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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I thought the girl playing Phoebe was pretty enough, just not possibly the child of Tridge with the golden blonde hair. She'd have made a far more suitable Hope Logan.

JWM was a better fit and continues to match her surgeries to HTy's. That is dedication.

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38 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

And, I can't with Lame and Stuffy.  Wasn't Lame acting all butt hurt and self-righteously preaching to $Bill about his affair with Brooke a few short months ago?

Thanks for the reminder, I completely forgot about that.  He can take a seat...hell, he can take all the seats in both Dodger and Yankee Stadiums & it still wouldn't be enough!

25 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I thought the girl playing Phoebe was pretty enough, just not possibly the child of Tridge with the golden blonde hair. She'd have made a far more suitable Hope Logan.

JWM was a better fit and continues to match her surgeries to HTy's. That is dedication.

Different colored hair never bothers me, people dye their hair all the time, but as far as Phoebe goes, facially she didn't look as much like a daughter of Taylor & Ridge as Steffy (LOL at matching surgeries!!!).  I do agree that she would have made a good Hope.

Edited by ByTor
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RJ,  both the character and the actor, is a huge FAIL for me.  RJ should have Brooke's temperment and sweetness and the good looks of KKL and RM.

Who is this bratty, whiny schlub on my screen? Although I will say I can see him as the son of TKRidge.  Who I've never liked on any show.

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Until now maybe Liam and Steffy had their toes over the line but today they were completely offside and deserve more than a 5 yard penalty.  Manipulator, bitch, hypocrite, sociopath, and now add adulteress to her resume. A Scarlet A should be branded on her forehead but it would actually make her look better.  

Ridge is still badgering Eric for the POA but he is still in a diminished capacity which should make it null and void in the real world.  

Adultery, rape (miss understanding) virgin surrogate, lying, and Quinn is the bad person.  I bet that Ridge creamed himself during his speech to Quinn. Quinn wasn't provoked into an argument but I got the feeling action by Quinn will trump words by Ridge. 

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I've never really cared either way about sexy times scenes in soaps, but today, I actually turned the channel during the Steffy/Liam (totally typed "Hope" originally, Freudian slip??) scenes. I don't know why, maybe it was because I was eating lunch, but those 2 just revolt me. Now, if Quinn gives Wyatt some Forrester power (no spoiler, just my speculation), I could see Steffy crawling back to Wyatt, grabbing onto the power. Hopefully, he'll have moved on by then.

However, credit where it's due, even though I can't stand to see her on my screen anymore, JMW has a rockin' body. If I was her, I wouldn't waste it on drippy Liam, though, Daddy $Bill, definitely, but not Liam. I'm sure I'll have a better body than her some day, & the peanut butter cake & bottle of ranch dressing that I ate for lunch today will help me accomplish those goals. The ranch was on a salad, so there's that at least. 

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I hope Quinn continues to outclass Ridge-Pen and Dollar Tree Knockoff Victoria Newman aka Steffy. Let those two run the company with no strings attached besides caring for Eric and let Ridge quit in a hissy fit the way he always does whenever Eric puts whichever brother he's feuding with that week in a position of power. Let Steffy, Thomas and Rick fight gladiator style over Ridge's vacant seat and then maybe someone other than Ivy will come around to Quinn's defense.

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I hope Quinn has Ridge removed from FC because Ridge was threatening a hostile takeover of FC.  She should also file a restraining order against Ridge to keep him away from Eric.  Ridge's behavior at Eric's bedside is a danger to Eric's health.  If Quinn does this she would be acting in Eric"s best interests.  Today Ridge acted as if he WANTED Eric to have another attack.  I am very well aware that these are fictional characters, but I got so angry that I wanted to jump into the tv and pull Ridge out of Eric's room.

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20 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Wow. Could the writing get any worse in this show? I think not. This is so sad if we could all write much better scripts than these "professional" writers who make (not earn) the big bucks. Holy, moly. I don't even have words for how bad this is. There are so few soaps left that you'd think they'd do anything they could do (writing, actors/actresses/ plots/sets/etc) to attract new and even old viewers. 

THIS!  I am personally insulted by how bad this writing is, feels like the writers have no respect for the intelligence of their viewers, so they display their contempt for us by doing like monkeys and THROWING THIER OWN FECES AT US, METAPHORICALLY, this FESTERING TURD they call a storyline. 

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It's such crappy story telling that Quinn doesn't have a single person on her side (other than Eric).  We should see someone - Pam, Brooke, Rick, Maya - who sees how much they love each other, who sees that her presence helps Eric calm down and feel happier and healthier.  That person should be starting to push back on the rest of the family a little bit.  Instead, not only does she not have a single member of Eric's family who is willing to see their relationship how it is, but not even her own son can have her back.  This sucks.  

They could redeem themselves if they had Waffles accompany Steffy to visit Eric, and he sees Quinn and Eric together and starts to think that Quinn does genuinely love Eric, and vice versa.  

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Recap for Tues. 10/18

This will be shorter than usual because most of what I saw pissed me the hell off and I have a feeling I'm going to need to save my energy for the rest of this week's episodes.

Pam, Ridge-Pen, RJ, Rick, and Brooke gather around Eric's bedside to tell them how much they love him and are glad he's back. It's about damn time we see Brooke and Eric together. Oh and Zende and Nicole are there, too. Does Eric really need ALL of them in his room?

Ridge: "It's unbelievable. You made it. You're back." What's so unbelievable about Eric's recovery? Methinks Ridge was hoping Eric would stay comatose forever so he could play King of the World.

Wyatt shows up downstairs and is still being a little bitch about Steffy walking out on him. Don't undo all the good you did when you opened a can of whoop-ass on Ridge, Wyatt.

I'm not certain I'll have the stomach for Liam/Steffy today but I'll try.

Liam tells her "I miss sharing a bed with you and everything that goes with it." Thanks for that visual, Liam, and goddammit, when will he EVER remember she shared his bed with Wyatt two seconds after his back was turned? Then we have this little circle jerk. 

Steffy: "I tried to stay in my marriage as long as I could."

Liam: "I admire that about you."


Quinn is still in disbelief that she has control (queue up Janet Jackson) and Wyatt, helpful as ever, tells her "Don't take advantage. Don't lord it over everybody's heads." Has she shown one moment of that??? When if I were in her lovely stillettos, I would do exactly that and tell Ridge to kiss my feet and call me Princess Quinn is the Boss of Me every time he was in my presence. For starters.

