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Dean Winchester: aka Squirrel

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8 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

No matter how dark, dangerous and cheerless the life, Dean can always find joy.  The rainbow slinky. The pie. The granade launcher, etc, etc.

It’s a human trait I will forever try to emulate. Especially now. Especially during these scary times. FIND THE JOY. That’s my mantra. Thank you Dean Winchester. I will miss you.  😢

I think that trait has gone a long way to making Dean the very popular character he's always been. Viewers like characters that can bring a light and humor into the gloom and doom. And yes, we all need that in our real lives more desperately than ever.

I will miss Dean Winchester so much. I'm so disappointed that this season hasn't been worthy of him or any of the characters. He deserved better, they deserved better, we all deserved better. But poor writing and story telling doesn't diminish my love and appreciation for Dean!

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I saw, on another forum that still uses 'signatures' in their posts, someone using this: WWDWD

And that, as @Pondlass1 said, is truly not a bad way to live your life. Live true to yourself, love fiercely, curse when you need to, and grasp the good moments where you can. Nothing Badd has done or will do will change my affection for this character. Dean Winchester will live forever in the hearts of those who love him.

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6 hours ago, PAForrest said:

I will miss Dean Winchester so much. I'm so disappointed that this season hasn't been worthy of him or any of the characters. He deserved better, they deserved better, we all deserved better. But poor writing and story telling doesn't diminish my love and appreciation for Dean!

Agreed. I refuse to give Badd`s terrible fanfiction Seasons any legitimacy. 

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Every time I watch "Regarding Dean", I have to watch "Broomstick Cowboy" at least twice; sometimes more. It encapsulates who Dean would be if not for his hunter upbringing. But also, as mentioned above, it also shows who he is even now as a person - finding light in the darkness; good outside of evil; and joy in the simple things in life. Dean Winchester is my favorite character of all time, and no one, can diminish him in my eyes. NO ONE, especially BADD who doesn't hold a candle to Jensen in any shape or form.

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12 hours ago, shoetingstar said:

That one time Dean "rebelled" and grew his hair before John quickly pushed him into a barber chair (or rather, hacked it himself!). He NEVER told Sam about this, of course. 

Actually one of his fake ideas(can't remember which episode it, earlier season, was but there were a few fake IDs the audience was shown quickly, I think it was like a shoebox where they had a bunch of fake ID tossed into it) he had hair similar to this, little messier.  Obviously it was meant to be an older fake ID, even at the time.

You know I'm not sure, he might have actually used one with his hair like this in one episode back then.  It's funny to think that this was actually just a couple years before Dean Winchester.  I've been feeling that way a lot lately, like I was just like "Wow, Dark Angel was only 3 years before Supernatural," that sort of thing.  It seems weird it was such short time before but his whole career prior to Supernatural was only like half the time he's been ON  Supernatural. :)

Edited by tessathereaper
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I just wanted to say that in That Scene from this last episode, Jensen was again asked to do the heavy lifting in the acting dept and he came through with flying colors and stayed true to Dean in every and all ways, IMO. 

Just thinking about the myriad emotions Dean had to be feeling at the time and that Jensen had to convey had to have been mind boggling from the acting standpoint and screw anyone who says that they didn't understand that from watching that scene. 

I think that if anyone from this show deserves an emmy nomination, it's Jensen, hands down, for this time and each and every time that he's done this in the past, on this show.

I love Dean Winchester more than I could ever convey with words for being So Real to me.

And I love Jensen Ackles just as much for giving Dean to us for all these years and especially for keeping/staying true to Dean for all these years, even at the end of it all when the writing for the character was barely there at all.




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God, both Deaths, Amara, Cas, Crowley, AU!Michael, Benny, Cain, even Ketch... 

