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S11.E03: Rites Of Passage

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She's asked by the ultra sound tech about her first pregnancy and only mentions the preclampsia? Nothing about her life threatening placenta thing?

Khloe says she avoided visiting her father when he was dying. Didnt she and Kim have a big fight years ago about who spent more time with the dad on his deathbed? Khloe swore she was there everyday.

So the doctors office answers the phone "Hi, Hello"

And Kim doesn't have to identify herself? They just know it's her?

What's all the talk about the dead father?

Surprise!!! The clairvoyant has his own show!!!!!!

Edited by iwasish
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The way she was stuffing her face on tonights episode? I have no reason to believe she's lying about pregnancy complications at least some of them anyway because just her diet alone and all that greasy shit would EASILY spike your sugar and blood pressure. Kris was right the way she was lecturing her because I don't think Kim fully grasps how serious these problems are.


Kim seems like a food addict between her multi-dish restaurant orders and traveling to eat. Hope it's just for the show.

I doubt its just for the show because she's clearly eating a ton considering how much weight she's gained. Hell her baby shower was loaded up with ice cream sundaes and churros with various dipping sauces. I sympathize with her because both my pregnancies I had the worst cravings and was constantly eating stuff I shouldn't but when my weight gain got too bad with the 2nd my doctor warned me about how bad things could get and I had to force myself to stop with the junk food.

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I believe Kim and Khloe had a fight about who was working at their Dads company. It''s been mentioned before that at the end, Khloe didn't go see him at the very, very end but I think their fight was about who was working at their Dads company and Kim said something that Khloe was not because she was too young or something. Again, this is what my memory is made of, useless info from Kardashion episodes but not important stuff.


So, how many foods did Kim "live for" and "have to get" this episode? I mean.. whatever. Just.. really. There were times when I wondered if she was "putting on a show" for this episode, to save face or something and make it like a big joke. Like when she was eating with her designer person and she tried to make a joke, "this is why I really came to Paris" about the food she was eating but I don't think it's a joke for the show. I think she was trying to make it one for this episode but I think it's something deeper.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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So the doctors office answers the phone "Hi, Hello"

And Kim doesn't have to identify herself? They just know it's her?



I think she identified herself to the receptionist before the doctor came on the line.


I thought it was weird that the doctor phrased it as, "You passed your diabetes test," instead of saying, "Your sugar (or glucose) is normal" or "You don't have diabetes." 

  • Love 1

Surprise!!! The clairvoyant has his own show!!!!!!

Robert Kardashian probably told him during a seance to get some commercial time during the show.


I wonder if Mason has Kardashian or Disick eyebrows? They seem really large for a little boy, kids who are on steroids usually have eyebrows like that.


So, when Kim said "I'm like, actually scared" did anyone else think "stupid bitch, you can finally use the word "literally" correctly & you say actually instead?" No? just me?


The giant blue veins in Kim's boobs were so ugly, they looked like she was turning into a zombie, why doesn't she cover them up? I guess Kris confirmed that Kim used IVF to get pregnant, I wonder what she is going to do with those eggs?


Hard to believe, but I really felt bad for Kris this episode. When I first heard she didn’t invite Caitlyn to the party, I thought she was being kind of a bitch, but if she hadn’t even met Caitlyn yet at that point, I can totally understand it.


So Khloe was home schooled too, I wonder why, they weren't famous then, were they? I wonder if Kourtney, Kim, & Rob were.

  • Love 2

I can't remember but I believe Kris said on the e true hollywood, that Khloe did it without her knowing. But that's what they say. It doesn't mean it's true. It probably happened the way it happened for Kendall and Kylie, where they made phone calls, Khloe probably did all that and then kept bugging Kris about it.

And was she not hitting the booze at that point ?


Alan Thicke looks like his son ,after the Diddy talk last week there was Quincy at the graduation and Kendall's "girlfriend" Lauren got pixelated out

It's all made up crap. Tyler now has a show coming up on E!. 


Why are they talking about Caitlyn in front of Mason? That kid is not stupid. He's smart enough to pretend to not be listening so he can continue to  hear what they are talking about.


