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S10.E01: Zoey's 4th Birthday

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Will was born with GI and urology issues. He was dumped on the steps of the foster home weighing 6 pounds at 3 months. 6 pounds is considered small for a newborn and criminal for a 3 month old. Starvation and lack of medical care obviously take a toll on a baby's body. There's a good chance he has such severe issues, it's not a lack of trying or laziness or stubbornness, it's a medical issue, and not one that is anyone's business. If Judy or Jen's dad were wearing Depends, no one would demand a reason or explanation. I have yet to figure out why this respect isn't afforded to a small child. I have MS and could wake up tomorrow with no control over my bladder or bowels. Would  I owe random strangers an explanation too? 

This a gazillion times!!!!!!    I find it admirable that Bill an Jen keep such things private!!!!!

  • Love 14

I haven't noticed that Will still wears diapers.  I watched the episode again On Demand, and I didn't see a diaper hanging out, etc.  He may be wearing the "pull-ups", which many kindergarten kids wear.  I know because my sister is a kindergarten teacher, and the boys (girls not as often) still have occasional accidents in school.  The parents are instructed at the beginning of the school year to send in a shoe box with extra underwear in case they have accidents. The teachers cannot change them, they have to change themselves in the little boys room.

  • Love 3

In fairness though, Bill and Jen are willingly putting themselves and their children out there for public consumption. People are going to speculate, have an opinion on their parenting style, the kids behavior, their spending habits, etc. It just comes with the territory.


While public speculation and curiosity most definitely come with the territory, explanations about private matters do not. Explanations are not owed the public simply because they are curious about something. As much as some viewers would love to know everything, they have no right to it. And I personally think it's important to remember that Will did not choose to put himself and his life on TV.  I doubt he has any clue he's on TV at all. In the best of all possible worlds, Bill and Jen would have ended the show once they adopted the kids.

  • Love 1

I liked how Bill and Jen didn't make a big deal out Zoey being moody.  They just rolled with it and everyone ended up having a good time.  They could have a big deal out of it and completely ruined the entire day.  Maybe Zoey doesn't sleep well since she has apnea, and because of this she's sometimes moody because she's tired.  I liked how they handled this situation.

  • Love 11

Some kids are born sunny and some are born moody.  We have a grandchild we called grumpy cat for the first six or eight months.  She can still go to a holiday light display and not smile once.  Zoey is simply more responsive to feeling tired or has less energy and also seems to be more sensitive to environmental factors.  You can't change all original programming in a child.  Some things you have to learn to live with and adapt to them. 

  • Love 9


I liked how Bill and Jen didn't make a big deal out Zoey being moody.  They just rolled with it and everyone ended up having a good time.

This, to me, is what good parents do.  Otherwise, every minute is a battle and life becomes less enjoyable.  


I'd like to see people refrain from calling Will and Zoey brats.  Calling children names is bullyish and unnecessary.

  • Love 17

We didn't see Kate.  Wonder if she is still with them. 


I wondered about that too.  Kate was never on film very much anyway, likely her choice and maybe the cameras and the work of constantly running after 2 children who do nothing for themselves.  Judy and Dave seem to do all the hands on work with the kids, putting their shoes on, picking them up, getting them in their car seats, lugging them around when they are too tired to walk anymore.  Bill said Will was jealous of Zoey's birthday and was fiddling around rather than getting ready and putting his shoes on.  Yet Bill continued to be silly with him even when Dave and Judy stepped in with "come on, let's get going!"  Jen piped in with the time and Bill still kabitzed while Jen shook her head. Jen really struggled to get Zoey to stop going up the stairs and turn her around and hold her with all her might to stop her.  Zoey is almost beyond Jen's control physically.  Jen and Bill could not have pulled that together without Dave and Judy.  The kids run the show.  Zoey takes a swat at Jen (learned from Will), Jen asks do you want a time out?  Yes I do de do do!!  In fact I want to go to sleep!  Out of the mouths of babes.......


