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Season 6 First Looks

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brandi wasn't needed whatsoever...it just was Satan Andy attempt to torture us with her...since the other women beside yolanda refused to be around her.



I wonder if he gave her a small role to test the waters about putting her on the next season.  I don't know how much feedback they read or where it comes from, Twitter most likely.   Since there was zero point in her being there to serve the plot why else?  Certainly Yolanda does NOT hang out with her, Kim or  Erika.  She has her high class friends like Ellie.  Where are the emoticons when you really need them?  

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Rinna is trying so hard to suck up to Yolanda and Erika-Yolanda telling Rinna to let Erika have a moment in the spotlight. . . too funny.  RInna sits down like an obedient dog.

She really is trying everything she can to be accepted onto team Yolanda/Erika as is Eileen. LOL

Again, I ask, where are these promos?!  They are not on Bravo or youtube.  I wanna see em!  ****hissy fit alert***


Here is the link.    http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-21/videos/what-does-erikas-son-think-of-erika

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She really is trying everything she can to be accepted onto team Yolanda/Erika as is Eileen. LOL


Here is the link.    http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-21/videos/what-does-erikas-son-think-of-erika



THANK YOU!  I searched Bravo and could not access them.  WTF?  I am not lame with technology, not at all.  Well maybe.  

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I like the pre-game show.   Kyle seems to be quite the little chatterbox.  I thought Eileen's mug was funny.  Now she can go back to be hurt and offended.

I found it interesting in the preview when LisaV says that she really thought she and Eileen were "good" and Eileen replies "Really Lisa?". I wish Lisa would have replied, "I did, I took you at your word, how was I to know you were lying the whole time". She, Lisa, needed to turn this all back on Eileen and the fact that she wasn't honest with Lisa at all.

  • Love 19

OMG!!!  Nomination for Best Moment in Television in 2016 So Far:

Erika Girardi's reply when asked about the discussion over the Dubai bills for her "boys": "There IS no discussion!"  She has no much moxie that I can't help loving her!


I wonder whether Miss Hyperthyroidism (LisaR) will get up and do another body dance like she did last year when upset with Kim.  Talk about grabbing camera time!  I think she'd be wise to stay seated since Erika clearly has better equipment and sassier moves.  Also, LisaR has her mouth to contend with.  How she will ever be able to pull off remaining glued to her chair, folding her hands in her lap instead of using her finger (the second or the middle) and biting her tongue at the same time is anyone's guess.

  • Love 3

OMG!!!  Nomination for Best Moment in Television in 2016 So Far:

Erika Girardi's reply when asked about the discussion over the Dubai bills for her "boys": "There IS no discussion!"  She has no much moxie that I can't help loving her!


I know - I totally see all of Erika's flaws, but I can't help it, I still like her. She seriously has zero fucks to give, and I love it. And I find her cold aloofness kind of compelling. I think part of it is that she never seems mean spirited to me.

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I found it interesting in the preview when LisaV says that she really thought she and Eileen were "good" and Eileen replies "Really Lisa?". I wish Lisa would have replied, "I did, I took you at your word, how was I to know you were lying the whole time". She, Lisa, needed to turn this all back on Eileen and the fact that she wasn't honest with Lisa at all.



Yes, I posted this in the reunion thread.  It is so easy to resolve.  Just show the clip and watch Eileen explain herself!  So good.  Certainly the editing dept will show that!  Slam dunk.  


ETA.  Eileen will claim she was manipulated or bullied into answering yes.  Just watch.  LVP was firm as she should have been!  

Edited by wings707
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OMG!!!  Nomination for Best Moment in Television in 2016 So Far:

Erika Girardi's reply when asked about the discussion over the Dubai bills for her "boys": "There IS no discussion!"  She has no much moxie that I can't help loving her!

I took her comment to mean that he doesn't ask her about it -- just that he pays the bill and doesn't ask.


But interesting to read another take on it.

Edited by Jel
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Im not sure where to post this so I'll put it here. There was a poll asking who should be asked back that was circulating around Twitter, reddit, Facebook etc and it got a very large response, over 117,000. LVP won by a landslide , twice as much as the next person and Yo, Lisar and Elieen tied for last place with 2percent each.

Here is the results if anyone is interested.


Edited by nc socialworker
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Im not sure where to post this so I'll put it here. There was a poll asking who should be asked back that was circulating around Twitter, reddit, Facebook etc and it got a very large response, over 117,000. LVP won by a landslide , twice as much as the next person and Yo, Lisar and Elieen tied for last place with 2percent each.

Here is the results if anyone is interested.


Not a scientific poll, though. Lisa's fans are incredibly devoted. So devoted and relentless they tend to discourage non Lisa fans from participating in message boards. The top 2 Lisa fans on this forum have posted 8,000 and 6,500 posts each. And Brandi beat Kyle? Edited by Kokapetl
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Not a scientific poll, though. Lisa's fans are incredibly devoted. So devoted and relentless they tend to discourage non Lisa fans from participating in message boards. The top 2 Lisa fans on this forum have posted 8,000 and 6,500 posts each. And Brandi beat Kyle?

