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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

As glad as I am they are giving us something new with Eric and Ridge, I wish there had been some kind of lead up to Eric feeling this way, some type of build up showing him growing discontented with the current status quo. We could have seen him discussing it with Donna, or Brooke, or even himself. It just feels like it came out of left field, but I will take it all the same. Eric's dismissive "you can go now" to Ridge nearly had me peeing my pants. 

I agree. I am liking that we're getting an actual business storyline, and not just the business as a backdrop for romantic storylines. But it could have used the build up. Give us a reason Ridge is being such a dismissive dick to Eric talking about designing a new line. We're at least being given a reason for how Eric is feeling, but, like you said, they didn't build that up, either. They just decided to tell us. How difficult would it have been to have a few scenes over the past month or so where Eric walked into his office to find it basically being used as the break room? Or him working on something at his desk and half the staff wandering in, gossiping and laughing? 

Finn, dude, I'm rooting for you. I am. But you need to actually do something to show Steffy that you mean it about Sheila. Go file for a restraining order. Steffy isn't going to believe mere words now, because you've told her you were on the same page about Sheila before, but you still went behind Steffy's back to connect with Sheila. Also, get some therapy (not from your mother-in-law) to deal with all of this. It's totally understandable that you've had conflicting feelings, because it's been nothing but a mind fuck since the moment you met Sheila and found out her history with your in-laws. Work through that. Show your wife that you're actually taking steps to deal with all of this instead of just repeatedly telling her you want her and the kids back. 

And, as always, Deacon, stop it. You know you need out of this relationship. You know that it will blow up everything you've built for yourself over the past year or so. It's not like you've never had good sex before, and she's not even trying to hide that she's using sex to keep you on the hook. She pretty much brags to you about it. Keep it in your pants and kick her to the curb. 

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I was so worried that it was going to turn into a dementia story. I would love a fashion house story. Eric vs Sludge. A fashion show down. Family members choosing sides. And Eric winning. Eric's "you can go now" made me rewind and watch again! Sludge is an oaf. Eric has panache. Now if they can just find a way to shoehorn $Bill into the story, or better yet a concurrent storyline with $Bill and Wyatt +/or Liam.

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23 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I haven't watched much these past couple of weeks, but I tuned in today and saw that Ridge got rid of Eric's stapler?  I guess Ridge never saw Office Space:  


Ridge better watch his ass. 

Season 1 Nbc GIF by The Office

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

But it could have used the build up. Give us a reason Ridge is being such a dismissive dick to Eric talking about designing a new line.

I hope this is the right place to ask, but was Thorsten Kaye the BEST/ONLY option to recast as Ridge? I know why Ron Moss left, and it's sad but understandable, but Kaye is just so WRONG. And he's just...bad. And I don't see any chemistry between him and Katherine.

And with all those images of who is on this soap, why aren't we seeing any of them? It's been the same four or five people for the past two months since I started sort of watching again.

If this needs to go in another thread, please let me know and I'll move it to the appropriate place.

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I hope this is the right place to ask, but was Thorsten Kaye the BEST/ONLY option to recast as Ridge?

I have no clue why he was chosen as recast Ridge. I think he's terrible and he has shown zero chemistry with any of the actresses except Caroline 2.0 and Steffy. He has also transformed the character from an asshole who had at least some warmth and charm, to just a straight-up asshole who is an unkempt brute. I agree he was a terrible choice. 

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I hope this is the right place to ask, but was Thorsten Kaye the BEST/ONLY option to recast as Ridge? I know why Ron Moss left, and it's sad but understandable, but Kaye is just so WRONG. And he's just...bad. And I don't see any chemistry between him and Katherine.

Mind you, it was over a year between recasts, so it wasn't like TIIC were rushing to fill the role. I dunno how much of it is Thorston Kaye himself or Bell deciding to emphasize the worst of his personality traits without any buffer of humor of levity that Ronn Moss brought to the role but boy, they really should've cut bait a long fucking time ago because it was not working. We all made fun of RM's hammy acting, but I dunno what's worse: having a very limited range where the guy is putting in a genuine effort or talent that at times feels very much phoned in and makes it very glaringly obvious when he's not checked into most of his scenes with Brooke a story he doesn't like. I think back to RM's exit interview about his least fave story with Bridget, where he was absolutely repulsed (understandable so) but from the clips I can find of that nonsense, it never came through in the final product.

