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I'm Gonna Have To Eat Every Fucking Chicken In This Room: The Quotes Topic

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So this episode proves without a doubt that Oberyn really is the Inigo Montoya of Game of Thrones:

"You raped my sister. You murdered her. You killed her children." = "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

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Royce: Money lender, whore monger. You've been licking Tywin Lannister's boots so long it's a wonder your tongue's not black. When Jon Arryn named you Master of Coin, no one cared. Always been a grubby job. Why not let a grubby man do it? But when I heard you were lurking here, fawning over the Lady Arryn -

Littlefinger: Lady Arryn invited me. She and I have been close since childhood.
Lady: Yes, we all know how close you were. Lady Arryn's predelictions were her own affair.


Royce: Strange that within days of your arrival, you've married Lady Arryn and she's fallen through the moon door.


Sansa: Lord Baelish has told many lies.


Sansa: [Lysa] did as her father commanded, as so many of us have.


Arya: I thought it'd make me happy, but it doesn't, not really.

Hound: Nothing makes you happy.

Arya: Lots of things make me happy.

Hound: Like what?

Arya: Killing Polliver, killing Rorj.

Hound: So you're sad because you didn't get to kill Joffrey yourself, is that it?

Arya: At least I could have been there to watch. I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he knew it was over.

Hound: Aye, nothing in the world beats that look.


Hound: Poison's a woman's weapon. Men kill with steel.

Arya: That's your stupid pride talking. That's why you'll never be a great killer. I'd have killed Joffrey with a chicken bone if I had to.

Hound: Huh, I'd pay good money to see that.


Hound: It's a flea bite.

Arya: That flea bite's got you walking a lot slower than usual.


Arya: You really think my aunt will pay for me?

Hound: Aye, she'll pay.

Arya: I've never even met her.

Hound: It doesn't matter. You're her blood. Family, honor, all that horse shit. It's all you lords and ladies ever talk about.


Guard: Who would pass the Bloody Gate?

Hound: The bloody Hound.


Tyrion: Wine always helps. Trial by combat: deciding a man's guilt or innocence in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods.


Jaime: Oberyn believes in himself.

Tyrion: That's putting it mildly.


Jaime: You'd think being tormented from birth would have given you some affinity for the afflicted.

Tyrion: On the contrary. Laughing at another person's misery was the only thing that made me feel like everyone else.


Tyrion: I was the smartest person I knew. Certainly I had the werewithal to unravel the mysteries that lay at the heart of a moron.


Tyrion: Turns out far too much has been written about great men and not nearly enough about morons. It doesn't seem right.


Tyrion: Men watch animals to come to a deeper understanding of their behavior.


Tyrion: [Orson]'s face was like the page of a book written in a language I didn't understand.


Tyrion: It seemed horrible that all these beetles should be dying for no reason.

Jaime: Every day around the world men, women, and children are murdered by the score. Who gives a dusty fuck about a bunch of beetles?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Sansa to Littlefinger - I know what you want. 





Jaime: You'd think being tormented from birth would have given you some affinity for the afflicted.
Tyrion: On the contrary. Laughing at another person's misery was the only thing that made me feel like everyone else.


One of my favorites as well!!

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Ellaria: You're going to fight THAT?!

Oberyn: I'm going to kill that.

Ellaria: He's the biggest man I've ever seen.

Oberyn: Size does not matter when you are flat on your back.

Tyrion: Thank the gods.


Ellaria: Don't leave me alone in this world.

Oberyn: Never.


*Sound of breaking hearts*


The Mountain: Elia Martell! I killed her children. Then I raped her. Then I smashed her head. IN LIKE THIS!


*Sound of breaking skull*

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Alliser Thorne was a boss last episode. Hell I might even support him for full time Lord Commander.


Ser Alliser: Do you know what leadership means Lord Snow? It means that the person in charge gets second guessed by every clever little twat with a mouth. But if he starts second guessing himself, that's the end. For him, for the clever little twats, for everyone. This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot do your duty for however long it takes to beat them back. And then you get to go on hating me, and I get to go on wishing your wildling whore had finished the job.


Ser Alliser: I said 'nock' and 'hold' you cunts! Does 'nock' mean 'draw'?!

Watchmen: No ser!

Ser Alliser: Does fucking 'hold' mean fucking 'drop'?!

Watchmen: No ser!

Ser Alliser: You all plan to die here tonight?!

Watchmen: No ser!

Ser Alliser: That's very good to hear! DRAW!


