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S06.E07: Glamazon by Colorevolution/S06.E08: Drag Queens of Comedy

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My god, if Bianca doesn't make the final three and then win, well, I don't know. Especially, with the edit she is getting. She's like a hard scrabble chorus gal or burlesque queen from a '40s Warner Brother's musical with the proverbial heart of gold. Seriously, how bad would she have to fuck up at this point to get the boot?

I really have a soft spot in my heart for Trinity and loved both her commercial/runway with Bianca (and felt they should have won) and her comedy act was gold! Even though I felt Bianca was the best and deserved the win I wouldn't have been mad if Trinity had won. Also, LOVING her friendship with Bianca and hearing Bianca's hearty laugh during Trinity's stand-up.

Purr, Purr Josylyn! I'va a feeling she is next to go but will go on to win Miss Congeniality. Even though I still enjoy Untucked Courtney I'm still not feeling her on the show proper. Adore is getting better and better each week and now I wouldn't be surprised at all if she makes Top Three.

Yeah, Laganja definitely has 'issues' and it was probably better for her mental health and pot dealer that she was sent home, occccuuurrr mama werk, lady, gurl ::five million snaps, death drop splits!::

Oh, and Darienne Lake can fuck right off.

Edited by marsha
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My god, if Bianca doesn't make the final three and then win, well, I don't know. Especially, with the edit she is getting. She's like a hard scrabble chorus gal or burlesque queen from a '40s Warner Brother's musical with the proverbial heart of gold. Seriously, how bad would she have to fuck up at this point to get the boot?

I really have a soft spot in my heart for Trinity and loved both her commercial/runway with Bianca (and felt they should have won) and her comedy act was gold! Even though I felt Bianca was the best and deserved the win I wouldn't have been mad if Trinity had won. Also, LOVING her friendship with Bianca and hearing Bianca's hearty laugh during Trinity's stand-up.


Love, love that description of Bianca. She is a classic broad.

And I am loving the Bianca/ Trinity alliance, too. While Bianca clearly won the challenge by miles, Trinity was the obvious runner-up.


P.S. "Purr, Purr Joslyn..." Heeheeheeheehee...

Edited by bunnywithanaxe
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I admit to gasping when Ru told Ben that she was not sashaying away after the LSFYL. And yeah I smirked at Darienne's bitch face reaction when Ru said it. Heh heh Loved Joslyn's split during her LSFYL, who knew she had it in her? Having said that I am so over Laganja's death drops I'm glad she's gone so I don't have to see them or hear HER anymore.

I want Bianca to take Trinity under her wing forevers, Bianca gave that girl the kick in the keister she needed to step out and shine in the Glamazon ad and the stand up routine. And gur,l my grandmom was the same way but it wasn't with the light bill, it was the heating bill. LOL

Still haven't watched the two Untucked eps yet so I can't comment on those yet but I'm off the Courtney love train after dissing my glitter kitten Joslyn to her face post-Glamazon challenge. Boo hiss.

There's pretty much always a non-elimination episode, so I don't think the save for Ben necessarily indicates that the competition is rigged in her favor.  And I still like her, even though she demonstrated some real weakness in tonight's episodes.  I no longer think she has it in her to win it, but I'm glad she's still around. 

The odder thing about the way Ben was depicted in the comedy ep was that what we saw of her act was pure and total bombing.  Yet Jaime Pressly kept talking about her "smart jokes."  And I trust Jaime Pressly to know good jokes from bad.  It makes me wonder what got left on the cutting room floor.

Those synchronized splits were the absolute fucking best.  And even better was how desperate it made Laganja look when she threw in a second death drop.  I am so happy Joslyn sent her packing -- I don't think I've ever disliked a queen as much as I dislike Lagana.

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When the season started, I was worried that Bianca was going to come off as too abrasive. I couldn't have been more wrong. Love her and at this point, I want her to win. Dorriene is the bitter one this year. Her barbs are all too mean tinged. Bianca and to a lessor extent Courtney seem genuinely interested in sharing advice and tips. It was nice to see Trinity finally let go and do well in a challenge.I hope they can get through to Joslyn. Otherwise she and/or Ben may be the next queens to go.

Leganja was just delusional from the door. I'm happy to see the last of her whining, crazy self. Bianca's come to Jesus talk with her in Untucked was the nail in the coffin for me.

Edited by Milaxx
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Episode the First:

Bianca called it "Ru, you shady bitch!" - These pairings were for maximum drama.  And we got some from Darienne/DeLa with a smidge of Laganja/Adore thrown in.  For all the grief Darienne has gotten for her feud with DeLa (some fair, some unfair - I don't find Ben blameless in this, and since Bianca looks to be aligning with Darienne, I think there's some stuff we aren't seeing on DeLa's side) I think Courtney's behavior towards Joslyn was far, far worst.  I haven't seen Untucked yet (that will get its own post), but she was just so casual in her cruelty when she knew how much Joslyn respected her.  I almost think she didn't realize how bad she came across during it.

As for the pairings:  For me, the clear winners were Trinity/Bianca.  Thank God and RuPaul for this pairing, because Bianca gave Trinity the kick she needed, and this is the best she's been since the first episode she was in.  And the outfits were gorgeous.

