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8 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I really hope this isn't the case.

But I could see it happening, especially since they seem to love the Diggle/Dinah dynamic. 

Whatever does happen, I do expect Diggle and Dinah to be on the same side, and I could see it being because one of them has the other's back in whatever's going on, even if they don't totally see eye-to-eye on the conflict topic.

(I also expect Oliver and Felicity to be on the same side because I really think they're going to try to keep conflict out of their relationship as much as possible now that they're back together.)

Rene and Curtis are the wild cards. Kind of hoping Felicity and Curtis aren't on the same side just because I'm over Curtis.

I know all the chatter says that Diggle and Dinah won't become a couple but I can't help wonder if the showrunners want two power couples on the show

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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I know all the chatter says that Diggle and Dinah won't become a couple but I can't help wonder if the showrunners want two power couples on the show

If it happens Juliana better toughen up since she seems to barely handle criticism now or the fact that her characters not popular, she won't like the flak Dinah will get if she becomes a home wrecker. 

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I know all the chatter says that Diggle and Dinah won't become a couple but I can't help wonder if the showrunners want two power couples on the show

If only they'd make a deal with Audrey to appear on a more regular basis, we'd have that.

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13 hours ago, JJ928 said:

Stephen tweeted a quote during filming 6x7 about being disappointed, & Lyla returns. My guess is that’s when Digg’s issues come to light, but I’m just guessing.

During 607 filming:

-- On Sep. 19, 2017, AMA tweeted: "Thank you @david_ramsey. Always such a treat to work with you!" (aud_anderson tweet, page 7 of New Spoilers thread)

-- On Sep. 20, 2017, AMA tweeted: "It is a perfectly sunny and blustery day in Vancouver." (aud_anderson tweet, page 1608 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- On Sep. 20, 2017, SA tweeted: "'I’ve been mad at you before... but I’ve never been disappointed.' Been waiting YEARS to say a line like that. #Arrow." (SA tweet, page 1608 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

Edited by tv echo
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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I know all the chatter says that Diggle and Dinah won't become a couple but I can't help wonder if the showrunners want two power couples on the show

I'm supposed to believe that a show in an Arrowverse that can barely keep their main character couples together for a year wants not only one main character power couple but two?  XD

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12 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I'm supposed to believe that a show in an Arrowverse that can barely keep their main character couples together for a year wants not only one main character power couple but two?  XD

They'd put all the drama on Diggle/Dinah if that actually happened*. Just like Dyla was the stable couple once they got back together, Olicity will be now that they're back together and the drama can fall to Diggle/Dinah. 

*That's not to say that I think Diggle/Dinah will happen. I do think they haven't ruled it out. I don't think that falls into a "never happening" like Thea dying and Felicity in a mask, as MG has said in interviews. 

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2 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

They'd put all the drama on Diggle/Dinah if that actually happened*. Just like Dyla was the stable couple once they got back together, Olicity will be now that they're back together and the drama can fall to Diggle/Dinah. 

My point was that Dyla (and other Arrow couples) were a main character/side character and that the writers of all of the Arrowverse shows struggle with main character/main character pairings, so that I doubt they'd want to do two main character/main character pairings, simply because it would be doing 2 main romantic subplots (even if Olicity will remain a stable couple, their relationship will still always be a main subplot in terms of raising stakes, drama, confrontation, etc. no matter what). Yeah that doesn't mean they'll rule it out, but from a writing standpoint it would be weird for them to then have 2 main romantic subplots going on when from s5 and s6 so far that they've been kind of backing away from main romantic drama in general.

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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

They'd put all the drama on Diggle/Dinah if that actually happened*. Just like Dyla was the stable couple once they got back together, Olicity will be now that they're back together and the drama can fall to Diggle/Dinah. 

That's actually the opposite of how TV writing normally goes. The secondary characters/relationships are usually written as more stable, less angsty and less drama filled because they're not the main couple. The main couple gets the roller coaster in just about every show I can think of because that's where they focus (writing, media, etc).

