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If we are talking a DNA match of some sort to Thea, the Tommy theory pops back up since they'd share at least some markers, right?  It's ridiculous for him to be alive but I feel like the show has been dropping hints. 


I could see in a twisted mind him thinking that killing Sara makes sense.  He'd be protecting his father who he's never been able to impress and exacting revenge for Laurel on the sister that betrayed her. 

  • Love 1

I hope that this Thea thing is all just bs and made up by whomever runs that website. Even if she was brainwashed, with these writers, I think it might ruin her character. It could be a red herring though where everyone thinks it's Thea, but really Malcolm fucking with Ra's and Oliver. That's when Not!Dead Tommy will pop up. 


Ultimately, like many others, it really doesn't matter which killer they pull out of their ass. Sara died to make Laurel relevant. 

  • Love 4
When Guggenheim said we'd know who killed Sara 'by the end of the year', I think he meant by the end of the TV year,


I took it to mean that he was talking about the end of the fall run of new episodes. There was a new interview with Colton recently where he said that the producers wouldn't tell the cast who killed Sara because they were worried that one of the actors might let it slip in an interview, but now they know who did it, so they either must have filmed the 'reveal' scene already or read it in a script.

Edited by strikera0

If Thea killed Sara knowingly, then they'll need to write her character out or make her a villain. The idiot hoops that everyone would have to jump through for Diggle, Felicity and Laurel to ever forgive her for murdering their friend would be too much even for this show. Oliver himself shouldn't be able to forgive her either, but I could see them making him conflicted enough that he eventually just gets over it. Like you ever get over someone you love being murdered. That's not even taking into account how the audience would react, when Sara's murderer goes unpunished. I mean, even if the writers seem to have made it clear that they're happy to dump her in the garbage, kick the corpse and then hand over everything she was to someone else, having the murderer get a big hug and 'sympathy' would be way too much.


If she was brainwashed and did it then.... Holy copout, Batman! Seriously, Merlyn is able to brainwash people now? Why did he never do that with his co-conspirators to prevent his plans leaking? Why didn't he do it to Robert Queen when he feared he was going to turn on him? Why did he never do it to get Tommy onside or get Moira to behave? Why did he not try to do it to Oliver when he'd captured him, or Walter when he'd held him captive for months? Cheap and stupid. But also a way of sowing false, contrived tension between Thea and the other characters, which would ultimately amount to nothing because brainwashing means 'hey, I don't have to accept responsibility. Awesome!'


If it was Undead Tommy, then the message is still, 'if you're a dude and you die, you can probably come back to life. If you're a woman? We'll bury you in an unmarked grave'. Not a great message to send, but casual misogyny seems to be rooted in this show anyway.


Seems like they maybe should have thought a little more about killing Sara before they killed her, because so many of these suspects would just make the show even worse, if they turned out to be responsible.


But here's the way I'd do it: Nyssa was brainwashed into killing Sara by Ra's, so he could then make a big show of wanting the murderer found, to coerce Oliver into joining his League. Nyssa finds out at some point during Oliver's Summer at Camp Al Ghul, and is devastated (hence feeling sorry for the killer). She turns on Ra's, helps Oliver escape and comes back to Starling City with him. She then takes off to be alone for a while, with the promise that she can show up again to help out Team Arrow in the future.


Gives Sara's death some sort of worth, makes Ra's the evilest of evil villains, gets Oliver out of whatever deal he makes with Ra's, and keeps Nyssa as a future guest star. The only drawback? Sara's still dead. 


But then, in season 5 they can have the 'Ra's resurrects Sara and turns her against Team Arrow' storyline. Canary on Canary violence. Or should I say, Canary on Fauxnary violence?

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 6

I'm finally starting to buy into the Zombie Tommy theory because:


1. The "shocking!" DNA evidence that is found on the arrow during the crossover - it's got to have Merlyn markers. Thea's going to be implicated because a) Oliver and co. already ruled Merlyn out, b) they all think Tommy's dead and c) Felicity has the forensic evidence that the bows were fired from a shorter person

2. Thea will steadfastly deny it because, you know, she didn't do it, although she'll admit that she was hanging out with Merlyn while she was away. This will give Oliver enough doubt to be willing to sacrifice himself for her.

