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Basketball Wives LA - General Discussion

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Tami talking about bitches needing to grow up is the biggest damn pot meet kettle moment I've ever seen on reality TV.   Tami is older than most of these girls and acts the worst in my opinion.  Any grown ass woman who's still fighting and threatening to fight is more immature and ridiculous than some high fives. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, featherhead said:

WTF did I just watch? Wacky Jackie returns!  


Tammy looked like Thema from Good Times. Dyn-o-mite!!!

I was thinking "why is Tami wearing that Wilona Woods wig?" 

Jackie had a full on breakdown. Or a liquor induced panic attack. Girl cannot hold her drank. 

Edited by Jade Foxx
  • Love 9

Well Jackie is a walking advertisement to stay away from her booze.  On the other hand if that weak ass reason to start drama was not producer induced, then Jackie needs professional help.  She decides to start drama with the two tiniest women on the show.  And that Angel Love, when you see someone acting like a nut job, you walk away and stay away, you don't keep coming back trying to get to the bottom of a fight that wasn't even about you.  Another nut job I dare say or thirsty for camera time.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 6

What kind of hallucinogenic is in Jackie's CongWhack?

Last time it was Angel Love, this time Jackie.

Malaysia she needed to know Jackie's mind state? Gurl it's mindset

Lanvin? Can Tami afford Lanvin?

Brandi - each year she has a heavier hand with the drag makeup. First season spackle knife, second season garden trowel, now full on snow shovel. Original Angel is in the same league.

Sunday - that uni-boob is just sad. This is Basketball Wives not BasketBoobs.

Angel Love gives me chihuahua.

  • Love 4

I never thought I'd be agreeing with Angel Love but wtf?? She literally did not do anything or say anything to Jackie that warranted even an argument. And yet there was a full on melt down. 

Angel Love having a problem with Brandi, Duffey, Malaysia on vacation is still nowhere close to the shit storm I just witnessed. At least I could maybe see how Duffy got on Angel's nerves on vacation or the girls just not liking eachother in general, but this? Seriously there was no reason for it and it came out of nowhere. Jackie went absolutely nuts and needs to be hospitalized.

Was Sundy trying to beat Angel Love's ass? If so that's pretty scary considering she had no idea what was going on. She should have been more concerned with Jackie maybe having a fucking stroke. That was so weird.

4 minutes ago, featherhead said:

Jackie was getting more and more pissed as each girl arrived and she asked them who the designer was of the outfit they were wearing and it wasn't Angel Brinks. LMFAO! 

I thought they were all wearing Angel Brinks except Tami. Now I need to go back and listen again. :/

8 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

What kind of hallucinogenic is in Jackie's CongWhack?

Last time it was Angel Love, this time Jackie.

Malaysia she needed to know Jackie's mind state? Gurl it's mindset

Lanvin? Can Tami afford Lanvin?

Brandi - each year she has a heavier hand with the drag makeup. First season spackle knife, second season garden trowel, now full on snow shovel. Original Angel is in the same league.

Sunday - that uni-boob is just sad. This is Basketball Wives not BasketBoobs.

Angel Love gives me chihuahua.

Was Sunday trying to stop Angel from walking away as Jackie directed her to do?

11 hours ago, announcergirl said:

Was Sunday trying to stop Angel from walking away as Jackie directed her to do?

It seemed like Jackie wanted to fight with Angel and then she wanted Sunday to beat her up. I need Google translate for Cognacish.

I LOL'd when Jackie had her talking head shot complaining about Angel's dress giving her FUPA meanwhile the FUPA was seriously showing in that black dress she is wearing sitting down. It was FUBA - Fat Under Breast Area

  • Love 1

Jackie was mad because she was the only one with her gut poking out.  As a woman possessed of a gut, I understand, but ain't nobody else's fault that you don't have on any shapewear.  Not to mention that you're 20 years older than everybody there except Tami.  You could be their mama and you look like it and now you BIG MAD.

I really wanted them to let Jackie go and let her charge at AngelLove like a raging bull only for Angel to step off to the side.  Jackie's ass would've run into the nearest wall and crashed to the floor.

She is a whole fool and needs to be knocked the fuck out with a swiftness.