For the record I don't think this show will ever put another couple on the level of Olicity and that has little to do with Olicity/Felicity and everything to do with Oliver. Oliver is their main character, SA is their lead actor, no matter how much they talk about team or ensemble this is Oliver/SA's show. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Still trying to reconcile how Barry knows Diggle can officiate weddings. What if Oliver & Felicity actually did have a wedding planned for 609 but the surprise in the crossover is that they moved it up while standing as witnesses for Barry & Iris? Maybe they had already asked Diggle to officiate theirs. That would also explain how they are be able to pull together what looks like a rather lavish wedding reception in a very short time. 

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What if the crossover "wedding" isn't official? Maybe they just exchange vows and stuff and, that's why 609 is a reception post official (sadly) off screen city hall marriage?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

What if the crossover "wedding" isn't official? Maybe they just exchange vows and stuff

Why would they need Diggle there then? Especially there for what looks like just Barry and Iris' wedding at first and seems to then turn into Oliver and Felicity's as well? Just so they can say, "hey, look, OTA moment"? That wouldn't give us an in-story explanation. 

I'm just going to go with (until the show proves me wrong) Diggle having a nightmare after his and Lyla's wedding in S3 that something went wrong at O/F's wedding and Ray married them, so as soon as he woke up, he went online and got ordained. And either he mentions that at some point during the crossover or Oliver or Felicity bring up that Diggle can marry people. Hence Barry going to get him. 

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17 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Why would they need Diggle there then? Especially there for what looks like just Barry and Iris' wedding at first and seems to then turn into Oliver and Felicity's as well? Just so they can say, "hey, look, OTA moment"? That wouldn't give us an in-story explanation. 


Absolutely no idea but, I know for vow ceremonies where the wedding isn't official (gay marriage when it wasn't legal), they usually had someone officiate (at least on TV/Movies).

The reality is having someone there (ordained or not) doesn't mean anything without a marriage certificate. So Olicity's wedding probably isn't official either, unless Felicity hacks City Hall and fakes a signature.

My guess is that it's all ceremonial and set to be beautiful, dramatic and lovely but, not quite legit. Of course I could be totally wrong and Dig got ordained while Barry super spead him through town.

ETA: on further reflection Dig may have gotten ordained who knows and maybe WA's wedding is legit since they already have a marriage certificate. However, no was is Olicitycs

Edited by Morrigan2575
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21 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

What if the crossover "wedding" isn't official?

That was my thought when I asked a couple of weeks ago about how long a marriage license is valid before it expires.  It varies from state to state, but in almost every state, Oliver and Felicity's S4 marriage license would have expired long ago. I could see them getting married in the crossover only to find out afterwards that their license is invalid and they need a do-over.

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11 hours ago, tv echo said:

Oh the monorail jokes to be made.  

4 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

That was my thought when I asked a couple of weeks ago about how long a marriage license is valid before it expires.  It varies from state to state, but in almost every state, Oliver and Felicity's S4 marriage license would have expired long ago. I could see them getting married in the crossover only to find out afterwards that their license is invalid and they need a do-over.

As someone pointed out to me when I brought up similar concerns, do we really think the show will let real life laws get in the way?

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22 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Well, they might have secured a new wedding license by 608, if they, like I'm speculating, are planning to wed by 609.

But is the wedding in Central or Star City? Because if they're 600 miles apart, I doubt a marriage license obtained in one would be valid in the other. So one the weddings would still probably not be valid.

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1 minute ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

But is the wedding in Central or Star City? Because if they're 600 miles apart, I doubt a marriage license obtained in one would be valid in the other. So one the weddings would still probably not be valid.

Central City

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My guess is a marriage license will be taken care of off-screen. We may not even hear about it on the show. Maybe MG will answer a Q about it on Tumblr or Twitter. But Oliver and Felicity will be legally married, if not by the time 609 begins, by the reception. 

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6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

My guess is a marriage license will be taken care of off-screen. We may not even hear about it on the show. Maybe MG will answer a Q about it on Tumblr or Twitter. But Oliver and Felicity will be legally married, if not by the time 609 begins, by the reception. 

Which is what I originally said. Off screen official marriage and reception in 609.

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5 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Which is what I originally said. Off screen official marriage and reception in 609.