I did have a great laugh though when Bill said walking with Will was like walking a squirrel or something like that....I thought how apropos, squirrels have no boundaries either!  Perfect analogy!  Bill is not only funny but smart! 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 2

I am sure because the cameras were rolling, Jen and Bill refrained from correcting Zoey.  All kids have moody days.  All in all, the kids have really come a long way.  Their speech has improved tremendously; they are more social, and seem happier.  Their parents are doing a great job!


Every season we give the kids a pass saying it is because of the cameras they are not being corrected and yet it still happens on camera.  Eventually kids who receive consistent discipline will behave well the majority of the time so we should be seeing those results on camera by now after a few seasons not the lack of at this point.  The kids are defiant and swatty when scolded.  


The kids are more confident with speaking although I do note a lot of it is dubbed and the kids have their back to the camera making it hard to see them actually mouth the words.  Bill and Jen still repeat everything they say almost like they are translating baby talk to strangers as many parents do with babies learning to talk.  Will still seems to struggle with putting thoughts into words.  He says each word pauses then says another, sometimes two together almost like he has to really think about it but he is doing better.


I am not sure why the kids are given the excuse of their backgrounds hindering their development which is obvious in a few ways and that is fine, it is expected and we are glad for progress.  The only thing I have noticed with the show is the producers nor the Klein/Arnold family seem to be keeping that in mind when they are planning episodes.  Will and Zoey are still enjoying activities of a much younger age group than their peers.  When they got to the tea party venue they were running around like mad in all that space.  They don't have that space at home nor in their yard (safely).  They seem to require more activity based parties at their level.   

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 2

If I was on TV (I have MS as well) I would not feel I owed anyone an explanation for any GI issues I may or may not have.

I agree. I can imagine people with many forms of disabilities who still have something to add to television appearances. Some have returned after cancer surgery, for example, who may be wearing colostomy bags. The fact they are "out there" shouldn't inhibit their appropriateness in every other aspect of their lives. I think most people are fine with such as long as we don't have to know about it. It's private. 

I haven't noticed that Will still wears diapers.  I watched the episode again On Demand, and I didn't see a diaper hanging out, etc.  He may be wearing the "pull-ups", which many kindergarten kids wear.  I know because my sister is a kindergarten teacher, and the boys (girls not as often) still have occasional accidents in school.  The parents are instructed at the beginning of the school year to send in a shoe box with extra underwear in case they have accidents. The teachers cannot change them, they have to change themselves in the little boys room.

I wondered about that too. I didn't see a diaper. He has an atypical shape. Could that be a factor?

  • Love 9

They don't have that space at home nor in their yard (safely).


I live in an apartment complex. There is no yard for the kids in the complex to play in. I know of several families who have one bedroom apartments with children Zoey and Will's age. These children have 700 square feet inside and no yard. Are you seriously suggesting Will and Zoey live in a deprived environment where they are deprived of enough space for their needs? Because I got a whole bunch of kids who CPS is NOT investigating despite their lack of space...

  • Love 4

I'm surprised and happy to see that even though she was moody because she was tired, Zoey was able to pull herself out of it and have a good time at the party.  Will and Zoey really are, for the majority of the time, well behaved little kids.  Bill and Jen are doing the rights things with them.



We can't say whether or not the kids behave or misbehave the majority of the time, since we only se a tiny part of their lives.  I feel that for the majority of the time we do see them on camera, they are well behaved kids.


I wonder what they are like in school.

  • Love 2

I wonder what they are like in school.


It's very common for kids, even at this young age, to behave differently in different settings. For 25 years I was continually surprised by the number of parents who'd tell me "Whosis is just NUTS with energy at home! How in the world do you get him to settle and focus in school?" or vice versa. The child I knew at school was Dennis the Menace. His parents were dealing with little Lord Fauntleroy. It's very, VERY common. Most kids figure out pretty early on which adults they can mess with, and which will not be having it. If I had to guess, I believe Will is probably a very good little guy at school. IMO, his interaction with the karate teacher spoke volumes. In his very first lesson, Will behaved very well and was very respectful to the karate teacher - because he was probably hearing the same firm yet kind and friendly tone from adults at school. Zoey is probably fine at school most of the time too, although I'm sure when she get tired at school, Cranky Zoey does make a noisy appearance.

