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I don't let myself get too worked up over MG's interviews, because things don't usually play out on screen the way he makes it seem like they will, IMO. He's been going on about that one step forward, two steps back relationship crap between O/F since mid-season 2, and it hasn't played out that way. I think that's the way Oliver's been approaching this relationship anyway. He realizes he loves Felicity, it takes him a while to do anything about it. He wants to be with her, it takes him a while to do anything about it. He realizes he doesn't want to lose her to Ray, it takes him a while to figure out what to do about it. To me it's more about stops and starts than moving forward and then back.

Yes I pretty much ignore most if not all the EP interviews because they leave bitter tastes in the mouth and make me feel like they're watching a different show. In relation to one step forward and two steps backward, they gotta realise that means Olicity is going backwards. It's definitely not what I'm seeing on screen. It seems more like "step forward, character beats, pause *insert unwelcome obstacle*, unpause, one step forward* etc.

So, either Tommy or Sara's going to be alive, right? Probably Tommy, since he's the one with the penis. I would, however, love if the payoff to this stupid not telling Lance thing is that right as Laurel goes to do it Sara shows up at Lance's door, haha. I would suspend every level of belief I have for that one.

Seeing them again could be one of those episodes where they do a what-if scenario. Like what would've happened if the QG didn't sink and Oliver and Sara returned unharmed, what if Laurel and Tommy never got together, shoot even what would have happened if Malcolm's wife didn't die. Shows like those episodes. Take Grey's Anatomy.

I am now cackeling at that picture of Laurel.

Edited by Limbo

JFC. They really did it. What  a bunch of crap. You know what. Just spin her off to her own show and let it crash and burn.


I am so utterly disappointed. Arrow as been my favorite show for two seasons. I have so looked forward to every Wednesday. And this is just insulting to Sara's and Oliver's journeys. THE SHOW itself established that those two cannot help but be changed by what they went through.  Nyssa and Merlyn spent years in the LoA so they're journeys ring true. Heck even Helena had a more compelling and believable backstory than 2 years of Laurel Sue.


Roy at least had a background of being a thief on the streets but he had some parkour skills and was a fast runner.  And then the Mirakuru infused rage made sense.  It was fast but there was a decent basis IMO for his story. FFS even Thea with 6 months of being in lock down with Malcolm works for her being capable with a sword and fighting  because you know that would have been 24/7 training because Malcolm is nuts.


But this with Laurel? Her scattershot wishy-washy history is a horrible terrible awful premise for her ascension to a hero/vigilante and is laughable compared to EVERY other character that has become a hero/villain what have you. 

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 13

Meh. She can suit up all she wants. She's still not a hero yet and she won't be for a long time. A few boxing lessons doesn't mean anything.


And as for the question of Laurel's identity, "Am I me or am I my sister?" Well she's already answered it. It's basically a carbon copy.


I'm kinda dreading all the online twitter/facebook hype this is gonna get though, even if it's hate. I wish everyone would just remain quiet if they don't like it. The negative buzz is still a buzz and this show doesn't deserve it right now.

Edited by Guest

According to Guggenheim 306 will include a moment fans have been asking for since the start of the series.. what could that be?


Doesn't he think that the only reason the fans don't adore Laurel is because she's not a vigilante yet? Yeah. There's your answer.


Laurel stealing her dead sister's identity and life is just about the creepiest thing this side of The Flash using his secret identity to hit on his pseudo-sister (who he knows is in a relationship). But I wouldn't be surprised if the earliness of her wearing that costume is because they decide that they actively need to fool Lance into thinking his daughter is alive (because these people are all assholes), so they get Laurel to dress as her and be seen from a distance. A tired old comic book trope, which seems to be where these writers live.

  • Love 5

I'm all but convinced now that Laurel is gonna suit up tonight.


5 years of life and death training for Oliver before he suits up. Another 2 plus years before he considers himself a hero. 


6 Episodes for Laurel to suit up. Probably considered a hero mid to late season.



Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 7

She probably won't fully suit up tonight but I can totally picture a scene where she puts on Sara's magical leather jacket and then her mask - you know, to see what it's like. Then she'll probably look in the mirror and we'll get a similar flash of how she'll look suited up like they did with Oliver when he first looked in the mirror in his bedroom in the Pilot episode and we saw him in the hood. This show man. LOL.

I just saw something on tumblr about the IMDB episode description for 306 and it says:


S3, Ep6 12 Nov. 2014 Guilty
Oliver receives visions about Moira Queen. Meanwhile a close ones true identity is revealed.


I haven't heard this one before, is it true? I never go on IMDB so I don't know if it's trustworthy or not but OMG I would kill to see Moira again. Susanna Thompson is truly wonderful, although I've not heard anything about it.

Laurel first suits up in 210, right? So that's one of the episodes we're assuming Oliver is missing. So maybe she is suiting up to pretend to be Sara -- to fool Lance, like Danny Franks suggested upthread, or if for some reason they need to keep up appearances that Team Arrow is doing A-OK while Oliver is playing chess with Ra's or something.

