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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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I have no dog in this fight (and, I'm the last to defend FOX, of all networks), but, to me, I don't see how anyone can pass judgement until the last frame of the last episode of S2. THAT will be telling, not, speculation based on (sometimes, false) rumors.


The bolded part is my plan and I’m sticking to it.  I think I'll just stay away from all things SH until then.  But before that, the released "spoiler" didn't put any faith in that released "spoiler".  I'm personally of the belief  SpoilerTV knowingly put out an earlier synopsis as payback for what apparently went down after their last review.    


And with that I'll exit, stage left, on reading anything about SH until after the finale.  . 

Edited by MissAlmond
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That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it.  I'm also personally of the belief  SpoilerTV knowingly put out an earlier synopsis as payback for what apparently went down after their last review.    


That's why I think it's the wrong version/older version. Why would any TV show allow or trust a bunch of individual sites to write up the synopsis for their own episodes. Language matters, as we know. Each synopsis would be too different and biased on context. Getting the audience excited about the episode matters too. Why would any TV network leave it to amateurs (in a way). They want to control the content. I would expect each TV network to write their own synopsis ONCE - ensure it is perfectly correct - then send it out to all of the media and affiliates. It's like sending out a press release. Then you never have errors, and the wording is exactly the way the network/TV show wants. The fact that they mispelled Crane's name once in the synopsis is a hallmark of SpoilerTV. They misspell all of the characters names half of the time.


And I think you are right, MissAlmond - I think SpoilerTV had a little childish tantrum over the comments and retaliated. If you read the comments, you'll see that they were very accepting of anything pro-Katrina, but the moment someone logically pointed out the problems with Katrina using facts, they got all defensive, angry, insulting and started deleting. There was one exchange between three people - the guy who posts general ratings news, the article writer and someone else. The someone else was posting rating facts and correlations, and the other two were slamming that person down, and getting all pissy with him. What kind of media site is this?? Neutrality is the key. Step away from the arguments and shut the hell up. Delete if you are really don't like it, but do not engage and do not respond.

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I have really enjoyed SH.  My major problem was always that KW is not a good actress, at least for this show and for this role.


I had such a visceral reaction to that synopsis that I even surprised myself.  I guess it's still questionable what we will actually get in the finale.  So I will stick with it at least until then.


This is my first venture into fandom.  It's been interesting to read the different opinions on different blogs.  So far this one is the best and most respectful of all opinions.  Thanks!


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My hope is that a network with more competent writers picks it up


The writers don't come from the network.  The production company makes the show; the network buys the rights to air it.  Some networks have production houses, but shows made at one network's production company could air on another network.  The only way a network change forces new writers is if the new network demands it.


The Flash has a leading actress and she's been shoved to the side


Iris West is a supporting role and has been from the beginning.  Joe West is a far more important character in that show; he certainly hasn't been shoved to the side.

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Iris West is a supporting role and has been from the beginning.  Joe West is a far more important character in that show; he certainly hasn't been shoved to the side.

Candice Patton is the lead actress for The Flash.

If you notice, I said lead actress - which she is. I didn't mention whether Iris West was a supporting role or not. Technically everyone on the show besides Barry is in a supporting role - except Candice Patton IS billed as the lead actress on the show.

I don't appreciate how you twisted my words.

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Do you mean she's the first-billed actress?  Because "lead actress" is not a standard industry term.  There is "leading actress," but that is someone who is in a leading role rather than a supporting role.


You say I'm twisting your words; I say I'm trying to interpret what you mean with the words you use.

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Thought this was a bit funny:

@abaiers It'd be cool if empire showed promos for #SleepyHollow during their episodes like we do during our episodes. A boy can dream!

12:39am - 3 Feb 15

The majority of replies were not sympathetic.

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The proliferation of minority characters on so many shows suggests the casting departments -or whoever is responsible for finalizing the casts --are very progressive. The roadblock seems to be in the writer's room where these diverse casts are being done a disservice by rooms full of status quo dude-bros. That the SH writers can't wrap their heads around Abbie being the lead character and felt like the "real" story was with Katrina is a travesty.

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All right being as charitable as possible, perhaps it is a mixture of actor self centeredness and English as a second language that makes her interviews rather tone deaf. Definitely comes across as patronizing about the poor, silly, ignorant fans. I don't know exactly what puts my back up so much.

