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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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I have a bladder the size of a walnut.  I have used a restroom twice I think, since the pandemic descended upon us.  It really was terrifying.  Once was at Kaiser (a medical facility) and once at Target.  Target has around 20 stalls (I kid you not) and the place was empty - so I am hoping that no one else had been brave enough to use the bathroom and that it was totally germ-free.  A girl can dream!

It's really strange regarding the items out of stock.  Coke and Pepsi both have signs up on the soda aisles saying that due to Covid, they are only manufacturing a limited number of their drinks - so basically just the main ones.  Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Dr. Pepper and a couple of other ones.  In the cookie aisle there were bare shelves where certain brands/types of cookies used to be.  Teddy Grahams for sure because I looked to see what was missing - I didn't look to see what other ones were gone, but you would see gaping holes where certain ones hadn't been stocked and were sold out.  The shelves are actually looking really good compared to even a month ago.  

I am honestly very worried about what is going to happen in the next couple of months.  The cases of Covid are rising significantly, and with so many people completely ignoring distancing rules and masks, I am so concerned about hospitals filling up and getting overwhelmed.  

Several of my kids and their spouses got together yesterday and went to a steak house for lunch.  I told them that I wished they wouldn't, but who listens to me?  They brought me take-out which was nice.  They could ALL have brought take-out to my house and we could have eaten together.  One of my sons is kind of a jerk about this pandemic, saying it's not that big of a deal, media is hyping it up - but that's his wife and her family talking.  They go about like it's business as usual, and life hasn't change a bit for them and he gets very condescending towards my cautiousness.  It irritates me but it won't change my wariness.  

The movie theaters are opening up, too.  Thank goodness none of my kids are big movie-goers.  There is no way in the world to make a movie theater safe, in my opinion.  They are requiring masks - how do you eat popcorn and sip your soda with a mask on your face?  Are you going to take the mask off and on, off and on with greasy popcorn hands as you munch on your snacks?  And I ALWAYS hear people hacking a lung up in a movie theater.  There you are... INSIDE (which is discouraged) for about 2 hours or more, surrounded by a bunch of people inhaling and exhaling the same stagnant air.  There isn't a movie made that could even tempt me.


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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:
I think that's one thing I'm not quite ready for.  Since there are McDonald's at virtually every exit on a freeway I'll pick one in a very small town and stop on an off hour like between breakfast and lunch or mid afternoon.  That way I'm less likely to hit a crowd. I might by a drink or something (I hate to just run into use a restroom) but will probably pack a lunch. It's only a 9 hour drive so I should be able to get by with one stop.

McDonald's rest rooms scared me even before the pandemic, but also in this area it's not really possible to find one in a small enough town to make me feel better about it.  I'm not really ready for peeing outdoors either, plus nowhere around here is rural enough to find a secluded spot for it.  I'm going up to the greater Boston area so it's not like I can just find a private place to go outdoors.  So it's going to be an issue.  I can always try to time it that I wait until we get to the dealership and use theirs.  Hopefully because it's been so hot out I won't have to go that much, LOL.

1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:
That's mine as well.  I've looked on Amazon (where the "no price gouging" rule apparently doesn't exist) and there are off brands but they cost a bloody fortune.  Not sure how the TP manufacturers managed to pull themselves together but the wipe people have not. 

Wipes have made a semi-regular reappearance around here, but they're only allowing one bottle per person.  I found Lysol and the store brand in 2 supermarkets and Clorox in Target, plus Great Value brand at Walmart.  People have told me to go out very early in the a.m. to find them as they usually sell out by the afternoon.  In two cases I got the last bottle on the shelf at around 11:00 a.m.

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33 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I am honestly very worried about what is going to happen in the next couple of months.  The cases of Covid are rising significantly, and with so many people completely ignoring distancing rules and masks, I am so concerned about hospitals filling up and getting overwhelmed.  

I'm worried too.  I'm worried for the people in those places, but also about the possibility of a second wave coming here from those places.  I know our governor is in talks with the other local governors to mandate a 2 week quarantine for anyone coming here from certain states, but that is still not a definite thing and I worry about how effective it will be after a while.  Fortunately, aside from one or two tourist attractions like Mystic Seaport, CT is not really a major tourist destination and people don't flock here like they do to NY and MA, but I still worry about the bleed-over from other states.  Plus when looking at the map showing the number of cases per zip code, the highest numbers were all in areas right next to the interstates, which is leading me to believe that travelers passing through are bringing the virus with them as they drive up the highways.  Another reason to fear rest rooms in stores next to the highways!