I thought Kim telling Kourtney that she "wasn't proud of Scott's behavior" and didn't want him in her video game was very mean girl of her. Kim may well be right but I thought it was another way of kicking Kourtney while she was down. All she had to say, if anything. was that she didn't want to pay Scott what he was asking for.


No matter how amicable the breakup, having an open door policy regarding visitation rarely works. There has to be guidelines. Especially with someone who has issues. I think it's doable but it takes a lot of work on both parts and Scott is nowhere near ready. 


I do not like Kris at all, but I do agree with the things she said to Scott. I wonder if she ever told Caitlyn  the same about his eldest 4 kids.

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Is Khloe going for the look of some cartoon character? Those overblown red lips, huge fake ass, super tight clothes, the overdone blonde extensions. She looks awful. Girl needs some sort of an intervention. Her behavior is really off the charts, too. Running around in a cap and gown. What normal 32 yr. old would ever agree to do that? She's just so weird. 


Isn't Kendall 2 yrs. older that Kylie? A little late for her graduation party, isn't it. Grasping for storylines.  Kim has always been obsessed with food, even when she isn't pregnant. It must be nice to fly to Paris just to eat. And get fitted for maternity clothes of course. 

  • Love 1


I guess Kris confirmed that Kim used IVF to get pregnant, I wonder what she is going to do with those eggs?


Which really annoyed me because then Kim said something about the 'eggs' being worth a lot of money because of Kayne. I'm assuming Kim, then, doesn't know the difference between eggs and embryos. If Kayne is part of the 'eggs' she referred to -- then they are fertilized eggs and are, therefore, embryos. If they're just Kim's eggs, then Kayne has nothing to do with them.

  • Love 3

I HATE when they wear lipstick like this.  It's...ghastly.  

I was surprised when they had that scene at the doctor's office with Kourtney saying how she didn't like the overdone makeup with all the shading & the false eyelashes. I was trying to figure out why they would have that scene since they don't do things without a reason. Or maybe they're just trying to come up with a reason why Kourtney doesn't "bring the sexy"

I was surprised when they had that scene at the doctor's office with Kourtney saying how she didn't like the overdone makeup with all the shading & the false eyelashes. I was trying to figure out why they would have that scene since they don't do things without a reason. Or maybe they're just trying to come up with a reason why Kourtney doesn't "bring the sexy"

All the while Kourtney was saying it, Kim was just looking at her with her over contoured face and fake lashes.  And Khloe talking about renting an apartment just for "glam" because she is sooooo busy going to the gym  and then running to a photo shoot or an appearance. Why not do your own makeup? Lots of celebs do.

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It is kind of sad that when Kylie was like, "I'm going to be done school soon" and Kris was all, "what? You are?" I know Kylie doesn't live at Kris's house anymore and presumably now does home-schooling at her house but shouldn't a mother know when her daughter is done school? Or at least the general time frame of it all? 


Asn much as I get why Kris was uncomfortable inviting Cait to the graduation, I do think one of the older girls should have said something to her, about how Kris didn't feel comfortable because like Khloe said, "she's going to find out"  because of instagram and twitter and all that. 

It is kind of sad that when Kylie was like, "I'm going to be done school soon" and Kris was all, "what? You are?" I know Kylie doesn't live at Kris's house anymore and presumably now does home-schooling at her house but shouldn't a mother know when her daughter is done school? Or at least the general time frame of it all? 


Asn much as I get why Kris was uncomfortable inviting Cait to the graduation, I do think one of the older girls should have said something to her, about how Kris didn't feel comfortable because like Khloe said, "she's going to find out"  because of instagram and twitter and all that. 

 I get Kris's feelings too, BUT, as she lectured Scott (and rightly so) it's not about anyone but the kids, and making things the best they can for them.  Their situation is more complicated than just divorce. I think she should have reached out to Caitlyn and "for the kids sake" come to some agreement. Perhaps a neutral location, like an amusement park or some kind of activities to help keep any awkward moments to a minimum. Perhaps Caitlyn would have demurred and done her own thing on another night with her older kids involved.  

