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30 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

That makes me believe NTA (New Team Arrow... the team name given to Curtis/Mister Terrific, Rene/Wid Dog & Dinah/Black Canary by the fandom for those of you not up to date on all of that.) will be back in season 7 in some capacity.

Ugh. I’m still holding out hope that Rene leaves. 

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1 minute ago, way2interested said:

So the show (and writers and SA) is teasing that Oliver is going to prison, so that they can then say he isn't going to prison in 622, just to end the season with him going to prison? I am as confused as CG.

Its probably for another crime then what he was charged for. 

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6 minutes ago, way2interested said:

So the show (and writers and SA) is teasing that Oliver is going to prison, so that they can then say he isn't going to prison in 622, just to end the season with him going to prison? I am as confused as CG.

I'm just confused about Stephen saying that Oliver doesn't get outed - if he's going to jail for being Green Arrow, then he's definitely outed, LOL. Unless he pleads guilty to some of the other stuff they charge him with but not that. But then...he goes out dressed as Green Arrow in the finale. So...stumped. 

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If at some point next season, Oliver gets out of prison and comes back a newly constituted Diggle/NTA Team Arrow only to have them be like "We were superhero-ing while you were in prison and you're not the boss of us!", I will punch someone in the face.

I will also punch someone in the face if Black Siren joins the team under the guise of wanting to be "good" to honor Quentin.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I'm just confused about Stephen saying that Oliver doesn't get outed - if he's going to jail for being Green Arrow, then he's definitely outed, LOL. Unless he pleads guilty to some of the other stuff they charge him with but not that. But then...he goes out dressed as Green Arrow in the finale. So...stumped. 

Exactly. Like, ok jail makes sense, but there's some stuff that just contradicts it.

7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Its probably for another crime then what he was charged for. 

If he's charged for something not GA related then I could see it, like charged for Lance's death or something, I guess I can see it. Not sure how it's "something they can't backtrack from," since there's still a crossover to film, but they could have always just mean that jail still has s7 consequences I guess.

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21 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Ugh. I’m still holding out hope that Rene leaves. 

Here's hoping - it seems it was EK he spoke to (with DR) which means Curtis is back.  Which sucks. A lot.  Not the least of which because it likely keeps Felicity tied to him instead of her getting actual, real friends and her own company.   I do not want to have to fast forward Felicity - but my hate for Curtis my require it.  

I really, really do not want to hate half of the characters on the show next year too.  Wasn't the rumor that they needed to lose some of the cast due to cost? It doesn't seem like BP would do it (even if CH only comes back part-time).  Or did they fix the money issue by losing WM and MG?  I don't think even stellar writers could make me care about team noobie after this season, so I almost would rather they had gone.  

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58 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

If at some point next season, Oliver gets out of prison and comes back a newly constituted Diggle/NTA Team Arrow only to have them be like "We were superhero-ing while you were in prison and you're not the boss of us!", I will punch someone in the face.

I will also punch someone in the face if Black Siren joins the team under the guise of wanting to be "good" to honor Quentin.

I choose to believe that Quentin and BS decide to leave town together for good. I don’t want to think about any other option. 

I’m hoping NTA take an extended vacation and Oliver comes back to Felicity running a Team with Roy and Diggle.

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Really, all they would need is Oliver, Diggle and Roy on the team, and Felicity on comms.  It's also what the writers are able to handle.

1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

Since SA was being all emo about Paul ... i think Oliver goes to prison and Quentin still dies. 

I wonder if Quentin dies because/while Oliver is in prison, thus giving Oliver more guilt to brood over.

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I'm so sad. Based on the evidence there's no Olicity pregnancy. I kinda knew it wasn't happening but I had a wee bit of hope. Looks like it's Lance in the hospital. 

S6B sucked so much a lovely emotional pregnant Olicity scene would have brightened and saved it for me. So sad ????

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I see on her IMDb page that she's supposed to be playing Alexa Van Owen. Is that name supposed to ring a bell?

ETA: Never mind, she's the prosecutor in Oliver's trial. 

Edited by bijoux
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21 hours ago, Soulfire said:

This scene was interesting to me for a couple reasons, since I know in episode 22 Oliver "makes a deal" with the Feds.... so why the big dramatics in ep 23? ...