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I look at the NY Times article several times a week, the one that shows each state's reopening date with a graph that shows very clearly if a state is trending down or up.  The number trending up is rather scary.  I think I assumed the country would show signs of slowing down over the hotter summer months, but that's not the case.  Of course much of it, I think, depends on how early/late each state reopened.  Pretty much without fail, there's an upward trend about 2 - 3 weeks after the open date.  (Google "50 States Reopening" and you should find the NY Times article.  It's updated every day).

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3 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I look at the NY Times article several times a week, the one that shows each state's reopening date with a graph that shows very clearly if a state is trending down or up.  The number trending up is rather scary.  I think I assumed the country would show signs of slowing down over the hotter summer months, but that's not the case.  Of course much of it, I think, depends on how early/late each state reopened.  Pretty much without fail, there's an upward trend about 2 - 3 weeks after the open date.  (Google "50 States Reopening" and you should find the NY Times article.  It's updated every day).

Arizona falls into that statement.  I need a vacation, but there's nowhere I feel safe going.

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2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I think I assumed the country would show signs of slowing down over the hotter summer months, but that's not the case.

That was an early assumption based on the trending for traditional influenza.  However the fact that it was spiking in Africa, India, and then South America negates that thinking since temps are much higher there.  This is going to remain a mystery for a long time. 

States that fully reopened early (nor never closed at all) are feeling the pain now.  And yet the most effective measure against spreading the virus is simple - a mask and distancing.  Why is that so  hard for people to accept?  They are OK with "no shoes, no shirts" and seatbelts being mandatory. But wearing a mask is an affront to their rights. It's mind boggling.

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36 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I look at the NY Times article several times a week, the one that shows each state's reopening date with a graph that shows very clearly if a state is trending down or up.  The number trending up is rather scary.  I think I assumed the country would show signs of slowing down over the hotter summer months, but that's not the case.  Of course much of it, I think, depends on how early/late each state reopened.  Pretty much without fail, there's an upward trend about 2 - 3 weeks after the open date.  (Google "50 States Reopening" and you should find the NY Times article.  It's updated every day).

I look at those NY Times charts almost every day and what I've noticed is that the spiking is happening in those states that started reopening before their new case numbers were low enough.  Here in the Northeast we started opening up when we had less than 200 new cases per day while other states started opening when they still had 700 new cases per day.  Our stats are still trending downward and now we are averaging less than 100 new cases per day (give or take).  It's so clear looking at those charts that the spiking states didn't pay enough attention to the experts.

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1 minute ago, Yeah No said:

I look at those NY Times charts almost every day and what I've noticed is that the spiking is happening in those states that started reopening before their new case numbers were low enough

Absolutely true and clear evidence about what works and what doesn't.  But some people, those that worship money over lives (you know who you are) will blow it off anyway.  

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I ordered a new charger for my phone from Samsung's only authorized supplier on April 20. I finally got it today.

I needed a new one because I somehow managed to break one of the little tiny metal thingies on the part that plugs into the phone  itself. I tried using an ersatz cord with the original plug (piece that plugs into wall) but my phone heats up when I charge it. Hopefully this will work! Gotta give the new charger a couple days to "mellow out" before I touch it.

Two months was a long time. I tried contacting the company but there was no way to get through. 



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Cali reported  5019 new cases Tuesday, a highest-ever jump, followed by 7149 new cases Wednesday, a new highest-ever jump. The latest 7-day average is up 46% compared to one week ago and the state now has more than 190,000 cases.

Florida had 5508 new cases Tuesday, bringing its total to over 109,000.

49,500 people signed a petition against Disneyland re-opening on July 17.

7,000 thus far have signed a petition against Disney World re-opening on July 11. (The overseas parks have already re-opened).

But... Disney's theme park division estimates a One Billion Dollar loss in the first quarter this year. One guess as to how this will turn out.

I wish I still had littles so my saying "Disney is dead to me" would have some bite to it.

As it is, all I can do is SMH.

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7 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

That was an early assumption based on the trending for traditional influenza.  However the fact that it was spiking in Africa, India, and then South America negates that thinking since temps are much higher there.  This is going to remain a mystery for a long time. 

It is Winter now in the southern hemisphere, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Just one more case of putting dollars before human life.  What is the worth of the life of a child?  The price of a ticket?  Twice that much?  Does Disney even care?

Except... if parents were PARENTS and cared about the welfare of their children and others... it wouldn't matter if Disney was open or closed - they wouldn't go.  So Disney would STILL lose the revenue.  Unfortunately people act like they don't have two brain cells to rub together, and can't summon an ounce of adult reasoning to make smart decisions for their family's best welfare.

