Jediknight August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 Since it was just on Lisa: "If I don't make it out alive, I love you mom and dad. Maggie you can have my books. And Bart, I'll see you in Hell you booger eating wuss! That's right we all know!" Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 I dislike any episodes with too many celebrities or musical guests. Boring! They really picked up in the later years. Watching the marathon I realized that guest stars were used more sparingly and they were more impressive. Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Dustin Hoffman, Paul McCartney... Now everyone has done it. It's not that special anymore. 1 Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 DAMMIT. I can't believe I forgot about the existence of the screamapillar and did not set the DVR to pick it up. We used to call my daughter screamapillar. I even attempted to get a decent enough picture of it to put on a onesie. Now that she's in grade school, it would have been fun to show her the episode and tell her some more stories about her as an infant. Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 I'm thinking Marge's Mom. Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 Grandpa: So long, lamp. Hee! That one still makes me laugh. I used that line on my own dog once. At least I thought it was funny. 1 Link to comment
TVSpectator August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 It could be either Grandpa and/or Marge's Mom (both of them seemed to be old enough) but I was wondering if it could be Krusty or Chief Wiggum. Both are iconic enough and also beloved enough but are not too ingrugal for the story (plus, both characters health isn't great, but, IMO, you can say that about any character on the show). Or for all we know, they could be killing off Mole Man. Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 Lisa: How'd you get that gash on your forehead? Hugh; Oh that was when we hid in the dumpster after the fire alarm when off in the pornographic magazine warehouse. Bart: I met a really nice exotic dancer at Hugh's bachelor party. Lisa: Huge didn't have a bachelor party. Bart: We had one in his honor. I had one in his honor. I went to a strip club. Homer: Little Lisa. Lisa Simpson. You know I always felt you were the best thing my name ever got attached to. ( I love Homer/Lisa scenes) Frank Grimes: I live in a single room apartment above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley. Marge: Homer, why aren't you at work? Homer: The car won't start. I don't feel very good today. I am at work. Marge: You're afraid to go to work because Frank Grimes will be there aren't you? Homer: That's crazy talk. You're crazy Marge. Get off the road. *Honk Honk* Bart: Millhouse how could you let this happen. You were supposed to be the night watchman. Milhouse: I was watching. I saw the whole thing. First it stated falling over. Then it fell over. Link to comment
M. Darcy August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 (edited) From really big hints given at a recent Television Critics Association panel it looks like its either going to be Krusty or his father. Edited August 28, 2014 by M. Darcy Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 Frank Grimes: I live in a single room apartment above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley. Heh. That's such a great line. Link to comment
DrSpaceman August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 I actually watched this episode last night. It's surprisingly funny - probably in the top half of season nine. But the plot itself is so bizarre that it's hard to appreciate. There are some good lines in it. I'm particularly fond of "Can I see your copy of Swank, Armin?" Link to comment
BatmanBeatles August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 The whole "Can I Borrow A Feeling?" song is hysterically pathetic. Link to comment
scowl August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 I'm surprised that I remembered the punch lines of so many jokes going back to the first season. There was a period around season eight that I stopped watching the show until the syndication brought me back. The show wasn't always as funny as in the past but every season had at least two episodes that were as funny as anything on television. I like that they're crediting the army of voice actors for the Spanish versions. I think I knew that Homer is "Homero" in the Spanish Simpsons but I don't know why they changed Barney Gumble to Barney "Gómez". Maybe there's a joke in there. The 16:9 versions are a little distracting. They're not just cropping. In some cases when a crop would look awkward they're stretching the frame. Sometimes they're even panning the crop for a visual joke. At least it's good that someone put some work into making the episodes look as close to acceptable as possible in 16:9. 1 Link to comment