Dean is this utterly irresistible manifestation of both divinity and humanity combined. Just for being who he is and has always been, he's got humans and angels and vampires and primordial entities either falling head over heels for him or giving him special treatment/consideration whether he wants it or not (usually not, lol). Cas' declaration, Billie's angry speech about him being "disorder incarnate", Amara's unexplained bond with him (that may still live within Chuck), and


Michael/Adam's return next week

just really brought this back into focus for me. Even if it doesn't pan out, I can't help but languish in the canon fact that willful, untamable Dean Winchester continues to be the hottest commodity in the whole of the SPN multiverse.



I love that he was singled out so explicitly; Billie is contemptuous of the rest of them, but she has personal beef with Dean. I do wish she could have remained an impartial, enigmatic frenemy, though. 

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1 hour ago, BabySpinach said:

God, both Deaths, Amara, Cas, Crowley, AU!Michael, Benny, Cain, even Ketch... 

Dean is this utterly irresistible manifestation of both divinity and humanity combined. Just for being who he is and has always been, he's got humans and angels and vampires and primordial entities either falling head over heels for him or giving him special treatment/consideration whether he wants it or not (usually not, lol). Cas' declaration, Billie's angry speech about him being "disorder incarnate", Amara's unexplained bond with him (that may still live within Chuck), and

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Michael/Adam's return next week

just really brought this back into focus for me. Even if it doesn't pan out, I can't help but languish in the canon fact that willful, untamable Dean Winchester continues to be the hottest commodity in the whole of the SPN multiverse.



I love that he was singled out so explicitly; Billie is contemptuous of the rest of them, but she has personal beef with Dean. I do wish she could have remained an impartial, enigmatic frenemy, though. 

I loved all of this, too, BabySpinach.

So much. 

Especially Death-Defying,  Rule Breaking, Human Disorderly Dean.




Edited by Myrelle
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Dean is one of the most flawed of flawed heroes, but for a different reason than most other fictional ones (and I'm not counting character flaws like eating too much or playing horndog or even just being downright obnoxious at times).    

Some "heroes" are shades of grey that aren't quite good or bad (or are some combination of both); some have to fight to overcome the tendency towards evil in themselves (sometimes winning, sometimes losing); some turn to good after being evil; but deep down, Dean has *always* been good. He has a terribly strict moral sense of right and wrong, which has nothing to do with legal or even bad/good.  It's not the simple, black-and-white morality of old-style comic books, where the hero fights for "truth, justice and the American way."  That's how he can work with both angels and demons as long as he can accomplish what he needs to.

Everything he's done, everything he *intends* is to help people.  His two fatal flaws are in always putting his family first, even if it means going against his own instincts; and in not always seeing (or caring about) the difference between right and good, so he gets judged (and judges himself) harshly for that, especially when things go wrong.  This is what makes his story a tragedy.  And the tragedy comes from within, from his own inner struggle with guilt and doubts, not from outside influences like monsters or demon blood or even "destiny."  He can fight those easily.   

Most flawed heroes wind up with some form of redemption as their final peace.  Dean doesn't need redemption, and even the Big Powers like Chuck, Death, Amara and the archangels see that.  They keep trying to change him to suit their stories, not "fix" him, and that's why they fail.  

Dean is my hero, and the flaws and tragedy just make him more "real," and more human.


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After reading comments in the recent episode thread I have to say that while I adore Dean Winchester I'm extremely happy that the show is ending because Jensen deserves better. Not only does Jared enthusiastically embrace Sam driven plot lines that ultimately make Dean look like an evil troll ( in the writers and Sam girls eyes anyway ) he also has Misha continuing to push Destiel to the point of telling fans that it was 100% romantic despite knowing how much Jensen opposes the ship. With "friends" like this...

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1 hour ago, DeeDee79 said:

After reading comments in the recent episode thread I have to say that while I adore Dean Winchester I'm extremely happy that the show is ending because Jensen deserves better. Not only does Jared enthusiastically embrace Sam driven plot lines that ultimately make Dean look like an evil troll ( in the writers and Sam girls eyes anyway ) he also has Misha continuing to push Destiel to the point of telling fans that it was 100% romantic despite knowing how much Jensen opposes the ship. With "friends" like this...

