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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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13 minutes ago, ebk57 said:

Mr ebk did some quick research.  There seems to have been some technical glitch.  The west coast will have the new show.  Which does me no good whatsoever...  


I wish I was from the future.  I'd definitely win lotto in that case!! 

It wouldn't surprise me if they do this show next week and do an extra showing this week.

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I'm on the East Coast, and they were definitely advertising a new episode earlier this evening, so that makes it doubly weird not to get one.

My listings say the feature story is about vaping, and it repeats at midnight on Thursday night, and again on Saturday at 11pm. I bet they'll also stream it online, but I haven't checked yet.

There was a glitch.  They aired it after Conan instead of The Detour and it's online already.  

The segment on Nevada was so satisfying.   And part 2 of the religious right bit was informative.   It sounds like some evangelicals were actually happy with the privacy angle of Roe v. Wade.  That guy's full interview is on Samantha Bee.com.  

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So basically Bernie is willing, even eager, to cause dissension and turmoil in an entire political party -- and perhaps hand the election to the Republicans -- all in service of his own ego. A few months ago I would have been fine with either him or Clinton as the nominee but the shrewdly conniving way he's running his campaign has been eye-opening. If he genuinely wanted to be President to try to affect positive change, he would have stayed in his lane, remained true to his stated values, and run as an Independent. The guy has bought into his own hype big time.

Edited by lordonia
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On 5/22/2016 at 4:58 PM, LiberryLady said:

So I watched the latest episode first on tv, then showed the bit about evangelicals and the Republican Party to my son via the internets. Since I had deleted the episode I can't check, but I swear that while the cross being, um, inserted in the elephant was moving online, on TBS it was stationary. Anyone care to confirm this weird little bit of Noooo, that's too far....?

I checked last night, specifically because of your post.  The elephant moved once, and Sam said something like 'I hope they sanded that thing'.  So yes, the cross did move, which caused the elephant to move, once.

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So I'm watching the recording now and I knew I'd seen the material before but I honestly wasn't sure if I'd seen it on her show or John Oliver's.  For a minute I thought she was recycling someone else's content!  Sucks to be old and have CRS!  So I came here to see what's what.

DVR says it's ep 13, first run air date 5/23, but thanks for confirming it's a rerun... 


I'm on the west coast, and I didn't get the new one. I'll watch it on YouTube if there are no commercials.

Ah, I just remembered that I normally record the east coast airing in case I want to watch early.

ETA: So I watched it. Sepinwall said the Big Tobacco vs Vaping segment was great. I didn't think so. I thought it was really weak. I also think vaping is stupid and don't understand the attraction. 

However, the rest of the show was great. The segment on Nevada was funny and informative. Plus we got another clip of "Why am I PERSecuted!" I'd only read a little about the brouhaha -- or should I say 'donnybrook' (I loved Sam saying that that's the word you use when white people are involved in a big fight). That Bernie people were complaining about arriving late to the hotel and being unable to find parking and therefore not being inside was absolutely ridiculous. Again, I loved Sam saying something like, "Which part is unfair? That a lot people showed up at a convention, or that there was a time."

The segment on the evangelical right was also interesting. I'll have to listen to the rest of the interview.

Edited by peeayebee
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I feel bad for ya East Coast viewers of FFwSB. We in Canada got the new episode last night. Of course Samantha is Canadian, soooo...

Loved how Samantha picked apart Bernie Sanders, his campaign manager, and those extreme assholes that support him. I used to have a lot of respect for Sanders and what he stood for. But lately, he's been acting delusional about his chances and doesn't seem too concerned about the behavior of his rabid followers, unless pressed by it. I think this over the top adulation he's been getting has been going straight to his head, and now he seems content to harm the Democratic party at a time when the Republicans, who looked like they were going to self destruct over Donald Drumph, are starting to rally around him. Fuck you Bernie!

That film from Frank Schaeffer looks loads of creepy. Who the fuck puts a crying baby in a cage? Hard to believe Christian fundamentalist really didn't care about abortion once upon a time ago.

The best thing about that vaping story was Alanna. I hope we get to see more of her. As for those vapers, total douchebags.

  • Love 8

Stayed up late to watch the new episode. It's available in a ton of places online, Alan Sepinwall says to watch here.


Thanks for the link! I, too, fell victim to the TBS rerun winding up on my DVR.