I feel like this is one of those things we're putting more thought into than the writers. For them, it'll probably be "some sort of wedding = married. Done." Maybe we'll get a comment from MG about how no one deals with marriage licenses with TV weddings (though usually most are planned so obviously it would be something done, whereas O/F's looks to be a spontaneous, "let's get married now!"). 

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18 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like this is one of those things we're putting more thought into than the writers. For them, it'll probably be "some sort of wedding = married. Done." Maybe we'll get a comment from MG about how no one deals with marriage licenses with TV weddings (though usually most are planned so obviously it would be something done, whereas O/F's looks to be a spontaneous, "let's get married now!"). 


5 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Did next week's Flash get leaked? There's a bunch of Felicity-related "Girls Night Out" gifs floating around Twitter. 

The tumblr that posted them just deleted them all. Weird.

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6 minutes ago, Chaser said:


LOL at "Oliver and KC's face." Because it's true. If BS was killed off or shipped to another Earth and another Earth's LL was brought in, suddenly she'd be the best thing ever and endgame. 

I took a glance at Reddit earlier. Scary place. I'm already imagining how they're going to "interpret" this week's ratings.

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My favorite part is how they insist that Olicity makes no sense and is totally forced, and in the same breath express hope that Oliver gets together with BS. Can you picture it?

"Hey William, meet your new stepmom, the woman that helped the Bad Man who kidnapped you and killed your mother."

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32 minutes ago, Chaser said:

"Wow, how did you get William to do his homework?"

"I threatened to kill him like I helped kill his mother."

"Oh you're so sweet. Monte Cristo?"

Redemption arc! 

1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like this is one of those things we're putting more thought into than the writers. For them, it'll probably be "some sort of wedding = married. Done." Maybe we'll get a comment from MG about how no one deals with marriage licenses with TV weddings (though usually most are planned so obviously it would be something done, whereas O/F's looks to be a spontaneous, "let's get married now!"). 

Isn't MG the one who insists that Oliver's marriage to Nyssa is valid until it's inconvenient and invalid until he wants to write hilarious lesbian forced to marry a straight man she hates jokes.

Edited by leopardprint
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58 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

For anyone who's curious - I swiped the best one


In case anyone needs the context, Cecile is unexpectedly pregnant.  That's what she's happy about.

46 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

There's also this 

On the Flash, Iris claimed he was as good looking as Oliver.  I don't see it at all.

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Just now, WindofChange said:

Yeah much like a lot of the humor in Flash this season - that line seems so forced lol

Agreed. It just seems a bit heavy handed, IMO. They could've just said "We're strong women. We can do this!" and then get on with it. Haha.

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Just now, catrox14 said:

That's such a stupid line that I don't think Felicity would ever say.

The whole scene goes like this:

Iris: "We're strong women"
Cecile: "Hashtag feminism"
*puts her hand in*
Iris: "Hashtag feminism"
*puts her hand in*
Felicity: "Hashtag feminsim"
*puts her hand in*

It's pretty lame imo

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45 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Do they actually say "Feminism" though? Haha, cringe. 

It's shocking that people actually get paid to write idiotic dialogue like this. Nobody talks like that in real life. 

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4 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

The whole scene goes like this:

Iris: "We're strong women"
Cecile: "Hashtag feminism"
*puts her hand in*
Iris: "Hashtag feminism"
*puts her hand in*
Felicity: "Hashtag feminsim"
*puts her hand in*

It's pretty lame imo

It's terrible. I hate this kind of writing. It's not how women talk to each other.

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15 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I took a glance at Reddit earlier. Scary place. I'm already imagining how they're going to "interpret" this week's ratings.

If the ratings go down, they'll blame Olicity. If the ratings go up, they'll credit Black Siren. If ratings stay the same, they'll say that they would've gone up if not for Olicity. Same old, same old.

7 hours ago, Belinea said:

The Flash writers love to make jokes/comments about Oliver and his looks.

They also like to diss Oliver (using Joe West as a mouthpiece). Yet, up until the end of last season, Barry was the one who'd been willing to sacrifice others in order to get what he wanted. while Oliver was the one who'd been willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others.

Edited by tv echo
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