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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Steffy's Morticia hair is just plain awful and ugly.  There was a time last summer, while married to Wyatt, she had great hair.  After Steffy cut off the fried blonde ends she sported for the beach wedding, she had slightly below the shoulder, all one length, off-center part hair.  It was glossy and healthy and looked really great on her.

It was professional but trendy -- exactly the hair a fashion influencer (as she was then) should have.  Plus Steffy was happy and smiling.  Liam returns from Captive Cabin and Steffy stopped smiling and her hair got worse and worse until we have the Morticia look of today.

Coincidence or cause and effect?   I report. You decide.  But the Steam relationship has always had more than its share of angst and sturm und drang.

Lam doesn't look all that happy these days either -- and I'm not even taking into consideration his Battle with $Bill.

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I looked down for a second then I looked up and for a second I thought Steffy was wearing a shawl. 

Why is Steffy concerned about Liam's and Bill's relationship. Wouldn't you think that it would be more of Liam's decision than Bill's to reconcile. Liam was wronged, not Bill. 

Spencer's heal very quickly. First Caroline and today Liam's eye shows no sign of the cut he had 24 hrs ago. 

Mighty big of Coco. She works at FC but she will help when she can.  Did RJ give her the kiss of Forester entitlement. 

Leave it to Steffy to not stand behind Liam. Family is just an excuse for her hidden agenda of keeping Liam subservient to her. 

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16 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Leave it to Steffy to not stand behind Liam. Family is just an excuse for her hidden agenda of keeping Liam subservient to her. 

Which is why I don't think that she's unaware that Bill is playing her; she's siding with Bill because he is the man she's loved and wanted before Liam and Wyatt were ever in the picture. The only reason she's not with him is because he dumped her. It was the same with Brill - she dumped him to try to save her relationship with Katie and Bill went back to Katie because Brooke wouldn't have him until she finally changed her mind.

Steffy's going to always favor $Bill and challenge him in the ways that get the Stallion going. She was the one he couldn't have in truth. Ironically I think it was Brooke who drove home to Bill that he couldn't cheat on Katie with Steffy and betray her like that so if Still is revisited with Bill actually renewing his relationship with Steffy while married to Brooke it IS a bit of Karma for Brooke.

I think in this story Bill may play on Steffy's unrequited feelings for him and lead her on a bit but Liam will get a real eye opener and kick in the pants when he finally realizes that for Steffy it was never about him but 1) bested Hope and 2) having a substitute for Bill and way down on the list is her wanting the 'right' guy aka someone who isn't shady like Bill. It's YEARS overdue for this storyline to be happening but better late than never.

This may be finally the one thing that hurdles Wyatt and Liam's issues is that when Bill cuckolds Liam by taking Steffy, Wyatt won't be anywhere near it unless he's facilitating the affair and it's something that unites them against Bill -especially if Bill gives Wyatt grief over bedding Katie.  I think Wyatt will realize 'Wow, you didn't love either of us because you really wanted Bill all these years? Huh, I really dodged a bullet.'

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I actually have never heard this!

But, I feel like Thorne's shady BS towards women has flown under the radar because Ridge and Eric are such bigger toolsheds...like after Darla got pregnant and Thorne has the nerve to suggest that they could stay together and Macy could adopt the baby. She should've hit him in the babymaker for that.

That's part of why out of all the women to hate Brooke for their wrecked relationships, Macy taking the piss made the least sense in retrospect. They were having problems regarding Claudia (an immigrant worker at FC who was there illegally IIRC), they had long since split up before Brooke was in the picture and Thorne was the one who, in true Forrester fashion, didn't man up when Macy came back to him.

But no, Brooke is TSFTV.


ETA: so, the night he and Brooke first went skinnydipping was after he proposed to Macy and I'm fairly sure she said no or wanted to hold off. I'm low on data so I can't check right now. But suffice it to say they had their issues well before Brooke was in the picture. 

I actually just rewatched the Brooke/Thorne/Macy triangle, and Macy's bitterness towards Brooke makes perfect sense in retrospect. Macy postponed answering Thorne's proposal for one day (during which the Throoke skinnydipping took place), then accepted the proposal and Thorne and Macy got engaged. From that moment on, Brooke kept flirting with Thorne and coming on to him repeatedly, while Thorne repeatedly turned her down. She also repeatedly badmouthed Macy to Thorne behind Macy's back, trying to get him not to trust Macy because she was a Spectra. And then there was the incident where she showed up uninvited at Thorne's doorstep, undressed, refused to leave when he asked her to, and hid under Thorne's bed when Macy showed up.