How about this? Oliver is acquitted in 621. In 622, in order to save Felicity's life, he agrees to Diaz's demand that he go to jail. Since he can't be convicted of being the GA (double jeopardy), he confesses to the FBI to aiding and abetting the GA or maybe conspiring with the GA to murder people (like, maybe the dead good cops from that past episode). 

Or maybe it's all a big fakeout. Maybe Oliver makes a deal with the FBI or ARGUS to go undercover in prison as part of a big scheme to take down the Quadrant next season.

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I’m assuming the mystery guest star is Catherine Dent. I don’t get the secrecy. 

Are we even sure it's supposed to be an important/awesome/controversial/shocking twist mystery guest?

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2 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Are we even sure it's supposed to be an important/awesome/controversial/shocking twist mystery guest?

KP and CG said multiple times that there were 2 actors that the crew went to extreme measures to cover up from pictures, one of them being Wil Traval and another a mystery woman. Keeping Wil Traval hidden makes sense since they want people to tune into 621 to figure out if Tommy is really back, if it's another Earth Tommy, etc., so I'd think that whoever is the other woman's gotta be part of some answer/plot point that they want to keep hidden as well (not shocking per se, but something that would spoil the way the plot is going in some way). If Human Target is Felicity's plan B, maybe the mystery woman is her Plan C that EBR was talking about.

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The way he was talking about not wanting it to end, and then he changed his icon, it has to be Paul. Either Quentin is taking off with OtherLaurel to Offscreensville or Oliver is saying goodbye to Quentin’s ghost. Possible RIP.

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That is one shiny bald head so I'm guessing it's Quentin. Or my eyes are playing tricks on me. Though didn't we already know his last scene he filmed was with PB?

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Me at the Bamford pic of Oliver smiling/talking to Rene in the finale:


This is gonna frustrate me so much. Grrrrrr.

Also they're unmasked in the Police station...

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Maybe they're reminiscing. 'Remember that time you came after me with an axe and I had the sheer nerve to defend myself? I'm such an ass! Good times.' There is no way to organically get Oliver and Rene to that point in three episodes. Reluctantly working together to save the city, maybe but smiling at each other? Absolutely not. 

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12 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Maybe they're reminiscing. 'Remember that time you came after me with an axe and I had the sheer nerve to defend myself? I'm such an ass! Good times.' There is no way to organically get Oliver and Rene to that point in three episodes. Reluctantly working together to save the city, maybe but smiling at each other? Absolutely not. 

Or it could be...”Remember when you gave that heartfelt speech at my wedding reception while secretly betraying me to the FBI? I can’t believe I was such a terrible person and leader that I tracked you to find out who betrayed me, even though you didn’t seem like you were going to tell me until you showed up to testify at my trial. You remember that, right? It was like two episodes ago.”

Part of me thinks they couldn’t possibly just gloss over and ignore everything that’s happened and then I remember it’s Arrow and logic doesn’t always have a place in the story.

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its possible the last scene he shot is not the last scene of the finale, but SA is making it sound like it’s significant and in the picture Oliver looks...kind of happy? So maybe Quentin gets a send off that doesn’t involve dying? Also, didn’t SA say something about there not being a sense of “dread” during the hiatus, just curiousity about where the show will go next?

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If Quentin doesn't die, maybe he and BS run away together to get away from Diaz. Aw! ??

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10 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

If Quentin doesn't die, maybe he and BS run away together to get away from Diaz, aw! ??

That would be my guess since they've had him handcuff her to his car so he could kidnap her and lock her away in a remote cabin. Why not just run away together? LOL

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11 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

If Quentin doesn't die, maybe he and BS run away together to get away from Diaz. Aw! ??

As much as I hate to say it because I like Quentin when he's not being cuckoo-bananas about BS being Laurel, this would be a relief to me. It would mean we're done with BS and with having to listen to Quentin try to find the good in her.

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4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

That would be my guess since they've had him handcuff her to his car so he could kidnap her and lock her away in a remote cabin. Why not just run away together? LOL

Yep. She'll turn on Diaz which means he'll be after her and she's terrified of him for some reason that makes no sense at all, so they'll go into hiding or whatever. Gotta take their second chance with someone who isn't really their father or daughter at all! ?

