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He and Cass were charming but the only thing he said even slightly spoilery was that we may not like where everyone is at the end of the finale. I’m assuming prison and Q’s death/departure.  

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12 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

He and Cass were charming but the only thing he said even slightly spoilery was that we may not like where everyone is at the end of the finale. I’m assuming prison and Q’s death/departure.  

Bless you for enduring that panel - just reading some of the questions people thought were appropriate to ask made me want to die of secondhand embarrassment through the computer. I can't imagine actually being there, LOL.

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I can't believe someone thought it was cool to ask if they were going to have anymore kids.

I just saw that someone asked if his wife was ever mad Felicity was his wife on Arrow. WHY???

Edited by Chaser
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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I can't believe someone thought it was cool to ask if they were going to have anymore kids.

I just saw that someone asked if his wife was ever mad Felicity was his wife on Arrow. WHY???

As in SA and Cassandra, not whether Oliver and Felicity would have kids besides William? Yikes.

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10 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I can't believe someone thought it was cool to ask if they were going to have anymore kids.

That is such a rude, personal question to ask someone. I hope someone takes that girl aside and lets her know it's not cool to ask about a woman's reproductive plans unless you're her doctor or her partner.

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

That is such a rude, personal question to ask someone. I hope someone takes that girl aside and lets her know it's not cool to ask about a woman's reproductive plans unless you're her doctor or her partner.

One of my closest friends went thru a violent miscarriage, questions like this trigger her. I'm so sensitive now to what a personal topic this is; I don't even ask if people have kids.


1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

Don't like the superpowers thing - I wonder if it's a Helix special or...something to do with his deal with Watson? Bleh.

I'm wondering if it involves the big announcement being made at UpFronts. I thought maybe they were announcing the final season but another person heard it was a fun announcement. Given the popularity of the Crossovers, maybe they are going to announce the plot of next seasons.

Edited by Chaser
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5 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm wondering if it involves the big announcement being made at UpFronts. I thought maybe they were announcing the final season but another person heard it was a fun announcement. Given the popularity of the Crossovers, maybe they are going to announce the plot of next seasons.

I was thinking sometime this year meant sometime this season, which only left this next ep, LOL. This calendar year makes more sense. 

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22 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I think it’s related to powers but not Oliver actually getting them himself. Maybe they make him join Suicide Squad? 

So this quote might not be accurate? Because it sure sounds like it's Oliver getting them ... I'd also love to know what else was said about CW getting nervous.

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14 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Maybe next year’s crossover sees the characters swap powers somehow - so those who have powers won’t and those who don’t will? 

Well, they did it on The Flash so of course there's a chance another show is doing the same plot again! LOL! 

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12 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm wondering if it involves the big announcement being made at UpFronts. I thought maybe they were announcing the final season but another person heard it was a fun announcement. Given the popularity of the Crossovers, maybe they are going to announce the plot of next seasons.

I think that’s it too. In one of his interviews this week he mentioned that we’d hear some news about the crossover “really soon” so I’m guessing they’ll have news about it at the upfronts (maybe that Black Lightning will join in). It seems really early to reveal plot stuff. I can’t see Arrow giving Oliver powers full time but I can see them doing it for the crossover only (and SA being jazzed about it).

The upfronts news I’m more curious about is if they’ll announce a short season. 

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3 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

So this quote might not be accurate? Because it sure sounds like it's Oliver getting them ... I'd also love to know what else was said about CW getting nervous.

The quote sounds accurate but Amell also made a point of saying that CW was sweating him possibly spoiling the Upfront announcement so he may have chosen his words to be misleading. 

I love the idea swapped powers for the crossover and it reminds me of the theory a while back of them doing Elseworlds so that could cover both. Don’t know why they’d announce the crossover story this early but I’d love it if it turns out this way. 

Maybe Oliver gets fancier arrows that seem like he’s got powers? I don’t know. 