And then, of course, there was the whole time Macy was married to Thorne and unaware that Thorne and Brooke were still involved behind her back. And then Brooke took it upon herself to enlighten Macy that Thorne wanted to end the marriage, before Thorne had even hinted to Macy that something was wrong. So yeah, I do understand Macy's anger at Brooke.

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Steffy is pretty trifilin' with throwing her affections around, but for me it comes down to money.  The Forresters are multi multi millionaires.  $Bill is a multi. multi, multi billionaire.

For the first time ever I heard Steffy say (to Bill) she was a Spencer and it was her family too.  Previously she's always been a Forrester, whether married or not, and it's always been about the Fs and FC.

But if it all goes south with Liam and $Holla and he disinherits Liam and cuts off the money-- well ..... Steffy doesn't get to be the Spencer AND the Forrester matriarch, and there go the billions.

It's obvious that Liam doesn't care about the money except as a way to do good.  Steffy grew up with the big bucks and too much is never enough.

So.... if Steffy can't get Liam to make up with Bill/ give him back SP, she'll go after the Stallion herself.

And Show, please, let Wyatt find out about the arson (and Caroline not really dying).  I'm not buying for a nano second that Wyatt is just like his father.  Is Show telling us that Wyatt would have burned down Spectra? Wyatt is basically a decent guy.  Even as a sharp, tough businessman, he would never pull all the underhanded criminal acts Bill does.

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Wyatt does have a bit of shady on him but I agree he is mostly decent. I don't think he would have had arson done but he will go after what he wants with dogged determination not caring too much about collateral damage (see Hope & triangle of Doom). In that he is much like Daddy Dollar but not for business, more for LOVE. IMO

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Could the show telegraph any louder today that they are setting up Still and Lally?

The different theories on why Steffy is so hell-bent to reunite Liam and Bill are all very interesting and each one makes sense. Spencer billions, unrequited feelings for Bill and having the dual Forrester-Spencer pedigree. This garbage she is spewing about "fam-i-lee" is hollow and self-serving. Way to support your husband, heifer, by playing both sides against the middle.

Whatever Sally has done, she needs to keep it up. I thought her hair and makeup were absolutely stunning today.  She looks so much better with lighter makeup and I loved her outfit. It was fresh and trendy and exactly what a young up-and-coming designer should be wearing. Steffy, OTOH, looked like guard of the crypt in the military pants and studded top. I also noticed that when she was with Wyatt, her hair and makeup were more natural and flattering and she also ditched the severe black/metal outfits. I know there is some type of symbolism/message there but I can't figure it out.

I still think that Wyatt and Sally would be a great couple; dare I say even better than Tally? His energy is a better match for Sally's.  Liam is eventually going to bog her down.

I was also disappointed by Loose Lips Logan spilling to freely about her husband to Sludge. What was with his out-of-nowhere plea for her to ditch Dollah and marry him? Seriously? This dude has no self-awareness whatsoever.

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I agree with Bill: Liam shouldn't be blackmailing him. No, Liam should be handing Lt. Hot Dog that recording so Bill and Justin can continue their bromance in jail. Geeze, Bill sure has turned into a whiny, punkass little bitch. Boo-hoo, my son is blackmailing me! Boo-hoo-hoo! Be glad you aren't in jail, asshole.

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When Justin professed his loyalty to Liam, I couldn't help but think that somehow, some way, Justin is a Spencer.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, so if Bill has two sons that just showed up out of midair, perhaps Big Bill Spencer had a child or twenty out of wedlock as well.

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What manner of Tom Fuckery is this? In a matter of weeks everything good has turned sour.

I am pissed that Brooke has become an afterthought to her husband. When she came out in that incredible purple number yesterday, looking sexy as all hell, I was sure Bill would throw her down on the bed and have at it. But he didn’t even notice. How could any man turn away from this Goddess? Oh, that’s right, another Goddess has replaced Brooke in Bill’s heart; not one made of flesh and bone, but of concrete, steel and glass. I am pissed that they are dumbing Brooke down by keeping her out of the loop. I am pissed that Steffy knows more about what is going on with Brooke’s husband than Brooke does. I am pissed that Bill was canoodling with his daughter-in-law. I am pissed that Brooke now has to look like a fishwife by haranguing her husband about what is going on.

