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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I don't understand either.  I'm no attorney, but if it's a matter of inheritance, wouldn't there be a legal way for Wyatt to be declared Bill's descendant regardless of his name?

All Bill has to do is put Wyass in his will if he wants him to inherit anything. The name is unimportant. A DNA test could be done to prove kinship, but still the last name is irrelevant.

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I don't think the last name is irrelevant at all. The Spencer name is supposedly well-respected (in the make-believe B&B world), able to open doors, get the best seats at restaurants, get favors from strangers, etc. It's like saying the Rockefeller name is irrelevant. Quinn wants Wyatt to get some of the benefits of having the Spencer name, apart from wills and inheritances. Same deal with Marcus changing his last name to Forrester and being adopted by Eric when he'd already had TWO fathers by then.

I meant that it was irrelevant to inheritance. I was responding to that issue.

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I am amazed at the CEO of Spencer, whether Katie or Bill, being able to conduct business with a healthy toddler behind the desk.  At least he was sleep with Bill.  Normally, a person like Bill would say, "I've got to get some work done, somebody get this kid," instead of cherishing every moment.  And this was the quickest switch in history.  One minute Brooke is showing the papers of doom to Katie, the next, Katie is bitter at home, and Bill is behind the desk.  

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This entire Brooke/Bill/Katie/Ridge fandango is playing like one overly rushed big game of tit-for-tat particularly where Katie and Ridge are concerned.  Bill's getting the most sympathetic point-of-view (never thought I'd see that).  And now Ridge and Katie are engaged yet he's going to go running off to Dubai to stop Bill and Brooke from getting married under the guise of being concerned for Bill's influence on RJ.  Oh come on...


Ridge was just telling Bill on Friday that he and Katie need to work out their custody issues and seemed like he did think Bill should spend more time with Will.  So it's ok that big bad Bill screws up Will, his soon-to-be stepson but not Ridge's biological child.  Never mind that Ridge and Brooke have probably done that on their own since the day RJ came out of the shoot.


The only thing I'm looking forward to is Deacon.  This is a story that's needed to be told for a long time with Brooke and Hope AND Bridget.  Both daughters never wanted to be like their mother yet here they are.  Bridget was "in love" with her mother's fiancee (Ridge after the paternity reveal) and shared several intimate moments with him, slept with both her mother's husband (Nick) and thought she was pregnant by him and her mother-in-law's husband (Owen) and actually was pregnant by him.  Hope is now torn between Liam and Wyatt and seems to be going down quite a different path than previously shown. 


The Brooke/Deacon affair was a seminal event in the show's history resulting in Hope's birth and Bridget's complete disillusionment and anger with her mother.  This stuff need to be played.

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Seriously Katie, his FATHER, is taking him across town to spend the night at his Aunt Brooke's house. They are not leaving the country, county, or state.



Gosh, Katie!  Junior is not going to spontaneously combust if he misses nap time by 15 minutes.  Give Storm's heart a break and chill the fuck out!

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Geeze, I hate Quinn. She is just nasty the way she talks about Liam. He gave her jackass son the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and got nothing but disrespect in return. Medusa's son is the one who is spoiled and coddled.

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I am officially over Quinn's "blackmail". For the life of me, I can't see why Bill made this so difficult, because all things considered, this was a pretty tame request. And that ridiculous picture? Looks totally photo shopped to me. All the same, Wyatt didn't look over the top with enthusiasm about the prospect of becoming a Spencer, and I am wondering if he is going to turn Bill down. I wonder if that will play into spoilers that say,

Quinn and Deacon hook up to cause trouble, although it is not specified who they are causing trouble for.


I felt like I was watching Mean Girls or something, because Katie comes off as an angst filled teenager. And really, we are only at the red ribbon stage of the "engagement", and Katie is already making demands? Poor Ridge just doesn't know what he is getting into. Bill tried to tell him, just like Brooke tried to tell Katie, but these two are each carrying mighty big axes and are intent on grinding them down to nubs, warnings be damned.


Ridge was a little more Ridge like yesterday with Brooke, but I found that last scene very troubling. We do not need any more Bridge drama, nor do we need any more sacrifices at the Bridge alter. The romance has served it's purpose by grounding and driving the show for three decades; it is time to move on now.

