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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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My opinions on TK and the Ridge character are not sexist, as I, and many others on this board, and other boards, make comments on the looks of the female actors.  OK, the stubble is en vogue now, but even his clothing looks rumpled and messy.  While I might not like the white collars and bright colored shirts that Rick wears, at least his clothes are well fitted and look the part of working in a fashion house.  When Carter isn't working out, he looks totally professional in beautiful suits.  Eric is another who makes an effort to look very polished and professional, even with his gray stubble.  And having opinions on how characters are presented in terms of looks is not unintelligent, it's opinion, and we are all free to disagree without having to be alluded to as not being intelligent. Some here are hot on TK and his portrayal of Ridge.  Obviously, I'm not one of them, and I will fully admit I'm not a big fan of TK.  

When you see Tom Ford, he may have the stubble, but he looks totally handsome in the clothes he wears, and those clothes are very well fitted, beautifully tailored and accessorized.  He's the epitome of a top end designer.  

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I totally agree with the KLovestoShop. This has nothing to do with TK's looks. He needs a shower, shampoo and shave. Then he needs to dress in some clothing that's tailored to his body and looks professional. He's just so slovenly and unkempt. For a "fashion designer", he looks like a big slob. When my husband was a criminal investigator in the Army (and we had almost no money), he wore suits, ironed dress shirts, ties, a leather belt and dress shoes. He looked professional. And handsome, I might add. 

I so wished that Eric would tell Ridge and Steffy that they were FIRED, they needed to vacate their offices  and get the hell out of FC. Bye, Felicia. How many chances will he give these traitors?

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

To that first point, I'd say it would, given that Bridget is their daughter. Mostly, I was just being flip about lenient he always is to Brooke no matter how much she deserves to get chewed out.

But I agree entirely on the second part. And this goes back to this show having nothing in the way of nuance or balance.

What on earth would ever possess you to be flip about this show??? ;-)

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3 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

My opinions on TK and the Ridge character are not sexist, as I, and many others on this board, and other boards, make comments on the looks of the female actors.  OK, the stubble is en vogue now, but even his clothing looks rumpled and messy.  While I might not like the white collars and bright colored shirts that Rick wears, at least his clothes are well fitted and look the part of working in a fashion house.  When Carter isn't working out, he looks totally professional in beautiful suits.  Eric is another who makes an effort to look very polished and professional, even with his gray stubble.  And having opinions on how characters are presented in terms of looks is not unintelligent, it's opinion, and we are all free to disagree without having to be alluded to as not being intelligent. Some here are hot on TK and his portrayal of Ridge.  Obviously, I'm not one of them, and I will fully admit I'm not a big fan of TK.  

When you see Tom Ford, he may have the stubble, but he looks totally handsome in the clothes he wears, and those clothes are very well fitted, beautifully tailored and accessorized.  He's the epitome of a top end designer.  

Preach!!!  I like stubble on a man, and I do not think stubble=filthy, but I do think filthy=filthy.  Call me intelligent, call me stupid, that's the way I see it.

Speaking of stupid..I wanted to club Steffy in the face.  At least Wyatt got in a zinger about the marriage ending being her fault, but I wanted to go and smack him when he ended the conversation with "I love you."  Why can't he tell her to go take a hike on the PCH...or over to Rexx Rugs (a Y&R reference for those of you who don't watch it)? :-)

Edited by ByTor
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Steffy's back to troweling on the makeup again. Did she really have the audacity to place all of the blame for the failure of her marriage on Wyatt? And Quinn? The latter is a given so I am glad that Wyatt called her out on her crap.  I also wish he hadn't said he'd always love her. For the life of me, I cannot figure out what makes her seemingly so irresistible to men.

Sasha is saying all of the right words, but I think she's just biding her time to ambush Zende into bed, which disappoints me terribly. What, was he in a complete alcoholic blackout when he ordered the FC jet to take them to Hawaii? He acted like he didn't remember the party or the trip or much of anything. As much as I dislike Nicole, she was right to hang up on his ass for his behavior, which was juvenile at best. I get that he's hurt and disappointed and feels misled, but to get wasted then immediately fly Nicole's sister off to Hawaii speaks volumes.  The three of them, plus Raya, bore me to tears. I don't care what happens to any of them. I'd be on board with Sasha and Wyatt, though. That would redeem her in my eyes!

TK was clean-shaven today which I guess is a start.  I have to agree with the other poster who said the recast of him as Ridge was an epic fail and that the character needs to be send off to a distant FC franchise for several months and come back played by somebody who can be equally successful playing simultaneous parts as traitorous asshole and romantic leading man. Looks aside, TK has painted this version of Ridge into such a corner of repulsion that I don't see any way out as well as he has zero chemistry with any actress he's been paired with except for a few months with Caroline.  If he's unhappy in the role and doesn't like any of his romantic partners, then do everybody a favor. Jon Hensley would be great and maybe it would corral in some of the old ATWT fans if there are any still around (not dead, just lost interest in soaps in general.)

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4 hours ago, TVForever said:

I think Nicole is too young for any of this, but, as someone posted upthread, it's her body, her choice. But its also Zende's choice not to take this ride again.

I mentioned the "her body her choice" thing and bitched that he has no right to give orders as to what she can/can't do, but I absolutely agree, as Nicole's not-quite boyfriend, he has every right to bail if he doesn't like her choices.

Edited by ByTor
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48 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I liked Wyatt actually talking back to Steffy. 