  • Love 9

I wonder what they are like in school.


my nephews (11 & 7) act out quite a bit when me and my parents are visiting.  They get yelled at A LOT. 

Yet when their parents talk about their schooling they say they get nothing but praises from their teachers. 


So I am fairly confident my nephews do actually have manners when they are in their natural environment.


So I wouldn't be surprised if the same could be said for Will and Zoey. (even though I think they act pretty age appropriate while even on camera)

  • Love 4

I don't think the Klein property is the most kid friendly set-up, but between activities and school they probably get whatever exercise they need.

I'm trying to be objective and see how the rest of the season goes. Admittedly, the last episode bored me, mostly because we've already seen a splashy, expensive birthday party several times. The kids are cute, but not so cute I find their misbehavior endearing. I know mileage varies widely on that one, it's just opinion on my part. We'll see where they take it from here.

  • Love 5

I don't think the Klein property is the most kid friendly set-up, but between activities and school they probably get whatever exercise they need.

I'm trying to be objective and see how the rest of the season goes. Admittedly, the last episode bored me, mostly because we've already seen a splashy, expensive birthday party several times. The kids are cute, but not so cute I find their misbehavior endearing. I know mileage varies widely on that one, it's just opinion on my part. We'll see where they take it from here.


Agree. I want to be open about future episodes, but at least IMO some change is needed. I don't think finding myself going back and forth between Frontline and The Little Couple's premiere episode is a very good sign.

  • Love 3

I honestly am not getting the idea about the Klein home and yard not meeting the ordinary needs of small children. We know why they moved there, rather than living in the suburbs (so Jen's work is very close to home). But newer suburban lots are also small. Having a backyard pool take of much of the grounds isn't at all unusual in upscale southern cities like Houston. The house is huge. Their rooms are large. Even in rural areas, preschoolers don't run down country lanes. Am I missing something because it is out of the blue for me?

  • Love 10

I honestly am not getting the idea about the Klein home and yard not meeting the ordinary needs of small children. We know why they moved there, rather than living in the suburbs (so Jen's work is very close to home). But newer suburban lots are also small. Having a backyard pool take of much of the grounds isn't at all unusual in upscale southern cities like Houston. The house is huge. Their rooms are large. Even in rural areas, preschoolers don't run down country lanes. Am I missing something because it is out of the blue for me?

I really don't understand what this issue is here.   I grew up in a semi-detached home (3 bedrooms, 1 bath for six people) with about 1500 sq ft. just outside the city limits and we hardly had a yard.  Between walking to school (which is what everyone did back then - I'm 48) and playing with neighborhood kids in fields, the woods, playgrounds or in the alleys and being involved in organized town sports, we all got plenty of exercise.  Believe me my parents were NOT made of money by any means, but we had a wonderful childhood.


You learn to adapt to what you have available.  I'm sure the kids get exercise and enough fresh air.

Edited by MissT
  • Love 6

Respectfully, because Jen and Bill are physically limited in terms of their ability to keep up with the kids, this large venue gave the kids free rein to take off running. It pointed out how important it needs to be to contain whatever environment Will and Zoey finds themselves in in order for Jen and Bill to be able to handle them.

  • Love 3

Respectfully, because Jen and Bill are physically limited in terms of their ability to keep up with the kids, this large venue gave the kids free rein to take off running. It pointed out how important it needs to be to contain whatever environment Will and Zoey finds themselves in in order for Jen and Bill to be able to handle them.