I had this discussion with two of my kids.  Not regarding Disney - but definitely related.  I was listening to two newscasters shaking their heads over  people having to sign a waiver saying they wouldn't sue if they contracted Coronavirus from the political rally.   My comment to my children was this:  When are people going to grow up and be RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN DECISIONS?  COMMON SENSE HERE.....  crowded places spread the virus.  I am sure a lot of kids even know that by now!  Why shouldn't every adult human being be held responsible for their own well-being?  I feel like it would be talking to a freaking cave man.

"Ugh!  You go rally - you maybe get sick.   Pandemic in world right now.  Nasty bug really LIKE UMS crowds with people 'n no maskes.  You no like wearing a mask?  How you going to like wearing a respirator?"

Simple - you GO to the rally - you suffer the consequences.  There is no suing ANYONE - just DEAL with what comes from bad decision making.   You GO to Disneyworld when the state is drowning in new Covid cases... you DEAL with whatever comes from that.  Unfortunately these idiots then spread the virus to the far corners of the country killing people here, there and everywhere and they simply don't give a flying F***.  Half of the population doesn't give a crap about any human being besides their own immediate family.  

I need a margarita.

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Feeling much better 8 days no fever, coughing much reduced, but dag gonnit woke up this morning with a bug bite on my left eye lid, all swollen and looking like abuse, Was going to go out today to pick up my diabetes test strips at the PO but Iook  like an abuse victim so not going anywhere.  Hopefully can go out tomorrow.

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Feeling much better 8 days no fever, coughing much reduced, but dag gonnit woke up this morning with a bug bite on my left eye lid, all swollen and looking like abuse, Was going to go out today to pick up my diabetes test strips at the PO but Iook  like an abuse victim so not going anywhere.  Hopefully can go out tomorrow.

Glad you're feeling better, Grams.  Now, if you'd only stop a poppin yourself in da eye!  😉

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11 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Simple - you GO to the rally - you suffer the consequences.  There is no suing ANYONE - just DEAL with what comes from bad decision making.   You GO to Disneyworld when the state is drowning in new Covid cases... you DEAL with whatever comes from that.  Unfortunately these idiots then spread the virus to the far corners of the country killing people here, there and everywhere and they simply don't give a flying F***.  Half of the population doesn't give a crap about any human being besides their own immediate family.  

I need a margarita.

I hear you, Kyan, but in the big picture they don't even know how to care about themselves or their families because they're too stupid to look past the end of their noses.  In the end their behavior is going to come back 'round to bite them in the butt when either they or someone in their family gets the virus.  And that's not even considering how the economy is going to be negatively affected by the rising numbers that they have caused with their reckless behavior.  They don't think their behavior affects these things, but it DOES and they will stand to lose because of it as much as the rest of us.  They think they're helping the economy, but in the long run they're only going to make it WORSE.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Feeling much better 8 days no fever, coughing much reduced, but dag gonnit woke up this morning with a bug bite on my left eye lid, all swollen and looking like abuse, Was going to go out today to pick up my diabetes test strips at the PO but Iook  like an abuse victim so not going anywhere.  Hopefully can go out tomorrow.

Awww, Gram, I'm very happy to hear this, but I would feel better if you got a Covid Test before you started going out in public to interact with others because if you are getting over the virus and still tested positive you could still potentially give it to someone else.  Sorry again, I don't mean to be pushy.  So happy that you are probably out of the woods though!!!

Edited by Yeah No
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2 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Is anyone here watching Dirty John on USA, re Betty Broderick?  Five episodes in, and three to go.  It's held my interest.  I remember reading about it in the 80's/90's.  

Yes, despite never being a fan of Amanda Peet in anything.  Meredith Baxter Birney played Broderick in the early 90's, and she will always be Betty to me.

I am enjoying watching for the clothes, because  I wore some of those same styles in the 70's and 80's, and I also had similar hairstyles.   I feel sorry for the 4 kids;  batshit crazy and egotistical jerks make for scary parents. 

I am thrilled to report that we now have 3 boxes of Grapenuts.  I also have vanilla yogurt,  I was unsuccessful today on my hunt for decent peaches.  Will try again Sat morning when more vendors are at the market.

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Awww, Gram, I'm very happy to hear this, but I would feel better if you got a Covid Test before you started going out in public to interact with others because if you are getting over the virus and still tested positive you could still potentially give it to someone else.  Sorry again, I don't mean to be pushy.  So happy that you are probably out of the woods though!!!