More love is bestowed on Eric, including Ridge telling Eric that "he's the glue that holds this family together." Unlike Ridge, who is the bull in the china shop, determined to destroy everything in his path.

The nurse enters to kick all their asses out - except Ridge. Eric wants him to stay.

And then Wyatt gives RJ a run for his money where whiney brats are concerned: "Mom, Puffy left me, and she's probably going back to lame Waffles, so excuse me if I really don't care about your problems right now." Shut up, Wyatt!


Steffy/Liam talk about Wyatt and Quinn, with Steffy kinda sorta defending Wyatt. No! I don't want her defending Wyatt. I want her to reunite with Liam so I can FF through their scenes and get this shitshow in record time.

Brooke thanks Quinn for letting them see Eric and again, I don't see a hint of animosity between them. A good sign, I hope.

Ridge, alone with Eric, starts to give his song and dance about why he did the horrible terrible no good very bad thing. 

Liam/Steffy, still dancing around getting back together...I have a bad feeling about this...

And OMG, this??? I need a gallon of Pepto Bismal right now, people.

Steffy: "I want to do this respectfully, the proper way. And hey. You know that I want to -- i want to stay here and I want to move in with you and I want to spend the night with you. You know that. But not yet. Not when I'm still married to Wyatt." Someone get this girl a halo because my goodness, she is positively angelic.

There's more teasing about staying the night and the bed and just puke already.

Quinn encourages Wyatt not to let Steffy go - 


Seriously, Quinn, you aren't doing your son any favors by encouraging him to go after worthless heifer. I get she's all in love and happy but stop trying to spread it around, mmmkay?

Ridge: "You don't think I'm happy you're here? You don't think the family's happy? Your well-being is the most important thing to me." Hahahahaha, good one, Ridge.

Eric: "Is... is it?" Nope...

And here we go with Ridge, foisting new (though wrinkled, go figure) POA papers on a recently-awoke-from-a-coma Eric. Great timing, that one. I hate so many people on this show right now but Ridge is at the top of the list.

I want to line them up and slap the crap out of them. 


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I would think Brooke would be the person coming to support Quinn...or Deacon, or even Pam who at least actually showed up to the wedding before Ridge summoned her back. I agree it's ridiculous Quinn has not one ally in all of this.

5 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

More love is bestowed on Eric, including Ridge telling Eric that "he's the glue that holds this family together." Unlike Ridge, who is the bull in the china shop, determined to destroy everything in his path.

The bull wouldn't leave a trail of grease slime in his tracks, however.

Oh, and I almost forgot about RJ: STFU, you little twerp. "Dad's always been there for you"? You share blood with Rick "Ridge is the second coming of Hitler" Forrester. He not only sings his hatred of Sausage McMullet from the rooftop, but turned that shit into a Broadway musical in which Audra MacDonald won her 5th Tony playing Maya. He can't not know what a POS Dad is. I don't know which one irritates me more.

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5 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I would think Brooke would be the person coming to support Quinn...or Deacon, or even Pam who at least actually showed up to the wedding before Ridge summoned her back. I agree it's ridiculous Quinn has not one ally in all of this.

The bull wouldn't leave a trail of grease slime in his tracks, however.

Oh, and I almost forgot about RJ: STFU, you little twerp. "Dad's always been there for you"? You share blood with Rick "Ridge is the second coming of Hitler" Forrester. He not only sings his hatred of Sausage McMullet from the rooftop, but turned that shit into a Broadway musical in which Audra MacDonald won her 5th Tony playing Maya. He can't not know what a POS Dad is. I don't know which one irritates me more.

That's what is so irksome.  I get Brooke not wanting to badmouth her kid's father, but is it too much to ask that she sit little Slouchy down and give him the 411 on what it was like to be living on pins and needles because she never knew from one day to the next when Ridge-Pen would bounce? Of course, Slouchy wouldn't have remembered the first time his "dependable" sperm donor pulled his disappearing act, but this twerp doing his Bridge pimping really pisses me off to the highest of pissivity.

Even if he can't remember that it was Uncle Nick who picked up the slack after Ridge-Pen remarried his Corpse Bride because Grandma Dynamite faked a heart attack, Slouchy is well aware that "Dad" dumped Brooke during their last honeymoon.  He certainly saw the unkempt one in action when he returned from Paris.  He was old enough to realize that TWICE, "Dad" chose to take up with other females--Aunt Sour Puss and Carowhine.  But, somehow I'm supposed to believe that it's Brooke's marrying Bill that sends the kid over the edge.  How Slouchy could fix his mouth to spout such nonsense about Ridge-Pen always being there for Brooke simply befuddles me.  

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8 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Given that Ridge claimed that Hope was a "stain" on the Forrester family due to the circumstances of her conception and birth, I wasn't surprised.  It took me a while to digest what he said at the time.  Hope is a "stain" on a family of serial adulterers, rapists, rape facilitators, arsonists, and would-be felons.  Why Brooke wanted to still be with that shit stain baffles me because that comment should have earned Ridge a sock across his wooden jaw.

And, I can't with Lame and Stuffy.  Wasn't Lame acting all butt hurt and self-righteously preaching to $Bill about his affair with Brooke a few short months ago?


You know, I was going to bite my tongue because that is someone's child but I just can't hold my peace.  As a day one viewer, one of the things that immediately drew me in was how staggeringly beautiful the cast was.  It was said of Ridge back then that he could charm the birds out of a tree.  As one of my friends said, he could talk a woman out of her panties.  That's why it was considered a real coup for Original Recipe Caroline when she captured and supposedly tamed one of L.A.'s most eligible bachelors.  When the Forresters gathered at Bill Spencer Sr.'s condo for that engagement party and then assembled at their breakfast table the day of the wedding, I was struck by how attractive the whole family was.  There wasn't a dog in the bunch.  Even Felicia, whom we were introduced to later, didn't disappoint in the looks department.  All the children looked as if they could have been JM and SF's kids.

Brooke's family was less dazzling, but she clearly stood out as the beauty and her looks have evolved over the years, with planes in her face that weren't there when she was a fresh-faced California girl.  The original Beth Logan looked as if KKL could have been her daughter.  Donna was really pretty, and Storm was handsome.  Even though Katie obsessed about her acne, she wasn't an ugly girl and even then she had an amazing head of hair.

So, what happened here?  GarBridge's trophy child should have been a shining star who could have his pick of any girl.  Blessed with the good looks of his parents, he should have been a little heart breaker with an active social life and some hangers-on.  Bradley & Co. seemed to get it right with younger and older Hope, but always seemed to fall short when it came to the Tridge nuggets.  This mess right here?  It's a travesty.