If Star Trek can recast Spock twice over in a fandom that is more notorious than most for  fans demanding canon accuracy, I think B&B can survive a third Ridge actor. But honestly, I'd rather we just retire the character, bring back Kristen to continue the legacy (giving Zende someone else to bounce off of besides Paris) or Thorne or Felicia and keep it moving.

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I really don’t want Hope with Liam (spellcheck changed his name to “loan”, which is pretty applicable) or Thomas, but, today, I was 100% Team Thomas. Doltface Liam needed to hear those truths, rather than how wrong Hope was to kiss Thomas, & how Liam is the victim, & how they love each other so much that they should reunite. Bullshit. He cheated on her multiple times, had a WTD scare with her stepsister, & married another woman hours after Hope broke up with him. Why are they trying to make fetch happen with Liam?? Thomas isn’t in any position to judge anyone, but I’m glad that someone - anyone - pointed out what Liam has put Hope through. It infuriates me that Liam doesn’t admonish Wyatt for that heifer who started the entire thing, by posing as PhoeBeth’s bio mom (I know she wasn’t the brains behind the scheme, but it never would’ve happened without her help, & she’s totally accepted now). 


I am at the point where I absolutely hate Liam, even more than I hate Ridge; I hate his smug condescension, I hate his refusal to forgive Hope for a far smaller transgression than she’s forgiven him for, multiple times, & most of all, I hate that he’s on every damn day, without a single day break. I’m certain that hating their main guy isn’t what the writers want, but I don’t see how he can be fixed without a long break, at this point. He sucks, I hate him, & it’s only Monday, which means 4 more days of him. 

Happy last official week of summer, from me, Suzy Sunshine! 😏

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

Why are they trying to make fetch happen with Liam??

I've been asking this since the Aspen wedding.

I'm not quite at the point where I want to see him dead like many do and at his core, I don't think he's quite as repulsive as Ridge but i do think that even if TIIC did make the effort to give his character a redemption, it may still be too late to salvage the guy for many.

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Why is Hope at the office dressed like she's about to go out clubbing? Which isn't a bad idea. Maybe she could meet somebody who isn't Liam or Thomas!

Are Steffy's "oh, shit," reactions about Liam and Hope because she now fears she'll fall for Liam again? Or is it genuine disappointment? 

I predict that tomorrow, Liam will have a "surprise" visit from Brooke. 

At least today Brooke didn't order Hope to fight for her marriage. 

Re: Eric and arthritis. There are many treatments for that. There are some pretty effective non-opioid pain meds, as well as PT, injections, and topical solutions.

Is this going to be a reprise of Ridge having Caroline 2.0 channel his designs? Only this time, "Cyrano " will be R.J. The delicious irony would be if Eric and R.J. design such a stellar collection that the fashion world will be, "Ridge, who?" 

But alas, another retread SL. On top of a pending ToD or possible WTF. Lucky us.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Hope dresses more like a fashion it girl now, instead of flowers frumpy housewife. Love her new style. Hair cut, dresses makeup and jewelry all on point. 

Why is RJ everywhere? Eric has 2 fashion designing grandsons but he asks tiktok fool helping him?  He's a horrible character. 

Brooke hates Thomas so much while Ridge is saying he loves them more than anything. Yet he's with Brooke? Thomas is to blame for all. Don't you dare go back to Thomas?  How does Ridge be with a woman who hates his son so much.  Who is she to talk about causing people pain? 

Thomas wins for lines of the day. "You had a pregnancy scare with another women, that was my sister " Then calling him a fool. Lol 

Thomas and Hope had me at "Hi." That alone has so much chemistry. Hope choose Thomas. 

Steffy knows the "he said no" means there's a little more to his saying no. 

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Steffy wants Hope and Liam to work it out so she can get some peace..Liam seems to park his ass at Eric's a few times a day..She's like "DAMMIT, go back to Hope PUHLEEZE!"

Steffy has truly moved on an its GLORIOUS!!😃

Hope looked great today..loved the entire outfit although it probably better for a club or after work get together.  Thomas looked great too, Thope has her getting some edge.

I can't help it, Thomas and Hope just have "it"..however I think we are heading down the obsession pathway.  Still at least now he is just more than wallpaper, he has been in the background during this Thope arc, even when Brooke caught them in bed he was just background. At least now he is being proactive even if it's back to obsessive Thomas.  All that being said when Thomas was saying all those things with such intensity even knowing it may be obsessive crazy Thomas..

*small voice* "I thought it was kinda sexy

I wanted Hope to give in..