And really Bill, why so hesitant to tell your wife what is happening? To hear you tell it to everyone else, it was just another day at the office. You know, business as usual, and by Bill’s philosophy that you can’t get ahead and be successful without bending and breaking the rules. For some reason though, you really don’t want to tell Brooke. Could it be that you don’t want to see the disbelief and disappointment in her eyes? Hear it in her voice? How do you think she will react when you get horizontal with Steffy? We all know it is gonna happen; you want to hurt Liam in the worst way, and fucking Steffy would accomplish that goal. And the seeds are already being planted for a Bridge reunion.

I am just so pissed off about all of it.

And Thomas? What the actual fuck man? Dumping Sally, and your sizzling romance and budding partnership over the friggin phone? Are we supposed to be able to forgive the recast for this? And just when Thomas was becoming a character I could root for.

Pissed off I tell you.

Fauxdilok’s. A name that could not be more fitting now. She is plastic on the outside and a traitorous tramp on the inside. Your husband did the right thing. Your father-in-law is a fucking criminal. I will never forgive Bill for jeopardizing the lives of Sally and her crew, not to mention the Ladders that responded to the fire. He is also a manipulating, interfering Bastard of the first order for the lie he told Thomas.

Pissed. Pissed. Pissed.

OK, I will walk out on that limb alone, and say I like Liam and Sally. I always thought if Thomas/Sally implode, that she would pair very nicely with Wyatt. But now that Sally and Liam have had some time to interact, I find I enjoy their dynamics. Sally’s flamboyant silliness really lighten Liam up compared to Fauxdi’s dour and sour demeanor. And of course there is Wyatt/Katie now, another couple I am surprisingly enjoying.

I want Sally’s white shirt and her legs.

Damn, Kelly Lang looks amazing.

What is with Steffy’s sway back?

Don Diamont has been all kinds of awesome. The looks he has been giving, the darkness in his eyes. I only wish it was true regret for destroying his relationship with Liam.

Edited by RuntheTable
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13 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

When Justin professed his loyalty to Liam, I couldn't help but think that somehow, some way, Justin is a Spencer.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, so if Bill has two sons that just showed up out of midair, perhaps Big Bill Spencer had a child or twenty out of wedlock as well.

Dolla Bill is a product of Bill Sr.'s out of wedlock affairs so Justin could be a Spencer.  The only child Bill Sr. raised was Caroline I (Karen having been kidnapped as an infant & raised in Texas as "Faith."

Edited by drivethroo
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18 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

If Brooke walked in on me in that outfit I would have been thinking "This leave of absence is the best idea ever !" 

But then again I'm not a stallion, just a thirsty dog.

Jesus. KKL just never stops being the most gorgeous woman on earth.

Like the song says " Some folks get nothing an Lord, some get it ALL."

Edited by Nancypants
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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


Damn, Kelly Lang looks amazing.

What is with Steffy’s sway back?


KKL looks phenomenal.  I don't know why they dress her so boringly these days.  Her body is great.

I noticed JMW too.  I wondered whether she'd had some butt work done.

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

KKL looks phenomenal.  I don't know why they dress her so boringly these days.  Her body is great.

IKR? I swear, I am a slave to the gym six days a week; weights, elliptical, weights, elliptical.........and I don't look nothin like that!

1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

I noticed JMW too.  I wondered whether she'd had some butt work done.

Ah, yes, that would explain it. All the same, that deep sway looks really painful.

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On 9/14/2017 at 2:14 PM, Gam2 said:

Can Steffy emote at all? Her facial expressions never changed no matter what she was saying or how she was feeling or what she was thinking. She's a robot. She never even moves her arms!

Well, to be fair, there is a whole lot of Rapid Blinking when attempting to be upset.

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2 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

KKL looks phenomenal.  I don't know why they dress her so boringly these days.  Her body is great.

I noticed JMW too.  I wondered whether she'd had some butt work done.

