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Dean Winchester: aka Squirrel

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Happy Birthday to the one and only Dean Winchester, who despite personal beliefs against even the possibility of living that long has just hit 40th and counting. 







How cool that an episode will be airing on such a landmark birthday (though maybe not so cool for his present state in the story)!

Edited by BabySpinach
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, tessathereaper said:

Oh my goodness she was the "near dead" girl in What is and What Should Never Be!  (I assume the girl that was hanging next to Dean).

Ha! I never would've known that. And now she's Wynonna Earp, who uses.... the demon killing Colt. Heh.

And Happy Birthday Dean! We should all look so 'old' at 40.



  • Love 11

From @catrox14 in the Damaged Goods episode thread


Not a word of a lie. I burst into tears during that last scene with Dean and Sam.  Also, I am fully convinced Jensen is going to take a hiatus from the show.  They have the perfect way to get him off screen with the hope that Sam and Cas can get him out of the box. And he can come back in the future.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

While I don't really think Jensen is going anywhere (based on comments from interviews about the 300th ep).  There hasn't been a confirmed sighting, (that I know of) of Jensen on set since episode 13. 

  • Love 3

Dean Winchester - the Righteous Man, the Michael Sword, the Firewall between Light and Darkness, the Cosmic Mediator, Slayer of Satan, the Archangel Cage, Death's Bestie, Devourer of Pies...

He's got so many official and unofficial titles that he should have a herald to announce his presence everywhere he goes. 

  • Love 11

Summary of Dean’s journey since season 12:

After saving the world by talking COMPASSIONATELY (hear that, Sam?) with the Darkness, he got his Mom back, who scarpered first chance she got “to find herself”, then worked for the enemy, slept with the enemy, got brainwashed by the enemy, and needed to be saved from the enemy by Dean, and who then got lost, presumed dead in an alternative world (season 12), from which she needed to be saved, even though she only agreed to being saved if she was allowed to bring all her new playmates from the apocaworld with her to our world. This expedition to save her resulted in Dean witnessing Sam dying yet again (temporarily) and alt-Michael travelling over to our world (thank you, Sam), where circumstances (Sam and Jack needing to be saved) demanded that Dean become Michael’s vessel to kill Lucifer (season 13).

Now Dean has managed to trap Michael in a freezer in his head (as a temporary solution) but to save our world permanently from Michael, who wants to destroy all the worlds God has created (Amara, anyone?) Dean has to lock himself in a warded box for eternity so Michael can be contained forever and ever. 

That’s it. Two paragraphs written down in five minutes. Remember the good old days when our heroes actually were the focus of the show?

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, SueB said:

I don’t get this statement.  Michael is the Big Bad of S14.  Not only is he inhabiting Dean but we get to see Dean fighting him off.  S14 is VERY much a Dean season.  

Ok, yes, Michael is the Big Bad, but how much of the Michael focus was actually ON DEAN? The first two episodes, yes, Michael was in Dean, but the Michael=Dean=Jensen screentime was, what, 10 minutes? Then episodes three to nine somebody else was Michael and IIRC we only met Michael again in episode nine, when he was in Dean again for...10 seconds?

Granted, Dean's Michael story picked up in episodes ten and eleven, and those were the only two episodes that held any sort of interest for me. Maggie? Yawn. Leader!Sam? Completely unconvincing to the point of annoyance. The AU hunters? Ridiculous and superfluous. Jack and his woes? Yet more yawn. So yes, what we've got these past episodes made me ~feel~ Dean again, and what's more, it's what I've felt cheated out of since the bait and switch back in season four.

My problem is I don't trust the current lot as far as I can throw them not to mess it up.

However, I'll take whatever little they're prepared to give us and just resign to ignore the rest because I just can't muster up any sort of  interest in any of the other stories. At all.

Feel free to disagree.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, juppschmitz said:

So yes, what we've got these past episodes made me ~feel~ Dean again, and what's more, it's what I've felt cheated out of since the bait and switch back in season four.

The following is my opinion only. Please insert "In my opinion"s where appropriate...

