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Season 9 Discussion

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It doesn't appear that Kim wants to live with anyone.  She lived with her first husband, but now that she can afford her own mansion that's changed. Kim lives with Kris where she completely remodeled and redecorated her and North's rooms. Her mother caters to her.  The little bit Kanye is in town he appears to live at his old place. Kim likes things her way and doesn't want that to change.  That's fine if both parties agree. The problem is Kris H. expected a regular relationship where a husband and wife live together. 

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Word is that they are now dumping the house they were remodeling. I think even Kim with her perfectionism is fed up with waiting for Kanye to make decisions or to stop making revisions in the construction. Supposedly the house is nowhere near finished.

Kim also wants to continue the show. I don't think Kanye will have film crews in his house, so her only option, and the most logical is to live with Kris. The two of them are the driving force so far this season. Kourtney being preggers will limit her. And Khloe is caught up in a new relationship. Kris loves the attention as much as Kim.

It doesn't appear that Kim wants to live with anyone.  She lived with her first husband, but now that she can afford her own mansion that's changed. Kim lives with Kris where she completely remodeled and redecorated her and North's rooms. Her mother caters to her.  The little bit Kanye is in town he appears to live at his old place. Kim likes things her way and doesn't want that to change.  That's fine if both parties agree. The problem is Kris H. expected a regular relationship where a husband and wife live together. 

Yep, and this is why I actually think this marriage may last a long time. 

I'm no prude or anything but I was completely shocked when Khloe said that Kim liked "black cock" in front of Kris. Who in hell talks like that in front of their mom? 

The family who gives each other Brazilian waxes, jokes about their brother's penis, has vagina smell-offs and recreates sex tapes of their parents/in-laws and then shows it to their family.

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Not that Khloe's taste runs any different, but I find what she said and the way she said it, to be offensive. But then Kanye's already told the world he knew Kim was the one for him when she blew him and fucked her on a sink. I haven't heard Kris voice any objection to that. But then none of her kids are known for an abundance of intelligence, so

Khloe's remarks shouldn't really surprise us. At least she's honest about it.

Edited by iwasish
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Trying to do a PSA racism episode where Kim's a victim was such a joke. I found myself fast forwarding through all her and Kris's parts.


Best part of the show as always was Scott and Mason. Mason seeing Bruce and instantly wanting to "show you something" and play with his grandfather was so cute. Most realistic thing all episode. 

Edited by Artsda
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I'm not quite sure what being Married to Kayne West gets you as far as perks. I mean..lately, he seems to be burning bridges because he can't keep his mouth shut but whatever I  don't really know.  I mean, Kim doesn't need to be married to anyone to get perks, the Kardashions are a name now themselves so I'm not quite sure what things and cache she can get from Kayne that she probably couldn't get with the name she's branded herself. But hey..just guessing here.

She gets to prove that she can actually stay married.


I think her public persona has taken a major hit since she hooked up with Kanye (and NOT because he is black). She's started to take herself way too seriously. her looks are ruined.. her face is incapable of even registering any emotion, she can't fully close her mouth, most of her wardrobe is either ass ugly or totally inappropriate and she

has ZERO sense of humor.


All of those are the perks of hooking up with Kanye West, along with  being "humiliated" in Vienna. And getting fucked on a sink.

Edited by iwasish
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Yes, she used to smile and wear bras, before Kanye.

I don't care if she smiles, but damn Kim, put on a friggin' bra already. And then make sure you put a shirt on over it, I've seen enough of those jugs of yours. I really think she's trying to copy (or Kanye is having her copy) first, Beyonce, & now Rihanna. Rihanna said “If I’m wearing a top, I don’t wear a bra, If I’m wearing a bra, I just wear a bra.” & that's pretty much what Kim dresses like now. An what else do Beyonce & Rihanna have in common? Jay Z. One is married to him, the other was mentored by him, and that's all Kanye really wants, he wants to be Jay Z.

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Yup. That whole exchange when shes like "Look Manson, I'll move you closer to the table..also, I need a favor can you help me with North at the wedding?" Manson looked like he wanted to stop having to talk to her but she wouldn't leave him alone.  I want a Manson and Scott spin off show. 