  • Love 2

 I get Kris's feelings too, BUT, as she lectured Scott (and rightly so) it's not about anyone but the kids, and making things the best they can for them.  Their situation is more complicated than just divorce. I think she should have reached out to Caitlyn and "for the kids sake" come to some agreement. Perhaps a neutral location, like an amusement park or some kind of activities to help keep any awkward moments to a minimum. Perhaps Caitlyn would have demurred and done her own thing on another night with her older kids involved.  

You are right. It does feel like that since Caitlyn didn't know there was any sort of celebration, she didn't get to do anything herself and that's not okay. I wish someone on Kris's side would have stepped in and done something to ease the tension. 

  • Love 1

I can't remember but I believe Kris said on the e true hollywood, that Khloe did it without her knowing. But that's what they say. It doesn't mean it's true. It probably happened the way it happened for Kendall and Kylie, where they made phone calls, Khloe probably did all that and then kept bugging Kris about it.

Khloe had forged the signatures of her parents to transfer out of her high school and enroll in home school.  I do think it's true. Because why else would Robert Sr. tell Khloe she shouldn't get a grad party/present - since she was home school?  Of course, this was also after Khloe had also taken Kris's new car for a joy ride (without her knowledge) and the car was wrecked in a fire.

  • Love 1

Khloe had forged the signatures of her parents to transfer out of her high school and enroll in home school.  I do think it's true. Because why else would Robert Sr. tell Khloe she shouldn't get a grad party/present - since she was home school?  Of course, this was also after Khloe had also taken Kris's new car for a joy ride (without her knowledge) and the car was wrecked in a fire.

I thought Khloe said it was Caitlyn who made the no car remark. Plus Khloe according to her own words was out fucking much older men at 16/17. I doubt Caitlyn or Kris were really happy with her.

I honestly get more and more baffled by what the K girls got away with as teenagers, and even now thinking that it's acceptable.  Case in point: Khloe lying about school and forging her moms signature to homeschool, and her "fucking much older men" when she was 16 or 17.  Newsflash Khloe:  That is not normal behavior of a teenager, nor should it be accepted that way.  That was what you did.  And it doesn't make it right.  


I mean, I think it's pretty clear that Robert Kardashian was the tough one, however considering they lived full time with their mom and Bruce, I wonder how involved he actually was.  And for all of their talk about Bruce being such a great father, I think it's been pretty well established that he kind of sucked as a dad.  And Kris lets her kids get away with anything.  The K girls think that their parents were great only because they let them get away with everything, not because they were actually great parents.  Kris and Bruce didn't parent.  They...did something else.  

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I actually didn't have that much a problem with Kris not inviting Caitlyn because, at some point in time, Caitlyn's going to have actually take an active interest in her (younger) kids' lives if she wants to continue to have a relationship with them. She may still be used to the husband/wife dynamic they used to have where Kris plans everything and then just lets her know what to wear and where and when to show up but they're not together anymore. She should have had a general idea of when Kylie was graduating* and there was nothing stopping her from reaching out to Kris to see if she was planning anything for it.


I was surprised when they had that scene at the doctor's office with Kourtney saying how she didn't like the overdone makeup with all the shading & the false eyelashes. I was trying to figure out why they would have that scene since they don't do things without a reason. 


That was, hands down, my favorite scene. In my head, that was Kourtney's comeback for "Nooo, there's only a North star silly!"


Isn't Kendall 2 yrs. older that Kylie? A little late for her graduation party, isn't it. Grasping for storylines. 


Kendall's just under two years older than Kylie, but her birthday is in November and Kylie's is in August so she probably couldn't start kindergarten until a year later when she was 5-going-on-6 whereas Kylie started right after her 5th birthday.


Kris not knowing and/or throwing a party together on short notice was a ploy. Laurel Springs' school year ends in May (when the "one more week" conversation ostensibly took place) but the surprise party was in late July.

Caitlyn's going to have actually take an active interest in her (younger) kids' lives if she wants to continue to have a relationship with them.



