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S06.E05: Ka'alapahi nui (Big Lie)

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So do drivers in Hawai'i really not pull over when there are half a dozen police cars in full cry coming up their tailpipes?? Just wondering...

The tough mudder thing was just silly.

We have some of those asshat trick motorcyclists in my area; one of them wiped out and smeared himself all over four lanes of I270 a few years ago. Could not muster up any sympathy for him.

Edited by janeta

I was wondering the same thing about absolutely not one person pulling over. Are the laws different in Hawaii, where you just keep driving however you want to in whatever lane you want to, while impeding a police chase?

A girl has her dad killed, because she's no longer the center of his world? Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? And her emotional state is based on

1. her having her father killed and

2. her boyfriend who killed her dad died trying to evade police.

So, how is the judge supposed to take pity on her again?

And Scott totally really broke his leg, didn't he?

I haven't heard that Scott broke his real leg. But the bone marrow Danny donated to Charlie (last week) would've been removed from his hip bone, hence perhaps a bandage there.

Edited by BW Manilowe


A girl has her dad killed, because she's no longer the center of his world? Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? And her emotional state is based on


1. her having her father killed and

2. her boyfriend who killed her dad died trying to evade police.

So, how is the judge supposed to take pity on her again?


I'm pretty sure she would be tried as an adult in the real world.  I don't think she'll get much pity from any judge.


Overall I thought it was a pretty good episode.  I would have liked all the mudder stuff better if there was a little announcement at the end saying the actors really had taken part in the charity event.  Otherwise it just seemed like too much time wasted on it.

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I had never heard of 'mudders' until recently, when a cousin of mine posted on her FB page about participating in one.  Now, I seem to be seeing information about them all over the place.  I did like the photos at the end, but I agree that it would have been better if there had been a note that acknowledged a real 'mudder' that was held to raise money.


The teenage daughter deserved no break from the legal system.  She should be charged with whatever she could legally be charged with and punished.  So her father had a secret other life (I knew he had another family from the minute they mentioned the 'other guy's' name and that money was being transferred to that person), boo hoo!


I also wondered why no one was pulling their cars over to the side of the road.  Maybe they thought it would make it look more 'dangerous' to have everyone weaving in and out, but I just found it distracting.

Edited by BooksRule
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Tough Mudders have been around awhile. I remember reading Alex was at least supposedly going to do 1 with Simon Mirren, former Criminal Minds showrunner; maybe others, as a team. I don't think they ever did it--or at least Alex (obviously) didn't. It was in S2, when Alex missed Eps 220 (Max-centric ep about his birth mother's serial killer) & both parts of our crossover with NCIS: Los Angeles to deal with his shoulder injury issues.

Even if they didn't do a real Mudder, I'd hope a decent donation was at least made to the real-life equivalent of the HPD "Widows & Orphans Fund" (a social media friend blogs about each ep; she mentioned the term used in the show was a "generic catch-all" most people would recognize immediately for that; the real-life names attached to the HPD's group & a police group in Maui are a bit more complicated).

Again...I'm guessing the scene was written with the team carrying Danny through the race so he could at least try to fulfill that commitment (which, presumably was made in the timeline before he found out Charlie was his son & needed his bone marrow), & help his son. If Danny had donated marrow, it would've been at a hip bone & he probably would've had a bandage/cast. Wasn't the pic a team photo, in character, at the end? If you're still thinking something happened to Scott, I got nothing there.

Edited by BW Manilowe

Yes. That's the one. And Scott was on crutches, which is why I thought he really broke something.

I didn't see any bandages, and he was running fine at the beginning of the show. Then all of a sudden at the end, they're carrying him.

I have absolutely nothing. Except maybe Danny was supposed to have overdone things, in character, at the Mudder (wanting to fulfill this obligation that may have/probably did come up before Danny's situation with Charlie changed & Danny knew he had to help Charlie, if he could, as well as wanting/needing to fix his son, if he could), & of course his ohana would help him across the line.

Especially since I don't even remember him being cautious, when going out in the field, before the Mudder. At the very least, I think a hip marrow donor should be on crutches/possibly moving more carefully for awhile--don't know how long, probably just days--after the procedure.

And we don't know how soon this was in connection to earlier things, other than yes, Danny donated his marrow to Charlie already. Scott's ep write-out last week was explained away by it in that episode (the donation procedure/hospitalization for Danny), & Danny reminded the ohana at least once this week he was, in fact, a bone marrow donor.

