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S04.E06: Lost Souls

Tara Ariano
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So, it's possible, I'm still laughing at Felicity referring to Ray as a tater tot and Cheeto.  Then again I missed lunch so I may just be hungry and it's not that funny.  But either way, Ray will forevermore be known as Cheeto Palmer which I think has a nicer ring to it than Tater Tot Palmer.


It is also possible that I watched the Diggle/Oliver scene more than is healthy.  I'm just so happy to have them back.  Diggle/Oliver was my first ship on the show and I need more scenes with them (preferably shirtless on matching salmon ladders), but really any bromance  scenes will do.


Bye Sara. Have fun is Center City. Watch out for doppelgangers from Earth2 and try not to kill anyone.


Thea, you should go out with your brother's campaign manager.  He's cute and what could possibly go wrong? Pfft, what's a little bloodlust.


Mama Smoak, sorry Felicity wasn't happy to see you at first, but  I was.  Stick around for awhile because I need more Oliver/Donna stuff in my life especially if they involve cooking and emojis.  Oliver needs a mother figure. RIP Moira forever.


The Felicity/Donna scene in the bedroom was beautifully done.  Those two convey the mother/daughter relationship with all its up and downs so well.


Dear Felicity, you of all people should not be referring to someone as Chatty Cathy. I remember you oversharing information even if you don't. Just saying.


Damian you are officially my favorite villain.  Snarky, but also able to throw temper tantrums at any moment.


Confession time.  I don't hate the flashbacks. 


I enjoyed watching Oliver/Felicity navigate this bump in the road of their relationship.  Yes, Felicity was behaving badly, but I think she knows she was out of line.  Maybe the final scene would have worked better if she actually said I'm sorry, but I got the apology that was implied by the dialogue she did have. 


Also SA does the kicked puppy look so well that anyone would look like a monster for snapping at him.  I mean really that sad smile when he told Felicity he would give her some space, that look shouldn't be legal.


I feel like shirtless Oliver laying in bed, writing in a journal, should be how we end every episode now.  For...you know... totally narrative reasons, of course. ;)

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I can barely read my own writing as it is. I tried writing like that once and it came out...I don't know, I guess it you could call it angry scribbling. If Oliver can write legibly like that more power to him.

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Also SA does the kicked puppy look so well that anyone would look like a monster for snapping at him. I mean really that sad smile when he told Felicity he would give her some space, that look shouldn't be legal.

I feel like shirtless Oliver laying in bed, writing in a journal, should be how we end every episode now. For...you know... totally narrative reasons, of course. ;)

SA's sad puppy look is expert level. It had me feeling sorry for Oliver last season, even when he was making his own mess with his bad decisions, so to see him look like that when he didn't actually do anything wrong was heartbreaking.

That shirtless lounging on the bed scene, though. More of that, please. Gotta get their money's worth from building a new set, right?

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Since they gave Cisco a Tumblr over on Flash -- Arrow needs to give Oliver a Pinterest STAT.


I am fully against Arrow giving Oliver a Pinterest because it'll just be full of photos of food :p 


"Made this spectacular Paella today" 


"Guess who baked this wedding cake?"


"Souffles - Round 2"

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That's exactly why I am for it. I love food, I love Oliver.


lol it'll just make me super hungry!


Or an Etsy store so he can make little baby jewelry, ala Baby Sara's arrow necklace!


Sorry, but that necklace was just dangerous for a baby! :p Bad call Oliver. 

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Basically OQ is a domestic God and that needs to be acknowledged. Recipes, housekeeping, arts & crafts and exercise advice. Who would have thunk that 5 months of domestic bliss would change the carefee playboy into Domestic God especially after 5 years of torture?


I really want him to become the Mayor. But next season, I would love for OQ to take over his rightful place as the next Rachel Ray, Oprah or Martha Stewart. Perhaps this journal is his Idea book. OQ saving the residents of SC by night and day one recipe or TV segment at a time.

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Basically OQ is a domestic God and that needs to be acknowledged. Recipes, housekeeping, arts & crafts and exercise advice. Who would have thunk that 5 months of domestic bliss would change the carefee playboy into Domestic God especially after 5 years of torture?