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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

It's such crappy story telling that Quinn doesn't have a single person on her side (other than Eric).

Yes it is, and IMO that person should definitely be Brooke, because the way Eric's family is treating Quinn isn't a whole hell of a lot different than how they treated Donna.  I recall (and the writers should make sure Brooke does too) when that "gold-digger" Donna insisted that Eric would recover from his heart attack as Ridge tried to bully her into removing him from life support.

3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Quinn is still in disbelief that she has control (queue up Janet Jackson) and Wyatt, helpful as ever, tells her "Don't take advantage. Don't lord it over everybody's heads." Has she shown one moment of that??? When if I were in her lovely stillettos, I would do exactly that and tell Ridge to kiss my feet and call me Princess Quinn is the Boss of Me every time he was in my presence. For starters.

Steffy: "I want to do this respectfully, the proper way. And hey. You know that I want to -- i want to stay here and I want to move in with you and I want to spend the night with you. You know that. But not yet. Not when I'm still married to Wyatt." Someone get this girl a halo because my goodness, she is positively angelic.

Ridge: "You don't think I'm happy you're here? You don't think the family's happy? Your well-being is the most important thing to me." Hahahahaha, good one, Ridge


2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

The bull wouldn't leave a trail of grease slime in his tracks, however.

hahahaha you Preverts are on fire!!! 

Honestly, the comments here keep me sane, because I was ridiculously MAD at today's show!  Somehow Ridge managed to out-Ridge himself...he bullied his bed ridden father to the point that Eric had to press the emergency button on said bed, and then had the GALL to tell Quinn that he was going to call the nurse every day to hear if Quinn is doing anything not in Eric's best interests (complete with smug threats)!!!  I wanted to grab him by the arm and throw him out just like he did to Quinn, except his greasy body would probably make me lose my grip.  By the way, I noticed how wrinkled his shirt was when he stomped out of the house.  The less said about Puffers and Liam the better, but their arms are going to end up in slings from patting themselves on the back so much.  I wish those two would lock themselves in Bill's nap room & not subject us to their "true lurve" any longer.

Edited by ByTor
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They obviously thought yesterday's show wasn't disgusting enough so they continued it into today and made it even worse. I wanted so badly for Quinn to say you're fired to Ridge. And to slide him down the stairs on his greasy hair.

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Well shoot. I only watched a weeks worth of shows last weekend hoping that there would be some better scenes once Eric woke up. 

You are a trooper, CountryGirl. I feel like we should start a GoFundMe to cover the Pepto Bismol expenses... 

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Well, fuck a duck (or a waffle.) So much for virtue and sensitivity towards and respect for Wyatt.  I was so hoping that after that two-bit heifer slithered out of her jeans, Liam would take one look at her in her skivvies and have a massive flashback to that night he caught her in bed with Wyatt. But NOOOoooo! You know that Liam isn't going to be able to keep his mouth shut with the gloating and will probably boast about his conquest to his dad. Maybe, just maybe, for a change, instead of Bill thumping Liam on the back with an "that's MY son," he'll be angry and tell Wyatt what took place behind that back. That way, Wyatt could probably get an annulment or quickie divorce (thanks to $Bill's Sin City digs) on the grounds of adultery. Since the JV league falls in and our of marriages so quickly, they probably never bother with little details like pre-nups. Wyatt should haul Puffy's ass to the cleaners several times over.

That brat needs to take several seats. Ricky Boy is right. Mom and Dad's respective love lives are not their grown kids' business. RJ said that he wasn't entertaining any "childish" hopes of having his parents reunite. So if that's the case, then STFU!!!  And why was Rick chiming in about why Bridge hasn't been rebuilt? He HATES R-P, so what's the deal with that?  Pick a side.

During Ridge's diatribe about Eric's "women who were no longer there," I was thinking? Yeah, who, exactly? Stephanie is dead and I don't watch Y&R, but isn't Sheila also dead? (I know that she and Eric had long since been divorced.) Divorces from Brooke and Donna were amicable and Taylor was never married to him. Who does that leave? Idiot. I am convinced that R-P was trying to provoke Eric into a relapse. Quinn definitely needs to file a restraining order against him to stay away from the home and FC. This would be the time for Quinn to win some support by asking Rick to step in while Eric recuperates. That would be a good move.

I wanted to reach through the TV screen and slap Ridge today from the way he was menacing Quinn. Take a few seats, dude. If he'd meet her even halfway, I'm sure she'd gladly let him run things, but he just continues to paint himself into a corner and the karma is going to be HEAVENLY!!

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7 hours ago, La di Diva said:

RJ,  both the character and the actor, is a huge FAIL for me.  RJ should have Brooke's temperment and sweetness and the good looks of KKL and RM.

Who is this bratty, whiny schlub on my screen? Although I will say I can see him as the son of TKRidge.  Who I've never liked on any show.

This miscast RJ is slouching in LA to repeat the same dialog at Brooke that she and Ridge belong together, then go to Ridge and gum the exact same dialog at his greasy, rumpled and conspicuously obnoxious father.

RJ's a bore and knows absolutely nothing about his parent's behavior or their past relationships. Again, Brooke is uncertain, waiting for lightning, DESTINY or a piano to fall from the sky to let her know which penis she should be addressing her attention. Ridge is a slovenly, criminal, odious, intimidating ratfucker.

4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I would think Brooke would be the person coming to support Quinn...or Deacon, or even Pam who at least actually showed up to the wedding before Ridge summoned her back. I agree it's ridiculous Quinn has not one ally in all of this.

Brooke has been conspicuously absent from the major skirmishes between Ridge running roughshod over Eric and Quinn, using the rest of the family as a weapon against them. Brooke has accepted the party line Ridge has been spouting about Eric and Quinn, aligning herself with Ridge and his misbegotten, illegal actions to abscond with control of Forrester Creations, demand capitulation from the other shareholders to accept his leadership, disenfranchise Eric a second time from running his own company, and summarily dropkick Quinn out of Los Angeles and into orbit. 

Pam wants Eric to continue noshing her lemon bars, singing lounge music and genuflecting to Stephanie's portrait with a martini glass, maintaining the Forrester status quo she has become accustomed to. Pam is riddled with guilt about Eric's stroke when he was dressing the family down for not supporting him at the wedding. There was a small twinge of realization today that Quinn genuinely loves Eric and cares about his recovery, and that Eric entrusted his POA to Quinn because he no longer has any confidence in Ridge and his decision-making.