All it does is emphasize how basic JMW really is.  When did plastic surgery, butt "enhancements" and other signs of fakery become "a thing" among the under-40 set?  I vaguely recall that JMW was quite pretty years ago and looked as if she could have passed for HT's (pre-surgery) daughter.  That could explain why her facial expressions simply don't change.  Not to mention the cat eye is way too distracting.  As for the character, I have to agree with the observation that she is fake inside and out.

KKL has always been physically active (remember Brooke's old aerobics routines in the bedroom she shared with Katie and Donna?) and constantly trains for triathalons.   In addition, she still rides her beloved horses.  I also remember when Brooke used to make shit happen and not just simply react to it.  The worst thing that can happen to such a vital and still polarizing character is to reduce her to playing Nikki Newman ("Oh, Victurrrr!") to B&B's version of Victor Newman.

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16 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

When Justin professed his loyalty to Liam, I couldn't help but think that somehow, some way, Justin is a Spencer.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, so if Bill has two sons that just showed up out of midair, perhaps Big Bill Spencer had a child or twenty out of wedlock as well.

Back when  $Bill was introduced, I remember a number of fans who mentioned Bill Sr had issues about infidelity since his own father cheated on his mother (I think it came out after the Margo/Clarke affair was exposed), and that Jr's existence was a dump on continuity.

I'm kinda over long lost Spencers tbh.

6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And really Bill, why so hesitant to tell your wife what is happening? To hear you tell it to everyone else, it was just another day at the office. You know, business as usual, and by Bill’s philosophy that you can’t get ahead and be successful without bending and breaking the rules. For some reason though, you really don’t want to tell Brooke. Could it be that you don’t want to see the disbelief and disappointment in her eyes? Hear it in her voice? How do you think she will react when you get horizontal with Steffy? We all know it is gonna happen; you want to hurt Liam in the worst way, and fucking Steffy would accomplish that goal. And the seeds are already being planted for a Bridge reunion.

Speaking of Bridge, isn't this EXACTLY what Ridge was trying to do with Quinn? Set her up to show what a whore she was while claiming he still loved Brooke? Geez, we've waited four years for them to get their shot and we get this crap. Ugh.

It's not entirely unprecedented for Bill to waffle to the woman that's stroking his ego the hardest. Back during Brill 1.0, when Katie was nagging him about his drinking, he was gravitating towards Brooke because she would more easily enable him. So her losing Bill to Steffy aka TSFBH  doing the same thing would be a bit of karmic irony.

I wonder whose business Katie will stick her nose in to get back at the other.

7 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I vaguely recall that JMW was quite pretty years ago and looked as if she could have passed for HT's (pre-surgery) daughter.  

A while back, I posted a clip from the DARE campaign where Steffy came in at the last minute but didn't speak and a fairly new viewer asked who the character was.

Yeeeeeaaaaaah, that's a helluva change for nine years.

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Not only did Liam get his balls back but he stuck them in her mouth to shut her up.  Liam has achieved my utmost respect. No more waffle boy. 

Wyatt, STFU, and play motor boat with Katie.  Well I guess that's what happened because Katie was tired of listening to him whine. I'm wondering that when Katie said that "you can have me all you want" did she confirm that Wyatt is a younger and better replacement for the "Stallion"?  I always thought that once you had the "Stallion" you would never be satisfied again. 

Kudos also to Brooke in giving Bill his comeuppance.  

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3 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

When did plastic surgery, butt "enhancements" and other signs of fakery become "a thing" among the under-40 set?

Have you seen Olivia Newton John's daughter?






And before:



I saw an interview with Olivia, who I have always loved, and considered one of the most talented and beautiful women in music, and was floored when she was remarking on how beautiful her daughter is, and how she is so much more talented than Olivia ever was. She went on to say how she wishes she was that beautiful when she was her daughter's age. I understand motherly love and devotion, but Olivia was a goddess, and while her daughter can sing a wee little bit, she doesn't even come close to her mother.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Holy cow. Just turned into JTV and those two women never shut up with their yapping! The hair, the makeup, the spray tans. Talk about up selling, yelling and over the top! I don't know how any one can watch these two women. Sorry, still don't know their names and really, don't care to know them. I live in TN not far from Knoxville and please know that not all of us are like that! 