Mason had a Valentines day balloon, so this was back near then. North was 8/9 months old. And Kim is talking about wanting her to walk down the aisle? The kid is barely allowed to see daylight, and from the recent pics of her, she's nowhere close to walking. I guess they jettisoned the horse and carriage and I doubt Mason and P were in the wedding party. 

The look she was giving P while P was shoveling the soup (was that Matza Balls in there?) in her mouth was one of disgust at the mess.

I did like Mason  sticking up for his sister when she refused to say Kiki.

It's clear Kim has no rapport with children.

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I found it amusing that the rich old guy who invited Kim to the Vienna Opera war virtually absent from this episode. After all, his previous guests included Paris Hilton and Carmen Electra.

Instead, Kim told Khloe that she was "hosting" the event.

So let me get this straight. The mayor of an Austrian City known for its music, art and culture, decided to name a Kardashian to represent Vienna at its most prestigious society event, the Opera/Ball???

OK. "Ball" maybe...but "Opera" not so much.


Kim clearly had no idea of the history of the Vienna Opera and was there for a paycheck. I saw this episode several times (I have no life) and IMO the interviewer and the comedian were in on the joke. The interviewer asked just the right questions leading up to the "Niggers in Vienna" statement. I suspect they intended to put the dumb bell on the spot. I salute them. I wish more interviewers would ask the obvious questions instead of fawning over them. I'd love some one to investigate her claims of being verbally assaulted on that flight and expose them as the liars they are.

Edited by Lisin
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Bruce, Mason & Scott for the win. Loved the amount of them this episode. Mason's just adorable and love his relationship with Bruce. Thought it was also funny that in the opening scene when he came into the room with Khloe, Kendall, Kyle and Kris. He ignored Kris all together, no hi or anything to her. The second he sees Bruce it's the opposite.  


Also liked Bruce talking to Scott and being there for him after his parents death, even the "you're stuck with us as your only family know." was sweet. Makes him included and loved as one of them. 


Seeing North's top of her head in the slide scene in the backyard was stupid. What's the point of having her in the scene, showing the top of her head, putting pictures of her on Instagram but not showing her on the episode? Either have her on the show, or don't have her on the show. But showing her forehead and up is moronic. 


Then during the mud course, Khloe shows up alone, Kim shows up with assistant and a bodyguard that has to run the course with her? Kim's just eye rolling. 


Kris trying to help her image by fake apologizing to Bruce about her controlling ways. LOL She knows how she is, she didn't have any eye opening moments because Kourtney wants to be nothing like her. (I love Kourt for how much she shows her dislike for Kris.)


Wearing black isn't helping Rob, he's just not healthy and double his previous size. The scene in the family room at the house where they're asking him to come home with him kind of indicates they don't trust him or want him going home alone. 


If that slide made it all the way to the pool, that would be cool!


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(I love Kourt for how much she shows her dislike for Kris.)


I enjoyed that scene so much. "You took away his plane. You took away his house in Tahoe.". The thing that gets me though, is Kourtney involving Kris in the helicopter discussion at all. She's done similar before. And Kris, "I should have gotten a medal for that.". I loved Koutney's facial expressions.


I love when Kourtney includes Kris in discussions because she hilariously just points how much she wants NOTHING to be like Kris in her life. It makes me smile. Bruce and Scott made me smile too. I'm glad that Bruce seems to enjoy Scott's company now. The mud-run stuff was so stupid. I just.. Whatever. Also, why is it okay for North to be seen on Instagram but not on the show? I thought Kayne was all about "controlling" how the pictures of his child would be seen. I guess Kim's instagram is her control but I thought he was more along the lines of only wanting North to be professionally shot for high end magazines and other high end stuff. I thought he didn't want her all over social media. Whatever.

Kris is hysterical. Kourtney has two kids to put thru college? First, since when does Kris give a shit about education? And lecturing Kourt on castrating Scott? Patting herself on the back for saving Bruce from financial ruin by selling his possessions? I loved her remark about "we had 4 kids and 1 on the way" What about Bruce's other 4 kids? I cannot stand this bitch.

It seems the demand for poor little Towel in high end photo shoots? Not so much.