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Im not liking this blackmail story with Quinn. Perhaps if she hooks up with Deacon, but on her own, she just looks desperate and vindictive. TK playing Ridge just isn't happening for me yet. First of all, he doesn't have very many speaking parts, he just stands there with monotone sentences, and nods his head with his mouth closed. I feel as I don't really know him yet. 

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So they dusted off the old relic Eric for two lines? Thanks, show. But at least you tried with the awkward Bill/Wyatt man-hug thing, and the coordinated WTF reaction from Rick & Caroline, that was nice. And did TK laugh when he played Ridge talking about Bill being tacky? I actually really liked the first half of that conversation between Brooke & Ridge. If we'd had more of that when TK was first introduced as Ridge, if we'd seen three or so months of Bridge to re-establish the relationship if only to have it be a springboard for the new Kridge direction, maybe the transition wouldn't have ended up being as clunky as it was. Alas.


Noticed also that the directors are doing the "hide pregnant actress behind props" thing again, which I loathe. It was horrible to watch when they did it to Jennifer Gareis, but I guess this time around Caroline doesn't have a frontburner story so we won't see as much of Linsey Godfrey. 


I felt like I was watching Mean Girls or something


Brooke can't sit with us!


Some spoilers for 5/19:

Thanks to Quinn's handiwork, Liam finds himself in a dangerously sticky situation. A once star-crossed couple are on the threshold of beginning a new life together. Things get physical between Ridge and Bill during an argument (!!!). Quinn uses her powers of seduction to persuade Bill to change his mind.

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We do not need any more Bridge drama, nor do we need any more sacrifices at the Bridge alter. The romance has served it's purpose by grounding and driving the show for three decades; it is time to move on now.


Word to this.  I wish Brooke had just agreed that they are different people (there's that line again!), that it's over, and sadly agreed they had to allow each other to move on.  They are so, so over.


It was horrible to watch when they did it to Jennifer Gareis, but I guess this time around Caroline doesn't have a frontburner story so we won't see as much of Linsey Godfrey.


And hopefully Rick doesn't leave Caroline because she gets fat.  THAT was hard to take with Eric and Donna.


I hope Ridge overhears Katie telling everyone that she doesn't need a ring and that ridiculous oversized piece of ribbon knotted around her finger is just the most wonderful of wonderful.  So he doesn't buy her a ring and she has to wear that forever.  If that happens, I will be thoroughly behind them staying married for the duration of the show's run.

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Just binge-watched the last week's worth of B&B episodes....most of my reactions have already been expressed but:


- Part of me was truly expecting Katie to physically assault Brooke in an attempt to wrest those papers away from her. I think that if I saw someone with PAPER that was going to take my child and my job away from me, I would tackle that person and try to destroy the instrument of doom. So either Katie the Perpetual Victim is too dim to think of this OR she knew she couldn't take Brooke physically. But loved that scene where Katie's face changes from smug to shocked. LOVED IT.


- TIIC are definitely trying to shore up Bill's character to play up HIS victim status with the blackmail. He's doing all the right things, saying all the right things...this will make his inevitable fall more tragic...DD is killing it though as Bill.


- Quinn is NUTS -- as someone else said, the guy who looks spoiled and pampered is the one with his crazy mother all up in his personal business 24/7, and that guy is NOT Liam.


- Shelter story was both ZZZZZZZZZZZZ and interesting, because SC and KM seemed so into it and natural. That is one calm kitty they got. Plus I couldn't WAIT for those scenes to be over to get back to the Brooke/Katie stuff.


- it was a bitch move for Katie to have Ridge (try to) pick up Will. She knows about the animosity between Ridge and Bill. And the way Ridge shouldered past Bill into what is now BILL's HOME...ugh. Asshole. But loved Ridge getting that call from Katie and just turning around and leaving without a word.


- TIIC have obviously decided Katie is the new Stephanie AND Taylor combination character. Finally, a "Stephanie" who can actually sleep with the subject of her obsession, act superior, and be someone with intimate knowledge of Brooke who can sling the mud with glee.


- Where the HECK is Donna during all this?


- Still not feeling or believing TK as Ridge OR the Ridge/Katie relationship. Hate TK calling Bill "Billy" -- RM never did that, right? it makes his non-Ridge-California accent so pronounced and jarring.