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Oops, just realized I'd posted about JTV on the B&B site! A few glasses of wine on a Friday night and I've lost my way. Anyhoo, Maisie, we live in Oak Ridge but drive through Chattanooga on a regular basis to see our kids further down south. That interstate makes us crazy because we've been caught in traffic jams so many times. Of topic, for sure-sorry.

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Another Tennesseean checking in (although I currently live in NYC).  Memphis born and bred :)

So does Bill Bell realize that he may have miscalculated Sheila vs Quinn being a draw? Both women are isolated from the rest of the cast and reduced to weekly cat fights. Sheila's tentacles should be reaching far and wide and pulling invisible strings throughout the show affecting a number of characters in her quest to land Eric and name him happy.

Quinn can continue to stay far away from Liam but why she's not visting Wyatt for support and causing complications with Watie I don't get. 

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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

And really Bill, why so hesitant to tell your wife what is happening?

It took 2 epis of Brooke begging to get Bill to talk when he opened up about it with Steffy in seconds. 

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I thought Bill was going to confess the entire trifecta of lies today when Brooke asked, "There's more??" and also spill about the Caro-lyin' deception. I guess he figured that he should quit while he was still ahead.

Steffy doesn't like a man with his own, mind, does she? It was hilarious watching her try to respond to Liam and counter his suggestions that she wasn't being a loyal wife. I've already forgotten, but was she this relentless when Thomas and Sludge were on the outs last year (or was it the year before?)

I can see it now. Steffy will run to Bill and push harder for him to reach out to Liam and whine about how Liam is refusing to meet Bill halfway. In the meantime, Brooke might take off to get some breathing space from the situation and process what happened. Bill will be hurt by Brooke's reaction and Liam will feel that Steffy is betraying him by siding with Bill. That will cause distance in the Steam relationship. I think it will just take a couple of more visits to Bill's house by Steffy and if she happens upon him when he's drunk and brooding ... STILL.

If Bridge reunites, I'll be so furious. I am still hoping for Ridge to start pursuing Quinn again. That was exciting but I guess now with Sheila in the mix, that's dead and buried.

Yes. KKL looked smashing in that swimsuit but all I could focus on was the stringy yellow hair.  If she insists on keeping it that length (whether it is real or extensions) and that color, please at least keep it swept back like she's done a few times recently. That looks much better and more appropriate for her age.

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3 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I thought Bill was going to confess the entire trifecta of lies today when Brooke asked, "There's more??" and also spill about the Caro-lyin' deception. I guess he figured that he should quit while he was still ahead.

Steffy doesn't like a man with his own, mind, does she? It was hilarious watching her try to respond to Liam and counter his suggestions that she wasn't being a loyal wife. I've already forgotten, but was she this relentless when Thomas and Sludge were on the outs last year (or was it the year before?)

I can see it now. Steffy will run to Bill and push harder for him to reach out to Liam and whine about how Liam is refusing to meet Bill halfway. In the meantime, Brooke might take off to get some breathing space from the situation and process what happened. Bill will be hurt by Brooke's reaction and Liam will feel that Steffy is betraying him by siding with Bill. That will cause distance in the Steam relationship. I think it will just take a couple of more visits to Bill's house by Steffy and if she happens upon him when he's drunk and brooding ... STILL.

If Bridge reunites, I'll be so furious. I am still hoping for Ridge to start pursuing Quinn again. That was exciting but I guess now with Sheila in the mix, that's dead and buried.

Yes. KKL looked smashing in that swimsuit but all I could focus on was the stringy yellow hair.  If she insists on keeping it that length (whether it is real or extensions) and that color, please at least keep it swept back like she's done a few times recently. That looks much better and more appropriate for her age.

BTW! Was there ever scene where Brooke heard or was told about Caroline "dying"? I probably fast forwarded through it but when did Brooke find out?

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7 hours ago, maisie said:

The Sax Music of Sex was playing loud and strong during those Katie/Wyatt scenes.  Super cheesy!!!

I was just coming on here to say the same thing.  Why do they use sleazy sax music for sex scenes?   To me, it's something you'd hear in a cheap no-tell-motel.  

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8 hours ago, maisie said:

The Sax Music of Sex was playing loud and strong during those Katie/Wyatt scenes.  Super cheesy!!!

Seriously! So "bow-chicka-wowwow",

6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Have you seen Olivia Newton John's daughter?