I wish he had gone further. Wyatt should tell that bitch to never speak negatively to him about his mother ever again. BTW, was Steffy still in her Halloween costume? She looked like Dracula's Bride (another BTW, Sasha's vampire make-up and wig were hot!).

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4 hours ago, grisgris said:

For the life of me, I cannot figure out what makes her [Steffy] seemingly so irresistible to men

She isn't. Liam wasn't the first unavailable man she tried taking, but he was the first who bit at her hook. Owen never gave her the time of day, nor did Oliver and Bill was pretty quick to drop her like a hot potato when Lemonhead nearly divorced him. And honestly, I think Wyatt holds on to her cuz it gives him favourite son status with Daddy Warbucks.

This whole Steffy the Siren is a retcon of the highest order because we don't have Hope the Angel of Light, Sunshine and Kittens Adopted from the SCPA around to throw monthly parties for anymore.

4 hours ago, grisgris said:

As much as I dislike Nicole, she was right to hang up on his ass for his behavior, which was juvenile at best. I get that he's hurt and disappointed and feels misled, but to get wasted then immediately fly Nicole's sister off to Hawaii speaks volumes

This. But in true B&B fashion, I expect this to be ignored for more bashing of TSFTV or whatever the Midwest equivalent of such sentiments are. Just one fucking time, I'd like the women to choose themselves and leave these pigs like Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzende and the Waffle Crown Prince Liam to their own devices.

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My Wyatt love grew with that episode. Watching his calm demeanor in the face of Ridge and Steffy's disbelief and anger was priceless; but the best was his smack down of the Puffy one. Did that sow actually have the temerity to come at Wyatt again? This, after spending the last week in bed with his brother? I was surprised the twit was even able to walk. But Wyatt was ready for her, and wasn't gonna take any of her crap. I didn't take his parting shot of "I will always love you" as some sort of plea to come back to him. I took it as "Oh well, you have made your decision. You decided that you wanted to hump my brother while you are still my wife, so while I can't help my feelings of love for you, I still find you disgusting. Have fun with all that." I think Steffy knew it too. I saw her face cracking at Wyatt's rejection. You stupid cow! Did you think you could continue to blame him for your actions? Did you think you could insult him with your statement "So, you are living in my family home?" Of course you did, but guess what chickaleenie, Wyatt was ready for your nonsense this time. I think he may have bought a clue about you. I hope Wyatt can find happiness with a real woman. Someone who puts him first, just like he puts his ladies first. Oh, and someone who can show him how marriage is supposed to be; a 50/50 bargain, where one participant doesn't call all the shots, and doesn't make demands, and put conditions on the union, or else. 

I am now convinced that Ridge suffers from Affluenza, a disorder that strikes the wealthy. The symptoms generally include; arrogance, sense of entitlement, snobbery, elitism, and most importantly where Ridge is concerned, lack of awareness of one's actions. This greasy palmed sucker still maintains that Quinn is responsible for Eric's condition? Even after Eric told him point blank about himself; getting the family to go all in on the wedding boycott and the attempted takeover, he still refuses to accept any accountability. He also refuses to see that his behavior is deplorable. Quinn has been nothing but gracious to him and his shitty daughter in the face of their antagonism; she has never raised her voice or made a single threat. But look at those two clowns. All they do is stalk, and harass, and threaten. I wish Eric would just be done with them both. 

That's right Nicole, you go on and put on that bitch face, cause I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for you. You told Zende you were going to decline Raya's no pressure request, but you caved as soon as Maya pulled out the big guns. Now, I don't agree with Zende grabbing my girl and taking off to Hawaii, but that has less to do with anything regarding Nicole and Zende, and everything to do with Sasha. I am soooooooooo angry and disappointed that this is what they are doing with her again. She heard Zende tell Nicole verbatim that he loved her. She knows he is just using her to forget, but I think it is more about pissing Nicole off. In any event, Sasha is being used. And it was all so predictable. Run from him Sasha, if you don't, you will be getting the stink eye from all the Avants again. It won't be about Zende, and how could he do this do Saintly Nicole. It will all be about you, and how you once again set about to steal that little martyr's man. Nicole needs to decide what she wants in life. Does she want to be a young woman in a happy romance? Or does she want to be a baby producer for her selfish sister? I don't really fucking care right now, because I hate them all. 

I have started compiling a stack of bricks in my living room which I fully intend to hurl at my tv. This show's misogyny is so over the top; it is all I can do to get through some parts each day. Brooke. Jesus Holy H Christ! I am fair to bursting with revulsion with what they are doing to her. Allowing her teenage son to direct her life, then allowing her abuser of thirty years to destroy what should have been the best day of her life. Sasha, being turned into Zende's plaything for a second time. Hey Show, why don't you shock us just this once, and let Brooke be happy? And hows about you introducing Wyatt and Sasha? I absolutely think they could light up the screen, and no, Wyatt ain't no Forrester, but he is a Spencer. But I know what's going to happen as if I had ESfuckingP. Brooke will not marry Bill, she will allow "her boys" to make her decision, and then we will be treated to the Ridge and RJ admiration society round two. Zende and Sasha will have a full blown romance for nine months, then when Nicole pops out Raya baby number two, Zende will drop Sasha like nobody's business, and run right back to Nicole. And Sasha will be a pariah with her family again, not that she hasn't been since Nicole incubated Lizzie. And Caroline? The wench is on fire to get back into bed with Thomas, when all I can remember is how horrified she was after waking up to find him in her bed the first time. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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13 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

