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Kardashians in the Media

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In the last episode of the show, when she & her girlfriends went with Scott to his club appearance, Kourtney was drinking tea, so apparently even when she goes out, it doesn't mean she's drinking.


TMZ is reporting that Khloe, Kim, & Kris are on their way to the hospital, but they also say that the ranch staff weren't allowed in his room because they aren't family. Khloe & Lamar's divorce was finalized in July, the Kardashians aren't family anymore, is the hospital going to let them in to the room?

I was wondering the same thing. I know Khloe wants to see him, but she isn't his wife any longer, and Kris and Kim aren't his relatives now either.


Lamar's situation sounds horrible. If he lives, he might have so much brain damage he would just lie there in a coma, like Bobbi Kristina Brown. I know he was a drug user, but still I'm sorry this happened to him. He was a young man. He could have recovered from the soul-deadening Kardashian experience and gone back to his sports career, or worked coaching young people, or something.


I have a feeling that Kris took the KUWTK camera crew to Las Vegas so they could film the grieving Khloe for a show episode. They had probably signed Lamar up for a storyline about the alleged stalking of Khloe at the gym, and now Kris wants to get her money's worth out of what's left of the poor man.

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The Kardashians didn't so this to him. Lamar did this to himself. He was an addict before he met Khloe. I feel awful for him, but he made choices that led him down this road.

We have no idea if Khloe tried to get him help, but whatever she tried to do, he clearly didn't want help or wasn't ready for it. Lamar isn't a victim of Khloe, it sounds like they were both co dependent on each other and in a really unhealthy marriage.

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The news of Lamer makes me sad but it isn't surprising. I hope he pulls through and gets the help he needs and gets his life back on track. I feel for Khloe a lot. I know she loved him and I think she tried to help him. At times, while I think some of her help probably created more harm than good by hiding his problems for so long, I think towards the end she really was trying though. It makes me sad. I don't think it's the Kardashions fault though. I mean, all things aside from them, Lamer had a problem, we just didn't know about it for a long time. I think it had been there long before. 

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This is really really awful. I've always liked Lamar and ive always liked Khloe and Lamar together. Lamar Odom had some serious problems but that didn't mean he was the ass that Kim tried to paint him as. Nobody deserves this. Addiction is horrific.

And I hope this is a major wake up call for Scott.

What about Rob? He's not going to handle this well at all. I hope somebody is they're for him as well.

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Lil Wayne is tweeting that he died.


I hate this damn family, but Khloe has always been my favorite (well, and Scott to some extent)...I think she secretly realizes how ridiculous Kim and her mother are...and I really do believe that she has a big heart. I feel awful for both her and Rob. They are not going to take this well at all. 

Edited by againstthewind
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Where is his dad? What about his kids? Did the Kardashians even think to offer them a ticket?

If it's true he's passed away, I can see them all at the funeral, all in black, big old sunglasses etc. wonder if Caitlyn will attend?

Very sad, but not surprising.

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I saw something on Twitter that last night his father was asking for prayers. If his children choose to be there that's their call and the Kardashians have no say. if they are there I doubt it would be reported, only the 'names' get the headlines. Kobe Bryant left a game early to be at the hospital so of course that's spreading.

Eta: TMZ is saying the most recent episode of KUWTK sent him over the edge. I hope guilt eats them up. I know they aren't directly responsible but if its true they portrayed him in a certain way that's not entirely accurate (I didn't see the episode so I have no clue) then that's messed up.

Edited by howmanywords
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He was barely even mentioned in the most recent episode though, unless I missed something.

This is in no way the Kardashians fault. If a TV show caused Lamar to take herbal Viagra and go to a brothel, then his issues run a lot deeper. Lamar is responsible for his actions. The Kardashians obviously aren't great people by any means, but Lamar and Scott for that matter, are grown men and responsible for their own choices. Khloe and her family didn't cause this. Lamar's addiction did.