So many lies are told on this show.. Caitlyn crying to the therapist that Kylie was avoiding her and pulling away, complaining to Kim that Kylie and the others never visited... but suddenly Kylie's out here telling Kourtney that she's seeing Cailtyn nearly every day and hanging out, telling Ellen that she prefers Caitlyn to  Bruce. How does Kris, the perfect mother who does sooo much for her kids not know that her YOUNGEST is graduating high school? How self absorbed is she with her new young boyfriend and her worshipping at the altar of Kanye and Kim to not know something so important? She's helping her buy a house and furnish it!! But doesn't know If the kid has a diploma or not?  No she'd rather wring her hands over her EX husband's  decision to live as a woman and try and convince the public that she was blindsided by it... nearly every other person in the house had seen him dressed as a woman years ago!!!, yet NONE of HER OWN kids felt comfortable coming to her to ask about it. But she can ask Khloe about how to put on a condom and get giddy over all the sex she's having.  For all the surface closeness and family first propaganda they spew, whole chunks of their lives are secret from each other.

  • Love 3

I agree, everything they do and say is a lie. Starting with from the beginning of this show and how they painted this family. I admit, I actually liked them in the first season because I believed the lie. I thought they were a very close knit family (I didn't know anything about them, I knew of the OJ Simpson trial but I was like a child when it happened so I did not know who his lawyer was) but I believed that they were a blended family who got along with Caitlyns other kids. That's the story that was told in season one. Years later, the story was told of Caitlyn's actual parenting. But its funny because they really sold a story, it's obvious now how fake that story was. None of them seem to like each other and I can never tell anymore what is real and what is fake.

  • Love 2

I actually didn't have that much a problem with Kris not inviting Caitlyn because, at some point in time, Caitlyn's going to have actually take an active interest in her (younger) kids' lives if she wants to continue to have a relationship with them. She may still be used to the husband/wife dynamic they used to have where Kris plans everything and then just lets her know what to wear and where and when to show up but they're not together anymore. She should have had a general idea of when Kylie was graduating* and there was nothing stopping her from reaching out to Kris to see if she was planning anything for it.



That was, hands down, my favorite scene. In my head, that was Kourtney's comeback for "Nooo, there's only a North star silly!"



Kendall's just under two years older than Kylie, but her birthday is in November and Kylie's is in August so she probably couldn't start kindergarten until a year later when she was 5-going-on-6 whereas Kylie started right after her 5th birthday.


Kris not knowing and/or throwing a party together on short notice was a ploy. Laurel Springs' school year ends in May (when the "one more week" conversation ostensibly took place) but the surprise party was in late July.

Rumour had it at the time that she graduated late as she hadn't completed all her credits in time


According to the source, “Kylie did get an extension because she was not finished with her curriculum in time for a June graduation.”

“Because of her work schedule, Kylie was able to get a special arrangement.”

As far as her grades go, Radar learned that Jenner “got mostly all C’s with a couple of D’s. Overall, her grades were just barely enough to pass.”

“Kylie had no interest in high school because she was already famous when she started,” says the source.

“Kylie is unfortunately not gifted with a high level of book smarts,” the source says. “She never had to apply herself because she knew that she was going to be rich and successful whether or not she tried.”


Book smarts? Have we ever seen a book in any of their households? I occasionally saw Caitlyn with a book in her hand while lounging in Kris's master bath/dressing room but that's pretty much it.

What busy schedule? Lunching and shopping? Staring at her reflection in a mirror? Putting on and taking off her makeup? Driving around hoping a paparazzi will see her and try and take her picture, then tweeting how horrible it is to be hunted by the paparazzi? Playing with her hair? Nails? Latest poor unfortunate pet? And just where is that 50k bulldog puppy?

  • Love 2

So many lies are told on this show.. Caitlyn crying to the therapist that Kylie was avoiding her and pulling away, complaining to Kim that Kylie and the others never visited... but suddenly Kylie's out here telling Kourtney that she's seeing Cailtyn nearly every day and hanging out, telling Ellen that she prefers Caitlyn to  Bruce. How does Kris, the perfect mother who does sooo much for her kids not know that her YOUNGEST is graduating high school? How self absorbed is she with her new young boyfriend and her worshipping at the altar of Kanye and Kim to not know something so important? She's helping her buy a house and furnish it!! But doesn't know If the kid has a diploma or not?  No she'd rather wring her hands over her EX husband's  decision to live as a woman and try and convince the public that she was blindsided by it... nearly every other person in the house had seen him dressed as a woman years ago!!!, yet NONE of HER OWN kids felt comfortable coming to her to ask about it. But she can ask Khloe about how to put on a condom and get giddy over all the sex she's having.  For all the surface closeness and family first propaganda they spew, whole chunks of their lives are secret from each other.