He may have played it as "romantic" for his sycophantic fandom, but because his character is an otherworldly being there could still be numerous different interpretations of what "love" might be or truly is.

As someone pointed out in the episode thread, perhaps not being able to have what he really wanted could have been a sharing of souls as we saw with Amara; or even maybe being able to possess Dean as Cas possessed Jimmy.

And there's nothing wrong with it being interpreted that way and likely will be by more casual viewers who don't have any idea of what happens at cons or in interviews because they're not interested in  anything besides being entertained for an hour a week by a tv show and nothing more.

So this just makes it seem even more like MC and the writers were doing nothing more than sucking up to a certain segment of the fandom over others because that segment kisses their asses in hopes of getting shit like this and to hell with decent storytelling or anything else for that matter. 

Man, Misha has sunk to little better than the writers in my estimation of his professionalism after these latest revelations.


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1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

He may have played it as "romantic" for his sycophantic fandom, but because his character is an otherworldly being there could still be numerous different interpretations of what "love" might be or truly is.

As someone pointed out in the episode thread, perhaps not being able to have what he really wanted could have been a sharing of souls as we saw with Amara; or even maybe being able to possess Dean as Cas possessed Jimmy.

And there's nothing wrong with it being interpreted that way and likely will be by more casual viewers who don't have any idea of what happens at cons or in interviews because they're not interested in  anything besides being entertained for an hour a week by a tv show and nothing more.

So this just makes it seem even more like MC and the writers were doing nothing more than sucking up to a certain segment of the fandom over others because that segment kisses their asses in hopes of getting shit like this and to hell with decent storytelling or anything else for that matter. 

Man, Misha has sunk to little better than the writers in my estimation of his professionalism after these latest revelations.


I unfollowed them a while ago. Jared after another of his twitter tantrums.

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11 hours ago, BabySpinach said:

God, both Deaths, Amara, Cas, Crowley, AU!Michael, Benny, Cain, even Ketch... 

Dean is this utterly irresistible manifestation of both divinity and humanity combined. Just for being who he is and has always been, he's got humans and angels and vampires and primordial entities either falling head over heels for him or giving him special treatment/consideration whether he wants it or not (usually not, lol). Cas' declaration, Billie's angry speech about him being "disorder incarnate", Amara's unexplained bond with him (that may still live within Chuck), and

  Reveal spoiler

Michael/Adam's return next week

just really brought this back into focus for me. Even if it doesn't pan out, I can't help but languish in the canon fact that willful, untamable Dean Winchester continues to be the hottest commodity in the whole of the SPN multiverse.

When you put it this way - well - I just love it!

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7. Did you have a favorite actor or actress working with? I know you basically worked with the whole cast. Yeah, everybody was super cool, and I really liked the director, Patrick Lussier, and every night after, you know, a long brutal night’s work, is what we were only shooting nights, he’d walk to all the trailers, and say thank you to everyone on the set. Such a nice man. Jensen Ackles was a cool guy. I kind of got to know him outside of-my wife's ex-husband became friends with him and his wife, and they invited us out on their boat one time, so I got to be friends. You know, it had nothing to do with work. It was just, you know, the ex-husband goes, "Hey, you know, my ex-wife's current husband was your stunt double in My Bloody Valentine," and actually he goes, "Oh, I love that guy! Yeah, invite him down on the boat!" So, it was just random. But when we saw the film, you know, in the premiere, Jensen's wife goes, "Hey, I thought you said you never did any scenes with that suit on," and he goes, "I did." He put the suit on one time to take the mask off to reveal that it was him, but he never did any scenes in the suit, and then, there's this part where The Miner's knocking lights out, and he's just hitting these string lights down in one of the tunnels, and she says to him, she goes, "I thought you said you weren't in the suit!" and he goes, "I wasn't!" So, they asked me about it after the-he goes, "I didn't do that. Did I?" I go, "No, I did it," and she goes, "You walk just like him!" I go, "Yeah, I watched him for three and a half months, so I copied his walk," and they were like amazed. I go, "Well, that's part of being a stuntman."