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Praying that Lamar pulls through. Whatever you think of the Kardashians, and how they do things. Lamar is a person with a lot of problems, and Khloe is a person with feelings. I hope to God that E isn't exploiting this for the show. It's sickening if they are.

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Damn. I put a lot more credence into Dwayne Wade saying it than I do Lil Wayne, so I wonder if official word is coming soon. 


What a sad situation. And sadly, one that a lot of people could see coming but still couldn't stop.


ETA: I looked at D-Wade's twitter and he hasn't tweeted that Lamar passed (or if he did, he's since deleted it). He's got a couple of posts about prayers and Lamar's life, though.

Edited by hendersonrocks
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This is no way the Kardashian family's doing. Lamar was an addict before Khloe and during his marriage to Khloe and after. His 2 best friends dying of drug overdoses and recently showed the people he surrounded himself with and I figured after Jamie died that Lamar would be OD'ing soon. The family and especially Khloe shouldn't be blamed for his not being able to control his addiction. They also should have known this was possibility of coming and soon.


Kris photographed at the hospital. She looked upset, I do feel for them. They loved and considered him family.


Edited by Artsda
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This is horribly sad for everyone involved. Though I wouldn't want any of the Kardashians at my bedside, I do believe it's right and appropriate for Khloe and her mother to make the trip to Vegas. I didn't watch the relationship unfold since I don't watch the show, however, from the accounts I read, it did seem that Khloe was truly invested in this relationship. Divorce or not, it doesn't always turn out that your feelings shut off after the papers are signed. They may not be allowed to see him, though if I were making the call, I'd let her in.


I don't have any issue with the family's presence, nor would I have a problem with them showing up for any memorial services because they were family. What I would have an issue with is for any of this to show up on the show. Whatever storyline they had with Lamar needs to end now. My feeling is if the family and E! try to exploit this for ratings that the public won't take too kindly to it. There's a fine line between offering support and using the situation to advance/promote your own personal famewhoredom.


It will be interesting to see what effect this has on Khloe. If there was ever a come to Jesus moment for her, this would seem to be it.

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Damn. I put a lot more credence into Dwayne Wade saying it than I do Lil Wayne, so I wonder if official word is coming soon. 


What a sad situation. And sadly, one that a lot of people could see coming but still couldn't stop.


ETA: I looked at D-Wade's twitter and he hasn't tweeted that Lamar passed (or if he did, he's since deleted it). He's got a couple of posts about prayers and Lamar's life, though.

Yep, now it's gone. 

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I've seen Khloe shut Kris down when she gets on that bullish so I truly do not believe the camera crew is in tow filming all of this. I hope this is a wake-up to Rob and Scott because addiction is serious and needs to be treated as such.

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I'm going to guess that he is on life support of some kind. Decisions have been made. Likely a bit of a mess due to his lifestyle this past while. .he may not have had his legal affairs in order. Could be waiting for his children or father to come before making the next step. I'm guessing its not good. Makes me sad. Khloe is certainly not to blame for anything. I get why she is there and even has her mom for support for her. If it shows up on their show though. .they are officially the worst piranhas in the world.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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With the divorce pending and Lamar with non-existent relationships with his biological father or his kids perhaps they are having a problem with the next of kin and who decides what to do.


I think it would be Khloe of the divorce hasn't been declared official yet.

Edited by Artsda
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Wow I'm reading that Rob and Scott are on their way to the hospital. Next to Khloe Rob is the one I really feel for now.

Kendall tweeted "please don't go" a little while ago. sad.

Eta: stupid Radar said there was a camera crew but as usual they report bullshit and the rumor just got debunked.

Edited by howmanywords
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I thought their divorce was already finalized? If not, I hope Lamar's ex has a good attorney on retainer because that shit is going to get real messy if he passes away.

I don't have an issue with Kris, Rob or Khloe being at the hospital. However the Kardashians inevitably make everything about themselves, and this will be no different. If, God forbid, Lamar doesn't make it, Khloe has her storyline for next season. I don't doubt they're truly upset, but Kris is a snake. She'll milk every opportunity for publicity that she can out of this.

