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S12.E05: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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Um, did I watch the same episode you all did? This was just another Grey's episode aka nothing special. EP is an awful actress and saw nothing special about her acting tonight. Also, like this gang of doctors has not "killed" a bunch of people before, so shut up and leave her alone.


I did like Maggie the intern. What is his name?

Edited by redsox7819
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Again, all that noise and not one of those kids got out of bed with their little sagging pajamas, rubbing eyes, and whining voice...to say, "mommy." Well Bailey and Ellis may still be too little to crawl out of bed, no Bailey is old enough and Zola definitely is old enough. I mean come on show.


You got people tracking back and forth up the stairs, LOL..

  • Love 3

Again, all that noise and not one of those kids got out of bed with their little sagging pajamas, rubbing eyes, and whining voice...to say, "mommy." Well Bailey and Ellis may still be too little to crawl out of bed, no Bailey is old enough and Zola definitely is old enough. I mean come on show.


You got people tracking back and forth up the stairs, LOL..


I assumed the kids were in the nanny's house, whoever the nanny is. I mean, we can only make assumptions since they don't even bother to explain anything related to those poor children.

  • Love 2
However, I do not believe that Owen wanted or wished or ever considered the idea of Cristina dying. But Amelia/Owen (Caterina/Kevin) have very little chemistry, and Shonda needs to make Amelia better than Cristina and Amelia/Owen better than Cristina, so why not re-create history?


That's not how I understood the scene, not when he says he wanted them to be etched in time. He actually said that's what he wanted although he should have suggested his death instead, but once again he said it was selfish. He didn't want to know that he she left to go off and start another life possibly with someone else eventually, and that be the reason they are no longer together. He wanted to be the last, and the only way that could be would be if she died in that crash instead of eventually deciding to leave. That's how I understood it especially with the etched in time comment. 


But if it wasn't such a heavy episode Amelia could have spoken more on the subject since unlike Owen the love of her life did die and if I'm not mistaken it was partly her fault? Or she blamed herself? I believe he was an addict like her right? I didn't watch PP. But she laughed it off and told him not to do drugs because I guess with his comment she thought he already sounded like he was on crack. 


As for Owen, while I like Owen which colors my opinion; we all have had fleeting thoughts that we might be ashamed of. He didn't say he wants Christina dead. He said he had a fleeting thought that it would be easier to mourn her if she were dead instead of mourning her while she lives elsewhere. We can't control our thoughts.


I agree with this assessment, this is how I understood it, not that the writers were trying to recreate history. At least not yet, I mean they just had the relationship between Amelia and Owen compared to Callie's with Mark that was two episodes ago, so...

Edited by represent
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I have no problem with the expanding cast of characters.  If they're all going to continue to have unprotected sex with each other, I say expand the gene pool.


What made me wonder were the flickering candles set around the bedroom.  Were they lit and unattended while everybody was downstairs or does Amelia like a little mood lighting with her despair?

  • Love 8

I enjoyed this episode, but honestly, both Amelia AND Meredith annoyed the crap out of me! Amelia was just unsufferable, and I was done with Meredith once she slammed the door in Callie's face. I think it's hard for me to sympathize with them since I've watched years of these doctors making mistakes, some fatal.


Acually, almost everyone this episode annoyed me. Alex is a terrible boyfriend, and that Jo and Stephanie fight grated. I think what they were trying to do was have Jo try to relate to Stephanie but she took it the wrong way because she doesn't want to be defined by her disease (hence why she kept it to herself in the first place) but neither actor is strong enough to pull of the nuance that this requires. And Owen, seriously? Relieved because you thought Christina was dead.


You know things are bad when Maggie, April, and Arizona are part of the few likeable characters of the night.


I died laughing when Arizona said that she should date Penny. Then I got upset because Callie is ALWAYS getting cheated on, damn...



Stay tuned in the future for a very special episode of Callie discovering Arizona and Penny in bed together...

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I liked the episode and thought the acting was great all around. I did think the Perfect Penny situation was contrived but it didn't bother me too much. Perfect Penny now becoming a resident does though, its just so stupid. The outcome is predictable.