Edited by BW Manilowe

According to the internets, bone marrow donors should be able to return to daily activities within 1-7 days and is usually done as an outpatient procedure. I figured Danny was on crutches as an excuse to write Scott out of another episode.

Didn't the daughter ever consider that watching her husband get murdered would be way more traumatic to her mother than just finding out he was a two- timer? My cable briefly went out right after the shooting; was anyone else killed?

And why did hubby raise his head when he knew the shooter was still there? You always play dead until you know the shooter is gone! Did the man never watch TV cop shows?

Edited by Mittengirl
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And why did hubby raise his head when he knew the shooter was still there?


Perhaps he thought he could propose to the gunman? It seems to be his goto move.


How on earth, with that spray of bullets and people jumping everywhere was the Dad the only one killed? There was even only one puddle of blood.


Throw the book at the daughter. She risked a lot of lives.

  • Love 2

I have absolutely nothing. Except maybe Danny was supposed to have overdone things, in character, at the Mudder (wanting to fulfill this obligation that may have/probably did come up before Danny's situation with Charlie changed & Danny knew he had to help Charlie, if he could, as well as wanting/needing to fix his son, if he could), & of course his ohana would help him across the line.

Especially since I don't even remember him being cautious, when going out in the field, before the Mudder. At the very least, I think a hip marrow donor should be on crutches/possibly moving more carefully for awhile--don't know how long, probably just days--after the procedure.

And we don't know how soon this was in connection to earlier things, other than yes, Danny donated his marrow to Charlie already. Scott's ep write-out last week was explained away by it in that episode (the donation procedure/hospitalization for Danny), & Danny reminded the ohana at least once this week he was, in fact, a bone marrow donor.

I have to be honest - I didn't even consider the bone marrow procedure as a factor. I assumed it was a callback to Danny not stretching like McGarrett instructed him to!

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And why did hubby raise his head when he knew the shooter was still there? You always play dead until you know the shooter is gone! Did the man never watch TV cop shows?

Or he watched enough cop shows to know the shooter was going to shoot him in the head to be sure he was dead-dead anyway so he might as well make the shooter look at him when he pulled the trigger.

You are giving hubby more credit than I, Theredhead. :-) He didn't strike me as being that gutsy.

Do you suppose motorcycle guy or daughter measured the elevators to make sure his bike would fit? I have been in plenty where it would have been a damn tight squeeze. And it was really nice that the elevator arrived at the exact time for him to drive right in. He would have looked pretty silly waiting for it, like I usually have to do.

And wouldn't biker guy want to drive in a manner than would not call attention to himself on the way to the murder?

Edited by Mittengirl
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So do drivers in Hawai'i really not pull over when there are half a dozen police cars in full cry coming up their tailpipes?? Just wondering...


It looked like any freeway chase on a Los Angeles freeway or a scene from CHiPs back in the 70s. Police sirens are not that loud especially with modern cars wit  closed windows and sound cancellation systems for their own enjoyment. By the time you see the red and blue lights in the mirror you drive straight and let them do all the  weaving in and out. The most dangerous time is trying to make a big hole at the same time that person being chased is taking that small hole you are both headed for

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I loved how they discussed the daughter having her father killed like it made any sense. "Oh, so she discovered he had another family so she had him murdered." They were saying it like that's just what people do when they find out that their father is married to someone else. Like it was totally logical that someone would murder their father over something like that. Weird. 

  • Love 8


I loved how they discussed the daughter having her father killed like it made any sense. "Oh, so she discovered he had another family so she had him murdered." They were saying it like that's just what people do when they find out that their father is married to someone else. Like it was totally logical that someone would murder their father over something like that. Weird.


Agreed. It was like "She's seventeen and her father let her down. So she had him killed. The judge will take her age into consideration."


I get that it's a big lie and her father was horrible but the daughter seems to be a horribly spoiled girl with sociopathic tendencies if she thought this was the best way to address her hurt.

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Enjoyed this episode.  Loved the motorcycle chase scene, but it bugged me as well that the other cars on the highway not slowing down or pulling over.  Also, Chin, you should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.  


I guess Catherine is going to return at some point.  Do I care? No.  


Danny wore the WRONG shorts for that mudder race.  Lmfao when we saw his ballsack finish the competiton.  

Edited by MusicFan85

Glad to see kono and the rest of the 5-0 team can take time out to train for tough mudder instead of looking for Gabriel.