I really want him to become the Mayor. But next season, I would love for OQ to take over his rightful place as the next Rachel Ray, Oprah or Martha Stewart. Perhaps this journal is his Idea book. OQ saving the residents of SC by night and day one recipe or TV segment at a time.

He also built the Arrow Cave 1.0 by himself, and designed Arrow Cave 3.0, so he can give remodeling tips too. HGTV and Food Network would fight over him.
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I am fully against Arrow giving Oliver a Pinterest because it'll just be full of photos of food :p 


"Made this spectacular Paella today" 


"Guess who baked this wedding cake?"


"Souffles - Round 2"


Haha. I'm THAT person who basically only posts pictures of food on Instagram, so I ~relate a lot.

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I don't know how I inadvertantly stumbled upon Scandal starring Felicity Smoak as Olivia Pope barking out orders to the president. This show really has jumped the shark. It might be because I'm a huge Chloe Sullivan fan but I don't remember her ever upstaging Clark Kent this much. The dude is relegated to talking chicken recipes with her annoying (yet gorgeous (The Heights and DOOL hey hey!!) mother and begging her to talk about her feelings. They've switched, Felicity is Oliver and Oliver is Felicity, Felicity even got the important speech about guilt dropping her responsibilities to live in paradise with him that I hoped so much that OLIVER would get.


They couldn't make it any more obvious that Felicity is the new lead of the show, the only way Oliver managed to retain his screentime was those godforsaken stupid as fuck flashbacks that nobody (I'm presuming here) needs or would miss should they fucking get rid of their redundant selves. Even when I watch Arrow on CTV the screencap in the title is of Felicity Smoak, Jesus Christ. Well at least when LoT comes on I won't have to watch it anymore, I'll miss Speedy, Laurel and the Diggle fam of course and their interactions with Sara, I'll also missthis Damien Darkh (sp) who is of particular creepy interest. 


Speaking of Sara, some 2 minute scene tacked onto an episode is all I get after waiting a whole season for her resurrection? I realize they are saving a lot for LoT and possibly The Flash but damn. With Thea, Lance, Laurel and Oliver all there, there was so much more to mine and don't even get me started on how blase Oliver was about seeing her again after she'd been fucking DEAD! If I somehow managed to magically come back to life after my ex's sister offed me on subliminal orders from a father we all warned her against you better believe he'd better have a stronger reaction than a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders or whatever passed for that in these past few episodes.  


It seems the writers are getting worse and worse at writing relationships. They fucking nailed it last episode when Laurel dragged Oliver for not giving a fuck about her family but now his ex (whom his sister killed all as part of an elaborate plan to get HIS help aka the girl who said "No woman should suffer at the hands of a man" was FRIDGED) comes back from the dead and he can't even spare a five minute heart-to-heart and some rah-rah you can do it crap. He gave more to The Huntress (of which they are still my OTP btw) and he'd known her all of two days and she SHOT his mother, I mean C'MON!!


This show had emotions alright but none of them did I give a shit about, I'm #sorrynotsorry but the A-story last year was not Ray Palmer's death or Felicity's feelings about it which she basically brushed off at the time it was Sara's death and how it affected EVERYBODY. Frankly I truly dig Ray Palmer and adore BR (which is one reason why I already love LoT) but the writing and plotting were simply not there to waste an entire episode on Felicity's boring feelings of guilt about the fucking Atom. Not to say the feelings didn't make sense, they would have if they planted the seed 6months ago and frankly the payoff in the episode should have been with Sara and everyone in relationship to Sara's return as they were rescuing The Atom, or just wait an episode to rescue him. 


I mean the entire SEASON last year spiralled into a pit of despair because of everything that happened with Sara, that and only that is where the main focus should have been in this episode, I understand they need to lay the groundwork for LoT and I'm more excited about it than anybody but it could have waited until AFTER the Sara Lance payoff. Considering all the relationships she's built with Laurel, Oliver, Lance, Nyssa, Sin, Diggle, Thea, Felicity and even Roy, it was a truly wasted opportunity. Absolutely disappointed.

Edited by slayer2
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I'm still not convinced that Oliver really killed Vlad. He might have just used his trick of faking death and this way, he'll slowly be "killing" the slaves while stashing them away in the cave. If he did, well, it was self-defense, so I'm not bothered. The thing I found most confusing during that segment was Conklin's reaction. Conklin has been shown as a mean SOB, yet he's clutching his pearls, all how dare you, that Oliver offed one of the slaves. What?