That's a good point. I always get nervous in the scenes where Will and Zoe take off running ahead of Bill and Jen. I know it's not a big deal during filming because there's production crew and security around to catch them if needed, but I wonder how they handle it in day to day life.

  • Love 3

I'm genuinely curious if you have the concerns with the Hamills or Roloffs on the running issue. We've seen the older Hamill boy run off from his mother down a street. Matt Roloff actually regaled us with a story where he had his three year old sons Jeremy and Zach out on the Mule on their property and when the Mule broke down, Matt had to send Jeremy the three year old to walk back to the house by himself to get help as Matt couldn't go for help himself.


I mean, if you want to say "The Kleins are physically incapable of raising their children due to their dwarfism" just do so. All this hand wringing over the kids not being placed in a giant field daily to run seems excessive when they have a home and yard that would be considered perfectly acceptable and quite nice to a family of four that weren't dwarfs.


As for the catering the party to the kids whims... sometimes kids need to learn they can't call the shots. Personally I think a party beyond a few friends having cake and party favors in the kitchen is a bit excessive for any child under eight, but a lot of people who aren't the Kleins have this sort of party for their kids. For god's sake I went to one a few weeks ago for a friend's two year old. There was a magician and 30 kids and cocktails... I don't even have a child but I can tell you, the party wasn't for the two year old and the two year old didn't get to pick what they did.

  • Love 12

I finally got to watch today. I loved Zoey's "smile" when they tried to take a staged shot. It was like a Halloween smile. I remember when my oldest nephew was about 5-7 he would make this god awful smile that became to be known as his beaver smile. He looked in pain and the more you told him to stop the more pained it became and then would result in tears. He was literally in tears the year my sister tried to get Christmas pictures of him at 7, the middle one at 4, and the newborn. She should have ditched the older two and just took the baby.

Zoey and the "ice princess" was cute too. You never know how kids are going to react to costumed characters, especially ones who are so real. It's confusing to little minds. You could see her mind trying to make sense of it and by the end, Elsa was her BFF. The hotel has a winner in that princess. The balloons was a scene I was all too familiar with when I managed a store that did balloons. I'd have a customer come in, schedule something like 10 arrangements, 1 mylar (the shiny ones) and a hand full of regular balloons, and then come to pick up 60 something balloons in a Honda Civic. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LOL! Just say no to balloons people, just say no. The teacups turned out super cute and I wonder if Jen went back and bought the rocking horse. Zoey was beyond adorable in the store, her excitement was just bursting out of her little body.

Both kids have made such incredible leaps, its really amazing to see.

  • Love 6

There's a chance hessues, it's not a lack of trying or laziness or stubbornness, it's a issue, and not one that is. If Judy or Jen's dad were wearing Depends, no one would demand a reason or explanation. I have yet to figure out why this respect isn't afforded to a small child. I have MS and could wake up tomorrow with no control over my bladder or bowels. Would  I owe random strangers an explanation too? 

I don't think viewers feel they are 'owed' anything. This is a reality show that intrigues a lot of people. For the most part, there's not a lot of 'snarking', and if there is, it's pretty mild. Also, there's no need to become annoyed at someone who is curious about a child's habits. Most of us identify with various stages of the Klein's kids' developments, and wondering about diapers on an almost 6 year old, is harmless. The background you gave was informative, so thank you. Frankly, I didn't notice whether or not Will's has trained, and I know he knows about toilet training because of his comments stating Zoey's bear not go pee pee in panties. If he is in a diaper, it's probably for a good reason rather than lack of training.

  • Love 2

That's a good point. I always get nervous in the scenes where Will and Zoe take off running ahead of Bill and Jen. I know it's not a big deal during filming because there's production crew and security around to catch them if needed, but I wonder how they handle it in day to day life.

During the marathon of last season, which aired the same day as the new season premiere, they aired the ep where (I think) Zoey met Bill's Mom for the first time, while the family was in New York City for some other stuff, & they all went to Grand Central Station so Bill & Will could look at the trains & the 3 females went shopping, then they ended up having lunch somewhere there, where they found out Will apparently doesn't like pickles.