Amelia shouldn't have stormed in to yell at Meredith but I have no problem with her being angry. I would be pissed if I was in her place and sat there chatting with the person who contributed to a family member's death while others knew who she was. 


I'm tired of the treatment of Jo. Stephanie is just one more in the list to treat Jo like she's superior to her. Her comment about "they have you hauling trash" did it for me. I'm fine with the friendship just ending.


I know most like the Meredith/Alex friendship but I haven't since last season (long before Derek died) and I still don't. Its completely one sided. Alex is there for Meredith over and over (again, starting before Derek died) and Meredith can't even make an attempt to be a decent human being to Alex's significant other. Ever. She doesn't need to be her friend but she could at least be cordial/not rude. A friend wouldn't treat someone's partner like crap for absolutely no reason (I don't recall Jo ever doing anything to warrant the way Meredith treats her). I don't care if Meredith just doesn't like her, its not about Jo, its about Alex. If she's Alex's friend she should have even the smallest amount of respect for his relationship. Alex always putting Meredith above Jo is also getting on my nerves. Its understandable that he'd be concerned for Meredith in this episode but he never seems to show concern towards Jo.


April was the only person who made sense with all the "SHE KILLED DEREK" discussions. I'll give Meredith and Amelia a pass but everyone else sitting there like Perfect Penny chased Derek down with an ax was stupid.

I liked drunk Arizona, Alex & Jackson's taco plotting and April & Jackson's interactions.


Unintentionally funny moment: Meredith yelling she can't break down because she has 3 children followed by a scene with Meredith sitting there with Alex downing tequilia. Maybe if we saw Meredith trying to keep it together while caring for the kids or something it would have helped.


Random: the room downstairs is a den and not a bedroom. That means all 6 of them sleep upstairs. I guess the kids could all be locked up in Lexie's attic room. We know there's 3 bedrooms on the second floor.

Edited by windsprints
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Hard to say anything really as for Owen´s words. I changed my name,so that about explains it.


Meredith was great, Ellen acted her perfectly. Alex - I would want a friend like him. However, I did not like she closed the door to Callie´s face. Rude. 


Feel sorry for Penny though.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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This entire story line is so contrived right from the beginning. Based on the promo I think Meredith subconsciously wants her working there so she can destroy any career Penny has left and Penny is a glutton for punishment.  She just wants to punish herself, I hope she gets help,  because I think she might be a good surgeon in the right program. Too bad, I don't know where this can go but it's unfortunate, because I really like Penny. I haven't really liked a new character in a long time and every time I try the character gets screwed over. She was the best part of Derek's death, clearly I don't care about Derek and never did, but I thought her little cameo was interesting enough and I wanted to see more. Too bad it all comes with the weight of Derek's worshipers around her neck, thanks show, thanks again.

Edited by represent
  • Love 2
Whyyyyyyy???? Why was this episode so good?? And where is Ellen Pompeo's Emmy?

Right? I want to HATE post-Dempsey Grey's, but this episode was old school GA. In other words, GOOD (for a change). It's the first time that Grey's has made Scandal look boring in a long time. I couldn't even get into Scandal at all.  I wanted Grey's to keep going.



(Not liking Penny getting re-matched to Grey Sloan, though, and Meredith giving her the okay to stay with it in the end. This whole turn of events is veering into contrived territory.)

Oh, I think that we moved into that neighborhood and settled down, right about the time we all first heard the words, "L-VAD wire."

Drunk Arizona. Freaking awesome. "Wait for it...."

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Hard to say anything really as for Owen´s words. I changed my name,so that about explains it.


In my opinion, I really didn't take it that Owen *wanted* her to die - just a moment of "omg if she's dead then she can't leave me by choice."  He knew that he wasn't enough for her and she'd eventually leave. I think his subconscious picked the lesser of the two evils. I really think that's what he meant. Now - again- you don't say things like that out loud except to your very best friend...


I admit that while my mom was in the hospital at the end (I absolutely realize this is not a fair comparison), I'd listen to her take a big breath - 15 seconds - no exhale -  and in that brief time i would be relieved. Relieved that the suffering was over, etc. I didn't want my mom to die - but relieved that the big decisions were over and worry and fretting - and her pain. But then she'd exhale. So while it sounded horrible coming from him, I don't think he meant it to be malicious.