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I feel better every day.

Yeah No, I have a dr appointment on Monday. I will tell him my symptoms and see if he thinks I need a test. I never go out in public with out a mask on by the way. I was out today and was appalled at the number of people that did not have a mask on. The grocery store was really busy and I only saw a handful of people with masks on. When I saw all the cars in the parking lot I almost didn't go in, but I needed a few things...

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5 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

It is so disheartening to hear about or see these dumbass people without masks, just acting like there's no danger for themselves, or others, by being so irresponsible and selfish.

I mean, wake up!  Have some concern and consideration for your fellow human beings, and get your heads out of your asses.  

I am so glad we have a safe space here where we all seem to be on the same page about this issue. It's common sense - all one needs to do is look at other countries where mask-wearing is customary and considered a common courtesy, and the spread of the virus was reduced. But these people only look at themselves and think this is an issue of individual liberty. It is the most selfish thing. Furthermore, personal liberty ends where it threatens someone else's safety. If all elected officials had started wearing masks in March, I believe that many of their supporters on both sides of the aisle would have followed suit. Didn't everyone pitch in toward the war effort during WWII? The pandemic should have been framed as a war on an invisible enemy that threatens all. Have families broken down so much that people no longer consider their parents' and grandparents' health? (rhetorical question). 


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Is there any way to confirm if cases are “related”?  Like the recent rally - say out of 6000 attendees, in the next 14 days 142 people who were there test positive for COVID-19.  Is there some marker or something that can confirm that they all got it at the rally (restaurant, bar, etc.)?   If not, how could you sue Place A for exposing you to the virus, as opposed to getting it from someone at the grocery store, or the gym or off the gas station pump?  

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1 hour ago, Teafortwo said:

I am so glad we have a safe space here where we all seem to be on the same page about this issue. It's common sense - all one needs to do is look at other countries where mask-wearing is customary and considered a common courtesy, and the spread of the virus was reduced. But these people only look at themselves and think this is an issue of individual liberty. It is the most selfish thing. Furthermore, personal liberty ends where it threatens someone else's safety. If all elected officials had started wearing masks in March, I believe that many of their supporters on both sides of the aisle would have followed suit. Didn't everyone pitch in toward the war effort during WWII? The pandemic should have been framed as a war on an invisible enemy that threatens all. Have families broken down so much that people no longer consider their parents' and grandparents' health? (rhetorical question). 

It WAS framed as a war on an invisible enemy that threatens all for months until some public figures (who I shall not identify) decided to make a political issue out of it after they saw the demonstrations demanding that their states start opening.  IIRC, it was sometime in May I that I noticed a complete turnaround on this issue by those nameless figures.  People wouldn't have made this into an issue of liberty and disregarded their parents' and grandparents' health if they weren't encouraged to do so by those public figures.  Most if not all of the medical experts were strongly discouraging this behavior but they got pushed to the sidelines and drowned out.  I became incensed about this almost overnight when I saw the turnaround but kept my mouth shut here because of certain posting restrictions that I try to abide by.

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1 hour ago, Mittengirl said:

Is there any way to confirm if cases are “related”?  Like the recent rally - say out of 6000 attendees, in the next 14 days 142 people who were there test positive for COVID-19.  Is there some marker or something that can confirm that they all got it at the rally (restaurant, bar, etc.)?   If not, how could you sue Place A for exposing you to the virus, as opposed to getting it from someone at the grocery store, or the gym or off the gas station pump?  

Supposedly the contact tracing that we've heard about might be able to link specific cases to attendance at demonstrations and rallies, but it's too soon to tell yet as it takes weeks if not months to uncover those links.  I don't think in all cases a very clear, strong link can be established if the person attended many public events or engaged in other behaviors where they could have gotten the virus.  There have been some famous cases where it was very clear where a group of people got the virus, such as that choir we all heard about plus that restaurant in China, but if it isn't so clear I doubt that anyone would have any basis to sue anyone over it.  I don't even know if suing anyone would work in any case - I haven't heard of any successful cases.  In some cases the best information the contact tracers can find might cast doubt on certain situations as being the cause, or show that it is far less likely to get the virus in certain situations rather than show any strong positive link.

Now, if a lot of people from a certain city suddenly test positive within 2 weeks after attending a rally, that's pretty convincing.  If very few infected people reported having a haircut in the two weeks prior to their infection, for example, at least some inference could be drawn that haircuts may not be a major source of infection.  Same for rallies.  If very few new cases can be traced to any rally, rallies won't be considered a major source of infection. 