  • Love 7

Jackie is amazing! I do love her, but she crazy. SHE designed that gown and Angel Brinks told her it wasn't going to be a comfortable or flattering design. She wanted it to be a disaster because she didn't want to wear one of her gowns to begin with. Now I have to say worse than Jackie's nutty outburst, Sundy was sooooo thirsty for screentime trying to fight Angel Love. NOBODY should've been trying to fight Angel Love considering her actual behavior, but Sundy was clearly trying to insert herself for screentime. That was appauling. And Bravo to production for keeping Angel Brinks away for long enough to get two episodes out of this drama.

It amazes me that the promos featured so much of this Tami/Duffey beef, but so far Tami has been pretty level headed and agreeable IMO. Even as we see the stuff develop with Duffey (who I can't stand) she has been pretty fair. Overall I'm loving this season. It's nice light popcorn fun. I can't take it too seriously to get upset over anything. It's a good escape and well produced and I'll miss it when the season is over.

  • Love 4

I'm watching the show again right now cause there's nothing else on tv and I love these bitches. Anyway, I really think maybe Jackie is having a bipolar manic episode after watching her talking about naked men and tigers at the event. She seemed very excited about it, ideas were just flying. And then she goes off on Angel at the event. That shit was legit and I really don't think the producers tried to plan that or encourage it. I could see the crazy on her face. Just manic out the ass. Her husband leaving could be a trigger for a manic episode. Yes, I am a shrink.

I like Tami a lot most of the time. She holds a place in my heart because my boyfriend is younger than me as well. The age difference is about the same but I am younger than Tami by four or five years or so. I laughed out loud when she wouldn't high five Duffy and said, "When I'm around these girls I feel like I'm in preschool and everybody's playing Motherfucking patty cake." Omg, I died! Some of my boyfriend's friends are Duffy's age and I'm like Jesus Christ y'all go the fuck home lol. I could really relate. ??? 

I can't quit Tami no matter what she does.

  • Love 7
On 8/31/2016 at 3:38 PM, Talky Tina said:

Tami's daughter saying she didn't support Tami using an egg donor made me mad.  It's none of your damn business kid.  

Who was the woman that Jackie landed on when she was having her freak out?  It looked like the chick was just standing there and Jackie tackled her ass. 

I thought it was Angel #1's event planner. 

Duffy may not be good at organizing things, but Tammi calling someone else unprofessional is laughable. 

Nice to see that Jackie's revisionist history game is still strong.  However, if she's looking for a job, she should consider joining the female football league as a linebacker, because she charged through about 8 people, including security guards, trying to get at Angel Love.  I'm surprised the event planner who got trampled was up and walking the next day!

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Duffy may not be good at organizing things, but Tammi calling someone else unprofessional is laughable. 

Nice to see that Jackie's revisionist history game is still strong.  However, if she's looking for a job, she should consider joining the female football league as a linebacker, because she charged through about 8 people, including security guards, trying to get at Angel Love.  I'm surprised the event planner who got trampled was up and walking the next day!

She did break her glasses and rip her dress. I'm sure there were bruises. Wasn't that whole thing an atrocity?!!! She is nutty as hell. I can't have anyone as unpredictable as Tammy or Jackie around me. Too unstable. You just never know.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, announcergirl said:

I just don't like Jackie's daughter- she's very aware of herself.

And Tammy's daughter's music sucks.

Yeah, I said it.

I firmly believe the reason Jackie and her daughter don't get along is because the are exactly the same.....both fucking psychotic.  The only reason they're playing nice now is so the daughter can get her 5 minutes on the show. 

And Tammy's daughter's music does suck!  I'm not sure why they chose to air that particular clip or her band practicing, but it was not good. 

  • Love 4
On 9/12/2016 at 1:34 AM, Jade Foxx said:

Jackie needs her meds adjusted. 

Why does Tami's daughter look like that?

I need closed caption for this show...I'm still having trouble following and understanding these fights and outbursts.

Are these women shot up with steroids while sitting in hair (that's a joke) & makeup (also a joke)?

Jackie needs to leave this show and be with her husband in whatever state he is coaching (his absence has her imagination going into overdrive - it's barely in control when he is in the same town)

Chantal is thirsty as ever.