  • Love 7


I admit that while my mom was in the hospital at the end (I absolutely realize this is not a fair comparison), I'd listen to her take a big breath - 15 seconds - no exhale -  and in that brief time i would be relieved. Relieved that the suffering was over, etc. I didn't want my mom to die - but relieved that the big decisions were over and worry and fretting - and her pain. But then she'd exhale. So while it sounded horrible coming from him, I don't think he meant it to be malicious.

Exactly, it's very human and doesn't come from a place of evil..

Edited by represent
  • Love 6

In my opinion, I really didn't take it that Owen *wanted* her to die - just a moment of "omg if she's dead then she can't leave me by choice."  He knew that he wasn't enough for her and she'd eventually leave. I think his subconscious picked the lesser of the two evils. I really think that's what he meant. Now - again- you don't say things like that out loud except to your very best friend...


I admit that while my mom was in the hospital at the end (I absolutely realize this is not a fair comparison), I'd listen to her take a big breath - 15 seconds - no exhale -  and in that brief time i would be relieved. Relieved that the suffering was over, etc. I didn't want my mom to die - but relieved that the big decisions were over and worry and fretting - and her pain. But then she'd exhale. So while it sounded horrible coming from him, I don't think he meant it to be malicious.



Betsyboo,with all respect to your story,yours is different.I feel for you.

  • Love 2

It could have been an interesting topic under different circumstances. Love can be and often is selfish and I'm sure many people have at some point felt (if just for a second) that seeing someone you love being happy with another person would be more painful than seeing them dead. It's obviously not something people would be glad to admit even to themselves, let alone the others, so seeing how they cope with such conflicting emotions and thoughts within themselves could be interesting if done right.


The problem here is that it felt awfully misplaced in this episode. It had literally nothing to do with the situation at hand, it came out of nowhere and served no other purpose than to make Amelia feel better about herself. 

Edited by Joana
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The problem here is that it felt awfully misplaced in this episode. It had literally nothing to do with the situation at hand, it came out of nowhere and served no other purpose than to make Amelia feel better about herself.

Exactly, wrong episode, wrong place for this scene to be. The scene I believe was to lighten to mood after the outburst she had with Meredith because if it were another episode like I said, Amelia should have been allowed to respond with the fact that she actually did lose the love of her life to his death.  The convo. should have gone on as to whether or not if she were in Owen's place would she rather the love of her life end up with a life somewhere else or dead. Chances are she'd still want him alive because you never know if some day they'd get a second chance, but if he's dead that chance surely would never come.

  • Love 1


I assumed the kids were in the nanny's house, whoever the nanny is. I mean, we can only make assumptions since they don't even bother to explain anything related to those poor children.


Yes, we have Mere screaming at the top of her lungs to Amelia about those three kids and their dead father, so the kids must have been....not at home.

  • Love 1

Random: the room downstairs is a den and not a bedroom. That means all 6 of them sleep upstairs. I guess the kids could all be locked up in Lexie's attic room. We know there's 3 bedrooms on the second floor.


I wish they would take a second to explain some of this trivial stuff!  There was no crib in Meredith's room so the baby obviously doesn't sleep in there,  Where do these kids live??  Sure there are toys all over the house but other than that there is no trace of them, be a little realistic here!  Maybe with all the renovations of this house they added a basement where they keep all the kids, including Sofia and Tuck (kidding).


Something else I forgot to mention...it's been talked about in a few threads how Penny was just a prop for Meredith and not really about Callie.  But, wow there was absolutely no chemistry between Callie and Penny.  During the episode I forgot for a second she was there as Callie's girlfriend.  

Edited by Greysaddict

I watch GA regularly, but how did I miss that Meredith has 3 kids? Can someone please tell me which episode explained that. Also, I don't quite understand when (if ever) Meredith sees her kids. She leaves to work early in the morning, comes back late afternoon/night and then quite often drinks or goes to that pub across the street from the hospital.


Please make Maggie less awkward, Kelly McCreary just can't deliver.

Nitpicky...but Meredith says she moved back into the house about a year and a half ago.  I know that's probably to remind Penny that Derek died, BUT didn't she move in like three months ago?!