I keep reading and hearing from the prominent medical experts that the vast majority of new cases these days, especially in the spiking states, are occurring in the 18-35 year old age bracket.  My personal feeling is that it's the selfishly reckless behavior of some members of the younger generation in addition to certain ideological affiliations that are the major cause of the spikes.  Most of us older people no matter our affiliations are still abiding by social distancing and taking the utmost in precautions.  I said on this board weeks ago that the older people taking more precaution and avoiding the virus is likely one major reason why hospitalizations and deaths are so far down (although I'm sure it also has to do with better interventions being developed by medical personnel).  Now I am hearing the experts say the same thing.

Edited by Yeah No
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Yeah No (and other NYers) are you familiar with this beach? The few minutes it took to read this article frightened me more than all the years I read Stephen King. I love water and grew up thinking nothing of swimming a third of a mile, and more, offshore using the length of the pier as measurement. But this Rockaway area sounds... evil. Knee deep, and then gone? Some of the people who commented mentioned this beach's sad history. OMG, these kids, and their families. 

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/nyregion/rockaway-beach-drownings.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Edited by suomi
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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Supposedly the contact tracing that we've heard about might be able to link specific cases to attendance at demonstrations and rallies, but it's too soon to tell yet as it takes weeks if not months to uncover those links. 

Contact tracing is absolutely the best way to track cases and warn others that they might have been exposed.  I have volunteered with my local health department to help with the tracking.

But here is the problem - certain people of a certain political leanings are calling it an "invasion of privacy" and are refusing to cooperate.  They cannot be forced to comply nor can they be forced to quarantine.  So those who know they have it still refuse to give a flying fig about friends, neighbors, or family because "it's my right to do what I want".  And people who have a known exposure can refuse to be tested as well.

I cannot begin to tell you how my blood boils when I hear this.  I have never in my life expected our citizens to be so selfish, thoughtless, and brainwashed by someone who refuses to wear a mask and calls it a personal freedom and suggests this is all a hoax.  As has been said before, their rights end where mine begin.  I'd like to smack those smug little faces.

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1 hour ago, suomi said:

Yeah No (and other NYers) are you familiar with this beach? The few minutes it took to read this article frightened me more than all the years I read Stephen King. I love water and grew up thinking nothing of swimming a third of a mile, and more, offshore using the length of the pier as measurement. But this Rockaway area sounds... evil. Knee deep, and then gone? Some of the people who commented mentioned this beach's sad history. OMG, these kids, and their families. 

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/nyregion/rockaway-beach-drownings.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Yes I do know that beach and have known since I was a little kid never to go swimming there because it's THAT dangerous.  I don't know why they don't do something about it after all this time.  At least educate people more about how to deal with the undertow.  I don't remember hearing about so many drownings when I was younger but it may just be that it didn't make the news as much as it does now.  It may also be that more people back in the day knew better than to swim there, especially without lifeguards, but I have no real proof of that. 

Rockaway Beach is in Queens, not far from Coney Island Beach, which is in Brooklyn.  Another nearby beach on Long Island is Robert Moses State Park beach, which I found out the hard way could have an undertow (riptide).  I still shudder remembering when I was about 13 and my teen camp took us there.  We were not told about any undertow and suddenly I started to be dragged out to sea not that far from shore.  I began screaming when all the adults on shore began pointing sideways at the same time.  At first I didn't understand until they motioned like they were swimming along the shore.  I suddenly realized that they meant for me to swim sideways, which I did and soon came to calm waters.  So they saved my life.  I later found out that an undertow there is not so common and it wasn't a legend like it was at Rockaway, so that's why no one warned me beforehand.  To this day I shudder thinking about those few moments when I was scared to death.  Interestingly I was just talking about this incident with Mr. Yeah No a couple of days ago.

Edited by Yeah No
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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I cannot begin to tell you how my blood boils when I hear this.  I have never in my life expected our citizens to be so selfish, thoughtless, and brainwashed by someone who refuses to wear a mask and calls it a personal freedom and suggests this is all a hoax.  As has been said before, their rights end where mine begin.  I'd like to smack those smug little faces.

Or that if you wear one you are making a political statement.  (????)  Last night on the news I saw a man asking a head political figure a question and the head figure said, "I can't understand you, could you remove your mask?" and the man said, "No, I will leave it on - I will just speak louder".  And the head political figure said, " Oh I see, you're trying to make a political statement", to which the man replied, "No, I just want to leave the mask on".   