Ser Alliser: Brothers! A hundred generations have defended this castle; she has never fallen before and she will not fall tonight. Those are Thenns at our walls; they eat the flesh of the men they kill. Do you want to fill the belly of a Thenn tonight?! Tonight we fight! And when the sun rises I promise you: Castle Black will stand! The Night's Watch will stand! With me now! Now with me!

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I can't remember the exact language, but you all will know what I mean.  Someone can help me out here. 


Sam - But I'm not "Nothing" anymore.  


Pyp: You're not afraid?

Sam: Of course I'm afraid. There's a band of wildlings coming to kill us

Pyp: Well if you're afraid of a band of wildlings how in seven hells did you manage to kill a white walker?

Sam: I didn't know I was going to kill it, but I had to do something. I didn't have any choice, it was going to kill Gilly and take the baby. If someone had asked me my name right then, I wouldn't have known. I wasn't Samwell Tarly anymore. I wasn't a steward in the Night's Watch or the son of Randyll Tarly or any of that. I was nothing at all. And when you're nothing at all there's no more reason to be afraid.

Pyp: But you're afraid now?

Sam: Yes, well, I'm not nothing anymore.

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Jon Snow:  "I don't know, I'm not a bleeding poet."

Sam:  "I'll say you're not"


The delivery of those lines was perfection. 

I think it was "you're really not".

I agree about awesome delivery. First I got all tense thinking it was supposed to be some soul barring cringy moment for Jon which made it very funny when he was all fuck this I'm no talker. :)

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Ellaria: You're going to fight THAT?!

Oberyn: I'm going to kill that.

Ellaria: He's the biggest man I've ever seen.

Oberyn: Size does not matter when you are flat on your back.

Tyrion: Thank the gods.



Apparently it did matter!

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I think it was "you're really not".

I agree about awesome delivery. First I got all tense thinking it was supposed to be some soul barring cringy moment for Jon which made it very funny when he was all fuck this I'm no talker. :)


I loved the beginning of the conversation; I wish I could remember the exact wording:


Sam:  What was she like?

Jon:  ... she had red hair

Sam;  [glaring] Did she have big feet?


Sam's exasperated tone was perfect. 

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KURLYGRL, ON 09 JUN 2014 - 4:34 PM, SAID:

I can't remember the exact language, but you all will know what I mean.  Someone can help me out here.

Sam - But I'm not "Nothing" anymore. 


Pyp: You're not afraid?

Sam: Of course I'm afraid. There's a band of wildlings coming to kill us

Pyp: Well if you're afraid of a band of wildlings how in seven hells did you manage to kill a white walker?

Sam: I didn't know I was going to kill it, but I had to do something. I didn't have any choice, it was going to kill Gilly and take the baby. If someone had asked me my name right then, I wouldn't have known. I wasn't Samwell Tarly anymore. I wasn't a steward in the Night's Watch or the son of Randyll Tarly or any of that. I was nothing at all. And when you're nothing at all there's no more reason to be afraid.

Pyp: But you're afraid now?

Sam: Yes, well, I'm not nothing anymore.


That it is, perfectly!!  

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Tyrion: Oh, get on with it, you son of a whore.

Jaime: Is that any way to speak about our mother?

Tyrion: All my life you've wanted me dead.

Tywin: Yes, but you refused to die. I respect that.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Brienne: Come with me, Arya. I'll take you to safety.

Hound: Safety? Where the fuck's that? Her aunt in the Eyrie is dead. Her mother's dead. Her father's dead. Her brother's dead. Winterfell is a pile of rubble. There is no safety, you dumb bitch. If you don't know that by now, you're the wrong one to watch over her.

Brienne: And that's what you're doing? Watching over her?

Hound: Aye, that's what I'm doing.


And just to compare and contrast, from S4.E1:

Hound: Needle. Of course you named your sword.
Arya: Lots of people name their swords.
Hound: Lots of cunts.


Versus S4.E10:

Arya: Does [your sword] have a name?

Brienne: Oathkeeper.

Arya: Mine's Needle.

Brienne: Good name.

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She loved you.  


Did she say that?


No.  She just kept talking about how much she wanted to kill you all the time.  That's how I know she loved you. 

Mance Rayder.  We do not kneel.  

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I absolutely loved this line


Cersei: I would burn our house to the GROUND!..(Can't remember the rest)


Cersei: When you marched into the throne room to tell me we'd won the Battle of the Blackwater do you remember?! I was sitting on the Iron Throne with Tommen. I was about to give him essence of nightshade, that's how far I was willing to go when I thought someone awful had come to take my son away. Someone awful is coming to take him away


Tywin: Oh. (You can actually HEAR Tywin roll his eyes here.)