3. The episode description for 3x09 states that Ra's gives Oliver 48 hours to find Sara's killer - what if he already knows who it is, but is unwilling to hand her over and ultimately sacrifices himself? This would tie in with the spoiler that Ra's thinks Oliver's human connections make him weak.

4. Barrowman said that Merlyn's setting up the chess board for the long game - he's trying to get Oliver and Ra's into a fight, and he knows Oliver would never sacrifice Thea. It also explains why he let her return to Starling City so easily - and he might be batshit enough to dangle her as bait to serve his purposes, IDK. He does think Thea's stronger than Tommy, so maybe he thinks she can handle it.


So, everyone will think they've found Sara's killer, then Zombie! Tommy pops up in an unexpected way at some point (during sweeps probably) and is revealed. Maybe Sara knew he was alive and that's why she wasn't surprised to see him, although why she wouldn't tell anyone, IDK. Can you imagine the shit this would do to Laurel? First she'd be on a bloodthirsty vengeance path for Thea that she can't really get out of her system, then to find out the a guy she loved is back from the dead and EVIL!!!11!? Haha, wow. What if they actually do have her go dark? She'd be redeemed at some point, but...hmmm. It's making me think.


There are of course some plot holes and inconsistencies that I can't quite explain away for this theory to work, but the EPs don't bother explaining this shit, so I'm not going to try to figure it out. It would also mean this recent spoiler is both true and untrue. That the team thinks Thea is the killer but she's really not - but the filming timeline would be off since the "reveal" would happen in eps 8 and 9.


I'm probably way off base here. Maybe Thea is the killer, as whackadoo as it sounds.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 6

Pink nightmare, love your theory. Which means they will never do it because they aren't that clever.

I have to roll my eyes with this entire Thea thing because it sounds exactly like something they would do. This season is turning out to be the biggest waste of time and energy.

I will say, re hk flashbacks in 10-13, I was wondering if they would parallel Oliver's dehumanizations. He will be losing his identity/humanity in hk while ras is trying to strip him of it (offscreen, which is dumb) in present

Oh, man, I'm starting to believe in the Zombie Tommy theory as well. I'm still certain that the new suspect in 309 is Thea, because there's just no one else that would make Oliver go away with the LoA to save the entire city -- they'd just deliver whoever else to Ra's if it's not a personal connection.


The surprising DNA thing @apinknightmare brought up works for me. It would be pretty impossible to redeem Thea if she is the killer anyway, and her being a killer doesn't advance Laurel's storyline AT ALL. Zombie Tommy would.


Plus, Colin Donnell is done with The Affair, so he's actually available now, as opposed to the single day on set he had in 302. Also, it does explain WHY he was in 302 in the first place.

I think it's hysterical that people seemed to find a dead guy did it to be more plausible.

They certainly have planted clues for it to be Thea

Black Arrows like Merlyn

Killer was short, Felicity refers to Thea as small

Woman's voice modulator - fans here said it sounded like a woman, people speculated it was Moira, Nyssa and Talia.

Person knew Sara and Sara knew them but wasn't afraid, just confused.

Something with DNA from the killer that might be tied to whatever changes the future of both teams in the crossover. - Someone on the team or related to the team?

Colton saying he felt sorry for the character (would have to be someone we know)

If it is Thea the big problem is motivation because like @DannyFranks said there isn't much. Killing a stranger to protect Daddy maybe, killing her brother's ex girlfriend, her friend, and her friends baby sister in cold blood then not even showing remorse or sorrow or any emotions while around Oliver is another level of cold.

Having her be brainwashed is even worse because it's a total cheat/cop out. Because that means it was only Thea for shock value but never had the balls to commit.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 6

Regarding the flashbacks in 3x10, 3x11 and (maybe) 3x12: Somebody (unfortunately, I don't remember the name and can't find her post right now) brought up the idea that the flashbacks of the episodes in January might be about what happened to Oliver right after the moment when 3x09 (the mid season finale before Christmas) ends. So, technically speaking, they would still be flashbacks ("two months ago..."), but tell the audience what it is really interested in (and what ALMOST takes place in present time).


Another person (whose post I can't find either, sorry) responded to this speculation suggesting that, since SA mentioned on twitter (during the time of shooting 3x09) that he was working with the HONGKONG-flashback-actors, the January flashbacks are going to take place THERE.


