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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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A lot of people are around me don't seem to care or are pleased so whatever I just accept this and not be surprised when there's an annual purge night. 

I think why it hits me so hard is because I'm at dealing with a harassment situation and the leader of my country and majority of it think harrassment and mistreatment of women and minorities is ok. I literally had nightmares all night about the situation I went through at work being status quo for all and my ex who abused me. I feel people who do those things will be empowered by his victory.  I woke with tears dried on my face. 

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, pearlite said:

Well, all of "them" voted for Oz the Great, and they got him.

My daughter texted from New Haven that Oz got 78% of the white fundamentalist vote. Most of these people believe in End Time. Now they've engineered its inevitability.

She also said it's a disgusting time for a Canadian to be at an American divinity school.

I'm truly terrified. I'd like to say I didn't see it coming, but very sadly, I (kind of) did. God help us all. Now I now know what it felt like to be rolled over by Hitler.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 11
25 minutes ago, Toomuchsoap said:

I'm truly terrified. I'd like to say I didn't see it coming, but very sadly, I (kind of) did. God help us all. Now I now what it felt like to be rolled over by Hitler.

Well, his methods/tactics were the identical basic propaganda-techniques that Hitler's speech-writers used: (1) One core message, (2) Repeat over and over, (3) Threaten and belittle opposition.

What scares me, in terms of brainwashing, is the rationalizing that's already begun--the "oh, he's not that bad..." responses.

Edited by pearlite
  • Love 10

Whatever you may think about Keith Olbermann, he truly has (for as long as Esquire is allowed to keep this up) one of the best insights (and dire warnings) about Trump up on The Closer, a limited web series. I think there're about 39 episodes, each about 7 or 8 minutes long. He drew a very strong parallel between Trump and Hitler, and this is how people descend into hell by people they hope will make the "bad guys go back to where they came from".  I am honestly physical ill. My hands are shaking as I type this. Gutted. Just gutted. 

  • Love 11

As bad as this is, the US is not 1930's era Germany. We have not just been decimated by a world war, we are not in the midst of a depression and we are a huge country. There is way too much diversity in America for anything Like Nazi Germany to occur in this country. Buck up, folks. We survived Bush and we'll survive this.

  • Love 6

I'm not looking at the hideous monstrosity that will be squatting in the WH come January, I'm looking at the truly monstrous electorate that put him there and the craven enablers who will choosing this country's destiny - and, ominously, its very recent past - and putting it in the rearview mirror. Good bye, LGBT rights. Good bye Roe v. Wade. Welcome to the Handmaiden and every dystopic adolescent's (some of whom are well past adolescence)wet dream.

  • Love 11
26 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

As bad as this is, the US is not 1930's era Germany. We have not just been decimated by a world war, we are not in the midst of a depression and we are a huge country. There is way too much diversity in America for anything Like Nazi Germany to occur in this country. Buck up, folks. We survived Bush and we'll survive this.

Thank you, Plt.  I need something to bring me out of the shock.  I'm so pissed that the GOP maneuvered this to gain power in the senate and house.  That's all it was-trump won't be doing anything.  The machine behind him will. It also makes me sad that when I look at my fellow Americans, I know that half of them are fucking idiots.  Sad day.

11 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

listening to hilary give her concession speech brought me to tears...

she doesn't deserve the shit that's been piled on her.

  • Love 11

she doesn't deserve the shit that's been piled on her.

She never did. The same people who were "investigating" her were flinging vitriol about her back in the early '90s. They've got their way now.

She was right all along about "the vast right wing conspiracy".  I realize, of course, that we're not Germany after WW1. But it only takes a few who wield the actual power - and they're the men (and most of 'em are men) who run the corporations and their bespoke so-called politicians. A whole lot of evil can be done in a mere two years. And it will be, and there'll be nobody to stop them from blitzing through their agenda.

The phrase "every man for himself" just took on a very sickening meaning. In this case, the women and children don't have a prayer. Now I know why the fundamentalists have been trying so hard to do away with a woman's right to choose.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 11

In what will probably be the Unpopular Opinion of the Day here...I'm not upset so much about Hilary losing. She was very obviously the better choice (like Y&R under MAB versus Phelps/Pratt) but by no means do i think she was a good choice. I was concerned about her connections to Wall Street, for the outside money she got from Saudi Arabia to her foundation and the general air of secrecy that's followed her for as long as she's been in the public eye. There's a reason she got trounced by Obama eight years ago and why she narrowly squeaked past Bernie.