Edited by iwasish
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I don't really feel too bad for Bruce having to put up with controlling Kris.  I would bet she was pretty much the same way when he met her. Bruce was so anxious to marry her that he went to Rob Sr. to make a deal over child support and money.  Bruce didn't seem to find it too difficult to leave his first four children behind.  I don't care how awful their mothers might have been, he could have seen his children even if it meant going through the courts.  It's not like he had never been divorced. If it was that awful he could have left.  I don't care for Kris much at all, but I don't see Bruce as a helpless victim either.


Mason and "P" are just too cute. I seriously want that slide! Was that North's head we saw or was Kim holding P?  Those mud runs are usually pretty packed. I wonder if they did it the day before  the actual event or after it was finished?






I thought Kayne was all about "controlling" how the pictures of his child would be seen. I guess Kim's instagram is her control but I thought he was more along the lines of only wanting North to be professionally shot for high end magazines and other high end stuff. I thought he didn't want her all over social media. Whatever.

Hee! Kanye is probably mad that he cannot spend four days editing it, because he is a genius after all.


I too loved that Kourtney does not want to be like Kris. She hears Kris out than tells her point blank that she isn't doing it that way and why. One of the reasons I can tolerate Kourtney the most is that she isn't so far up Kris' ass like Kim is. She also, did pretty well on the ariel workout that she and Khloe did.


Didn't the first episode deal with Khloe moving out of her and Lamar's house? They showed her in it when Kourtney, Kim, and her were in her closet with Mason and Penelope trying on her shoes. The previews for next week looked like it was in that house too.



Were Khloe & Kim wearing disguises at the mud run? I don't know how they would think that no one would recognize them, besides the camera crew, they can't hide those giant asses.


Loved Bruce, Scott & Mason together, they should do a show with just them. Bruce seems like he would be a good father, it's a shame he has such a bad relationship with his own kids.

 I think Kim was busting that her kid isn't getting the screen time and it bugs her to read all the postings about how cute Mason and P are, so she had to toss in that line about Mason taking North in the slide just to make sure that viewers know that she has a kid too. I'm betting she gets North on the show eventually. love that Mason is so dismissive of Kim and Kris.


I feel like Kim is always reminding the audience that she is in fact, a mom. There always seems to be a line about North or something that for me, seems to be blatantly screaming Kim is a mom and she is with North all the time. Usually when she is talking about North, I am always like oh right, she has a kid. The shot of North's head made me laugh. It is like she is in the witness protection program or something.


I knew there wasn't going to be a helicopter, but I did feel bad for Bruce, because he seemed really excited about being the pilot. 

Edited by Misslindsey

Loved the Bruce-Scott-Mason interaction in this episode, but Bruce looks awful, especially when his hair is not tied back. In the scene where he and Scott and Mason were eating, it almost looked teased on top. 


Showing Orphan North's head was ridiculous, along with Kim's comment about North being too small or something to go down the slide - I guess it's supposed to tease everyone. No one cares, but at least North was there spending some time with her family before her parents go on another trip and she's left with nannies.


Someone upthread mentioned Mason's non-reaction to Kris - I didn't catch that last night (was channel surfing) but I remember the same thing from earlier episodes.  He's crazy about Bruce, but not so much Kris - he's probably seen the Wizard of Oz and Kris reminds him of the bad witch.


Kris apologizing to Bruce - she's just now realizing she was controlling him, and she needed Kendall or Kylie to confimr that?   This is all part of her "I'm really a good person" tour. Another epic fail. 


The mud thing was beyond ridiculous.


I love when Kourtney includes Kris in discussions because she hilariously just points how much she wants NOTHING to be like Kris in her life.



I appreciate the fact that when Kourtney was first pregnant, she insisted the baby would not have a K as a first name.  I love her claim that she was brought up by nannies.  And that as a mom herself, she said she never understand how her own mother can have an affair that literally destroyed their family.  And it was Kourtney who backed up her father when Mama Kris made accusations against him and his wife.  I also love it when Kourtney called out Kim saying that the only relationship she had with Mason was coming over and taking Instagrams (as to prove to the public what a loving person she is).