*runs and hides*

Edited by bluvelvet
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Is Stuffy back to wearing a wig?  Her hair looks like complete shit today. 

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place is exactly the position Hope is in. Liam head is as hard as a rock and Lurch is the “hard” place that Hope may turn to.  I’m not a big fan of Hope, since the KM days, but for me it’s none of the above because she deserves neither of them.  

Lurch goes to see Liam to make sure he won’t forgive Hope so he can swoop in to profess his complete devotion to her. Lurch can say what he wants to Hope and she may be buying it, but I feel he’s full of shit.  Lurch is nothing more than a sleaze ball. Lurch is such a lousy actor he doesn’t come across as being sincere.   

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Annika Noelle's skin though.....

I am just loving this new version of Hope, still the sweet person she has always been, but is developing that sharper edge. 

At this point, I would rather see her with Thomas than Liam, just because it would serve a waffle right. What I really want, is for Steffy to reunite with Finn and Hope move on to anyone not Liam so he is left with NOTHING AND NO ONE

I felt bad for Eric, it is horrible to not be able to do your thing due to physical limitations. The only thing my mom has enjoyed in her later years is playing her match 3 games, but she has AMD and her gaming world is slowing fading away. It simply breaks my heart to see her leaning into her monitor, nearly touching it she has to get so close. If RJ can help Eric get what is in his head down on paper, then I am all about it. For me it won't be the same as Ridge/Caroline, because that was to spark a romance between them, but this is more about saving someone's dignity, so I am ok with it. 

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VWS, @RuntheTable. I am loving this edgier Hope as well. Still wearing her heart on her sleeve but not apologizing for getting what she wants and needs out of life.

Including a new 'do and style befitting of her awakening.


While I wish that awakening had been at the hands of anyone else, I cannot deny that MA and AN have chemistry for days. More on that in a moment.

It also doesn't hurt that he's confronting Liam on her behalf and dropping truth bombs left and right.

Thomas, to Liam: "You have messed up...MULTIPLE times. You stepped out on HER. You had a PREGANCY SCARE with another woman. Oh, that's right! That was MY SISTER. Hope messes up ONCE. She kisses ONE guy and what? You're done?" 

Liam's saying Thomas was his ONE hill to die on is weaksauce as Hope forgave him countless times, most recently for said pregnancy scare, for what should have been her hill - Steffy. Her giving him grace so many times when he has given her none and him cheating with Steffy yet again mere minutes after seeing the Thope kiss, which she still does not know about or the other kiss once they were back in LA, is Exhibit A of why these two need to be done, once and for all.

Liam doesn't deserve her. Never has, never will. He has always held her up on some pedestal that she didn't ask to be put on, expecting her to forgive and forgive while he does whatever the fuck his wounded little ego tells him to do. While he himself forgave Steffy for just as bad, if not worse, when she had an affair with Bill, his own father, and a paternity test behind his back. Thomas being the hill when he forgave Flo, who did far worse than Thomas, by posing as Beth's birth mother and helping falsify the adoption that sealed the deal that resulted in a dead baby being placed in Hope's arms and her child being placed in Steffy's. Beth's kidnapping, all of those stolen months, would never have happened but for Flo's involvement. Yet Liam is apparently fine with all of that. Which is not to say Thomas' actions weren't despicable but Liam forgiving Flo but not Thomas doesn't make sense. If he had refused to forgive them both? That would only make sense. Forgiving both and showing grace in the wake of reuniting with Beth would have been all kinds of "wow" for me but to split the difference? And likely because Thomas has a penis and heart eyes for Hope...just no. 

I also think it's rocking Liam's world that Hope no longer wants to be the perfect little good girl anymore, the antithesis to her "slut from the valley" mother. She's tired of that box with it's good girl behavior and often frumpy clothes. She can be sexy and embrace her sexuality and she is doing exactly that for perhaps the first time in her life. Which has Liam freaked as he's never brought out that side of her. Wyatt did and now Thomas is but what he doesn't get is it's less to do with the man in her life and more about how she is taking control. She's finally emancipated and feeling her freedom and it's amazing to watch.

Elsewhere, Steffy's facial expressions had me rolling. It is beyond clear that she doesn't want Lame's ass back. At all. Especially not when she has his number and then some and her own fine-as-hell husband. 

Brooke? Shut the fuck up and take all the seats. 

