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S31: Ponderosa


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LOL The fake idol confused the jury. Keith's video was great. They don't know what she did. She mouthed to Ciera that Keith had an idol. they finally figured it out that it was fake but I still don't know why he didn't play the fake idol and at least see if anything happened. I love that Joe got Keith a Tuk Tuk shirt. heheheheh And Keith managed to out eat Ciera.


Kimmi freed crabs on the beach.

Edited by ProfCrash
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Kimmi's son had an Apgar score of one and survived? Apgar has five categories, and to get a total of one, that means he had a zero in four categories. This is what zero looks like in each category: Blue or pale all over, no heart rate, no movement, no response to stimulation, and no breathing. My guess is the one came from minimal respiratory effort. I've never heard of such a low score. It's a miracle he survived.

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Omigosh, Keith is a hoot.


Seriously. I would watch him just talk to the cameras all day. "Let's DON'T do it again" "Cat-like reflexes" "Specimum [sic] of health...." He cracks me up. 


I also love the way he made special note of his weight cause "the wife'll want to know that." 


Hell, even cranky Savage was smiling and happy when Keith got there. So apparently Keith actually was a threat to win the game, seems like he had plenty of friends in the game. 


I enjoyed Ciera in Keith's ponderosa, she seems like a lot of fun to hang out with. 




I'm curious about Kass' remarks about Joe's arrival "causing cliques" 

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 7

Seriously. I would watch him just talk to the cameras all day. "Let's DON'T do it again" "Cat-like reflexes" "Specimum [sic] of health...." He cracks me up.

I also love the way he made special note of his weight cause "the wife'll want to know that."

Hell, even cranky Savage was smiling and happy when Keith got there. So apparently Keith actually was a threat to win the game, seems like he had plenty of friends in the game.

I enjoyed Ciera in Keith's ponderosa, she seems like a lot of fun to hang out with.


I'm curious about Kass' remarks about Joe's arrival "causing cliques"

Joe & Savage seem cliquey (sp?). At the very end of Kelley's Ponderosa video it shows Joe and Savage touching hands (or fist bumping….equivalent of a chest bump) and looking really tight. Also Keith makes misogynistic statements and is really tight with Joe (and I guess Savage who also adores Joe and seems sexist). Keith's comment about being upset or disappointed that Natalie won and he was at the end with a bunch of women (paraphrasing) sounded misogynistic imo.

That was sweet of Joe to meet Kelley by the beach with a cold beer, just because he knew she likes cold beer.


It looked like it almost killed her while she was still in starvation mode. They knew she was fading and out of it, so then they gave the girl a martini! She's Jeff's height (which he claims as 5'10"), and weighed 115. I'm glad she rejected the stupid comment that she looked good.

Seriously. I would watch him just talk to the cameras all day. "Let's DON'T do it again" "Cat-like reflexes" "Specimum [sic] of health...." He cracks me up. 


I also love the way he made special note of his weight cause "the wife'll want to know that." 


Hell, even cranky Savage was smiling and happy when Keith got there. So apparently Keith actually was a threat to win the game, seems like he had plenty of friends in the game. 


I enjoyed Ciera in Keith's ponderosa, she seems like a lot of fun to hang out with. 




I'm curious about Kass' remarks about Joe's arrival "causing cliques"

Everything Keirh did and said was absolutely hilarious. Why don't they dump the racist duck family and put Keith on the air?

I'm not sure if Keith had a chance of winning. These are the same people who told Kimmi she would have won if she made it to final.

I'm guessing Joe's clique included Savage and Ciera. In those clips, I rarely saw Joe without Ciera being close by. Again I wonder if she's no longer married. Didn't Joe hook up with one or two of his no collar tribe mates?

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I'm curious about Kass' remarks about Joe's arrival "causing cliques"


That gave me pause, as well.  I don't think it is complicated or laden with mogumbo.  


Joe arrives, happy go lucky Joe.  He connects with Savage because Savage reaches out and engages him because the likes Joe.  Savage is already drawn to no drama Wiggles in an effort to avoid Kass.  


