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Spoiler Discussion Thread


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So, the DA is going to argue that Oliver embezzled the missing money, and he'll still wind up staying on as mayor for the foreseeable future, correct? 

ETA: orrrrr could be that the dirty cops capture Roy and try to get him to admit he wasn't the Arrow. In which case WHERE IS THE MONEY

Edited by apinknightmare

Ok, so I haven't quite been keeping up with spoilers, but after tonight's episode, I gotta ask: does Rene really survive his wound? If so, how? I think Rick's still been around on set from the little I've seen, but I'm not positive. Does he get miraculously healed? Is this all a trick? Does Diaz save his life? I need answers so that the tiny sliver of hope can be taken away now instead of next week.

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30 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, so I haven't quite been keeping up with spoilers, but after tonight's episode, I gotta ask: does Rene really survive his wound? If so, how? I think Rick's still been around on set from the little I've seen, but I'm not positive. Does he get miraculously healed? Is this all a trick? Does Diaz save his life? I need answers so that the tiny sliver of hope can be taken away now instead of next week.

I don't think anyone knows. Rick hasn't filmed much, if anything at all (maybe set pieces) since 614. It's possible he's off screen until they bring him back towards the end of the season

34 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, so I haven't quite been keeping up with spoilers, but after tonight's episode, I gotta ask: does Rene really survive his wound? If so, how? I think Rick's still been around on set from the little I've seen, but I'm not positive. Does he get miraculously healed? Is this all a trick? Does Diaz save his life? I need answers so that the tiny sliver of hope can be taken away now instead of next week.

Oliver and Diggle have both survived wounds that should've killed them. Get some magic leaves and Rene would heal just fine.

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30 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't think anyone knows. Rick hasn't filmed much, if anything at all (maybe set pieces) since 614. It's possible he's off screen until they bring him back towards the end of the season

Rick was in Vancouver maybe 2-3 weeks ago, I think. He was driving across one of the suspension bridges in the city and posted it to his IG stories. I remember being very disappointed when I saw it.

Edited by lemotomato
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47 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I hope 615 has no newbies at all. I can dream, right? 

It's a lovely dream.

I'm actually going to try and avoid any further spoilers about next week's episode.  I'm sure the reddit spoiler guy will post tomorrow or the next day but I think I will do my best to keep some surprises on board.  I feel like it's safe not to be forewarned for once.  

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I am feeling hopeful that next week won't have anything that I need to be prepared for when it comes to annoyance levels.  I mean, chances are there will be BS stuff, but that's low level crap compared to anything NTA related.  I would be surprised if we saw much of either Curtis or Dinah.  

I guess if I could be spoiled on that stuff, I'd be fine, but I want surprises for Thea and Roy. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I truly feel that this Black Siren thing is simply a way for Lance to finally move on from his Laurel grief. They've made Lance too unhealthy and desperate for this to lead to any other outcome then Lance realising how wrong he is to try and replicate his relationship with Laurel, with someone who is the antithesis of who Laurel was.


So at some point there's got to be a turning point where Lance gets that, and hopefully the hospital room scene where Siren is presumably being handed off to Argus custody is just that. 

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11 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

There must be some kind of outs for the show (contract stipulations, buyout conditions, etc) if they don't meet the number of episodes in the contract, right? 

They could buy her out or she could've gotten paid for episodes she wasnt in.

1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

They got her a goodbye cake and threw her a goodbye party. Why would they do that if they had plans to bring her back this season?

True, though it would probably be better to throw her a goodbye party when she is done with majority of her filming then having her disappear for another 5 episodes, come back for 1 and throw her a goodbye party. 

9 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

There must be some kind of outs for the show (contract stipulations, buyout conditions, etc) if they don't meet the number of episodes in the contract, right? 

If her contract calls for a guaranteed number of episodes, she just has to be paid for that many episodes. She doesn't have to actually appear in them.