Do not understand why Angel used Jackie to model - she should hae just asked the other Angel. Also in one of the shots - I saw another girl wearing the same dress as Jackie

Tami's daughter - is it me? Somehow she looks like someone had her rest her chin on a table and then someone else came along and took a big mallet and clubbed her - the face is "squished down"

  • Love 3

I noticed Sundy's thirsty ass, but just realized Brooke from season two was the woman holding Jackie back and stopping her from fighting Angel Love. That is ironic if only because she beat Jackie down her season lol. That was back when they'd censor the fights so we didn't get to see it, but from the aftermath I know it was epic. I was kinda disappointed she didn't continue on the show.


The Tami/Duffey situation is fun to watch, but I'm not fully understanding it. Duffey should've been more unfront considering how soon it was, but I think the way Tami handled firing her escalated the situation more than it needed to be. If anything, Duffey should've been following up with Tami simply so they can brainstorm and approve of the various things they were going to include in the video. Duffey shouldn't expect them to reach out to her for that. I CANNOT WAIT to see their fight and what happens.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Chantal is thirsty as ever.


Yep.  Is Chantal an actress?  She acted like everything her mom said was hysterically funny.  She did a good job since I found none of it funny, I was sure there was someone over there by the cameras holding up a sign that read "LAUGH, WOMAN, LAUGH".  

  • Love 1

One good thing about Jackie is that you know that, no matter how much they may try and give her a redemption edit, sooner or later that crazy will spill out everywhere and the ugliness comes out. She actually trampled a girl! And was ready to swing on Angel Brinks, who I don't even like that much, over some craziness that she's made up in her head!

  • Love 4
On September 13, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Rina99 said:

One good thing about Jackie is that you know that, no matter how much they may try and give her a redemption edit, sooner or later that crazy will spill out everywhere and the ugliness comes out. She actually trampled a girl! And was ready to swing on Angel Brinks, who I don't even like that much, over some craziness that she's made up in her head!

So true Rina.  But you know I don't think Jackie will actually fight anyone no matter how crazy she acts.  She was doing a lot of mean muggin' at Angel #1 but there was no one holding her so what stopped her.  Chasing after Angel #2 turned into a run to get that dress off lol.  The one fight that I remember Jackie having was not shown to us.  The cameras cut away because I think Jackie got her arse kicked and they never showed it.  You guys remember that woman that was Drea's friend and then she wasn't?  I can't remember her name.  Anyhou, Jackie is off her rocker but she knows who to mess with and who to not.

Edited by lasandi
I mixed up the Angels.
On September 13, 2016 at 4:01 PM, lasandi said:

Yep.  Is Chantal an actress?  She acted like everything her mom said was hysterically funny.  She did a good job since I found none of it funny, I was sure there was someone over there by the cameras holding up a sign that read "LAUGH, WOMAN, LAUGH".  

She was doing what the old folks call "putting on."

And acting cute.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, lasandi said:

So true Rina.  But you know I don't think Jackie will actually fight anyone no matter how crazy she acts.  She was doing a lot of mean muggin' at Angel Brinks but there was no one holding her so what stopped her.  Chasing after Angel Love turned into a run to get that dress off lol.  The one fight that I remember Jackie having was not shown to us.  The cameras cut away because I think Jackie got her arse kicked and they never showed it.  You guys remember that woman that was Drea's friend and then she wasn't?  I can't remember her name.  Anyhou, Jackie is off her rocker but she knows who to mess with and who to not.


I think it was Brooke in Season 2, I kind of remember them showing Jackie looking ragged afterwards, lol.

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, rags said:

I don't know what's more embarrassing...that I am still watching this show or that I had no idea what a fupa was. Yes, I googled it.

Lol!  We're all still watching with you.  But, there were about 4 episodes of FUPA-related drama last season. How'd you miss that?  Lol!

4 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I wish someone would whip Tami's ass. I don't understand these grown ass women who's first instinct is to threaten somebody.  I've noticed that most of them are all talk and only go after someone when there's somebody to hold them back.  I'd pay to see Tami and Jackie get their asses kicked. 

Tami is too damn old to be getting into fights.  And I don't know what she thought was going to happen when she shoved Duffy to get out.  Soon, she'll be whacking people with a walker to instigate her bullshit.