I see it a little differently. (Probably not a big surprise.) I don't feel that this is the story that we were "cheated out of" in season 4. That Michael was different. He was rotten in that he was indifferent to humanity and full of himself, but his motivation was boring. Dean saying "no" to him made sense, because his motivation for killing half the world population and creating an angel version of paradise on earth was - again in my opinion - lame: Because that's what "Dad" wants me to do, that's what's fated to happen, or any variation of I was just following orders. If Dean had said "yes" I would have been very disappointed that that Michael would have been validating in any way. For me, Dean saying "yes" didn't make sense for the narrative at that point. The point was for him to go against fate, not embrace it. This Michael is different. Dean saying "yes" made sense to me, and this Michael's motivation is understandable and interesting and does his own deeds rather than delegating it to minions and not getting his hands dirty. I am much more interested in this Michael - as rotten as he is - than the original Michael who I was happy to see tosed into that cage and never heard from again - good riddance.

As for not feeling Dean again until now... I don't get that either. Dean has had several complex and emotional storylines since then, some supernatural and some not. The Demon Dean / mark of Cain storyline - though short with demon Dean aspect (in my opinion, I was good with that.*** - was emotional and gave Jensen a meaty story arc. I personally have never not felt Dean throughout the series. While in contrast some of the things Sam has done for whatever plot reason didn't feel to me like Sam, I've generally not felt that way about Dean's character. I believe the writers have mostly been consistent and true to his characterization...

I understand that others' opinions will vary.


*** Given the Angelus dilemma, I think Demon Dean would have gotten repetitive and unbelievable after a while. There's only so much of demon Dean just beating people up and only killing demons and bad guys and threatening to kill Sam that I could believe. After a while his not becoming evil and acting like every other demon ever seen on this show - especially since he had the mark of Cain influencing him - would have become a farce... pretty much like what happened with Angelus over on Angel. Who while definitely creepy and chilling while talking about raping and torturing and murdering people was much less scary when he actually got out and pretty much didn't follow through on any of those things he threatened to do. At all. (It was sadly lame.)

  • Love 1

As for not feeling Dean again until now... I don't get that either. Dean has had several complex and emotional storylines since then, some supernatural and some not. The Demon Dean / mark of Cain storyline - though short with demon Dean aspect (in my opinion, I was good with that.*** - was emotional and gave Jensen a meaty story arc. I personally have never not felt Dean throughout the series. While in contrast some of the things Sam has done for whatever plot reason didn't feel to me like Sam, I've generally not felt that way about Dean's character. I believe the writers have mostly been consistent and true to his characterization...

I could be wrong but I think juppschmitz was talking mostly about this particular Season. Which, up until episode 10, I would not qualify as a "Dean Season" either. In the first half of the Season it`s not like the Michael story got much traction. Michael!Dean was mainly ignored and relegated to least focused character for episodes 1 and 2. Episode 3 focused on a Wayward Brat`s smug evil version. Ep 4 was a MOTW. Episode 5 had some scenes regarding Michael!Dean but the focus of it was Leader!Sam. Episode 6 to 8 focused on Jack, almost completely so, with some Nickifer thrown in. 

Now episode 9 had Michael and at the end Michael!Dean and episode 10 finally gave him one focus episode. The follow-up again was split between Nickifer and something-with-Dean. 

This does not make it a Dean-Season IMO.  

  • Love 6

I wouldn't really classify this as a Dean season either.  The first half didn't focus much on him or Michael.  In the premier, we got two measly scenes and even they were apparently cut.  Including a key line that showed Michael's disdain for hypocrisy.   We didn't even get a glimpse of Dean.  Episode 2 was about Michael establishing his plan, and we had about a 10-15 second glimpse of Dean.

There were no Dean vs Michael scenes or anything is Dean's head or any real confrontations.  Dean, himself was literally in 15 seconds of the two eps.  Then Michael just left for....reasons.   In regards to the Michael storyline there were two scenes that really went know where and had zero follow up.  Not even Dean seemed all the concerned with what happened.

If Michael had left Dean in a coma when he left, there would be little the writers would have had to rewrite.   He was pretty much useless in ep 3 (although to be fair it was a Kaia Sue Wayward pimp fest and they were all pretty useless) Sam and Samantha saved the day in Mint Condition, Sam saved Maggie in episode 5.  Episode 7 and 8 Dean really didn't make a difference in those eps.  Jack came to his own conclusions about living a good live since Jack died anyway and Dean wasnt' really a factor in bringing him back.  I can't really remember episode 6.  I think the trap was Deans' idea, but that's the only major plot point that would have to change.

There were some nice Dean scenes but he didn't really factor into the overall storylines of may episodes.