I post because I enjoy the conversation I have with other members here, whether or not we agree. I am sorry, if my posting frequently upset you or anyone else, as that is not my intent.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

You counted them? Really? LOL I post because I enjoy the conversation I have with other members here, whether or not we agree. I am sorry, if my posting frequently upset you or anyone else, as that is not my intent.

Post counts are displayed on users profile pages. I'm not upset about you or anyone else posting, it's just honestly hard to keep up!
  • Love 2

Interview with Kyle about the Reunion:    http://www.allabouttrh.com/2016/04/18/kyle-richards-says-season-complex-seasons-says-tears-come-reunion/



Not a scientific poll, though. Lisa's fans are incredibly devoted. So devoted and relentless they tend to discourage non Lisa fans from participating in message boards. The top 2 Lisa fans on this forum have posted 8,000 and 6,500 posts each. And Brandi beat Kyle?


I started a poll on this Forum.  If we vote we can see which way people feel about the various RHs.

  • Love 3

Seriously Kokapelt, I know many people (around the web) who want Brandi back, love Erika, etc.   What ever happened on that Bravo poll?  I'll have to go check.



Brandi came in at number 3 on Bravo.



5.7K votes.

Edited by Umbelina
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Yeah, I think polls are interesting in terms of, "whose fanbase is most rabid?" not as an actual sample of what will draw eyeballs to the screen. I hate to defend the producers here, but I wouldn't take any poll with much seriousness, although I do think keeping an eye on things like the number of social media followers probably *is* a better gauge a HW's popularity.


And having said that, I don't even think popularity alone (be it on social media or general sentiment) is enough to qualify a HW for being asked back. No one would watch if all the cast members got along, much as we might complain about the drama. 

  • Love 2

I'm sure the exact numbers are not accurate but I think it's pretty safe to say that LVP is a fan favorite, although I think she's shed some fans each season since season three. I wouldn't trust one poll or multiple polls from one site, but she wins practically every poll on every site. I think that's a good indication that she's popular among viewers. 

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Kathryn doesn't have a 'rabid' fanbase, how did she come second? Not that I'm complaining, I prefer her to Erika, I think she's more 'real'.

Here's a link to the actual page with voting figures on:


Kathryn is getting one slowly......because of LVP. For the most part, the folks that are liked the best are the ones that LVP likes the best (Brandi is in a whole different category. She still has a rabid fanbase from her days as an LVP friend and some are just not going to ever let that go). 


Most of these women serve at the pleasure of the Queen. If LVP hates you, then you will do poorly in these types of polls. It is exactly like everything with Teresa G. Take Kyle for example: she could be the same person she is right now, but be calling LVP out, and she would rate down there with Eileen and Lisar. She clearly gets that and has decided that there are some battles that are just not worth fighting. Not that she doesn't care about her, or that they are not friends. But she needs to stay on her good side. She has been on the other side and faced situations like folks Tweeting that they hoped Portia got cancer as her punishment. 

  • Love 5



The only good part is Eileen asking Yolanda to let her speak-since Kim was talking to her.


Yolanda a person getting loaded isn't a pause for sympathy.  Nor is it suffering except for those around the blithering idiot.

  • Love 4



The only good part is Eileen asking Yolanda to let her speak-since Kim was talking to her.


Yolanda a person getting loaded isn't a pause for sympathy.  Nor is it suffering except for those around the blithering idiot.

Somehow I watched this clip but don't seem to know what you're referring to. What am I missing?

Thank you!  That's not at all I saw on the clip.


In the middle of the clip Eileen is trying to make a point and Yolanda (who was not there) starts to take over the dialogue.  Eileen then asks if she may speak.

Somehow I watched this clip but don't seem to know what you're referring to. What am I missing?

Quite honestly the beginning of the clip is about Rinna and Kim and once again Yolanda steps in to scold Rinna.


Oh and it is pretty much a given that Kim either doesn't watch the show or has an selective memory.

Edited by zoeysmom
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The only good part is Eileen asking Yolanda to let her speak-since Kim was talking to her.


Yolanda a person getting loaded isn't a pause for sympathy.  Nor is it suffering except for those around the blithering idiot.


I noticed in Reunion Part One that several times when Andy asked Erika a question, Yolanda jumped in and answered for Erika, even questions about her marriage. It was really annoying me.

Edited by Happy Camper
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I noticed in Reunion Part One that several times when Andy asked Erika a question, Yolanda jumped in and answered for Erika, even questions about her marriage. It was really annoying me.

Since she has been that way at every Reunion except last season, I have no doubts what was on the list of marital woes.  My king, my ass.  More like once that ring was on her finger it was Yolanda's way or the highway.

  • Love 7

I LOVED the moment when Andy dug for more details from Erika over some matter or another, and Erika managed to shut him down cold by refusing to discuss it!  She answered the first part of his question, but the second part, she said, was too personal.  I think that Erika has some strong principles about what she'll reveal and what she won't.  She learns fast!

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