Now, IMO, they could have DIFFERENT kinds of flashbacks in ONE episode: about Oliver's time in Hongkong AND about his time immediately after "The Climb". Maybe they are going to give the flashbacks more screentime (in sum) than they usually do in order to accomodate them better in the episodes.

Edited by Kordi
  • Love 1

As someone who never read the comic books, I want to comment on costumes and realism on Arrow


One of the reasons I like Arrow is because the show tries to be grounded in realism (or as real as a 'superhero show' can get).  Oliver's 'superpower' skills aren't genetic, alien, or given to him through a freak accident.  He got them through extensive training, practice, and a determination born out of suffering.  He earned them.  But lately it feels like this show is moving away from this realism, esp. if this season is headed toward a Canary Cry and the Atom.  This moving away from realism is reflected in the 'superhero' costumes.


Oliver's green-hooded costume is organic to his character.  It's the outfit he brought back from the island (I believe), and it's designed for comfort and camouflage.  Although the green color is better camouflage on the island than in the city, it's still a dark drab color that hides well in the shadows.  Keeping the green color may also be a tribute to those left behind on the island (like Shado and Yao Fei) and everything he experienced there.  Even the black paint around his eyes was not just disguise but could be functional.  It served to keep the glare from sun or artificial light out of his eyes (why football players put black greasepaint under their eyes), which enhanced his effectiveness as an archer.  Yes, we have to handwave why no one recognizes him, but I thought that adding the mask actually detracted a little from the naturalness of his outfit.


Sara's costume as the Canary was an all-black outfit that worked for her persona as a LOA member and for running around at night - despite the cleavage, which I get was a nod to a BC comic book costume, but also worked as arguably fitting Sara's somewhat 'wild child' personality.  Her outfit looked like something a real assassin would wear.  (The impracticality of superhero women having loosely hanging long hair while fighting has been previously discussed in this forum.) 


Then we're introduced to Roy's red-hooded costume.  I get that his costume is a different color in order to distinguish Roy from Oliver out in the field and to give Arsenal a distinct persona.  But red is not a good camouflage color in any environs.  Also, wouldn't it be more effective to have Roy's costume the same color as Oliver's?  This sameness would confuse their enemies.  It would also provide an alibi for either of them, if needed, and help conceal their secret identities.  They could still have different-colored arrows.  Roy's red costume was a move away from realism and into comic book fantasy.


Finally, we have the new Black Canary costume for Laurel.  The neck-to-toe black is great for being a vigilante and would've been a good workable outfit.  But then the costume designer ruins it by adding all the buckles.  As mentioned by several here, if these buckles are functional, then it will take a long time for her to buckle up when she needs to go out into the field.  If the buckles are only decorative, then how do those boots stay up?  If the buckles are decorative and the boots have zippers or snaps, then what's the point of having the buckles in the first place?  Moreover, the buckles don't even look like they're black-coated but appear silver.  Shiny silver buckles will catch the light and give away her position if she's trying to hide.  Add in the garter belt, and Laurel's costume moves the show even further into comic book fantasy.


It just seems like TPTB on Arrow are sacrificing realism in their rush to introduce as many cool new 'comic book toys' as they can, without much thought.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 11

I just can't see Thea being the killer, and not just because it doesn't quite make sense for the character, but it doesn't make sense for the actress as well. I remember reading an interview during the hiatus with one of the EPs (can't remember if it was MG or AK or even GB) about how this season was supposed to be a reward — I think they actually used that word — for Willa and Katie for being patient about their characters not getting the attention they deserved in seasons 1 and 2. So they finally try to do something interesting with Thea and they decide to make her a "hated" character (using Colton Haynes word here)? That doesn't make sense (I know, I know, look at which show we're talking about, but still).

Wow, if that is the case, these EPs are even more clueless than I thought. They shouldn't be writing the show around an actor's feelings but what works for the show. Quite frankly, it makes no real sense for either Thea or Laurel to have a bigger storyline. They are both secondary characters that don't gel with the rest of the show and could easily be killed off or sent off-screen never to be heard of again. I certainly hope the need to give Katie and Willa more to do isn't the reason behind the 3 episode absence of the star of the show.

