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Spoilers and Spoiler Discussion: How's Your Head?

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Basically Abbie goes back in time and does stuff we'll find out about next week (like making sure Katrina doesn't permanently kill Ichabod). Abbie gets turned to stone and is preserved until 2015 when Ichabod or Jenny or someone turns her back. Either Ichabod knows it's Abbie and can't say anything until after she travels back (because you can't have two Abbies) or it doesn't happen until after Ichabod "dies" and they figure out the statue is Abbie some other way. I think the latter scenario makes more sense for Ichabod's character.

I'm thinking Grace plays a big part here. 17C Ichabod and Abbie consult Ben Franklin who has an idea of how to get Abbie back to the future (electricity?). Ichabod dies on the battlefield and is spelled by Grace, to rise when Moloch raises the Horseman of Death. Abbie faces the Gorgon Head and Grace's diary explains how to revive Abbie.

Someone on another forum had the same idea I had.  Crafty, sly FOX!  Giving us just enough hints for us to think we've figured it out, talking about it and everybody watching to see if we're right. And it didn't cost them a dime.

Edited by DJG1122
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I am suddenly kicking myself for erasing all of the episodes (in disgust) merely seconds after I watched them, because now I need to see the gorgon scene again. How was it revealed that it was an ancestor of Abbie's? Was "Dixon" written somewhere?


And weren't there other statues down there, are they all going to be freed too? I mean, if this is the way the story will go. 

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Yes, on a lantern right by the statue.

OMGOSH I'm so totally excited now.....

Of course - that probably won't be it, lol... but I LOVE the idea of it. I hope the writers are that crafty and possibly even craftier.

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I am confused, did Abbie's relative Grace die in fire that was started by Baby Henry? I thought the statue was that of another relative of Abbie that was looking for the sword? 


I barely paid attention during many episodes this season and now I am kicking myself because of it.

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They assumed it to be a descendant of Grace because of the clothes. After Abbie got out, she started talking about how her ancestors have died so young and then wondered if that was her fate - she mentioned her mother, Grace, and whoever was the statue. So, yes, it's supposed to be another Dixon woman.

Edited by Luciano
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And weren't there other statues down there, are they all going to be freed too? I mean, if this is the way the story will go.



I think this could be an interesting idea. Not everyone who sought the sword will  necessarily be a good person and not everyone she turned to stone, whether good or bad will be best served by being revived and adjusting to modern life. They could get a few plotlines out of the lair. I suspect the lair might also be rather smelly now, what with the decaying gorgon body coiled about the main room. I can't imagine they hauled it out and disposed of it in an extra-long grave or pyre. Of course, I'm assuming the consequences of Abbie and Katrina's time travel don't entirely negate the future. I don't think they are going to do that kind of a reset though.

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Were there any spoilers about Grace Dixon being in the finale because I could see her putting Abbie into some sort of stasis where Ichabod then has to wake her up in the future. As long as Past!Ichabod knows where they put Abbie, Present!Ichabod will be able to find her since they are the same person.

Funny you say that because someone just posted this - http://dottierthanthou.tumblr.com/post/111468465831/im-in-new-bern-and-i-saw-the-woman-who-plays


i'm in new bern and I saw the woman who plays Garce dixon but she hasn't been in any episodes yet.... do u think abbie might meet her in the past??


Onira Tares portrays Grace Dixon.

  WRT time-travel paradoxes, I wrote a very nerdy post on tumblr about the different dimensions, how time isn't a line from point A to B even though that's how we perceive it in the third dimension, etc. Long story short, going back and changing certain events doesn't mean setting off a chain reaction.

Also remember that Katrina didn't use science. She used magic. IMO this gives the writers a lot of wiggle-room.

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Is that statue of Grace Dixon really Grace or is it Abbie?

Bummer. Having rewatched Magnum Opus, I find one line that works against the statue being Abbie. She says that the clothing on the Dixon statue is early 19th century. Course since the writers could forget that Katrina knew she was pregnant before Ichabod died, this doesn't necessarily mean anything - late 18th, early 19th - tomato tomahto

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Bummer. Having rewatched Magnum Opus, I find one line that works against the statue being Abbie. She says that the clothing on the Dixon statue is early 19th century. Course since the writers could forget that Katrina knew she was pregnant before Ichabod died, this doesn't necessarily mean anything - late 18th, early 19th - tomato tomahto

Hmmmmmm. Back to the drawing board. Was there more than one statue down there?

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There are a number statues that we saw - all the rest seemed to be male adventurers from various countries. 'Course there could be more we didn't see.