I think this over the top adulation he's been getting has been going straight to his head, and now he seems content to harm the Democratic party at a time when the Republicans, who looked like they were going to self destruct over Donald Drumph, are starting to rally around him. Fuck you Bernie!


Right on. Fuck that guy. Like Sam said, he's been a Democrat since "right before lunch." Maybe had he done his due diligence for the club he decided to join in on, he'd have been more familiar with the superdelegate process. You know complains about the unfairness of superdelegates, Bernie? Losers. See also: Clinton, Hillary. 2008. Bernie needs to have a seat.

Edited by Guest
14 hours ago, lordonia said:

If he genuinely wanted to be President to try to affect positive change, he would have stayed in his lane, remained true to his stated values, and run as an Independent. The guy has bought into his own hype big time.

Urgh. I missed this comment on first read! So true! Bernie's been sipping too much of his own Kool Aid. He certainly did turn into quite the douchelord and I was thrilled to have Sam shine a light on him and the noxious members of his fan club.

14 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Maybe had he done his due diligence for the club he decided to join in on, he'd have been more familiar with the superdelegate process. You know complains about the unfairness of superdelegates, Bernie? Losers. See also: Clinton, Hillary. 2008. Bernie needs to have a seat.

Its also annoying that he and his followers complain about closed primaries.  If you want to vote for who gets to be the Democratic nominee, be a Democrat, then you can vote for it.  You register to vote as an independent, then you have to live with the fact that you don't get to choose a party's nominee.  You had your chance to switch parties for the primary, if you failed to do it in time, you live with the consequences.

  • Love 7

My takeaway from the Nevada story is how screwed up primaries are in the first place and what weird rules they have. They had a primary in February and then some other kind of county primary in May? WTF? No wonder people were confused and calling it rigged, it seems way screwy. 

I'll have to watch the full interview with that filmmaker guy, that was an interesting story. The Fellini-esque sequence was truly creepy. 

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Its also annoying that he and his followers complain about closed primaries.  If you want to vote for who gets to be the Democratic nominee, be a Democrat, then you can vote for it.  You register to vote as an independent, then you have to live with the fact that you don't get to choose a party's nominee.

YES! I live in a closed primary state and have always known that I needed to be a registered Democrat to vote in the primary. And I think other residents are sure of this as well. I have a  friend who was a registered Independent and knew to change his party affiliation in time for this year's primary. He did not vote for Bernie.

My takeaway from the Nevada story is how screwed up primaries are in the first place and what weird rules they have. They had a primary in February and then some other kind of county primary in May? WTF? No wonder people were confused and calling it rigged, it seems way screwy.

Right...it is screwed up! But it's not like this stuff just happened in 2016 -- it's been in place for a long ass time. I mean, I know all about the Dems screwy primary system and I haven't been a senator for 30 years. It was up to Bernie and his people to figure this the fuck out before joining the club.


I think Sanders knows the process and is running to deliberately expose how flawed it is. That's why he hasn't dropped out. He want to move the platform to the left, and he wants to effect new rules. 

Pretty cynical way of him doing that, if true. But I'd imagine Sanders would sleep really well knowing he made his point if Drumph becomes president due to his shenanigans. Asshole.

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Except Sanders had lost the plot a while ago and is now just running on his ego and his and his extreme supporters desire to destroy Clinton and the Democratic party. What does it say about him that he's running a campaign he can't win while Ted Cruz, a thingy who believes he was pre ordained to become president, bowed out after reading the writing on the wall?

  • Love 8

I wish she would do a show on how the parties running the elections is basically the privatization of our entire political system. It's not the Constitution that makes the rules about primaries vs caucuses, or what the deadlines are to register, whether it's open or closed, etc. Basically, with or without Citizen's United, the system is still based on money because the elections are owned by the parties, which is all about money.

35 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I wish she would do a show on how the parties running the elections is basically the privatization of our entire political system. It's not the Constitution that makes the rules about primaries vs caucuses, or what the deadlines are to register, whether it's open or closed, etc.

That's not all decided by parties.  The states have a say in it as well. 

I wasn't sure what to make of Gary Johnson TBH. He seemed like kind of a goofball, but at least he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. He also seems to know he hasn't got a snowball's chance in hell of winning this thing. He doesn't even have the name recognition of Ross Perot or Ralph Nader to make a dent.