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6x15 spoilers from the spoiler guy on reddit:



Starts with Thea entering Oliver’s office with his lawyer

They come with good news. Lawyer says she can get the accusation dismissed

She says that the evidence is tainted since the evidence came from Cayden

Oliver can’t/want to believe it

Sonubavich arrives with some bad news. He tells them about Laurel

Oliver gave him a mixed look of not this shit again and I’m done with this shit

They arrive at the police precinct. BS is being interviewed by a bunch of paparazzi

She tells them how she escaped after being kidnapped and kept drugged

She also tells them that it was Darhk who took her

They ask her why she was kept prisoner. She said maybe it was to torture the GA

Reporter: “So you know who the GA is?

Oliver approaches her

BS hugs Oliver

BS: “I thought I’d never see you again”

She saw Sonuvabich

BS: ‘”Daddy! Daddy!”

Paparazzi asked her if Oliver is the GA. She didn’t answer

They walked away from the Paparazzi and talked in private

Oliver: “Why did you do it?”

BS: “You said I should be like Laurel. Thought I’d give it a try”

Oliver (or Sonuvabich): “Where’s the money?”

BS: “I went back and it’s gone”

They asked who killed Cayden and framed Oliver. She didn’t answer and wants them to protect her

BS blackmails Oliver by saying she’ll tell everyone he is GA

Oliver and the police captain talks

Captain says she can help bring some money in

She says she wants to auction some of SCPD’s seized items. probably from criminals

She says it can raise as much as 30M. Oliver accepts it

Dinah talks to the police captain

She asks if she could be assigned to the investigation regarding Laurel’s return

Curtis visits Zoe. He tells her that Rene’s gone

Oliver, his lawyer and DA is talking to some supreme court looking officials

Oliver’s lawyer wants the case dismissed. They didn’t allow it since the DA says they have a new witness

The new witness is..

dun dun dun

Roy Harper

OG Team wants to know what Roy knows and where he is

They locate him in some hotel

BS is in the hospital. Sonuvabich visits her

BS: “Is mom coming to visit or something?”

Sonuvabich brings some of Laurel’s old clothes. Says she needs to wear Laurel’s style

BS: “You call this style?”

Dinah is outside watching from a window

Dinah talks to the doctor who examined Laurel before

Doctor said she’ll conduct a DNA analysis to find out if Laurel is an impostor

Sonuvabich tells Dinah to give BS a chance

BS disappears while they’re talking. Some police took Laurel. Says he’ll bring her to a safe house

BS: “Where are you taking me?”

Police: “To see Mr. Diaz”

Oliver and Diggle arrive to the hotel

They see Roy being interrogated

They left. Says they’re only there for surveillance

BS was brought to Anatoly

BS: "This doesn't bother you?"

Anatoly: "I'm not sentimental. I'm Russian"

Thea wants to help in rescuing Roy

She's back as speedy

Oliver shot some fireworks to distract the hotel guards

Thea heads for the vents

Thea saw Roy getting tortured

Oliver doesn't want Thea to help Roy because she won't be able to fight all of the guards

The police guarding Roy went out for some burgers

Thea enters

Roy: “Is that my hood? It looks good on you”

They kissed. ♥

SCPD SWAT team arrives

Thea and Roy can’t make it out in time

Thea: “I can’t lose you again”

Thea tries to take on the whole SWAT team alone

Oliver snags Thea like a tuna lol

Oliver: “We will get him back”

Roy is bleeding internally

Team figured out that Dragon is behind all this. Including his corrupt cops and politicians

Guards are now moving Roy to a new safe house

Dinah is still looking for BS

Oliver talks to Dinah and Sonuvabich

He tells them about Cayden and Dragon

Oliver wants Sonuvabich and Dinah to figure out how deep it goes

Oliver also asked Dinah to put her vendetta on hold

Anatoly delivers BS to Dragon

Dragon is in some fight club area. He’s fighting some guy

He’s using some generic arrow movements. I’m not sure how I’d feel about that

Dragon beats him

Dragon: “You’re as good as they say you are”

Dragon: “Did you know that fighting with your fist is not the same from fighting for your life?”