My Wyatt love grew with that episode. Watching his calm demeanor in the face of Ridge and Steffy's disbelief and anger was priceless; but the best was his smack down of the Puffy one. Did that sow actually have the temerity to come at Wyatt again? This, after spending the last week in bed with his brother? I was surprised the twit was even able to walk. But Wyatt was ready for her, and wasn't gonna take any of her crap. I didn't take his parting shot of "I will always love you" as some sort of plea to come back to him. I took it as "Oh well, you have made your decision. You decided that you wanted to hump my brother while you are still my wife, so while I can't help my feelings of love for you, I still find you disgusting. Have fun with all that." I think Steffy knew it too. I saw her face cracking at Wyatt's rejection. You stupid cow! Did you think you could continue to blame him for your actions? Did you think you could insult him with your statement "So, you are living in my family home?" Of course you did, but guess what chickaleenie, Wyatt was ready for your nonsense this time. I think he may have bought a clue about you. I hope Wyatt can find happiness with a real woman. Someone who puts him first, just like he puts his ladies first. Oh, and someone who can show him how marriage is supposed to be; a 50/50 bargain, where one participant doesn't call all the shots, and doesn't make demands, and put conditions on the union, or else. 

I am now convinced that Ridge suffers from Affluenza, a disorder that strikes the wealthy. The symptoms generally include; arrogance, sense of entitlement, snobbery, elitism, and most importantly where Ridge is concerned, lack of awareness of one's actions. This greasy palmed sucker still maintains that Quinn is responsible for Eric's condition? Even after Eric told him point blank about himself; getting the family to go all in on the wedding boycott and the attempted takeover, he still refuses to accept any accountability. He also refuses to see that his behavior is deplorable. Quinn has been nothing but gracious to him and his shitty daughter in the face of their antagonism; she has never raised her voice or made a single threat. But look at those two clowns. All they do is stalk, and harass, and threaten. I wish Eric would just be done with them both. 

That's right Nicole, you go on and put on that bitch face, cause I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for you. You told Zende you were going to decline Raya's no pressure request, but you caved as soon as Maya pulled out the big guns. Now, I don't agree with Zende grabbing my girl and taking off to Hawaii, but that has less to do with anything regarding Nicole and Zende, and everything to do with Sasha. I am soooooooooo angry and disappointed that this is what they are doing with her again. She heard Zende tell Nicole verbatim that he loved her. She knows he is just using her to forget, but I think it is more about pissing off Nicole. In any event, Sasha is being used. And it was all so predictable. Run from him Sasha, if you don't, you will be getting the stink eye from all the Avants again. It won't be about Zende, and how could he do this do Saintly Nicole. It will all be about you, and how you once again set about to steal that little martyr's man. Nicole needs to decide what she wants in life. Does she want to be a young woman in a happy romance? Or does she want to be a baby producer for her selfish sister? I don't really fucking care right now, because I hate them all. 

I have stated compiling a stack of bricks in my living room which I fully intend to hurl at my tv. This show's misogyny is so over the top; it is all I can do to get through some parts each day. Brooke. Jesus Holy H Christ! I am fair to bursting with revulsion with what they are doing to her. Allowing her teenage son to direct her life, then allowing her abuser of thirty years to destroy what should have been the best day of her life. Sasha, being turned into Zende's plaything for a second time. Hey Show, why don't you shock us just this once, and let Brooke be happy? And hows about you introducing Wyatt and Sasha? I absolutely think they could light up the screen, and no, Wyatt ain't no Forrester, but he is a Spencer. But I know what's going to happen as if I had ESfuckingP. Brooke will not marry Bill, she will allow "her boys" to make her decision, and then we will be treated to the Ridge and RJ admiration society round two. Zende and Sasha will have a full blown romance for nine months, then when Nicole pops out Raya baby number two, Zende will drop Sasha like nobody's business, and run right back to Nicole. And Sasha will be a pariah with her family again, not that she hasn't been since Nicole incubated Lizzie. And Caroline? The wench is on fire to get back into bed with Thomas, when all I can remember is how horrified she was after waking up to find him in her bed the first time. 

This, this, ALL this! It's like you're inside my head! Thank you for breaking it all down, so now I don't have to!

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I hate Nicole, Maya, and Rick with such a burning passion. No pressure my big toe. Let's tote out the bio baby and harp on and on about how good it was to have a sibling. Oh, but wait Myron was kicked out when Nicole was but a child. When they reconnected, Maya wanted her out on the first thing smoking because she was a scheming, scamming blackmailer who basically said two middle fingers up to this farcical sisterhood. It's sickening how selfish the writers have made these two characters. It's like a flesh eating virus. I understand why Zende feels the way he does. I really do. It was the same shit this exact time last year. Poor chap realises that he will never come before her sister. She drops everything to run to Maya. It was the same before, during, and now after the pregnancy. What happens if she has another girl? Welp, we need to try again for a boy, or maybe we can step up the reproductive efforts and select the gender in a lab. (There is testing for that. Chrissy Teigen was able to pick the female embryo.) She can't say no to Maya and mean it. And yesterday proved that her simple minded arse has no business being a surrogate. Let's do it right now. I'll show him! So you're going to make that big of a decision while you're clearly upset? There's no backsies if it takes. If those two didn't have the morals of maggots and weren't so selfish, they'd pump the brakes and talk some sense into her fool head. Instead...it's probably going to be let's charge full steam ahead. Oooh. He is upset about me reneging on an agreement made within our relationship How dare he not want our lives to be put on hold again? How dare he live the life a 20-something should be living which includes holidays, drinking, living it up, and having fun? Not holding your hair while you puke and pass off a second baby like you have no type of feeling for the child. The nerve of him. Gah.