I would classify this more as a Nick season if I had to choose, followed by Jack, and then Leader Sam with the Michael storyline coming in a distant 4th.

For me this is anything but a Dean season.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I could be wrong but I think juppschmitz was talking mostly about this particular Season. Which, up until episode 10, I would not qualify as a "Dean Season" either. In the first half of the Season it`s not like the Michael story got much traction. Michael!Dean was mainly ignored and relegated to least focused character for episodes 1 and 2. Episode 3 focused on a Wayward Brat`s smug evil version. Ep 4 was a MOTW. Episode 5 had some scenes regarding Michael!Dean but the focus of it was Leader!Sam. Episode 6 to 8 focused on Jack, almost completely so, with some Nickifer thrown in. 

Now episode 9 had Michael and at the end Michael!Dean and episode 10 finally gave him one focus episode. The follow-up again was split between Nickifer and something-with-Dean. 

This does not make it a Dean-Season IMO.  

Thanks, @Aeryn13, this is EXACTLY what I meant. Thank you for breaking it down for me. 👍

  • Love 2

From my perspective everything ‘Michael’ is attached to Dean. Either Jensen is playing the guy, or Dean recovering from his ‘possession’, or TFW tracking what is happening with him, or confronting him.  

With that perspective:

EP14.1 A-plot is where’s Michael, what does he want. B-plot Hunter’s Hogwarts. C-plot Jack has no power

EP14.2 A-plot find Michael. B-plot:Nick gets his memory and goes a killing. C-plot: Jack finds his human family 

EP 14.3 A-plot Get a weapon from Dark Kaia to kill Michael. B-plot: Jack solves a MOTW plot and saves a girl

EP 14.4 A-plot Sam finds the perfect case to get Dean out of his room.  B-plot: I don’t remember one

EP 14.5 A-plot D’Jinn sets a hunter’s trap on Michael’s orders B-plot: AU Bobby has baggage

EP14.6 A-plot: Is say Dean/Jack hunt was the more dominant hunt and the B-plot was Sam/Charlie. 

EP14.7 A-plot: Jack is dying and Rowena can’t help. Pretty surge the shauman had been visited by Michael and Michael was testing to see if Jack could host his grace. B-plot; Nick LIKES to murder. C- plot: Dean has fuzzy visions.  

14.8 A-plot: Jack dies and Lily Saunders helps to bring him back.  B-plot: Castiel makes a deal

14.9: A: Confront Michael

14.10 A: Get Dean Back

14.11 A: Dean Farewell tour B: Nick gets caught


at least 7 of 11 were Dean centric IMO  

  • Love 2

EP14.1 A-plot is where’s Michael, what does he want. B-plot Hunter’s Hogwarts. C-plot Jack has no power

EP14.2 A-plot find Michael. B-plot:Nick gets his memory and goes a killing. C-plot: Jack finds his human family 

EP 14.3 A-plot Get a weapon from Dark Kaia to kill Michael. B-plot: Jack solves a MOTW plot and saves a girl

EP 14.4 A-plot Sam finds the perfect case to get Dean out of his room.  B-plot: I don’t remember one

EP 14.5 A-plot D’Jinn sets a hunter’s trap on Michael’s orders B-plot: AU Bobby has baggage

EP14.6 A-plot: Is say Dean/Jack hunt was the more dominant hunt and the B-plot was Sam/Charlie. 

EP14.7 A-plot: Jack is dying and Rowena can’t help. Pretty surge the shauman had been visited by Michael and Michael was testing to see if Jack could host his grace. B-plot; Nick LIKES to murder. C- plot: Dean has fuzzy visions.  

14.8 A-plot: Jack dies and Lily Saunders helps to bring him back.  B-plot: Castiel makes a deal

14.9: A: Confront Michael

14.10 A: Get Dean Back

14.11 A: Dean Farewell tour B: Nick gets caught


at least 7 of 11 were Dean centric IMO  

The first (and only IMO) Dean-centric episode of this Season was episode 10. The first two episodes weren`t even Michael-centric, let alone Dean. Leader!Sam got more of a focus in the first half of Season 14 than anything with Dean or Michael did. And even Leader!Sam took a back-burner to the etxtremely Jack-centric part of that Season.  

Now maybe the second half of Season 14 focuses on the Michael storyline and Dean`s part in it but we won`t be able to tell until the Season concluded. One and a half episodes aren`t a reliable enough indicator. 