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I may have had a little sympathy for her if it wasn't for the other interviews she's given all season. I can't find the actual interview but she was going on about Katrina coming into her own by the middle of the season and saying we would all believe in the great love of the Crane's .Now she's all about her character not being defined by the men in her life? Blech. It seems she took fans comments about how her character should've been written and used it as her own criticism. This 180 is kind of funny and makes me wonder if she's actually coming back next season (if there is a next season).

Even funnier, most of her fans only care about her in context of her place as Ichabods wife, as opposed to the general fanbase that wanted a better written character overall.

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I actually feel bad for her, to a degree, I really do blame the bulk of Katrina's failure as a character on the writers and producers, they never gave her any POV, they never gave her agency, I don't think her acting choices helped, but yeah it's mostly their fault. I tend to think actors are the least responsible for how successful a character can be. Case in point I think Nina Dobrev proved herself a fucking amazing actor in the first three seasons of TVD, but when the writing tanked there was zero she could do to ameliorate the awfulness of Elena Gilbert, vampire narcissist bimbo, even while she continued to kick almighty butt as Katherine.


But I also find Winter's attempts to spin the writing and story she's been given as Katrina in S2 as some kind of "negative" when she seemed to be relishing being given more story and essentially competing with Nikki as the romantic and series lead. So mostly I'm like I'm sorry you are in this awkward position where you suck out loud and there's no avoiding how much you suck because there is so much of you sucking, but you wanted that position so..suck it.

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It bugs me how often Winter talks about how she talks to the writers and how the are taking her suggestions. It rubs me the wrong way.  It's one thing so say, "Well, I feel like the writing has changed for Katrina and I'm looking forward to seeing how she evolves.  vs "Oh yes, they are taking my suggestions. " It's diva-adjacent and IMO she's not good enough to be diva-adjacent.

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(Come on, you must admit you have to be slightly interested to see whether Winter can pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)


Having seen the episode, let me quote my magic 8-Ball: "All signs point to NO!"


IMO, the scale should be the number of heads.


That is....no heads for an episode like Deliverance and 5 heads for something like the pilot or Midnight Ride which iMO are still the highwater marks for the show.

Oooh -- 5 Abrahams means an episode sucks. None (all Headless) means it was the best. The more Headlesses and the fewer Abrahams, the better the episode!



One of my go-to sites for recaps recently slaughtered their site, and I've been looking for new news sources. I guess I know one I won't be clicking on now.


TV Juriste is one of my favorites. If thoswe recaps go away (I sympathise with the finances of that decision), I'll be sad.


TPTB could have avoided this altogether by saying Abbie is detained because she is very oddly dressed and a woman alone with no identity.

Octavia Butler handled this concept extremely well in Kindred (a modern black woman transported back to 1815 Maryland. But you're right -- I doubt these writers could pull it off.


Edited to correct details of Kindred.

Edited by jhlipton
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It bugs me how often Winter talks about how she talks to the writers and how the are taking her suggestions. It rubs me the wrong way. It's one thing so say, "Well, I feel like the writing has changed for Katrina and I'm looking forward to seeing how she evolves. vs "Oh yes, they are taking my suggestions. " It's diva-adjacent and IMO she's not good enough to be diva-adjacent.

It irks me too and I can't really explain why. I've only read a few of her interviews but they always mention how she has the ear of the writers. They discussed her character's progression in season 1, that she wouldn't be used much but would come into her own in season 2. How she talked to the writers about her character arc recently and how wonderful and surprising it would be for the audience. Now apparently they took her suggestions again about making Katrina a powerful character in her own right, doesn't need to be defined by a man.

Who knew KW was writing the show, actually now that I think about it, that kind of explains a lot!

Edited by Limelight
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It irks me too and I can't really explain why. I've only read a few of her interviews but they always mention how she has the ear of the writers. They discussed her character's progression in season 1, that she wouldn't be used much but would come into her own in season 2. How she talked to the writers about her character arc recently and how wonderful and surprising it would be for the audience. Now apparently they took her suggestions again about making Katrina a powerful character in her own right, doesn't need to be defined by a man.

Who knew KW was writing the show, actually now that I think about it, that kind of explains a lot!