As for Thope, as I said, I wish that it wasn't Thomas, that we'd see Hope alone for a while before starting to cross paths with Wyatt again and they finish what they started when she left town after the painful loss of their child. 

But for now, it is Thope and their chemistry cannot be denied, so I'm going to pretend Thomas is the guy who let her get away in Milan, come to the states to claim her.


Because they are just so damn hot.

I mean, just look at her face, and how she hasn't ripped his clothes off by now, I will never know. 



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I don’t feel sorry for Thomas AT ALL .. he’s a grown ass man and Hope is being honest with him about where she stands. 

Let’s be real, Thomas doesn’t care - he’s getting laid on the regular. His joystick ain’t seen this much action in YEARS!

As for Hope - she’s not listening to mama Brooke, Thomas clearly put it on her something fierce 😂 home girl is like 

an orgasm, yes I’ll have one to those please” 😍

She’s probably secretly happy that Liam is being a douche so she can play Ginuwine’s *cue music* “If you’re horny let’s do it, ride it my pony” a little longer ..

Edited by bluvelvet
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Lurch is laying on the 🐂💩 and disguising it as 🦄’s and 🌈’s.  New Lurch or old Lurch, he’s still a disgusting 🐷 who gives me the shits.  

Hope is not in love with Lurch but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to play hide the wiener with him. Can Lurch handle that?  Absolutely!  It’s not really Hope’s love he’s seeking as he wasn’t seeking Caroline’s love. Causal sex is Lurch in a nut shell.  More 🐂💩 from Lurch with I want to love you like nobody has loved you before. Lurch is saying that in the sexual science not as a matter of the heart. 

If push came to shove, I would say that Lurch/Hope is more repulsive than Shiela/Deacon.  

Do you actually think that Liam completely that ignorant to dismissed the idea that Hope wouldn’t turn to Lurch if he wasn’t in the picture. How is Liam going to reconcile, in his mind ,with Lurch living in the same house as his daughter. 

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Deacon is a fool.  He better not say a word about Thomas and Hope considering he is with Sheila.

He was just welcome to his granddaughter birthday and included as family and ter he put Sheila above that. 

Loved Hope and Thomas.  They have so much chemistry. His speech comparing Liam waffling love to revamp designs and then her pulling his necklace in.  She looks happier with Thomas. 

Brooke just shut up. Where is Taylor? 

Omg actually an episode with no Liam . 

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On 8/28/2023 at 7:03 PM, Gam2 said:

I don’t want to see Liam dead but I would certainly celebrate current Ridge to kick the bucket. 

As much as I hate Sludge, I'd prefer a recast of the character. Either someone really good (at acting and looking) or Ronn Moss. I will never come to terms with the current recast. Sludge, blech.

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OH! Some good ole fashioned design office sex! Hope is really channeling her mom; how many times has Brooke locked that door over the years? 

Steam room next?

What are Ridge and Carter up too? My guess is a restraining order, but I don't think that would come from Carter or Ridge. Are they going to try and buy her off? Make some sort of deal to get her out of town? If it will get her away from Deacon, then I am on board. 

I think RJ and Eric are adorable together.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Mark this down, folks. Someone actually locked a freaking door!

And made it look sexy as hell.

I actually appreciated the honest conversation they shared, putting all their cards on the table.

Hope, in response to his continued declarations of love: "This is all so much."

Thomas: "I know you have conflicted feelings and Liam got in your head about what I did in the past. But I'm reformed...and you know that." Is he? Can he be? He looks and sounds so sincere but who can say? He adds: "Let me love you like no one else can."

Hope: "I know my marriage is over and I hear what you're saying, loud and clear..." At his hopeful look, she lowers the boom: "But I'm not in love with you., Thomas" She searches his eyes and notes the tiny bit of disappointment there. "I don't want to take advantage of your feelings for me." Full disclosure with no hint of her leading him on. 

Thomas hides his being crushed better than I anticipated, nodding as he says: "Yeah, look, I understand.  We've moved...pretty fast. But I really think I can make you happy." Happy can have many meanings.

Hope raises an eyebrow, teasing him as she says, "Oh yeah?" See what I meant about "happy?"

He nods as he says, "Yeah." And it's cute and what is even happening here?

Hope: 'Well, I'm not going to pretend you haven't woken something up inside of me." And how...

Thomas: "And you've woken up something inside of me, too." 

They share grins.

Thomas: "Look, I want to give you what you need. So, maybe we could go to dinner?"

Oh, the look she gives him as she moves closer, huskily whispering "I mean that's not exactly what I'm craving right now." 

