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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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A guy named Terry Sullivan (former campaign manager for Marco Rubio) is on with Katie Tur.   She asks meaningful questions about what it means to the future of republican party that they are facing a meltdown.

First he tries to compare it with any elections loss but Katie's not going to let him do that.  He than brings up Hillary's hacked emails where Bernie's voters were called doofuses.

I'm beginning to blame the media for releasing the emails after WikiLeaks dumps them.  Maybe if the media wasn't so compliant, than WikiLeaks evil agenda would be dead on arrival.

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3 minutes ago, stormy said:

A guy named Terry Sullivan (former campaign manager for Marco Rubio) is on with Katie Tur.   She asks meaningful questions about what it means to the future of republican party that they are facing a meltdown.

First he tries to compare it with any elections loss but Katie's not going to let him do that.  He than brings up Hillary's hacked emails where Bernie's voters were called doofuses.

I'm beginning to blame the media for releasing the emails after WikiLeaks dumps them.  Maybe if the media wasn't so compliant, than WikiLeaks evil agenda would be dead on arrival.

This is how I feel about it.  if these emails had been physically stolen from campaign headquarters, I think there would be more outrage about it.  Why do we think we have a right to read them.  They were private.  I bet if we saw emails from Bernie staffers they would show a lot of names they called Hillary.  Trump surrogates don't want to talk about the real issues that Trump has, they have to keep bringing it back to these bogus issues with the emails.

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Honestly, I'm a Hillary voter, and I think the Wikileaks has been a big nothing--and to be honest, some of the things I've seen reported have confirmed some of the things I think about the Clintons and their organizations.      WikiLeaks is available to the public so even if the media didn't report it, it would be on social media anyway.

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MSNBC just showed a 2000 election clip with Tim Russet. Sniff.

And his whiteboard with Florida Florida Florida scrawled on it. Sniff Sniff.

This election cycle has wore me flat out.

And I'm so glad that Little Luke is gone.

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11 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Pence on 11th Hour spewing the Drumpf line that "we're winning" and Drumpf has a "winning message" and BriWi just let him spew without a single challenge to all of the spew.  


Which is exactly why BriWi has no business doing this.  Send him to the Today Show and be done with it.  

All I can do is think of how this interview would have gone had Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes or LOD had been the interviewers.  All I can do is shake my head.  Rachel and Chris Hayes would have pushed back, but with a smile.  Chris Matthews and LOD would have gone in and left Governor Voldemort looking like the fool he is.  As an added bonus, Joy Reid would have made it clear that she's not here for that mess.

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Which is exactly why BriWi has no business doing this.  Send him to the Today Show and be done with it.  

All I can do is think of how this interview would have gone had Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes or LOD had been the interviewers.  All I can do is shake my head.  Rachel and Chris Hayes would have pushed back, but with a smile.  Chris Matthews and LOD would have gone in and left Governor Voldemort looking like the fool he is.  As an added bonus, Joy Reid would have made it clear that she's not here for that mess.

Any of those would have been beautiful. And BriWi should be on the Today Show (which I never, ever watch--perfect!)

I did like it that he (probably really, his producers) showed the whole Kelly-Gingrich exchange that had happened just a couple of hours earlier and then had on (a fairly outraged) Nicole Wallace to comment. BriWi didn't feel much about it (no news flash there), but at least Nicole had a few minutes to express how many women would have reacted to "another bully for Trump" and the utter disrespect Newt showed to a capable professional woman like Kelly, who admirably kept her cool.

The whole clip is important to play, but I see that even on MSNBC this a.m. they only played a snippet where you don't see how awful Gingrich really was, with zero provocation.  Gingrich - Giuliani - Christie - Ailes - Trump.  Could the old saying "birds of a feather...." ever have a better illustration?

Edited by Padma
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Andrea Mitchell's fascination with an upcoming Democratic party implosion is embarrassing. She must have some poor intern dumpster diving 24/7 through Podesta's emails trying to find something to back up her theory. 

Today, she had on the head of Bernie's super PAC. She kept throwing  hypotheticals at him to get him to say he wouldn't support certain potential Clinton appointments or policies. Meanwhile she neglected to note that Warren and Sanders are so opposed to a Clinton administration that they are actively traveling the country trying to make it happen. 

Can't say that about Rubio, McConnell, Ryan. . . 

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It bugs me no end that reporters are always--always!--interviewing Trump supporters at his rallies, often several at a time.  Has anyone ever seen them interview Hillary supporters? I imagine they must at times, right? but I've never seen it.