Oh, she seems like she knows how to get what she wants for sure. She just may be able to pull off the character as a manipulative, evil character that the audience hates. I think many of us would love to have a character that we hate--not because of poor writing (or perhaps acting) but because that's what the show (and we) want. Get the character and the audience's feelings in synch and the problem of Katrina becomes a strength. I grind my teeth every time she's on the screen now but make that response part of the story-- not anger over the writers failings. Let us know that's your purpose writers and we'll be behind you. When her just retribution comes, we'll stand up and cheer!

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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Candice Patton is the lead actress for The Flash.If you notice, I said lead actress - which she is. I didn't mention whether Iris West was a supporting role or not. Technically everyone on the show besides Barry is in a supporting role - except Candice Patton IS billed as the lead actress on the show.I don't appreciate how you twisted my words.

Unlike what Nicole has endured with Goffman, tptb are supportive of Patton.

Shutting down the racist fandom at every turn.

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From the interview...


In Season 1, she wasn't really established, and there was this huge fan base established for Abbie.





So, it is because we didn't get more Katrina in season 1 that is causing the problem?  LOL


Keep telling yourself that, KW!

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And that is a perfect example of how IMO it seems like  KW feels slighted because she is sort of whining and saying " But Nicole took MY fanbase".  I picture her stomping her foot and crossing her arms. 

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From the interview...




So, it is because we didn't get more Katrina in season 1 that is causing the problem?  LOL


Keep telling yourself that, KW!

Everytime she opens her mouth she sounds more and more like an entitled you know what. She actually thinks she's in competition with Nicole - the LEAD.

I can't with her.

Edited by phoenics
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TV Juriste is one of my favorites. If thoswe recaps go away (I sympathise with the finances of that decision), I'll be sad.



No ma'am. TV Juriste is not going anywhere. It will be getting bigger soon - upgrading my server and recruiting freelance writers. 


Of the upcoming spring shows, I'm trying to decide whether to cover GOT, Orphan Black, Mad Men.  I already know I need to find someone for House of Cards.

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LOL - you beat me to it cynic. All I can do is hope that they don't find a direction for Katrina for S3 so she can go away. Forever.

That interview makes me think she's not going to make it to Season 3, not even just because of what she said, but the fact that this is the second recent interview from her. It makes me think her publicist/agent/manager are trying to raise her profile to land a new gig.


They need to do some more media training with her, though. It was a little tacky to complain about Abbie's fan base. Mison and Orlando Jones also have large fan bases; why refer to Abbie's fan base.


She's  . . . interesting. (that's my favorite euphemism when I really want to say something a little stronger). :D

Edited by TV Juriste
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I didn't understand how comments about Abbie's fanbase...Abbie is the lead. Someone must have told her that she was equal to Nicole/Abbie and the fans gave her a reality check. 


TV Juriste...interesting is my word as well when I want to say something else. 

Edited by venusnv80
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I've tended to think that some of the issues with the show's "vision" for Katrina were summed up by the way they had her trussed up in tight restrictive clothing with little to do other than assume pretty poses.  Her main function has been as a "bosom moving through Society with the jewels displayed upon it, attracting general admiration." It's interesting to me that Katia seems quite content about the eye-candy aspect of her character's look and when she talks about agency, she segues into talk about exciting action sequences. It's like she thinks wire rigs and more time in the centre of things will fix what's wrong about the character. I'll add my voice to those not impressed with her talk of speaking up about what would be best for her character. I was willing to cut her some slack the first time she brought it up in an interview, but enough already, It comes off as pompous and silly. No matter how I try to look at it she sounds like a fool.


Someone else could have had exactly the same weak material to work with and done more to give the character inner life, I don't think that has anything to do with whether or not the wig-stand is difficult to write for, even though I do feel there are problems with the overall writing for the character.

Edited by yuggapukka
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She did claim she signed on as a co-lead for the first season but doesn't that conflict with Katrina originally being killed off after like 1 episode? But then just because she signed to be a co-lead of 4 and listed 4th in the credits....doesn't mean she was supposed to be in ALL the episodes.

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In Season 1, she wasn't really established, and there was this huge fan base established for Abbie.

That's pretty nasty toward Beharie, as well, that Nicole got a fan base, not because she's a far better actress than Katia, but because she got more lines.  I hope now Katrina dies in a fire, gone forever.  


I know porn actresses who are more supportive of each other than this dolt.

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For some reason this stupid article has been bugging me all day. I don't know if it's her obvious entitlement or her backtracking on her enjoyment of her storylines. This may seem petty but if the best your co-actors come up with from working with you is you're the funniest on the set, maybe that's the problem. Anyway, I've gone from apathy towards her character to actively hoping she dies this season. Congrats writers or whoever, Katrina has now surpassed Bill Compton as a character I want to see gone forever.