You can't take the show verbatim. The plots, stories are scripted for "reality" TV.  Even Kris and Caitlyn have said so.  They are all essentially playing caricatures.

I don't, but in the first season or two it was promoted by them as real reality. And I do think it was a bit more real then. Now there's not even an attempt to hide the fakery and out and out lies, along with their attempts to spin what is true and make the audience believe their version of reality. Who in their right mind would put their barely legal kid on social media and allow her to post the kind of stuff Kylie has been over the last year or so? Is her interview that came out today an honest airing of her feelings? If so, she is in deep trouble, Kris should be less concerned over how to apply a condom or whether or not she should sew up her vagina, and more worried about her daughter who

Is obsessed with what strangers on various social media may or may not post about her. The fact that she can't seem to grasp that it is precisely because of what she herself is posting that is causing the negative reaction and backlash. She seems to be a very unhappy young girl and Kris already has one kid who is a recluse, she might be wise to intervene even at this late date than risk another. But then maybe it's all part of the script and they're all laughing on the way to the bank.

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I don't, but in the first season or two it was promoted by them as real reality. And I do think it was a bit more real then. Now there's not even an attempt to hide the fakery and out and out lies, along with their attempts to spin what is true and make the audience believe their version of reality. Who in their right mind would put their barely legal kid on social media and allow her to post the kind of stuff Kylie has been over the last year or so? Is her interview that came out today an honest airing of her feelings? If so, she is in deep trouble, Kris should be less concerned over how to apply a condom or whether or not she should sew up her vagina, and more worried about her daughter who

Is obsessed with what strangers on various social media may or may not post about her. The fact that she can't seem to grasp that it is precisely because of what she herself is posting that is causing the negative reaction and backlash. She seems to be a very unhappy young girl and Kris already has one kid who is a recluse, she might be wise to intervene even at this late date than risk another. But then maybe it's all part of the script and they're all laughing on the way to the bank.

But think about who's feeding the hype and frenzy - it's really their haters - who are obsessed with following every move this family makes and commenting how horrible they are, why can't they go away, etc.  Just look at TMZ and Radar - It's been said that articles about the K's generate the most hits.  So if people stop Clicking Baiting on these articles, then they'll stop writing because Hits on these sites means money.  And they don't care whether it's positive or negative comments.

  • Love 1

I don't, but in the first season or two it was promoted by them as real reality. And I do think it was a bit more real then. 


I remember a couple of very fake story lines that happened early on...maybe the second or third season.  In one, Kris had put some viagra in a cup of coffee and left it on the kitchen table for Bruce to drink.  Cut to Kris sitting in a restaurant getting a phone call that Rob accidentally drank the viagra coffee meant for Bruce.  "Oh no!" she exclaimed.  Super duper fake reaction.  Like a sitcom situation that was too stupid to be real.  Really, who would put viagra in someone's drink and leave it there on the table? Also, around the same time, I remember an episode where Kim "rescued" a sickly chihuahua on the street and brought it to the vet, but alas, she decided she was too busy to keep it and therefore gave it to the vet's nurse to keep.


I even wondered if Kendall and Kylie were really surprised with the graduation party.  How was it arranged that they both walked in the door at the same time?  What if one had lagged behind to get something out of the car?  It all just came together too perfectly.