- So obvious that Ridge's proposal is a reaction to BROOKE and not about the wonderfulness and perfection that is Katie. Katie is an idiot (repeating myself) -- she KNOWS that Ridge has said these exact words to other women, and he means them AT THE TIME, but still...betting on Ridge's loyalty is a sucker's bet. I did like Katie's dialogue about how rings and jewelry don't mean jack to her and her jab at Brooke about how many engagement rings she's had was funny to me, because I have often thought that Brooke must have a special drawer with all the engagement rings she's received. Sure wish Bill would pull out that nice huge emerald cut ring again; it was so much better than the ugly latest Ridge 'olive' ring.


- Brooke's reaction to the news of the Ridge/Katie was well written and played well by KKL. It's left ambiguous and up to the viewer's bias whether Brooke's look was sour and horrified because she still wants Ridge OR if it's because she knows Ridge, why he proposed at all right now, and that Katie -- as exasperated and estranged as they are -- WILL inevitably be hurt. I truly do NOT want Brooke and Ridge back together, ever, but pretty sure I am not going to get this particular wish...but right now, DD and KKL have the smoking chemistry (vs the blah HTo/TK and bland TK/KKL) so I will enjoy it while I can, while also dreading the inexorable return to Brooke/Ridge...

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Quinn showed once again how vicious she is. I'm glad Bill told her not to talk to Liam like that, but he should have repeated that. Liam had every right to be in Bill's office since he works at SP. Bill should follow Liam's advice re: the blackmail.

I would love for Aly to go Lagertha on Taylor with that axe. :-)

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I don't think Ridge ever got over the wall boink.


Shhh. That obviously never happened, because Brooke could never, in a million years,  mistake THIS Ridge for Oliver. It was ludicrous when it happened but completely implausible and impossible now.

Edited by annsterg
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I loved it! I felt like it was very raw and real, showing they still have deep feelings for each other no matter what else they're claiming to feel for other people.



I agree with this; but I think it is too little too late. It feels like the writers are trying to slap a bandaid on the damage they have done to the Ridge character, and his relationship with Brooke. What I was saying about finding the scene troubling was my fear of a Bridge reunion. I may be in the minority, but I am holding out hope that the pairing will not be revisited.


Where was that axe that Pam left with Ally? Taylor needs to find some body armor stat!


Is Oliver going to fess up to Thorne about his relationship with Ally? It might be a good place to start; outside of the fact that Thorne is Ally's dad, I think having him as an ally will go a long way for the rest of the family to accept O/A. And given how Ridge has been gunning for Oliver, having Thorne in is back pocket couldn't hurt. Thorne and Ridge have always had a prickly brothership, and I can see Thorne getting up in Ridge's face if he tries to mess with Oliver, if Oliver is making Ally happy, and helping her with her "issues".


There really are no words for Quinn. I don't believe she has ever heard of bounderies. Bill should heed Liam's advise and tell Brooke what happened. Of course he has waited too long, and it will look so bad now, but better now than futher down the road. And I say again, that picture means squat; it looks totally faked. I don't think anyone has told Brooke about Quinn's antics, but once she got the full picture I think she would be like  "whatever!" about it. Even so, Bill brought up some good points yesterday. Quinn better tread very carefully here; pissing Brooke off is not gonna garner her any favor with Hope, and could have serious repercussions for QA's at FC's.


Katie has gotten so insufferable with her sneering and gloating that I want the whole thing to just blow up in her face. Katie strikes me as operating on two levels here: 1) the pimply teenager who always watched her popular older sisters score the hot guys, and is now THRILLED that she took the football captain away from the head cheerleader; and 2) the scorned woman hell-bent on finally winning, so she's taking more pleasure in the pain she's causing others than in the happy things going on in her own life. She has every right to be royally pissed at Brooke, but I'm still not rooting for her because she's so stinking-unpleasant about it. I was waiting for her to say "na-nah-na-nah-nah" playground-style to Brooke while announcing her proposal.



Did you ever nail it Shira! I don't know which analogy I like better, but #2 is dead on. I don't think Katie is happy to be with Ridge, because she really doesn't know Ridge as a man, but I think she is thrilled to be with Ridge for the pain it will cause Brooke, and for the attention it will get her as the "woman who put an end to Ridge and Brooke". The only problem is, there have been others who felt the same way, including the most important person in Ridge's adult life; his mother. And no one has ever succeeded in ending it. And for this, and for this reason only, I hope Katie and Ridge are the happiest fucking couple on the planet. NO MORE BRIDGE!