Joe bonds with Wiggles on Yoga.   We have a group of 3 right there with some common interests.  They probably spent time together, not to the exclusion of others, just got along well. 


Kass, hates Savage so steered clear.  Wiggles is stand offish so there we have a clique caused by happenstance not rancor.


Kass hangs with Ciera and Abi.  Wiggles does not like Abi, more distance. 


And so it goes.  Group dynamics are interesting and cliques do not necessarily mean people are against each other.  You bond with some strongly and not so much with others.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4


It looked like it almost killed her while she was still in starvation mode. They knew she was fading and out of it, so then they gave the girl a martini! She's Jeff's height (which he claims as 5'10"), and weighed 115. I'm glad she rejected the stupid comment that she looked good.


I know, that was crazy! Her bones were sticking out of her skin! I liked Wiggles' commentary though about "let us take care of you first, then we'll deal with what happened later..." That was motherly instincts taking over. I think Wiggles, over the course of how many days in Ponderosa, eventually learned how to deal with people coming in and that's why she's much warmer now than when Ciera came in.

  • Love 9

I agree slowpoked.  


Wiggles was able to relax and enjoy the company out of the game when she realized that it was a friendly place.  She was not able to experience that on Season 1.  She went home immediately and could not bond or decompress at all.  She left feeling hated and got negative feedback once out. 


I think she was braced for drama at Ponderosa and did not know how to act, so retreated to her comfort zone which is distance. 


She was right there greeting newcomers and stuck around the table once she got it that the game was over and things were actually fun.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2


Joe & Savage seem cliquey (sp?). At the very end of Kelley's Ponderosa video it shows Joe and Savage touching hands (or fist bumping….equivalent of a chest bump) and looking really tight. Also Keith makes misogynistic statements and is really tight with Joe (and I guess Savage who also adores Joe and seems sexist). Keith's comment about being upset or disappointed that Natalie won and he was at the end with a bunch of women (paraphrasing) sounded misogynistic imo.

Joe and Savage seemed very cliquey throughout the show and, based on what I've seen from social media, post-show. It's so pathetic on Savage's part. As other posters have touched, he is not 25 anymore and maybe he'd be happier and more fulfilled (and less bitter and full of vitriol) if he just got over that. As for Keith's comments, I haven't watched the video yet, but yes, those do sound very misogynistic. Gross. That's why I can't get on board the "Keith is so awesome and hilarious" train.

  • Love 1

Also Keith makes misogynistic statements and is really tight with Joe (and I guess Savage who also adores Joe and seems sexist). Keith's comment about being upset or disappointed that Natalie won and he was at the end with a bunch of women (paraphrasing) sounded misogynistic imo.


Every time I start really loving Keith I remember some of his statements and it makes me pause. I wouldn't say he's misogynistic at all, but I do certainly think he has very old-fashioned views on men vs. women. I really wish he'd learn and grow in that arena. But I do think that he's ultimately a decent man and someone who would probably be a lot of fun to have around when you're playing Survivor, so I'm not surprised to see he's so well liked by the other players.

  • Love 5

I believe that the Jury is not allowed to speak but I don't know that there is such a rule for the players.


I don't think the players are supposed to interact with the jury, either, but I believe they've relaxed the rules quite a bit from the early days (where, from what I remember some players saying, they had to forget the jury was there-even as Probst would point to them in their questioning).  Several of the jurors said Kelley would be looking at them with faces and expressions while others were talking so it made them aware of what might be going on (or to ask questions when that person was voted off).  Also, Kass said when she first returned as a juror, she mocked slitting her throat at Andrew and mouthed "no votes for you".  So I think they are more free to do what they want.  I'm just curious why Kelley felt the need to tell  them Keith had an idol, even if it was funny that they were stumped for awhile.


So I was watching one of Kelley's periscopes from the finale and Kass held up her phone that was playing a video of her and Savage singing "Islands in the stream" at some karaoke bar in Cambodia. They seriously needed to include this somehow in one of the Ponderosa videos.