  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, SueB said:

at least 7 of 11 were Dean centric IMO

I disagree because Michael had about less than 7 minutes of screen time.  We had two scenes that really didn't mean anything.  What was the point of Michael's scene with the holy man when they cut the important stuff and the Jo stuff was pure filler.  Not to mention how Dabb completely blew Jensen off when he asked for direction.  "I'm an island until myself" were Jensen's words.  If Dabb really had an intention of making that the A plot he would have responded.  Its great that Dabb trusts Jensen, but that the point is Jensen felt he needed direction and asked for it and was given zero support from the show runner.  That, imo, was so unprofessional.   And speaks volumes about Dabb's interest or the effort he put into the story. 

Episode 1 I would classify as Sam centric.  The only real impact of Dean being gone was one neatly trimmed grief beard.  That even stayed after Dean got back. Followed by Jack's multiple pep talks and Nick.

We got a little more focus on Michael in ep 2 but Michael isn't Dean.  He's a totally different character. Jensen being on screen doesnt' necessaily mean Dean centric. 

Dean was literally one screen about 15 seconds in the first two eps.  We never really had any scenes where people were talking about him or missing him.  "Dean doesnt' matter" were words literally spoken by a character on screen.  Nothing in the bunker improved when Dean got back, actually "Chief" ended up with more responsibilities since he now only sleeps 2 hours a night instead of 3.  We didn' even see Dean trying to track down Michael.

After episode 3, Michael was pretty back burnered the rest of the season to focus on Jack.

We had some nice scenes from Jensen in episode 7 but the focus of that ep was really on Jack.

Dean has no real role in the bunker anymore.  I've seen him described as an extra appendage.   So Dean is pretty superfluous to the anything happening in the bunker. 

I agree episode 10 was the first real episode that actually focused on Dean.  Episode 11 had some good Dean scenes but IMO, that focus of that episode was mostly Nick.

So out of 10 eps, only one really gave us focus on Dean.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 7

From Bitter Spoilers

36 minutes ago, juppschmitz said:

The one time I'm loving science :D



Switched at birth? Or my head canon:  The baby Mary was pregnant with 'died' so that Sam could be first born and thus fulfill the contract. Whatever happened, Mary was told she couldn't have more kids, so they adopted Dean, and then, in line with the 10 year contract, she miraculously got pregnant with Sam. It works (in my head) with the seemingly out-of-whack timing of Mary being pregnant early in their marriage* (in The Song Remains The Same), yet Dean wasn't born until '79. Boom.

Did any of the other special kids have siblings except the twins Andy and Ansem? I can't recall.


*We don't have actual dates, but if John was newly back from Vietnam when In The Beginning happened, it seems Dean being born in '79 leaves a pretty large window. That's why the angels were willing to 'settle' for Adam, since he was at least half Winchester.  It's my head canon, leave me alone!

Edited by gonzosgirrl
correct twin name
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

From Bitter Spoilers

Switched at birth? Or my head canon:  The baby Mary was pregnant with 'died' so that Sam could be first born and thus fulfill the contract. Whatever happened, Mary was told she couldn't have more kids, so they adopted Dean, and then, in line with the 10 year contract, she miraculously got pregnant with Sam. It works (in my head) with the seemingly out-of-whack timing of Mary being pregnant early in their marriage* (in The Song Remains The Same), yet Dean wasn't born until '79. Boom.

Did any of the other special kids have siblings except the twins Andy and Adam? I can't recall.


*We don't have actual dates, but if John was newly back from Vietnam when In The Beginning happened, it seems Dean being born in '79 leaves a pretty large window. That's why the angels were willing to 'settle' for Adam, since he was at least half Winchester.  It's my head canon, leave me alone!

I don't even care how anyone would care to explain it, just as long as Dean isn't blood-related to any of the Winchester/Campbell lot.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:


Mine is that was actually Sam Mary was pregnant with.  Prior to that Mary and John didn't think they could have kids so they adopted Dean.   When Dean was four by some miracle Mary found herself pregnant.

Yeah, but then Dean would have been around in The Song Remains The Same when Mary told them she was already pregnant and there was no sign/mention of them having a child around.

28 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:


Mine is that was actually Sam Mary was pregnant with.  Prior to that Mary and John didn't think they could have kids so they adopted Dean.   When Dean was four by some miracle Mary found herself pregnant.