I'm so tired of them bullying people every season.  In classic bully behavior, they go after people they don't think will fight back.  Jackie would NEVER raise her voice at Tami or Brandi, even if they poked her in her FUPA like she was the Pillsbury Dough Boy.  She talked shit about Malaysia, but never to her face, cause she saw Malaysia go full Compton on the other Govan sister in the first season.  And Tami thinks she's can talk shit to or physically intimidate people every season and they're just supposed to swallow it without daring to defend themselves.  I'm looking forward to seeing her continue pushing with Duffy.

  • Love 5

None of these tricks seem educated past the 3rd grade. 

Jackie: Her stomach felt "wheezy"

Malaysia slaughtering the word "interrogate"

Tami: Girl, where we going, to Islam?


And that hatchet face January needs to stay the HELL OFF MY SCREEN!

I fucks with Brandi, even though she looks like a dude in a dress. 

Duffy vs. Tami, oh it's on bitches.  

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

None of these tricks seem educated past the 3rd grade. 

Jackie: Her stomach felt "wheezy"

Malaysia slaughtering the word "interrogate"

Tami: Girl, where we going, to Islam?


And that hatchet face January needs to stay the HELL OFF MY SCREEN!

I fucks with Brandi, even though she looks like a dude in a dress. 

Duffy vs. Tami, oh it's on bitches.  

Angel Love about the baby daddy question: That's just "unappropee-it"

I guess they found the messiest white girls to try out. January was implicated in the Reggie Bush/Kim K breakup back in 2010 and Lindsey just had a baby with Gilbert Arenas (Laura Govan's baby daddy) so I'm guessing this is Shaunie's lil dig since it was rumored that Laura screwed Shaq.

Kind of funny that Tami is so nonchalant about people screwing folks' men when she got all in her feelings as a non motherfucking factor when Evelyn revealed her dalliance with Kenny back on BBW Miami. 

Sick of Jackie. Her crazy isn't even funny anymore. I'm tired of her taking offense at other people over shit she starts, especially only with newbies or folks she thinks she can try. She knows who not to mess with. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 8

One really funny moment (to me anyways) from the second episode was when Angel Brinks took a page out of Jackie's book and kept going on and on and crying until Jackie was just so beaten down she was like, "Ok, you got it, I'm sorry." After all her talk about how SHE was owed an apology, it tickled me to see someone get Jackie with a trick she pulls so often.

  • Love 6

Jackie wants us to know that she thought her first roll of skin was the start of her six pack abs. I guess they could be if they are literally the result of a six pack of beer.

Malaysia - we don't need no new spee cee in our group. I didn't realize THOTS were a new species.

Duffy explains to Brandi and Malaysia how professional she is by "crying"

There is something off with January's face. It's looks like Bell's palsy. It could be plastic surgery or pseudo botox gone wrong. I keep picturing her leaning against the window guard, falling 5 floors and landing on her face.

Angel Brinks and Brandi - did you both go to the funeral home and ask the mortician for makeup tips?

Angel Brinks blue hair - there are 10 tail-less My Little Ponies now and maybe a couple of hairless Troll dolls

  • Love 3

I'm as non-violent as they come but I still want Duffey to beat the Hell out of Tami next week. Please, Duffey. Just one good dragging or wig shift is all I'm asking. And I'll forgive your ultimate display of famewhoreness by missing your son's graduation and coming on this lame trip, in the first place.  

Speaking of Tami, she needs to grow the Hell up. She's nearing 60 and should be a role model for these women and not a cautionary tale. And there was no more pathetic display than watching her and Shaunie eavesdropping at the door and then scurrying off when they thought Duffey was coming. Not big bad Tami! 

dead @ Doug sending Jackie away as an anniversary gift. I see you, Doug lol 

Edited by Dream Boy
  • Love 7
Just now, Dream Boy said:

Speaking of Tami, she needs to grow the Hell up. She's nearing 60 and should be a role model for these women and not a cautionary tale. And there was no more pathetic display than watching her and Shaunie eavesdropping at the door and then scurrying off when they thought Duffey was coming. Not big bad Tami!

Over the past few episodes, hasn't Tami been the one screeching about how immature all the other women are.  Now here she is, refusing to meet someone to discuss their issues, pouting because that person was invited along, threatening to not participate in any activities if that person is around, and eavesdropping on a conversation after saying she didn't want to participate in one.  She is such a frakking hypocrite!