I'm still liking this theory - counting on writers forgetting what they wrote a few episodes back. It seems such a clean solution.

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Also - fellow North Carolinian here - New Bern (where the fan saw the actress who plays Grace) is a few hours from Wilmington... so I'm not sure that's relevant - but it could be.

It could still be Abbie - who says she was frozen back during the war? Maybe Grace tried to send her back and was short a century or two? And then Abbie went on a quest to find the sword or something, but ended up frozen because she didn't have Ichabod's help?

That would be some really interesting story. For once Abbie would be the one with all of the twistory. Although - I kinda like it with Ichabod being the one with the twistory.

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Bummer. Having rewatched Magnum Opus, I find one line that works against the statue being Abbie. She says that the clothing on the Dixon statue is early 19th century.


But the whole point of her going back is that some things will *change*, like I said before about 2 Abbies, in the original time line the statue WAS Grace or other Dixon ancestor, but in the new ALT one, it will "become" Abbie.

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Ah, but it is so much more elegant if it was Abbie, is Abbie and will be Abbie - but OK could be a changed statue. Or it could be Abbie is no historical costume expert and it really always was clothing from late 18th century clothing.

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Also - fellow North Carolinian here - New Bern (where the fan saw the actress who plays Grace) is a few hours from Wilmington... so I'm not sure that's relevant - but it could be.


No they've definitely filmed in New Bern - http://www.newbernsj.com/news/local/sleepy-hollow-provides-economic-boost-to-city-exposure-for-palace-1.432752

It was a big deal there I guess too.

Hope to see Grace Dixon or any of Abbie's ancestors in the finale!

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I'm thinking Grace plays a big part here. 17C Ichabod and Abbie consult Ben Franklin who has an idea of how to get Abbie back to the future (electricity?).

Ben Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were in France at the time. Also there was Abigail Adams. The Continentals were much closer to the front in 1781, more like around Dobbs Ferry or Hastings, (being from there I know this stuff), but there was a sort of truce in what is now Westchester country between the Brits and the Continentals, so there wouldn't be an 18th century MASH unit in Sleepy Hollow.  It would be cool if at some point near the end of next week's episode that Abbie just vanishes at some point when it get to a point in which history is changed too much......

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Sleepy Hollow Wants 'Angelina Jolie' to Play Ichabod's Old Flame Betsy Ross
By Kimberly Roots / July 2 2015, 8:58 AM PDT

Sleepy Hollow fans, you’re going to be sew excited about this: The Fox supernatural drama is bringing Betsy Ross into the mix for Season 3, and she’s going to be a badass.

You’ll recall that the Colonial-era seamstress, whom legend says stitched together the first American flag, was first outed as one of Ichabod’s former lady friends at the end of Season 1. The show also made reference to the relationship midway through Season 2.
*  *  *
Seems like Ichabod omitted a few details about his thread-happy old flame — because the Betsy Ross Sleepy Hollow wants to cast in a recurring capacity is a sexy, surprisingly strong spy who works within George Washington’s Culper Ring, TVLine has learned exclusively.

“Think more Angelina Jolie than frumpy Martha Stewart — a kickass Mrs. Smith to Ichabod Crane’s Mr. Smith,” reads a character description making the rounds. Betsy “is ruthless, smart and fearless, adjusting to blend in to whatever the situation demands, from demure handmaiden to honeypot to cutthroat spy.”

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Man, the title of that article is proof that journalism has truly gone to shit. More thoughts to come but I needed to point that out.


That's interesting. I wonder if this will be a multiple episode story arc or just one. Or maybe they will wait after casting the person and allow for either eventualities. If they're going further back, maybe we can get flashback from when he was still in England? Hm... In any case this can be fun. They better do a chemistry test though. I don't need to see more awkward revolutionary romances. While I enjoy the idea to make her more action-y I am slightly scared by the Angelina Jolie thing, this might get them a selection of very unsubtle actresses whose best assets are well...their physical assets. Not saying Jolie is a bad actress but the people who will respond to such a call might not be the crowd they intended. Although I have come to realise that for believability, an actress needs to know how to do good action sequences but they also need to be a good actress. The believability on an emotional/dramatic level needs to be there too. And she has to be able to pick on the vibes of her scene partner, Tom does so well when he plays opposite someone who can keep up. So yeah, that chem test needs to be good. I kind of hope it's a multi-episode arc because that could add more dynamism in the flashbacks. Luke yes, Crane is the Forrest Gump of the revolutionary era but, what else? This could add depth to them beyond the "cewl! Explosions!) factor.