Rick is upset that Ridge, Steffy and Carter (former-CEO, the president of FC, and FC corporate counsel) have embroiled the company in their illegal activities, taking the POA from Quinn and misrepresenting Ridge as legal representative of Eric and FC. Rick has no fucks left to give on Ridge making business decisions for FC. Ridge burned his tenuous bridge to work with Rick against their mutual foe, Quinn, with Eric's stroke and lying about the POA.



Liam and Steffy ... separated for soooo long ... Liam boinking his brother's wife to the pulse of the ocean surf.


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Just when I thought my disgust for Pig Pen and Puffy could not get any worse...ugh! 

Yes, Quinn would be justified in getting a restraining order against Ridge (or at least get a Dwayne Johnson sized bodyguard to put in front of Eric's door!). That POS haranguing his seriously ill father was beyond despicable. I loved, loved, loved when Eric told that greaseball that he had heard everything Ridge said at his bedside when he was in a coma. Take that, asswipe! 

And Steffy is so devoted to her grandfather that she couldn't be bothered to visit him. It was more important to f*ck her husband's brother. Bitch.

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4 hours ago, grisgris said:

And why was Rick chiming in about why Bridge hasn't been rebuilt? He HATES R-P, so what's the deal with that?  Pick a side.


I've sat through three versions of Rick, and even at his least dickish and most sane, he was never a Bridge cheerleader. He and Ridge had a distant coldness towards one after after the asshole forced them to sell their Ambrosia line on QVC back when Justin Whatshisface was in the role, and that was the height of their adult relationship.

So if Atlas is finally shrugging, what was the point of everything he's done in the name of taking Sausage McMullet down since 2006? Not that I'd be glad for Rick to grow up and move on but this smacks of how the whole nasty history with the Marones was blitzed when TIIC needed Stephanie working at Jackie M.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Did that greasy bohemian wannabe actually say something to Quinn about calling the nurse everyday to check up and make sure Quinn wasn't hurting Eric? And did he say that on the heels of doing just that? Does being wealthy cause that kind of unawareness? Nah. Ridge is just taking a page out of Mothuuurs book and looking down his patrician nose at those not born with the silver spoon. Just like mama always did, Ridge is cloaking his horrible actions behind his wealth and his status, behind the Forrester name, behind his fancy cars and fancy houses and his Ivy League education. When Ridge and Mama do/did heinous things it is all good. Everyone understands that they were only acting in the best interests of the family, but when anyone of a "lesser class" does the same thing, they are common, or they are gold diggers, or they have no morals, or they are "Sluts from the Valley." Ridge and Stephanie both swim/swam in the same pool of illusion; thinking that breeeeeding absolves them of their crimes. What they fail/failed to realize is that privilege may have given them power, but it cost them things like humility, and ethics, and compassion, and grace.

They are taking Ridge's asshollery to a whole new level. Not only with what is going on with Quinn, but also with Brooke. When this worthless asshat came back from Paris to "reclaim his Logan" and found out about her and Bill, he couldn't rid himself of Brooke fast enough. And as punishment for daring to move on and not wait for him, he started his revengemance with Sourpuss. Then, after kicking Brooke in the teeth about Bill, he pulls one of his best 007's, and fly's halfway around the world to stop her from marrying Bill. Oh, but now he is ok with her and Bill getting married. Ridge wants those shares. Just goes to prove once again, that Brooke was never, isn't, and will never be Ridge's first priority. She is his toy, and he has played with her and her emotions since the day they met. I am sure if Brooke marries Bill, he will never be able to hold his tongue and will experience a raging case of mouth diarrhea about how much he hates the union, even though he got what he wanted. I didn't think I would ever want to see Brooke marry Bill. I don't like Bill. BUT, Bill seems to truly love Brooke, and only has eyes for her. There wouldn't be any of these ridiculous "Bill's decision" type SLs, with him trying to decide which woman he wants. 


Why is it that I hate Brooke's kids? Why couldn't RJ be hip and cool; someone different from Rick and Hope? I am sick to the teeth with his judgmental little ass. I had to forcibly hold myself back from attacking my tv as he was going about "Ridge and Brooke, Brooke and Ridge, that is just how it has always been." Maybe in the past bucko, but those days are long gone. Your daddy done went and married another woman and the ink is barely dry on their divorce papers, and don't forget how close he came to marrying your Aunt Katie. You may be a kid, but you are old enough to understand that it takes more to hold a marriage together than history. Have you seen your mom light up at the thought of remarrying Quasimodo? Does she look overcome with anticipation? Open your eyes little one, and take a good look and you will see nothing but discomfiture and doubt. Now, your mom has told you she loves Bill and is going to marry him. If you don't like it go back to boarding school. Or go live with your sainted dad. But stay the fuck out of your mother's love life. 


Rick pulling out the big guns by bringing Lizzie to the office, but it's alright if Nicole isn't on board cause "there is absolutely no pressure." Nicole is so gonna cave. Can't have that halo falling off. Look how many years it took for Taylor's to start shifting. My scenarios for this truly fucked up SL are:

Nicole is already pregnant by Zende.

Nicole says yes, but bonds with the second child sending Maya into a frenzy.

Sasha steps in trying to show Maya that she can be a good sister too, but because of her upbringing is unable to let the little one go. She and Rick then discover they have feelings for each other and Rick leaves Maya, making it so much sweeter. 

I don't want Sasha involved in this mess, but if she has to be that is the only way I would find it acceptable. But, given her and Zende's talk the other day, it looks like round two of Sashe and Zende while Nicole incubates another child for her sister. 


Wasn't Katie all over it? Starting a new life with new interests? So why did she bring her ass into Bill's office and open that can of snark? You hateful, spiteful, chaos creating little devil. Her cheeks were so swolled up in that interview; she must have had an entire pack of Lemonheads in each cheek. 


So, at long last that lying little vixen owns it:

Liam "But the reason you left him is because you wanted this?"

Steffy "Yeah I do, and I don't want you to doubt that for a second"

Bitch. I thought you left Wyatt because Quinn destroyed your marriage. 

And wasn't it just the cutest thing watching those two lovebirds canoodle as they decimated Wyatt? But, "this is our home Steffy." Really? Is that before, during, or after Hope and Ivy? 

Was that supposed to be epic? Watching that traitorous tramp jump on that soggy waffle in the same bed he shared with Hope and Ivy? Disgusting. Both of them. What a twit and a twat. 


Quinn, you go girl. Just keep to the high road and let those ungrateful pigs twist in the wind. 