Spartan Girl August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 (edited) Aw I love New Kids on the Blecch! Me too! The N'Sync parody really made it for me. Edited August 28, 2014 by Spartan Girl Link to comment
Spartan Girl August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 One of my all-time favorites was "Homer vs the 18th Amendment" aka the Beer Baron episode. I loved Homer facing off against that detective guy ("I'll find you yet Beer Baron!" "No you won't!" "Yes, I will!" "Won't!"). And I especially love it for the part where Marge finds out about Homer's plan and instead of getting pissy about it (like she would these days) she's impressed that he came up with such a clever idea of smuggling beer and is more than fine with bending the rules. I miss the old Marge who wasn't such a goody-goody all the time. Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 The 16:9 versions are a little distracting. They're not just cropping. In some cases when a crop would look awkward they're stretching the frame. Sometimes they're even panning the crop for a visual joke. At least it's good that someone put some work into making the episodes look as close to acceptable as possible in 16:9. I saw on Tumblr that in 'Who Shot Mr. Burns?' he asks "you all talk big but who here has the guts to stop me?" The camera pans to the crowd and everyone lowers their eyes except Maggie. That was shown in the 16:9 marathon version. Link to comment
VCRTracking August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 The mid-2000s have some favorites here and there, like Homer as "Pie Man" episode. 1 Link to comment
Bort August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 The marathon has run all the episodes together in my head so I can't remember the title but it's the one where Homer and Marge are having sex in public and Homer ends up dangling naked from a hot air balloon and dragged across a crystal cathedral. Now, let us thank the Lord for this magnificent crystal cathedral which allows us to look out upon His wondrous creation. [sQUEEEEEEEAK] Now quickly! Gaze down at God's fabulous parquet floor! Eyes on the floor... still on the floor... always on God's floor... 2 Link to comment
Mrsjumbo August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 I have seasons 1-9 on DVD. Stopped watching much after that, except occasionally. Screamapiller was adorable! I've never seen that one. 1 Link to comment
SnideAsides August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 "Of course, we don't keep the cannon loaded. It's just commonsense." The not-quite-sarcastic sarcasm in the delivery makes it beyond hilarious. And how could I forget Skinner's "Up yours, children!" when he's leaving town after the other Skinner arrives. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't used it more than once. 2 Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 So as we move through the seasons I barely remember and get to the more recent ones I saw the episode where Marge got amnesia and wasn't sure why she ever liked Homer. I appreciate that the show did the hacky amnesia story. It's okay with me if they occasionally use the format of the show itself to satirize something. I'm not so fond of another Marge shouldn't love Homer story, but that's a whole other topic. I did really like the end of the episode. First, Homer chews out a guy for walking out on a cup of coffee with Marge, and then he lists off a bunch of stuff that is awesome about her. Then as Homer and Marge drive away together there is this exchange: Marge: You drink? Homer: Well... just since you got amnesia. I discovered this thing. It's called beer... Marge: [Pling! Which is the sound of amnesia going away.] I remember everything! You get drunk all the time! Homer: [slightly concerned] Do you also remember that you're an enabler? Marge: Of course I do! That's why we make such a good team! The whole thing was so silly, especially as they made the recovery from amnesia so supremely hacky (Pling! Everything is okay!}, but also kind of sweet. And the episode also ended with Marge and Homer talking over the credits, with Homer asking Marge if she remembered any of the names and then some banter about some specific people. I always enjoy that stuff. The best one for me was Homer announcing the cuts after the Joe Namath episode. "You're cut too shushy!" 2 Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Screamapiller was adorable! I've never seen that one. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 2 Link to comment
Spartan Girl August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 The mid-2000s have some favorites here and there, like Homer as "Pie Man" episode. Ooh, I love that episode too. Homer as a superhero would have been a much better plot for the movie. Just my opinion, of course. Link to comment