She leans in, her eyes almost closing as she almost kisses him, but then pulls back, letting her hand linger on his for a moment before moving to lock the door and the va-voom in her walk and the look in her eyes when she turns back to face him, biting her lip without actually biting her lip in anticipation of what's about to go down is why I am watching all of this. That she is taking control in a way we've rarely, if ever, seen from her is beautiful to watch.

Hope moves over to him, saying: "Thomas, I just need to say one thing. Liam let me down and I'm hurting." She gives him a long look, "And I am going to need some time, buuuut..." She brings her hands to his chest, looking down, envisioning that chest, that body, free from clothing, I'm sure (I know I am!) "... thaaaat doesn't mean...I don't want you." 

His eyes seeking hers and finding understanding. He smiles and leans in to kiss her but she's very "not yet," holding her lips just out of reach and that is hot as hell. 

There's a challenge in her eyes as she asks, "Is that...something you can handle?"

Is that a rhetorical question, Hope? The "HELL YEAH" is written all over his face as he tells her, unnecessarily, "Yeah...I think I can handle it. Sometimes, we get too caught up in the past or the future. Let's just live in the moment."

That little moment where she pulls him to her by his necklace...🔥🔥🔥- I'm amazed my TV didn't burst into flames. And then the devouring and consuming begins in earnest and I should hate this but lord help me, I don't. 

Maybe it's the undeniable chemistry.

But I might just be shipping them and choosing to shelve the past. 

And not just because of Liam.

It's bigger than that. It's the angst and the push and the pull, the saint and the sinner...the Beauty and the Beast of it all. 

Who am I even?

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20 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Let’s be real, Thomas doesn’t care - he’s getting laid on the regular. His joystick ain’t seen this much action in YEARS!

It cannot be said nearly enough that the way TIIC have been writing Thomas for the last twenty(!) years since he was first aged up has been nothing short of bizarre. Drew Tyler Bell was in the role for eight years and all his version's big romances happened in the first two. Then, crickets for the next six, aside from him trying to snuff out Rick for dating Steffy.  Then we had Adam Gregorycs version be obsessed with Brooke, then Pierson Fode's be obsessed with Caroline before putting him with Sally and salvaging his character from that mess , only to do a hard reset on all of that when Matthew Atkinson was cast.

And this is STILL better than what Ridge's own namesake has gotten!

16 hours ago, Artsda said:

Brooke just shut up.

As little as I care for Thope....God, this. If she ever brought up what he did to her children, she may have half a point and she'd still be a hypocrite as she certainly didn't give a damn about the crap Bill had been pulling on Hope or what Deacon had done to Bridget when she fucked them.

She's a grown ass woman, let her fall on her ass to learn the lessons you never did.

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Thankfully we didn’t have to witness Lurch and Hope swapping spit today but we did have to witness a day of Ridge being an arrogant ass hole. Demanding Deacon to tell him where Shiela is and if he doesn’t he more or less threatened Deacon about heeling him away from his daughter. Give me a fucking break, you never consider Hope as your daughter. 


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So I just realized that Hope was pretty much f**king Thomas in the room across from where mommy Brooke was oh so worried about her vulnerable daughter not even 15 minutes from Brooke's edict of not going back to Thomas..😱



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On 8/28/2023 at 4:00 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I've been asking this since the Aspen wedding.

I'm not quite at the point where I want to see him dead like many do and at his core, I don't think he's quite as repulsive as Ridge but i do think that even if TIIC did make the effort to give his character a redemption, it may still be too late to salvage the guy for many.

I've got to catch up on this week (just spent three fun filled days in the hospital), but I think Liam has met Ridge's level for me. With that last attempt to kiss Steffy (when she gave him the cheek and then told him to go home), after she'd already clearly told him before "do not ever do that again," added on to the way he's been shit talking his entire relationship with Hope (which would include having Beth and helping raise Douglas, who he has professed to love before) as a big old mistake that never should have happened, he's on Ridge level for me. 

The one thing that confuses me in all of this now is that Liam shutting Hope down last week seems, to me, like a pretty big nail in the coffin for Lope. Why is the show still making a big deal about Liam not knowing about Thomas and Hope fucking? I mean, I'm sure it will hurt his precious little fee-fees, but why in the absolute fuck should Hope care, at this point, if he finds out? And, more importantly, why is the show dragging this out as a storyline point to us? It makes me fear we're still going to end up with Lope somehow. Like maybe Steffy tells him to fuck all the way off and goes off somewhere for a much needed vacation with Finn, while JMW goes on maternity leave, and Liam waffles his ass right back over to Hope with some bullshit about how he's thought it over, and she's right about how important keeping their family together is? 