Cersei: Joffrey is dead. Myrcella's been sold like livestock, and now you want to ship me off to Highgarden and steal my boy, my last boy! Margaery will dig her claws in, you will dig your claws in and you'll fight over him like beasts until you rip him apart! I WILL BURN OUR HOUSE TO THE GROUND BEFORE I LET THAT HAPPEN!

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Is it just my imagination or was her delievery different in the trailer? Maybe it just sounded different because it was taken out of context.

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Is it just my imagination or was her delievery different in the trailer? Maybe it just sounded different because it was taken out of context.


I don't remember her saying this line in the trailer. Maybe you saw a different one than I did.


In any case it is possible they used different takes. Sometimes the director makes some last minute substitutions and I hear Alex Graves and the editors ware working on this finale up until the last week before airing.

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Sandor: Do you remember where the heart is?


Cersei: I love my brother. I love my lover. (I'm not saying I totally believe her but I appreciate the open incestuousness of calling Jaime her brother and her lover.)


Mance: One of our giants went into your tunnel and never came out again. Mag the Mighty.

Jon Snow: He's dead. He killed my friend Grenn.

Mance: He was their king, the last of a bloodline that stretches back before the First Men.

Jon Snow: Grenn came from a farm.

Mance: Mag and Grenn!

Jon Snow: Grenn and Mag!


Cersei: Your legacy is a lie.

Tywin: No, no, no, no! I don't believe you.

Cersei: Yes, you do.


Brienne: I swore to your mother I would bring you home to her.

Arya: My mother's dead.

Brienne: I know, I wish I could have been there to protect her.

Arya: You're not a Northerner.

Brienne: No, but I swore a sacred vow to protect her.

Arya: Why didn't you?!


Tywin: You'd kill your own father in the privy? No. You're my son. Now, enough of this nonsense.


Varys: What have you done?

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I'll stick to Blackwater and add more as I remember them from other episodes.


Varys: I've always hated the bells. They ring for horror, a dead king, a city under siege

Tyrion: A wedding

Varys: exactly


Sansa: The worst ones always come back.


Tyrion: Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship.

Bronn: Enhances it really.


Tyrion:They say I'm half a man, what does that make the lot of you?


actually that whole speech owns.


and my favorite


Sansa: I will pray for your safe return, my lord.

Tyrion: Will you?

Sansa: just as I pray for the kings.


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Arya: I thought it'd make me happy, but it doesn't, not really.

Hound: Nothing makes you happy.

Arya: Lots of things make me happy.

Hound: Like what?

Arya: Killing Polliver, killing Rorj.

Hound: So you're sad because you didn't get to kill Joffrey yourself, is that it?

Arya: At least I could have been there to watch. I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he knew it was over.

Hound: Aye, nothing in the world beats that look.

Hound: Poison's a woman's weapon. Men kill with steel.

Arya: That's your stupid pride talking. That's why you'll never be a great killer. I'd have killed Joffrey with a chicken bone if I had to.

Hound: Huh, I'd pay good money to see that.

Hound: It's a flea bite.

Arya: That flea bite's got you walking a lot slower than usual.

I loved this, especially the delivery -- they sounded completely relaxed and comfortable with each other, even as Arya, a young girl, talked about how unsatisfied she felt about the death of a teenaged boy (who happened to be a murderous monster) with a giant, boorish, brutal man who had a strange, grudging respect for her, all because she didn't have a personal hand in the death herself.  What a pair.  I will miss their roadtrip adventures and dialogues, even disturbing as they could be.

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I can't think of any GoT quotes that have the word "quote" or "quotation" in them, so perhaps a quote with the word "words" in it


There's always


Words are Wind - The Quote thread


but I think that in itself is a spoiler, insofar as I don't think "Words are wind" have actually been said on the show yet.



In the S4 finale, just after Tywin refers to Shae as a whore, Tyrion says "Say that word again"


In one of the later S1 episodes, before Robb calls the Northern bannermen, he asks Maester Luwin if they haven't sworn to defend Ned.  Maester Luwin responds yes and Robb replies, "Now we see what their words are worth".


Early in S2, after Theon returns to the Iron Islands, his father Balon asks, "What are our words?  Our words?"


(Middish?) S4, when Stannis visits the Iron Bank, Tycho tells him "Your books are filled with words like "Usurper", "Madman" and "blood right"


Late S4 (E7 or E8), before Oberyn's head turns into a watermelon, he yells "SAY IT" when he's trying to get the Mountain to say the name of Oberyn's sister, Elia.

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Hmm, quotes involving words eh?


Maybe "Dark Wings, Dark Words"? That was the title of a season 3 episode IIRC.