Edited by twilightzone
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I totally agree w/the helicopter segment being totally fake; the very first time they walked out in the back & showed the pool, etc. I thought of all of the debris that would be blown into the pool...that helipad woman did not think of that? Neither Scott or Bruce thought of it until they saw it blocked out?  As soon as Scott tried to weigh what was more important; Helipad or Kids", I knew that they were going to put some kind of a kids playset out there.  Maybe as the kids get older, they will move that slide down so that they will slide into the pool.


I also call a Huge BS on Kris just now realizing how controlling she is; it has been brought up before; just a bit ago when Bruce wanted the golfing green in the backyard.  It is always talked about how he is sent to the garage to have any space for his "toys".  I did love though, Kortney calling her out on it.


Another BS call on that "Mud Run".  There were just a few other competitors...and the people 'high fiving' them as they ran by, very obviously set  up for filming only.  Of course, we had to hear about Kim's weight, and again, had to talk about 'now that I am a mom...'.


That segment with all of them in the living room, including Rob, just turned my stomach.  The way they were all lying on each other, grabbing body parts, etc.  Come on, these are adult women, not teens!

Edited by alegtostandon


Another BS call on that "Mud Run".  There were just a few other competitors...and the people 'high fiving' them as they ran by, very obviously set  up for filming only.

I did a Warrior Dash, which is pretty similar to the "Mud Run" with the obstacles and such, and there were heats starting every 15 to 30 minutes. Though you are probably right that it was complete BS and they ran the course either before or after the real people who signed up ran. I do give props to Khloe for actually trying the obstacles.

KUWTK is totally fake with contrived situations that play out for ratings. All reality shows are fake but KUWTK does not even try to hide how fabricated the storylines have become. The show in the early seasons was a tad more real and natural. But show has now been turned into a very corny, cheesy, contrived,  and scripted sitcom. The show is a throw back to some of those lame sitcoms from the 1970's. All the show needs now is an annoying laugh track these days.

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Kris is no one to talk about having expensive stuff. How many pair of sunglasses were stolen in Vienna? And she still has lots more.

Why did Bruce have to sell his plane and other toys because Kris had 4 kids? She should have been getting plenty of child support from Rob Sr. Right from the start of that marriage it was all about Kris and her kids. Bruce was an asshole for not running when he could.



He was no longer an athlete, but he had a very successful aviation business. I doubt he was hurting. It may not have been the money or lavish lifestyle that Kris had with Rob Sr or that she desired, but I think they would have been comfortable. I'm betting Kris dumped all his toys for an influx of cash and also once she had the 2 younger girls, Bruce was essentially a stay at home dad. She decided he didn't NEED all that stuff . He was a pussy for handing his balls over, but Kris steamrolled right over him.

I don't believe 1/10 of what comes out of Kris's mouth. The lies... They roll off her tongue. Kim and Khloe also lie. Kourt is the most honest, but then she also reveals the least.

Edited by iwasish
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Just saw a bit of this episode; I do not believe for one second the episode on the airplane happened.  How coincidental that this racist attack takes place on an airplane while on the way home from Vienna, where they were subject to racism while being a 'paid escort' to the ball.  If you google the incident, all you see about it is Kim & Kris' account of what happened, only brought to light on this episode.  Why is there no one else coming forward to back her up? If this woman was screaming as loudly as they claim, you would think others heard. If the pilot had to leave the cabin to come out to restrain the woman, why was this not reported?  If the police were called out to confront this racist woman when they landed in LA, you would think there would have been reports of it. 


These people continue to disgust me...I read in the paper today that their viewers are down by more than half.  May this please continue so we may finally be rid of this 'fake ass family'.

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Kim gets off a 12 hr flight after being "racially "

assaulted and getting no sleep, with a full face of make up. OK

Loved Kourtneys deadpan comment to Kim's blog

" I got chills "

North was totally zipped into the carrier when they arrived home, no head seen, no feet. I can't believe a baby that age would fit into the seat with the cover zipped up.

I'm old enough to remember his glory days in the Olympics - and watching him win the gold - it saddens me to see him now.  He's become a joke, and he let it happen.

I'd hoped his separation from Kris meant he reclaimed his balls and was off the show. Sadly, he's in it deeper than ever.


It was good to see him so much friendlier with Scott though. I think Scott is missing his father and may seek out Bruce as a kind of replacement.

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