Interview with Chris Carnel, stuntman of The Miner in My Bloody Valentine 3D

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Just now, Casseiopeia said:

What is it about watching Dean Winchester die absolutely crushes my soul! No matter how much I disliked the episode. Jensen sells Dean's death's way too well.


I can't even think about rewatching at this point.  I have to just try to ignore it or be angry about it because otherwise I just start to cry and people are going think I'm crazy if I tell them I'm crying in the middle of the day about a fictional character who died on a tv show.  Damn Jensen is good.

I think part of it is that Dean was so full of life, despite everything he'd gone through, he was just so strong, such a force and imagining the world without him just makes it seem a far lesser place.  I think I would have been accepting(not necessarily LIKE it, not necessarily be happy with it, but able to say to myself "well I can work around this" like I've done with so much of the last few seasons) of almost anything so long as it allowed Dean to be living in some way and I just can't accept SPNs heaven as that way. 

Its just NOT life and Dean needs to living to make the world feel more alive.  Not the "real world" obviously I can tell the real world from the fictional one, but SPN's fictional world has an address in my brain after all these years and it doesn't feel alive without Dean Winchester LIVING in it,.  It's a world that became as dead as he was, the moment he died.

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12 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

What is it about watching Dean Winchester die absolutely crushes my soul! No matter how much I disliked the episode. Jensen sells Dean's death's way too well.


He is the absolute best at it. Best I've ever seen on tv. I read that he researched what it would be like to have the chest wound Metatron inflicted on Dean. That grunt and gasp and those dying eyes will haunt me forever. I have zero doubt he put as much into being stabbed in the back and bleeding out internally.  The way his voice got softer and softer, and the little jolts of pain. Jesus. He destroyed me again. I don't know how Jared could stand it, right in his face like that.  I know, acting, but we slso know that your body can't always distinguish real emotion from pretend. I bet those weren't all Sam's tears, and not just because it was the end of SPN. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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10 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

@tessathereaper, you're so right. The world needs Dean in it. The sun shines a little less brightly without him.

I can't imagine watching any of the episodes when he speculates he will die young and bloody now, knowing that he's right. 

I’m rewatching (in season 2) and it gives me such a jolt every time he says something like that. I’m not sure why I’m punishing myself like this! 

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12 minutes ago, Binns said:

I’m rewatching (in season 2) and it gives me such a jolt every time he says something like that. I’m not sure why I’m punishing myself like this! 

I wish I could rewatch anything but even the thought of it makes me queasy.

Normally I like how a show ends (even if it is sad), I binge the Finale and my highlights a couple times right away.

At this point, I'm honestly not sure if watching even a scene from SPN is in the cards again. Which would be 15 years of great Dean and great Jensen.

Maybe if it's fixed in the future. 

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2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

He is the absolute best at it. Best I've ever seen on tv. I read that he researched what it would be like to have the chest wound Metatron inflicted on Dean. That grunt and gasp and those dying eyes will haunt me forever. I have zero doubt he put as much into being stabbed in the back and bleeding out internally.  The way his voice got softer and softer, and the little jolts of pain. Jesus. He destroyed me again. I don't know how Jared could stand it, right in his face like that.  I know, acting, but we slso know that your body can't always distinguish real emotion from pretend. I bet those weren't all Sam's tears, and not just because it was the end of SPN. 

You are so right! I think I die a little bit when he does onscreen. I was thinking about his mother. I would imagine that she (and other family) watches her son in his show. How in God's name could she watch that???? Yes, I know, acting, fiction. But still, if I'm still crying thinking about that death scene, how must it affect his mother? Today I watched "Bad Boys" on TNT, and so help me, in the end scene when Sam mentions to Dean how much he gives up for Sam and family, I started tearing up and thought - I'll say, he gave up his life for saving people/hunting things. It still seems so wrong. 😥

2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

I wish I could rewatch anything but even the thought of it makes me queasy.