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I find it kinda embarrassing that his wife moderated the panel. Not that I have anything against her but it just invites more questions about their personal life. IDGAF about that, I just want to know about the show. And people's questions always make me cringe so hard. This is why I can never watch panels because the secondhand embarrassment really gets to me. So bless you guys for doing the hard/awkward work for me, haha.

I'm guessing the powers thing will be a one-off for the crossover? If not, they're taking away what made Arrow special in the first place. 

Also, I'm really hoping they announce a shorter season but I think that's just wishful thinking on my part. LOL.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

One of my closest friends went thru a violent miscarriage, questions like this trigger her. I'm so sensitive now to what a personal topic this is; I don't even ask if people have kids.


I'm wondering if it involves the big announcement being made at UpFronts. I thought maybe they were announcing the final season but another person heard it was a fun announcement. Given the popularity of the Crossovers, maybe they are going to announce the plot of next seasons.

I recently had to get my internet fixed. The guy asked if my kids were at school. I said I didn't have any. Then he asked if I didn't want them. It got awkward. Just fix my internet dude.

I'm now 100% more intrigued by the upfronts now than previously so good job Steve!

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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Maybe next year’s crossover sees the characters swap powers somehow - so those who have powers won’t and those who don’t will? 

I think that would be so much fun. I need it to happen.

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When it comes to Felicity and being pregnant, one of the few things I know I want from that storyline is that I don't want Oliver to miss out on most of it -- and if it's a Season 6 finale reveal, and the other spoilers are true, he would. I don't want that.

It'd be ironic, though. Felicity gets pregnant in the one season we don't get to see them having sex. Go figure.

Edited by Soulfire
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The show has managed to make every Olicity milestone bittersweet, so I'm disappointed, but not surprised at all they might make Oliver miss most of the pregnancy. I think if we're lucky, he'll be there for the birth. 

Just now, Chaser said:

A lot of mixed feelings about Felicity being pregnant. 

One thing I am happy about though is that reddit will be soooo pissed. 

Same! I wonder what show they'll pick this time when they change their name in a rage.

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2 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I kid! I kid! I don't know how I feel about this. Could be bad, could be amazing. I do know EBR would be very cute pregnant.

You really do... kid.


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21 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I honestly don’t know how I feel about Felicity being pregnant. 

I’m equal parts interested to see how it plays out and slightly terrified about how poorly they could handle it. The one good thing about it is at least Marc won’t be in charge of planning and writing it.

13 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

When it comes to Felicity and being pregnant, one of the few things I know I want from that storyline is that I don't want Oliver to miss out on most of it -- and if it's a Season 6 finale reveal, he would. I don't want that.

He’s already missed 10 years with William so I’d hate to see him miss out on the milestones that come with a new baby. I’m kind of tired of them using the story crutch of making Oliver miserable for plot. 

Edited by kes0704
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43 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Shhhhh.  @Mellowyellow will hear you. ;) Lol.  

Mellow heard you and Mellow is here for this!!!! Say Olicitot and I appear like one of those urban myth demons ?

Do we know timelines?

Cuz if she's like 6 weeks along in 623 then Oliver would still be there for the end of the pregnancy and she'll give birth and be ready for the crossover. 

Or it could happen next season? They have dessert when they reunite and she gets preggers?

OMG I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!! This is incredibly vague. 

Olicitot, the saviour of S7


Edited by Mellowyellow
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18 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Here's to coming it doesn't come to fruition or that it happens at the end of the season. 

Nah they gonna make it throughout of the season. Since this will be the first pregnancy Oliver is gonna be there for his kid. They not just gonna gloss over that. 

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Just now, JamieLynn832002 said:

I'm hoping for a finale reveal. I hate that Oliver would probably miss the majority of the pregnancy but I also shudder to imagine how sidelined from the action Felicity would be if she's pregnant for most of season 7.

Season finale or series finale?

I keep hearing finale and get confused ?

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If I were writing the show this wouldn't be my choice. 

BUT, the show seems largely uninterested in doing most of the things I would generally like for Felicity and I don't really have any expectations at this point, so I don't hate it. I probably would if I hadn't surprisingly enjoyed the family stuff with William this year. 