Not only is the MSM fascinated by Trump (and bored by Hillary) but they're apparently completely fascinated by his supporters, too--and completely disinterested in Hillary's.

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18 hours ago, xaxat said:

Andrea Mitchell's fascination with an upcoming Democratic party implosion is embarrassing. She must have some poor intern dumpster diving 24/7 through Podesta's emails trying to find something to back up her theory. 

Today, she had on the head of Bernie's super PAC. She kept throwing  hypotheticals at him to get him to say he wouldn't support certain potential Clinton appointments or policies. Meanwhile she neglected to note that Warren and Sanders are so opposed to a Clinton administration that they are actively traveling the country trying to make it happen. 

Can't say that about Rubio, McConnell, Ryan. . . 

Yeah but hopefully melting flesh-faced Cruz is still manning the phones!


19 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Which is exactly why BriWi has no business doing this.  Send him to the Today Show and be done with it.  

All I can do is think of how this interview would have gone had Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes or LOD had been the interviewers.  All I can do is shake my head.  Rachel and Chris Hayes would have pushed back, but with a smile.  Chris Matthews and LOD would have gone in and left Governor Voldemort looking like the fool he is.  As an added bonus, Joy Reid would have made it clear that she's not here for that mess.


I'm betting no Lyin' Brian no Dense Pence.  Williams was most likely groomed for succeeding Brokaw because he was more than willing to continue the Rove carrot and stick approach to White House access.  And crafting the news to reflect that.  Let's not forget how Williams and Savannah Guthrie sat weeks before the 2012 election and basically reported as fact that President Obama had lost the election and had no chance or recovery.  Then when polls refused to reflect that Guthrie was on again to sit at Big Brian's desk as the two gleefully reported how the races for the Senate were essentially lost already despite some of them being Democrat wins.  You know.  When the election happened.  Again Guthrie and Williams gave figures as if they were facts that could not be changed and not just hypothetical.  For an anchor of a major network to report on voting as if it was locked in weeks before an election should have earned him outcry and a toss and the media saw it as business as usual.  For GE/Comcast/Universal/Owned by People Rich Enough not to pay taxes/NBC.

Him being brought back without an ounce of remorse or awareness just shows me how firmly up the asses of his corporate overlords he has always been and how there is a quid pro quo for an empty suit with a penchant for self-promoting lies and a network that is embarrassed it let itself be swayed by pesky ad revenue and a need to carve out a profitable niche outside of Fox and CNN and let itself get a little too progressive to the point people were actually listening. 

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Apparently Stephanie at the 9am hour is a Beach Boys fan. She had on a pollster whose first name is Rosie and asked her a question about the polls, prefacing the question with, "Help me, Rhonda." Rosie the pollster said, you mean Rosie? And Stephanie just reiterated the question. It was amusing.

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On 10/26/2016 at 9:01 AM, MulletorHater said:
On 10/25/2016 at 9:15 PM, 33kaitykaity said:

Pence on 11th Hour spewing the Drumpf line that "we're winning" and Drumpf has a "winning message" and BriWi just let him spew without a single challenge to all of the spew.  


Which is exactly why BriWi has no business doing this.  Send him to the Today Show and be done with it.  

All I can do is think of how this interview would have gone had Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes or LOD had been the interviewers.

Maybe Pence would not have agreed to do the interview had it been done by Maddow, Matthews, Hayes or LOD.  just a thought

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1 hour ago, car54 said:

GOOOOO Chris Jansing--she's going after Jen Palmieri over the leaks over the money to Bill Clinton.

The thing is this is going to turn into a big nothing burger as they say.

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An expensive nothingburger.   And I'm voting for her, and I do not honestly think she was involved in it herself, but some of the actions being done on behalf of WJC smell funny.

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I think Matthews likes to think there are no such things as white nationalists anymore and they're all just misunderstood working class, blue collar whites with some prejudices like the family and friends he grew up with in Philly.

Once he has an idea in his head, it's unshakeable. I was glad to see an interview on Hardball with Evan McMullin tonight--he makes a much better impression than Gary Johnson or Trump--but nothing he said was going to change Chris's belief that the reason Mormons reject Trump is because they believe in humility and don't like braggarts. McMullin could talk all he wanted about rejecting the racial, religious and gender antagonisms of Trump's campaign and Chris just was hearing, "he's a braggart."  Sometimes, when people are talking, I'm not sure he's even listening at all. I enjoyed the interview, but this was still one of those times.

