her. As Scully relates to Mulder, Margaret just wanted to make sure that Charlie, the estranged son, was all right. I think that is why Margaret was wearing the quarter around her neck. A quarter is worth ¼ of a dollar. Margaret Scully has four children, but 1 of the 4 is estranged from her and she is concerned for his well-being like any mother would be." 2 Link to comment
Sculltaclove February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 All the Mulder/Scully interactions had me in fangirl heaven. The way Mulder was there for her, all the touching... I can hardly believe we are getting this new material after all these years. My favorite moment was when Scully started freaking about the gurney and Mulder just takes her in her arms to calm her. 5 Link to comment
SparklesBitch February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) I think no matter what your intentions are with adoption---and undoubtedly it's usually done for the benefit of the child---that feeling of "disposal" creeps in whether that was the fact of the matter or not. I never thought of it that way. I've never known anyone who was adopted or anyone who gave up a child, and the idea of a child thinking they were disposed of when that wasn't at all the intent makes my heart hurt. One thing I did notice at the begining was the homeless relocation sign having yesterday's date and then the one for later having today's date. I just thought that little touch was cool. I liked that too! What I really like about it this time around, though, is that there's no pretense about it. It's kind of nice to see Mulder not trying to hide it. He loves her. She will forever be the most important person in his life. And Duchovney is doing a great job with that. He is, and I love him for it. That's a large part of why I love this revival so much. They've grown and changed, both together and individually and their relationship is more mature, comfortable and strong. They might not always get along or see everything the same way or like each other very much. Hell, Scully isn't even living with him anymore, but that hasn't changed the fact that they are each the most important person in each others' lives. They don't have to try to hide the love that's there. Scully doesn't have to be so reserved with her emotions. There's no point. They know each other inside and out and are still deeply in love. I think CC gets that, but more importantly, GA and DD get that and nobody has to tell us, they just show us in everything they do on screen together, and they're nailing it. For all my DD issues back in the day, he's pretty much always had a handle on what Scully means to Mulder (I love the "human credential" line). This time around, I'm not sure how much of it is the scripts and how much is his portrayal, but I am loving Mulder in a way I never did before and finally thinking it's possible for him to be a healthy life partner for Scully. This episode was a terrific illustration of that; their interaction was spot on based on what we've seen before, but better in a way that suggests such possibilities. Yep, yep, yep. =) An interesting and plausible explanation of the coin necklace was offered by this reviewer: "If you are familiar with the Bible, you get a vibe from the prodigal son parable told by Jesus where the older son who was righteous is jealous of his younger brother who returns from wickedness and his treated like a king by their father who is just grateful that his younger son has returned. In this episode, Scully is questioning why her mother is calling for the estranged son and not for her two living children who have always been there for her. As Scully relates to Mulder, Margaret just wanted to make sure that Charlie, the estranged son, was all right. I think that is why Margaret was wearing the quarter around her neck. A quarter is worth ¼ of a dollar. Margaret Scully has four children, but 1 of the 4 is estranged from her and she is concerned for his well-being like any mother would be." I like this explanation a lot, actually. I think it works with what we know about faith in the Scully family. Very interesting. Edited February 10, 2016 by SparklesBitch 2 Link to comment
millennium February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Seeing four of the six episodes squandered on shitty stories and fan service reminds of the two morons in "Je Souhaite" from the original series, each wasting their three wishes on the first idiotic impulses that pop into their heads. Just two left. The problem with Mulder and Scully giving up William is that it was never believable. We're supposed to buy that Dana Scully, who was affected so deeply and poignantly by the little girl she thought could be her daughter, would actually hand over her flesh and blood child to strangers to protect him from alien worshippers. Right. The whole thing was too facile. It was a writer's dodge, a convenient way to wriggle out of a storyline that could have quickly become problematic for the show. There was nothing genuine about it. We didn't feel for Scully. We didn't really care about William. It all seemed as saccharine and phony as the kumbaya version of "Michael Row Your Boat Ashore" used in that episode. That's why today all the hand-wringing over William is almost unbearable. Mulder and Scully didn't seem too busted up about it back when it happened, but now we're supposed to see this non-event from the past as defining their lives in the present. I'm still not feeling it. I don't know what to make of Duchovny's performance. Mulder always made a quip or two at scenes of the crime, but now instead of Spooky Mulder he's coming on like Shecky Mulder. Everything's a joke. Sam and Dean Winchester as fake FBI agents exhibit more professionalism at a crime scene than Mulder does now. Did Scully stumble into a Tove Lo video as she fled the hospital? Finally, I'm with the poster above who noted this episode's similarities to the trash tulpa episode "Arcadia." Talk about recycling garbage. Edited February 10, 2016 by millennium 1 Link to comment