Somebody asked many posts ago what Poppy did for food. Oliver gave her a crash course in berry gathering when he brought her to the cave. 

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I'm still not convinced that Oliver really killed Vlad. He might have just used his trick of faking death and this way, he'll slowly be "killing" the slaves while stashing them away in the cave.


Oooooh. This needs to happen. The potential for hilarity would make the flashbacks way more interesting.

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I mean the entire SEASON last year spiralled into a pit of despair because of everything that happened with Sara, that and only that is where the main focus should have been in this episode,


For what it's worth, there was a massive logistics problem going on here. The LoT pilot started filming the same day as 406 started filming. They had 1-2 days max of availability for both Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh to film Arrow. And that inevitably meant limited screen time and story focus for both characters in this episode.

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For what it's worth, there was a massive logistics problem going on here. The LoT pilot started filming the same day as 406 started filming. They had 1-2 days max of availability for both Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh to film Arrow. And that inevitably meant limited screen time and story focus for both characters in this episode.


I also think they only thought as far as getting Sara and Ray back and nothing about the emotional fallout which is another reason why I'm ready for Legends to be set-up already. 

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Does anyone write the way Oliver did? I prefer placing the book/paper on a flat surface. He was basically sky writing.

. The biggest problem with writing upside down like that is gravity. The ink quickly travels the wrong way and you CAN'T write anymore (unless you have the Seinfeld space pen)

For what it's worth, there was a massive logistics problem going on here. The LoT pilot started filming the same day as 406 started filming. They had 1-2 days max of availability for both Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh to film Arrow. And that inevitably meant limited screen time and story focus for both characters in this episode.

. Except Turns out Ray is in next week's episode. Surprised me too.
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I also think they only thought as far as getting Sara and Ray back and nothing about the emotional fallout which is another reason why I'm ready for Legends to be set-up already. 


It's probably both. By the time this script was being broken, they already knew when LoT was gonna start filming because those production dates have to be set with the city of Vancouver, and the British Columbia Film Commission, in advance.


The Arrow prod office had to be working together with the LoT prod office in figuring out how to finagle casting calls for Caity and Routh for the pilot + Arrow 406. And 1. LoT gets priority on their regular cast, and 2. the writers knew going in they had a small amount of scenes they could write Sara and Palmer into this episode. Hence making it an episode about a character that was available for the full shoot.


Of course the quality of the scenes could be something else altogether, but as we've previously discussed, Sara was made into a plot device in Laurel's storyline, and it turned out that Palmer was also used as a device into Felicity + O/F's story.


Now that I think about it, it's not even an unusual choice to make if you have limited actor availability -- if you don't have the time to tell that particular character's story, make them affect someone else's plot.

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I enjoyed this episode quite a bit  - even with Ray which surprised me.  Was thrilled we finally got to hear some POV from Felicity.  She was harsh but given the circumstances it made sense and she recognized at the end that she was out of line.  I am not put off by how short she was with Oliver - if it continues, or if the next time he is short with her she is not understanding like he was, then I will have an issue. 


Loved the Diggle and Oliver interaction and choose to believe that Diggle's "what looks good on paper isn't what works in real life" comment was meant to be at least a  semi-meta statement on a few things on the show. 

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I also think they only thought as far as getting Sara and Ray back and nothing about the emotional fallout which is another reason why I'm ready for Legends to be set-up already. 


But how could they do that knowing they'd been wanking on about how last season was all about the fallout from Sara and they basically only gave us two minutes to wrap it all up. How are they this bad at this?

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That's why I really don't get the complaint about the LoT set up taking over the show. Yes, Sara and Ray were brought back for LoT, however their storlines were never about them, they were about the Arrow characters. Sara's story was about Laurel and Thea and Ray's was about Felicity. The Arrow characters were the main focus, it was for their character development. And yes, if they didn't need to set up LoT they may have different storylines or maybe they wouldn't. We'll never know. They could've had season 3 level stupid stories for them without having Legends to set up. 