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Again, Taylor proves what a terrible excuse she is for a mental health professional. She KNOWS Aly has issues with her...and she silently SNEAKS UP behind her and surprises her? WTF?


Wonder if they will even mention Eric/Taylor when Thorne/Taylor is announced. I see no chemistry between Thorne/Taylor but I guess that doesn't really matter unless the characters are going to be back on the canvas regularly. HTy's face...<WORDS!>


Love Pam. Love the actress's facial expressions, and Pam's little "tell it like it is" quirks.


Liam may be a doofus about many things but he is spot on about Quinn. I am not looking forward to Quinn's lording it over Bill about this. It would be so refreshing from the usual soap blackmail if Bill DID tell Brooke now and cut Quinn off at the knees. I'm not a vicious person in real life but I'd really like to see Quinn in true emotional pain that she knows she caused herself. We haven't really seen her moved by any emotion other than Wyatt-obsession/Hope-with-Wyatt obsession or business concerns since she was crying way back when Wyatt's paternity came out and she thought he was disowning her....and that was still Wyatt obsession. RS is great at playing Quinn but this one-note, say anything, crazy bitch portrayal is getting old and stale for me. Even Sheila had more depth.

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RS is great at playing Quinn but this one-note, say anything, crazy bitch portrayal is getting old and stale for me. Even Sheila had more depth.

So true, just a waste of  what would have been an interesting character. 


Where was that axe that Pam left with Ally? Taylor needs to find some body armor stat!

I know, would love to see Ally swing that axe like a Vikiing!!

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Yeah, I like Rena Sofer, but Quinn is a one note nut job. I cringe every time she appears on screen. If Hope had half a working brain cell, the thought of having that woman for a mother- in-law would give her pause.

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So many great, insightful posts in this thread!


Now, to be a little shallow:


Is Taylor wearing one of Stephanie's old pantsuits? Her haircut and the outfit make her look very matronly.

Edited by ariesman3
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After today's show I am full of questions:


How old is Ally supposed to be? She and Hope were toddlers together as I remember it, so they should be about the same age. But Ally isn't being written that way; she seems more like the seventeen to nineteen range.


Was Taylor living with Eric while being involved long distance with Thorne? The way they are talking it seems they have been an item for some time, and it wasn't that long ago Taylor walked out of Eric's bedroom in her pajamas.


Thorne thinks Ally is old enough and mature enough to handle the news about him and Taylor, but isn't old enough and mature enough to have a friend Oliver's age? How old is Oliver supposed to be? He seems very young twenties to me.


How did years of therapy and counseling fail so miserably where Ally is concerned? And how has her family missed just how messed up she is?


Did Quinn actually think that Wyatt Spencer was going to push Hope to make a decision? Hope didn't look all the impressed about it one way or the other.




Love Pam and Charlie, they are cute and adorable in short doses. I also love what Pam is wearing; they dress her dowdy, but it doesn't come off that way.


Winsor Harmon looks really old suddenly.




Darin Brooks is playing Wyatt differently; it is subtle, but something has changed, because he isn't bugging me as much lately.


I am impressed with Ashlyn Pearce; I think her portrayal of Ally is spot on. She reminds me so much of Jennifer Finnigan when she first joined the cast.


Rena Sofer's hair is stunning, and I think the slightly longer length is working well. I also wish they would do something with this character; she is beginning to sound like Stephanie with her one note "that whore from the valley!". RS, just like SF, is far too talented to be pigeon holed this way.


That last scene today........simply hilarious. I felt like I was watching a really bad black and white B film (one of my guilty pleasures), but Ally hadn't even hefted the axe above her head yet!

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Damn but I was waiting for that axe to come up off the table!  Seemed like even the axe was getting royally pissed at Taylor.  The way she snuck up on Ally was just asking for confrontation. You don't have to be a mental health professional (HA HA HA!!!) to know you just don't DO that to someone when you KNOW they violently despise you, unless you've got a weapon in you hand!  I love LOVE Ally now that she is obsessed with that sanctimonious clown that is Taylor, instead of worrying about what happens with Hope.  Preach it girl!  With your bouncy shiny hair.  I think I'm more in love than even Oliver right now.

yes the "Oh NOOOOO" scream at the end was just, unfortunately timed or something. 