Second best (to me) were Darienne/DeLa.  I understand the criticism about not really shilling the makeup, but as a performance piece it was hilarious (Darienne was channeling Jennifer Coolidge so well it was like a scene from a Christopher Guest movie) and they really nailed the tone.  Darienne had the better outfit, but I think they came on a little strong with the critique of DeLa - Laganja's was far messier.

Third would go to Adore/Laganja, mostly because of the albatross around Adore's neck that was Laganja's performance.  I think that Laganja honestly tries, but she's far too affected a person to do well in this competition.  And her outfit was terrible (loved Adore's though).

Bottom to me was Joslyn/Courtney.  And I put the blame squarely on Courtney for this, because she just sat back and watched while Joslyn struggled.  Compare this to Bianca:  supporting your co-star actually helps!  I actually liked both their runway looks (Joslyn, that ass is magic and don't you dare shove it into muggle clothing!)

As for the lip sync:  BenDeLaCreme better thank the heavens this was a non-elimination, because Darienne owned that song.  The collection of tips at the end was inspired on Darienne's part, and I just didn't understand why DeLa felt the need to take off her dress so late into the song.  I am glad both got to stay (far too many have already faced the indignity of losing to Laganja).

As for the 'I need to see the real you' critique:  Ugh, isn't Drag something like 90% armor?  Why does Michelle constantly harp on this?  The time to see the 'real' person is in the workroom, not when they are earning their money on the stage.  Anyways...

(Episode 2 in a separate post so these aren't mammoth length - also later because I need some sleep)

Edited by PoliVamp
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I think the comparison between Dela and Laganja is interesting. They both clearly put on characters because they're scared to be themselves, but only one of them makes me want to punch babies. (When Bianca told her that she wasn't her "mama", I died.) It's never been enough to be a character in RPDR, the personality of the man behind the dress has to ground the performance. I just can't figure out how much of Dela's act is not who she is, but someone she wishes she could be. 

She's like a hard scrabble chorus gal or burlesque queen from a '40s Warner Brother's musical with the proverbial heart of gold.

YES. Just yes. I really liked Bianca from the pilot and I'm so glad her edit came back around. She's the drag mother I'd want to have.

I never got that from Ben Dela, that it was some sort of way of him hiding from himself.

All drag queens have personas that are in some way distinct from their male personality. This show asks them to be themselves, the men, despite being dressed and performing as the character. I think that's something most queens are probably not used to, and it's confusing (it confuses me, and I don't even have to do it), so I understand if Ben Dela isn't sure of how much he can stay in character.

I think Bianca and Joslyn also have drag personas, it's just that with them, the line is more blurred between the man and the queen, so it seems more natural. I think the difference between Ben and Laganja is a) Ben is a far better actor, and b) Ben's character is a human being, while Laganja's is a pile of catch phrases.


Bianca is my runaway winner at this point.  I freaking love that bitch.  I think Courtney, sad to say it, is falling out of my top 3 and being replaced by either Adore (probably) or Joslyn (longshot).  If they don't have bonus scenes of Bianca's  comedy routine, I'll blow a fuse or something.  Other than her, I'd really only care to watch Trinity (go, girl!) and Darriene (whatever, you're a bitch, and not in the fun Bianca way, but you're still a bitch. At least you're a funny bitch).

Edited by heckkitty

I think the editors are doing a great job this season with the various character arcs. We seem to have more people actively rising and falling then we normally do.

I am loving Bianca now. I thought she was going to be a one-note insult dispenser early on but she really does seem to be a whole lot more than that. I don't think Trinity will win, but I think she's going to go out on a very high-note. It's so nice to see someone pull their shit together.

Meanwhile, I was trying to give Darriene the benefit of the doubt - but she's on my skank list now. Courtney seemed to be playing it smart early on in a don't-peak-too-early sort of way - but I'm really beginning to have my doubts about her.

And Laganja has made for some of the best Untucked viewing this show has ever had.

Laganja is gone. YES! Loved it when Joslyn did the split. We knew Laganja was going to do it, so Joslyn's served the dual bonus of minimizing Laganja and making the second split look desperate and pathetic. Joslyn was clearly in tune with the song and Laganja gave the same ole, same ole.

Glad Ben stayed if for no other reason than if Darriane were the one to send her home, we would never here the end of it.

I see we're not even going to talk about Ganj ripping her wig off--the cry of the desperate queen. It's been stale since Shanel shocked the judges with it. Poor, defensive Jay; she really doesn't know who she is, and at her age, it's not cute anymore.

Strong group left, though. Bianca's a lock for Top 3, Adore is biting at her azz, Trinity's turning it out FINALLY, and Joslyn (who is the real Alyssa 2.0--laughing at her own jokes, being a goof, and not getting any references) stealthing up like a mofo. Dela's insecurity is getting to her, Darienne is a sour old queen, and Courtney doesn't give two shits.