  • Love 1
Wow, if that is the case, these EPs are even more clueless than I thought. They shouldn't be writing the show around an actor's feelings but what works for the show. Quite frankly, it makes no real sense for either Thea or Laurel to have a bigger storyline. They are both secondary characters that don't gel with the rest of the show and could easily be killed off or sent off-screen never to be heard of again. I certainly hope the need to give Katie and Willa more to do isn't the reason behind the 3 episode absence of the star of the show.


Given that he's the star you might need to write the show, at least partly, around Amell's feelings but otherwise you're right. Which makes three episodes without Oliver even more nonsensical unless his feelings are "damn it I'm tired" or "I miss my family." One episode without your star is difficult to pull off but if done right can be quite interesting. The disappearance of the main character is a plot for the other characters to investigate. The problem is it doesn't sound like, from what we have been told so far at least, this is the case here. It sounds, correctly or not, like they're displacing Oliver to try out Laurel.


As for the Who Killed Sister Sara mystery, I don't think Malcolm makes any sense considering he's trying to hide from the League and killing the girlfriend of Ra's daughter (who was investigating the very idea he was alive) kind of draws attention to himself. The same thing more or less applies to Thea, even if Ra's does not know he's her father having Thea kill Sara risks his exposure, not to mention Thea's life and twisted as he is I do think Malcolm cares about her. I have little doubt an episode or two will center around everyone thinking Thea did it, or may have done it, but I doubt it will amount to anything.


Though I've been wrong before and easily could be again.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 1

Has the show talked about motive at all for Sara's murder? They have talked about the physical evidence, but I don't recall them really talking about why Sara would be targeted. I think Malcolm was only a suspect because he was Malcolm. I'm blanking on 3x02, but was it confirmed that Sara was after Komodo and that's why he was a suspect or was he a suspect because he used arrows?

He was a suspect because he used Arrow, she was in Starling tracking Malcolm.

Merlyn, Komodo, Roy ruled out.


Black Arrows, possible women's voice, knew Sara and Sara knew but wasn't intimidated or frightened by killer, unusual angle and velocity, DNA clue in 308,

Cast/Crew comments

Colton feels sorry for the character, important enough that it changes both team arrow and flash forever, possibly revealed in 309. Sin is back for 312 and possible spoiler/foiler saying they're filming scenes now that reveal to Oliver Thea is the killer.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

Has the show talked about motive at all for Sara's murder? They have talked about the physical evidence, but I don't recall them really talking about why Sara would be targeted. I think Malcolm was only a suspect because he was Malcolm. I'm blanking on 3x02, but was it confirmed that Sara was after Komodo and that's why he was a suspect or was he a suspect because he used arrows?

I think the motive hasn't been examined because she's in the LoA. Who needs a reason to kill a killer? It could be anyone: someone trying to get at the League, revenge killing for someone Sara killed, someone trying to start shit with the League. It'd probably be impossible to narrow down.

(I had to edit this 10 times since I'm on my cell, sorry)

Edited by apinknightmare

Colton's comments have been misleading before though, haven't they? Wasn't he also the one who said that Roy and Sara would grow closer because of something tragic that happened? We all know that didn't happen.

No, I think it was worded ambiguously, and could easily be interpreted as either he and Sara growing closer or the team growing closer, if I'm thinking of the right interview. I remember having a discussion about that earlier in this thread before the season started. IIRC, people were evenly split on whether he meant that he and Sara got closer or the whole team got closer.

Has it been mentioned what type of DNA evidence was found? The only blood on the roof would be Sara's.


I'm staying with Thea as Sara's killer theory I find her acceptance of Malcolm too suspicious to let it go but anything's possible (because the writers have done such a terrible with the plotline). 


With the introduction of  Mirakuru Arrow lost a lot of it's realism grounding so I can accept things like Roy's red costume and imo Laurel needs those buckles to bulk out KC's legs a bit. I struggle with the more mundane stuff like the Arrow Cave still being in the club despite the Queens not owning the building and any lawyering Laurel does. 

Edited by patchwork

Thanks for the refresher.


Any theories on how Sara's death/murderer will affect The Flash? The didn't know Sara so I would think it would be connected through the killer, but I'm drawing a blank on how that makes any sense.