But I trust the writers in that writing room (or at least some of them) to make the right choices. This could be fun. Funnily, I would love Yvonne Strahovski because she could look the part of the seamstress by day (I think she has a potentially good "period face") and be kickass at night. Some people mentioned Jennifer Garner on the TVLine comment section (fat chance) but I don't know why I feel like she has a too "modern" face. I hope they make sure that it's believable for people back then to just dismiss her as the seamstress. She can't LOOK like an action hero.

Crossing the fingers.

ETA: BTW, I am obviously assuming she will be in the flashbacks but do you guys think she might be in present time (gouges own eye out at the possibility)? I hope not because it reduces Crane's value in the present time. Oh and I hope we see more of Captain Crane.

Edited by fantique
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Great. Another ninja super spy quaker woman, this one actually married to someone else. 


Also, I'm kind of stuck on 'frumpy Martha Stewart.' Betsy Ross was not, let's say, well served by the people who drew her portraits. Martha Stewart worked her way through Barnard as a fashion model.

Edited by Julia
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I am skeptical about this development, espeically if it is early in the season. Considering how tired many fans were about any Crane relationship drama from last season, having a past relationship of his as a reoccuring theme for the season might not be a great idea IMO. I would feel better about it if I knew there was going to be more world-building in the present time and more insight/backstory on Abbie to go along with the addition of the Betsy Ross character. Maybe there will be and Season 3 will have a good balance, but just going off this news it seems like TPTB are a little over eager to introduce a new character from the past that could once again hurt the Icahbbie chemistry.

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I can live with it in flashbacks...but sporadically. If they bring her back to our time....BOO!!!


What they seem to be missing is that viewers want more Ichabbie be it platonic or romantic...not more keeping them apart. Sigh.

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Really unhappy about this.  Way to win the trust of your viewers SH - that article will frighten away a ton of fans who left in S2.


Guess they're going all in for the male demo.


I think this show is toast.

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Really unhappy about this.  Way to win the trust of your viewers SH - that article will frighten away a ton of fans who left in S2.


A "Mr and Mrs Smith" comparison and it doesn't involve Ichabod and Abbie ?(Or Jenny/Irving, and yes, I'm trying to overcome the fact that the fabulous Orlando Jones has left the boat, to no avail so far #stillmourningtheawesomeness). They were absent from SSDC and that's the only tidbit they give?

Do they want people to watch, or not?

Did they think that one actress was the sole issue in a disaster that cost the show something like half of its viewership and had a showrunner get the boot?


OK, let me lowly party of one watcher tell it like it is, writers/TPTB/suits at Fox/whomever is in charge if someone still is. You give me a Perfect Strangers analogy in order to promote S3? I'll rejoice to high heavens all over the internet as long as Abbie is Larry and Ichabod is Balki. Tom and Jerry? Ditto. Pinky and the Brain? Hell, yeah.

I don't want to hear about another partner, another significant relationship, another interloper of any sort between Ichabod or Abbie. In case it wasn't clear enough above, at that point isn't even a question of romance.

For me, Ichabod and Abbie are the embodiment of the show, in that rare way imo that Mulder and Scully were for the X-files. Now, where do you think that the X-files would have gone, if instead of developping the M/S partnership and writing the show around them, the writers had made their main endeavour to introduce, every season, a new character of that Pamela Anderson-type that the Fox suits wanted as Mulder's partner to start with?

Yeah. Certainly where SH is going right now, unfortunately.


Now, maybe I'm worrying for nothing and the new character will be awesome, well integrated, won't be a Katrina 2.0,  the season will center around the Witnesses and Jenny etc. But teasing what sounds like a rival for Abbie as Ichabod's partner is imo not the way to do it after S2.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Now, maybe I'm worrying for nothing and the new character will be awesome, well integrated, won't be a Katrina 2.0,  the season will center around the Witnesses and Jenny etc. But teasing what sounds like a rival for Abbie as Ichabod's partner is imo not the way to do it after S2.


Exactly, this is supposed to be a fresh start after the reboot the finale gave us.

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Now, maybe I'm worrying for nothing and the new character will be awesome, well integrated, won't be a Katrina 2.0,  the season will center around the Witnesses and Jenny etc. But teasing what sounds like a rival for Abbie as Ichabod's partner is imo not the way to do it after S2.


I flip flop between both, but I cannot help feel like when one is dating a guy who lies to you time and time again. You keep giving them a chance, hoping they will redeem themselves or change, that maybe they are not that bad, but then once you forgive them and trust them again, they lie to you, and the cycle starts over.