Felicity's character and Olicity progressed big time with a tiny part of it left for Ray (yes, the pun was intended). Laurel while derailing even further (probably not their intention) the storyline was for her, partially for Thea and the left over bit for Sara. They didn't really take away from the characters on Arrow. Sara never even got a POV so I can't call that storyline being about her or having anything really do with her going to LoT. She was brought back to life and that's about it. 

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But how could they do that knowing they'd been wanking on about how last season was all about the fallout from Sara and they basically only gave us two minutes to wrap it all up. How are they this bad at this?


It's not wrapped up, though. What they're hoping is that you and everyone else will be curious enough about what happens to Sara that you'll tune into LoT to find out. We were never going to get closure for her on this show, although after 3 eps that dealt with resurrecting her/restoring her soul, they probably should've done a little more. Maybe some of it'll be covered in the crossover. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm rewatching the episode again, and truth is, my weird fear of Brandon Routh's face aside, I actually have no complains about how they used Palmer in this episode, so in the LoT set up scale of problematics, I only really had a gajillion complaints about how they brought Sara back. Because Laurel.


Pending a possible revision next week when Palmer is still around.

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But how could they do that knowing they'd been wanking on about how last season was all about the fallout from Sara and they basically only gave us two minutes to wrap it all up. How are they this bad at this?


Quite easily. LOL. You saw season 3.


I really don't think they care about the fallout. Their creativity was limited to making sure Sara and Ray were back. I can't see them thinking beyond that. They also probably thought showing Sara struggling with her bloodlust and saying goodbye to her sister was enough for now and they're saving the rest for Legends. 


Also, to be fair, they could have made Sara's resurrection less about Laurel in 405 and more about Sara but they didn't. So they didn't really use their time as best as they could have done.

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Quite easily. LOL. You saw season 3.



True. But I doubt Thea will be on LoT and there was still family stuff to deal with with Laurel and Lance and frankly Oliver and her had unfinished business and they could have lightly brushed the subject of Nyssa and Sin, even if they were just saving it for LoT, I mean.... it doesn't take much.

It's not wrapped up, though. What they're hoping is that you and everyone else will be curious enough about what happens to Sara that you'll tune into LoT to find out. We were never going to get closure for her on this show, although after 3 eps that dealt with resurrecting her/restoring her soul, they probably should've done a little more. Maybe some of it'll be covered in the crossover. 


But they just went all business as usual, maybe I'm just too acclimatized to the Whedonverse but when people come back from the dead there ought to be more fanfare or even a grunt or nod from Oliver about how good it is to have her back in the field. It just sucked. It was like (with the exception of Sara, Laurel and Thea) Sara and everyone else were strangers.

Edited by slayer2
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But they just went all business as usual, maybe I'm just to acclimatized to the Whedonverse but when people come back from the dead there ought to be more fanfare or even a grunt or nod from Oliver about how good it is to have her back in the field. It just sucked. It was like (with the exception of Sara, Laurel and Thea) Sara and everyone else were strangers.


Yeah, it was strangely devoid of any kind of emotion. Nothing with them catching her up on what's been going on in their lives since she's been gone. Nothing with Diggle telling her he named his daughter after her. Nothing with Thea about the unfortunate murder she committed. Seems like Sara knows Thea's been in the pit, and it would've been interesting to hear what she thought of Ra's running Thea through. Or the fact that Oliver killed him. Or the fact that Malcolm is the head of the League and Nyssa is locked up. 


They obviously didn't think past the part where she was living and breathing again.

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I'm still not convinced that Oliver really killed Vlad. He might have just used his trick of faking death and this way, he'll slowly be "killing" the slaves while stashing them away in the cave. If he did, well, it was self-defense, so I'm not bothered. The thing I found most confusing during that segment was Conklin's reaction. Conklin has been shown as a mean SOB, yet he's clutching his pearls, all how dare you, that Oliver offed one of the slaves. What?

I just want a purpose to the flashbacks. I could get on board with fake killing and stashing them in caves. It's not original, but at least its a good story.


It wouldn't even bother me if he did kill Vlad, it was self-defense - but I just want it to mean something. You know?


Why Conklin is all up in arms is beyond me.... maybe the bad guys have a no killing on the beach rule?

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True. But I doubt Thea will be on LoT and there was still family stuff to deal with with Laurel and Lance and frankly Oliver and her had unfinished business and they could have lightly brushed the subject of Nyssa and Sin, even if they were just saving it for LoT, I mean.... it doesn't take much.


