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S31.E14: Lie, Cheat, And Steal / S31.E15: Live Reunion

Tara Ariano

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I don't think the idol thing will work.


Me neither.  Only because it seems too obvious and too good to be true.  But I'd love it if it did!  That's why I think Kelley should have hung onto it and pretended she was going to play it.  This could have been like the TC during Caramoan when Malcolm pulled out 2 idols.

This is why I can't ever quit this show. it's those little moments that endears itself to me. and it makes me wonder how long did that "Um. Keith. Um KEITH...." segment really went.


and the eyeroll seriously sells it, and Keith's whole "OH! yes?"


OMG yes, I just laughed at that. Jeremy was getting so frustrated and Keith was so oblivious.


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Jeremy's look seemed like more of 'damn, I wish you had the idol' not 'you tricked me'.


Damn, there goes Keith.  Stupid editors!  Good job Keith, you deserved it.  I could watch you every season.  Why did Spencer look so shocked at seeing his name?  Is he not allowed to be voted for now?

Edited by LadyChatts
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Do you suppose if Keith had pulled out the idol that that would've made the difference?  Or would the disappearing/reappearing rules mean that Jeff would decide to tell everyone that Keith's idol was fake?


Last season, when Mike asked Jeff if Joe's fake idol was real, Jeff said he couldn't say until after the vote was read.  Had Keith produced the fake idol and threatened to play it, Jeff probably would have said the same.  This is why Kelley should have been in charge of it.

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Now this could all end predictably but I'm still getting a feeling that Spencer and Tasha are the true tight alliance and they're getting rid of Jeremy at four unless he wins Final Immunity. Also, haven't commented about the first tribal because I kind of hate live commenting but I could not believe how adamant Jeremy was that Kimmi wasn't going to flip. How is Jeremy SO trusting in this game, ESPECIALLY considering how he was blindsided the last time? Tasha and Spencer laid it out so clearly and they were right that Kimmi wasn't even that subtle and yet Jeremy was still convinced she wasn't going to flip.

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Depending who the final 3 is, I think Kass, Abi, and Kimmi have the makings of being bitter.  Possibly Savage.  Stephen may make a spectacle of himself quoting poetry and Shakespeare.  I'm getting worried, with the Spencer heavy footage, he is going to pull off a win.  Guess I was wrong about being okay with anyone winning.

Edited by LadyChatts

My husband, who never watches Survivor but only has this season because he's unemployed, blurted out that it didn't matter what Jeremy did because if Keith did have an idol, Spencer goes home without Jeremy's vote mattering and if Keith didn't have an idol, Keith goes home anyways. Which didn't even occur to me, that scenario.

I guess I'll root for Jeremy then. Anything but the ladies.

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Jeremy's look seemed like more of 'damn, I wish you had the idol' not 'you tricked me'.

Good point, he got the best of both worlds. Putting any potential ricochet votes on Spencer without actually having to break away from his "voting bloc" to vote for him.

Poor Keith is always a bridesmaid. Seeing him go all the way would have been fun.

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No, I don't think so.

but I mean... bittery than most so to speak.


I don't know if bitter, but certainly camera hogging.  I expect at least one bitter betty.


Also, they do endurance challenges so much, why does it matter if they do it during the finale?  Couldn't they also have the same length they did for the Palau one?


No Kelley!  Well, this will be a boring tribal.  

I don't know if bitter, but certainly camera hogging.  I expect at least one bitter betty.


Also, they do endurance challenges so much, why does it matter if they do it during the finale?  Couldn't they also have the same length they did for the Palau one?


No Kelley!  Well, this will be a boring tribal.  




YAY Jeremey!

and I know. they've got v. long ones throughout the season. Honestly, I think that's the best way to do the final. Stand up there. and fight it out. 

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Well, well...and just like that I think Jeremy just solidified his win. Won it when it counted the most because I'm telling you, my gut still says if he didn't win, he was going home. I don't think Spencer intended to go to the end with Jeremy but that sure backfired on him. Good for Jeremy


Reading the comments on the first page was very interesting. Some believe Spencer was being cocky at that first tribal council and being bad at the social game and to me, I thought his theatrics was perfectly played in front of a jury that has to vote for the million. They can actually say they saw him making a bold move there and taking the reins of the vote.


Now not that it matters much since I don't see Jeremy going to the end with him, but considering how much Jeremy refused to see Kimmi being disloyal and he stuck with the votes for Keith, he may stay loyal yet and that three that seemed like an obvious anvil from that one conversation, ends up being the Final 3 after all. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Jeremy's dreamy.  I could watch him every season, too. 


I really hate these cuts to the live audience.


Jeremy's best bet is against Tasha/Spencer.  He could probably win against Wentworth, but that might be close.  Tasha has zero chance, and I think Spencer might have alienated enough people.  Plus, Jeremy hasn't brought out the big guns about his unborn baby.

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Looks like the reunion's going to get the shaft.  Only thirty-five minutes left on the finale portion and we've still got two tribal councils to go--unless they don't bother showing us any maneuvering before this next vote.  I really don't like making the final episode with six instead of five like they usually do.  You're trying to tell me that with as dramatic a tribal council as the final 6 vote was, they couldn't have squeaked out enough material for an entire episode?  Or is it that everything happening after that was so boring and predictable that this was the only way they could salvage it?

Edited by wallflower75
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Nice try editors to pretend that Kelley isn't going home.  Spencer and Tasha, yuck.  I hope they both get called out for riding Jeremy's coattails (I will name my first born-if I ever have kids-after the person who compares Spencer to Woo).


I like how Kelley isn't letting Spencer get in his jabs at her.  Loved that TH where she mocks him for saying he's got a good chance of winning (I'm sure he was already practicing his victory speech).


I like how Jeremy said he isn't going to let the necklace go to his head.  Now this is how you play a social game, Spence.  In case you get a third chance.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I was scrolling today's FB memories and came across one I wrote in 2012:

Well with the way my rooting fortunes have gone today I'm going to go ahead and assume Malcolm does not win Survivor.

Thanks Chiefs and Bucs for joining the Giants in shutout hell.

And he didn't! And Survivor was on Sunday, which I miss! Sigh. Malcolm is the prettiest of all the pretty Survivors (except Burton, who is my number one).

Jeremy really only needed to win one Immunity, didn't he?

Edited by mojoween
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