I can't wrap my mind around how it could be a political statement if you are trying to protect yourself and possibly those around you from death by a particularly VILE virus.   I don't get how A equates B.  No need for anyone here to try and explain it to me.... I probably still won't understand the point.

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Contact tracing is absolutely the best way to track cases and warn others that they might have been exposed.  I have volunteered with my local health department to help with the tracking.

But here is the problem - certain people of a certain political leanings are calling it an "invasion of privacy" and are refusing to cooperate.  They cannot be forced to comply nor can they be forced to quarantine.  So those who know they have it still refuse to give a flying fig about friends, neighbors, or family because "it's my right to do what I want".  And people who have a known exposure can refuse to be tested as well.

I cannot begin to tell you how my blood boils when I hear this.  I have never in my life expected our citizens to be so selfish, thoughtless, and brainwashed by someone who refuses to wear a mask and calls it a personal freedom and suggests this is all a hoax.  As has been said before, their rights end where mine begin.  I'd like to smack those smug little faces.

You're right, many of them may not cooperate with contact tracers, in an attempt to hide any association between their illness and their attendance at the public events.  But statistics will still show a bump in the numbers even if they try to hide that, unless they purposely don't report having the virus.  I don't put anything past brainwashed people.

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6 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

Is there any way to confirm if cases are “related”?  Like the recent rally - say out of 6000 attendees, in the next 14 days 142 people who were there test positive for COVID-19.  Is there some marker or something that can confirm that they all got it at the rally (restaurant, bar, etc.)?   If not, how could you sue Place A for exposing you to the virus, as opposed to getting it from someone at the grocery store, or the gym or off the gas station pump?  

To add to this question, I read an article from my local paper about some cases in my state, in a location that was previously pretty low.  The article listed eight places (wineries, a shop, a bar) and then went on to list a very small timeframe when they think a Covid-positive person was there - for example: Joe's Bar on Tuesday the 23rd from 11:00pm - 11:45pm.

So I want to know, how can this be accurate down to that short timeframe?  I suppose if someone tests positive and then they're asked where they were the previous 72 hours and they can give a list with pinpoint accuracy, maybe?  But I don't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone where I was last Tuesday.  Many people comment on stories like this as "Fake!  Fear-mongering!  Clickbait!"  But I don't know what's real or what's not anymore.

Also, I am real scared for Texas where cases seem to be exploding.  I have a friend who lives alone and is literally afraid to leave her home, and has been sheltering for four months and says she's losing her mind.  Even on days when I feel pretty good, all I have to do is think about someone else and I'm back to anxious and nervous.

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I feel sorry for those of you living in the states where cases are rising so fast.  Today the gov. of my state was complimented for his part in making us one of 4 states with the lowest new case rates in the country (the others being NY, NJ and New Hampshire), but he said we were "not out of the woods yet" given that "we are not an Island" and so many other states were on the rise.  The mandatory quarantine for any visitors from those states has been approved by the local governors, but who knows whether we can continue the downward trend when so much of the country is going up?  Unfortunately any happiness we had over our declining case rate was short lived.  And I'm sure that ONCE AGAIN this country looks like a bunch of a-holes to the rest of the world.  Don't these people realize that they're only making it worse for THEMSELVES?  It's unbelievable.  There is absolutely NO justification for their behavior other than complete kool-aid drinking and/or infantile selfishness.  I'm sorry if those are strong words but that's my opinion. 

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I read that people attending the AZ rally had to sign waivers that they wouldn't hold it liable if they got sick. However, Las Vegas casinos are not requiring this on the theory that no visitor can prove he/she got infected there rather than elsewhere.

I'm worried about my friends there too. Most aren't young but have been out and about at restaurants etc. One is back to work at a retail store and her hubby may have to go back to his casino dealing job soon.

  • Useful 2

I feel like there is a powerful bomb hidden somewhere in town.  It might go off - or it might not.  No one knows where it is hidden - and in fact, it MIGHT be in a person's purse, or a backpack.  It's small enough to fit in a pocket but powerful enough to kill everyone in the vicinity.   You have no clue where it might be.  Now go out and pump gas, buy your groceries, work at your job if you have to, do those life tasks that are necessary. Just keep an eye out for those explosives everywhere you go and watch out for everyone you might meet in public - who might be carrying the bomb.

I mean, we all know we are going to die at some point.  No one lives forever.  But I feel like I am just waiting to die SOON, when this horrific virus comes to find me.   I would much rather die in my sleep.  I wonder if I pray to Robyn's God, will He grant my wish?

Too depressing to post?  Probably.  But I'm depressed.