Well, I personally hoped for a scene between Sara and Thea after what happened in s3. I do feel like that was needed. But it was also obvious they were like 'Well, Sara's back now, that's done. Now we have to get Ray back in time for the crossover.' And that's on top of setting up the build up to mid season with Diggle and HIVE. So they rushed it.

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Yeah, it was strangely devoid of any kind of emotion. Nothing with them catching her up on what's been going on in their lives since she's been gone. Nothing with Diggle telling her he named his daughter after her. Nothing with Thea about the unfortunate murder she committed. Seems like Sara knows Thea's been in the pit, and it would've been interesting to hear what she thought of Ra's running Thea through. Or the fact that Oliver killed him. Or the fact that Malcolm is the head of the League and Nyssa is locked up. 


They obviously didn't think past the part where she was living and breathing again.



Now I'm even madder (and I realize that's not a word) I mean the very things you mentioned, indicate that they had at least a passing concern for her yet there were no signs whatsoever that she was anything other than a random foot soldier to them. I am soooo sooo gah!

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I was just doing a re-watch, and I wonder how much time Laurel devotes to lighting candles in her apartment every night. They're even in the fireplace. Such dedication to energy conservation. Always trying to save the world, indeed! 

A lot of people with non-functional fireplaces now put candles in their as a decorative thing. It's pretty common. Perhaps they are just getting some good use out of the old NP props.


But LL time management skills are pretty impressive considering how much she is supposed to be doing with her day & night job.

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I mean, it was a good episode but Felicity was a bitch for most of it, and I expected a much bigger payoff for that. 

My kingdom for a universe where woman aren't dubbed "bitchy" for not being 100% perky, upbeat and supportive of the mens 100% of the time. To overquote the parlance, she's "experienced multiple stressors" for a long time now and unlike others she takes responsiblity for her own actions.


I really enjoyed this episode and I have  to say this episode is a step up. I just don't understand why they killed Sara off, brought her back and then dispatched her instantenously from the show? That makes little sense to me.

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I just want a purpose to the flashbacks. I could get on board with fake killing and stashing them in caves. It's not original, but at least its a good story.


It wouldn't even bother me if he did kill Vlad, it was self-defense - but I just want it to mean something. You know?


Why Conklin is all up in arms is beyond me.... maybe the bad guys have a no killing on the beach rule?

If Oliver starts collecting slaves for his cave I will die laughing.


Conklin's jealous because Reiter likes him better.  Which, by the way, I theorized months ago.  I missed some points, though, bc I theorized that Oliver's archery skills would be his in to the kool kidz table with Reiter.


Who volunteers to summarize next week's flashbacks?

My kingdom for a universe where woman aren't dubbed "bitchy" for not being 100% perky, upbeat and supportive of the mens 100% of the time. To overquote the parlance, she's "experienced multiple stressors" for a long time now and unlike others she takes responsiblity for her own actions.


I really enjoyed this episode and I have  to say this episode is a step up. I just don't understand why they killed Sara off, brought her back and then dispatched her instantenously from the show? That makes little sense to me.

People are allowed to see things differently, and as both a woman and a feminist, I stand by my statement. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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The delicacy of how they brought back SL and completely breezed over a lot RP for  plot to me was the writers passive-aggressive way of saying - you may make us bring them back, but we are gonna do it on our terms.


I think all the writers room do get along, but I definitely think there is a competitiveness & sibling rivalry relationship between them. They all love each other, but they definitely feel the need to prove that they can do whatever they want on their own shows. Which is why the crossovers are great, but the mini-crossovers sometimes have slight biases and slants.


The ARROW writers were not happy about having to undo their major death of s3, that they were so proud of - which is why I think they handled SL's story the way they did. As for RP, I think its too early to say how they felt because it looks like we are getting more RP next week. But from my analysis, part of me thinks that they are still bummed they weren't able to spin-off ATOM to his own show, after spending an entire season propping him at the expense of others characters - they probably thought it was high time that he finally serve their characters & plots.

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A lot of people with non-functional fireplaces now put candles in their as a decorative thing. It's pretty common. 