When you're part of a couple, you have to talk through those things. Yes, you're free to do what you want with your body, but if I've told you, it's a deal breaker, respect that and part. Nicole made her decision (to be a human incubator again), and Zende has made his. So leave her to be her sister's bitch and baby carrier for as many as she can pop out. Nevermind ever getting married, having a life, or being able to raise her own children. What I don't like is how Zende's clearly using Sasha. The good thing is she seems hip to it and isn't jumping into the bed with him this time around. I'm hoping that she'll just be a friend and not second choice. It also frustrates me that Nicole has no maternal desire. Monkeys have more maternal desire than that walking womb. This story is literally a repeat of last year, and the writers are lazy, sloppy, and if they pair Rick and Nicole...I'll puke.

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37 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

This story is literally a repeat of last year, and the writers are lazy, sloppy, and if they pair Rick and Nicole...I'll puke.

We'll be holding your hair back in spirit :)

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If they pair Rick and Nicole, it would be in character with every other age inappropriate relationship he's had. And honestly, it's damn time Maya gets the same stories, however shitty, as everyone else. For BB, that includes losing your man to your sister.

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16 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I totally agree with the KLovestoShop. This has nothing to do with TK's looks. He needs a shower, shampoo and shave. Then he needs to dress in some clothing that's tailored to his body and looks professional. He's just so slovenly and unkempt. For a "fashion designer", he looks like a big slob. When my husband was a criminal investigator in the Army (and we had almost no money), he wore suits, ironed dress shirts, ties, a leather belt and dress shoes. He looked professional. And handsome, I might add. 

I so wished that Eric would tell Ridge and Steffy that they were FIRED, they needed to vacate their offices  and get the hell out of FC. Bye, Felicia. How many chances will he give these traitors?

Thank you!  TK is not an unattractive man; he just isn't right for this particular role and should have been brought on as someone else.  However, the character he portrays simply doesn't compute with what is playing out on my screen.  By accident of birth (including his mother's inability to keep her skirts down), Ridge-Pen is the scion of two wealthy and powerful families.  For years, he alternated in the role of head designer and sometimes failed CEO of the House of Forrester.  For years, he was the heartthrob who could talk a woman out of her panties.  There was even a B&B promotion that aired back in the day where several women on the show sighed, "Ohhhh, Ridgggge....!"

With that background, how difficult is it for a man who is supposedly of Ridge-Pen's means to have his clothes pressed and not look as if he had been rolling around in bed in them all night?  How difficult is it for a man who used to be so fastidious about his appearance to the point of foppishness to become reacquainted with soap, water, a toothbrush and a comb?  Fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld, is one of the ugliest men I've ever seen.  Just U-G-L-Y without an alibi.  But, guess what?  He knows how to rag his ass off, and he looks the part of the head designer and creative director for the house of Chanel.

It would make sense if the writers showed us that Ridge-Pen is perhaps going through some kind of mid-life crisis or went through something where his physical appearance simply didn't matter to him anymore.  It could have also explained why he was supposedly attracted to Katie outside of revenge.  Coupled with Ridge-Pen's entitled assholery, the writers have not painted an attractive picture.  How can I take the character seriously when he claims that someone else talking about love makes him want to throw up in his mouth?  This, coming from a character who doesn't understand the concept of love.  Yes, Quinn is a "horrible, awful" person.  But, having that observation made by a character whose well-known doucheries are legion and ongoing, I have to wonder if I'm living in Bizarro World.

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22 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:


How can I take the character seriously when he claims that someone else talking about love makes him want to throw up in his mouth?  This, coming from a character who doesn't understand the concept of love.  Yes, Quinn is a "horrible, awful" person.  But, having that observation made by a character whose well-known doucheries are legion and ongoing, I have to wonder if I'm living in Bizarro World.

You very well may be living in Bizarro World. :-) The Cubs won the World Series and I'm not even going to talk about the US political situation...   (I am several episodes behind thanks to the World Series.)

As for everything I've been reading here, the only thing I'm looking forward to seeing is Wyatt.  The rest just seems rage inducing in its stupidity.   

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58 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

With that background, how difficult is it for a man who is supposedly of Ridge-Pen's means to have his clothes pressed and not look as if he had been rolling around in bed in them all night? 

It's not. Surely, being a fashion house he and everyone else could get their clothes pressed on site? Or you know, get the clothes treated with that BeLieF formula?

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4 hours ago, TVForever said:

This, this, ALL this! It's like you're inside my head! Thank you for breaking it all down, so now I don't have to!


My DVR apparently hates this show as much as I do right now because it hasn't recorded since Monday. Thank you, DVR. 

I did see a clip of Wyatt's smack-down though and I will recap that because it was made of awesome. Also, I see Puffy is back to sporting the Harper Valley PTA hairdo and has the makeup gun set to "STREETWALKER." I saw a brief glimpse of Maya as well and I can't decide if Puffy's hair is better or worse than the Stepford wife wig Maya had perched on her head.


Steffy: "So you're living in my family home?" Bitch, shut it. You're shacking up with his brother. It is none of your business where Wyatt lives anymore. And stop pretending you care because we all know you don't.

Wyatt: "Temporarily. Everyone else knew about it. I assumed you knew, too."

Steffy: (haughty as hell) "I didn't."