Brooke, as always, the only one gracious enough to thank Quinn for letting them see Eric. Those entitled brats shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near Eric. He didn't look happy to see any of them but Brooke. However, Quinn wants everyone to smoke the peace pipe, so she is doing what she thinks is best for Eric. I want Brooke to find out that Ridge badgered his sick father, a man who just came out of a coma, a man still struggling to find his voice, about signing a new POA. Here dad, I love you, now sign this POA real quick so I can have all the power, then you can die. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

They are taking Ridge's asshollery to a whole new level.

Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit, but I wonder if they're making Ridge so horrible that even Brooke sees it (bonus if Brooke walks in on Ridge verbally abusing his father, as @movingtargetgal said) and refuses to hand over the stock once she marries Bill.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


Wasn't Katie all over it? Starting a new life with new interests? So why did she bring her ass into Bill's office and open that can of snark? You hateful, spiteful, chaos creating little devil. Her cheeks were so swolled up in that interview; she must have had an entire pack of Lemonheads in each cheek. 

How better to get the people who betrayed you to tell you what you want to know? And why shouldn't Katie put a negative spin on $Bill's inability in completing his MACH 3 marriage to Brooke? When Katie agreed to divorce, he dispatched her like a used take-out box of Chinese food.

He and Brooke lied and gaslighted Katie non-stop about their reignited fuck for each other, when Brooke chose to confess and insert herself into their marriage again.

$Bill redecorated a Fuck Den off of his office, for he and Brooke to canoodle behind closed doors ... No interruptions, moral objections or prying eyes.

After months of $Bill lecturing everyone within earshot to follow his example of observing the virtues of fidelity in marriage, Liam shows up with a Fuck Den discovery -- Blows up that Faultless Paragon of Virtue schtick $Bill and Brooke were pretending to heed.

$Bill was good enough to ... er, protect .... um, kidnap Will from Katie to punish her, under the most specious of arguments that Katie couldn't be trusted to care for Will. Who had been caring for Will when $Bill was hunting down Brooke under every low ball glass or a little Round Robin on his Fuck Den bed?

He had Justin falsify Katie's state residency at a hotel he owns in Las Vegas to push through an illegal Nevada divorce so he could marry Brooke immediately. 

Yeah, Katie can fuck with $Bill and his obsession over possessing Brooke; she's a pain in the ass, but she's a justified pain in the ass, and they've proven themselves to be disreputable, cheating, lying liars. 

Katie has stirred Ridge's ol'school DESTINY Jones for Brooke and his competitive testosterone-steeped hatred of $Bill, while Ridge is making major mistakes fighting for control and shareholder majority at Forrester Creations. Katie knows Brooke is easily distracted by her romantic history, the whiff of guilt for predatory sexual behavior, and any plans she doesn't organize herself. RJ is on a mission to deep six $Bill and put his parents marriage back together again. He's annoying, but doing a pretty good job of nagging them about their glorious past DESTINY. Brooke is conflicted, but considering her options. Ridge is struggling with losing his marriage to Caroline, his failure to take over FC, dissent in the Forrester ranks for making company issues worse, and he appreciates Brooke's continued confidence in his actions to "protect" Eric and FC from Quinn -- Her support warms his cockles.

^^^That makes Katie's pot-stirring all worthwhile. Katie redirects Ridge's self-serving plan using her to get $Bill's 12.5% of FC in her divorce settlement by forcing his options to collude with Brooke to marry $Bill to gain the FC stock, while alluding to Ridge's former DESTINY with Brooke.

Jealousy. Desperation. Greed. Lust. Conflicted loyalties. It all works in Katie's favor.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I'm with you, RuntheTable - with your entire post in fact.

I want to especially take a moment to applaud your comments regarding Katie.

Fuck her and the high horse she rode in on. 

She and Bill are OVER. Divorced. Finished. Finito. Roll the credits and show that sunset fading into black.

So no, she does not get to continue to poke the bear ($ Bill) anymore. They are not married anymore. They are not a couple. They are co-parenting Will. That is all. It is none of Katie's business anymore what he does or whom he does it with or why or when or how. NONE. Period. 

And as far as what happened in their marriage, clearly, Bill holds a good amount of the blame for its demise, not once, but twice, but Katie owns her fair share of blame as well. I don't condone Bill cheating with Brooke, but what's done is done and the marriage is over so he can do as he pleases. So can she and for all her crowing like the rooster about how she's better than she's ever been and doing a very pale imitation of Beyonce's "Irreplaceable," Bill is the one who is actually walking the talk. 

Plus, why does Katie get to continue to whine and moan and rake Bill over the coals regarding Brooke? When Katie can turn back time and be read for filth and treated like the town pariah for cheating with Nick, her niece's husband, the same niece who was working day and night to find a cure for Katie's heart condition, learning too late that Katie was getting healing of her own - the sexual healing variety, when we can go back and let Katie be lambasted by Brooke for cheating with Ridge behind her back, including faking a heart attack to break up their wedding., then we can talk about Katie being judge and jury over her EX-husband and sister. So as far as I'm concerned? She can shut her sourpuss trap for good because girlfriend has ZERO leg to stand on.

While she was still married to Bill, absolutely, but they are finished and she needs to move on and grow the fuck up.

But she won't because she never has, not when she has a parade of folks to fall for her crybaby, oh, my heart act (and seriously, Stormy died so this bitch could live?) and continue to bottle feed and diaper her chapped ass.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Why isn't RJ in school? He left his boarding school, but there's no indication he's matriculating anywhere.  Not a fan of the actor - he seems very mannered.

If for one minute, the writers made Ridge have a moment of self-introspection to see exactly why he seems so threatened by Quinn, then maybe I could forgive him for the way he is treating her.  Maybe it's his Marone blood making him insecure.  But there's no indication of that.

I do think in the right circumstances RS and TK would have been interesting together, but TK seems to have lost his romantic mojo.  That would have been an interesting storyline - Ridge in a mid-life crisis, realizing that after all these women he's basically alone.  Too complicated a storyline for these writers, I guess.

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26 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

She and Bill are OVER. Divorced. Finished. Finito. Roll the credits and show that sunset fading into black.

So no, she does not get to continue to poke the bear ($ Bill) anymore.

Precisely!  Plus, she doesn't get to stick that nosiest nose that ever nosed into Ridge's life, egging him on about getting back together with Brooke.  For someone who is doing so "great" she sure comes across as jealous & insecure, no matter how often she contorts her face into "smug".