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I wonder just who the fuck Chuckie teh Toad thinks he is.  


Chuck Todd Calls On Clinton Foundation To Be Shut Down

During an interview with WGN Radio today, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd weighed in on recent hacked emails released by WikiLeaks purportedly from Clinton ally John Podesta, claiming that they show the Clinton Foundation needs to be shuttered. 

Speaking to host Steve Cochran, Todd was upfront with his feelings about what should happen to the charitable foundation if Hillary Clinton is elected. 

“Let me go to bottom line — there is no way under any circumstance the Clinton Foundation should be operating if she becomes president,” Todd told Cochran. 

Later, he added, “I just don’t see how they can keep that going.”



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Oh, crap, this weekend will be all about the email server, now that the FBI is "Reviewing some new information".  MSNBC has gone to Trump for his new - improvised - stump speech on the Clinton corruption.  Hallie Jackson just quoted Trump as saying "this may not be as rigged as I thought it was."  "This is bigger than Watergate." Ugh.  Kristen Welker was on the Clinton plane when they all learned about this, including Clinton.   ETA:  Kristen is reporting that they are all sitting on the tarmac well after the plane landed, with the Clinton advisors huddling in the front of the plane. 

They brought in Pete WIlliams to provide some context to the letter from the FBI -- "technically, the case is not being re-opened, because it was never closed."  He also said that the FBI "came across a device" they had not reviewed previously, but it is not clear whose device, or what was on it.    "There is absolutely no way this is going to be resolved in eleven days."  So Trump can make it into whatever he wants for the next eleven days. 

Kacie Hunt on MSNBC "You can see where this is going.  There is incredible anger on the part of Democrats"

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I wonder if Drumpf campaign's latest FEC filings will get this much coverage over the weekend.  Apparently, he's been using donors' money and funneling it to three of his hotels, including the one here in D.C. 

I'll wait with bated breath to see if anyone mentions this other than Rachel--maybe.

Meanwhile, I would trust Secretary Clinton with top secret information more than I would Putin's tangerine colored bitch any day.

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One of the mid-day guest commentators on MSNBC said something that made sense (from Congress):  that if the FBI had announced on November 10 that it was undertaking this additional inquiry, there would be outrage that it was suppressed until after the election.*  Now that we know it is the Weiner case and his computer, hopefully it will not lead down a path to state secrets that had not been previously provided to the FBI.  Of course, that will not stop the roar from the Trump camp. 

*ETA:  Rep. Elijah Cummings was just on The Rachel Maddow Show, saying the same thing I heard earlier from a member of Congress, regarding how troubling it would be if this new inquiry were announced right *after* the election.

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Guys, very important news. There's going to be a special Friday edition of BriWi's show tonight. Will he manage his patented balance of inane and insane? Tune in to find out.

Obviously I'm kidding. I like you guys. I don't want you to suffer through that mess. Not tonight. Not ever.

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1 hour ago, jenrising said:

Guys, very important news. There's going to be a special Friday edition of BriWi's show tonight. Will he manage his patented balance of inane and insane? Tune in to find out.

Obviously I'm kidding. I like you guys. I don't want you to suffer through that mess. Not tonight. Not ever.

Nooooo.... I wanted to see the rerun of "All In", because I missed the early show.  Shoot.  (I know, I can watch online, but I timed dinner to be ready when "All In" was supposed to air again.)

And hey, Rachel has been featuring old clips that contain Andrea Mitchell this evening.  She just said "Andrea Mitchell is history!"  and I said, "As in, hey buster, you're history"?  It was fun to see apparently teenaged Bill Clinton and Al Gore in late October 1992.  How young everyone looked 26 years ago! 

ETA:  Lawrence O'Donnell had actual breaking news (instead of the regular "everything is breaking news all the time" slogan of MSNBC) that a source says Huma Abedin would transfer State Department email to Yahoo accounts to print them out at home, because the State Department printers were so slow -- and then would deliver the paper documents to HRC.  If anything, HRC seems even farther removed from this email scandal, because the emails were not even being forwarded to her.  But I've been in high-level positions (not politics), and an executive with this kind of liability so close at hand generally cannot afford to have someone working closely who has the appearance of a compromised position.  This has to be excruciating for them, as HRC and Abedin are so close.  And Abedin is now not only betrayed by her husband's behavior, but now is the instrument of inadvertent betrayal to the person so closely linked to her. 

