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Reel to Real: Backstage, Twitter, & All Media Dram-ugh

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40 minutes ago, pearlite said:

All right, I'm Canadian and I've written a bit about this point before [i.e., British soaps vs. US soaps].

I've watched Coronation Street on and off for decades, and I mean more than two of those... Eastenders, I tried a few times, but it's not for me--a bit grim and kitchen-sink, plus, with a northern English background in my bloodstream, CStreet is more my thing.

To short-form this, UK soaps [like Australian soaps] are character-based, not plot- or event-based. With British TV in general, it's safe to say about three things: (1) it's overall better than North American TV, (2) if you want high-class people or the wealthy, go for the "tea and crumpets" shows [Father Brown, Miss Marple], the historical heaving bosoms stuff [really not my thing], or British Cosy stuff like Downton and so on [again not my thing], (3) ***its soaps are completely character-driven, even to the extent of generations and generations of characters within families playing into plotlines.

Now, as to the kitchen-sink thing, Eastenders is significantly grottier than CStreet, in terms of socio-economic levels and behaviours presented. [Please note: at this point, you may wish to start singing "Who let the professor in?" to the tune of "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Sorry, can't help it here.] But that's immaterial where UK soaps are concerned--I'd assume that Brits just enjoy the flavour of the working-class settings and the opportunities for a wider range of behaviours and ethical choices--i.e., lack of class-based constipation. The "aspirational" tag is just a way that the English would identify the media-driven identity of most US TV products--they're kind of gleaming and glamorous, even if that gleam is sometimes the sheen of bullshit in the moonlight...

Long-winded lecture short--British soaps are as popular world-wide because they're CHARACTER-DRIVEN. It's a very healthy part of the media there. You may want to consider why.

I got the rosary out for Mr Young--starting the decades, sir--don't let me down.

Okay, class dismissed.

I loved your post, a lot.  If Young can bring even a modicum of that sensibility (back) to Y+R, I'll thank him on creaking, bended knee.

  • Love 10

I freaking LOVED EastEnders, but our local PBS station stopped carrying it back in the early 1990s because the BBC wanted too much money for it and it would have consumed most of their budget.  BBC America started carrying it, but our one cable company did not offer BBC America at the time.  Imagine my excitement when they DID decide to add BBC America to the channel line-up!  But that was precisely the moment when BBC America stopped showing EastEnders.  Really.  BBC America shows Star Trek, but not EastEnders...?

Anyway, pearlite describes it perfectly.  The characters are really richly-drawn and fleshed out, stories move at a pretty brisk pace, and it's all rooted in reality.  No SORAS-ing that I can remember...kids grew up in real time.  There's also very little telegraphing...lots of shocks and surprises.  And yes, it's very very gritty.  I was totally hooked.  Who knows how or if any of those qualities show up on Y&R?  I don't think they'd all work here, but some of them would definitely help the show.

Edited by Snaporaz
embellishment, baby!
  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

i think the absolute best thing mal could do first is get the writing back to CHARACTER DRIVEN storylines instead of the plot driven stuff chuck is shitting out his ass right now.

but mostly, i want him to STOP making everything in gc sharon's frigging fault..

That is number three on my wish list. The first is having Victor suffer some real consequences (and not this bullshit prison term where he roams the halls, has daily visitors and sex with his doctor [barf]). The second is have Jack get his brain and backbone back and have him be a winner for more than 2 seconds before he loses again.

  • Love 11

Thanks, Pearlite! You confirmed what I've noted about British soaps and television programs. Character-driven dramas are a good thing and some realism interspersed with a some glamor would be a return to the "good old days" of Y&R IMO. But, I swear, if I see any more forced characters in plaid shirts driving storylines on this soap, I'm going to hurl. I don't want to see a bunch of gritty guys and beaten down women - by their economic circumstances and caste limitations of "society", not their own generic loserman and woman ineptitude and willful ignorance. Because that's not what Y&R was and it shouldn't become that. JFP (and to a lesser extent, LML and MAB both tried it before her), and it didn't and doesn't work. Why are they talking about blown up oil rigs? And didn't they realize that oil prices are so in the toilet now, the only exploding oil rigs are the ones blown up by their owners who need to collect the damn insurance proceeds, FFS? Seriously.

I'm sick and tired of the Newman offspring living in tack houses (but, seriously, I'd actually find it a welcome relief to actually see that old set these days) and the FKB suburban split level, worrying about the sitter showing up. I'm tired of mobsters, prison cells, and Jabot being turned into an adolescent's chemistry experiment. .