Then you have to do an awful lot of ignoring of actual canon.  Cas specifically said it was 1978, so if Mary was pregnant with Sam she was seriously pregnant a long time.

  • Love 1

I've long wanted to believe Dean was adopted, even before Mary came back with her loveless attitude toward both her sons, but specifically and pointedly toward Dean. At this point she really is like Kat from Game of Thrones in her inability to love this orphaned child. While we saw a young Mary pregnant at the right time in SRtS, we never saw him actually born. Of course, if she didn't give birth to Dean, then the angels should have known that and would know he wasn't the bloodline, and that's a little harder to work around.

Way back in season five, when Kripke still cared - up to the time he didn't - and parallels were everything, and Dean was supposed to have a major role in the finale along with Sam (before Kripke and Sera kicked Dean to the curb), my feeling is that where infant Sam was tainted with demon blood to give him powers and prep him for Lucifier, Michael was supposed to have done something to the fetus in Mary's womb in SRtS to prep Dean to take him on. Parallels - they were everything at one time. If that happened - and, again, there was information at the beginning of the season that indicated this was what was supposed to happen - that could easily explain the blood type discrepancy. Just as the demon blood changed Sam, Michael's touch of grace was supposed to change Dean. It would explain why he was able to kill Zach, look directly into the burning grace, and not be fried or at least lose his eyes.

At the very beginning of season five, Ausiello posted a spoiler that said the 100th episode was supposed to focus on Dean and his relationship to Michael. That episode didn't happen. If it had, yeah, I do think we would have seen something that made Dean different - maybe not necessarily not John and Mary's child, but an explanation for why he was something else too, just as Sam was.

  • Love 3

At the very beginning of season five, Ausiello posted a spoiler that said the 100th episode was supposed to focus on Dean and his relationship to Michael. That episode didn't happen. If it had, yeah, I do think we would have seen something that made Dean different - maybe not necessarily not John and Mary's child, but an explanation for why he was something else too, just as Sam was.

I remember this. Recently rewatched the scene in Season 5 where young John briefly vessels Michael and talks to Dean. Great content, great acting - that Michael could have been great if only they featured him more. "You can`t fight city hall".  Really atmospheric scene, back when the background score was still good even as a hauntingly beautiful little piece is playing during the scene. Oh, for the lost potential of Season 5.  

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, PAForrest said:

the angels should have known that and would know he wasn't the bloodline, and that's a little harder to work around.

This whole bloodline thing has always bugged me. Say even just a few of the descendants of the, well, I don't know, the original vessels (??), had more than one child. Kind of like John Winchester. Then the bloodline would have split and there'd eventually be so many bloodlines leading back to the original vessel, and all of those would eventually be so far removed as to not be "related" anymore. And all of those descendants would qualify as "true" vessels. So Dean being an original vessel from another bloodline and not related to the Winchesters OR Campbells is very possible. Angels aren't all-knowing and they also make mistakes. See how AU Michael could use several different people as vessels without going flaky? They could very well have been original vessels.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Did any of the other special kids have siblings except the twins Andy and Ansem? I can't recall.

Azazel said that Jake had a sister.

6 hours ago, PAForrest said:

If that happened - and, again, there was information at the beginning of the season that indicated this was what was supposed to happen - that could easily explain the blood type discrepancy.

Blood type is a weird thing.

It would likely be the other way around - as in my blood would be detrimental to my younger sister - but my sister couldn't have my blood. My mom was Rh -, my dad Rh +. The doctors didn't tell her. I'm A+, so that meant that likely any of my blood mixing with hers caused a reaction. She had a miscarriage or two after me, not knowing that the baby's blood type might not be compatible with hers. My sister would be Rh negative then, likely A-. If I gave her my blood it would probably kill her.

If there are mixed blood types - as in someone is an A but also has an O gene - and so is the spouse, you can easily get babies with different blood types. One sibling could be an A or B while there is a 25% chance another kid could be O. If Dean was any kind of O (+ or -) while Sam was an A or B, only Dean's blood would be compatible with Sam's, not the other way around. It could be one person is an AB and the spouse an OO... then you'd get 50% A blood type kids and 50% B blood type kids... entirely incompatible.

