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Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)

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On 5/28/2018 at 6:25 AM, Kohola3 said:

Looks like a bunch of junk to me.  Half to toss and half to re-gift to someone you don't like.

They act like crows, attracted to bright, shiny objects.

It reminds me of those cosmetic clubs you would join in the 80s and 90s.  Yes I did join!  A bunch of crap that I couldn't use.  

When I see Janelle's eating attempts it just makes me shake my head.  Rather than going simple healthy, she seems to make weird things that make it harder to stick to in the long run.  I applaud her not getting the fast food but does it really have to be all (burger, fries, shake!) or nothing?  How about making the kids burgers/fries/shakes so at least you are in control of the ingredients and maybe have one yourself but leave the fries and shakes to the kids.  Or here is a novel thought, quit using food as a reward.  Her kids will inherit her unfortunate figure and why not teach THEM good food habits so they aren't a 40+ year old who can't figure it out.

Salsa on a baked potato is FANTASTIC!  Frankly salsa can make anything taste yummy.  I like mixing it with FF sour cream for a taco salad dressing.   

On 5/28/2018 at 6:26 AM, VedaPierce said:

Is she kidding me??? lolololololo! You can have a burger, Janelle!! You can have it without the bun! Or a turkey burger. And I nice salad with tomatos and balsamic on the side, or some cut up watermelon....instead of the fries. Wth?? That green slop above is not sustainable, it's too much effort and frankly is weird when everyone is having burgers! You can't live like that! Nobody will stick to that! Carrot lentil curry. While everyone has burgers. It's either a milkshake, fries and a burger...or carrot lentil curry. Go take another nap, Janelle.


and btw...my fave food is Indian, or Turkish or Persian. Lots of spices, grilled meats, lots of salads, feta, chick peas/humus, grilled, fresh, delish...and EASY. her slop in the Tupperware is just....no.

HA!  I should have read further!  I said essentially the same thing!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

It's fine to use items for purposes other than the ones originally intended - provided such use is actually safe ... and not a money waster in the long run.

The lids that are made for mason jars are coated with BPA (the white layer) and when you shake your drink it comes in contact with the coating. Also the lid and screw top rim are made of tin which tends to rust and it can get into your beverage. When used for canning, the food doesn't rest against the lid so BPA contact is minimized, and the lid and screw top dry after processing, so rust is not usually a problem. But I can't tell you how often I have to toss rusty rims and lids I find in the sink, things I know my daughter has used even though they were not fit to be in contact with food or drink. And those kids and rings cost a lot more than you would think! Like a quarter each for name brand ones! You get maybe 2 uses out of a lid before it deteriorates to the point it's unsanitary (plus all that yummy BPA) then you need a new one. From a monetary standpoint makes no sense at all.

They do make reusable plastic lids , which are not cheap but definitely worth the investment. Just make sure they are BPA free. 

And remember that while mason jars are heat-tempered, they are not significantly more impact resistant than regular glass. They will bust like any other jar. Also keep in mind that you can't change the temperature of the jar rapidly because it will shatter. In other words, don't go dumping boiling water into a room temperature jar unless you want it to explode. You can add a little bit of hot water and swish it around to slowly warm the glass and then you can put something hot (but never boiling) in it.  And be aware that the more extreme the temperature of the jar contents - be it very hot or very cold - the jar is more fragile and prone to breakage because it is under stress.

I have to wonder why Janelle even has a mason jar in her house. Has she ever mentioned canning? Or was the jar the property of her son? He doesn't strike me as a drinking from a mason jar, hipster-type guy, but it appears the trend has spread so who knows.

I think she bought them as props for this video. 

  • Love 3
On 5/28/2018 at 2:02 PM, lookeyloo said:

At least her counter seems clean and her fridge shiny.  I wonder who does that for her.

My guess?  It sees the least amount of traffic in that house.

On 5/30/2018 at 12:35 PM, ginger90 said:

A new blog post. The one prior to this was in February.