Wyatt: Well, that's because you've been too busy with my brother." Ziiing, bitch! 

She just rolls her eyes and sighs like the three-year-old she is.

Steffy: "Let me ask you, Wyatt. Are you doing this because of me?" I know you think the sun rises and sets on your ass, but not everything is about you, heifer. "Because I ended our marriage?"

Wyatt: "No! And for you to even think that-"

Steffy: "I don't know what to think. You told me your mom was going to be out our lives and blah blah blah., she's constantly front and center..." Not this again? OMG, she is beyond insufferable. And how in the fuck could Quinn ever be front and center when the world revolves around you?

Wyatt (getting more pissed by the moment): "Which I've done my damndest to prevent. I tried to stop her and Eric." Then, and I love this, he states what should be obvious to everyone on the planet. "But they can't be stopped, Steffy, because they LOVE each other."

Steffy (ever the victim): "So you're supporting this?" Ding, ding, ding! And so what if he is? You're off fucking his brother so you have no say, period, about his opinion on anything.

Wyatt (pointing an emphatic finger in her face for emphasis): "I did everything I could for us. I followed all of your demands about my mom. I asked her to leave us alone. I asked her to move away. I even stood by you and didn't even go to her wedding. For YOU! For US! Because I love you. So, I'm doing this for THEM. Surprise! Shock of all shocks - my mother found love with Eric.

Steffy (dismissive as always): "No. She exploited a good man's vulnerabilities." That old tired story again? "And she made a fool of her son making him think she could change." Oh no she didn't. Someone hold my earrings and pass me the Vaseline. "You really let me down, Wyatt!" I am going to crotch kick her, I swear it to God.

Wyatt, immediately fires back: "YOU. LET. ME. DOWN!" 

Testify, Wyatt, tes-ti-fy!

Wyatt: "You walked away from ME." And all your arm-crossing and ugly scrunched faces aren't going to change the facts, Puffy.

Wyatt: When I did NOTHING wrong." He points at her eyes, then at his own. "You're the one who left me, remember? You ended our marriage."

Burn her down...

Steffy: "Our marriage was doomed from day one because of your mom." No. That is not on Quinn and that is not on Wyatt. It's on you. You chose to marry Wyatt. You swore up and down and all around that you would be faithful and hold to your views and you broke them the second you had the opportunity. "And now you're living in this house and she's devastated so many lives, including our's."

No, you DID that. Because you just couldn't wait to jump on soggy Waffles once again.

Wyatt just glares at her.

Wyatt: "I'm here for ONE reason. Because I still believe in Eric and my mother. You might think I'm an idiot for doing so, but you know what? I can see what you won't ALLOW yourself to see. They're GOOD together. They make each other happy just like I tried to make you happy." Trying to make Puffy happy is like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it. 

Steffy: "Wyatt, you DID make me happy." And we know he did - in and out of bed, natch. "It's never been about us. It's been about Quinn." Same song, same dance and I want her to put the needle on the record already. "I don't want to go all through this again."

Wyatt, throws his hands up: "Neither do I!" Neither do we, the audience. "Look, I would do anything to get our marriage back. To get YOU back." Don't get carried away, Wyatt. "Manipulation by my mother or not, I meant EVERY.WORD of my vows to you and I believe you did, too." I don't. "But I'll give you your divorce." An early Christmas present for Wyatt. "But just so you know...I will always love you." No begging, no pleading, just sad resignation and how this stupid twat can't see that this is the only man who has ever loved her unconditionally and only her is beyond me. 

And with that, he takes his balls and his dignity and walks away...


Finally, speaking of Christmas, I'm just going to ask Santa baby for one thing this year - Sasha's body. I promise I've been a good girl all year unlike a lot of people on this show. For the majority, it will be lumps of coal all around. Except for Ridge. In his stocking will be a comb, some shampoo, some Irish Spring, a steamer, and a one-way ticket to Paris. Because while he isn't fat or ugly (he's quite handsome), he is messy and greasy and , most important of all, not Ridge and never will be. 

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And we get another round of Nicole channeling her inner Steffy. I can't be with a man that doesn't respect MY decisions.  In a relationship, shouldn't it be our decision. So it's my way or the highway and it looks like Zende might take the highway as did Wyatt.  Maya and Nicole come from the blue collar middle class but boy did they take to being full of themselves, once they tasted champagne and caviar, after a few short years.  No, Nicole is no better than Zende if she doesn't respect his feelings after he poured his heart out to her.  I loved the exchange between Ivy and Wyatt. Please put them back together. 
Liam, Wyatt maybe moved in with his mother but it was at Eric's request. Get the facts before you judge.  Beside having the tattoo removed from you finger you should have your shit ass attitude removed also. 

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I wish they would stop making Wyatt such a spineless loser.  There's a beautiful woman in yoga pants in front of him and he's pining over someone who doesn't give the slightest of shits about him.  I was very disappointed in his conversation with Stuffy yesterday.  Instead of finally airing her out the way she deserves to be, he holds back because of this pipe dream they might get back together.  Wyatt really needs the Victor Newman "Be a Man!" slap. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "Let me ask you, Wyatt. Are you doing this because of me?" I know you think the sun rises and sets on your ass, but not everything is about you, heifer. "Because I ended our marriage?"


1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "I don't know what to think. You told me your mom was going to be out our lives and blah blah blah., she's constantly front and center..." Not this again? OMG, she is beyond insufferable. And how in the fuck could Quinn ever be front and center when the world revolves around you?