Anyway... During the ep Jen made a comment--either "talking head" or voice over--about how kids who'd lived in orphanages, like Will & Zoey, were (apparently) more likely to go off with just anybody. So, they had them wear backpacks with some kind of tether on them, which Bill &/or Jen could hang on to (kind of like having the kids on leashes, in a way). That way, I guess, the kids could have some sort of "freedom" to run around, but they'd still be in Bill & Jen's reach, it seemed.

  • Love 3

I finally got to watch today. I loved Zoey's "smile" when they tried to take a staged shot. It was like a Halloween smile. I remember when my oldest nephew was about 5-7 he would make this god awful smile that became to be known as his beaver smile. He looked in pain and the more you told him to stop the more pained it became and then would result in tears. He was literally in tears the year my sister tried to get Christmas pictures of him at 7, the middle one at 4, and the newborn. She should have ditched the older two and just took the baby.

Zoey and the "ice princess" was cute too. You never know how kids are going to react to costumed characters, especially ones who are so real. It's confusing to little minds. You could see her mind trying to make sense of it and by the end, Elsa was her BFF. The hotel has a winner in that princess. The balloons was a scene I was all too familiar with when I managed a store that did balloons. I'd have a customer come in, schedule something like 10 arrangements, 1 mylar (the shiny ones) and a hand full of regular balloons, and then come to pick up 60 something balloons in a Honda Civic. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LOL! Just say no to balloons people, just say no. The teacups turned out super cute and I wonder if Jen went back and bought the rocking horse. Zoey was beyond adorable in the store, her excitement was just bursting out of her little body.

Both kids have made such incredible leaps, its really amazing to see.

You can see the rocking horse in the background, when Zoey is opening the birthday gift from Will in their living room.

  • Love 1

It's been over two years since Bill and Jen first adopted. It doesn't appear to me that their parenting skills have improved. I don't think that they have any idea how to handle their children, even after all of this time. Neither of the children listen to them at all. They both do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Will has shown some progression, but still acts much younger than 5. Actually at the point of filming he was closer to 6. There are definate problems with Will's development, in my opinion.


Yes, I have to agree on social development. Will's language has not yet caught up with his age but he's really making a lot of progress. Much better and faster than I expected so just goes to show you. Or rather, me - LOL. Socially I still consider Will quite young in his behavior though, but thankfully he's 'happy-young" and not "frustated-young." He may eventually hit his stride here as well. At the risk of repeating myself, his behavior with the karate teacher gives me a lot of hope. Will did not behave like a baby with the karate teacher. He was a serious young man. I was proud of WIll in that clip, and he's not even MY kid. Clearly eager to do well, to please etc. IMO, Bill and Jen have to get it across to Will that they expect the same kind of behavior. They need to be Will's parents, not his best friends. Being his parents means that Will will sometimes, maybe even often, be angry or upset with them. And they have to be able to tolerate that and realize that the rewards for "being hated" lie in the future, not in the present. Show me a child who grows up never feeling frustration or anger with his parents, and I'll show you a poorly-raised child, one without friends but with a massive sense of entitlement and frustration when the world does not constantly adjust for him.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4

In fairness - Will had a shitty start. He may never make it up. That's not necessarily the fault of his current parents not doing enough to fix him. He may simply have a low IQ due to deprivation as an infant. It happens and if that's the case, Bill and Jen can provide every therapy or opportunity or luxary, and he'll still be mentally slow.

  • Love 2

Will is progressing well.  When we first "met" him, he was behind my grandson in all areas even though Will is considerably older than grandson.  Of course, we want to think grandson is advanced, but still that's a lot of difference in age.  Will is now closer in development to grandson.  I'm always curious to see if Will can do something the grandson can't do.  I'll be so happy for him if I ever get to see that day. 