In the episode Jon takes his vows Mormont says something like "You all learnt the words, think carefully before you say them"


That's all I can think of off hand.

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Having the words 'quote' or 'word' isn't a necessity FYI.

Late S4 (E7 or E8), before Oberyn's head turns into a watermelon, he yells "SAY IT" when he's trying to get the Mountain to say the name of Oberyn's sister, Elia.


I thought of "Say Her Name!" but that and your suggestion above would be considered spoilery as part of a topic title. I want to use something that  can be in view of anyone, such as someone who is marathoning GoT and is still on S1, i.e. the chicken line I have used temporarily means nothing out of context and isn't directly related to any major plot points.

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Having the words 'quote' or 'word' isn't a necessity FYI.


I thought of "Say Her Name!" but that and your suggestion above would be considered spoilery as part of a topic title. I want to use something that  can be in view of anyone, such as someone who is marathoning GoT and is still on S1, i.e. the chicken line I have used temporarily means nothing out of context and isn't directly related to any major plot points.


Season 1 no spoilers...maybe something from Syrio?


"What do we say to the God of Death?"


"My tongue lied, my eyes shouted the truth"

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Cersei: They said you were terrifying, with cat's teeth and three eyes. You're not terrifying. You're boring.

Cersei: Will the king and I have children?

Witch: The king will have twenty children. And you will have three.

Cersei: Tyrion may be a monster but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake with stupidity.

Tyrion: Do you know what it's like to stuff your own shit through one of those air holes?

Varys: No, I only know what it's like to pick up your shit and throw it overboard.

Varys: My lord?

Tyrion: I don't think I am anymore. A lord. Are you a lord if you kill your father? I don't imagine they revoke your nobility for killing a whore. It must happen all the time.

Varys: You already drank your way across the Narrow Sea.

Tyrion: In a box. Why stop now?

Tyrion: The future is shit. Just like the past.

Littlefinger: Lord Arryn will never be a great warrior.

Lord Royce: Great warrior? He swings a sword like a girl with palsy.

Littlefinger: [Arryn] has other gifts.

Lord Royce: Does he?

Littlefinger: The gift of a great name. Sometimes that's all one needs.

Loras: Everybody knows everything about everyone. What's the point in trying to keep a secret in a place like this?

Tyrion: Eunuch, the spider, the master of whispers.

Varys: Imp, half man.

[Tyrion raises his glass]

Varys: There are faster ways to kill yourself.

Tyrion: Not for a coward.

Varys: You are many things, my friend, but not a coward.

Tyrion: A drunken dwarf will never be the savior of the seven kingdoms.

Varys: You have many admirable qualities. Self pity is not one of them. Any fool with a bit of luck can find himself born into power. But earning it for yourself - that takes work.

Tyrion: I'm not well suited for work.

Varys: You have compassion.

Tyrion: Compassion? Yes, I killed my lover with my bare hands. I shot my own father with a crossbow.

Varys: I never said you were perfect.

Tyrion: What is it you want exactly?

Varys: Peace, prosperity, a land where the powerful do not prey on the powerless.

Tyrion: Where the castles are made of gingerbread and the moats are filled with blackberry wine. The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That's how they became powerful in the first place.

Varys: Perhaps. And perhaps we've grown so used to horror we assume there's no other way.

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Tyrion-"Can I drink myself to death on the way to Mereen?"


Maggy-"Everyone wants to know their future...until they know their future."


Dany-"I'm not a politician...I'm a Queen."  and therein lies the whole problem..


Maggy-"Gold shall be their crowns...and gold shall be their shrouds."  Sends shivers down my spine every time I read it or heard it.


Daario-"A dragon queen without dragons is no queen."  Preach it brother.

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Arya: I crossed the Narrow Sea. I have nowhere else to go.
Jaqen: You have everywhere else to go.

Pod: [Littlefinger] has a bunch of knights with him.
Brienne: A bunch? What's a bunch, Podrick? Six or twenty?
Pod: Ten. Too many.
Brienne: Ready the horses.
Pod: We only have one horse.
Brienne: Find more.

Cersei: [The people of Dorne] blame us for the death of Oberyn and his sister and every other tragedy that's befallen their cursed country. I will burn their cities to the ground if they touch [Myrcella].

Cersei: Our daughter's in danger and you're worried I'm speaking too loudly?
Jaime: The world can't know she's our daughter.
Cersei: Then don't call her your daughter. You've never been a father to her.
Jaime: If I was a father to any of my children, they'd be stoned in the streets.