Fear Faith (Trust) & Control

by Janelle Brown May 30, 2018

I have realized over time that there are three pretty powerful forces at work in my life.  They apply across many aspects of my world including my relationships and spirituality.  And, even more so, they play into my emotional eating patterns.

Those forces are… drum roll please…

Fear, Faith and Control

As I get older I begin to realize I have always been a FEARful creature.  I was plagued with self-doubt as a child, as perhaps, many of you were also.  It is hard to grow up as teen girl in the United States.  So many unrealistic and unattainable beauty ideals to live up to.

But before those teenage years I also had a whole laundry list of unreasonable and sometimes debilitating phobias, including dogs (after as a young child, I had to shield myself from a mean one); crossing the street (after a child at our school was hit and killed) and the beach (after I stepped on a jelly fish at the tender age of 4 and got stung badly).  I watched some of my children grow up with the same emotional composition, eventually growing out of it, just as I did.

How did I do this? I learned to act tougher than I was.  I learned to take care of myself.  I learned to TRY and CONTROL everyone and everything to ensure the outcome of, whatever the situation was, didn’t create problems for me.  

Optimal word being “TRY” in this scenario.

Often, very often, when the control thing didn’t work.  I would find myself retreating to the bowl of whatever or drowning out the doubt with too many slices of pizza (my “go to” emotional food choice).  Sometimes trying to soothe my anxiousness, and, sometimes, as illogical as it seems, with thoughts of “I’ll show you.  I am going to show you how powerful, how in control I am by eating this whole thing and no one is going to stop me.”  

I hope that many of you that struggle with emotional eating patterns as I do find this completely understandable.

 Then very slowly I began to understand FAITH.

Now, before you tune me out thinking this is a religious lecture, hang with me.  This isn’t about only that kind of faith, although for me, that does fit in here.  Maybe this kind of faith is more like TRUST.

Trusting that I could be flexible and adjust as everyone made their own choices.  And trusting that I would still be ok as these choices affected me. (In reality, I often fared better when I stopped trying to control and just let the choices of others just play out.) 

I am finding that as I fear less, attempt to control less, exercise faith and trust more, my life is becoming so much more PEACEFUL.  And guess what? The emotional eating is subsiding more and more each day.


Janelle Brown is a certified health coach.  As such she provides support, accountability and occasionally some cheer-leading for her clients.  She is passionate about helping real women with real life challenges navigate their way to increased wellness and quality of life.  Check out her website here https://strivewithjanelle.com/collections/health-coaching



Blah,blah,blah.  I really don't like the word TRY.  It gives you an out because well you tried and awe shucks, better next time.  How about DO Janelle?  It also makes me irrationally angry that she is labeled a certified health coach.  

  • Love 3
On 5/31/2018 at 8:14 AM, DakotaJustice said:

Is it personal when a blog post consists of recycled, uncredited platitudes from other sources? 

Because I'm sure I've read all of this elsewhere, by better writers. 


I had this thought this morning regarding Janelle. I don't believe most of us are "fat shaming" in our criticism/comments. She's just not qualified to do any of this, and she doesn't especially enjoy it, I don't think. 

She never writes about this subject matter with any real joy or positivity. 

Here's my opinion. 

Prior to the show and Robyn, I think Janelle was content with her lot. She didn't seem to worry about her weight, she went to work each day, apparently Kody was giving her adequate attention and so on. 

But then the younger, thinner 4th wife along with the show and having to make plot lines, shit even the real purpose of Strive is/was to be featured in the show ("as seen on TLC") and that's probably how she was able to convince those trainers to participate, for the exposure. Fitness is a competitive business. 

Now they're all gone because they probably realized they were wasting their time. 

IMO she doesn't want to do this at all but now she has to keep up appearances for the show's sake.

Not at all!  If she were happy with herself, I would say ROCK ON with your bad self Janelle!  One doesn't have to be slender to be a quality whole and happy person.  She is obviously not content where she is at her weight and maybe I can speak for many of us that it is exceedingly frustrating to read her whines and excuses.  She also needs to quit pretending to be an expert and coach for something she knows dick about.  Her kids are being raised with a really poor example of disordered eating and food choices.