beadgirl August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Pie Man was a good one; Homer was caring in it.* And now that we are coming to the end, you can see that they started making Homer likeable again. Makes a big difference. *But my favorite superhero was Burns as Fruit Bat Man. Smithers running around staging all the crime scenes was the best. The Dependables were great, too. Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 So, when this is over, it looks like FXX is going to run a boatload of Simpsons programming in prime time going forward. It will end up being 24 hours a week, with a lot of it being from 8-12PM. Nice. It will be my fall back position when I want to forget about news or anything else aggravating. 3 Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Homer: Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it real half-assed. That's the American way. 7 Link to comment
radishcake August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 JTMacc99 I thought the same thing. A good breather from the news of the day if (haha WHEN) needed. :) Link to comment
JTMacc99 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 I'm hoping they put a good mix on them as well. So if they're going to run 8 episodes from 8 to 12, I personally would like for the episodes to be completely random and not all from the same season or era. As a really big fan, I'd rather just flip it on and either find an episode I barely remember from season 14, a new one I just saw last year, or Cape Feare. I don't want to know that there will be a run of season 5 episodes and then I shouldn't expect to see them come around again for 6 weeks. 1 Link to comment
BatmanBeatles August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 (edited) I used to be with it, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I'm with isn't *it*, and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you... We got a little rule back home: if it's brown, drink it down; if it's black, send it back. Why do you need new bands? Everyone knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact Edited August 29, 2014 by BatmanBeatles 3 Link to comment
Bort August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Eek! The 24 episode is on. I never saw this one and it's hysterical so far. Marge's mundane cake-baking plot is great satire for the filler that the real show had. 1 Link to comment
rubaco August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Yeah, it may be season 18, but the "24 Minutes" ep is easily in my Top 10. Perfection. 3 Link to comment
Mrsjumbo August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 President Scwarzeneggar: "Look at those angry eyes & giant teeth. It's like Christmas at the Kennedy compound." Mr Burns: "Musicians, stop your infernal tootling." Mr Burns: "catsup...ketchup. Catsup...ketchup." Link to comment
AimingforYoko August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 Eek! The 24 episode is on. I never saw this one and it's hysterical so far. Marge's mundane cake-baking plot is great satire for the filler that the real show had. My favorite part is when Marge is buying the raisins, they show Helen Lovejoy being wheeled out on a stretcher in the background. 1 Link to comment
Iboatedhere August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 Ned on the phone to Reverend Lovejoy: I think I'm coveting my own wife....I'm meek, but I could be meeker...I think I swallowed a toothpick! Homer: Come on kids, lets go home. Bart: We are home. Homer: That was fast. Homer: My car? Milhouse? Nut meat?! God: Don't tell me about family suffering. My son went down to Earth once....I don't know what you people did to him but he hasn't been the same since. *cut to Jesus sitting sadly on the swings* Marge: I wouldn't get too into that Catholic church. With all that sitting and standing and kneeling. It's like Simon Says without a winner. A waitress calls Reverend Lovejoy a bad tipper. Reverend Lovejoy whispers to the group: Her husband is sleeping with her sister. *outloud* Who said that? 1 Link to comment
BatmanBeatles August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 "Lisa needs braces. Dental plan! Lisa Needs braces. Dental plan! Lisa needs braces." 2 Link to comment
AimingforYoko August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 "Where's my burrito? Where's my burrito? Where's my burrito?" Link to comment
Mrsjumbo August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 Cop: "time for a cavity search." Mr Burns: "oh ho ho, I haven't had a cavity in over 40 years." Cop: "I wasn't talking about your teeth." Mr. Burn: "nor was I." 1 Link to comment
Mrsjumbo August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 Mr Burns' social security number: "naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, two". 2 Link to comment
JakeyJokes August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 Lisa: I don't understand how one convicted felon could get so many votes and yet another convicted felon get so few. Bart: I can't believe that for once, Dad's butt PREVENTED a toxic explosion of gas! Link to comment