And before:



I saw an interview with Olivia, who I have always loved, and considered one of the most talented and beautiful women in music, and was floored when she was remarking on how beautiful her daughter is, and how she is so much more talented than Olivia ever was. She went on to say how she wishes she was that beautiful when she was her daughter's age. I understand motherly love and devotion, but Olivia was a goddess, and while her daughter can sing a wee little bit, she doesn't even come close to her mother.

Thanks, I can never unsee that now! :-p

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OMG, poor Chloe Newton. She and I have the exact birthdate in 1986, and she looks waaaaaaaaay older than 31 now. Why did she do this? It looks even worse than Hunter Tylo' s hatchet job :(

11 hours ago, grisgris said:

Bridge reunites, I'll be so furious. I am still hoping for Ridge to start pursuing Quinn again. That was exciting but I guess now with Sheila in the mix, that's dead and buried.

Same here. For whatever reason KKL and TK have no chemistry, and even with Ronn Moss in the role, they hit their sell-by date back in 1998 after Thomas was born.

It's dead, Jim. [/Star Trek referrence]

Even for this crap and the inevitable, long overdue Still hookup, Bill will still be a better man to Brooke than Ridge ever will be.

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I want a new woman for Ridge.  He's been through pretty much everyone on the show, hasn't he  - except for family members.

TK can so bring the romance, but for some reason B&B is not bringing that out in him.

KKL does look amazing - but I wish they'd cut her hair to shoulder length.  Some women can pull off longer hair at that age (I can say that because I'm older than her) but hers looks pretty damaged.

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I've been saying for years that she needs to cut that hair. A long time ago, she got a bob cut and it was so attractive on her. She'd look much younger if she'd get a cute, current cut. I read somewhere that her ex-husband liked her long hair but they've been divorced for some time now. She's a beautiful woman but that hair is just aging her something fierce. 

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On 9/15/2017 at 11:24 PM, grisgris said:

If Bridge reunites, I'll be so furious. I am still hoping for Ridge to start pursuing Quinn again. That was exciting but I guess now with Sheila in the mix, that's dead and buried.


That's why KB couldn't get back to her failing avocado farm fast enough.  Talk about the writers beating a dead horse when it comes to resurrecting Sheila.

Speaking of beating dead horses, I'm about sick of Ridge-Pen's rancid ass along with these pitiful attempts to revive GarBridge.  Undoubtedly, that unkempt lump and his slouchy namesake will use Brooke and Bill's marital problems as yet another opportunity.  I fail to see how this is supposed to mean that Brooke should automatically get back together with Ridge-Pen.  Frankly, he has no room to talk about Bill or anyone else especially since his own father disowned him because he can't keep his grubby paws off the merchandise.  Or, have the writers forgotten that?

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How about Brooke lives on her own, does her job (whatever that is which the writers seem to be reluctant to tell us and show us what she's actually doing) and takes care of herself, her children and her grandchildren? Send Slouchy back to boarding school and move out of Bill's house. Live in your house, live on your own, do your job and don't look for another man for the next 5 years. You are not good at finding quality men to share your life with,  Brooke. You are enough on your own.

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How about all the women do this? Let's start with Sally, the strong, the dependent woman who has gotten bailed out by two men in the last three months.

Maybe we can work on Nicole having a personality and being allowed to be a 20 year old now that the Zende actor is gone.

Katie seems content this week, but she'll be all too happy to ignore Wyatt to snoop on Bill when she discovers the cracks in Brill's relationship.

Steffy is still a skank of the highest order for her recent crap and siding with Bill, but I've lost track of how many times  Liam has ditched her at the drop of a hat and his own faithless behavior towards literally every woman he's ever been with. Maybe Steffy can take some time off to find herself and become B&B's own Lauren Fenmore when they find someone who can elevate JMW's acting.

For that matter Liam belongs here too, because no character on this show is so utterly defined as a character by their relationships as he's been almost from the beginning. 

Is there any point in doing a scenario for Maya? Now that TIIC got their cool point for being "inclusive," she's been shoved back on the shelves and I don't put it past these clowns to kill off the character entirely if KM left. 

