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Good Morning America - General Discussion

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I only watch the morning shows when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical at the gym and even then, I jump from show to show. This morning I happened to see the GMA segment when Robin, George and Michael talked about Lauer's dismissal. Well, Robin and George talked about it but during that particular segment, Michael didn't say a peep. Maybe he did later on the show but I thought wow, he sure is quiet. It was awkward. Has anyone heard any rumors about him? I don't watch football and know nothing about him except he played football and escaped from Kelly Ripa's show.


Michael didn't say a peep. Maybe he did later on the show but I thought wow, he sure is quiet. It was awkward. Has anyone heard any rumors about him?

Well, Michael is awkward on GMA in general, so...

As for rumors, his ex wife accused him of beating her and other things, but those accusations may have been made because they were going through a nasty divorce.  From reading around, googling Michael Strahan+divorce or gay should bring most of the articles up, the only accusation she really backed off of was Strahan being gay.  He was probably staying quiet to keep the media and folks who are aware of it from remembering his nasty divorce.

I met Robin Roberts a few days ago.  She was very nice and gracious to the people who wanted to talk to her and get a photo (I didn't get a photo, just exchanged 'how are you' 'nice to meet you' -- that sort of thing).  I do have to say that she has a beautiful complexion, but she isn't as tall as I thought she would be--she always seemed so much taller than others on GMA. 

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1 hour ago, rcc said:

Ratings have not picked up since adding Michael, they have gone down. He brings nothing to GMA.

Hated hime with Kelly (she was lucky to be rid of him), hate him here!  He is totally charmless as far as I'm concerned.  Does he have something on somebody?  Why would anyone think he would add something?

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Every time I turn over to GMA to get away from a segment on Today I'm not interested, Strahan is on.  There he is reading the news or interviewing a newsmaker or doing a cooking segment or doing the pop culture stuff.  I wasn't a fan when Lara was all over the show but at least she didn't have a distracting lisp she constantly stumbled over.  I would understand if GMA was doing a whole lot better than Today, but the ratings are barely better than they were before Strahan came on full time.  I really don't get it.

3 hours ago, junemeatcleaver said:

Every time I turn over to GMA to get away from a segment on Today I'm not interested, Strahan is on.  There he is reading the news or interviewing a newsmaker or doing a cooking segment or doing the pop culture stuff.  I wasn't a fan when Lara was all over the show but at least she didn't have a distracting lisp she constantly stumbled over.  I would understand if GMA was doing a whole lot better than Today, but the ratings are barely better than they were before Strahan came on full time.  I really don't get it.

Neither do I. I believe ratings are lower since he came on board.

Lara had stopped filling in for Robin a while ago.  Don't quote me, but I thought I read somewhere that viewers tuned out whenever she read the news.  I really don't blame people if it's true, Lara is hard to take seriously as a newsreader after that "mommy gives her young daughter botox" disaster and her general annoyingness.  But it still doesn't mean Strahan has any business reading the news or it was right that GMA decided he should take over her niche on the show.


GMA is adding a third hour... In the afternoon.

Official press release:



Third Hour of ‘GMA’ Will Air at 1 P.M. EDT, NOON CDT/PDT

ABC News’ Emmy Award-winning morning show, “Good Morning America,” will expand to three hours. The new third hour of the program will air at 1 p.m. EDT, noon CDT/PDT.


The third hour of “Good Morning America” will feature even more news, pop culture, compelling interviews and the program’s signature, epic live events. 

“’Good Morning America’ keeps finding new ways to inform and delight our audience. We recently expanded ‘GMA’ through our social channels and a newly launched website. Now we will build a whole new hour of compelling content that is true to ‘GMA’’s spirit,” said James Goldston, president of ABC News.

Additional details about the program, including the title and anchors, will be announced in the coming months.

This third hour is essentially replacing "The Chew," which, as noted in the press release, will not be renewed.

Edited by Just Here
auto-formatting woes
10 hours ago, junemeatcleaver said:

They tried an afternoon hour of GMA with Lara and that flop Josh Elliott and it bombed.  Maybe they'll have better luck this time.  Let's just hope the afternoon show won't revolve around Strahan like the first two hours.

I hate Strahan.  Does he have something on somebody?  Why is he still working?

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On 7/19/2018 at 8:19 PM, rcc said:

Paula is leaving GMA Weekend. She will be reporting for ABC News. On her twitter she said she won't miss getting up at 3 a.m. on weekends anymore. I wonder who will be sitting next to Dan. Diane or Adrienne?

No!!!  I just saw the announcement on GMA this morning. I love the weekend team of Dan, Paula, Ron, Rob, and Adrienne, so I am super bummed to see any changes to it.  