Jediknight August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 Mr Burns' social security number: "naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, naught, two". "Damn Roosevelt. Cause of parent's death? Got in my way." Link to comment
Jediknight August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 (edited) Watching the marathon and it of course showed "Dangerous Curves". What did I like about that episode? Bart and Lisa. From when they were young kids that wore out Grandpa and celebrated that they were going to stay up forever only to fall asleep immediately, but the best part was them in the pedal car and how they turned into a bickering married couple. Wasn't really a fan of anything else. Edited August 31, 2014 by Jediknight Link to comment
Stella MD August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 I love to utter Homer's 'Stupid lack of public urinals!' to express general annoyance with the world, although as a girl it often earns me some odd looks. 1 Link to comment
Stella MD August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 Can't believe that no one has yet mentioned the words "Sherrie Bobbins". Link to comment
Bort August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 Moe: Business is slow. People today are healthier and drinking less. You know, if it wasn't for the junior high school next door, no one would even use the cigarette machine. 1 Link to comment
BatmanBeatles August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 (edited) Marge: Isn't this fun, Lisa? Lisa: It must be exciting to make a whole different set of beds. Marge: I know you're joking, but it is! To me this is the mother of all quotes: Marge Simpson: Ned! We meant well, and everyone here tried their best... Ned Flanders: Well, my family and I can't live in good intentions, Marge! Oh, your family's out of control, but we can't blame you, because you have 'GOOD INTENTIONS!' Bart Simpson: Hey, back off, man! Ned Flanders: Oooh, okay DUDE. Don't want you to have a cow, MAN. Here's a catchphrase you'd better learn for your adult years: "Hey buddy, got a QUARTER?" Bart Simpson: I am shocked and appalled. Lisa: Mr. Flanders, with all due respect, Bart didn't do anything. Ned Flanders: Is that the sound of butting in? It's gotta be little Lisa Simpson: Springfield's answer to the question no one asked! Chief Wiggum: Ha, haha. Ned Flanders: Oh, what do we have here? The long, flabby arm of the law? The last case you got to the bottom of, was a case of mallomars! Krusty: Ha, mallomars, oh, that's going in the act. Ned Flanders: Oh yeah, the clown. The only one of you buffoons who doesn't make me laugh. And as for you, I don't know you, but I'm sure you're a jerk! Lenny: Hey, I've only been here for a few minutes, what's going on? Ned Flanders: You ugly, hate-filled man! Moe: Hey, hey! I may ugly and hate-filled, but I... uh... what was the third thing you said? Ned Flanders: Homer, you are the worst human being I have ever met. Homer: Hey, I got off pretty easy! Edited August 31, 2014 by BatmanBeatles 7 Link to comment
VillaVillekulla September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 "Hello! Appear on your TV show? Tell our side of the story? You'll see us there? Goodbye?! DIAL TONE?!" 1 Link to comment
Mrsjumbo September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Flanders: "Young man, in the Flander's house we speak the king's diddley". 1 Link to comment
Mrsjumbo September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) I just watched the Lady Gaga episode for the first time...horrible! Not only did I not laugh, I didn't even crack a smile. It was a 30 min commercial for Lady Gaga. Such a thin plot & heavy handed message. The writers must have slept through this one & let Gaga write it herself. Edited September 1, 2014 by Mrsjumbo 4 Link to comment
M. Darcy September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 Sunday at 4, they are showing Sideshow Bob episodes! 2 Link to comment
AKA...CJ86 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 (edited) From one of the Treehouse of Horror episodes. An infected Helen Lovejoy jumps onto the armored van. Apu hands Marge a gun to shoot her. Marge: "I can't shoot her, she's Lisa's godmother." Apu: "You can apologize in hell." Marge: "I guess I can." Just Marge's "I guess I can" makes me chuckle every time. Edited September 1, 2014 by CyberJawa1986 1 Link to comment
AKA...CJ86 September 1, 2014 Share September 1, 2014 "Rosebud" is my favorite episode. I haven't seen it in ages and was surprised that of the older episodes this was the one I always remembered...outside of Treehouse of Horror episodes. I was overjoyed seeing it during the marathon. Favorite moments...Smithers thinking of Mr. Burns popping out of a birthday cake. And Bobo's travels. Link to comment
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