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 8

Well, maybe if they would lose some of the budget gobblers like SB, JT and yes, even EB, though after all these years I don't know how that would go over, they could afford some luxurious sets. Sigh, remember the Colonnade Room? Remember when Abbott Manor had more than one room? And the things they have done to the Ranch and the Chancellor Estate are enough to make me almost glad my grandmother isn't around to see it. A couple of years ago they started showing "exteriors" of all the main residences, that was something at least. But this show is dying a slow, painful death right before our streaming eyes. If the new regime can't do better, I say put it out of our misery.

  • Love 11

i was reading at dave bedford's twitter page.

he said, the same source who told him that herb was being killed off and jfp fired just told him that pratt is gone now too and there is already a new headwriter in line for the job..

please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza...

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

i was reading at dave bedford's twitter page.

he said, the same source who told him that herb was being killed off and jfp fired just told him that pratt is gone now too and there is already a new headwriter in line for the job..

please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza...

Last thing I read about him, months ago, was that he was helping to bring a show to off-Broadway.  It was a show based on a book.  Unable to recall the title at the moment.  

  • Love 2


It's okay with me if Pratt's crap is still airing until the new HW material comes to fruition, because victory is achieved. Ding dong the asshole's gone! DVR will be set for Monday. Ohhhhh how I have missed Y&R. It's like family. Very, very weird family.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

i was reading at dave bedford's twitter page.

he said, the same source who told him that herb was being killed off and jfp fired just told him that pratt is gone now too and there is already a new headwriter in line for the job..

please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza...

I just don't see them bringing in new blood like MY to hand HW duties to another GH castoff. Won't happen.

Not Guza.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

i was reading at dave bedford's twitter page.

he said, the same source who told him that herb was being killed off and jfp fired just told him that pratt is gone now too and there is already a new headwriter in line for the job..

please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza, please don't let it be guza...

I have no idea who Guza is, but I'll chant, too, if it helps!


  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

I have no idea who Guza is, but I'll chant, too, if it helps!


Pratt and Guza were a duo at GH for a time. Guza was HW, I believe. They killed the show for me. I never went back after they were through with it. Revolving doors abound in the soap world it seems. That's why good on Y&R for going to new blood in MY. 

I'm just revelling in the FACT that JFP is powerless and silenced. The news release was cold, too. "We thank her for her years of service." Absolutely not one positive word about her. Bitch, be gone! is what the press release really said. lol.

Sadly it came a few months AFTER she brought the loathsome JT to the show. I suspect if she had been axed last summer, BJ might have been given a leave to deal with his wife's cancer or Travis Roark would be playing Billy. And none of this Philly crap would be happening. Nor would Kay's house have been ruined. I'm positive this fucking storyline was all created to give JT "meaty front burner material." Because he's such a star. 

4 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

The source is for hiring and firing news to Bedford is an actor on the show according to him  ? 

hmm interesting....

  • Love 4
On Wednesday, June 08, 2016 at 8:07 PM, spinxella said:

I haven't seen The Simpsons in years, but I remember that Lisa Simpson used to read a Tiger Beat-type magazine called "Non-Threatening Boys".   I think of that when I see JFP and her peculiar brand of *dreamboat*.  Look at the blissful look on her face!  She probably has pictures of them taped in her locker!

  • Love 11
22 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

I haven't seen The Simpsons in years, but I remember that Lisa Simpson used to read a Tiger Beat-type magazine called "Non-Threatening Boys".   I think of that when I see JFP and her peculiar brand of *dreamboat*.  Look at the blissful look on her face!  She probably has pictures of them taped in her locker!


  • Love 10

I'm catching up with the BTS madness, having missed the entire #JFPIsFiredParty, and I have to think: assuming Mal Young was indeed brought in to replace/supplant JFP, why bring him in as a supervising producer?  I'm thinking of LML, who was officially credited as a consultant for several months before Jack Smith got bounced.  (Not to mention that Y&R still has its other longtime supervising producer, Tony Morina.)

And since that leaves the HW position open, assuming Pratt is indeed gone as well: we're obviously getting some other show's castoff, unless somebody lost their natural mind.  So who's available right now, Guza notwithstanding?  It's not like Angelica McDaniel and SPT will sign off on Sri Rao and/or Kola Boof getting the gig (actually, I think Angelica might--she seems like a smart lady--but that'd be a level of trust I don't think SPT has in it right now for entrusting this show to a relative newbie)...