If these shenanigans continue, next week we'll get either a surprise elim (the alien of extraordinary ability) or a sad one (I like Darienne and I get her brand of shade. She didn't have to answer to Dela asking her why she didn't choose Ben for her team last week. She may have a strategy, so step off. That said, despite her a-MAH-zing makeup skills, her runway gear is beginning to tire the judges). But overall, the sharpest queens are still brawling.

Gotta go jump in and out of some condos now, gurl.

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I fucking love this show so, so much. Seriously, it is the only competition show I can watch.

I am a married straight girl, but if I were the opposite of all those things I would be throwing myself at Bianca. Hope she wins, but she is top 3 for sure. I also have strong afftection for Adore, who is HILARIOUS. Sometimes she reminds me of the Dalia Royce charaacter on the show 'Suburbagtory', only less bitchy.

Speaking of bitchy! Darienne Lake is it. But I can tolerate her arch side eyes and her bitchface better than Courtney's tiresome and predictable West Hollywood bullshit.  So. Boring. Be a funny girl, be a mean girl, be an airhead, be a diva, be whatever but make it entertaining! Goddamit.

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It's funny how Laganja claims people take away her moments. Girl, how many moments do you get??

It was obvious that she was trying to assert her territory, and tell all the other queens that the Alyssa Edwards video was about HER. *tongue click!* but everyone already knew that Alyssa was her drag mother. I can imagine that, when she's at home and everyone is always praising her like all the time for everything she does, she still has to single out someone and ask "why aren't you praising me harder!"

These people who go on competitive reality shows and expect to get nothing but positive feedback - have they never watched reality TV before?

I wish I could say that I've said all I'm gonna say about this troubled person, but I can't. She just baffles me. I thought Bianca and Adore we're being unnecessary when they piled on at the end, but I don't blame them because I bet she is just draining around.


As for the rest, I love that I don't know who's going home next. All of the queens have shown strengths and weaknesses (except Bianca, although I wonder if the judges will ask her to step out of the 1960s). Trinity has risen steadily. I still love Ben and Joslyn, although I think both are at the turning point of their character arcs (both could turn it around, it crash). Adore is entertaining, likable, and she is improving. Her spongelike characteristics really impress me.

The two whom I'd like to go next are Courtney and Darienne. Neither has done anything to impress me, and Darienne us extremely stank. She cannot pass up an opportunity to throw shade at Ben, and she often creates chances where there really aren't any.

BUT even both of them are clearly quite talented and entertaining. All around a good season, especially now that the hyped up stoner is gone.

Oh, what was her line? 'Alyssa said that I was much too talented to do drag'? God.

I just don't know how I could love Bianca more, I swear to god.  I, too, have an unfortunate straight-girl crush on her.  I really loved how much confidence she had in Trinity, and I love the fact that when she pulls a queen closer to her level, she freely gives her respect and friendship, with no condescension and without feeling threatened.  

I actually didn't hate Ben/Darienne's commercial.  I liked their characters, and if you're going to let mean girls and hookers wear your product line, why not Botoxed and facelifted middle-aged women?  I do think Bianca/Trinity should have won, though.  Trinity was pretty hilarious in that ad.  She's got natural comic timing when she trusts herself.  "Now get back to work!"  "Okay."  *wanders back to her street corner*  She's always taken direction well, and now that she has developed a bit of confidence, she'll be just fine in these challenges, I bet.

I'm just over Courtney.  I'm tired of trying to figure out whether she's being mean on purpose, or if she's getting a bad edit, or if we're not getting her Aussie humor or what.  Admitting that she's being patronizing to Joslyn, and making little mean cracks to her then laughing them off is just bad behavior.  She needs to check her own insecurity.  As much as Joslyn admires her, I really don't see much similarity between Courtney and Joslyn's drag.  Courtney's is much more wannabe-supermodel, and Joslyn's is more traditionally body-queen-sex-kitten, with a side of humor.

  • Love 3

I love this show so much, and I love that it's hard to predict with the wealth of talent this season. 

I could not love Bianca more.  I definitely did not expect to like her so much based on pre-season evaluation, but she has quickly become my favorite queen of all time.  I just want to be her best friend/boyfriend/whatever I can get from her.  She has made this whole season the best one yet for me.  She's the perfect combination of sarcastic, wry bitch/heart of gold and is genuinely helpful and constructive with her barbs.

Joslyn is so cute! I loved her telling that silly oxymoron joke about jumbo shrimp and giggling to herself.  Adorable!  And her ass looks way better than Courtney, so "second-rate Courtney Act" - bitch please...



I see we're not even going to talk about Ganj ripping her wig off--the cry of the desperate queen. It's been stale since Shanel shocked the judges with it. Poor, defensive Jay; she really doesn't know who she is, and at her age, it's not cute anymore.

I hated Laganja as much as the next person but I actually didn't mind that. I was tired of the ripping off of the wig after Shangela did it for the nineteenth time, but Laganja's didn't bother me as much because it was clear she had worked out her hair beforehand to sort of coordinate with her look for the lip sync if she ended up having to do it. 

Joslyn slayed that lip sync and I am really excited she is sticking around for another week. 

I would have liked Ben's stand up routine far more if she had only added in some pauses. The delivery was not conducive to letting the audience process what she was saying. 

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