Once again, they leave out the best stuff!  Maybe they were worried this would ruin Savage's beanie wearing image?  Last season, Joe said they (or at least him, Tyler, Jenn, and Hali) made a music video that he hopes will see the light of day one day.  Why not show that stuff?

  • Love 3

I thought I was the only one who likes Kass. I've always wondered how people would feel about Kass if she looked more like the stereotypical bleached blonde with implants. I'm always surprised that much of the criticism directed her way are things like - she's the ugliest woman I've ever seen. Keith is no Adonis (and he spits more than a pack of camels) yet I've never read a negative comment about his looks.

I don't like Kass or Andrew, but I would consider them both good looking. If Kass were a bleach blonde with implants, that would be a distinct downgrade IMO.

Its weird how personable Wigglesworth was on S1 and is not now. Or rather its weird how her new closed off personality seems to match her new face or vice versa.

Yeah, it doesn't seem to me like she has done herself any favors by coming back. I had her in my mind for 15 years as someone who was robbed of the victory she deserved; now she strikes me as a terrible player who just doesn't get the game at all. And the new face certainly doesn't help, as you say.

LOL The fake idol confused the jury. Keith's video was great. They don't know what she did. She mouthed to Ciera that Keith had an idol. they finally figured it out that it was fake but I still don't know why he didn't play the fake idol and at least see if anything happened.

I have seen so many comments to this effect, even from other players, and I just don't get it. What could Keith possibly have gained by playing the idol? There was zero percent chance that it would have been accepted as valid. He might have been able to bluff with it better than he did, but why play it? That's just a ticket to getting the mocking dum-dum music.

Edited by SlackerInc
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SlackerInc, on 21 Dec 2015 - 08:43 AM, said:

I have seen so many comments to this effect, even from other players, and I just don't get it. What could Keith possibly have gained by playing the idol? There was zero percent chance that it would have been accepted as valid. He might have been able to bluff with it better than he did, but why play it? That's just a ticket to getting the mocking dum-dum music.


I don't think anyone means "play" it like give it to Jeff.  But pull it out during tribal, announce you're playing it, etc.

  • Love 2


Its weird how personable Wigglesworth was on S1 and is not now.


It seems that she was very personable, and talked to everyone a lot, but she didn't want to talk about her original season, and that's all Probst cared about, so they didn't show her social game. I'm betting one of the producers asked her to make a call back to her first season in her jury question, probably hoping for another rat and snake moment, and she just asked them to pick a number and sat down.

  • Love 2

If Keith pulled it out and put it on as tribal council was ending he could have freaked out Tasha, Spencer, and Jeremy. He had the note, so he could have waved that around and made it clear that he had a "real" idol. Apparently it looked very authentic. All he needed was for Tasha, Spencer or Jeremy to vote for someone not Keith and he was still in the game. Probst would not verify that the idol was real until after the voting had occurred.


It would have been a bluff and it might not have worked but may as well give it a try.


Seriously, the Jury was struggling to figure out if it was real or not at Ponderosa and they had time to look at the silly thing. The players in the game, sleep deprived, hungry, and exhausted might have fallen for it and Keith might have lasted in the game.

  • Love 3

I think even the players would've recognized it as a Hail Mary.  It's not like many people with real idols flash them around and proclaim their genuineness at tribal before the vote.  The only reason to do so would be because it's fake, right?  

Well, Malcolm and his amigos did it in Caramoan, and they're both real idols. Tony wore an idol during tribal, but while it was real, it wouldn't have worked at F4 because of that special idol rules. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's a Hail Mary, all right, but only Keith needed to know that, not the other players.

  • Love 3

I think Jeremy said he was planning on voting for Spencer regardless.  He felt safe since he threw Spencer's name out there to Kelley/Keith.  So he votes for Spencer and can say he stayed loyal, real or fake.  Now, Spencer might have lost it and thought it was real and tried throwing someone else under the bus.  Especially if Kelley/Keith said Jeremy told them to vote for him.  Not to say Spencer would believe it or fall for it, as he seemed  dead set on sticking with Jeremy to the end.  But if there was that one moment where he thought he could actually be going home (like someone said Tyler did last season when Mike played his idol bluff) he might have flipped.  In the end, I don't think Spencer had a chance in hell at winning.  This cast sure didn't have the warm and fuzzies of last seasons "closest cast ever!" 