Sandman February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Because he was in Germany, trying to get a flight home. As for "berating" Scully, maybe he's upset because his mother's in a coma and he's thousands of miles away, feeling helpless. That may be true, but Bill had a consistent pattern of anger and aggression towards his sister whenever the character was shown onscreen. He should be able to recognize that she's feeling just as helpless and alone. Link to comment
Jac February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 That may be true, but Bill had a consistent pattern of anger and aggression towards his sister whenever the character was shown onscreen. He should be able to recognize that she's feeling just as helpless and alone. I understand why Bill would feel some degree of anger towards Scully which is largely manifested as aggression. I suspect that in his mind he still blames Scully for Melissa's death and maybe even, with far less justification, the death of their parents (or that the very least he feels a deep resentment that Scully got to spend time with both of the shortly before/as they died). And I feel that while he should have been able to recognise and acknowledge Scully's feelings, human emotion is never that simple. 1 Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Scully sounded like she was trying to convince him to come in general, at first. Then later that there'd still be time. Whether or not he thought he'd get there before his mom died is irrelevant to me though. Your mom is in the hospital dying you do everything you can to get there as soon as possible. You don't hem and haw and wonder if it's worth it. You go. Period. End of story. My brother was in the Air Force, stationed in Okinawa when my grandpa died. He managed to get him in 24 hours, home being MI. So that was literally half way around the world. Bill was in Frankfurt, a much easier commute. 3 Link to comment
Italian Ice February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I just can't forgive Bill after throwing Scully's infertility in her face in the most callous way possible. 3 Link to comment
Jac February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Finally, I'm with the poster above who noted this episode's similarities to the trash tulpa episode "Arcadia." The key difference being that while Arcadia might not have been a particularly deep episode, it was fun, while this episode very much wasn't. 1 Link to comment
eleanorofaquitaine February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) I don't have any issues with Bill not being able to get there in time. I do have issues with him being as high-handed as usual in his dealings with Scully. He's her brother and she loves him, and that's why she constantly forgives him for his behavior but the reality is that he doesn't seem to ever acknowledge that she is in pain. Plus, of course, he (somewhat understandably) hates Mulder. One more thing on DD's acting - to some extent, I've always thought he was derided because it was a lot easier to see, in his interviews, the similarities between Mulder and Duchovney than it was Scully and Gillian Anderson. I mean, even going back to the 1990s, you'd see an interview with Gillian Anderson and you'd be hard pressed to understand how this giggly, flighty-seeming woman could play the serious Scully so well. But Duchovney always came off as much as a smart-aleck as Mulder himself. So there was less of a contrast between actor and character. But I don't think that was always fair to what he was able to do with Mulder. (That being said, overall, I think that Gillian Anderson's range is probably a bit more extensive than Duchovney's. I hesitate to say that she's a better actor because I think that they actually bring the best out of each other, but I do think that she's able to do more with a variety of characters then he does). Edited February 10, 2016 by eleanorofaquitaine 3 Link to comment
millennium February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) The key difference being that while Arcadia might not have been a particularly deep episode, it was fun, while this episode very much wasn't. I think this was a misguided attempt at fun that just fell flat. The frothy, phoned-in MOTW scenario, which had no basis in science OR folklore, was a poor complement to the serious-as-cancer storyline of Mrs. Scully dying. When family members have died in the past, the gravity of the event is echoed in whatever case Mulder and Scully are working on that week. The storylines dovetailed naturally. Not this time. They tried to mix goofy (a smiley face? really?) and deep, and it didn't work. My own suspicion is that the writer jotted down Scully's last line first -- "We have to let William know we didn't treat him like trash" and then backed in to the episode to try to pay it off. This revival blows so far. A pity Mrs. Scully didn't get a DNR order for the show at the same time she got one for herself. Edited February 10, 2016 by millennium Link to comment
Dagny February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 In Bill's case, the Jr is probably overkill considering there's no longer a Sr -- was probably a directorial decision to visually confirm "brother" for casual viewers, not to be confused with Scully's dad or son. I view all cell phone displays as a "for the viewer". I rarely have a person's full name in my cell phone; last name, first name & company or how I know them, etc. I'd think it hilarious if she had Bill Jr as BJ. Link to comment