Oh, I know. It's just that they're in the fireplace, they're on the mantel, they're on almost every single surface, like she hit up a clearance sale at Bath and Body works or something. 

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The delicacy of how they brought back SL and completely breezed over a lot RP for  plot to me was the writers passive-aggressive way of saying - you may make us bring them back, but we are gonna do it on our terms.


The ARROW writers were not happy about having to undo their major death of s3, that they were so proud of - which is why I think they handled SL's story the way they did. As for RP, I think its too early to say how they felt because it looks like we are getting more RP next week. But from my analysis, part of me thinks that they are still bummed they weren't able to spin-off ATOM to his own show, after spending an entire season propping him at the expense of others characters - they probably thought it was high time that he finally serve their characters & plots.

Man, if that's right, that is SO unprofessional.


Perhaps they are just getting some good use out of the old NP props.

NO!  By the time Oliver and Felicity were, you know, done, those candles were ALL BURNED DOWN.  DO NOT TELL ME OTHERWISE!  (Hey, I refuse to watch the scene because of my S3 loathing, but I can still appreciate its existence.)

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Man, if that's right, that is SO unprofessional.



I don't think it is right because I'm pretty sure they knew they were developing LoT when they killed off Sara. I doubt it had anything to do with the fans wanting her back why she was brought back, I think they had us running. Which makes it even more ridiculous that after all that fanfare, this episode is all we Sara-lovers got.

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Totally random, I really don't care for their comforter/duvet.


I don't think it is right because I'm pretty sure they knew they were developing LoT when they killed off Sara. I doubt it had anything to do with the fans wanting her back why she was brought back, I think they had us running. Which makes it even more ridiculous that after all that fanfare, this episode is all we Sara-lovers got.

Who knows the real truth, but Caity Lotz unequivocally said that was not the case.  She said she had no conversations at all about coming back when they decided to kill Sara.  And back then they were not developing LoT, they were developing the ATOM show, which the network had no interest in picking up.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Oh, I know. It's just that they're in the fireplace, they're on the mantel, they're on almost every single surface, like she hit up a clearance sale at Bath and Body works or something. 

I really think she just stole them all during her trip to NP :)


Maybe her theft problem has become more problematic. Now she steals identities and decorations. Her and OQ are equals now so she needed a souvenir too. He got to get a new brand. SL & TQ got bloodlust. MM got a job. FS got a BF and Dig got betrayed. Clearly nobody even thought to bring home a "my friend went on vacation and all I got was this t-shirt #NP". So LL took matters into her own hands. Because that's what LL does best.

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Totally random, I really don't care for their comforter/duvet.

The Olicity comforter/duvet? I didn't like it either--wasn't very master-bedroom/LoveLair looking. Was the chevron pattern a subtle nod to arrows? It seemed more like something found in the door room of a college kid with a modicum of taste instead of in the bedroom of a CEO and her DomesticSexGod!

Another minor point--did anybody else notice the romantic Olicity LOVE THEME playing during the Bromance scene?! Awwww.

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Not really unprofessional. Egos are egos. Just look at how FS was written in the FLASH. It wasn't damaging, but it certainly wasn't flattering. Anyway, they did their job and brought back the characters. As of now, they haven't done anything bad to the characters. They have given them mini-clean slates. I feel like the lack of POV from SL & RP maybe be intentional to allow LoT to do whatever they want to do with the characters. The only person that looked bad in SL's resurrection story was LL. Would I have wanted to hear more of SL's POV, of course - but then they couldn't hook me into watching LoT.

Man, if that's right, that is SO unprofessional.

NO!  By the time Oliver and Felicity were, you know, done, those candles were ALL BURNED DOWN.  DO NOT TELL ME OTHERWISE!  (Hey, I refuse to watch the scene because of my S3 loathing, but I can still appreciate its existence.)

Alright fine she raided NP's stash and stole new candles. Those O/F candles would have burnt out after 320.


Totally random, I really don't care for their comforter/duvet.

totally agree - that thing is UGLY!

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The Olicity comforter/duvet? I didn't like it either--wasn't very master-bedroom/LoveLair looking. Was the chevron pattern a subtle nod to arrows? It seemed more like something found in the door room of a college kid with a modicum of taste instead of in the bedroom of a CEO and her DomesticSexGod!

That is it, it was dorm room-style!  

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