Actually unless you have two O parents (meaning OO), the chances of sibling blood types being compatible in both directions is not too good actually... and even then one could be + while the other is - depending on the parents.

Moral of the story - knowing your blood type is important.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 1
13 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Blood type is a weird thing.


Moral of the story - knowing your blood type is important.

Hey, I'm not saying my quack angel theory is science - just that it's a squint real hard and it might work if Michael got in there and tainted Dean somehow explanation. LOL! Otherwise, Mary gots some 'splainin to do. Though at this point I'd really rather Dean not be her kid either.

But, for sure, knowing your blood type is paramount. It's why they put it on dog tags. Or at least they did when I was in the Army. It's the first time I knew what my blood type was - and Dean and I have something in common!

Edited by PAForrest
  • Love 3

Not sure of the best thread to put this in but I thought I would put it here.  (We need a Jensen thread).

Does anyone else find it a little strange that Jensen didn't really acknowledge the s15 renewal and basically made one obligatory post about the 300th.   I know its subjective but I thought his post sounded a little lackluster, especially when compared to the things others were posting.

I'm not saying anything is going on.  I know that he didn't tweet last year, but he didn't even really like any of  the s15 posts.  (I think Misha's was the only one).  Everyone had been making multiple tweets and Jensen's was an old recycled photo and he only tagged Danneel and said happy 300.

The whole posted sounded like he did it because it was expected.

Usually he's so appreciative of the fans and the crew, I would have thought he might have said something about them.

It's probably nothing and me reading to much into things, but it just seems a little odd. 

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Not sure of the best thread to put this in but I thought I would put it here.  (We need a Jensen thread).

Does anyone else find it a little strange that Jensen didn't really acknowledge the s15 renewal and basically made one obligatory post about the 300th.   I know its subjective but I thought his post sounded a little lackluster, especially when compared to the things others were posting.

I'm not saying anything is going on.  I know that he didn't tweet last year, but he didn't even really like any of  the s15 posts.  (I think Misha's was the only one).  Everyone had been making multiple tweets and Jensen's was an old recycled photo and he only tagged Danneel and said happy 300.

The whole posted sounded like he did it because it was expected.

Usually he's so appreciative of the fans and the crew, I would have thought he might have said something about them.

It's probably nothing and me reading to much into things, but it just seems a little odd. 

I've been thinking the same thing but that doesn't mean anything. He could just be busy with Mardi gras and FBBC, not to mention family life.

Since Dabb took over, more and more I find I'm struggling with Dean's motivations.  Lebanon is no exception.

The pearl is supposed to grant a person's there heart's desire.   If Dean didn't need or really want closure or approval from John, then I fail to see this as Dean's heart's desire in any way.   I don't really see it being a family dinner since as Dean stated firmly, he has a family.    

The only thing that really makes sense to me is if Dean still believes he's going to end up in the malak box and wanted to have his family together one last time.   But if that was the case wouldn't he want Cas and Jack there too?

So I'm curious as to what other Dean fans think about why the pearl might have summoned John?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

So I'm curious as to what other Dean fans think about why the pearl might have summoned John?

I don't think his heart's desire had anything to do with approval or closure. I think it was all tied up in his knowledge/belief that his life is coming to an end, one way or another. His love for his family has been the at the heart of Dean's character from episode one on, so in my opinion, it makes sense that his deepest 'heart's desire' is to have his family together. I absolutely believe he thinks of Cas as family as well - Jack, not so much (I think that's a Dabb construct that hasn't been earned) - but at the end of the day, at the end of his life, John, Mary and Sam are his heart. So if there was any closure, it was in that - seeing his entire family, this unicorn he's been dreaming about since he was four, together and happy, if only for one moment in time.

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't think his heart's desire had anything to do with approval or closure. I think it was all tied up in his knowledge/belief that his life is coming to an end, one way or another. His love for his family has been the at the heart of Dean's character from episode one on, so in my opinion, it makes sense that his deepest 'heart's desire' is to have his family together. I absolutely believe he thinks of Cas as family as well - Jack, not so much (I think that's a Dabb construct that hasn't been earned) - but at the end of the day, at the end of his life, John, Mary and Sam are his heart. So if there was any closure, it was in that - seeing his entire family, this unicorn he's been dreaming about since he was four, together and happy, if only for one moment in time.