Personally, I think Diane’s vibe is too low-key to carry the main anchor role with Dan (or frankly, as pop news anchor before they had Adrienne) - she seems better suited to individual stories.  Adrienne would probably be good, but I do love her as pop news anchor.  Maybe they’ll bring in someone new?

On 7/19/2018 at 7:19 PM, rcc said:

Paula is leaving GMA Weekend. She will be reporting for ABC News. On her twitter she said she won't miss getting up at 3 a.m. on weekends anymore. I wonder who will be sitting next to Dan. Diane or Adrienne?

So that's why they've been doing the three anchor thing on the weekends, they're probably auditioning replacements.  Jessica Mendoza from ESPN was on today.  Apparently Ms. Mendoza calls baseball games, never heard of her, don't even get ESPN, so maybe she's just there to promote ESPN.

Edited by junemeatcleaver
On 2018-07-22 at 9:53 AM, rcc said:

Michael is terrible on GMA. He just can't do any hard news and is nervous with some serious subjects. He might do well with Sara with the lighter news items. I will tune in because I like Sara and hope Michael doesn't bring down the show. Obviously ABC is enamored with him.

Can’t stand him either.  He’s totally charmless.  Somebody explain his appeal.

Does he have something on somebody?

Edited by WarnerCL45
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The third hour of GMA has been given an official name, GMA Day; Co-Hosts have been named: Michael Strahan and Sara Haines. Sara will be leaving her current Co-Host job at The View, which she's had since 2016, for the new job. The new show premieres at 1PM Eastern/Noon Central & Pacific (the current timeslot of The Chew) on September 10th.


Michael and Sarah are trying too hard. 

It's like they're trying to get people to believe Strahan really, truly likes this blonde woman unlike that other blonde woman on that show GMA Day is trying to copy. 

The commercials say there will be conversation and celebrities.  It's like ABC News finally woke up and realized Strahan is dreadful on the main show and is putting him back in the format he was successful at.

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GMA Day is an unapologetic clone of Live! With Kelly and Ryan.  I only saw The Chew once or twice, but it was infinitely better than this show. Too bad they cancelled it for this crap. I liked Sara on The View but won't be watching.  Can't stand Michael Strahan.  I do not get his appeal AT ALL.  I hope the show tanks.

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Well, first of all, I don't understand why they would call it "Good Morning America Day". Stupid. It's not morning anymore, so why not "Good Day America" or "Good Afternoon America"? And yeah, can't stand Strahan either. Sara was never a favorite, She was ok in an ensemble of 5 on The View, but I don't think she has the personality to carry her weight as a co-host of two. 

I remember being pissed when The Chew replaced All My Children but it grew on me. And it was certainly better than this new dreck. 

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On 3/18/2017 at 4:37 PM, babyhouseman said:

He supposed to be filling in for Rob just for the weekend. 

Well he dropped the bombshell too that Ron Claiborne is retiring.  Not sure if Ron had released that info yet or not.  Plus seems like they are auditioing for Paulas seat on Weekends.  Hmmm i wonder if Whip was going to replace Ron.  Adrienne will takeover for Paula, and they will revolve Pop News

34 minutes ago, mellowjoi said:

I hope it won't last long.  They need to apologize and beg Carla, Clinton, and Michael to return and do The Chew.  GMA Day is horrible. 

It is pretty bad.  I only hold out because i want Sara -h to have a job.  Unless the View would bring her back.  I think she would like that also.  I just dont want her to be jobless.

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Watching the hurricane coverage...they've got Ginger, Amy and David Muir out there doing all of the coverage.  Rob's been out there for days in advance but has a family wedding to attend.  Why don't they send Michael out?  They need George to stay in NYC in case any real news breaks, and I suppose Robin will be out eventually to do a human interest story.  Amy and Ginger are more than capable though its hard to watch that big wind with how tiny they are.  I also feel like they've really marginalized Amy and Ginger and Lara to promote Michael, so having him in the studio while the others are in harms way doesn't seem fair.

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20 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Watching the hurricane coverage...they've got Ginger, Amy and David Muir out there doing all of the coverage.  Rob's been out there for days in advance but has a family wedding to attend.  Why don't they send Michael out?  They need George to stay in NYC in case any real news breaks, and I suppose Robin will be out eventually to do a human interest story.  Amy and Ginger are more than capable though its hard to watch that big wind with how tiny they are.  I also feel like they've really marginalized Amy and Ginger and Lara to promote Michael, so having him in the studio while the others are in harms way doesn't seem fair.

I think that sending Michael out to cover the hurricane would be a great idea!  ??

Who does he have backing him, anyway?

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