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So Eric goes to the YouTuber because he's Ridge junior? Not Zende or Thomas?

Deacon needs a kick in the head, he should listen to Ridge.  Deacon should be thinking about his relationship with Hope, Beth too. 

Sheila going nutso about Finn loving her. Being in his life. 

Finn finally takes responsibility for his actions and Sheila. Nobody going to keep them apart? All while Sheila has crazy eyes going. 


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10 minutes ago, Kimboweena said:

Hope all is ok, now.

It is, thanks. I had a bad asthma flare, and it took a few days to get everything close to normal, but I'm feeling good (but exhausted) now. 

Just finished Monday's episode, and I feel like, between it and what I've read here about the next two shows, we're going to get Thomas losing it again. Ridge keeps talking about it. And next we're going to have Thomas agreeing to be in the moment, or whatever, but he very clearly is more into her than she's into him, and that's eventually going to be a problem when Hope is done getting her groove back, and she still doesn't have any feelings beyond "you give good orgasms" for him. 

If I had to guess, I'd say that Deacon's relationship with Sheila gets exposed, and it rattles Hope that, worse than making her mother's Waffle mistakes, she's making her father's Psycho mistakes. Hopefully, that doesn't lead back to Lope, but I do kind of wonder if we're going to get Thomas going nutty and Liam riding in on his white horse to save the day and win back his (sometime, when he's not all in his feelings) love. Then he'll have a million and one "told ya' so" points stored away in his mental bank. And he'll have to "bravely" forgive her for fucking the psycho. 

I feel sick again. Not over the Thope ending part of things, because I hate that psycho, but the idea of Hope ending back up with the waffle, laboring under the idea that she owes him gratitude for forgiving and saving her, and Liam will just cram the genie that is her awakening right back into the bottle. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Really Ridge? What an arrogant fuck you are. Who are you to go pounding on someone's door demanding anything? And you always pull the "Hope is my family/daughter" card when it suits your agenda, and since your agenda is to always annoy Deacon, you pulled it yesterday. No, my demanding asshole, Hope is Deacon's daughter, for you she has always been the family "stain." The only saving grace was Deacon telling you about yourself, and how he didn't appreciate you barging into his home with your demands, and how he also didn't appreciate you violating the confidence that was shared when you and Bill were working your failed plan to nail Sheila. Ridge is just butt hurt because the plan ultimately failed, after all that hard work he put in sitting in the basement of Spencer Publications, sharing donuts with the FBI. 

Another good thing might be that this encounter may be enough to have Deacon be done with Sheila. 

You go RJ! Take all that influencing power of yours and put it to good use with your grandad. 

I hate to admit it, but I found Finn and Steffy kinda cute yesterday. 

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I found them cute, too, @RuntheTable.  

Steffy just lights up around him and it's beyond obvious she is head over heels in love with her husband and wants nothing more than for Liam to leave her the fuck alone. 

Deacon, Deacon, Deacon...I just cannot with him. Is he really willing to risk everything, including his relationships with his daughter and granddaughter, for Sheila? Even typing that makes me angry.

I mean, he is the one that found Steffy and Finn in their own blood in the alley behind the restaurant he worked to own. I know Sheila tricked him into their first encounter (even as I'm rolling my eyes that he fell for her disguise in the first place) but once he KNEW it was her? He should have turned her ass in and been done with her. I don't care how amazing she is in bed and outside of that, what else does this murderess have to offer?

I'd like to see a situation where Sheila goes after Steffy again and perhaps tries to kidnap Hayes in the process and Deacon is the one to rescue them and his eyes are finally opened and Sheila is finally carted off to prison. Steffy and Finn leave town with the kids to decompress and perhaps Deacon can reconnect with Taylor? 

Elsewhere, I am supremely salty that TPTB left us hanging after the Thope hotness the previous day.

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I hate when characters dislike another character without motivation of their own but simply because it's in the script .  Why was Carter so aggro to Deacon?  Because his bff Ridge was being a dickhead?  That doesn't track.  Deacon's done nothing to Carter and, while Carter may have heard of all of Deacon's past misdeeds, his scowling and brusque demeanor were not earned at all.  Lazy writing and acting.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I found them cute, too, @RuntheTable.  