And again; Bingo!

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Oh no she didn't. Someone hold my earrings and pass me the Vaseline.


1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

You really let me down, Wyatt!" I am going to crotch kick her, I swear it to God.

Sounds like a plan

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

No, you DID that. Because you just couldn't wait to jump on soggy Waffles once again.


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3 hours ago, nasir jones said:

I wish they would stop making Wyatt such a spineless loser.  There's a beautiful woman in yoga pants in front of him and he's pining over someone who doesn't give the slightest of shits about him.  I was very disappointed in his conversation with Stuffy yesterday.  Instead of finally airing her out the way she deserves to be, he holds back because of this pipe dream they might get back together.  Wyatt really needs the Victor Newman "Be a Man!" slap. 

Mileage varies, but just that recap (haven't seen the episode yet cuz I'm still at work) is a thing of beauty. Just because Stephanie 2.0 is a gutter rat is no reason for Wyatt to stoop to that level.

As mentioned, Wyatt was the first guy since Marcus (who she also dumped for a loser who owned her ass) that has cared a thing about her. At least when TIIC stupidly had Brooke wake up in love with Ridge one morning while married to Thorne, she had some genuine compassion about what this would do to a man who she had had  a decent friendship with before dating. But Steffy takes no ownership.

It's all Quinn's fault she didn't wait a night to cuddle with Wyatt.

It's Quinn's she jumped to the conclusion that anyone with her history with Liam would come to that he was off sniffing behind and playing white knight to Ivy.

It's Quinn's fault she went ahead with marrying a guy while still hung up on another.

Yeah, no. I'm glad Wyatt said what he did. Let Waffles have her. He'll go puttering back to Ivy or white knighting for Sasha when his chocolate chip counterpart goes back to worshipping Nicole by next week anyway.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Observations for today...this shit is so unrealistic. There has been maybe two days since she said yes. We know that because Zende and Sasha left for Hawaii at some point during the evening of Halloween and arrived a few hours later (small hours of the AM of Tuesday?). So in that 2-3 day period, nitwit Nicole has been to the OB, had labs/blood work, and been cleared for a second round after delivering six months ago? First of all, she's now sexually active, and they'd want to watch her cycle and what not after positive confirmation of no pregnancy existing. It's safe to assume that she was on some type of birth control, and even that has cleared out of her system in a couple of days? These writers are a hack. Even with some of the most fantastic and expedient physicians, I've NEVER been able to get same day results for everything. So we're expected to believe she's already ovulating and ready for this procedure two days later? Boy bye. And why in the hell were they uploading something so private to social media and giving the world a play by play? Almost time to be injected with man juice. Squee, happy face face, hair flip, YAY! Come off it! Please tell me she's already in the early stages of pregnancy.

And Steffy....I didn't miss her AT ALL. Eek. She's applying her make-up with a butterknife again. Her expressions during the session pained me. The 80s called. They want their make-up look back. And Wyatt. I don't want him and Fatal Attraction 2.0 (Ivy) back together. He can do better than somebody who was slinking around with skeevy Thomas and threw it all to bits over that soggy, sad waffle who keeps rejecting her. Will somebody please raise their standards? I still don't like Ivy's new Americanised accent. I can understand why because it might help her land more jobs, but in the context, it's just so stupid. I liked Ivy before she came back, but this nu-Ivy? Eek. Send her back and bring back the real one.

Edited by AussieBabe
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I LOVE YOU GUYS!!  <<Group hug and fist pump>>

First off, I was really stoked yesterday when Eric acknowledged that Brooke was in on the failed "Stockgate" coup attempt.  When Ridge barked, "Leave Brooke out of this," I was thinking "why?" She was the pivotal piece on which the whole scheme rested.  If greasy Sludge and Slump Kid (love it!) had f-ed off and minded their own business it could be a very different situation being presented to Eric.  I hope Brooke isn't exempt from a proper dressing down by Eric. She deserves it. What a crappy duplicitous way to treat a lifelong friend and father of two of your children.

Today's show:

Talk about wanting to throw up in your mouth ... that's exactly how I felt when Zende was spouting off how virtuous and omnipotent and omniscient St. Nicole is. Please. Gag me with a silver spoon. It was made even worse because that guy who plays Zende is so terrible. Seriously. He makes Ronn Moss look like Laurence Olivier.  Then there was Sasha's tepid agreement.  Sasha might be naughty, but I think she's a lot of fun. (FC is a decent actress, but whenever she's with Zende, it's like he just sucks all the life out of the room.) What a drag it must be to be stuck in Hawaii, of all places, with a hungover sad-sack who is sitting around in a hotel room with the friggin' drapes closed brooding over, well, the brood mare! I would have been "Aloha, Zzzzzende! Here's a SPAM sandwich" and off for that helicopter island tour without looking back. Maybe the pilot was an Islander hottie. She'll never know cuz' she's stuck trying to prop up that drip. 

Why in the fresh hell was Maya documenting Nicole's every move and posting them online? Talk about get a life. Who cares? I agree with what AussieBabe said about the warp speed at which all of this is happening. How about that doctor's glib remark about it "being easier the second time." Seriously?  This girl isn't even old enough to drink and you're enabling this debacle of impregnating her six months after having her first baby? I wanted to know why Rick was flapping his left arm around and needed a bandage. Was it from generating his part of the incubation?  Wow. Nicole is indeed like Steffy in that she wants things her way nobody better beg to differ. I do have to give a few props to Zende for calling her out on not putting him and their relationship higher on her list of priorities. You know, kinda like the way Wyatt was treated.