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I thought their divorce was already finalized? If not, I hope Lamar's ex has a good attorney on retainer because that shit is going to get real messy if he passes away.

I don't have an issue with Kris, Rob or Khloe being at the hospital. However the Kardashians inevitably make everything about themselves, and this will be no different. If, God forbid, Lamar doesn't make it, Khloe has her storyline for next season. I don't doubt they're truly upset, but Kris is a snake. She'll milk every opportunity for publicity that she can out of this.

If Khloe ends up the executor,she will do the right thing by his kids. They had to deal with a bitch stepmother when their Dad was dying. She doesn't need Lamar money. Edited by MarysWetBar
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I'm going to guess that he is on life support of some kind. Decisions have been made. Likely a bit of a mess due to his lifestyle this past while. .he may not have had his legal affairs in order. Could be waiting for his children or father to come before making the next step. I'm guessing its not good. Makes me sad. Khloe is certainly not to blame for anything. I get why she is there and even has her mom for support for her. If it shows up on their show though. .they are officially the worst piranhas in the world.

I thought they just signed off on the divorce very recently. If so, I would think his father is next of kin since his kids are minors.. I wonder if he has anything of value left. Maybe a pension from the NBA or some life insurance?

It will be on the show, some how, someway, Kris will make sure of it.  

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I thought their divorce was already finalized? If not, I hope Lamar's ex has a good attorney on retainer because that shit is going to get real messy if he passes away.


They both signed back in July, but there was no mention of it being official. After they agreed and signed it had to go back into the courts for the judge to go over it and make it official. 


Lamar Odom had cocaine and opiates in his system

Edited by Artsda
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As a Certified Nurse Aid it always ALWAYS pisses me off when hospital staff leak shit about celebrities that have been admitted to the hospital. That said, I wonder if Lamar has Khloe listed as next of kin, being this path that he's been on for the last few years, and his "fixation" on Khloe I'd think that he would not change anything. Praying for Khloe, Rob, Destiny, and Lamar Jr. so fuckin sad.


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I cannot speak to how California law works specifically.   But usually, you are not divorced until you have the piece of paper that says "Divorced" and it is officially entered into the docket of the case.   There have been cases where a hearing has been held, the judge says "I am granting the divorce" then one of the parties dies before entry.   The surviving party is now a widow/er, not an ex simply because second base wasn't tagged (are you listening MLB?).   Yeah it's technical, but it's the law.


Khloe and Lamar may have settled all property issues, but not had that final hearing yet.   They might not have they piece of paper.   I don't know because I haven't gone to look at the file (nor am I likely too).   So in this case, it is possible she is still official next of kin -- unless he had a Living Will designated who he wanted to make decisions.   It can be complicated.


That said, I hope he makes it and gets his life together.    I hope EVERYONE sees this and gets their life together before it goes off the rails completely.

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Associated Press is reporting they're still married because the judge hadn't signed off on the divorce yet. 



Kardashian filed for divorce in 2013, citing irreconcilable differences. The divorce has not yet received final approval from a judge. Still, she has been by his side at the hospital since Tuesday evening, according to a person close to the Kardashians who spoke anonymously because she wasn’t authorized to speak to the press.


Which makes sense since they finished the paper work in August and that was just a few months ago and when they did that the reports said it would have to go before the judge to be declared official which hasn't happened yet.  Khloe also seems to be the first on top of list of people they contacted and is allowed with him. 

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I was wondering the same thing. I know Khloe wants to see him, but she isn't his wife any longer, and Kris and Kim aren't his relatives now either.


Lamar's situation sounds horrible. If he lives, he might have so much brain damage he would just lie there in a coma, like Bobbi Kristina Brown. I know he was a drug user, but still I'm sorry this happened to him. He was a young man. He could have recovered from the soul-deadening Kardashian experience and gone back to his sports career, or worked coaching young people, or something.