RE: Olicity no sex spoiler. If sex makes it a 10 and they are at a 9, does that mean they get to third base? LOL

  • Love 4

No, I think it was worded ambiguously, and could easily be interpreted as either he and Sara growing closer or the team growing closer, if I'm thinking of the right interview. I remember having a discussion about that earlier in this thread before the season started. IIRC, people were evenly split on whether he meant that he and Sara got closer or the whole team got closer.

I don't remember that (not saying it didn't happen, just to clarify, just that I don't remember it). I just remember the discussions over whether or not Sin was going to die because she was the only real connection between Roy and Sara.

Edited by Starfish35

I don't remember that. I just remember the discussions over whether or not Sin was going to die because she was the only real connection between Roy and Sara.

I know for sure it was on here, because this is the only board I post on and I was one of the people who thought he meant the team got closer, not him and Sara (and I panicked, haha)

Edited by apinknightmare

I know for sure it was on here, because this is the only board I post on and I was one of the people who thought he meant the team got closer, not him and Sara (and I panicked, haha)

Yeah, I'm not doubting you - I just don't remember that discussion at all, only the one about Sin. I edited my post to clarify what I meant, but apparently not in time. Sorry about that! :(

Heh. In all seriousness I'm not buying any assessment Mr. "Emmy-worthy" makes about an Olicity scene. Given his propensity to oversell everything it will probably be anything but mindblowing.

It was there, it's been discussed several times in this thread, we discussed it after SDCC, before the premiere when people started freaking out about Sara's death, we even revisited the video after Sara's death (pretty sure ban1o posted) it because we all thought he lied. If you go back to mid October you'll probably find the video.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Heh. In all seriousness I'm not buying any assessment Mr. "Emmy-worthy" makes about an Olicity scene. Given his propensity to oversell everything it will probably be anything but mindblowing.

If it were only Guggentroll I'd be in the same head space, but I think this is the scene SA talked about in the Arrow After Show, and the same scene Kreisberg tweeted about from the set. I just don't think it's gonna be a happy scene, because Oliver is leaving/missing/presumed dead/what have you by the end of the ep.

But HEY. Very glad they don't have sex before the super angsty times, because I'm super tired of narratives that punish people for getting it on.

Edited by dancingnancy
  • Love 3

We all know for a fact that Oliver and Felicity will have sex ... because all that angst and unresolved sexual tension has got to deliver ... I don't care if it happens now, or during February sweeps (Valentine episode) or season finale, I just want a good scene with decent lighting so that we can actually see their faces. I would hate for it to be a dark scene with shadows and heavy breathing. I would like that scene to last at least 60 seconds or more followed by some honest to goodness chat - preferably in the sheets.

Yes, I have very specific demands about Olicity sex scene. I deserve that after 2 plus years of shipping.

  • Love 13

If it were only Guggentroll I'd be in the same head space, but I think this is the scene SA talked about in the Arrow After Show, and the same scene Kreiberg tweeted about from the set. I just don't think it's gonna be a happy scene, because Oliver is leaving/missing/presumed dead/what have you by the end of the ep.

Yeah, they're going to kiss and tell each other that they love each other and maybe express a little hope for what could've been in the future, and I'm going to need someone to hold me while I curl up in the fetal position.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 12

Yeah, if we only had MG's word to go on I would be shrugging this off right now but I believe SA more than anyone so I'm hopeful we'll get a good Olicity scene. I'm sure it will be heartbreaking but as long as there's some kind of hope to hold us, I'm ok with that. If he rates sex a 10 and this scene is a 9, does that mean we're getting another kiss? Please please please, I need to erase that one she had with crazy eyes from my mind. 

They need to give us a good Olicity scene because they're going to need people to keep watching while Oliver is gone. So while I don't trust MG's assessments (although the 'not a 10 because no sex' made me laugh), the show really needs a bang-up scene between them.  And both AK and SA have said it's good. 


If they ever get down to real sex, it will be either interrupted to save someone or the city blows up.

The one problem I have with it being Tommy is that I'm sure these writers will never properly explain HOW is he not dead, unless they really go there with the Lazarus Pit, but then I'll be annoyed that they brought back Tommy instead of Shado. Or Sara. OR MOIRA. FOREVER BITTER.

It'll be the Lazarus Pit.  Malcolm didn't need it because he faked being dead and so he got his minions to take Tommy there.