I was kind of like Sam - it was as if I agreed with every other thing he said. But the other stuff is crazy. I get the "free markets" argument but should everything really be like Uber? How would that work for schools? You only get to go to school if you can afford whatever tuition they're charging? How about policemen and firemen? You can only use them if you can pay them? So if you punch "fire" into your app and the fire fighters show up and you don't have the money to pay them, they just let your house burn? Because that's pretty much how "free markets" would work for services like police and fire fighters. And that, frankly, is crazy. And maybe why Libertarians never get much traction in elections.

The thing with the Senate bill for reforming the way sex assaults are reported in the military - I can't imagine why anyone would have voted against that. The only example she had was Lindsay Graham who was either woefully mistaken and ill-informed or flat out lying. I wish she could get him for an interview and find out which.

Loved the whole bit on how the candidates became the nominees. "No, these aren't the principals that conservatives stand for. It's what they bend over for." Ha.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The thing with the Senate bill for reforming the way sex assaults are reported in the military - I can't imagine why anyone would have voted against that. The only example she had was Lindsay Graham who was either woefully mistaken and ill-informed or flat out lying. I wish she could get him for an interview and find out which.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was misinformed. What I wonder is, Why didn't someone, like Gillibrand, set him straight?

Come on, Obama. Do the right thing.

I did like the segment on Gary Johnson. He's an oddball, but I'd never vote for him. 

5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

So if you punch "fire" into your app and the fire fighters show up and you don't have the money to pay them, they just let your house burn? Because that's pretty much how "free markets" would work for services like police and fire fighters. And that, frankly, is crazy.

Which is why that's not how it generally works in places that take this approach. The fire fighters would be paid under the same insurance policy that will be covering the repairs to your house. It does make the insurance cost more, but not as much as you'd otherwise be paying a city for your share of running a municipal department. The big problem with Libertarians like Johnson is that they paint the same kind of sunshine and roses pictures as Socialists like Bernie, but are even less prepared to explain how things would actually work. I guess you could say why worry about the details when there's no chance of winning, but that undercuts the chances of winning, so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I miss Jon. :..(

Loved the graphic of Joe Scarborough, Brian Williams, and Chuck Todd with the banner "MSNBC. In lieu of everything else". Perfectly describes those three chucklefucks.

Gary Johnson looks like a fun guy to hang out with. But I would never, in a billion years, vote for him as local dogcatcher, much less U.S. president.

2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Is that the same pony that was in commercials for Last Week Tonight? Is it a status thing for TDS alumni?

I like to imagine Jon just going around everywhere with his companion pony, and every once in a while dropping in on friends and former colleagues. So delightful to see him with Sam unexpectedly.

  • Love 4

The fire fighters would be paid under the same insurance policy that will be covering the repairs to your house. It does make the insurance cost more, but not as much as you'd otherwise be paying a city for your share of running a municipal department. 

Insurance companies need to make a profit. Municipal fire companies don't. I don't get how the latter is more expensive per household than the former without a cite.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, iMonrey said:

How about policemen and firemen? You can only use them if you can pay them? So if you punch "fire" into your app and the fire fighters show up and you don't have the money to pay them, they just let your house burn? Because that's pretty much how "free markets" would work for services like police and fire fighters.

Actually, some places do exactly that.  If a property owner doesn't pay the subscription fee, or the on-site hourly fee, the fire fighters won't help you if your house burns.  See  Home Burn over $75 fee.  I'm sure that fire insurance policies covering those areas exempt coverage if the homeowner doesn't pay the subscription fee.  No way the insurance company is going to take the loss because the home owner wouldn't pay the fee.

20 hours ago, ganesh said:


Johnson also wants to "cut taxes to stimulate growth and create jobs,"


See Kansas for how well that works.

  • Love 3

The fire fighters would be paid under the same insurance policy that will be covering the repairs to your house. 

What if you rent? You'd be relying on your landlord to be up to date on his payments. Things could get sticky while the firemen dither and make calls trying to determine if someone is eligible to be saved or not.

I still don't get how it would work with police either.

2 hours ago, attica said:

Insurance companies need to make a profit. Municipal fire companies don't. I don't get how the latter is more expensive per household than the former without a cite.

Municipal fire departments have no incentive to keep costs down, so the extra cost is more than the combined profit margins of the insurance company and private fire service.

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