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Cupid Stunt and CountryGirl I value both of your opinions, but in the case of Katie, I have to agree with CountryGirl. What really surprises me, is that Katie has become nearly as polarizing a character as Brooke. Try as I might, I just can't muster up any sympathy for the her though. During the first go round of Bill/Brooke I was on Katie's side, not only because I think Brooke behaved badly, but because I didn't want to see her with Bill. I have waited nearly thirty years for Brooke to find some lasting happiness with a man who would adore her, and I just didn't see that in Bill. And of course there was Katie and her marriage. Many times I was furious with Brooke during that period; but in the end, and after SpyCamGate, Bill made his decision and went to Monte Carlo to find Brooke. From that point on I was a Brill shipper. 

Katie's mistake was taking Bill back. She must have known that Bill wasn't over her sister. No man ever truly gets over Brooke and Bill is no different. So for me, she set herself up to be hurt. Maybe Brooke shouldn't have confessed her feelings to Bill. No harm would have come from it if Katie hadn't overheard, but plot points and all. Even so, Brooke didn't act upon it; that was all Bill, who stalked Brooke like his life depended on it. And all this gaslighting stuff? I don't buy it. Katie has always been a bit rattled in the head, and her imagination was running wild before anything actually happened between Bill and Brooke. 

Katie has always been jealous of her two older sisters, but you can't blame Brooke and Donna for that. Brooke was like a mother to Katie in the beginning, and took care of her sisters, the house, as well as going to school and helping her mom in the catering business. Later, after Brooke had taken control of FC's, Katie enjoyed the fruits of Brooke's labors without complaint. 

Outside of that, Katie was never right for Bill. She said in her wedding vows that she would love him for who he was and would never attempt to change him. But that is all she did. Stop drinking. No motorcycles. No manly stuff. No this. No that. She became a fishwife, and that is not the type of woman Bill wants. 

At the end of the day, Katie signed on the dotted line, and so doing has removed herself from Bill's life outside of co-parenting Will. She has no business sashaying into Bill's office and grilling him about his plans with her sister. Nor does she have any business stoking Ridge's dead flames about Brooke. And this is what pisses me off about Katie. She is so passive aggressive. She would willingly screw up anyone's life to get back at Bill. Just like when she sic'd Bill on Ridge when she found out about Caroline. She has also proven she can't be trusted on numerous occasions, most recently by interjecting herself in Ridge's marriage by flapping her gums about Douglas. She is running all over LA trying to stir the pot and get Ridge riled up about Bill and Bill riled up about Ridge. But it won't work. Ridge wants those shares more than he has ever wanted Brooke, so she is just collateral damage in his game to win control of all things Forrester. Once he regains the throne, then he might turn his attention to breaking up Brooke and Bill, but that is an agenda that can wait. 

The last time Katie was with Bill she claimed to be this new woman with a new game plan. She had moved out of the house and was starting a new life. She and Bill had probably the realest conversation they have ever had. But just a few weeks later she has reverted to form, and wants to destroy everyone else's chance at happiness. Just come out and say it and stop with all the cat and mouse shit. The character is beyond annoying. 

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Again, wordRuntheTable.

Katie needs to get a life and get a man of her own. Maybe a little sexual healing (from Deacon or Liam or LDG) could help her take the stick out of her ass, the lemonheads out of her mouth, and give her something to do in her life of obvious boredom that she's left to keep honing her penchant for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

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Oh, Eric, Sweetie, do not sell yourself short. You are way, way, way prettier than Steffy, & far less plastic. You are a silver fox, with the attitude to match, recently. One little suggestion, though, you might wanna get rid of Carter when it comes to your personal business. He doesn't necessarily stand up for his paying-client if his wannabe-bestie asks him to do him a little favor, legal or not, & if Quinn was truly vindictive, Carter might be facing disbarment (I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds like something that legit might happen in real life). Maybe just find another lawyer. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

and seriously, Stormy died so this bitch could live?

On a tangent, what a complete waste it was to kill off the character. Given his previous relationship with Taylor, they could've rekindled the old flame after the Thaylor fell apart....or kept him on retainer to bring back to mix it up with Jackie or Quinn or to clean Ridge's clock every so often. Or hell, even put a foot up Rick's entitled ass.

But word to everything RuntheTable said about Katie. It's not even that she holds grudges that gets me, but like Maya, she lacks any ability to reflect on her own life on top of being a sanctimonious windbag.

You know the one woman that had the ability to move on with grace and dignity? Bridget. That chick was the closest thing to a true saint on any of the shows I follow. She didn't continue to snark at Deacon and even quit Forrester after the affair came out to avoid Brooke. It wasn't till Brooke got shot by Sheila that she began to patch shit up, mostly at Eric's urging. Likewise with Nick; I don't think she ever instigated a single one of their many, many ill fated reunions.

Gimme more of this, show. Let women move on from their shitty ass men. Yes, that includes Steffy too. Bitch is named after a strong willed woman who didn't suffer fools like Liam lightly, and should start acting like it.

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I really miss Bridget (as portrayed by Ashley Jones) for the reasons Anna Yolei articulated so well. Outside of the Ridget storyline (there isn't enough brain bleach in the world to make me forget that nastiness nor Jennifer Finnegan's pimping of this storyline), Bridget has been the epitome of taking the high road and showing what unconditional love and forgiveness are all about. I wish AJ could return as she is really needed on the show right now. 

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59 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Oh, Eric, Sweetie, do not sell yourself short. You are way, way, way prettier than Steffy, & far less plastic. You are a silver fox, with the attitude to match, recently.

Eric Forrester is the best romantic lead on this show.  He is handsome, loving, compassionate, rich, humble, intelligent, artistic and sexy as hell.  

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

I'm with you, RuntheTable - with your entire post in fact.

I want to especially take a moment to applaud your comments regarding Katie.

Fuck her and the high horse she rode in on. 

She and Bill are OVER. Divorced. Finished. Finito. Roll the credits and show that sunset fading into black.

So no, she does not get to continue to poke the bear ($ Bill) anymore. They are not married anymore. They are not a couple. They are co-parenting Will. That is all. It is none of Katie's business anymore what he does or whom he does it with or why or when or how. NONE. Period. 

And as far as what happened in their marriage, clearly, Bill holds a good amount of the blame for its demise, not once, but twice, but Katie owns her fair share of blame as well. I don't condone Bill cheating with Brooke, but what's done is done and the marriage is over so he can do as he pleases. So can she and for all her crowing like the rooster about how she's better than she's ever been and doing a very pale imitation of Beyonce's "Irreplaceable," Bill is the one who is actually walking the talk. 