I have a feeling that Kris took the KUWTK camera crew to Las Vegas so they could film the grieving Khloe for a show episode. They had probably signed Lamar up for a storyline about the alleged stalking of Khloe at the gym, and now Kris wants to get her money's worth out of what's left of the poor man.

I think it's ridiculous that people are trying to blame the Kardashians. 


Lamar already had a very troubled background before meeting Khloe.  He was heavily into hard drugs - which ruined his basketball career.  He was also no saint - he was a cheater - which ruined his personal life. 


This news - as unfortunate it is - is not totally unexpected.  The blame is on him - not Khloe, Kris, Kim, etc.

Edited by escape
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I am dying to know if a camera crew is following Kris and Kim around.

I don't know how anyone could look at the Kris and Kobe photos and think there'd be a camera crew outside his room. Even with this family, there's time for camera and times when Khloe's going to be obviously distraught that there wouldn't be. 

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Since people seem to believe they'd have a camera in his ICU room. 


Kardashians Did Not Have 'KUWTK' Cameras at Lamar Odom's Bedside



Khloe, Kim and Kris are by Lamar Odom's hospital bedside but reality show cameras are not ... according to sources close to production and at the hospital.


TMZ has learned that "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" is on a hiatus, so there's no staff to shoot anything even if the family wanted it. We're told none of the Kardashians want their hospital vigil public ... in no small part because Khloe is devastated.


There are reports the family walked in with cameras rolling -- not true ... cameras did not accompany them.


To the contrary, we're told the Kardashians have banned any photography in eyeshot of Lamar.

Edited by Artsda
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Since people seem to believe they'd have a camera in his ICU room. 


Kardashians Did Not Have 'KUWTK' Cameras at Lamar Odom's Bedside



Khloe, Kim and Kris are by Lamar Odom's hospital bedside but reality show cameras are not ... according to sources close to production and at the hospital.


TMZ has learned that "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" is on a hiatus, so there's no staff to shoot anything even if the family wanted it. We're told none of the Kardashians want their hospital vigil public ... in no small part because Khloe is devastated.


There are reports the family walked in with cameras rolling -- not true ... cameras did not accompany them.


To the contrary, we're told the Kardashians have banned any photography in eyeshot of Lamar.F

Good! I did not belive the rumors about the camera crew in tow, but I wouldn't have put it past Kris to have them. Also poor Khloe.

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There is so much intense hatred for all things Kardashians that one of the bottom feeders gossip sites took the picture of Kris looking distraught outside the hospital and spun that into "Kris Jenner visibly furious because the camera crew still hasnt shown up ,that she called E up last night and said the crew should get there immediately. Give me a fucking break. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where a hospital would even allow a TV crew in the hospital much less in an ICU room.

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Last year a cousin of mine was brain dead and waiting for organ donation procedures, which take about 24 hours. IT leaked out and people started posting online he was dead. I am betting this is similar. But not officially dead until they shut off the machines. 

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I'm sure if necessary Kim and Kris will recreate any scenes they need to for the show, with or without Khloe's knowledge and possibly against her wishes.  I don't trust those two under any circumstances.

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They both signed back in July, but there was no mention of it being official. After they agreed and signed it had to go back into the courts for the judge to go over it and make it official. 


Lamar Odom had cocaine and opiates in his system

So I guess if this is true then Dennis Hof had his girls so a lot of house cleaning and flushing before calling 911 or while waiting for help to arrive.   


And who takes 10 herbal Viagra and wants to be alone?

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There is so much intense hatred for all things Kardashians that one of the bottom feeders gossip sites took the picture of Kris looking distraught outside the hospital and spun that into "Kris Jenner visibly furious because the camera crew still hasnt shown up ,that she called E up last night and said the crew should get there immediately. Give me a fucking break. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where a hospital would even allow a TV crew in the hospital much less in an ICU room.