Normally I like how a show ends (even if it is sad), I binge the Finale and my highlights a couple times right away.

At this point, I'm honestly not sure if watching even a scene from SPN is in the cards again. Which would be 15 years of great Dean and great Jensen.

Maybe if it's fixed in the future. 

This is where I'm at too. Losing Dean Winchester unnecessarily is gutting me. It is like a death in the family - and such an unnecessary one. It feels punitive, and that makes it even worse than it already is. I completely understand now how Jensen felt, desperately trying to find someone to make him feel better about the end of this character that he loves so much - especially being told by those in charge to "take it or leave it". That right there almost confirms that it was a punishment more than anything.

And I can't go back and watch it, despite how brilliant Jensen was in this episode. As much as he must have continued to be unhappy with the end, he still knocked it out of the ballpark and back. He gave the script everything he had, even though it didn't deserve it. I sincerely hope his career path from this point forward brings him a lot of joy and attention and the accolades he deserves.

I don't know when I'll be able to watch any Supernatural again. I may never be able to. But I will head canon that the Dean Winchester I know and love so much is busting out of his heaven prison cell. It cannot contain him. He will be back on earth and in the fray sooner than later. TPTB can go screw themselves. This isn't some cop procedural - anything can be reversed in Dean Winchester's universe.

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3 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

This is where I'm at too. Losing Dean Winchester unnecessarily is gutting me. It is like a death in the family - and such an unnecessary one. It feels punitive, and that makes it even worse than it already is. I completely understand now how Jensen felt, desperately trying to find someone to make him feel better about the end of this character that he loves so much - especially being told by those in charge to "take it or leave it". That right there almost confirms that it was a punishment more than anything.

And I can't go back and watch it, despite how brilliant Jensen was in this episode. As much as he must have continued to be unhappy with the end, he still knocked it out of the ballpark and back. He gave the script everything he had, even though it didn't deserve it. I sincerely hope his career path from this point forward brings him a lot of joy and attention and the accolades he deserves.

I don't know when I'll be able to watch any Supernatural again. I may never be able to. But I will head canon that the Dean Winchester I know and love so much is busting out of his heaven prison cell. It cannot contain him. He will be back on earth and in the fray sooner than later. TPTB can go screw themselves. This isn't some cop procedural - anything can be reversed in Dean Winchester's universe.

Even a death could have worked for me if it was set up better. On Arrow the main character died still relatively young. He got a big heroic death and left a personal legacy of two children and a heroic one of a city and world saved that was acknowledged over and over. In the end he was joined in the afterlife by hid beloved wife who had outlived him for around twenty years. 

THAT is how you do that.

Or even the Vamp. Diaries ending they copied. It featured characters who had already lived hundreds of years. And even Stefan, the brother who died first, tragically right after his marriage, had had a lot of life already. Them meeting each other in the afterlife was also sweet because when the show began they were bitter enenies and in the end they loved each other so much. You know, character development.

I'm currently on my second rewatch of a show where the main character is marked for death from the beginning. It gets hammered home over and over that due to a great tragedy in his past resulting in an uncurable illness, he is holding on just long enough to set right wrongs of the past and shape history.

Literally anything can be done well in fiction but it has to fit with the build-up of your own show and not "go back to the beginning, the story in between was only for shits and giggles. And overall SPN was never set up as a flat out drama. Nothing indicated it had to end like that.

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57 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

You are so right! I think I die a little bit when he does onscreen. I was thinking about his mother. I would imagine that she (and other family) watches her son in his show. How in God's name could she watch that???? Yes, I know, acting, fiction. But still, if I'm still crying thinking about that death scene, how must it affect his mother? Today I watched "Bad Boys" on TNT, and so help me, in the end scene when Sam mentions to Dean how much he gives up for Sam and family, I started tearing up and thought - I'll say, he gave up his life for saving people/hunting things. It still seems so wrong. 😥

Hopefully it's a long while before any of his kids see it!