SH is like a bad boyfriend, sucking you in with false promises and sweet words of love and devotion and then *boom*, they thoroughly disappoint you again.

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SH is like a bad boyfriend, sucking you in with false promises and sweet words of love and devotion and then *boom*, they thoroughly disappoint you again.

And it's even more of a shame because imo, the adequation between the actors and the characters they play, and the chemistry between the actors is an extremely rare occurence of perfection that happened to vow the audience, too -and without any hype, IIRC the show was a dark horse.

Imo, there are hundreds of better written and better plotted shows than SH that were cancelled because they had everything right on the paper but weren't blessed with that magic or weren't what the audience wanted at that M moment. It's almost criminal to let it go to waste.

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They really do not want there to be a thought that the Black woman might be paired with that white man?  Oh man, that is so very sad. I guess they only put Beharie in the cast to get Black folks to watch. They thought we were stupid and would sit around and take the obvious disrespect. Well, not me. 

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I wish I were spoiler free because this just ticks me off. Why do they want to do this? Seriously, didn't they learn their lesson? We don't want anyone eating up Abbie time, especially not with Ichabod.

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Okay, thinking over this a little and what could happen...what would you guys think about this scenario:


First, we've had some information from Cliff Campbell and the writers hinting that this season, we will finally find WHY Crane and Abbie were chosen as Witnesses.


Storyarc #1:

In order to do this, for Crane we need flashbacks. The flashbacks are sure as hell not going to have the red-headed wonder included. So who else? Betsy Ross, who we know was "dating" or somehow involved with Crane.


Second, how many times have we speculated that K-wife deliberately set the path for Crane to become a witness. But again, KW will not be back. So why not put that same plot idea onto Betsy Ross. She is someone who manipulated Crane a little toward a certain path and his inevitable future, and we find out WHY he is a witness.


Parallel Storyarc #2:

- At the same time, we have to find out WHY Abbie was chosen Witness. So maybe another character is introduced, or maybe Betsy Ross has some manipulations on Grace Dixon to postion her to be the ancestor to Abbie. Also, if Betsy Ross ends up in the 21st century, she can also influence Abbie. Remember, we are going to have Abbie struggle with going to Quantico, so finding out why she was chosen can once again change things.


So this character is needed to be around a bit, to set into motion a story arc that runs through multiple episodes (while the main storyline - fight evil - occurs each episode) that eventually tells us WHY Crane and Abbie and WHY Crane and Abbie together.

What do you guys think?

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HalcyonDays, are those real spoilers (if so, would you have a link, perhaps?) or just hopeful speculation?


It was released a couple of months or so ago - basically it was a one-page generic write up about how season 3 was going to open. Very vague, for the most part, but what it did say was that season 3 opened, now that there is no more evil to fight, Crane is exploring (travelling??) the area and Abbie was contemplating going to Quantico.


The impression was that the first one or two episodes is Abbie deciding yes I am going to go, and boom, evil happens, or evil happens, and she is really is torn between once again fighting evil, or just saying screw it, I'm going to the FBI.


If I can find the link, I'll edit this link. (I think it was a one-pager presented at the Upfronts, but I can't find it....Ugh)

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It was released a couple of months or so ago - basically it was a one-page generic write up about how season 3 was going to open. Very vague, for the most part, but what it did say was that season 3 opened, now that there is no more evil to fight, Crane is exploring (travelling??) the area and Abbie was contemplating going to Quantico.


The impression was that the first one or two episodes is Abbie deciding yes I am going to go, and boom, evil happens, or evil happens, and she is really is torn between once again fighting evil, or just saying screw it, I'm going to the FBI.


If I can find the link, I'll edit this link. (I think it was a one-pager presented at the Upfronts, but I can't find it....Ugh)


Ah yes, i remember that. Don't worry about the link. I don't think that was meant to be things the show would explore though. It was more like the description for the beginning of the show. The Witnesses are ready to move on separate ways, but Jenny suspects the fight is not over. Then something bad happens and they have to stay in SH.


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Ah yes, i remember that. Don't worry about the link. I don't think that was meant to be things the show would explore though. It was more like the description for the beginning of the show. The Witnesses are ready to move on separate ways, but Jenny suspects the fight is not over. Then something bad happens and they have to stay in SH.