No hospital anywhere in the US or world for that matter would allow a tv camera crew into a steril ICU unit. Now some nurse, intern, cna, housekeeping crew, that's hard up for cash could snap a cell pic or vid and sell it for a quick buck. But they better be prepared to get fired so hope they payday is enough.


Why the hellllllllllllllllllllllllll is Jesse Jackson there? Him and Al Sharpton may be the few fame whores worse than the K clan themselves.

WORD!! I'm trying to figure that out too. Jesse needs to go tend to his own son that has some issues going on right now.

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I am dying to know if a camera crew is following Kris and Kim around.

Probably not, because this was so sudden.  But don't put it past the Kardashians/Ryan Seacrest/E! to manufacture scenes in a back lot of a Hollywood set, to make it seem as though they were by his bedside 24-7.

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I don't think I realized how much loss and sadness there was in Lamar's life up until this point:  drug addict father, mother died, grandmother died, son died of SIDS, 2 best friends this summer, his cousin that he was close to, and there was the car accident that killed a young child.  He was quoted a few years ago as saying that he's always surrounded by death.  What's happened to Lamar been nothing more than just a slow and gut-wrenching suicide. 

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I realize they wouldn't allow cameras in Lamar's room. I am wondering about cameras following Kim and Kris around as they phone family, etc. Kim especially.

I think Kris is smart enough to know that they'd get shredded in the press if they brought a kamera krew to Vegas. I agree with posters upthread who said they'll likely re-create scenes after the fact to use as filler for what's sure to be the #1 storyline next season. They did it with Kim's divorce to Kris Humphries, so they're not above that sort of thing.

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E! is quoting souces that every kind of drug was found in his system, including needle marks.. not known if they were old or fresh,


Hard  to believe E! wouldn't be getting something from the K Kamp, considering their relationship with them. I can't imagine Kris would be happy if they're just repeating unconfirmed speculation.

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I am praying that Lamar make it through this but from all the tweets im seeing from the local Vegas news outlets with the bit of information that's out on his condition it does not look good. I hope the kid's and their mother are there or in route to see him.

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Like I said, I don't put anything past them. Everyone's giving the K clan the benefit of the doubt now, but these were the same people trashing Lamar on the show and setting him up to make it look like he assaulted Khloe as she went into the gym. Once the dust settles, they'll be in full P.R. mode trying to spin this in Khloe's favor.

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There's a massive difference than recreating some fake divorce talk to the seriousness of what's going on with Lamar right now.

Exactly. But then again every single thing they do is always questioned and if they show an ounce of compassion it must be for the sake of the TV show. Since the latest TMZ update actually makes Kris sound human that's being laughed off. And honestly? I would expect this to be mentioned on KUWK if Lamar does die. How they handle it is what will be important. Edited by howmanywords
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Like I said, I don't put anything past them. Everyone's giving the K clan the benefit of the doubt now, but these were the same people trashing Lamar on the show and setting him up to make it look like he assaulted Khloe as she went into the gym. Once the dust settles, they'll be in full P.R. mode trying to spin this in Khloe's favor.

But what do they need to spin in Khloe's favor? Lamar is a man that is a drug addict, yes on the show Khloe probably hid things and helped enable is addiction but his life and choices are all on him.

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Like I said, I don't put anything past them. Everyone's giving the K clan the benefit of the doubt now, but these were the same people trashing Lamar on the show and setting him up to make it look like he assaulted Khloe as she went into the gym. Once the dust settles, they'll be in full P.R. mode trying to spin this in Khloe's favor.

What did they say to trash him? Say the truth? He hurt Khloe?  Kris was talking about how she still loved and kept in contact with him, Khloe was talking with him on the phone and saying she was always going to love him. He DID cheat and is a drug addict. They could have done a lot worse than propping him like they have been.


Khloe needs nothing in her favor, he was the addict and cheated. She's the one that for years even after filing for divorce she still tried with him and still didn't want to let go.

Edited by Artsda
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