I'm glad I was not the only to notice that! Thanks for for bringing this up.

I'm sure she moved back there three months ago so I guess you're right and she said that just to remind Penny of Derek's death.

  • Love 2

I felt Callie could have backed Penny up a bit more. Yeah, she was shocked and surprised and caught off guard like everyone else, but I mean, she got taken to court once because an Olympic champion lost his legs under her treatment, certainly she must understand what she was going through. She did react, but I thought it was more because she was feeling uncomfortable herself and not for Penny's sake.




Please make Maggie less awkward, Kelly McCreary just can't deliver.


At the very least her "OMG, I HAD SEX!!!!11" rants need to disappear. It's extremelly annoying and frankly, stupid. 

  • Love 1


I watch GA regularly, but how did I miss that Meredith has 3 kids? Can someone please tell me which episode explained

She had a baby girl Ellis after Derek died. They were trying to have another baby I believe before he died.She went away for about a year after he died and had the baby. Oh, and it was the episode in which he died I believe.  Or the one after when they had his funeral, cause she left after that. I can't remember if it was a two hour episode or not though. 


By the way, has anyone ever seen baby Ellis? I remember seeing Bailey as a baby, I even remember seeing him on the beach. He looked like he was one or two years old and he and Zola were playing in the sand. This was when she went away after Derek died. But I don't recall seeing Ellis at all?  How could they not show Ellis?

Edited by represent

I'm glad I was not the only to notice that! Thanks for for bringing this up.

I'm sure she moved back there three months ago so I guess you're right and she said that just to remind Penny of Derek's death.


I noticed this too but I brushed it off because I think it was to remind Penny (and maybe us?) that was when Derek died.  

  • Love 1

^^ yes, but which episode explains that?

She had a baby girl Ellis after Derek died. They were trying to have another baby I believe before he died.She went away for about a year after he died and had the baby. Oh, and it was the episode in which he died I believe.  Or the one after when they had his funeral, cause she left after that. I can't remember if it was a two hour episode or not though. 


By the way, has anyone ever seen baby Ellis? I remember seeing Bailey as a baby, I even remember seeing him on the beach. He looked like he was one or two years old and he and Zola were playing in the sand. This was when she went away after Derek died. But I don't recall seeing Ellis at all?  How could they not show Ellis?

Edited by krpa

I felt Callie could have backed Penny up a bit more. Yeah, she was shocked and surprised and caught off guard like everyone else, but I mean, she got taken to court once because an Olympic champion lost his legs under her treatment, certainly she must understand what she was going through. She did react, but I thought it was more because she was feeling uncomfortable herself and not for Penny's sake.

Especially since Penny had tried to leave at least two, maybe three times (I forget) and Callie was not only not hearing her, and demanding she stay, but also insisting she stay when Callie wasn't there. 


Betsyboo,with all respect to your story,yours is different.I feel for you.

You changing your name makes me sad. Speaking for myself, I've had the same experience as Betsyboo, but I think most of us have had fleeting thoughts we don't really mean or feel, but wouldn't want anyone to know. Just me then?  I don't think he meant it as truly wanting Christina dead. But why they didn't bring up his feeling of guilt about being the one who signed off on the air courier that caused the crash, I don't know. (as long as they were going to bring up the crash).

Edited by clanstarling
  • Love 1

1. Jo is rapidly becoming the Lady Edith of Downton Anatomy and I'm fine with that, I find both totally annoying.


2. Don't you think Penny would know who was on the board of the hospital where she was matched?  Does she know Callie is on the board?  If so, she'd have to know Derek and Mere were also, it just seems so odd.


3.  I don't think we've seen Ellis at all, I can't remember if we actually got to see her when she was born.  They kind of did the time jump after the episode where she gave birth--the day Alex was called as her emergency contact.  

  • Love 3

She had a baby girl Ellis after Derek died. They were trying to have another baby I believe before he died.She went away for about a year after he died and had the baby. Oh, and it was the episode in which he died I believe.  Or the one after when they had his funeral, cause she left after that. I can't remember if it was a two hour episode or not though. 