All that being said, it says nothing good about the GOP that Trump took off like a rocket. The one thing all the parties (and I'll include Greens and Libertarians here) is that were sick to death of insider politics that pervaded both major parties. I mean, I get the frustration with the pretty shitty field that was there that included another Bush spawn and Ted the serial killer Cruz, but is it worth it to sacrifice the so called "values" that you, a GOP voters, upholds?

Family values: five children by three wives, whom he met my cheating on the wife before her 

Religion: what religion? This shouldn't even be a qualifier, but he displays none of the grace and forgiveness in the bible.

Military support: paid his way out the draft.

Guns: I can't recall anything specific about that to be honest.

Abortion: spewing complete and total lies. Until last year, he was very much pro-choice and many expressed concern about his sincerity on this issue.

But the slut shaming, immigrant bashing, pushing the LGBT folks into the closet and Muslim hate? Clearly, all of that took priority over everything else. That Pence was brought on as VP to pander to the Pharasees says it all. People will blame millenials who sat out because they "didn't get their way" or third party voters in swing states, but at least those folks didn't enable obvious terror.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 9

The one thing all the parties (and I'll include Greens and Libertarians here) is that were sick to death of insider politics that pervaded both major parties.

But what they've just voted for is exactly the same thing! The epitome of "insider" politics. Trump wasn't an "outsider". He was born on first base in a New York penthouse. And THIS is the white, privileged septuagenarian guy who's going to give these rust belt klanners their jobs back? They'll be lucky if they get to keep their Social Security and Medicare. Well, they say folks get the government they deserve. Unfortunately, they're going to be taking everybody else down with them.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

A lot of people are around me don't seem to care or are pleased so whatever I just accept this and not be surprised when there's an annual purge night. 

I think why it hits me so hard is because I'm at dealing with a harassment situation and the leader of my country and majority of it think harrassment and mistreatment of women and minorities is ok. I literally had nightmares all night about the situation I went through at work being status quo for all and my ex who abused me. I feel people who do those things will be empowered by his victory.  I woke with tears dried on my face. 

I am so sorry to hear you are having trouble with harassment this should not happen to anyone.  But Trump will have to be on his best behavior don't forget for America to succeed he has to continue to deal with the rest of the world.   The would won't take him telling them to go F!!! themselves it just doesn't work that way.

  • Love 5

marilyn manson just released a tease for his new album.  didn't play the video tease.

in the pic from the video, the song is called say10, he has a decapitated body wearing a red power tie laying on the ground....he also rips pages out of a bible..

in the comments, most are upset he ripped pages out of the bible and a few were convinced he decapitated trump...headless body tho....

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Shicklove1 said:

I am so sorry to hear you are having trouble with harassment this should not happen to anyone.  But Trump will have to be on his best behavior don't forget for America to succeed he has to continue to deal with the rest of the world.   The would won't take him telling them to go F!!! themselves it just doesn't work that way.

No he won't. And, it does work that way with him. He's been endlessly enabled through his shit for well over a year. What would've gotten anyone else labeled political dead meat has vaulted him to the most powerful responsibility in the world.  Interesting, he said today he'd be making his way to Moscow in the interim. Guess he has to check in with his handlers.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Toomuchsoap said:

But what they've just voted for is exactly the same thing! The epitome of "insider" politics. Trump wasn't an "outsider". He was born on first base in a New York penthouse. And THIS is the white, privileged septuagenarian guy who's going to give these rust belt klanners their jobs back? They'll be lucky if they get to keep their Social Security and Medicare. Well, they say folks get the government they deserve. Unfortunately, they're going to be taking everybody else down with them.

Believe me, I don't get it any more than you do. There's a drought of good, stable jobs in the rural areas, which is why there are so many folks who join military service from rural areas.  And it's disgusting that Trump and his ilk exploit this the way many blacks have felt they've been used as pawns by Democrats. 

  • Love 4

VC, just wait until Mayor 9/11 starts imposing Law & Order on the gun-wielding dickheads. The first order of business in a fascist state is to come for the guns. These fuckwads have always shrieked about liberals trying to do this, now they'll be handing them over to this despot and will be sent across the border to Mexico with all the "others". 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

apparently about 200 high school students walked out this morning at west seattle high school to protest the election.  they headed to the junction, what ever that is...

wonder if this is just the start...