Edited by jjj
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59 minutes ago, jjj said:

It was fun to see apparently teenaged Bill Clinton and Al Gore in late October 1992.  How young everyone looked 26 years ago! 

Sheesh!  A lot of us looked young 26 years ago (I'm sure some in this group were in rompers, right?)  I was working on a gubernatorial campaign and went to a political gathering to see the entire Gore family.  That was back when working on campaigns was fun, unlike today.  Back on topic:  that's funny re: Rachel's comment about Andrea Mitchell (I can't watch Mitchell's show...she's one of the gaspers).

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48 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Sheesh!  A lot of us looked young 26 years ago (I'm sure some in this group were in rompers, right?)  I was working on a gubernatorial campaign and went to a political gathering to see the entire Gore family.  That was back when working on campaigns was fun, unlike today.  Back on topic:  that's funny re: Rachel's comment about Andrea Mitchell (I can't watch Mitchell's show...she's one of the gaspers).

Oh, I had completely forgotten that Gore visited my campus in the '92 race, and his prep room was in my academic building, so the building was closed off, except we were allowed to remain in the building if we stayed inside rooms in the building until he was gone.  I waited until I thought they were all outside, then left to go see the rally.  I was only vaguely aware of the Secret Service agents about 40 feet down the hall, and as I entered the elevator, heard one of them say, "gee I have a twitchy finger today."  Took me a while to figure out I had alarmed them, and Gore was still in the building.  Gore was great at the rally.  I'll have to catch those pictures again on the rerun of Rachel's show. 

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Thank sweet baby jesus that tomorrow is Saturday, so no Morning Joe bloviating.  Instead, for whatever little good we have all done in our lives (and it's not enough), we get AMJoy with Joy Reid.  This is my half-glass full take at this moment.

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Ugh, MSNBC is running an entire Trump stump speech live.  Surely there is some *news* happening that is worth reporting? 

Someone said on Lawrence O'Donnell last night that if he had written the events of this election as a West Wing plot, it never would have been accepted.  Seriously, it is mind-boggling that the future of the country might be tilted because of the sexual addiction of the husband of a candidate's top aide. 

I'll go see if today's AM Joy is up for streaming yet.  Joy, Chris Hayes, Rachel and fivethirtyeight.com are keeping me a little sane. 

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Palate cleanser:  a New York Times article in which Rachel, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and an interviewer sit down for a late breakfast at a NY hotel to discuss the election:  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/fashion/table-for-three-rachel-maddow-doris-kearns-goodwin-presidential-election.html?action=click&contentCollection=Politics&module=Trending&version=Full&region=Marginalia&pgtype=article 

In case you don't have time to click, these two episodes described by Rachel are about her show:

About Hillary Clinton:  "I met Hillary in a professional capacity. I interviewed her. But what happened off-camera was almost more interesting. I don’t think of her as an extrovert, but when we were done, she met every single person on set, my entire staff, the whole floor, including the cleaning crew. Shook hands, took pictures. She was being kind to people who had an interest in her. But to see her do that, willingly, at the end of her 11th event of the day, that surprised me."

About Trump:  "I've only spoken to Trump on the phone. He was warm and charming. I enjoyed talking to him. But a funny thing happened when I was negotiating with his staff. They insisted that the conversation was off the record. I could never even refer to the fact that it had happened. But at the end of it, Mr. Trump said: 'Well, this has been a good conversation. You can run it.' I said: 'I’m not taping it. Your people said I couldn’t even refer to it.' And he said, 'This wasn’t on TV?'"

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Is there a site on these boards specifically for politics?  If so, could someone please direct me?  It's probably right under my nose but I'm so fired up by this latest fricking "email scandal" that I can't even think straight.  Because it's been discussed ad nauseum on MSNBC (which I love, by the way, but I mute the volume when they air tRump speeches) I think I can vent on the subject here while my hair's still on fire.  Since I wasn't listening to this crap about Comey and the new emails, I just learned what this latest hubbub is all about.  WTF?!  This is what Hillary should say about that:  "I am sick and tired of suffering the slings and arrows that should be directed at the philandering men in my life.  I absolutely refuse to take the blame because my husband and my assistant's husband couldn't keep their peckers in their damn pants.  What the fuck  does this have to do with me????   And from this moment on I will not be discussing that subject any further.  You wanna know about healthcare?  Ask me.  Foreign policy?  Ask me.  Supreme Court appointments?  Ask me.  If you want to know about wandering penises, go to the source.  I'm done."     * mic drop *