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

i just read at a different forum (soc) that mek has been let go...bye dr. neville.

anyone have any scuttlebutt on the new head writer yet?  anyone?

Oh hell. Bad choice, to me, in spades! He's been the only new character I've enjoyed, and given the array of what passes for male characters on Show, I really hate this news.

  • Love 11

he was let go before jfp was fired but i am thinking they were just getting ready to start cleaning up some of the storylines by jettisoning stuff not going over well..i fully expect to read about several of the ongoing s/l's ending quickly.  at least i am hoping so...especially the one sanctifying herb as mz perfect person evah.....

  • Love 4

You know, when ED did a FB chat recently she was kind of meh on Ashley-Neville and I thought that was weird. Even when asked about love interest she said "she hoped for something" but didn't mention him. She gushed about Mishael Morgan but nada about MEK. I thought maybe she just didn't like him. But I think he was taping his final shows then.

And yet Sean Carrigan is employed on this show and getting story after story. WTF? 

  • Love 13

It's disappointing, though.  Dr. GONF is/was one of the very few people not related to anybody else on this show, and MEK definitely made the most of a decidedly bit part...but he was admittedly exiled in Hilary and then Ashley's stories and hardly interacted with the rest of the canvas apart from Abby, Stitch and Max.  For all intents, he was almost an honorary Winters.

Still not wanting this to be the first sign of a cast bloodbath, though.

  • Love 3

i think it's kinda sorta needed tho...the cast is overbloated with newbies who take up the screentime we should be seeing our vets in...newbies are followers NOT LEADERS...and yet that is what our venerable cast has been reduced to, supporting staff to the newbie favourites..

don't think i am the only one who is sick and tired of being sick and tired of ALL the newbies eating up screen time in nonsense storylines that degrade, demean and destroy others to make them shine.. it sucks major sweddy donkeyballs.

  • Love 10

Oh yeah there absolutely has to be a bloodbath. The show is off the rails. It's also off the rails budget-wise.

I'm just bummed MEK was let go when so many talentless twits remain.

Plus what about Ashley? He is the first love interest since Victor that seemed worthy of her. Oh well, at least it means stupid drug story is gone. Can we have Jabot back please?

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

JT's character isn't at Jabot and no Newmans work there. Phyllis and Jack spend all of their time with JT's character or talking about him so I don't even know how the company is still afloat. 

Phyllis goes to deal with "Passkey/Jabot" whenever she needs to make up a lie to Jack about being with JT's character. 


So there's that. ;)

  • Love 5

The BTS info is really appreciated! 

I have such a HUGE( as only Bernie Sanders could say) sad about MEK! He's a talented guy who is needed so much more than a score of others. He's classy,good looking and middle aged which isn't a crime either. WTF! Yet we'll still be stuck with NosferaTurd in his denim jumpsuit of virility. Go figure! JFC

Still dancing on the table over Jill and Chuckles. 

Thanks to all who tweeted to TIIC! 

  • Love 14
59 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

The BTS info is really appreciated! 

I have such a HUGE( as only Bernie Sanders could say) sad about MEK! He's a talented guy who is needed so much more than a score of others. He's classy,good looking and middle aged which isn't a crime either. WTF! Yet we'll still be stuck with NosferaTurd in his denim jumpsuit of virility. Go figure! JFC

Still dancing on the table over Jill and Chuckles. 

Thanks to all who tweeted to TIIC! 

I really think he just became a casualty of the stupid drug storyline and the budget. It was easy to write him out. And I believe he was only supposed to be short-term. It tells me they may be cut-throat. Slashing stories and cast hard.

  • Love 8

Unlike most of these newbies, there could have been a lot of possibilities for MEK.  Every soap needs a doctor (not Stench, who graduated from some online Caribbean medical school).  Or he could have worked in Jabot's lab.  If he and Ashley had gotten serious, he's an Abbott by marriage.  Then Nikki eyes him and she and Ashley are rivals again, over somebody other than Victor.  Unless this was MEK's decision, it seems kind of short-sighted.  There's plenty of excess baggage to discard.  He wasn't one of them.

I just dawned on me...summertime is when they normally put the younger actors front-and-center.  But there really aren't any right now.  Dummer is PT (not that I'm complaining, really!), so who is going to carry those stories?  Freaking Natalie?  Mariah is caught up in this nonsense with Sharon, and there are no guys their age on the canvas at all.