2 minutes ago, bethy said:

As much as I hate to say it because I like Quentin when he's not being cuckoo-bananas about BS being Laurel, this would be a relief to me. It would mean we're done with BS and with having to listen to Quentin try to find the good in her.

Until some time in s7 when they bring them back and find other messed up reasons to force BS into the show. ?

Of course this is only if Quentin doesn't die and I'm not convinced that's not happening yet. 

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I wonder if the people who want BS redeemed would be satisfied with her leaving with Quentin.  Even people who like her don't understand why she is afraid of Diaz.  It would make more sense for her to return to E2, even with Quentin.  Because Diaz coudn't follow her there, unless he 3-D printed a portal.

The show has made such of mess of BS and the whole KC return.

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21 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

At least some wouldn't be. Because then she can't become the new BC. 

Yeah I think a lot who want her redeemed want her to join the team and replace Tinah as the 5thNuBC/"Real"BC. I think that would be just as creepy as her leaving with Quentin because she's literally taking her doppelgangers life and eventually all the others would start treating it as though LL never died and was just resurrected like Sara, which at times even now more people than just Quentin seem to forget E1LL died. If they do redeem her, she should go back to E2 and make her amends there. 

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I mean, if Quentin doesn't die, it's still possible he just leaves on his own. Or maybe even with Sara for a while. Doesn't have to be with BS. It's possible Diaz will put a target on his back after BS switches sides. I definitely think something is happening with Quentin but what that is exactly IDK.

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In a sense, I can see them thinking it's a good way to handle the Black Siren arc. She told Oliver Quentin that she went bad because she lost her father. But through Quentin's (creepy) obsession with 's seeing the good in her, the ice around her heart breaks and she opens up to doing good things again back on her home of E2. Quentin goes with her so she doesn't have to go it alone.  And she's available for future fights if they need her.

Of course, it doesn't really address all the fun she had killing people up to now but there's no way to fix that without keeping her a villain.

Edited by statsgirl
Oops, wrong sob story
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36 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

With bringing Colton back, it doesn't make sense to get rid of Quentin if they are doing it for money reasons. Get rid of Curtis and Rene and that should make up for it.

Who says it’s for money reasons? This season has shown that with Dinah as the connection to SCPD, the show doesn’t know what to do with Lance except to use him to prop BS. With BS gone for good, Lance has no purpose.

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4 hours ago, Angel12d said:

If Quentin doesn't die, maybe he and BS run away together to get away from Diaz. Aw! ??

No thank you. Quentin needs to be free Iif this awful SL. Let him just stay Mayor until a special election or something.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

No, she just told Quentin about losing her dad. She's only had like two scenes with Oliver this season - no time to tell him anything LOL.

Oops. Wrong sob story.  She told Oliver last year that she went bad because she lost her Oliver, and told Quentin this year it was because she lost her father.

Would she tell Sara it's because she lost her baby sister?

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22 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Who says it’s for money reasons? This season has shown that with Dinah as the connection to SCPD, the show doesn’t know what to do with Lance except to use him to prop BS. With BS gone for good, Lance has no purpose.

That's why I added if. 

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15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Oops. Wrong sob story.  She told Oliver last year that she went bad because she lost her Oliver, and told Quentin this year it was because she lost her father.

Would she tell Sara it's because she lost her baby sister?

Except she never said that. 

She just told Quentin that her Quentin died on her 13th bday. She tells Oliver that her Oliver died so she left town. Got hit with the particle accelerator and it was one bad decision after another.

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Getting drunk or high and killing someone because you aren't in your right mind is a bad decision that leads to you being a murderer. Killing people for sport is not that - it's possible, maybe, that E2 Laurel is just a bad person. 

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I've seen enough media where someone kills for revenge. Maybe even a lot of people. They don't continue doing so for funsies unless they are bad people overall. It's why Diaz's backstory didn't garner any *sympathy from me. A forkton of people have been bullied; they don't become lame crime lords who harness the untold power of the 3D printer. 

*I don't know if TPTB were going for sympathy. I don't know what the point of that episode was.

Edited by calliope1975
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