By the way, has anyone ever seen baby Ellis? I remember seeing Bailey as a baby, I even remember seeing him on the beach. He looked like he was one or two years old and he and Zola were playing in the sand. This was when she went away after Derek died. But I don't recall seeing Ellis at all?  How could they not show Ellis?


We saw Baby Ellis when she was born... They had used the most not-newborn-sized baby they could find and it looked like Meredith had given birth to a giant baby. 


Can't remember seeing her since then though. 

  • Love 3

By the way, has anyone ever seen baby Ellis? I remember seeing Bailey as a baby, I even remember seeing him on the beach. He looked like he was one or two years old and he and Zola were playing in the sand. This was when she went away after Derek died. But I don't recall seeing Ellis at all?  How could they not show Ellis?

They showed baby Ellis in episode 11x22 with Meredith holding her and then Alex taking her home with Mer and the kids. And in episode 11x23 with Amelia holding her while Zola and Bailey were playing together.

  • Love 1


By the way, has anyone ever seen baby Ellis? I remember seeing Bailey as a baby, I even remember seeing him on the beach. He looked like he was one or two years old and he and Zola were playing in the sand. This was when she went away after Derek died. But I don't recall seeing Ellis at all?  How could they not show Ellis?


3.  I don't think we've seen Ellis at all, I can't remember if we actually got to see her when she was born.  They kind of did the time jump after the episode where she gave birth--the day Alex was called as her emergency contact.  


We saw Ellis twice, once after she was born when Meredith was still in hospital (11x22) and another time in i think 11x23 when Amelia was holding her in the dreamhouse.  Meredith was in the kitchen and Amelia walked into the room with the baby.  


*actually they call the 2 hrs episode 11x22 and 11x23, so it was technically 11x23 and 11x24 where we saw baby Ellis.

Yes, newborn baby Ellis looked like a 20-lb toddler with a head almost as big as Meredith's. We haven't seen her since then, or at least I don't think we have. Seems like Zola is at the age where she'd be begging to spend a few minutes at the grownup party before bedtime. Maybe the young actress (who might've been the most adorable toddler ever born) is no longer available.

Or maybe the kids are all figments of Mer's imagination. I mean, wouldn't that make about as much sense as anything else on this show?

  • Love 2

Or maybe the kids are all figments of Mer's imagination. I mean, wouldn't that make about as much sense as anything else on this show?

 don't joke about this!  I am very afraid that when Shonda does end this show she is going to pull something like St.Elsewhere or Newhart and its all going to be a dream of Meredith's (or maybe all going on inside of Ellis/Mer's Alzheimers head).

  • Love 2

Yes, newborn baby Ellis looked like a 20-lb toddler with a head almost as big as Meredith's. We haven't seen her since then, or at least I don't think we have. Seems like Zola is at the age where she'd be begging to spend a few minutes at the grownup party before bedtime. Maybe the young actress (who might've been the most adorable toddler ever born) is no longer available.

Or maybe the kids are all figments of Mer's imagination. I mean, wouldn't that make about as much sense as anything else on this show?

The twins (Jela K. Moore and Jael Moore) that used to play Zola were replaced last season for Aniela Gumbs. She's a little older than the twins.

And as you can see here, Aniela was on set two weeks ago so I'm thinking we'll finally get a glimpse of Mer's children.

Oh my gosh, that never occurred to me, Greysaddict! I hope Shonda Rhimes knows that she would have crazed fans ready to torch the studio.

I would love to see the last scene of the series pick up after that dream scene of elderly Mer and Cristina, where they're still arguing about how to carve the chicken, but it's not a dream. No St. Elsewhere endings! That would be terrible.

  • Love 1
I am very afraid that when Shonda does end this show she is going to pull something like St.Elsewhere or Newhart and its all going to be a dream of Meredith's (or maybe all going on inside of Ellis/Mer's Alzheimers head).


Meredith wakes up after a night out drinking ready to start her new job at SGH. The whole show was a drunken dream, lol.


Yes, newborn baby Ellis looked like a 20-lb toddler with a head almost as big as Meredith's.


Wasn't there a floating Derek head that appeared next to the giant baby head?