On 5/31/2018 at 5:22 PM, DakotaJustice said:


Plus that looks like he's drinking salad dressing.

If her bread makes her stomach upset what does this green stuff do to it?  I don't believe this is a habit of hers.  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Natalie68 said:

Not at all!  If she were happy with herself, I would say ROCK ON with your bad self Janelle!  One doesn't have to be slender to be a quality whole and happy person.  She is obviously not content where she is at her weight and maybe I can speak for many of us that it is exceedingly frustrating to read her whines and excuses.  She also needs to quit pretending to be an expert and coach for something she knows dick about.  Her kids are being raised with a really poor example of disordered eating and food choices.

I just remember her (over) reaction to the news that Robyn was going to be the legal wife. Janelle totally freaked out. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

 It also makes me irrationally angry that she is labeled a certified health coach.  

If it makes you feel better, at best she is certified by the place she paid around $5k for the certificate.  I doubt a certified health coach is even a thing.  I think she is a certified health coach like Jill Duggar is a certified midwife.  I would ask my cat for health advice before I asked Janelle for anything.

I've decided that everyone on this board excels at snarking.  From here on out, you are all certified excellent snarkers.  You can put that on business cards if you want too.

You're welcome.

  • Love 19
1 minute ago, toodles said:

If it makes you feel better, at best she is certified by the place she paid around $5k for the certificate.  I doubt a certified health coach is even a thing.  I think she is a certified health coach like Jill Duggar is a certified midwife.  I would ask my cat for health advice before I asked Janelle for anything.

I've decided that everyone on this board excels at snarking.  From here on out, you are all certified excellent snarkers.  You can put that on business cards if you want too.

You're welcome.

True that!

May I order 5000 business cards?  HA!

  • Love 3

I love to snark and read other peoples' snarks online.  It helps to get it out of my system so I can focus on being more positive IRL.  Janelle does not understand that people who really want help do not need whiney "health coaches".  Her whining and excuses will just inspire whining, excuses for cheating and failure in her "clients".

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 5
13 hours ago, toodles said:

If it makes you feel better, at best she is certified by the place she paid around $5k for the certificate.  I doubt a certified health coach is even a thing.  I think she is a certified health coach like Jill Duggar is a certified midwife.  I would ask my cat for health advice before I asked Janelle for anything.

I've decided that everyone on this board excels at snarking.  From here on out, you are all certified excellent snarkers.  You can put that on business cards if you want too.

You're welcome.

Love ya @toodles!  I can now say I have a certificate in snarking, among my other talents!  

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, toodles said:

I've decided that everyone on this board excels at snarking.  From here on out, you are all certified excellent snarkers.  You can put that on business cards if you want too.

Hey! We can add my Be Snarky charm to that certificate! And instead of green goo, we can package a special blend of liqueurs in an empty, Costco-size can of corn, spray painted Meri-orange and topped with special sippy cup lid. Finally, everyone gets a special pair of super-thin, buttery soft leggings emblazoned with the faces of all our favorite Brown Clowns (literally- it's the Browns in clown make-up) that rip by episode 2 of whatever season we are watching. Certificate, charm, Happy!Orange and leggings will be lovingly handpacked one order at a time and shipped whenever we feel like it. 

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

Hey! We can add my Be Snarky charm to that certificate! And instead of green goo, we can package a special blend of liqueurs in an empty, Costco-size can of corn, spray painted Meri-orange and topped with special sippy cup lid. Finally, everyone gets a special pair of super-thin, buttery soft leggings emblazoned with the faces of all our favorite Brown Clowns (literally- it's the Browns in clown make-up) that rip by episode 2 of whatever season we are watching. Certificate, charm, Happy!Orange and leggings will be lovingly handpacked one order at a time and shipped whenever we feel like it. 

I like it!!!!