Dragon: “Break your bad habits”

There are also guys around the ring watching. All of them seems to be fighters

Dragon gave the guy a wad of cash

Anatoly: “That’s a lot of money for someone with bad feet”

Dragon: “I didn’t break it. I just need to break him”

Dragon: “We’re building a family, Anatoly. Isn’t that what the Bratva means, brotherhood? See family, they rely on one another. Family trusts each other. When a family does well, each member prospers. But if just one person(points at BS) betrays that family... Gives us the room! Move!”

Some talk between Dinah and Dragon. Dragon is mad that BS took everyone’s money. I think it was implied that Dragon took all the money from BS?

Dragon: “I see all. I know all. I control it all. I’ve been working on this for months. You see, Cayden is a small piece of a much larger puzzle.. and so are you”

BS tells Dragon that she wants out of the city. She’s still scared of Dinah

I guess they agree to be allies again?

OG Team with Thea intercepts the van carrying Roy

Van is empty. It’s a decoy

Roy is with Dragon

Some Olicity scenes. Also some talk about giving Diggle the hood

Dragon: “You wanna join my team?”

Roy: “Sure. You offer medical and dental?”

Dragon wants Roy to testify

He blackmails Roy with Thea

Dinah and Sonuvabich talks about the fake cops

They have a temporary ceasefire because of the corrupt cops

BS arrives

BS: “Please let’s not do the whole screaming thing because the only thing fathers gonna do is renovate the apartment”

BS came to talk about Dragon

Thea and Oliver scenes in the bunker

Oliver thinks Thea should go with Roy once this is over. Says she deserves to be happy

Diggle tells team about BS

BS tells them about Dragon’s plan. Oliver doesn’t believe her

BS says she’ll take them to where Roy is

She says she wants to start acting like Laurel

OG Team arrives to where Roy is

Felicity guides them

Dragon knows they arrived. His men welcomed them

Oliver and Diggle: “GGEZ”

A police officer arrived in the scene. Not sure if they’re the corrupt ones

OG Team reaches Dragon and Roy

Dragon: “I love it when you visit me, Mr.Mayor”

More of Dragon’s men arrive

Thea fought most of them with a katana

Oliver and Diggle have this continuous shot of fighting Dragon’s goons with a single arrow

The cop earlier is a corrupt cop. He alerted the whole SCPD

Dragon and another guy throws Roy in back of a van

Thea arrives and shoots Dragon and the other guy

She hits Dragon’s leg but Dragon pulls it out and throws it back

Fight ensues

Oliver and Anatoly fights

Oliver: “So you’re just a hired hand?”

Anatoly: “I used to be Pakhan. You cost me that”

Oliver puts Anatoly to sleep

Dragon defeats Thea. Oliver arrives

Oliver orders Thea to drive the van and get Roy out

Oliver: “I got Diaz”

Dragon: “No, you don’t. You know that, right?”

SCPD cops arrive. Oliver escapes

They treat Roy’s injuries in the bunker

Anatoly is arrested but is released instantly

Oliver visits BS

He still doesn’t like BS

Oliver: “You’re not Laurel”

BS: “I’m not but I’m willing to try”

The whole scene looks like a scene from S1-2. Kinda feels nostalgic

BS receives a text from Dragon: good work

Roy is in Thea’s loft. They have sex

There’s a LOA archer watching them lol creepy

LOA: "Master, I have found the heir of Ra's al Ghul"


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So I'm going to assume. Black Siren is playing Team Arrow for Diaz with the "good work" ...which begs the question of why Team Arrow would ever be dumb enough to buy in to it?


I wonder how Reddit feels about the great and powerful Siren being terrified of Dinah.


Also I wonder how actually 'nostalgic' the scene between Siren and Oliver is. 

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