The Junction is an urban village in the center of West Seattle. It has all kinds of shops, major retailers and a famous brewery. It must be like a gathering place in the middle of town.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Toomuchsoap said:

No he won't. And, it does work that way with him. He's been endlessly enabled through his shit for well over a year. What would've gotten anyone else labeled political dead meat has vaulted him to the most powerful responsibility in the world.  Interesting, he said today he'd be making his way to Moscow in the interim. Guess he has to check in with his handlers.

You are right he has been enabled by Americans  and Russians but no one else.  Let him try to bully China, Japan, Germany as well ans all the other countries including Canada and the middle east  that America deals with if he does they will tell him to go F!!! himself.  He isn't a god he is an ignorant man who better get his shit together. Trump and Putin don't run t he world,

10 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

so, if you are allowed to carry weapons, what is stop and frisk?  what are they frisking for?

It would appear African Americans and Latinos you know all those criminals

  • Love 5

I'm so sorry about your work situation, Petunia. 

ShopAss tried to get a rise out of me, so I told him that his behavior and words told me a lot about him and then refused to engage. He did admit he enjoyed the suffering of people more liberal than him, so there's that. 

Members of the public who came by were pretty split, with some older people worried about nuclear war and then others who thought it was such a lark and at least it was someone different. A few said "better him than her." One person voted for Agent Orange because he was going to repeal Obamacare and he'd get the money back from the gubmint that was stolen to pay for other people's healthcare. I just felt so warm and fuzzy about my fellow Americans. Are other countries this chock full of petty, selfish, stupid assholes? 

I keep having to tamp down panic attacks and the feeling that a yawning abyss is going to swallow my country. The Supreme Court is going to mutate in terrible ways and fuck us all for years to come. I feel terrible for the kids who will grow up only knowing a corrupt judiciary. Dog only knows how the environment will fare. 

The slim hope I hold is that senators like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will fight like hell for us. I'll have their back. 

  • Love 13
48 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

so, if you are allowed to carry weapons, what is stop and frisk?  what are they frisking for?

Yup, like Shicklove said, only white people can carry without suspicion. Anyone else is immediately suspicious. Look what happened to Philando Castile, the African-American man who was shot by police in his girlfriend's car in Minnesota, even though he had a gun licence and permit to carry.

  • Love 10

This situation is really fucked up. I mean a lot of people don't understand. It wasn't about loving Hilary. It's about how do I as a woman who doesn't pass as Caucasian feel ok about defending myself when I experience sexism or exclusion? Obviously a lot of the population and government is on the other side. It's about knowing people who hate (minorities, or women, or glbt, or immigrants) who will feel their views and actions are justified and will be comfortable voicing and acting on them knowing their country's leader feels the way they do.

  • Love 12

Dearest Ninja, please do what you need to survive.  This might be horrible advice, but if you need to put on a big act at work to get by, I'd say do it.  I don't think I could stand having to do battle every day with a bunch of smug asstrumps.  Play along with their bullshite, or don't engage them, whatever you need to do.  Your financial health and your mental health are the most important things right now.  You know what your core beliefs are even if you have to paste on a big old smile to avoid a fight.

Petunia13, so sorry you are going through this.  I hope that it can be resolved for you.

I am in deep despair here.  Everything I believe in has just been repudiated by people that see me, their fellow American citizen, as the enemy because I am a liberal. Damn Fox News to hell.

  • Love 13

Like minded people ... women, minorities, sane people... Band together and vote in every election. Midterms, local, state. Put together a good voter guide and post it everywhere.  State senates are often decided by a few votes and they do the gerrymandering to keep minority areas from representation. So vote. Some of the the swing states in this mess were decided by a few thousand votes. Make sure any judge (in Florida you vote for judges BUT there is no party affiliation or record so unless they do something really gross that gets reported you just guess) is not a right wing freak.

Don't protest, bide your time and build a real coalition of the sane.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I'm so sorry about your work situation, Petunia. 

ShopAss tried to get a rise out of me, so I told him that his behavior and words told me a lot about him and then refused to engage. He did admit he enjoyed the suffering of people more liberal than him, so there's that. 