Edited by Snaporaz
missed a word
  • Love 13

I just dawned on me...summertime is when they normally put the younger actors front-and-center.  But there really aren't any right now.  Dummer is PT (not that I'm complaining, really!), so who is going to carry those stories?  Freaking Natalie?  Mariah is caught up in this nonsense with Sharon, and there are no guys their age on the canvas at all.


Faith, Max the psychotic tater tot and the Winters delinquents?

  • Love 5

So sorry to read this about MEK---he is a class act and too good for the show in it's current state and mom and I were only loving him---liked the vibe between him and Ashley but I guess that was never meant to be----UGH--we are still stuck with Cane who we have hated forever and stoopid Devon and Puka and Grampire--why again to we even care??? HATE Billy (JT) as much as I ever hated Sonny on GH---a show I quit years ago---not sure why we are here at all---happy to get rid of Sage but it is not enough----

  • Love 7

Remember when this show had a solid core cast with solid stories, and then used extra players for spice/humor? Using that tried and true formula MEK could stay on as a recurring role, because imo his Dr. Fronkensteen was a breath of fresh air. Why not make him the medical director of the nuthouse and we can see him whenever Sharon checks in or Patti comes to town? Same with Ray Wise (hi Ray!!!! smooches!!!), just let him be in a role that requires him to pop back in from time to time. Surely that won't break the budget when there is so much more expensive dead wood to get rid of. Such as the entire Winters clan (seriously, why do we need them anymore?), Dylan, Prince Matchabelli, etc. Summer is an important character so she should be recast, imo, not given temp status. HK simply doesn't look right for the part nor does she have the chops to play the star-crossed daughter caught between the warring Newman and Abbott tribes. They could probably get someone for half HK's price and double HK's talent.

If Faith gets SORA'd this summer I won't be sad.

  • Love 10

Such as the entire Winters clan (seriously, why do we need them anymore?)

Or how about we get rid of the entire Newman or Abbott clan? Do we need them both? I mean really, they're pretty much the same in the most obvious of ways.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. The Winters et al have some problems which I think mainly go back to certain regimes being too lazy or unimaginative to write decent stories for some of them. Plus for a long time there's been the deliberate "Black storyline" thing which for some reason still leads to nearly every woman of color who shows up in GC having to sleep with both Neil and Devon. I honestly think Neil is beyond repair unless they bring in someone closer to his age who can become the Winters matriarch. It's too bad the mess with VR has made that unlikely if not impossible. Ultimately though, I don't think the answer is simply to get rid of the entire family.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Or how about we get rid of the entire Newman or Abbott clan? Do we need them both? I mean really, they're pretty much the same in the most obvious of ways.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. The Winters et al have some problems which I think mainly go back to certain regimes being too lazy or unimaginative to write decent stories for some of them. Plus for a long time there's been the deliberate "Black storyline" thing which for some reason still leads to nearly every woman of color who shows up in GC having to sleep with both Neil and Devon. I honestly think Neil is beyond repair unless they bring in someone closer to his age who can become the Winters matriarch. It's too bad the mess with VR has made that unlikely if not impossible. Ultimately though, I don't think the answer is simply to get rid of the entire family.

I agree. They need to commit to writing for them and to bursting the Winters bubble. That's why I'm all for a HiJack fling. It will place MM with Jack and the big players and free her to play some big story (they should have gone with them way back when she was crushing on him and Phyllis was in a coma instead of the Devon/Neil nonsense). They need to either recast Devon or write for Bryton because it's a waste. I think he's a good actor but he will never be a leading man with his little boy looks and lack of charisma. So I vote for replacing the actor. I do not believe Shemar Moore was the only hot black guy who could EVER work on Y&R FFS. 

Neil is a mess. It looks like the kidnapping will come out and so hopefully that can be put in the past because it is just plain NUTS. But god he needs something to do. Give him a business to run. Everyone else with a business has no offices anyways, except Newman, so why not? This Foundation thing is lame as fuck.

Lily and Cane need to split. Enough already.

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I don't think we should get rid of the Winters' either. But, if TIIC would recast Devon, using, you know, a real, live grown man, that would be great. Do they keep Devon a little boy to give KSJ more gravitas?

lol. That's a good theory! I cannot for the life of me understand why regime after regime has kept him around.

  • Love 6

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