Someone needs to throw down some shiny objects to distract Quinn.

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What was with that scream from Hunter Tylo at the end there? Sweet holy soap opera Jesus. Also, loved Caroline & Wyatt today. Linsey Godfrey & Darin Brooks have great comedic timing.


- Where the HECK is Donna during all this?


Tagged just to be on the safe side -

For the last few months I've been reading a spoiler about Donna playing Switzerland and discussing the situation between her sisters with Eric, but I'm still waiting to see it. Similarly, I've also been reading a spoiler about a "star-crossed" or "past" couple reuniting and planning a future together and hoping it's Eric & Donna, but so far it's been both Thorne & Taylor and Brooke & Bill, and possibly Hope & Liam in the future. But I keep wishing.


I don't think anyone has told Brooke about Quinn's antics, but once she got the full picture I think she would be like  "whatever!" about it.


Liam even said something to the effect of Brooke having been shamed for her sexual promiscuity her entire adult life and therefore wouldn't be bothered with seeing evidence of the Quill sexcapades, which I thought was interesting - I'm well aware that Brooke has indeed slept with many, many men during the last 25 years, but have any of them ever been flings on the side? I get the impression that Brooke loves (with a capital L) the man she's with at any given moment, and that this "slut from the Valley" label slapped on her by Stephanie et. al. is more of a misnomer than a fair description. Can someone clarify this? Of course the fact that Brooke has sex out of love instead of lust wouldn't affect how Brooke would react to hearing Bill slept with another woman while she had him on ice, but I'm just curious.


Wonder if they will even mention Eric/Taylor when Thorne/Taylor is announced.


What I would give to see a "stuck in a room" scenario with those three.


Was Taylor living with Eric while being involved long distance with Thorne? The way they are talking it seems they have been an item for some time, and it wasn't that long ago Taylor walked out of Eric's bedroom in her pajamas.


I don't think so - Eric & Taylor finished almost a year ago - July 2013 IIRC - and I have always assumed that Taylor boarded the next flight to Paris in her PJs and didn't return to LA until Hunter Tylo came back a month or so ago. I also remember Thorne saying something to Aly about him not having a woman in his life when they were talking about Thorne selling their house and coming to live in the FM, which was around Thanksgiving, and Eric mentioned speaking to Taylor during the holidays and it sounded to me like that may have been a long-distance phone call. I could be wrong, of course.


How old is Ally supposed to be? She and Hope were toddlers together as I remember it, so they should be about the same age. But Ally isn't being written that way; she seems more like the seventeen to nineteen range.


It's also possible that Aly & Hope are the same age but that Hope has matured faster than Aly, or alternatively Aly hasn't matured at the same rate as most girls - I could totally go for Aly having a stunted emotional development in comparison to Hope who has a lot of growing up to do being in the spotlight, etc etc. Thorne did say that Oliver was too old for Aly and Oliver replying that there were "some years between [them]" (paraphrasing) but I wouldn't say Aly is underage. But who knows how old anyone is on this show anymore?


By the way, has anyone seen the promo for next week? Clearly someone at CBS is on speed. 

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Brooke has indeed slept with many, many men during the last 25 years, but have any of them ever been flings on the side? I get the impression that Brooke loves (with a capital L) the man she's with at any given moment, and that this "slut from the Valley" label slapped on her by Stephanie et. al. is more of a misnomer than a fair description. Can someone clarify this?


Brooke has never had a one night stand or fling...although you could characterize Deacon as that, even though she said she loved him at one point, and it went on for more than one time.


In the more than 30 years of show time, Brooke has purposely** slept with Ridge, Eric, Grant, Thorne, Connor, James, Deacon, Nick, Bill.


Nine men in 30 years, and she married 5 of them, and was engaged to 2; I think Deacon and Connor might be the only ones where marriage was NOT discussed. Not a huge number of lovers. Taylor's been on the show a shorter time and has Ridge, Thorne, Eric, Nick, Rick, Whip, Stephen, (in the past, Blake and possibly Storm and Grant; we don't know what went on with Prince Omar).