Wallis: No sunflowers. I don't like yellow. Roses are very nice, definitely roses. And music. I adore music. But no flutes. I hate flutes. We can have a harp if you like but no flutes. Then there's the food. Food is the most important thing, don't you agree? We're going to need pigeon pies. That's what they eat in the capitol, don't they?

Wallis: Who's that?
Bronn: Jaime fucking Lannister.

Tyrion: We've already got a ruler. Everywhere has already got a ruler. Every pile of shit on the side of every road has someone's banner hanging from it.

Varys: People follow leaders. And they will never follow us. They find us repulsive.
Tyrion: I find us repulsive.
Varys: And we find them repulsive which is why we surround ourselves with large comfortable boxes to keep them away.

Tyrion: How many dwarves are there in the world? Will Cersei kill them all?

Kevan: You're the hand of the king?
Cersei: No, uncle. Clearly it would not be appropriate for a woman to assume that role.

Kevan: I do not recognize your authority to dictate what is and is not my concern.

Stannis: Do you know this wretched girl, Lyanna Mormont?
Jon: The Lord Commander's niece.
Stannis: Lady of Bear Island and a child of ten. I asked her to commit her house to my cause. That's her response.
Jon: [reading Lyanna Mormont's scroll] "Bear Island knows no king but the King of the North, whose name is Stark."

Stannis: Kneel before me, lay your sword at my feet, pledge me your service, and you'll rise again as Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell.

Sam: Her name is Gillie. Brother Slynt knows her quite well. They cowered together in the larder during the battle for the wall.
Janos: Lies!
Sam: A wildling girl, a baby, and Lord Janos. I found him there after the battle was over in a puddle of his own making.

Arya: You said there was no Jaqen H'ghar here.
Jaqen: There isn't. A man is not Jaqen H'ghar.
Arya: Well who are you then?
Jaqen: No one. And that is who a girl must become.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Arya: I've been sweeping the floor for days.

Jaqen: Good.

Arya: I didn't come here to sweep floors.

Jaqen: No? Why come then?

Tommen: This is all I want to do all day every day for the rest of my life.

Cersei: [Margaery]'s certainly very pretty, isn't she? Like a doll. She smiles quite a lot. She thinks she's intelligent. I can't quite tell. Not that it matters.

Tommen: You said that King's Landing smelled of horse dung and sour milk.

Margaery: I said, "Darling, surely four times is enough. Are you trying to set a new record?" He said, "Well, what is the record? I'm sure we can break it."

Margaery: Can we bring you anything to eat or drink? I wish we had some wine for you. It's a bit early in the day for us.

Margaery: Exhausted, to be honest, but what could I expect? He is half lion, half stag. Forgive me, I haven't been at court for long. I get so confused. What's the proper way to address you now? Queen Mother or Dowager Queen?

Cersei: There's no need for such formalities.

Margaery: In any event, judging from the king's enthusiasm, the queen mother will be the queen grandmother soon.

Brienne: I'm sorry I'm always snapping at you.

Pod: If you didn't snap at me, I wouldn't learn anything.

Stannis: You're as stubborn as your father. And as honorable.

Jon: I can imagine no higher praise.

Stannis: I didn't mean it as praise. Honor got your father killed.

Cersei: The young man said I'd find the High Sparrow back here. Where is he?

High Sparrow: High Sparrow? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Like Lord Duckling or King Turtle.

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High Septon: Your Grace, Grandmaester, Lord Tyrell...uh

Qyburn: It doesn't matter.


Qyburn: I heard this all began in Littlefinger's brothel.

Mace: High Septon, this is a rather shocking thing to hear.

High Septon: I tend to both the highest born and the lowliest amongst us. Even prostitutes may earn the mercy of the Mother.

Qyburn: So you were administering to the needs of these devout prostitutes?

Pycelle: A man's private affairs ought to stay private!


Cersei: Send a message to Littlefinger in the Eyrie or wherever he's slithering about.


Tyrion: I will not be of any use to Daenerys Targaryen if I lose my mind. I can't remember the last face I saw that wasn't yours.

Varys: It's a perfectly good face.


Brothel guard: It's good luck to rub a dwarf's head.

Tyrion: It's even better luck to suck a dwarf's cock.

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In some ways this exchange summarizes the entire mindset of the elite of the Seven Kingdoms and the suggestion that the Seven Kingdoms shouldn't be run based on what's good for the family

Tyrion: You never told me why you set me free.

Varys: Your brother asked me to.

Tyrion: You could have said no.

Varys: Refuse the Kingslayer? A dangerous proposition.

Tyrion: Not as dangerous as releasing me. You risked your life, your position, everything. Why? You're not family. You owe me nothing.

Varys: I didn't do it for you. I did it for the Seven Kingdoms.

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