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And that is a perfect example of how IMO it seems like  KW feels slighted because she is sort of whining and saying " But Nicole took MY fanbase".  I picture her stomping her foot and crossing her arms. 

And running to whomever saying "DO SOMETHING!"

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In Season 1, she wasn't really established, and there was this huge fan base established for Abbie.



Ugh.  I agree this is a tone-deaf observation on her part.  What?  Does she think if she were featured more somehow Abbie wouldn't have such a big fanbase?  Newsflash, I actually started watching the show because of Nikki Beharie's lead role. 


And why single out Abbie?  Jenny developed a huge fanbase too, as did both Irving and Ichabod.  


I have never had an opinion of her as a person but with each interview she gives I can feel my side eye developing.

Edited by DearEvette
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 Quote                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "In Season 1, she wasn't really established, and there was this huge fan base established for Abbie".



Sounds to me like she's jealous.   


In one of Goffman's many) interviews (don't remember which one), he said the writers were sitting around the table and he said what if we bring a powerful witch into the mix (to bring in the 18-49 white male demographic) and everybody liked it. NEWS FLASH Goffman, my husband, brother-in-law and son who are all in that demographic, have been watching since the pilot BECAUSE THEY LIKED THE 2 WITNESSES  and the wackiness . You pretty much already had all that demographic you were going to get.   


(Okay, realizing I'm preaching to the choir, coming down off my soapbox and slinking off)                                                                                                                                                              

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They need to do some more media training with her, though. It was a little tacky to complain about Abbie's fan base. Mison and Orlando Jones also have large fan bases; why refer to Abbie's fan base.

I think it's clear why. She's resentful and seems to think she's on the same level as Nicole - I honestly believe that she thought she was going to rise to the lead on this show - everything she's done points to it. That Ichabbie tweet right before Deliverance (with the promo for Deliverance attached)? That read like she was gleeful about the storyline she was getting and wanted to stick it to the Ichabbie fans.

She's entitled.

She thinks/thought she was going to get all of this screen time and take over the show and reduce Nicole's Abbie to a side kick with a gun while she got all the screen time.

Pittura Informante was clearly supposed to be her "coming out" episode. I shudder to think what the last 3 episodes were going to look like had the ratings not fallen into the toilet.

There must be some really good weed up in that writer's room for them to think they could get away with pimping her as lead over NB.

She did claim she signed on as a co-lead for the first season but doesn't that conflict with Katrina originally being killed off after like 1 episode? But then just because she signed to be a co-lead of 4 and listed 4th in the credits....doesn't mean she was supposed to be in ALL the episodes.

There is a difference between doing a pilot and signing on for a show.

The show had to be picked up first before anyone could sign on. I think after the show was picked up, the writers changed their minds about killing her off.

From another forum,previews to "What Lies Beneath"











Abbie has curls!

LMBO! Ichabod gave Calvin the "Katrina" finger! LMAO!!! Same look of abject irritation...

Man - Ichabbie is on fire in that clip.

And why single out Abbie?  Jenny developed a huge fanbase too, as did both Irving and Ichabod.

Add her comments about Abbie's fan base to her assertion that Ichabbie would "ruin the show" and you have your answer. It's pure jealousy and the knowledge that Ichabbie and Abbie are hugely popular. She saw herself as an equal and Ichatrina as "equal" to Ichabbie (or more than Ichabbie) and she got served.

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I find it utterly delusional that this woman whose character originally died twice in the 1st season and was nowhere to be seen while doing promo(that was all Nicole, Tom, & Orlando) somehow thought she should be as popular as the lead actress.


I think it's disgusting that those in charge and the writers never sat her down and told her she was not the center of the story.


I'm ALSO annoyed that I know at one point she and Lyndie were roommates and adored each other so it makes me mad that Katia seems so terrible. 

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Hmmmm if they are coming back, I think they'll be paired with Empire - because Fox is apparently working on a pilot for X-men... and obviously they'd pair it with Gotham.

Empire just hit a record with its ratings. That show is legit. The last episode had me on the edge of my seat and shocked and appalled when the credits came on because it flew by on me and left me with a slight cliff hanger.

The SH writers need to really think about S3 and milk Ichabbie for all its worth. They have another chance to try to get things back on track - they need to capitalize on it.