  • Love 6
On 6/2/2018 at 3:28 PM, Natalie68 said:

If her bread makes her stomach upset what does this green stuff do to it?  I don't believe this is a habit of hers. 

The older you get the more digestive issues you have.  I have many and am beginning to think it's eating and drinking highly processed items.

  • Love 3
On May 31, 2018 at 5:13 PM, toodles said:

A mason jar is not a drinking glass.  I blame Pinterest for this trend.  The brownies live maybe 5 miles from me and I know there is a great Big Lots close by.  It's where I buy my glasses.  For the love of god, go to Big Lots and buy some real glasses.  Sorry for the rant, but I hate drinking out of mason jars.  Can you tell??

So you know how floral designers feel when the bride wants something unique and different and just picked looked arrangement in ....bell jars. They need to go away. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, ginger90 said:






ETA to add - she's talking like she just noticed chia seeds which have been a popular chic health food for quite some time now.  Those squeeze things are such a waste.  

Oh and I just laughed at this slide article from Prevention about the most overhyped superfoods, pretty much every single one Janelle has mentioned in social media.  gawd she's such a bandwagoner.  https://www.prevention.com/food-nutrition/healthy-eating/g20434486/8-superfoods-that-are-overrated/

Edited by DakotaJustice
  • Love 5
17 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:


ETA to add - she's talking like she just noticed chia seeds which have been a popular chic health food for quite some time now.  Those squeeze things are such a waste.  

She probably thinks it is fancy because the plate IS fancier than a mason jar.

I've been making things with chia seeds for 3 years, but with real food at home, not overpriced overpackaged stuff full of preservatives and neon-coloured dyes.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, deirdra said:

I've been making things with chia seeds for 3 years,

True.  I add it to my oatmeal and make different chia seed puddings, healthy of course.

20 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

 gawd she's such a bandwagoner.

You have to admit, it is still healthier than eating other junk.

On 6/3/2018 at 6:40 PM, DakotaJustice said:


ETA to add - she's talking like she just noticed chia seeds which have been a popular chic health food for quite some time now.  Those squeeze things are such a waste.  

Oh and I just laughed at this slide article from Prevention about the most overhyped superfoods, pretty much every single one Janelle has mentioned in social media.  gawd she's such a bandwagoner.  https://www.prevention.com/food-nutrition/healthy-eating/g20434486/8-superfoods-that-are-overrated/

So I was watching a House Hunters marathon where basket weavers are looking for a 2.5 mil house (just joking!) and saw where Janelle got the idea for the sliced sweet potato as bread thing.  It was from some food network star who has commercials about feeding playdates etc.  I think I scared Mr. Natalie when I exclaimed SO THAT IS WHERE SHE STOLE THIS!  Give credit Janelle or you are an asshole!

On 6/4/2018 at 11:58 AM, deirdra said:

She probably thinks it is fancy because the plate IS fancier than a mason jar.

I've been making things with chia seeds for 3 years, but with real food at home, not overpriced overpackaged stuff full of preservatives and neon-coloured dyes.

And it requires a fork

20 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Janelle's issue isn't whether food is healthy or not - her issue is, or should be, portion control. 

Her issue is also not planning her meals.  Someone who is trying to lose weight needs to have a plan so they don't get hungry and eat inappropriate foods.  It isn't a good idea to get to the point you are searching your purse for something to eat.

  • Love 9
23 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

So I was watching a House Hunters marathon where basket weavers are looking for a 2.5 mil house (just joking!) and saw where Janelle got the idea for the sliced sweet potato as bread thing.  It was from some food network star who has commercials about feeding playdates etc.  I think I scared Mr. Natalie when I exclaimed SO THAT IS WHERE SHE STOLE THIS!  Give credit Janelle or you are an asshole!

And it requires a fork

Her issue is also not planning her meals.  Someone who is trying to lose weight needs to have a plan so they don't get hungry and eat inappropriate foods.  It isn't a good idea to get to the point you are searching your purse for something to eat.

God forbid that Janelle admit that she has sufficient "down time" to watch TV since she has her hands full raising a house full of kids and all.