I don't think he read the room, I think he decided he didn't want to look like an idiot and it had no chance of working so he didn't bother trying to bluff with it. I think he was concerned that he would be told that it "was a fucking stick" and didn't want to be embarrassed. That is his right but it strikes me as putting pride before trying to stay in the game.

  • Love 5

I don't think he read the room, I think he decided he didn't want to look like an idiot and it had no chance of working so he didn't bother trying to bluff with it. I think he was concerned that he would be told that it "was a fucking stick" and didn't want to be embarrassed. That is his right but it strikes me as putting pride before trying to stay in the game.


Well, he did take a ton of heat for "stick to the plan!"  He probably didn't want to embarrass himself (in fact, that's about what he said, no?).

  • Love 4

I think there's also a difference between the stick fake idol and the one that Kelley made. Kelley's was a reasonable fake idol. It had the real wrapper, the real note, and plausibly resembled the real idols (conveniently all different looking). More importantly, Keith would have been using it to bluff. He wasn't deceived by it. So IMHO, he wasn't really at risk of getting the buffoon edit, and it's a shame that he didn't at least try it.

  • Love 4

It still kills Kelley that he didn't at least try it. Also, Jeremy said Keith was being too obvious before Tribal Council. Most people don't actually show the idols before the votes are read. So, it might not have been that effective but he really should have tried. Unfortunately, Keith isn't a god liar. I still say that Kelley should have told him it was real. He would have believed her since she pulled out two already.

  • Love 2

It still kills Kelley that he didn't at least try it. Also, Jeremy said Keith was being too obvious before Tribal Council. Most people don't actually show the idols before the votes are read. So, it might not have been that effective but he really should have tried. Unfortunately, Keith isn't a god liar. I still say that Kelley should have told him it was real. He would have believed her since she pulled out two already.

I think that is the key. Keith is an awful liar and not very good at the strategic element of the game. Keith could not pull off the lie and he knew it. I would far prefer him saying "I knew I could not pull off the bluff, that is not my strong suit." Joe tried to work with a fake idol last year, it failed but no one thought he was a buffoon. Everyone treated it as a, nice try, good play. A bit desperate but it was nice to see someone try everything and make things happen. Keith was actually in a better place then Joe because he had the original wrappings and a note to go with the idol.


It would have been better for Kelley to have played it on Keith and surprised him at tribal. I think she could have said "I have immunity and Keith has immunity. We are voting Spencer." She shows the note and given that she had found two other idols it is more then possible that she had found a third. Keith would have been caught off guard and would not have been able to screw it up because he knew nothing about it.

  • Love 4

I like your idea, ProfCrash.


I think even the players would've recognized it as a Hail Mary.  It's not like many people with real idols flash them around and proclaim their genuineness at tribal before the vote.  The only reason to do so would be because it's fake, right?  


I can think of one other reason, at least: to bluff people away from voting for you (when they don't have enough votes to split them) and then not use it, and save the idol for the next TC.

I need a bit of help, please.  Have been in the 'wilds' of Wisconsin for the past 3 weeks with basically Alphabet only TV and no internet, yea, I know!  I did see the final 2 programs when they aired and am now home and ready to catch up on all the posts I have missed AND watch the last couple of Ponderosas.  Cry me a river, CBS has apparently removed them already.  Does anyone know where online they may still be viewable????  This just sucks.  :(

I did see the final 2 programs when they aired and am now home and ready to catch up on all the posts I have missed AND watch the last couple of Ponderosas.  Cry me a river, CBS has apparently removed them already.  Does anyone know where online they may still be viewable????  This just sucks.  :(


I was in the same boat, away for several weeks and recorded the episodes, but just recently got a chance to view them.  I love how Jeff is all, Watch the Ponderosa videos on our website, but apparently not for very long.  Thankfully, there is youtube.

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