  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I feel like there is a powerful bomb hidden somewhere in town.  It might go off - or it might not.  No one knows where it is hidden - and in fact, it MIGHT be in a person's purse, or a backpack.  It's small enough to fit in a pocket but powerful enough to kill everyone in the vicinity.   You have no clue where it might be.  Now go out and pump gas, buy your groceries, work at your job if you have to, do those life tasks that are necessary. Just keep an eye out for those explosives everywhere you go and watch out for everyone you might meet in public - who might be carrying the bomb.

I mean, we all know we are going to die at some point.  No one lives forever.  But I feel like I am just waiting to die SOON, when this horrific virus comes to find me.   I would much rather die in my sleep.  I wonder if I pray to Robyn's God, will He grant my wish?

Too depressing to post?  Probably.  But I'm depressed.



You're not alone, Kyanight. Or rather, you're not the only one who is alone. I, too, am very depressed and suffering from the isolation.  I have my small circle of confidants but as most of them have gotten bolder about going out and resuming some normal activities and interactions I feel even more alone. It's especially hard when wealthy friends who live out West send pictures of their vacation (they own a second home in the mountains but their primary residence has a large swimming pool in the lovley backyard and to me feels like a resort in itself). Another friend (single woman) who retired in Dec. has a pool and a large house. I never wanted these things for myself as I liked my simpler life and enjoyed visiting them every now and then. My retired friend sent me pictures yesterday of a peach cobbler she made with peaches from her prolific backyard tree and I started to weep. The last 2 summers since she planted the tree I made a peach pie with those peaches. I wish we had thought to make preserves but we didn't. We just ate lots of peaches and she gave lots more to  other friends.

She promised I would be able to enjoy the peaches next year but who knows what will happen between now and then? She also sent a pic of one of her 3 cats. Her cats were the reason I fell in love with cats and ended up adopting my lovely girl (who sadly died in Jan of advanced renal failure). She had come to me with the disease but we (my vet and I) managed to hold it in check for over 3 years).

I am hesitant to begin fostering cats as I have not been able to get allergy shots since Feb. I also know I'll get very attached to a foster. However, I cannot afford to adopt a cat of my own unless and until I find a job. 

I am trying to follow the advice of a close friend (who is also very isolated) to stay in the moment and take things just  a couple days at a time but it is very hard. All this to say I really feel for you,  Kya, and all our 'sisters' here who are sheltering alone. 

I had hoped one day to meet some of the posters on this board (I believe it was @AZChristian whowho suggested a get-together visit to Flagstaff) and I still do. 

I have gotten through periods of depression before and I try to remind myself that better days always came and will come again. 


Edited by Teafortwo
Replaced word with more accurate word I was trying to remember
  • Love 16
On 6/25/2020 at 6:02 PM, xwordfanatik said:

It is so disheartening to hear about or see these dumbass people without masks, just acting like there's no danger for themselves, or others, by being so irresponsible and selfish.

I mean, wake up!  Have some concern and consideration for your fellow human beings, and get your heads out of your asses.  

Sometimes I have to take my mask off due to panic disorder and anxiety. The attacks make me feel like I’m going to pass out and anything on my face gets swatted away, even O2. Most of the time I can keep the mask on on, but I’m so terrified of being judged if I do,  it adds to my already existing anxiety. I totally understand that wearing a mask protects others, so I’m not blind to that fact. Most of the time I tolerate it ok but, there are times I can’t and it’s unpredictable. As a strategy, I never go grocery shopping alone (and absolutely HATE doing it).  If I have an episode, I can run out to safety and not abandon the cart (or become a YouTube video and have medics called). 

I was social distancing before it was a “thing”, and thought it would make me happy that everyone else was doing it. it didn’t—because everyone is arguing about it with raises voices and shouting. It’s made my anxiety worse, not better. 

Most of the time I stay isolated, not because of Covid directly but because trying to navigate the sea of anger is too much. I just try to be cautious, keep my head down, try to keep my mask on and not speak to anyone. 

Can we schedule aliens next for 2020? People could unite in their focus on them.

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I see your point, Turtle.  I'm sorry that you have panic disorder.  I don't know what that is like.

I too am terribly anxious these days, and as an extreme introvert, I also 'social-distanced' before it was necessary.  I haven't even been inside a store or any building since early/mid March.  I just keep hearing about cases around me skyrocketing, see my neighbors having parties in the midst of all this, and it's so worrying.  As I've posted, I quit watching the news and reading the paper.  Never could I have imagined this happening, ever.  