Plus, why does Katie get to continue to whine and moan and rake Bill over the coals regarding Brooke? When Katie can turn back time and be read for filth and treated like the town pariah for cheating with Nick, her niece's husband, the same niece who was working day and night to find a cure for Katie's heart condition, learning too late that Katie was getting healing of her own - the sexual healing variety, when we can go back and let Katie be lambasted by Brooke for cheating with Ridge behind her back, including faking a heart attack to break up their wedding., then we can talk about Katie being judge and jury over her EX-husband and sister. So as far as I'm concerned? She can shut her sourpuss trap for good because girlfriend has ZERO leg to stand on.

While she was still married to Bill, absolutely, but they are finished and she needs to move on and grow the fuck up.

But she won't because she never has, not when she has a parade of folks to fall for her crybaby, oh, my heart act (and seriously, Stormy died so this bitch could live?) and continue to bottle feed and diaper her chapped ass.

Nothing is ever done and over with the Logan's, the Forrester's or the Spencer's; it just cycles back around, including the dialog. TIIC would have nothing to write and produce on B&B if they didn't wring out another old SL, tired romantic triangle, company coup, unnecessary wedding/divorce/funeral, or WTD SL.

No one on B&B has clean hands, particularly Katie. Katie is insecure, spiteful, neurotic, living with the nightmare of her brother's heart in her chest, and the failure to recognize a bad personal decision with far reaching consequences. With full knowledge, she twice married a man who was only interested in satisfying his ego, ending up crying all the way to the bank. 

Katie does have a good reason to disturb the surface of $Bill shallow demeanor of confidence ... Will. She has a practical and vested interest in shielding her son from the worst of $Bill's behavior and personality. Katie also has no evidence that Brooke will treat Will better than she treated Katie, after so many broken promises and lies. History indicates that an alley cat has more maternal instinct to protect her young than Brooke ever has shown for her own children, and she's only made weak objections when they were on the receiving end of $Bill's anger. Ask Hope how hard $Bill worked to stop her relationship with Liam. RJ is already on $Bill's shit list, and things will only get worse with a marriage.

I see Katie as a replacement for Stephanie. She's got all the neurotic and "nasty woman" justification she needs to stir shit and manipulate the easily distracted weaklings she's surrounded by. Katie is in a good position to reach out and poison someone's viewpoint amongst the families. She has a sympathetic ear with Liam and Wyatt, and in regular contact with $Bill for Will's benefit. RJ is sympathetic to her, and an easy mark for pushing Katie's agenda. She's still friendly with Ridge, and he can be steered with little effort. Rick ought to be a good ally (hating both Ridge and $Bill). Brooke wants to make Happy Logan Sister's again out of guilt. I find Donna aligning herself with $Bill's wedding plans with Brooke a convenient rewrite of history, but she's a dimwit and can be fooled with a laser pointer. 

Ridge is a sodden book of matches in comparison to the incandescently vengeful Stephanie Forrester; everything he's done to secure personal control of FC has been a ridiculous failure, exposing the company and himself to legal action. Ridge has no follow-though and is engaged in threatening Quinn when she holds the upper hand and Eric is disgusted with his behavior. $Bill is his usual self-absorbed asshat, very busy sating his appetites. Steffy's schtupping her brother-in-law and lying to herself about why she's schtupping her brother-in-law and lying to herself, while ignoring her recovering beloved grandfather -- Steffy's occupied.

Other than Katie (I think HT is more than up to the task), there's no one on Show that can organize the focused rage, gumption or intellect to take over the long-vacant position of Medusa that Stephanie left behind ... Sharks gotta' swim. Bats gotta' fly.

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From rags to riches, Wyatt has surely hit the jackpot with two billionaire fathers.  Hey Liam, hey Steffy, stick that where the sun don't shine.  Since Steffy and Wyatt are not blood Foresters, I would say that son should  out trump granddaughter.  

And now Donna has joined the chorus of Quinn detractors but yet she comes to see Bill before Eric who she still loves. 

Thank god the marriage is now legal and the family can eat shit and die.  The king, the queen, and the white knight will protect the castle from the evil black knight and the wench. 

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The last time Katie was with Bill she claimed to be this new woman with a new game plan. She had moved out of the house and was starting a new life. She and Bill had probably the realest conversation they have ever had. But just a few weeks later she has reverted to form, and wants to destroy everyone else's chance at happiness. Just come out and say it and stop with all the cat and mouse shit. The character is beyond annoying. 

No argument. How Katie is written, whipsawing from "It's all good. Follow your erection." to "Neener Neener, $Bill didn't seal the deal!" is no different than Steffy deciding to go back to Wyatt ... Nope, Nope, you betrayed me and now I'm in mortal danger with Quinn in control of my family ... Let's wait, Liam. We need to be respectful of my husband, Wyatt ... Nope, Nope, gotta' fuck you now!

Fishanwitt said it best, somewhere: "Hypocrites screaming at hypocrites about being hypocrites."

They're all annoying.

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19 hours ago, grisgris said:


Hey, what was with the Awkward Push-ups (!?) That Ridge was doing on his desk today right before he grabbed Brooke by the head and almost knocked her teeth out with his face? Bizzare.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Again, wordRuntheTable.

Katie needs to get a life and get a man of her own. Maybe a little sexual healing (from Deacon or Liam or LDG) could help her take the stick out of her ass, the lemonheads out of her mouth, and give her something to do in her life of obvious boredom that she's left to keep honing her penchant for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

Hmmm ... Candidates for sexually healing Katie:

Deacon with Katie could make for an interesting couple; she does all the plotting and insinuating, and Deacon does the dirty work. Deacon is very good at that.

Liam has his heart's desire back and is in fuck with Steffy -- No joy.

Wyatt is in mourning over Steffy, and moving in with Quinn and Eric. I loved how Eric embraced Wyatt as a son, and empathizing with his pain losing Steffy for no good reason other than she wanted out of their marriage.

Ridge is befuddled, bumbling, wrinkled, greazy and upset Brooke is going to marry $Bill, so he's busy juggling jealousy, sexual tension and his grinding ambition of gaining the FC stock to kick Eric to the curb.

Thomas is Misunderstood. I wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy or Katie. 

Carter is an untrustworthy and treacherous meat puppet and should lose his law license after conspiring with Ridge and Steffy to defraud Quinn and Eric of the new POA.

Zende is busy boring Nicole. That's where he should stay.

LDG is keeping a wide berth away from all Logan/Forrester/Spencer wimminfolk -- They all be pathetic.