Ivy is perfect the way she is, and deserves better :)

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On 9/16/2017 at 2:23 PM, Gam2 said:

I've been saying for years that she needs to cut that hair. A long time ago, she got a bob cut and it was so attractive on her. She'd look much younger if she'd get a cute, current cut. I read somewhere that her ex-husband liked her long hair but they've been divorced for some time now. She's a beautiful woman but that hair is just aging her something fierce. 

JMW had a bob when Steffy married Liam in Aspen. She looked much better then. Of course, her face was natural back then, too.

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On 9/16/2017 at 11:24 AM, Anna Yolei said:

Same here. For whatever reason KKL and TK have no chemistry, and even with Ronn Moss in the role, they hit their sell-by date back in 1998 after Thomas was born.

It's dead, Jim. [/Star Trek referrence]

Even for this crap and the inevitable, long overdue Still hookup, Bill will still be a better man to Brooke than Ridge ever will be.

AMEN and AMEN!  I've long suspected that the reason this pairing no longer works (in addition to all the other onscreen fuckery) is that neither KKL nor TK really want it.  A few years ago KKL posted something that indicated she didn't want a GarBridge reunion without RM.  And, there you have it, at least for her.  TK seems to work better with the young 'uns and I vaguely recall that he expressed some frustration a few short years ago at how quickly couples change on the show.  He had no chemistry with HTom and seemed to have a winner when paired with LG.  Although the pairing didn't work for me because of Ridge's history with Caroline 1.0--and every other woman he claimed was the "love of [his] life--Ridge and Caroline 2.0 had a huge fan following.  Then it had to get all mucked up by the incident I won't mention, which led to one of the most pitiful and poorly written breakups in soap history.

Neither KKL nor TK could sell GarBridge during its last outing despite having an albatross trophy son to as their reason du jour.  The whole "I want my fambly back together" is old, redundant and downright ridiculous.  If that's the reasoning, what happens if Jack shows up on Brooke's doorstep one day making the same noise?  I'm sure that the father and son trolls who manipulated Brooke with that nonsense wouldn't appreciate it in the least.  So, it's time to retire that trope.  I agree with the person upthread that Brooke could move back into her own house, take control of her life and live it on her own terms.  It's better than asking the audience to invest in yet another non-Ridge pairing only to have it implode.  Which has made me wonder for years what little hazel-eyed girl broke Bradley's heart or stole his bicycle in when he was a kid.


12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

How about all the women do this? Let's start with Sally, the strong, the dependent woman who has gotten bailed out by two men in the last three months.


Lawd, yes!  I've gone from really liking this character and admiring her for her spunk to being totally indifferent to her thanks to Bradley's poisoned pen.  I simply have no desire to watch Sally hanging all over another savior who has rescued her.   Is it too much to ask that she learn to stand on her own two feet?  Just once?  She reminds me of myself when I was 16.  Back then I met the most WONDERFUL boy of my entire LIFE--every two weeks!  It's as if Sally is being written as a damsel in distress who worked her shtick into some kind of welfare program.

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Brooke had me until she ran back into Ridge's arms.

He cheated on you with Quinn hours before you were to be married and was still going to marry you even though he was in love with Quinn!

And while I appreciate Brooke being appalled by what Bill did, it feels a bit anti-climactic given she's accepted his repugnant treatment of her own daughter and sister with nary a side eye but hitting Liam and hiring an arsonist she goes from zero to unforgivable. Brill's imploding way too quickly.  She needed to learn about the Caroline lie first and be thrown and then about his first threat to Liam and be concerned and cautioning Bill about his behavior and THEN when the arson happens that be the third strike and she calls for a time out. 

This show is lousy with pacing even as it's great with the money scenes.

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I felt bad for KKL having to do that scene in her lingerie, even if she does look great.  It shifts the balance of power somewhat.

I also didn't like Bill grabbing her and dragging her back into the room - what a caveman.

As for her running back to Ridge, if she were doing that as only a friend, that's one thing.  However, the other scenes in today's episode pretty much trumpeted that return, and as much as I admire TK and KKL as actors, they don't have IT.

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On 9/14/2017 at 1:29 PM, Cool Breeze said:

Way to write strong female characters, BB.

I am back from vacation so I'll resume recaps with today's episode.

Right now, I'm going through and reading and liking and snort-laughing and head nodding...and quoting.

This is Badley's idea of writing strong women:



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