Edited by Gemma Violet

Exactly. Its the haters who keep giving this family the most attention.  They definitely have their share of fans but its the detractors who give the most hits to the gossip sites. There is nothing more annoying than reading articles about them and seeing the same damn people over and over in the comments section saying "I'm so sick of them", "I stopped caring about these people a long time ago". Um no. If you didn't care you wouldnt be obsessively posting about them. You rarely see positive comments when articles are posted about them but as long as TMZ, Radar, Daily Mail, etc are getting hits it equals money for them. When the interest dies down, whether it be good or bad maybe then they'll slowly fade,

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I think they've passed the pinnacle of fame and are slowly descending, hopefully the pace will quicken. I hope that I'm right for the sake of Kourtneys kids. I think North and her brother will grow up as shallow and vain as their parents. But I hope Kourtney has the sense to get hers out of that fishbowl. If Scott truly is the mess they are putting on screen they have two strikes against them already. She seems a devoted mom so I have my fingers crossed for them. But time will tell.

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Book smarts? Have we ever seen a book in any of their households? I occasionally saw Caitlyn with a book in her hand while lounging in Kris's master bath/dressing room but that's pretty much it.

What busy schedule? Lunching and shopping? Staring at her reflection in a mirror? Putting on and taking off her makeup? Driving around hoping a paparazzi will see her and try and take her picture, then tweeting how horrible it is to be hunted by the paparazzi? Playing with her hair? Nails? Latest poor unfortunate pet? And just where is that 50k bulldog puppy?

No clue but those creepy slinky starved looking dogs she has now give me the creeps. They look like the type of dogs who sit at the entrance to Hades, guarding Lucifer..lol
  • Love 1

Hold on. She has more than one of those dogs? I've seen Norman a lot but she has more..? Those dogs are scary as anything. She probably likes them because they're little and she could throw them in a purse and take them places.

She has two mini greyhounds and a bulldog ( supposedly a mini, which isn't even a recognized breed) that is allegedly worth 50k. And who knows how many other pets they've had as a family over the years that disappeared.

I think they've passed the pinnacle of fame and are slowly descending, hopefully the pace will quicken. I hope that I'm right for the sake of Kourtneys kids. I think North and her brother will grow up as shallow and vain as their parents. But I hope Kourtney has the sense to get hers out of that fishbowl. If Scott truly is the mess they are putting on screen they have two strikes against them already. She seems a devoted mom so I have my fingers crossed for them. But time will tell.

I’m going to take the optimistic route here and keep my fingers crossed that ALL of the little Kardashian kiddos, not just Kourtney’s children, can distance themselves from their notorious reality show heritage and turn out o.k. in the end. I think North is a sweet, adorable little girl and I would hate to think that she and her yet-unborn little brother are doomed to be vain and shallow because of nature, nurture, or a combination of both, in terms of the family they are born to or raised with. Hopefully both of them, like their cousins, will grow up feeling loved and cared for and can carve out their own productive futures, ultimately being judged on their own merits and not the worst characteristics of their parents.

  • Love 2

She has two mini greyhounds and a bulldog ( supposedly a mini, which isn't even a recognized breed) that is allegedly worth 50k. And who knows how many other pets they've had as a family over the years that disappeared.

I thought those were Italian greyhounds which is a recognized breed. I'm a hound lover but prefer whippets for many reasons over this more difficult hound They're scrappy little hunters and have been around a long time. Difficult to housetrain as we've seen Lol

Not familiar with the non recognized bulldog breed she has Missed that show I guess

Edited by Dahlia

I thought those were Italian greyhounds which is a recognized breed. I'm a hound lover but prefer whippets for many reasons over this more difficult hound They're scrappy little hunters and have been around a long time. Difficult to housetrain as we've seen Lol

Not familiar with the non recognized bulldog breed she has Missed that show I guess


They are Italians . My BIL keeps whippets ,but the again I live in Yorkshire and he goes coursing and lamping with them.


She got an English Bulldog but it is a merle so shenanigans have gone on there .The dog is pretty cute though



  • Love 2

They are Italians . My BIL keeps whippets ,but the again I live in Yorkshire and he goes coursing and lamping with them.

She got an English Bulldog but it is a merle so shenanigans have gone on there .The dog is pretty cute though


Merle is a very odd color for Bulldogs. I'm guessing there's some genetic mutation or cross breeding with a different breed. I know with Australian shepherds the blue Merle is much sought after and Merle to Merle breeding causes lots of genetic issues, deafness/ blindness even too small eyes.

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