Has it been mentioned what type of DNA evidence was found? The only blood on the roof would be Sara's.


Felicity said she had tried to check the DNA from that arrow that killed Sara against Roy's but it was inconclusive probably why she asks Caitlin for help.  I give you odds it's planted DNA.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

We all know for a fact that Oliver and Felicity will have sex ... because all that angst and unresolved sexual tension has got to deliver ... I don't care if it happens now, or during February sweeps (Valentine episode) or season finale, I just want a good scene with decent lighting so that we can actually see their faces. I would hate for it to be a dark scene with shadows and heavy breathing. I would like that scene to last at least 60 seconds or more followed by some honest to goodness chat - preferably in the sheets.

Yes, I have very specific demands about Olicity sex scene. I deserve that after 2 plus years of shipping.


Actually, instead of a sex scene I'd prefer the afterglow scene, with Felicity asleep and Oliver just watching her with that puppy eyes, maybe playing with her hair a bit. And then she wakes up to see him and says something Felicity-like.


Ok, scratch that, i want a sex scene and an afterglow scene. Actually, one episode can end with a sex scene and the other open with the afterglow.


As for the 9-on-Guggenheim-scale scene... I guess a goodbye/ "I will never see you again" / "I'm not coming back alive" kiss and a lot of "I wish things would be different" / "If I wasn't such a moron and push you away" dialogue.

  • Love 8

Actually, instead of a sex scene I'd prefer the afterglow scene, with Felicity asleep and Oliver just watching her with that puppy eyes, maybe playing with her hair a bit. And then she wakes up to see him and says something Felicity-like.


Ok, scratch that, i want a sex scene and an afterglow scene. Actually, one episode can end with a sex scene and the other open with the afterglow.


As for the 9-on-Guggenheim-scale scene... I guess a goodbye/ "I will never see you again" / "I'm not coming back alive" kiss and a lot of "I wish things would be different" / "If I wasn't such a moron and push you away" dialogue.

Gahahahahaha that is so descriptive for their sex scene. But I second it, sex scene and afterglow. Thaaank you.

Actually, instead of a sex scene I'd prefer the afterglow scene, with Felicity asleep and Oliver just watching her with that puppy eyes, maybe playing with her hair a bit. And then she wakes up to see him and says something Felicity-like.


Ok, scratch that, i want a sex scene and an afterglow scene. Actually, one episode can end with a sex scene and the other open with the afterglow.


oh yes, afterglow scenes are my kryptonite ... I want that ... I want all of that ... I am greedy like that.

  • Love 2

Actually, instead of a sex scene I'd prefer the afterglow scene, with Felicity asleep and Oliver just watching her with that puppy eyes, maybe playing with her hair a bit. And then she wakes up to see him and says something Felicity-like.


Ok, scratch that, i want a sex scene and an afterglow scene. Actually, one episode can end with a sex scene and the other open with the afterglow.




This just described a lot of the fan fic stuff I'm anticipating coming out to get many of us through the hiatus. LOL


Yeah, if we only had MG's word to go on I would be shrugging this off right now but I believe SA more than anyone so I'm hopeful we'll get a good Olicity scene. I'm sure it will be heartbreaking but as long as there's some kind of hope to hold us, I'm ok with that. If he rates sex a 10 and this scene is a 9, does that mean we're getting another kiss? Please please please, I need to erase that one she had with crazy eyes from my mind. 


I appreciate that there are others beside MG talking about how great the Olicity stuff will be for 3.09. However, he's not remotely accurate (in my opinion) when he talks about chemistry, a particular performance or even romance. So I'm taking his twitter comments to mean it'll be rewarding until BOOM! painful.



They need to give us a good Olicity scene because they're going to need people to keep watching while Oliver is gone. So while I don't trust MG's assessments (although the 'not a 10 because no sex' made me laugh), the show really needs a bang-up scene between them.  And both AK and SA have said it's good. 



This. Maybe the casual viewer won't know that Oliver isn't in the next few episodes after the winter hiatus but enough fans do. And so do reviewers.  I cannot fathom the show ending 3.09 with so much despair (and no hope) that they'd risk viewers dropping the show entirely.


As for Sara's killer...