I don't even think it necessarily had anything to do with his life coming to an end.  Like he said to Sam, he's been wanting this since he was 5. So, that meant he didn't even mean specifically John, but his whole fam together.  Which explains why even though Mary wasn't with them when he "made the wish" she wasn't caught up in the timeline change (in her case dead) like everyone else. 

Now, just because I think too much about things, I wonder why the pearl chose 2003 to bring John back from.  It could have chosen 5 minutes before his death, or it could have chosen before Mary's death to bring him back from.  Either one of those makes more sense to me from a wish granting standpoint.  Maybe not a storytelling, since obviously nothing much would change if he disappeared right before his heart attack.  And he would be almost a completely different character from pre-hunting times.  But, if Dean wanted his original family back (based on his own words of "since I was 5), early John would have made more sense. If he just wanted john back, right before he died would give him back the last John he knew.

1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't think his heart's desire had anything to do with approval or closure. I think it was all tied up in his knowledge/belief that his life is coming to an end, one way or another. His love for his family has been the at the heart of Dean's character from episode one on, so in my opinion, it makes sense that his deepest 'heart's desire' is to have his family together. I absolutely believe he thinks of Cas as family as well - Jack, not so much (I think that's a Dabb construct that hasn't been earned) - but at the end of the day, at the end of his life, John, Mary and Sam are his heart. So if there was any closure, it was in that - seeing his entire family, this unicorn he's been dreaming about since he was four, together and happy, if only for one moment in time.

I totally understand the struggle to understand character motivations since Dabb et. al. don't appear to put a whole lot of thought into characterization or plot or anything remotely resembling cohesive storytelling. So I think fans have to figure it out with what we've known of these characters 14 years in, and what the actors know of their characters and bring to their performances - and this explanation fits like a glove.  Yes, Dean's family has always been his foremost motivation, his heart's desire, and now more than ever I think he'd want to revisit the fantasy - which it is, because reality is 180-degrees different, and that's another conversation.

But I do think at this point Dean truly believes the box is the only option to keep Michael at bay. He's holding out for a little longer, but he doesn't really believe anyone is going to come up with another solution. So having the traditional Winchester family unit together one more time before the one bad option has to be put into play would realistically speak to Dean's motivation in this situation.

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't think his heart's desire had anything to do with approval or closure. I think it was all tied up in his knowledge/belief that his life is coming to an end, one way or another. His love for his family has been the at the heart of Dean's character from episode one on, so in my opinion, it makes sense that his deepest 'heart's desire' is to have his family together. I absolutely believe he thinks of Cas as family as well - Jack, not so much (I think that's a Dabb construct that hasn't been earned) - but at the end of the day, at the end of his life, John, Mary and Sam are his heart. So if there was any closure, it was in that - seeing his entire family, this unicorn he's been dreaming about since he was four, together and happy, if only for one moment in time.

IA 100% with this.

It was never about closure for Dean-not in my mind and not in the minds of the writers either, for that matter, IMO. That part of it was reserved only for Sam's regrets about never getting to say good-bye to his father and I don't mean that in a B VS J sort of way, but only by what I gleaned from things pertaining to this episode from strictly the scripted part of it and by what was predominantly promoted by the show in the days leading up to it and even by JDM, himself, for this episode. 

Any "closure" that Dean was given(again, via strictly the scripted parts) simply involved sweeping anything and everything about Dean's childhood trauma and/or any subsequent and unavoidable adult difficulties he might have experienced(and could still be experiencing, for that matter)under the carpet yet again within the confines of the dishwashing scene. And yes, it could be argued that, as a character, that is Dean's usual wont where most of his painful childhood/familial experiences are concerned. But if that was the case, then that just becomes a better argument for lack of closure for Dean in this episode, than it does for any real, true, and lasting closure-which is what I saw it as-and as happens so very often in RL from what I've seen,

To me, Dean's/JA's main role is this one was simply to be the source of the "heartfelt wish". And if Dabb WAS in fact aiming for any kind of real closure for Dean in this one, the complete lack of any real substance to the John/Dean dialogue and interactions, just made it feel like that much more of a writing afterthought, to me.

As usual, Jensen did everything he could with the script, IMO, and his performance once again elevated the piss poor writing for his character immensely.

And it's the now-more-than-ever-before-"usual" part of that thought that has me wishing with all that's in me that he would find a way to do other projects outside of Supernatural at this point in his career. But that's all I'll say about that here.  

Edited by Myrelle
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