** I am not counting Andy the rapist or Oliver

Edited by annsterg
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RuntheTable, I'm trying to quote you but failing miserably on this iPad! To you question regarding how messed up Aly is after years of therapy, do you think maybe, just MAYBE it's possible that Aly's psychiatrist is a worse hack than Taylor??? Or maybe Taylor really IS the best! :)

Loved Aly calling the sainted one out for standing in judgment of everybody when she is no saint herself (pretending to be a saint, loved it!). By the way, Taylor, nice job waiting for Thorne so you could both talk to Aly together.

annsterg...don't forget Taylor was with James too. It was kindness on Taylor's part, she didn't want him to die a virgin *eyeroll*

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I'm new to this show (decided to check it out when I heard Sean Kanan was landing here after leaving GH), and so I'm still learning characters.  But I thought that when I first googled Aly Forrester (don't judge - I like to know what's going on on my soaps!), it said she had been pre-law.  Isn't that college?  I just figured she was in that nebulous post-high school/ not yet 30 age range that so many soap characters seem to be.  Maybe a little younger and more sheltered than Hope and her male harem, but not significantly younger.  


I'm still figuring out what I think about this show, but I'm pretty sure I do not care for Katie.  Or Wyatt.  And I'm pretty confused about this whole medieval times or renaissance fair or whatever it is that those two people keep talking about.  Happy to see the ax, though - that could get interesting.

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Hope was born in July 2002. Aly (guess that's the official spelling now) was born New Year's of '04.

I dunno where that pre law thing came up, cause there's been no mention of tjat in the show that I can remember.

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Hope was born in July 2002. Aly (guess that's the official spelling now) was born New Year's of '04.

I dunno where that pre law thing came up, cause there's been no mention of tjat in the show that I can remember.

I recall some brief mention of law. At the time I thought "Law? Isn't she just out of HS?" I think the whole studying law thing was dropped along the way.

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annsterg...don't forget Taylor was with James too. It was kindness on Taylor's part, she didn't want him to die a virgin *eyeroll*


Ha, I knew that count was off somehow!! Thanks, ByTor. So basically -- St. Taylor has had as many or MORE sexual partners than Brooke, and at least one of those was a ONS (Stephen) and possibly more, given Taylor's statement in her AA meeting that indicated she'd slept with other "men" during her alcoholic spiral. Plus she's beat out Brooke in the 'sleep with a father and ALL of his sons' sweepstakes, since she bagged Rick (not possible for Brooke), and also in the -- if she did sleep with Storm -- 'sleep with 3 generations of a family' contest as she would have had ALL the Logan men (seeing as how Rick is a Logan when it's convenient for Taylor). Even though the show is pretending Rick/Taylor never happened...it did.


There were some lines of dialogue when Aly was first re-introduced, indicating she was pre-law in college; her work at FC was supposed to be an internship to meet some course goal. I would say the show is portraying her at about 19-20 years old; so now she's maybe 3-4 years younger than Hope.

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There's some subtle sleight-of hand when it comes to Aly, Hope and Oliver's ages. 

  • When Hope was SORASed in 2010 it was first as a 16 year old and then as an 18 year-old graduating from high school. technically she should be 22 now but i  looks to me like she's being protrayed as mid-twenties.
  • Oliver was introduced in 2010 as a 20 year old which would make him 24 now. I think he's being presented as exactly hat age.
  • Aly being slightly younger than Hope fits their real birth-dates of 2002 and 2004. She''s supposed to be about 19, I think which makes for an age difference of 5  years between her and Oliver.
Edited by Aqli
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Finally just watched Friday's show. I must give kudos to the writers for this decision to revisit the "Taylor causes Darla's death" story: it uses history and is a big payoff for long time viewers, and it furthers the Aly story in the present. I call BS on Taylor saying she and Thorne never stopped loving each other -- gosh, what about her several bouts of marriage to Ridge and the relationship with Eric in the interim? Were they all stand-ins for Thorne? I don't think so! I think Thorne and Eric are and always have been stand-ins for RIDGE with Taylor. But I did love Aly calling out the saint on her her not-so-saintly deeds AND her 'tude towards Brooke and Hope. Guess Taylor never learns the 'hypocrites shouldn't judge' lesson that Ridge imparted when he dumped her over the BBB revelation.


Taylor looked like a freaking idiot screaming her fool head off at the end of the episode...not that screaming is not warranted when someone hostile is coming at you with an axe, but just the way that scene was shot/directed was UCG (unintentional comedy gold).


Thorne is delusional.


And I enjoyed the tiny taste of Caroline...