Edited by dancingnancy

Yeah, I though Laurel would suit up around episode eleven, but maybe it is tonight since Guggenheim interviews have been pouring out all morning.  To avoid getting my post deleted, I'll just say that I don't know what these guys are thinking.  They're super stubborn, that's for sure.  I hope that the audience response is not kind and that the ratings reflect how people truly feel about this storyline.

So she suits up in January?  They must be betting that there are more people who want to see Laurel as BC than those who don't like the idea.


Maybe Ted Grant had an extra suit in his secret vigilante stash.


Also, did Guggenheim just say Grant is her love interest tonight?

It really is awful. It just looks like to me she's not into the character at all. The stance is so rigid.

That's what you get after a couple of weeks of boxing lessons.  And when did she learn to use the stick?

Edited by statsgirl

They probably just went to vigilantestyle.com. Didn't Oliver buy Helena's suit on the internet?

Whose credit card will she use?  Or is the SCPD to incompetent to check out who the new vigilante is?


It does look like you can get it at a S&M store though.


Isn't Episode 10 Left Behind? Does that mean she could suit up to take Oliver's place? Does that mean that she is trying to take Sara's mantle or is it about Oliver?

I wonder if Left Behind refers to Team Arrow being left behind without Oliver.

Knowing Laurel and how she feels she's always right, she'll be trying to take Oliver's place.

Isn't Episode 10 Left Behind? Does that mean she could suit up to take Oliver's place? Does that mean that she is trying to take Sara's mantle or is it about Oliver?

See, this is what I want to know. IDGAF about Laurel and the BC drama. My reaction to that is "Whatever...next" but damn it--I DO NOT WANT Oliver to disappear and have to endure multiple episodes of her leading Team Arrow. I have zero interest in that.

  • Love 2

If Danny Franks is correct and they use this to fool Lance, I will end up hating everyone involved. That is so cruel. Granted, if it's just Insta!Canary, I will hate Laurel. She's in a no win situation with me. I haven't hated a character like this since Babe Carey. 


I foresee a lot of ff'd in my future until I eventually just quit and rewatch S2A over and over again. 

  • Love 7

Whose credit card will she use? 


The company card, under G. Arrowsovich, billed to 123 1/2 Verdant Row, The Glades.

So Quentin's Christmas present to Laurel is Mom, Laurel's present to her parents is... telling them Sara is really dead this time?


No! She can't tell them, because it's Christmas. Then there's New Years, President's Day, Valentine's Day, The Ides of March, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Administrative Professional's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Hammock Day, National S'mores Day...there's just no good time to tell them.

  • Love 9

If Danny Franks is correct and they use this to fool Lance, I will end up hating everyone involved. That is so cruel. Granted, if it's just Insta!Canary, I will hate Laurel. She's in a no win situation with me. I haven't hated a character like this since Babe Carey. 


I foresee a lot of ff'd in my future until I eventually just quit and rewatch S2A over and over again. 


You could do what I've been doing.  I've been watching episodes of shows that I want to catch up on in Arrow's Wednesday timeslot.  I just finished My Mad Fat Diary series 2 and tonight I'm starting Orange is the New Black season 1.  So much less stress and anger that way, I tell you. 


I was holding out hope that things would improve in the back half of season 3, but it doesn't look like.  Even the Olicity stuff (if we ever get any, that is) probably won't be enough to keep me around.  So disappointing. 

  • Love 1

Re: the pics - thank you CW marketing dept for reminding me why I broke up with this show in the first place. Since last week's episode aired I had, against all my better judgement, been toying with the idea of getting back into the show (what can I say? I was addicted to this show). But this killed that idea stone cold. Thanks for the rescue CW! It's appreciated. :)

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 5

Black Canary will make her first appearance in the 10th episode of the season, “Left Behind,” with Cassidy apparently black leather from head to toe.




It took Oliver 5 years before donning the hood (Sara took about 5 years, as well), Roy took a season, and Laurel does it all in just 7-8 episodes. Since this will all be happening by January, I am super impressed that one can start kicking asses and go vigilante-ing after training/boxing/going to the gym in just 3 months. All while keeping a fairly demanding job as an ADA of a whole city teeming with crimes and criminals that are probably awaiting trial to be put behind bars. Laurel Lance -- such an inspiration. You really can have it all!


So, by episode 10, we'll have Arrow (not yet Green Arrow), Arsenal, and a Black Canary. Among these 3 costumed vigilantes prowling the streets of Starling City, guess which character is supposed to be the best martial artist who can whoop the other two's asses?


From all the spoilers we've learned, there is so few that I'm enthused about and a lot that I'm just plain uninterested in. And, unlike Fernlicity, I do not thrive in low light. I really hope all the hype about the crossover and the mid-winter finale will pay off big time. Otherwise, my loyalties might waver and I'll go watch Survivor instead of Arrow on Wednesdays (please, Show, don't make me watch Survivor).

  • Love 9

Oh come on, we knew it was coming.


She does look strange (it's the lipstick I guess) but it was inevitable. As for insta!Canary - there may be a large time gap (half a year, maybe more) between 309 and 310.

It's going to make the transition a little bit more believable.


Now I keep my fingers crossed for this Canary to be shipped away to a distant city. That, or I'll fast forward A LOT.

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