Edited by Ladyrain
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1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

Is there a site on these boards specifically for politics?  If so, could someone please direct me?  It's probably right under my nose but I'm so fired up by this latest fricking "email scandal" that I can't even think straight.  Because it's been discussed ad nauseum on MSNBC (which I love, by the way, but I mute the volume when they air tRump speeches) I think I can vent on the subject here while my hair's still on fire.  Since I wasn't listening to this crap about Comey and the new emails, I just learned what this latest hubbub is all about.  WTF?!  This is what Hillary should say about that:  "I am sick and tired of suffering the slings and arrows that should be directed at the philandering men in my life.  I absolutely refuse to take the blame because my husband and my assistant's husband couldn't keep their peckers in their damn pants.  What the fuck  does this have to do with me????   And from this moment on I will not be discussing that subject any further.  You wanna know about healthcare?  Ask me.  Foreign policy?  Ask me.  Supreme Court appointments?  Ask me.  If you want to know about wandering penises, go to the source.  I'm done."     * mic drop *

I was gratified to learn that after all the hysterical reporting yesterday that a lot of this shit had to be walked back before the night was over.  Plus, Comey's ass is being dragged for defying the Attorney General, his boss, and violating protocol.  Media Matters takes the media to task for shooting first and basically asking questions much later.  Then to add insult to injury, they ran with Congressman Chaffetz' spin and the GOP talking points in its reporting.

Simply shameful and despicable.

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I have not heard MSNBC walking much back -- but I still have not listened to AM Joy.  I tried for several mid-day hours to get news, but kept getting stump speeches.  Then, they showed the "old news from 2009, in case you missed it" and now the Clinton hour-long profile they broadcast earlier in the election season -- I suspect the Trump profile will follow.  So, even though I have been trying to get the MSNBC take on the events of yesterday, they are not being helpful.  I did see Katy Tur beat up the Trump communications director at one point.  "How can Mr. Trump know these emails *clearly* signal problems when he has not seen them?"  "Well, I did not talk to him"  "You are not in a position to be able to say these are incriminating"  "Well, Mr. Trump knows what is there" "How can you possibly know that, when you have not talked to him?" Then, Katy saying later goodbye and that "this has clearly been the most beautiful interview setting of the campaign"

msnbc 10-29-16 B.jpg

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Wow, Chris Jansing is interviewing Lucie Baines Johnson at the LBJ Library!  Lucie/LBJ looks great, and it has been a long time since I have seen her.  #sheswithher -- that is, #LBJswithher

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Noooo.... MSNBC and CNN are reporting that Donna Brazile did leak one or two debate questions to the HRC campaign and has resigned/was fired from CNN as a commentator.  The irony is that HRC did not need to know this in advance, with all her prep.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cnn-donna-brazile_us_58176f0ae4b0990edc325a78

But can Brazile continue to head the DNC with this blot on her record -- I mean continue until the election?

Shoot, who needs enemies with your own party is tripping over itself like this?  Bill Clinton on the plane with the AG (idiotic in terms of the optics), Weiner disaster (just an idiot), and this (unnecessary idiocy)...

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Well, thankfully Hillary has James Carville on her side.   He did a major slap down of Thomas Roberts today.  Which was so much fun since I cannot not stand arrogant Thomas Roberts and usually will not watch him.

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1 hour ago, stormy said:

Well, thankfully Hillary has James Carville on her side.   He did a major slap down of Thomas Roberts today.  Which was so much fun since I cannot not stand arrogant Thomas Roberts and usually will not watch him.

Oh - do tell, please.  I was not watching today.  I'm a long-time Carville lover and am so curious as to what went down between him and Thomas.

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Well, hopefully, in all the hysteria about the "Clinton emails," Senator Harry Reid's correspondence to J. Edgar Comey will be covered.  Apparently, it gets worse.  According to the Huffington Post, a source confirmed Senator Reid's allegation that there is, indeed, a double standard.  So, in addition to violating protocol to influence an election, he was against the bureau signing off on a statement that Russia was meddling in our election.

Come on, Chris (Hayes, that is), Rachel, Lawrence, et al.  Please cover this in as much detail as you can tonight because this inquiring mind demands to know what's up. 

Comey Opposed to Naming Russia as Meddler

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