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I must give kudos to the writers for this decision to revisit the "Taylor causes Darla's death" story: it uses history and is a big payoff for long time viewers, and it furthers the Aly story in the present.



Same here.  I'm happy, the scenes were better than I had anticipated.  Granted, I am not a big fan of either Taylor or Hunter Tylo, but I could see Taylor's point that Thorne postponed his happiness for Aly's sake, and now that Aly has grown he wants to proceed with Taylor.  I can also understand Aly's resentment and anger towards Taylor, but it was an accident.  For the sake of Aly's mental health I hope this begins some sort of acceptance of what really happened.


Does FC HR department have some sort of rule pertaining to medieval axes?




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1994:  Stephanie's interference is so over-the-top that I have a strong feeling it will end up pushing Brooke and Ridge together.


2014:  Quinn's interference is so over-the-top that I have a strong feeling it will end up pushing Hope and Liam together.

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Well, that was easy. And quick. What does it say about Thorne's committment to Taylor? I know Ally has issues with Taylor, but someone needs to make this girl understand that what happened was an accident. I am no Taylor fan, and I particularly disliked her during this period, but she did not intentionally run Darla over. I am beginning to wonder now if Ally's issues are not more related to being coddled, and protected her whole life; what I refer to SBS, or Spoiled Brat Syndrome, than anything organic. I think that was some nifty emotional blackmail she pulled there, and Thorne caved so easily.


If it is at all possible, I am disliking Ridge more each time I see him. Lecturing Brooke about "Big Bad Bill", because we all know that Ridge is a Saint, and has never done an ill thing toward his "Logan". The fact that he refuses to believe Brooke acted alone tells me a lot. And really, Mr. Beverly Hill's Couture Designer, if Bill is willing to make it work for the betterment of all involved, but you want to keep grinding the "I can't have that despicable Bill Spencer around my son" axe; who is the better person? Not only is Ridge being difficult, he is cloaking his jealousy and anger over Brooke in his concern for RJ. What a lowlife.


Why did Katie tell Bill "we are having a nice conversation here", and then immediately launch into him and Brooke "stealing" SP's from her? Katie isn't concerned with keeping it civil; Katie is interested in getting her pound of flesh, and rubbing her and Ridge's great love in Bill's face.


KKL was awesome yesterday; she doesn't need the hysterics, and wild scenes to shine.

Edited by RuntheTable
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If it is at all possible, I am disliking Ridge more each time I see him. Lecturing Brooke about "Big Bad Bill", because we all know that Ridge is a Saint, and has never done an ill thing toward his "Logan".


ITA. Ridge has a lot of gall -- and very little memory or self-awareness -- because pretty much every awful thing he holds against Bill, Ridge has done the same or worse. For HIM to talk about letting a woman down? Rich indeed, when that's been Ridge's MO for 30 years. Hypocritical jerk.


Donna looked so ... uncomfortable with the news.


Come on Bill! dig out that sparkler! I know you still have it...


I thought the Aly/Taylor/Thorne/Oliver scenes were very well done. Everyone was believable and the scenes were almost painful to watch. I think Oliver DOES care about Aly, after those scenes. He knew her and her reactions better than her father and was able to communicate with upset Aly. Taylor is, again, an idiot. Why does no one on this show ever seem to think of just walking away from a confrontation?


HTy's cheeks and especially her upper lip? <WORDS!>


Disturbing to know that if someone screams like a banshee in the photo studio... NO ONE will come and check it out.

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I don't believe Thorne really gave in.  It seemed more like he told Aly what she wanted to hear in the moment to calm her down.  I bet this isn't done.


And yes, Taylor did not run Darla down in cold blood.  But it wasn't a pure accident; she was at fault because she drove after she'd been drinking.  I may have missed it because I am no fan of St. Taylor, and to be frank sometimes I have to tune out when she's on one of her sanctimonious rolls, but did she ever really own up to that part of it?  I remember a lot of talk about the fog, about Darla being in the road, but not so much about the wine in Taylor's system,.  Because if that's true, I can understand Aly grinding that particular axe (see what I did there?).