Wyatt ... poor loser needs to join Zende in the cocktail lounge.  He really is delusional as he sat there moping with Ivy about reclaiming his marriage whilst Steffy was busy getting her wedding ring tattoo removed. At least Ivy had the class and decency to apologize to him for the shitty way she treated him during their relationship.  I am glad though, that she didn't feed into his fantasy that Steffy would return to him.

Speaking of ... what ... WHAT was that get-up she had on? I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be goth or dominatrix, geez, fugly. And what's with the new wig and heavy makeup? I thought she had kind of a Priscilla Presley as Elvis wife vibe going on there.  (The hair needed to be higher, though.) Seriously? I was wondering if she'd never bothered to remove her Halloween costume. And Liam is supposed to like that? They look like a complete mismatch.  I think Dolla would be into that and maybe Deacon from the old days. I also see that the producers called SAG and asked for another Asian physician character. This one tried to bring at least some semblance of respect and reflection to the situation. Did you notice that when he asked Puffy if there was something she wanted to let go of that she barely flinched, then turned to Liam when the doctors asked what she was hoping to gain from the procedure? What a waste of a scene. I was hoping that the doctor would accidentally laser her skin off or something. "Will it leave a scar?" Who cares? You're not a hand model. I guess now she'll have to wear the "seashell of eternal waffling" to cover it. /eyeroll

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Mileage varies, but just that recap (haven't seen the episode yet cuz I'm still at work) is a thing of beauty. Just because Stephanie 2.0 is a gutter rat is no reason for Wyatt to stoop to that level.

Yeah, no. I'm glad Wyatt said what he did. Let Waffles have her. He'll go puttering back to Ivy or white knighting for Sasha when his chocolate chip counterpart goes back to worshipping Nicole by next week anyway.

I just want Wyatt to be angry... as angry as I am.  (Okay, maybe not that angry.)  I want him to lay into her about her refusal to take responsibility for her feelings and her choices.  Stuffy simply does not want to be the bad guy, even if it meant wasting both of their times pretending they actually had a chance to wind up together or that she really loved him.

I don't want Wyatt to end up with Ivy (way toooo much bad history there), but I'd like for him to acknowledge an attractive woman instead of being hung up on someone who is literally burning off the vestiges of their marriage.  I have this feeling that he will finally let the anger out (in a storyline involving FC), but in a way that allows Stuffy to play victim.  I dread that.

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Grisgris, thank you!!!!!!   I was trying to figure out who Steffy resembled, and you're exactly right---it's Priscilla Presley.  My first thought was something out of the Valley of the Dolls, but PP is the best.  

Today's was totally boring.  Who gives a rat's ass about Steffy grimacing in pain while getting her tattoo lasered off?  And I can't think of any doctor who would approve of a woman becoming intentionally pregnant six months after giving birth.  

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Remember the Octomom....the chick that somehow  was able to get in vitro SIX times before the octuplet pregnancy despite having no income of which to speak? There were a ton of fertility doctors who came out and slammed her physician for being so reckless, especially when her other children were under the age of eight.

It's mind boggling how grossly negligent these writers are.

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It wasn't bad enough that you walked out on your marriage based on the flimsiest of excuses, and that you rode your crotch rocket over to Liam's as if the hounds of hell were on your heels, and after arriving, you engaged in hugging and played kissey face as the two of you mangled Wyatt. Then, you spent the next week MIA from your life, including the job at your company, and found yourself unable to stop Hoovering the Waffle's little doodad long enough to check up on the Grandfather you claim to love so much, only visiting after being summoned. And what did you do? You continued attacking the guy who was your latest victim. And now, My God, and now, you bring your fucking lover to work and proceed to prance around the CEO office with him? Hugging and kissing him? What if Wyatt had walked in? You do remember that Eric put him and Quinn in charge right? Oh, wait a sec, how stupid of me! You are getting your wedding ring tattoo removed, which of course means you are legally divorced! So it is totally copacetic that you are going over to the Beach House to collect your shit and move in with the Waffle. You friggin useless little tramp. If Brooke was the "Slut from the Valley", then you are the "Heaux from high up on the Mother Fucking Hill." 

#2 - LIAM

Liam wrote the book on how to be a stone cold Diva Bitch and a useless piece of flotsam. Your dad built his sex den for Brooke, but it was never used for the intended purpose. Oh, but that didn't stop you from being his judge and jury. And now you are going to live in sin with your brother's wife. And you are going to make stupid statements about son's wanting to live with their mom's. Here is what I want you to do Liam:




Lord have mercy there ain't nothing I hate more than a self righteous Bitch. You can't be with a man who doesn't support your decisions? How immature are you exactly? It isn't as if we are talking about painting the living room purple instead of brown, or coloring your hair pink instead of blonde. No Nicole, we are talking about having babies. And not babies we are gonna be keeping for ourselves either. Maybe Zende is wondering about by the time he gets there, if you will still be able to pop them out, cause we all know it won't stop with baby number two. 

#4 - MAYA

You wicked witch. You just had to put all that shit out on social media to rub it in  Zende's face. You were, are, and will always be a self centered Bitch. 

#5 - WYATT

It pains me, but I have to include Wyatt. All those points you earned for smacking that lacquered up Bitch down yesterday, you lost for pining for her while talking to Ivy. Forget it Wyatt. That twit is never coming back to you. She is safe now, under Liam's twenty four hour protection. Quinn can't touch her anymore. He is doing what you couldn't, and protecting his prize. Move on Wyatt. Find someone worthy of a guy like yourself. 