Pairing it with Empire could give it a huge boost if they learn how to write for PoC characters and not a bunch of stereotypes.

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I think it's disgusting that those in charge and the writers never sat her down and told her she was not the center of the story.



I suspect the problem is the opposite, they sat her down and told her she would be central to the narrative, hence the writing for this season and her character plus her excitement about it going in. I don't think they did her any favours  in the long run, given what they came up with.

Edited by yuggapukka
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It seems to be official that there will be a third season. Aaron Baiers says in a tweet "We're coming back. Sadly just don't know when they'll announce it :(."


Fucking figures....


Tweet from Baiers....


Aaron Baiers @abaiers  ·  25m 25 minutes ago

You hilarious #SleepyHollow fans crack me up. Love you. The show is not renewed. Yet. I meant we've all been working toward that.


Based on stuff that's going on, I really think it's NOT been renewed but cancelled. Either that, or Baiers can't say anything until the official announcement and is backtracking...

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Hmmmm if they are coming back, I think they'll be paired with Empire - because Fox is apparently working on a pilot for X-men... and obviously they'd pair it with Gotham.

Empire just hit a record with its ratings. That show is legit. The last episode had me on the edge of my seat and shocked and appalled when the credits came on because it flew by on me and left me with a slight cliff hanger.

The SH writers need to really think about S3 and milk Ichabbie for all its worth. They have another chance to try to get things back on track - they need to capitalize on it.

Pairing it with Empire could give it a huge boost if they learn how to write for PoC characters and not a bunch of stereotypes.


I hate the network belief that just putting two shows with PoC main characters back-to-back will ensure people are going to watch. SH and Empire are two completely different shows. I love them both, but their tones are different and it really doesn't make much sense to pair them together. Naturally, it's exactly what Fox is going to do.


Fucking figures....


Tweet from Baiers....



Based on stuff that's going on, I really think it's NOT been renewed but cancelled. Either that, or Baiers can't say anything until the official announcement and is backtracking...


I still maintain SH is not going to be cancelled this year, but we won't get an announcement until The Following premieres and Fox sees how the numbers compare. TVByTheNumbers hasn't even moved it to a toss-up yet. It's been at "more likely to be renewed than cancelled" for the majority of the season. TVLine's renewal scorecard has it as a sure thing as well. Fox just doesn't have much to pull from. The X-Men TV show is still in the VERY early stages and last I'd heard, they hadn't gotten Marvel's permission yet. If Marvel doesn't sign off on it, then the show can't move forward. At this point, there's no script or timeline for when a pilot would be shot. It hasn't even officially gotten a pilot order. There's no way it'll be ready to air by the fall, if it ever actually comes to fruition. 


We have to look at what Fox has overall. So far, the dramas they've renewed are Empire and Gotham. Glee is going away this year. Red Band Society and Gracepoint were both epic failures. Backstrom's ratings are dropping every week. Bones will come back, but it's their spackle show. They can put it anywhere and it'll do okay. Then we have to look at what Fox has in the works for next season in terms of hour-long shows. So far, they've picked up Scream Queens to series. They don't have a lot of drama pilots in the works. At the end of the day, it's cheaper for them to try to make changes to an existing show than to spend money marketing something people don't know yet. 

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Fucking figures....


Tweet from Baiers....



Based on stuff that's going on, I really think it's NOT been renewed but cancelled. Either that, or Baiers can't say anything until the official announcement and is backtracking...

Yeah, he was doing some new age "stating his intention"/wishful thinking in that tweet. We'll see if SH gets renewed. I agree w/ whoever said its renewal will depend on ratings for the final shows, The Following and how the other things in the pipeline look to TPTB. I'm leaning toward it will be picked up, but that also might be my own wishful thinking, because I'd love to see if a skilled group could turn it around.

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I think it's disgusting that those in charge and the writers never sat her down and told her she was not the center of the story.


Something tells me they, and I'm including Goffman and the other EPs here, are largely responsible for feeding that delusion. Winter comes off as entitled and envious, but it's not like Goffman hasn't been backing up her Importance in every interview. The EP in charge insisted she was the be all end all of the show in every interview and he's had every single character sing Katrina's praises, it's no surprise she feels justified in her gross entitlement.


I just want the BTS book. At this point, I don't care who writes it.

Something tells me it would be more entertaining than S2.

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