Bastet February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 The two story lines went together so poorly, I find myself wondering if Glen sat down to write this nice little MOTW and CC told him he had to include this damn ongoing William thread, too, and that's how we wound up offing Mrs. Scully in the midst of investigating the trash tulpa. 1 Link to comment
Sandman February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Considering Scully's history with mysterious messages over the phone, she could probably put some pretty unconventional labels on her contacts list. I'd consider it hilarious (and a minor triumph for Scully's emotional well-being, but I admit I'm jaundiced when it comes to Bill, Jr.) if the entry for her older brother read "My Asshat Brother," or "The Human Eyeroll." For what it's worth, I didn't take the smiley face at the end as an attempt by the show at making it fun -- it seemed as good a way as any for the artist to render the thought-form inert or benign. Ironic, yes. Cutesy? I didn't see it that way. Edited February 11, 2016 by Sandman 2 Link to comment
HalcyonDays February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I don't have any issues with Bill not being able to get there in time. I do have issues with him being as high-handed as usual in his dealings with Scully. I just assumed that they couldn't get the original actor who played Bill Scully Jr. either to agree to return, or he didn't have time in his schedule, so they just wrote around it. The one thing missing I think was a priest by Mrs Scully's bedside - which we've seen in other episodes (for various Scully family members). That is a really nice interpretation, and definitely fits with the family beliefs. But I read some article about Glen Morgan and he said when his mother passed, they found a coin as well with her belongings and they never knew what it meant That's what I read too, and thought it was a touching tribute to his (Glen and Darin Morgan's) mother. 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 The key difference being that while Arcadia might not have been a particularly deep episode, it was fun, while this episode very much wasn't. This ep wasn't meant to be like Arcadia. It was a more serious ep with some lighter moments in it. It's like comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. 1 Link to comment
millennium February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 What's the deal with Scully's scratchy voice? Link to comment
Tardislass February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 This ep wasn't meant to be like Arcadia. It was a more serious ep with some lighter moments in it. It's like comparing apples and oranges in my opinion.Yes this wasn't cute to me &to think that was the point.All the Files dark stories have Mulder quipping and/or goofy guest stars. And it was written to have a moral-not well realized...I think the writers were hampered by two issues, one is that filming was done very quickly. I read the first day back, most of the team had no time to catch up. Secondly, the amount of commercials have changed since 2000. I remember only having 2 or 3 ads each break. Now it seems longer. And finally, yes I think the William memo tied writers' hands. Hopefully next season will be different. For me, the X-Files isn't the same as previously but I'm enjoying the more character focused storylines for the moment. They grown & adjusted and so have I. 1 Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 What's the deal with Scully's scratchy voice? I found nothing wrong with it. I just don't get why people think that there's something wrong with either actors voice. People's voices change as they get older. The only time that I found either ones a bit jarring was during Founder's Mutation and that was due to them both being sick at the time. Link to comment
Sandman February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I wasn't finding anything wrong with their voices, either, but I did find a lot of the dialogue in the episode hard to hear. This was partly from the lowered voices used in the hospital scenes, of course. But, man, my rewind button was getting a workout! ("Mulder's a dork what --? Huh?") 2 Link to comment
Italian Ice February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I definitely have to put the volume all the way up on my TV when I watch this show. The overall sound of it is pretty quiet, but I don't think there's anything wrong with either DD or GA's voices. They've just aged, and so have their voices. 8 million viewers is a TON for FOX, or any network, really. It'll be tough going next Monday, going against the Grammys, but this show has been doing VERY well in the L+3 stats, so that number will hopefully pull up the numbers. Plus, FOX will likely look at DVD/blu-ray sales (the Collector's Set of Seasons 1-9 on Blu Ray has been going in and out of stock for weeks on Amazon), as well as iTunes and Amazon Prime sales of the new episodes. But really, it'll all come down to whether DD and GA want to do it, and if FOX can sweeten the pot enough for them. I can see this realistically coming back for a one-off episode (the 7th episode that was written, but never filmed according to CC, due to time constraints), and release it during May Sweeps, maybe make it 2 hours long, and then film a short 12 episode season, and bring the show back for Fall 2016 4 Link to comment
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