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I'm of two minds. Yes, I do want Olicity to have a baby. Seeing Oliver hold his newborn will kill me dead. But I really dread that they'd use the baby to sideline Felicity more than ever. So I'm part happy as a shipper and part nervous about how they'll handle it.

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Technically you can still run around for the first 5 months of pregnancy so she could sneak around and do some action stuff. Only when the belly gets massive that it's hard. 

I used to sprint after my naughty dog all the time while pretty heavily pregnant. 

They lock her up in the lair a lot anyways so it's not going to make that much difference. They could have a cute scene of her doing stealth stuff with a giant belly. 

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4 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I'm hoping for a finale reveal. I hate that Oliver would probably miss the majority of the pregnancy but I also shudder to imagine how sidelined from the action Felicity would be if she's pregnant for most of season 7.

Same. If I had my way, a pregnancy wouldn't happen until the end of S7 or during S8, but regardless of the timing, my only non-negotiable is that I want to see Oliver's face when Felicity tells him. And if the writers have Felicity tell him during the hiatus, I will drive to Burbank and punch everyone.

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

I'm planning to get Amell and Ramsey autographs tomorrow so I'll see what info they'll spill.  I haven't forgotten about you @Mellowyellow.

If you get nothing observe the body language for me so we can analyse it!!!!! 

*huggles in advance*

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If Oliver gets a superpower i want it to be like this... For one episode!!!: https://9gag.com/gag/ao1dQpm

About next episode. I wish that Agent Watson is on Diaz's payroll too... And Oliver knows this and is trying to use this to his advantage. I think that would be incredibly badass.
It just bothers me that the last few episodes Oliver has been pretty confident. Telling Diaz straight to his face that he failed this city and he will take it back. Telling William he might have a way to stop Diaz. Telling Felicity that he will stop him. He seems confident. However... He keeps groveling for outside help... Like Anatoly and Watson. I find his confidence in taking out Diaz pretty lame cuz he's begging for outside help. So a part of me hopes Watson is corrupt, and Oliver knows it, would be a great twist IMO!

Considering the Title of the episode it's just a fool's wish though...

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2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Same. If I had my way, a pregnancy wouldn't happen until the end of S7 or during S8, but regardless of the timing, my only non-negotiable is that I want to see Oliver's face when Felicity tells him. And if the writers have Felicity tell him during the hiatus, I will drive to Burbank and punch everyone.

Maybe this tweet indicates that she tells him in the finale?

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

Maybe this tweet indicates that she tells him in the finale?

Yeah, that would be my guess. I figured the scene he was talking about was a goodbye scene. But a goodbye scene and a pregnancy reveal would be maximum "twist the knife in Oliver's gut" and we know how much the writers love that.

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10 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Season finale or series finale?

I keep hearing finale and get confused ?

I meant the upcoming season finale that airs Thursday. ☺ I definitely wouldn't want a series finale reveal unless we get a flash forward to actually see the Olicitot.

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I used to be pretty anti baby unless it's the series finale but I'm actually kinda excited if this happens.Oliver and Felicity are great as parents but William is so wooden and the actor is taller than EBR at this point so that makes me not enjoy the family scenes all that much.Them with a baby would really be adorable.

I would probably dread Felicity being sidelined if MG was still EP but I do have a a lot more hope Beth won't do that and that it won't be the only thing for Felicity in season 7.

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Ooo, I'm intrigued by an Olicity baby. Now I'm picturing Felicity with a bassinet next to her while she Overwatches.

[Felicity picks up baby Moira and begins to breastfeed while she checks her monitors. "We've got heat signagures in the northeast corner, Arrow." *coos to the baby* "Keep an eye out for that tech, Spartan."]

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After all this excitement it'll feel like we got the rug pulled from us if there's no pregnancy!

Two of the pregnancy spoiler spots have been taken up (they say there is 3). Might not be us in the finale. 

I don't even know when I want the pregnancy! I just want a cute pregnant Felicity, doting over protective Oliver and them bouncing their baby together. And I want to see it all!!!!! 

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