3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The world needs Dean in it. The sun shines a little less brightly without him.

"The world's more interesting with you in it."  (Silence of the Lambs)  

I agree.  I'm amazed at how big a hole a fictional character is leaving in his wake for me.  IMO, he's the reason the show lasted as long as it did--and it didn't treat him right at the end.  Dabb couldn't even have Miracle show up in Baby at the end!

Edited by Lemuria
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2 hours ago, FlickChick said:

You are so right! I think I die a little bit when he does onscreen. I was thinking about his mother. I would imagine that she (and other family) watches her son in his show. How in God's name could she watch that???? Yes, I know, acting, fiction. But still, if I'm still crying thinking about that death scene, how must it affect his mother? Today I watched "Bad Boys" on TNT, and so help me, in the end scene when Sam mentions to Dean how much he gives up for Sam and family, I started tearing up and thought - I'll say, he gave up his life for saving people/hunting things. It still seems so wrong. 😥

I heard a story at the end of S5 that JA's brother was visiting set during the beat down by Lucifer scene. He had to walk away. He couldn't stand to see his brother beat that way even if it wasn't real. I imagine JA gives them a warning before episodes like this air so they know and can avoid watching if they want to. 

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19 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

You were... amazing.


Yet another thing of Jensen's he gave to Dean that, as a result, made the character so much more enjoyable and distinctive. Jensen's got endless proficiencies flowing out of his pores, and what little he doesn't happen to know, he'll learn faster than anyone else. He, not the writers, is Dean's true creator.

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21 minutes ago, BabySpinach said:

Yet another thing of Jensen's he gave to Dean that, as a result, made the character so much more enjoyable and distinctive. Jensen's got endless proficiencies flowing out of his pores, and what little he doesn't happen to know, he'll learn faster than anyone else. He, not the writers, is Dean's true creator.

Agreed. So much.

Even Kripke did not have as great a handle on Dean as Jensen had, AFAIC.


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On 11/24/2020 at 8:00 PM, PinkChicken said:

I really need someone who is better at words than me to put into words why this doesn't do it for me even if the goal was a tragedy. Because it is tragic, but really, there's no catharsis? DO other people find that catharsis in Sam and I'm just not getting it? 
I keep wondering if without the COVID restrictions if it would have been better, (or you know -with more nuanced writing) but then I remember that to do it properly would probably require too much Dean focus and half the point is that they wanted to showcase Sams life so...

Even tragedies find a way to showcase the point. Where is the payoff? Tragedies say yes this sucked, its terrible and unfair and painful, but they endured, this is what came of it, and even though it never really stopped sucking in the end, you know what, it was important.
If they had done that well they could kill the entire goddamn cast and not ruin the always keep fighting morale.

Would a better retrospective, more reflection on the differences they made to real peoples lives on the small scale, more people to go on afterwards even though Dean doesn't get to... Would that have made it more bearable -or am I just trying to kid myself because they would never give the whole ep to Dean like that anyway? 

They just - they tell Chuck that being forgotten is the worst most boring fate, 'just like the rest of us' (is this supposed to be part of the message? that Sam and Dean are just humans in the end?). And then they go on and show us no-one but Sam affected by this. They have no-one at the funeral, they leave all his shit untouched in the bunker and turn the lights off leaving it in darkness for god knows how long. If 'he could never really stop hunting, he feels too much responsibility' etc. are the real reasons it was "inevitable" where is the short montage of the next hunters picking up the slack carrying on the good fight that was so important to him? Sam doesn't even have all that many people in the pictures on his mantle. Its all so bizarre.