Members of the public who came by were pretty split, with some older people worried about nuclear war and then others who thought it was such a lark and at least it was someone different. A few said "better him than her." One person voted for Agent Orange because he was going to repeal Obamacare and he'd get the money back from the gubmint that was stolen to pay for other people's healthcare. I just felt so warm and fuzzy about my fellow Americans. Are other countries this chock full of petty, selfish, stupid assholes? 

I keep having to tamp down panic attacks and the feeling that a yawning abyss is going to swallow my country. The Supreme Court is going to mutate in terrible ways and fuck us all for years to come. I feel terrible for the kids who will grow up only knowing a corrupt judiciary. Dog only knows how the environment will fare. 

The slim hope I hold is that senators like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will fight like hell for us. I'll have their back. 

They're only there for a limited time. But what can - and will - happen is more gerrymandering of congressioninal districts that will influence the difference in the way things are RUN locally. And that would make the difference going forward - if allowed. We are seeing our protests in the streets tonight. How long will Herr Trump let that continue?

MOST NOBLE MAN WHO HAS EVER LIVED IN THE WHITE HOUSE? The man who now occupies it. And I am 60-plus woman of AngloSaxon descent. I am in mourning. In the movie Sex in the City There was a line that Samantha said, to the effect, "it feels like a death happened".

Carrie replied: " Was't there?"


14 minutes ago, Toomuchsoap said:

They're only there for a limited time. But what can - and will - happen is more gerrymandering of congressioninal districts that will influence the difference in the way things are RUN locally. And that would make the difference going forward - if allowed. We are seeing our protests in the streets tonight. How long will Herr Trump let that continue?

MOST NOBLE MAN WHO HAS EVER LIVED IN THE WHITE HOUSE? The man who now occupies it. And I am 60-plus woman of AngloSaxon descent. I am in mourning. In the movie Sex in the City There was a line that Samantha said, to the effect, "it feels like a death happened".

Carrie replied: " Was't there?

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 5

If one good thing can come from this it will be that Trump destroys what's left of the republican party, takes all of the alleged respectable leaders who still supported him down with him, and is impeached before he can completely destroy the world. And hopefully the millions of people who couldn't be bothered to vote will learn their lesson.

As for the third party voters, I'm confused as to what their impact was. I've read several theories: (1) she possibly could've won if they all had voted for her; (2) Itheir votes wouldn't have been enough for her to win; (3) most third party voters would've voted for Trump if forced to pick between the two so they actually helped her by diverting votes away from him.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Uday and Qusay can now take Air Force One to hunt big game all over the world.

Ninja: That was brilliant as always. But the above. *DYING*

And CS, damn!

Someone commented that in U.S. history, every time there is racial progress it is followed by a white backlash. Add to that outright misogyny and breathtaking stupidity and here we are.

I'm heartened by the crowds protesting. I want to protest (up here where we're watching in horror and feeling so damn sad for our neighbours).

But our spare bedroom is available for any of you preverts.

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

If one good thing can come from this it will be that Trump destroys what's left of the republican party, takes all of the alleged respectable leaders who still supported him down with him, and is impeached before he can completely destroy the world. And hopefully the millions of people who couldn't be bothered to vote will learn their lesson.

As for the third party voters, I'm confused as to what their impact was. I've read several theories: (1) she possibly could've won if they all had voted for her; (2) Itheir votes wouldn't have been enough for her to win; (3) most third party voters would've voted for Trump if forced to pick between the two so they actually helped her by diverting votes away from him.

We'll see what happens at the mid-terms in 2 years. If in 2 years there is anyone still alive to warrant an election.

CS, NP, such brilliance, as usual.

  • Love 5

I don't know, you guys. All this "let's unite and heal and work together" stuff. How? Trump ran his campaign on hate and excluding and dividing. And even if he was politicking the people who voted for him CHOSE him on the basis of his platform. This cannot be forgotten.

I think there are times when Fuck You (as CS says) is in order.

If you voted for Trump, quite simply Fuck you, you racist/misogynistic/homophobic assholes.

The whole WORLD is now going to pay for your choice.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 10

I feel your pain everyone. Nobody hates Donald Trump more than I do. You know how you feel right now? Do you want to not feel this way again? Then VOTE in the fucking mid-terms! The reason Obama had so much trouble getting shit done is because people stay home during the mid term elections. But the RWNJ"s didn't. We have got to get both Houses of Congress. With the SCOTUS in jeopardy, we could see marriage equality, voting rights women's rights and a myriad of other gains go away.

  • Love 9

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