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I'm squarely Team Alexandria on this one. To say that Taylor running over Darla was just an accident lets her off the hook for the fact that she was (a) drinking and driving, (b) pulled a hit and run driving away from the scene, ( c) trying to cover it up and (d) pursuing a relationship with Thorne and Ally to the point of almost marrying Thorne while hiding what she she did.  I imagine the fact that Taylor avoided any kind of consequences for taking a life embittered Aly even more. I'd be a little crazy myself if someone got away with killing my mom. Thorne has every right to pursue a  relationship. His insistence on doing so with the woman who killed his wife is another matter entirely.


Also, as much fun as it was to see Aly brandishing an axe, I was relieved that she put it down.

Edited by Aqli
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I'm squarely Team Alexandria on this one. To say that Taylor running over Darla was just an accident lets her off the hook for the fact that she was (a) drinking and driving, (b) pulled a hit and run driving away from the scene, ( c) trying to cover it up and (d) pursuing a relationship with Thorne and Ally to the point of almost marrying Thorne while hiding what she she did.




That is all very true, but it still doesn't change the fact that what happened was indeed an accident; anyone coming down that road would have hit Darla when she fell into it. As tragic as it was, I think the real tragedy occured in the fallout. What Taylor did to Phoebe was unforgivable. And then there was Hector, possibly the most annoying temporary character ever on B&B. They also wasted the Harry character, who had so much potential. The only thing I enjoyed about it was Taylor's downward spiral, which allowed everyone to see that she wasn't such a saint afterall.


but not so much about the wine in Taylor's system



I honestly don't remember if this came out. I think Stephanie new, and of course Hector and probably Phoebe. To be truthful, I tuned out for awhile during this period, because I found the SLs beyond the ridiculous.

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And the accidental nature of Taylor's car hitting Darla (which I agree was an accident) does NOT negate the fact that Taylor HAD been drinking (strike 1) when she got behind the wheel, was driving on a suspended license (strike 2) from another DUI, and then lied about it TO EVERYONE (strike 3) and made Phoebe lie as well (you're out). If Taylor had not been drinking, perhaps she would have been thinking clearly enough to call AAA or the police to assist Phoebe vs launching her own drunk ass on the rescue mission.


And yeah, Taylor becoming involved with the grieving widower, and knowing/allowing him fall in love with her, all while concealing her part in Darla's death? Bad bad bad. And cold. and wrong.


And then, Taylor the brilliant mental health professional, never comes up with an actual plan -- with Thorne -- to tell her soon to be stepdaughter the truth about her mother's death? WTF did she and Thorne think would happen? how did they THINK that would end? with Aly being told when she was old enough? even though it was all over the press? Still annoyed with Taylor that she blamed HOPE -- a 5 year old! -- for telling Aly! And Taylor of course also blamed Brooke for that...instead of looking in the mirror.


As an aside, I also was peeved at Phoebe herself. She lived in California, home of the car culture, and had been driving for a couple of years. She had a working cell phone. She was an adult, 18 freaking years old...and didn't know how to deal with a car problem, other than calling Mommy, crying? really? Those Forresters never sprang for a roadside assistance service? Not buying it.


So...let's be clear then -- everyone Taylor has been involved with since then was only a stand in for Thorne, whom she never really stopped loving? OK, Rick, Nick, Whip, Eric, and RIDGE: how did you like being used like that? Sheesh.

Edited by annsterg
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I dont think Ridge has one bit of chemistry with Katie. I was comparing the kissing scenes (cause that's about all BB gives a lot of) between Bill/Brooke, and Ridge/Katie. At least Bill and Brookes didn't seem forced. Ridge appears as though he is doing someone a favor by kissing Katie, and it is just so forced. Katie keeps flinging her hair and looking away from him as though she can't really stand him either. I could be wrong, but that's how I see it. Same senerio between Liam and Hope. Nada. And Wyatt looks like a sea otter trying to kiss Hope. Yes, it's all about kissing today because there wasn't much else going on, except Ally's predictable behaviour towards Taylor an Thorne.

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I dont think Ridge has one bit of chemistry with Katie. 

I agree. What's strange is that before they officially became a couple, I thought that Ridge and Katie had a ton of chemistry. 


During the scenes with Katie, Donna, Bill, and Will. I kept wondering how difficult it must be to act with a baby. When he was being held by Don Diamont, he cried, clearly wanting to go back to his real-life mother,  Heather Tom. Then, Jennifer Gareis carried him out of the room as he protested even louder.




Beware Anyone Needing Psychotherapy!!


Dr. Taylor Hayes is the worst psychiatrist ever!! 

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