  • Love 9

I is heartbreaking to hear about those having such a hard time through this. I am really missing my volunteer activities but I am not feeling too isolated since I have neighbor that is a close friend and I do Zoom meetings and online classes a lot. I have not entered an enclosed building since March until yesterday when I ventured out to give blood. I have my groceries dumped in my trunk.  As a retired nurse, masks don't bother me in the least so that's a blessing.

It is extremely distressing to see my resort town overrun with people not doing one single sensible thing.  At this point it's just safer for my sanity to only go our in the early mornings so I don't get all upset when I see what's happening.  Our governor's tough stance brought us from the third highest number of cases down to tenth (which makes some sense since we are the tenth in terms of population) and she's watching things carefully.  She has been under attack from the beginning ("That woman from MIchigan") but has our best interests at heart and has remained steadfast which I appreciate.  She won't hesitate to shut down again if the rise in cases (45% of new cases two days ago were traced to one bar crowded with young people) so I'm getting prepared.

I watch one news program every couple of days and it's only the PBS NewsHour. And if it gets too depressing, I turn it off.  It's the only way to keep from going nuts.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I is heartbreaking to hear about those having such a hard time through this. I am really missing my volunteer activities but I am not feeling too isolated since I have neighbor that is a close friend and I do Zoom meetings and online classes a lot. I have not entered an enclosed building since March until yesterday when I ventured out to give blood. I have my groceries dumped in my trunk.  As a retired nurse, masks don't bother me in the least so that's a blessing.

It is extremely distressing to see my resort town overrun with people not doing one single sensible thing.  At this point it's just safer for my sanity to only go our in the early mornings so I don't get all upset when I see what's happening.  Our governor's tough stance brought us from the third highest number of cases down to tenth (which makes some sense since we are the tenth in terms of population) and she's watching things carefully.  She has been under attack from the beginning ("That woman from MIchigan") but has our best interests at heart and has remained steadfast which I appreciate.  She won't hesitate to shut down again if the rise in cases (45% of new cases two days ago were traced to one bar crowded with young people) so I'm getting prepared.

I watch one news program every couple of days and it's only the PBS NewsHour. And if it gets too depressing, I turn it off.  It's the only way to keep from going nuts.

I've worked this entire time and only go to the store on my one day off.  I started wearing my mask in March before most people did.  Dallas county which I work in has just passed a wearing a mask/face covering in public again.  I never stopped wearing mine.  I work in a factory and it's very hot and humid, often over 100 in the building.  It is a struggle to breath, but I know it's for my own good.  Myself and a few other people have started having nasty bumps come up on our face.  Probably from wearing a moist mask for 12 hours a day 5 days a week.  We were considered essential employees because we provide packaging material for shipping.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

I've worked this entire time.  I never stopped wearing mine.  I work in a factory and it's very hot and humid, often over 100 in the building.  It is a struggle to breath, but I know it's for my own good.  Myself and a few other people have started having nasty bumps come up on our face.  Probably from wearing a moist mask for 12 hours a day 5 days a week.  We were considered essential employees because we provide packaging material for shipping.

God bless you and all essential workers. We all depend on your work to keep us safe. Without shipping materials, most of us sheltering in place would have no choice but to enter more stores more often.

When I read your post it puts my 'suffering' with depression and isolation in perspective. Thank you and thanks to @Meowwww who is also an essential worker (working in a retail store).

As for the nurses, doctors, orderlies and others who work in hospitals, I say a heartfelt thank you as well.

You're all my heroes. 

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  • Love 12
21 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

God bless you and all essential workers. We all depend on your work to keep us safe. Without shipping materials, most of us sheltering in place would have no choice but to enter more stores more often.

When I read your post it puts my 'suffering' with depression and isolation in perspective. Thank you and thanks to @Meowwww who is also an essential worker (working in a retail store).

As for the nurses, doctors, orderlies and others who work in hospitals, I say a heartfelt thank you as well.

You're all my heroes. 

I  really feel for all the people working in stores and in hospitals/medical field.  They are exposed to a greater amount of people and higher risk of exposure.  I just see the same 20 people every day.  Limit my shopping to once a week


Also feel for the people who do have to stay at home to protect themselves.  I can only imagine being stuck at home and not getting to see anyone else for months.  Eventually this will go away.    I think that is why we are have more spikes in the virus.  They are just tired of being home and going back out without proper protections in place.  One of my bosses got the virus, he said it was no joke.  Luckily he only had to get oxygen therapy while in the hospital.  But is worn down from the illness.  Said it might be a month or two before he is able to come back to work.

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