8 minutes ago, Dream Boy said:

dead @ Doug sending Jackie away as an anniversary gift. I see you, Doug lol 

This!  And he also figured out how to move to another city and live by himself.  Doug think's he's slick.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Dream Boy said:

I'm as non-violent as they come but I still want Duffey to beat the Hell out of Tami next week. Please, Duffey. Just one good dragging or wig shift is all I'm asking. And I'll forgive your ultimate display of famewhoreness by missing your son's graduation and coming on this lame trip, in the first place.  

Speaking of Tami, she needs to grow the Hell up. She's nearing 60 and should be a role model for these women and not a cautionary tale. And there was no more pathetic display than watching her and Shaunie eavesdropping at the door and then scurrying off when they thought Duffey was coming. Not big bad Tami! 

dead @ Doug sending Jackie away as an anniversary gift. I see you, Doug lol 

I couldn't agree more about Tami. Watching a woman her age* talking about "catching a case" and somebody ending up in the hospital is pathetic.  I hate violence too but god damn I'm hoping like hell that Duffy kicks her damn ass. 

*I'm not saying Tami is old, I'm a few years older than she is, I'm saying she's too damn old to be acting the way she is. 

  • Love 4

Get into Tami telling Shaunie she thinks she might be pregnant.  So let's go with you, older lady who has had a few miscarriages, thinks you might be pregnant.  What to do in Lisbon? Fight the woman who ALREADY APOLOGIZED TO YOUR DAUGHTER.  Because lord knows, that'll be great for your maybe baby.

Tami is just the worst.

  • Love 7

This whole thing is Tami's fault to begin with.  If she didn't like the job Duffey was doing and wanted to fire her as director of the video (which should have been Jazz's job, BTW - Jazz is 19 which is adult), there was a way to do so professionally and that tomfoolery we saw wasn't it.  Given that she knows she has a predisposition toward getting loud and buck with people, she should've just sent her an email explaining the reasons why she was being let go, but if it had to be filmed, then there was a better way to handle it.  Duffey certainly did not respond in a professional manner, but Tami is the one who took it all the way left when she started pushing Duffey.  That was not required and if Duffey had hauled off and punched her dead in the face, it would've been well-earned.

At this point, the woman has apologized to Jazz.  I thought the apology sounded sincere and Jazz accepted it.  The beef shouldn't be between Tami and Duffey if Tami's gripe is that Duffey insulted her daughter.  Your daughter has accepted the apology.  Duffey has attempted to apologize to you, as well.  Any continuing conflama is all on you, Tami.  As usual.

I hope Duffey takes a chunk out of Tami's ass.  And I actually like Tami.  I think she's hysterical and extra in a way that I understand.  But she needs that ass popped one good time.

  • Love 7
On October 4, 2016 at 0:03 PM, Watermelon said:


Get into Tami telling Shaunie she thinks she might be pregnant.  So let's go with you, older lady who has had a few miscarriages, thinks you might be pregnant.  What to do in Lisbon? Fight the woman who ALREADY APOLOGIZED TO YOUR DAUGHTER.  Because lord knows, that'll be great for your maybe baby.



The preview shows Tammy flailing her arms and legs, knocking into the table and chairs and even pushing someone off of her trying to get to Duffy.  Nice look for someone who's had trouble carrying a baby to full term.

Also keeping Tammy and Duffy separate during the trip because Tammy wants it that way is straight BS.  I wish someone I'm inviting on a trip would dictate or place conditions on how the trip should go.  You can stay your a$$ at home.  That's what Jackie should have told her.

Duffy is a fool for missing her son's graduation for this trip, who does that.  And then she says she's not going to see him for 30 days, I'm assuming she splits the summer with the boy's father and he has the first half of the summer.   What a fool, she could have come later.

Lastly, Tammy's daughter's video is straight garbage. 

  • Love 5

I'm glad somebody said Tami's daughter's video is crap. I admit I know nothing about that kind of music but I thought it was really bad. I also know nothing about dancing so I don't know if the stomping cockroaches style of dance Jazz does is good or not. To me it looks like she saw a bunch of roaches on the floor and was trying to smash them with her feet but what do I know?  

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