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Wyatt living at Chateau Forrester should really chap Puffy's nasty hide!

The writers should have had Carter apologize. Having him sashay in as if he hadn't committed legal malpractice was ridiculous. 

I was waiting for the lovebirds to make it legal! So glad Wyatt was there. Loved Eric calling him "son."

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2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

"Hypocrites screaming at hypocrites about being hypocrites."


2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

They're all annoying.

Now THESE are statements nobody can disagree with :)

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4 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Eric Forrester is the best romantic lead on this show.  He is handsome, loving, compassionate, rich, humble, intelligent, artistic and sexy as hell.  

CHURCH!  HE is the main, and recently, only reason I watch Show.

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1 hour ago, pianogirl73 said:

Are there 2 different sets of writers writing for Wyatt? One day he's raging at Quinn for ruining his life and the next he's thanking Eric for accepting his mother. Did I miss something?

I think it's one of those things where he knows he can rage at his mother, because she loves him and she'll take it, but he loves her, and he is actually happy for her that she has someone like Eric who loves her like this.  I think a lot of people tend to take their pain out on people who they know can take it, and who will love them just the same after the venting.  

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Yuck. So what was that kiss all about anyway? Ridge-Pen lunged at Brooke like he was trying to sack a quarterback or something.  It made me cringe and think how there would be no way that RM would steal a kiss in such a manner. I'm glad that Brooke was unresponsive. I wish she'd slapped him or pointed wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand afterward. I think that was KKL was shining through full-force with Brooke's repeated insistence that she loved Bill and Ridge needed to take a few seats. Not. Going. To. Happen. Greaser.

What in the fresh hell  was slime-ball babbling on about anyway? So now he's trying to script Brooke's life (again.) She's supposed to marry Bill, grab the FC shares, divorce him, THEN what? Does Ridge want her back? I think he is so blindly obsessed with frustration (on all levels) that the one-track agenda has spilled over into other lanes.

So what's the point of bringing Donna back?  And why was she in visiting Bill at his office? I picked up on a faint something like Donna didn't approve of Quinn (Has she even met Quinn?) Maybe she was going to make a play to get Eric away from her. I thought Donna tried a few times post-divorce and Eric (surprisingly) didn't bite.  Anyway.  Good luck with that in going up against Quinn. Sorry. I don't care for the character. She's a dumb as a box of rocks. I did think that JG looked great, though. She's aging well and if she's had any "work" done, it's very subtle and attractive. 

If they had to bring another Logan back, how about Stephen? I wouldn't mind seeing Patrick Duffy back on my TV screen! 

Re: Katie. I think that she has some type of serious mental illness beyond depression, especially with the delusions and paranoia, which she's had when she's sober, as well as drunk. (Outside of PPD.) She's like Steffy in that she never ever seems quite happy and always on edge about something -- wound too tightly.  Neither one of them can ever be happy for somebody else. It's Me! Me! ME! 

I was waiting for Chickenhead to choke up and call Eric, "Dad."

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No he didn't! I cannot believe he put his grimy hands and greasy pork fried lips on my girl. Worse still was the whole hide and seek game he was playing with Brooke's emotions, but that is standard Ridge. He has always enjoyed toying with Brooke's feelings, and yesterday was no different. Casting out the line of "maybe", then reeling it back real quick like. So, his intentions are now perfectly clear. It was bad enough that he got on board for a Brooke/Bill wedding if it meant he would get Bill's FC's shares, but now he wants Brooke to marry Bill, get him the shares, and then cut and run from Bill? Well, if that isn't pimping Brooke out I don't know what is. I wish Brooke would be allowed to lay voice to that. I wish Brooke would be allowed to lay voice to so many things that are wrong with Ridge's treatment of her. His toy, his puppet, his bargaining chip; what about the love of your life? Why did it take RJ's return to spark all these memories? You see Brooke all the time, and more so lately with all your unannounced visits for breakfast, lunch, brunch and dinner. You know, when you just show up on Brooke's doorstep, and cheerily sit at her kitchen island watching her perform her domestic goddess duties for you. Ridge is simply insufferable. I cannot express how thrilled I was that Brooke did not share in Ridge's kiss. No hugging. No passion. Only confusion. Just a few years ago she would have not only kissed Ridge back with aplomb, but would have had him on the CEO desk for some hot sex. Brooke has never been able to resist Ridge and the fact that she wanted none of that gives me great hope. 

I was a little choked up for Wyatt. The guy has been the shows male punching bag for pretty much his entire run. His one misstep; messing with Nicole to get the dirt on Maya wasn't even his doing, but was driven by his dad and brother. Is Eric going to cut Ridge out for Wyatt? That feeling that something big is coming is still with me, and the turn of events with Quinn and Wyatt are only compounding it. Will Wyatt be running FC's in Eric's absence? Quinn doesn't seem the least bit interested in it, but Wyatt is ambitious, and he will never measure up to the Waffle at SP's or in Bill's eyes. Oh, how I hope the Fuller's, now Forresters, come out front and center so I can watch the Fucking Heaux and the Heaux Fucker's eye's pop outta there overly inflated heads. 

And of course the Beach House will now be vacant for Thomas and Caroline since the loft isn't appropriate for a baby.

Donna returns and goes to see...........Bill? 

I am disappointed that Eric didn't call Carter out for his sabotage. I don't know how he can trust him now, but I am glad the legalities of Quinn and Eric's marriage have been settled. 

I am also disappointed that Brooke was ok with Ridge badgering a recovering Eric about signing a new POA. Maybe if she had been there and seen how disrespectful Ridge was being and how it upset Eric. I don't know what I will do if Brooke caves and gives those shares to Ridge. 

Floved everyone's dresses today! Brooke, Quinn and Donna all looked spectacular. 

10 hours ago, grisgris said:

So what's the point of bringing Donna back?  And why was she in visiting Bill at his office? I picked up on a faint something like Donna didn't approve of Quinn (Has she even met Quinn?

Yes, very early on they were toying with Quinn/Eric, and during Thanksgiving dinner they showed Quinn stalking Donna at the Forrester Manse, giving her the look of death. 


16 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

"It's all good. Follow your erection."

Well now, that is just hilarious.

Edited by RuntheTable
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What a bunch of BS on Liam and Steffy. She says she wants to maintain the integrity of her marriage but she falls into bed with Waffles.  Give me a freaking break.  What would be great is if Eric would make Wyatt the new President of Forrester.  Wouldn't that beat all, including Ridge and Rickster?  

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