  • Love 4

Oh my gosh, that never occurred to me, Greysaddict! I hope Shonda Rhimes knows that she would have crazed fans ready to torch the studio.

I would love to see the last scene of the series pick up after that dream scene of elderly Mer and Cristina, where they're still arguing about how to carve the chicken, but it's not a dream. No St. Elsewhere endings! That would be terrible.



Meredith wakes up after a night out drinking ready to start her new job at SGH. The whole show was a drunken dream, lol.


I don;t even live in CA but i think I WOULD torch the studio if this happened.  God help us all if this is the ending.

  • Love 1

Especially since Penny had tried to leave at least two, maybe three times (I forget) and Callie was not only not hearing her, and demanding she stay, but also insisting she stay when Callie wasn't there.

Callie, not listening, and making assumptions about the other person in her relationship while they just give in and follow her like a kicked puppy?

That's never happened before. *coughs*

  • Love 5

You changing your name makes me sad. Speaking for myself, I've had the same experience as Betsyboo, but I think most of us have had fleeting thoughts we don't really mean or feel, but wouldn't want anyone to know. Just me then?  I don't think he meant it as truly wanting Christina dead. But why they didn't bring up his feeling of guilt about being the one who signed off on the air courier that caused the crash, I don't know. (as long as they were going to bring up the crash).

^^ Yes - I thought for sure that's where he was going with it as he started his sentence. It *was jarring what he said. And poorly placed. Frankly I don't love them together. Why can't Owen go find his original fiancee who he didn't tell he was discharged and see if she'll forgive him!?


(my paragraph is poorly structured with horrible grammar but it's 5:30 on a Friday and I don't have it in me to re-write it! :-)   )

  • Love 2

This was the Grey's I really like, and Ellen Pompeo acted the heck out of her meltdown towards Amelia. I personally don't feel bad for Penny. She was dating Callie and knew what hospital she worked at, and she agreed to go to a dinner with Callie and her colleagues? Yes, it's a larger hospital, but someone in that group was bound to know Derek. I don't see why she'd even put herself in that situation without at least mentioning in to Callie first. Not to mention, you were going to go work at the hospital? Where you were the doctor when one of their star attendings died? I don't get that at all. My sympathy kind of ran out.

And when did Jo become a "bad" resident? I always thought none of the doctors had an issue and that she was fine. Not as good as Stephanie, but competent. Now they're acting like she's sub-par out of nowhere, and I don't get it. I was tempted to applaud after Stephanie let her have it though, because Jo is whiny and needs to take accountability for her own job performance, not put it on her co-workers for outshining her.

Sadly this show is still a shell of what it once was. Also, Jackson flirting with Stephanie right in front of April was kind of uncool.

  • Love 1

But if it wasn't such a heavy episode Amelia could have spoken more on the subject since unlike Owen the love of her life did die and if I'm not mistaken it was partly her fault? Or she blamed herself? I believe he was an addict like her right? I didn't watch PP. But she laughed it off and told him not to do drugs because I guess with his comment she thought he already sounded like he was on crack. 


Amelia knew the "love of her life" for about 3 weeks before he died and they were both high that whole time, so I've always hated her calling him that. But yeah he died. They had both decided to get clean, but Amelia said they should have one last high to use up their stash. The guy died that night, so it's pretty understandable that she blamed herself.  But the whole storyline made me go from liking to hating Amelia. Nothing she's done since joining Grey's has changed that for me.

  • Love 5


Amelia knew the "love of her life" for about 3 weeks before he died and they were both high that whole time, so I've always hated her calling him that. But yeah he died. They had both decided to get clean, but Amelia said they should have one last high to use up their stash. The guy died that night, so it's pretty understandable that she blamed herself.  But the whole storyline made me go from liking to hating Amelia. Nothing she's done since joining Grey's has changed that for me.

Thanks for the info..


Bwaah, gotta love Shonda; I had no idea the relationship was that short. And since it seems like the only had the drugs in common who's to say that she would have been with him if she met him while she was clean?  You just can't IMO trust the feelings of someone's who's first love is that "monkey". They aren't of sound mind, and everything they do is for the love of another hit so...Again, I watched a few episodes of PP in its first season and that was it. 

Edited by represent

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