18 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

There has been maybe two days since she said yes. We know that because Zende and Sasha left for Hawaii at some point during the evening of Halloween and arrived a few hours later (small hours of the AM of Tuesday?). So in that 2-3 day period, nitwit Nicole has been to the OB, had labs/blood work, and been cleared for a second round after delivering six months ago? First of all, she's now sexually active, and they'd want to watch her cycle and what not after positive confirmation of no pregnancy existing. It's safe to assume that she was on some type of birth control, and even that has cleared out of her system in a couple of days? These writers are a hack. Even with some of the most fantastic and expedient physicians, I've NEVER been able to get same day results for everything. So we're expected to believe she's already ovulating and ready for this procedure two days later? Boy bye. And why in the hell were they uploading something so private to social media and giving the world a play by play? Almost time to be injected with man juice. Squee, happy face face, hair flip, YAY! Come off it! Please tell me she's already in the early stages of pregnancy.

Ding, Ding, Ding!!!! You are on point!!!!

16 hours ago, grisgris said:


Back at you GRISGRIS!

16 hours ago, grisgris said:

What a drag it must be to be stuck in Hawaii, of all places, with a hungover sad-sack who is sitting around in a hotel room with the friggin' drapes closed brooding over, well, the brood mare!

Snerk, snerk!

I found myself reaching for my ever growing stack of bricks as I watched this episode; there isn't nothing that gets my gander up more than watching a show about nothing but Bitches. I hefted up a brick and took aim at my tv, but then I looked over at Fred, my new Pittie puppy, and couldn't do it. He was sleepin, and I couldn't bring myself to disturb him. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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AWWWWW @RuntheTable, pat Fred on the head for me!!!

56 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:


Lord have mercy there ain't nothing I hate more than a self righteous Bitch. You can't be with a man who doesn't support your decisions? How immature are you exactly?  

Right?  And the thing that really annoys me is, he actually does support her, it just so happens that he doesn't agree with her & doesn't want to put his life on hold for another year or so while his girlfriend carries his uncle's baby.

What is wrong with Sasha?  Why in the holy hell is she wasting time on this drip?  I'm with @grisgris, she should have hopped on that helicopter by herself and had fun.  She seemed so excited about it, I felt bad for her when Broody McBrooderson moped that he didn't want to go.

For such a tough badass, Steffy certainly was a grimacing wuss about having a tiny tattoo removed.  I say this as someone who had a rather large one removed from my back...nope, it's not pleasant but geez, it wasn't that bad. Oddly enough, the person that did the removal didn't ask me if I was letting go of something (yep, I'm letting go of a tattoo I don't like & removing it will make it easier to cover with a new one).

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45 minutes ago, ByTor said:


AWWWWW @RuntheTable, pat Fred on the head for me!!!


I did and he says hi! (Brindle boy is Fred and white tan is our girl Quinn)

Fred and Quinn Windowsill.jpg

51 minutes ago, ByTor said:

For such a tough badass, Steffy certainly was a grimacing wuss about having a tiny tattoo removed.  I say this as someone who had a rather large one removed from my back...nope, it's not pleasant but geez, it wasn't that bad

Well, the poor thing did have Waffle boy right by her side to support her through her ordeal......

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13 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Maya just posted Nicole getting into the stirrups! Maya just posted them sticking the turkey baster into Nicole!

GAG! Why do they think anybody wants a play by play of the IUI process? Usually high profile people want to keep the identity of a surrogate hidden for various reasons including security. That's like me Snapchatting my pap smears and mammograms. Nobody wants to see that.

So Maya can post and tell the world on social media...but do their parents know? Where are Viv and Julius? They were around for the Christening but haven't been seen since.

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I fast-forwarded through the show today with the sound off and I still hated it.  I think Zende and Nicole are the two worst people to ever grace my screen - I can't even call them actors.  Horrible.  Boring.  Useless.  I love Sasha and I don't want her anywhere near either of them.  She is going to hop on Zende's train, ride his locomotive, and turn up pregnant.  Mark my words.

I loathe Zende and Nicole - I despise Liam and Steffie.  Why would anyone think that the viewers would root for these two rutters?

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Is Liam also going to wipe Steffy's ass for her?  Liam can't help being a complete buffoon especially with running around all over the place to announce he and Steffy have no respect for anyone or anything. 

Did Zende have to go all the way to Hawaii just to pout?  He could have just locked himself in his bedroom wherever that is.  Can someone say misuse of company assets?  Hey Zende, you and Sasha got a few hours to kill.  Why don't you guys play hide the wiener and really get her pregnant this time.  Nicole's and Maya's mind blown.

The only thing Maya hasn't done is to post a video of Rick jerking off into the cup.  

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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzende is a bit more tolerable when he's away from Nicole, much in the same way that I want to punch Liam less when he's in scenes with anyone other than Steffy. Sasha deserves better.

1 minute ago, Waldo13 said:


The only thing Maya hasn't done is to post a video of Rick jerking off into the cup.  

Just the image I needed before lunch!

Thanks, Obama!...I mean, Waldo :p

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I'm pleasantly surprised by Rick and Maya's reaction to Nicole's decision.  I was certain the writers would choose their default position of "stupid" in that situation.

How on Earth am I supposed to care about Liam and Stuffy?  I don't think it's possible unless the words "mudslide" or "avalanche" are involved.

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