Steffy just lights up around him and it's beyond obvious she is head over heels in love with her husband and wants nothing more than for Liam to leave her the fuck alone. 

If you had told me at the start of this year that, in the summer, both Lope and Sinn would be in turmoil, and that Sinn was the couple I'd be rooting for, I wouldn't have believed you. But, here we are. I'm going to be legitimately upset if they break them up. 

6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Really Ridge? What an arrogant fuck you are. Who are you to go pounding on someone's door demanding anything? And you always pull the "Hope is my family/daughter" card when it suits your agenda, and since your agenda is to always annoy Deacon, you pulled it yesterday. No, my demanding asshole, Hope is Deacon's daughter, for you she has always been the family "stain."

So, after not even bothering to be at Beth's birthday party, Ridge is going to try to run around town playing the "my daughter" card over Hope? Hey, Ridge, do you know who was at Beth's birthday party?  Hope's father and Beth's grandfather. 

Having said that, Deacon, dude. Where do you even see this going with Sheila? Do you think you're just going to permanently keep her living with you and having a relationship with her, and nobody will ever find out? Hope will never drop over and encounter her? Oh, wait, that already happened the last time you were harboring her, she was just wearing a disguise then, so Hope didn't know it was her. And, spoiler alert, if Hope had figured that out, your little bedmate would have, at minimum, harmed her, most likely killed her. She wasn't going to spare your daughter out of some affection for you when her own freedom was on the line. Seriously, what is your long term plan, Deacon? 

And why does Sheila need to stay there anyway? Wasn't she bragging about how rich she was when she hit town and was staying at the hotel long term? She can't get her own place? Even if Deacon doesn't want to completely end things with her, her having her own place for him to go to would be a safer option for him than her living with him, when it comes to the risk of anyone discovering their relationship. 

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I am truly glad to see JMW’s own hair after all of the road kills she’s worn for so long. It makes her look younger and I can now actually listen to her words instead of wondering what the hell is on her head and why she’s allowing this to happen to her.

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11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Deacon, Deacon, Deacon...I just cannot with him. Is he really willing to risk everything, including his relationships with his daughter and granddaughter, for Sheila? Even typing that makes me angry

So, even here he’s getting the AJ* treatment?

7 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

I hate when characters dislike another character without motivation of their own but simply because it's in the script .  Why was Carter so aggro to Deacon?  Because his bff Ridge was being a dickhead?  That doesn't track.  Deacon's done nothing to Carter and, while Carter may have heard of all of Deacon's past misdeeds, his scowling and brusque demeanor were not earned at all.  Lazy writing and acting.

Yup, looks like the AJ treatment.

WHYYYYY? If it’s about looks, then NO CONTEST between Deacon and “Ridge”-DEACON HANDS DOWN.

*AJ-character on another soap where he got trashed and treated like shit and a loser, when he is a much better talented and good looking actor/character.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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What happened to security at Spencer?  What happened to the receptionist?  Finn could just walk in and bark orders at Liam. Stay away from my wife. Finn are you that dumb?  Liam and Stuffy have a child together. Does that mean he has to stay away from Kelly?  WTF Finn?  Liam is using Shiela as a wedge to come between him and Stuffy 😂😂😂😂. What a schmuck!  The wedge is the elephant in the room not Liam. Oh shit, there you go Finn, in making me defend Liam 🤢🤮

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I just watched yesterday’s episode, & it might be too early in the morning. When Liam said “hello, John”, or whatever be said, I rewound, & thought that SC had called Finn by his real-life name, & they didn’t catch it in editing. Legit forgot that Finn’s real name is John, even Leigh & Steffy call him Finn. It’s like Jax on General Hospital, who was called “Jax”, during his wedding vows, & also by his own mother (who had the last name Jax). 

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On 8/30/2023 at 2:32 PM, Waldo13 said:

Thankfully we didn’t have to witness Lurch and Hope swapping spit today but we did have to witness a day of Ridge being an arrogant ass hole. Demanding Deacon to tell him where Shiela is and if he doesn’t he more or less threatened Deacon about heeling him away from his daughter. Give me a fucking break, you never consider Hope as your daughter. 

I thought Ridge never liked that one™ 🤨

He can take his fake ass concern for Hope and shove it where the sun don't shine for all that's given a flying fuck about her well-being these past four years.

That said:

On 8/30/2023 at 5:30 PM, Artsda said:

Deacon needs a kick in the head, he should listen to Ridge.  Deacon should be thinking about his relationship with Hope, Beth too. 