Yeah, that's how I saw it. Time Jump, and Crane and Abbie contemplate. Of course Abbie will contemplate Quanitco, and I can (hope?) honestly see her debating on it, if some evil Witness required situation hits. Not because she's devoted to Witness, but because she is struggling with what she lost. I mean, she could have had a stable (?? Hello Scully) career as an amazing FBI agent, but this whole apocalyse BS happened. And anyone in her position would have regrets. Major regrets. This is something I really hope they explore, because I think it's fascinating.

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Sleepy Hollow: Shannyn Sossamon Joins Season 3 Cast as 'Mysterious' New Series Regular
By Michael Ausiello / July 22 2015, 8:28 AM PDT

The Wayward Pines actress is joining the Fox drama in the series-regular role of Pandora, TVLine has learned exclusively.


Pandora is a mysterious new presence in Sleepy Hollow who seeks assistance from Witnesses Ichabod and Abbie.

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Gee, Pandora.  That won't turn out bad at all. LOL. 

Yes, what could possibly go wrong…. ;)

I am interested in seeing her this role as I haven't seen her in anything since "A Knight's Tale" with Heath Ledger long ago. I may be just more interested in seeing how the actress has aged… (I'm sure she'd love to hear that) She played the role well (Jocelyn) even with the paucity of dialogue. Was it just being very young and attractive or is there something more to her than that? Maybe the wacky hairdos? --which I liked and remember very well.

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I'm just assuming she's a villain, because we have no antagonist at the moment with Moloch/Henry gone and four female regulars along with Crane (and I'm guessing at least one more male eventually) on one side seems a bit crowded. I think there are variations of the myth, but it's not like the show ever felt it necessary to hew closely to any source material anyway. I'm guessing that she either will be revealed as plotting to open this mythical box of evils and that she will actually succeed at either the mid-season or season finale. if the show continues after that, Team Witness will have to battle those escapees in a more MotW format. Alternatively, she will be a guardian of the box that truly seeks help from TeamWitness against a new big bad who wants to open it.

Responding here because it seems more appropriate.

So the idea would be that her arc would be leading up to opening the box (voluntarily or not)? Hmmm... That's much less interesting to me. That would fall back into the whole villain disguised as ally while the viewers are waiting for the main guys to get it if she's evil off the bat.

Now, if she's good and was given the box while simultaneously having an unquenchable desire to open it, that can be an interesting idea for a build up arc. Though that hardly warrants a sustained presence between her introduction and likely faltering. Oh well maybe that was just some solid agent work on accreditation and billing.

Basically this could suck or be great.

I actually thought more along the lines of her opening the box at the beginning or right before the start of the season and then showing up because she wants to figure out how to reverse it. I figured her opening the box could be what activates Team Witness back on duty mode. I like this idea better if she's good. That helps to set up the MOTW format and the good thing about the idea of Pandora is that themes can be explored to bring character development. If she's evil, I would rather she shows up, declares her intentions and there is race against the clock until whatever conditions that need fulfilling (I am guessing it's not sure easy in that case otherwise why have her around more than 1-2 episodes) are met. Not much enthusiasm for this option because that reeks of potential villain monologues, smirk faces and other over tired shenanigans.

I concede that they were once good at playing with tropes so it could be interesting to see them change things about the Pandora origin story. I just hope it's not cheesy or love related. I would love it if it had to do with the guilt of opening the box or even if they said that it's the same Pandora from ancient Greece that is stuck reliving a human life because she can't move on until the ills are back in the box. Or if Pandora is possessing that woman and trying to find her way to earn her passage* so to speak? She could have been freed from purgatory along with all the others during moloch' partial merging of purgatory and "this" plane? Heck, how cool would it be if what the box and contained were the Horsemen? I am getting excited about the possibilities but I feel I will be disappointed.

*Ancient Greek funeral traditions dictated that they place a "coin" on the departed's mouth so they could pay Charon to cross the Styx into the afterlife. If they couldn't pay, they would be stuck as wandering souls not finding peace. I suspect the woman who brought all bad things to the world (rme...hard) would not have the funeral rites completed for her. Whoops, is my ancient history nerd showing?

Edited by fantique
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Basically this could suck or be great.



*Ancient Greek funeral traditions dictated that they place a "coin" on the departed's mouth so they could pay Charon to cross the Styx into the afterlife. If they couldn't pay, they would be stuck as wandering souls not finding peace. I suspect the woman who brought all bad things to the world (rme...hard) would not have the funeral rites completed for her. Whoops, is my ancient history nerd showing?

I totally watched the pilot thinking So Bad it's Good but got So Good it's Good instead.  Let's not talk about S2, "suck or great" seems to be SH only zones...no midfield.


I'm liking the Ancient History possibilities you're throwing out.

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