Oh wait...

  • Love 6

Janelle always seems to struggling to "get back on track" ... Which means she must spend a helluva lot of time off track.  Like, the majority of her time, I'm guessing.  Honestly, her blog feels like nothing but a diary of her failures and the self-recrimination she engages in afterwards, thinly disguised as "sharing."

I have come to the conclusion that Janelle spends entirely too much time stressing about about food and workouts. Seriously, she has to do grocery pick up "lists," like more than one list is necessary? And she got  "some" meal prep planned ... how much planning of your preparation do you need to do?  I'm sure she was sweating seeing her trainer the whole time she was on vacation.  Anticipating being held accountable. Sheesh. This woman is living in a hell of her own making. At this point I almost want her to quit even trying ... just embrace herself the way she is and stop ... just stop failing. 

I know being fat isn't good for her health, but I think it may be worse for her soul to be so miserable about not being thin. 

  • Love 23

She needs to join weight watchers or something similar.  And not an online group.  I don't know what the STRIVE deal is, but it doesn't work.  We have a great WW group close by with frequent meetings. Janelle would find all the support and guidance she needs.  Beating herself up day in and day out is so self-destructive and pointless.  Just give it up already, Janelle.  You are in the wrong line of work.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, toodles said:

She needs to join weight watchers or something similar.  And not an online group.  I don't know what the STRIVE deal is, but it doesn't work.  We have a great WW group close by with frequent meetings. Janelle would find all the support and guidance she needs.  Beating herself up day in and day out is so self-destructive and pointless.  Just give it up already, Janelle.  You are in the wrong line of work.

I read some of the comments and they're all from sycophants telling her how awesome she is and all that.  Not much of an accountability group.  I don't think she's beating herself up as much as asking for attention and *unearned* pats on the back.  No one has the balls to tell her to suck it up and do the necessary work, not since Trainer Sean.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I know being fat isn't good for her health, but I think it may be worse for her soul to be so miserable about not being thin. 

If we could magically read her mind, I wonder if we'd find that she really is miserable,  or if she just feels stuck beating this drum because it's her chosen social media/hobby business topic.

If she wanted to be proactive and positive, she could easily have posted about strategies for healthy vacationing. At least 2 blogs that I follow have done articles on how to eat reasonably at Disneyland,  plus there you have the added bonus of walking about a jillion steps a day.

  • Love 7
On 6/7/2018 at 3:34 PM, toodles said:

She needs to join weight watchers or something similar.  And not an online group.  I don't know what the STRIVE deal is, but it doesn't work.  We have a great WW group close by with frequent meetings. Janelle would find all the support and guidance she needs.  Beating herself up day in and day out is so self-destructive and pointless.  Just give it up already, Janelle.  You are in the wrong line of work.

Whaaaaaaaaaat? And pay a business that's shown to be successful which means hers doesn't work?

But seriously, I agree with you. She's been at this how long and, if we can compare this endeavor to piano lessons, can't seem to get much further than chopsticks and basic scales. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

She lives in Las Vegas. Shouldn’t she have her hot weather exercise options figured out before now?

She should by now. About to be out the door for a pre-sun run myself. I can tolerate the heat well, but training becomes inefficient as the day grows hotter (unless, of course, the goal is Badwater run). 

Edited by TurtlePower
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Also I wonder if she was actually "starving" or mind hungry? 

I guess Maddie didn’t offer her anything.


Anyone have $35. to throw away for the entertainment value?


  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I guess Maddie didn’t offer her anything.


Anyone have $35. to throw away for the entertainment value?


If I am going to pay nearly $1.00 per minute of health coaching, I expect to be coached by someone with proven results, not someone to commiserate with me about how challenging a healthy lifestyle can be.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

I guess Maddie didn’t offer her anything.


Anyone have $35. to throw away for the entertainment value?


I saw the FB live (or bits of it) and Janelle "helping" consisted of sitting behind a desk most of the time interjecting comments but mostly looking jaded while Axel was running around. 


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