If it's Thea, it flies in the face of what SA said recently (Thea isn't going dark) but would certainly explain why Oliver would be involved in the LoA at this point.  And no one should be able to forgive her. That's too much to ask for a redemption story. Brainwashed?  A lazy cop out.


If it's Tommy, as much as I love Tommy and Colin Donnell, I think the Lazarus Pit and whatever would be a complete BS move. It would also make Malcolm's obsession with training Thea and having a relationship with her ridiculous (IMO).  But it COULD be a more logical part of his Big Bad villian plan.


If it's Nyssa, that makes no sense because why would she have come to find the killer and be determined to kill Malcolm for it.


If it's Sin?  No. Just no.


At this point, I have doubts about how thought out this mystery has been by the EPs and the writers.  It seems way too convoluted and apt to defy logic and continuity to be a well written arc.

  • Love 2

Hmm.  An Oliver/Felicity love scene?  Here's what I want.  The latest Imagine Dragons jam playing in the background: Oliver carries Felicity to the bedroom where they start undressing each other in front of windows with undrawn curtains, allowing anyone from the street to watch.  Haha!  Just kidding.


But seriously, if a 10 is sex, then this 9 rating better involve more than just a kiss.  It better be like a passionate make-out scene with roaming hands and bodies pressed against the wall, or I'm gonna be disappointed.


  • Love 3

I really don't think there will be anything more than a kiss good-bye at most.  I think the 'not a 10 because no sex' is Guggenheim trolling.

This. Maybe the casual viewer won't know that Oliver isn't in the next few episodes after the winter hiatus but enough fans do. And so do reviewers.  I cannot fathom the show ending 3.09 with so much despair (and no hope) that they'd risk viewers dropping the show entirely.

Even the casual viewer who has no idea of spoilers needs something.


What if Oliver and Felicity were still at odds and Felicity was actively dating Ray when Oliver disappeared at the end of 309.  A viewer tunes in Jan 21 and sees that Oliver is still missing, Felicity is worried but still dating Ray, and Laurel is putting on her Black Canary gear and going out with Roy to fight.  Next week, the same thing.  If I were that viewer, I'd be thinking 'why the hell am I even watching this show, without Oliver, without Olicity and with InstaCanary?  Let's see what else in on at this time'.  (Maybe it's all a plot to get us to watch Mysteries of Laura instead.)

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 9

Wow, if that is the case, these EPs are even more clueless than I thought. They shouldn't be writing the show around an actor's feelings but what works for the show. Quite frankly, it makes no real sense for either Thea or Laurel to have a bigger storyline. They are both secondary characters that don't gel with the rest of the show and could easily be killed off or sent off-screen never to be heard of again. I certainly hope the need to give Katie and Willa more to do isn't the reason behind the 3 episode absence of the star of the show.


I'm not sure about the actors' feelings. The EP didn't indicate that in the interview. I think it's coming from a realization among the showrunners and criticism from outside as well that Thea and Laurel weren't being used well.


As for the "no sex" spoiler ... damn! And here I was nurturing a scenario where Oliver and Felicity were starting to have sex when the League of Assassins hoodlums burst in and grab him, not even giving him a chance to put on a shirt. I mean, Stephen said there was a reason he was shirtless. And that's what my brain came up with *shrugs*

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I appreciate that there are others beside MG talking about how great the Olicity stuff will be for 3.09. However, he's not remotely accurate (in my opinion) when he talks about chemistry, a particular performance or even romance. So I'm taking his twitter comments to mean it'll be rewarding until BOOM! painful.


Yeah, I take whatever MG says with a grain of salt now.


I get the impression that SA likes doing those quietly emotional scenes (he spoke of enjoying those with Susanna Thompson) which is why I'm expecting the Olicity scene to be emotional and heartbreaking. I'm not fooling myself! It's gonna hurt but as long as it's the good kind of hurt and not the 'I just want to punch myself in the face' hurt like 307, I can deal. 

As for the "no sex" spoiler ... damn! And here I was nurturing a scenario where Oliver and Felicity were starting to have sex when the League of Assassins hoodlums burst in and grab him, not even giving him a chance to put on a shirt. I mean, Stephen said there was a reason he was shirtless. And that's what my brain came up with *shrugs*


Technically they could get to the making out and topless point, before your scenario occurs, and it would still be "no sex".

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