It was a tragically bad script, but it feels more cruel and pointless than a genuine tragedy because no, there is no catharsis. It's just nothing but painful to see after the entire season supposedly being about them getting off Chuck's hamster wheel, the second it finally happens, Dean is eliminated in a small petty way and enjoys none of their supposed victory. It's tragic to realize he would have been better off it they'd let Chuck alone to continue doing whatever he wanted to do.

I'm not sure sans COVID restrictions would have made it better, because everyone involved is claiming COVID when it's obvious they could have gotten around it easy enough.

Personally I thought it was too Samcentric, so making it more so would have just been worse for me. Of course, the Sam we get is pathetic and miserable to watch, and that doesn't make it better. But I also quickly realized that the network used Sam's part of this episode as essentially a Walker promo, and that's annoying AF - and it makes me hate it more. So that's certainly not going to give you a satisfying feel for the end of a show that should have nothing to do with one guy's next project.

And I'm sorry, but Dean should have received a lot more focus than he did here. I think that would have been perfectly fair, so if that's the excuse, it's short-sighted and childish of the network and Dabb. Dean should have had a proper hunter's funeral, should have been remembered in more than Sam's creepy picture shrine. The sad fact is, Chuckles had more opportunity to live his life well from the point forward at the beach than Dean did. Chuck has every chance of being remembered better and more than Dean and Sam. So their parting words to him are stupid, because they're not necessarily true at all. And that makes what happens to Dean even more awful than it already was.

22 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

It was a tragically bad script, but it feels more cruel and pointless than a genuine tragedy because no, there is no catharsis. It's just nothing but painful to see after the entire season supposedly being about them getting off Chuck's hamster wheel, the second it finally happens, Dean is eliminated in a small petty way and enjoys none of their supposed victory. It's tragic to realize he would have been better off it they'd let Chuck alone to continue doing whatever he wanted to do.

I'm not sure sans COVID restrictions would have made it better, because everyone involved is claiming COVID when it's obvious they could have gotten around it easy enough.

Personally I thought it was too Samcentric, so making it more so would have just been worse for me. Of course, the Sam we get is pathetic and miserable to watch, and that doesn't make it better. But I also quickly realized that the network used Sam's part of this episode as essentially a Walker promo, and that's annoying AF - and it makes me hate it more. So that's certainly not going to give you a satisfying feel for the end of a show that should have nothing to do with one guy's next project.

And I'm sorry, but Dean should have received a lot more focus than he did here. I think that would have been perfectly fair, so if that's the excuse, it's short-sighted and childish of the network and Dabb. Dean should have had a proper hunter's funeral, should have been remembered in more than Sam's creepy picture shrine. The sad fact is, Chuckles had more opportunity to live his life well from the point forward at the beach than Dean did. Chuck has every chance of being remembered better and more than Dean and Sam. So their parting words to him are stupid, because they're not necessarily true at all. And that makes what happens to Dean even more awful than it already was.

The more we think about things, the worse it feels and seems, right?

That's how I'm feeling, too.

At this point, I would give anything for Jensen to put out one tweet telling all the fans that he thinks they should just try to ignore most of the S12-15 storyboard(meaning Chuck as the villain) and just try to take what enjoyment they can from it, aside from that.

Edited by Myrelle
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Myrelle said:

The more we think about things, the worse it feels and seems, right?

That's how I'm feeling, too.

I would give anything for Jensen to put out one tweet telling all the fans that he thinks they should just try to ignore most of S12-15.

Maybe that's what he's been doing all along, since he has been talking about revisiting it since the moment they knew it was happening.  If you squint, you could even take the only thing we've seen from him post-finale as a hint. Calling for set dec  to take the hook down. 

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Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

Maybe that's what he's been doing all along, since he has been talking about revisiting it since the moment they knew it was happening.  If you squint, you could even take the only thing we've seen from him post-finale as a hint. Calling for set dec  to take the hook down. 

I feel so bad for him.

I know I keep saying it, but I can't help it.

It's basically all I'm feeling at this point. 

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