There is no way in Hades, Valhalla, Sto'vo'kor, the Bad Place, the Super Hell Castiel in Supernatural  got banished to on that finale, or any other afterlife that Sheila's milkshake is that damn good for Deacon to risk his relationship with Hope for and his behavior makes even less sense than Liam's. TF is he getting outta this? Unlike most of the men in this show, Deacon isn't stupid.

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

There is no way in Hades, Valhalla, Sto'vo'kor, the Bad Place, the Super Hell Castiel in Supernatural  got banished to on that finale, or any other afterlife that Sheila's milkshake is that damn good for Deacon to risk his relationship with Hope for and his behavior makes even less sense than Liam's. TF is he getting outta this? Unlike most of the men in this show, Deacon isn't stupid.

It just makes no sense. Especially when you factor in that he already got his combination wakeup call/get out of jail free card when Ridge and Bill told him they knew and gave him the chance to cooperate and keep it quiet. From that point on, he should have realized two things. 1) He and Sheila weren't doing as well at keeping it hidden as he'd hoped. 2) Since Ridge knew, he could virtually guarantee that Ridge would be keeping an eye on him and/or come right to him whenever Sheila inevitably did something to piss Ridge off. 

He's a charming, attractive man who owns a successful restaurant. Sheila can't be anywhere close to being his only romantic option. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Ridge keep your stank unwashed ass off other people’s office furniture. It’s fucking rude. 

As usual Ridge is blaming Bill for his compliance in the Shiela debacle. The only reason it didn’t work out is because the monkeys with a keyboard didn’t want it to work out. The FBI signed off on the plan unless the agent was a fake agent just wearing FBI on his jacket. 




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Ridge and Liam are twins, no wonder they'd have the safe opinion on Finn. When it wasn't long ago he was praising Finn.

The guy who has her crying on her hands and knees though is good though, the jumping from daughter to stepdaughter guy. 

Deacon should know Sheila still crazy and be done with her.


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When we saw Sheila's silhouette outside the patio doors, I was hoping we'd next see Deacon's silhouette, as he either dragged her away or tackled her. 

Are we going to get a storyline where Steffy keeps seeing Sheila, but she ducks out of sight before anyone else sees her, so people start thinking she's losing it due to the stress and trauma of it all? Maybe Finn and Taylor think she's having a breakdown, and Ridge and Liam insist Sheila must be around? 

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5 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Didn't it seem like Eric and RJ were making funny faces at each other? I wonder if the actors were trying to make each other laugh, or if  the guy who plays RJ is just weird?

I think the actor gives off weird vibes.  I will say, however, he does look better with the haircut.

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At this point I don't know if Deacon even COULD extricate himself from Sheila's web. We know that as soon as Sheila feels like she is being rebuffed or discarded, she goes into poison or pew pew mode. When she was wanted or presumed dead, she could rationalize Deacon proclaiming she had to go every other day (but doing nothing). 

But Sheila is free and clear to live her life openly anywhere she chooses, so after a while Deacon insisting she needs to get her wigs and costumes out of his closet apartment is gonna start rubbing her the wrong way.


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14 minutes ago, smartyshorts said:

At this point I don't know if Deacon even COULD extricate himself from Sheila's web. We know that as soon as Sheila feels like she is being rebuffed or discarded, she goes into poison or pew pew mode. When she was wanted or presumed dead, she could rationalize Deacon proclaiming she had to go every other day (but doing nothing). 

But Sheila is free and clear to live her life openly anywhere she chooses, so after a while Deacon insisting she needs to get her wigs and costumes out of his closet apartment is gonna start rubbing her the wrong way.


The better (more understandable) story might have been if, while she was locked up, he was placating her with a visit here and there, pretending he was still in to her and just oh so sorry about what she's facing. He wouldn't want to make her an enemy because he figures at some point she'll either escape or have someone on the outside to do her bidding, so why piss her off?  But then she gets off free and clear, and how he's stuck with her thinking he's still that into her, and he's afraid to just shove her out because, like you said, she goes scorched earth when someone she counted on rejects her. Have him afraid that, if he sends her packing, he's endangering Hope, Beth, Douglas, and Brooke, so he's driving himself crazy trying to keep her happy while also keeping his family in the dark about his involvement with her. Any time he's out too late, or not where she expects/needs him to be, she's menacingly asking "were you with Brooke?" 

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