Jen and Bill are still young as parents with added disadvantages of having to jump in with children no longer newborns, having cameras there, and knowing the children had deficits and problems from their backgrounds.  I'll never forget how concerned Jen was over Zoey's size and probably nutritional issues.  They also may have a more liberal and less strict disciplinary style because that's who they are. That's probably true of Bill at least that he was never going to be a control freak type father. Will he see a need for stricter rules and rule following maybe, but that may never be his personal style.

  • Love 2

Here is a retweet of a picture of Will when he was first "dropped" off at the orphanage? It's a wonder he's still alive.


Here is a retweet of a picture of Will when he was first "dropped" off at the orphanage? It's a wonder he's still alive.


  • Love 5

Will is progressing well.  When we first "met" him, he was behind my grandson in all areas even though Will is considerably older than grandson.  Of course, we want to think grandson is advanced, but still that's a lot of difference in age.  Will is now closer in development to grandson.  I'm always curious to see if Will can do something the grandson can't do.  I'll be so happy for him if I ever get to see that day. 


Jen and Bill are still young as parents with added disadvantages of having to jump in with children no longer newborns, having cameras there, and knowing the children had deficits and problems from their backgrounds.  I'll never forget how concerned Jen was over Zoey's size and probably nutritional issues.  They also may have a more liberal and less strict disciplinary style because that's who they are. That's probably true of Bill at least that he was never going to be a control freak type father. Will he see a need for stricter rules and rule following maybe, but that may never be his personal style.


So it sounds like Will has reached the same level of development as your much younger grandson.  How much younger than Will is he?


One disadvantage the Kleins can control is to remove the cameras and filming.  


Zoey was a healthy girl albeit tiny when they got her, she still is tiny but has filled out.  Jen was concerned but it was for nothing. 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 1

You have to give props to New Day Foster Home. New Day literally saved his life and they brought him back to health.

Yes, and you also have to give props to Bill and Jen for bringing him forward to where he is now. I only compare what I see of Will’s current progress with how he was when he first came home to them and I think he’s doing great.  I don’t compare him to his chronological peers.  I know that he is getting every resource his parents can provide for him to maximize his development to whatever level that will ultimately be.  And somehow I don’t think Bill and Jen will “feel bad” for Will or want him to feel bad for himself either because their own parents did not raise them to feel sorry for themselves, nor do either of them subscribe to the “poor me” attitude in life. I think the motto in their home will be “Look at what you do have, not what you don’t have and make that count!"  Nobody knows better than Bill and Jen what challenges Will and Zoey may someday face in terms of physical pain via possible surgeries or psychological pain through taunts or rejections from peers or society in general. I think their focus will be on having the children develop coping skills to carry them through the difficult times that may be ahead. They know they can’t shield their children from all of life’s blows and I sense that that is one reason they try to make their kids’ childhood as happy as possible even though it may seem indulgent in some ways. I’m sure I’d do the same.

Edited by Veronique Bette
  • Love 15

Here is a retweet of a picture of Will when he was first "dropped" off at the orphanage? It's a wonder he's still alive.


Here is a retweet of a picture of Will when he was first "dropped" off at the orphanage? It's a wonder he's still alive.



Day and night difference in these 2 photos, not to mention a miracle. But finding a permanent home for Will was a critical need. IIRC, New Day did not have the resources to pursue the medical consultations and treatments that Bill and Jen have initiated. I'm guessing that New Day activity pursued Bill and Jen to consider Will, based on his very great need. To their everlasting credit, they picked up the baton and ran with it. A qualifying-for-a-spot-in-Heaven move if I ever saw one, because they bit off one heck of a chunk with Will. With no guarantees. And as others have said, some of the issues he faced or is still facing may have been a result of his birth or even genetic. Some may have developed because of the starvation and lack of medical care. I truly believe Will will get there eventually, but it will take time. He may need therapies/assistance of different kinds for quite some time. Being compared to children of the same chronological age is not really valid unless they've also faced the same physical, social and emotional challenges.

  • Love 13

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