That plot really made no sense. Of all the ways to kill the guy you do it in the most public, and easy to track possible? Then the shooter risks his life jumping between the towers?

Also did they even say how the daughter found out about the dad's double life?

And i would love max to give an explanation about how the bike crash killed the guy, but the girl who was launched higher and not slowed down by the breaking windows, was conscious and able to move around?


Danny wore the WRONG shorts for that mudder race.  Lmfao when we saw his ballsack finish the competiton.  


Hee! I didn't want to be the first to mention this but yes...oh my.....!

He seems to have a preference for the looser fit - I seem to remember a similar eyeful in Grace's Baseball team episode, or was it the Thanksgiving football episode? Either way, I'm not complaining (but then, I'm just that shallow - I'm also appreciating the higher than average shirtlessSteve shots so far this season!).

  • Love 2

Enjoyed this episode.  Loved the motorcycle chase scene, but it bugged me as well that the other cars on the highway not slowing down or pulling over.  Also, Chin, you should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.  

I had to laugh - the hero is riding around without a helmet, and all the bad guys are appropriately protected. 


It was refreshing not to have a lot of personal drama, just a touch of Catherine on the phone and a little bit of Adam at the race. Just right.


I kept wondering how the heck no one else was even injured in that meeting room - so he just shot up the glass doors to look cool? And then,  not only how the elevator was big enough, but how he managed to stop before being a splat on the wall.  I had fun thinking of how he had to then push the button and wait for a long time (that floor was a long way up), and boy was he lucky, no one on a floor between pushed the button.

Edited by clanstarling

When she told her mom her dad wasn't who she thought he was, I was expecting him to have done horrible things. I mean, I don't like stories like this, and it squicks me out, but if they were going there, the only acceptable reason for her to have him murdered was if he did something to her. 

Yea I was thinking the same thing. When Steve and Danny were trying to come up with motive theories in the car it shocked me that a dad abusing his daughter didn't come up as a possible motive. 

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I loved how they discussed the daughter having her father killed like it made any sense. "Oh, so she discovered he had another family so she had him murdered." They were saying it like that's just what people do when they find out that their father is married to someone else. Like it was totally logical that someone would murder their father over something like that. Weird. 


Hawaii 5-0 seems to exist in a bizarre parallel universe where people in general are utterly psychotic and drawn to the Hawaiian islands for their nefarious needs. I agree the motivation in this episode was anywhere from questionable to laughable however it is in line with other things we've already seen. I'm thinking in particular of the Halloween episode in which a kid murders a bunch of people and then mutilates his dad because dad was bullied in high school. Or Joe from Podunk Hardware selling a nuclear weapon to Osama Bin Laden's successor because Joe was rejected by the Marines. One of these days somebody is going to get murdered over a paper cut on this show.

My question from the episode was:  Who tried calling McGarrett?  It being Catherine was too easy, and then when Danny mentioned that it might be Doris (which I didn't think of but I like), it got me wondering.  I REALLY hope that Doris returns if this is going to be H5O's last season because Steve really needs some closure on that end.


I thougth the Mudder stuff was fine, especially since it got the entire team together.  I have to say that this season is TONS better than last season because I am seeing the original four much more often together with the rest of the cast appearing here and there.  Even Lou isn't front and center all the time at the expense of Steve and Danny.  I think this season has good pacing, the characters actually caring and reacting to each other, and the stories are decent.  Color me happy.

In the scene where you saw the stick figure family on the car windows with older surfing boy, middle ice cream eating daughter, and younger skateboarding boy, and they were playing a perky version of "Baa Baa Black Sheep" (apparently by Caspar Babypants, I find from my intensive websurfing), I paused the show and started ranting indignantly about how a boy who would be old enough to skateboard, and to excitedly question his dad about motorcycles, would in no way still be listening to a nursery rhyme song.  And then I saw my husband staring at me and I said "I'm doing it again, aren't I?"  Apparently I've developed a bad habit of latching on to the least improbable improbable things and getting worked up about them (last week it was how there was no way a guy would be presumed dead for 20 years and have all sorts of valuable real estate fall into disrepair.  Surely they'd have either found him or had him declared legally dead well before that?).

Detonate a bomb in the ocean...no problem.  Guy's head gets sliced off...sure, why not.  Motorcycle leaps from building to building...it could happen!  But OMG, an elementary aged kid listening to Baa Baa Black Sheep...what is wrong with these writers?

See, they test my capacity to suspend disbelief with the insane stuff, so I have nothing left for the mundane!

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