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Tara Ariano
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Great. Good-bye whatever semblance of Dallas there was; hello show about the Mexican drug cartel and how they'll use Ewing Oil, er, sorry, Ewing Global to launder "billions and billions" of money.

The Ewings are nothing but secondary players on this show.

I just LOVE Bobby. That is all.

Man, if Drew really was telling the truth about "paying" for what he did? Then he would confess what his twat of a sister is up to. But nooooo....now we'll have Drew probably going ahead on some revenge trip.

I fucking hate Cidre, that useless, talentless hack.

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I loved all of the Pamela and Sue Ellen scenes.This show does need to spent more time on the Ewings.I liked that we got to see the power couple that John Ross and Pamela should have been this whole time. The way JRPR played that whole room was masterful. Loved the way they backed each other up that whole time. I would have loved to seen JRPR doing this more the last 6 episodes. Love that Pamela got to do something. Her being in the business world was just great to see I want more of that. I would have loved to see her do that more these last 6 eps.
The Sue Ellen In rehab scenes showcased some great acting between Linda, Patrick and Brenda. We got to hear what they felt about what is happening. Loved the way Sue Ellen came down the steps to show John Ross she was still there. Cannot wait to see what Pamela will do. I know she will make them pay and slay.

Edited by maraleia
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Who told the showrunners that what this show needed was more Elena and her dumb brother and the dumb Mexican drug cartel?

I'd rather spend those minutes watching Ray Krebs do household chores, or Lucy get drunk off peach schnapps.... anything, really.

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So this is the NEW DALLAS.


Right, because SueEllen in the drunk tank, and Southfork burning down, with SueEllen passed out inside, never happened.  And cartels….and McKay….and, oh wait, there never was a fucking Ramos family.

The Ramos family is new….and boring; it's just bad, Cidre.  

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Well now we know what Nicolas' motivation is for helping Elena. Isn't the Mexican drug cartel guy the same one Ryland is dealing with?

Again, Bobby makes a good counter move to John Ross. Just wish the show was more about them, Sue Ellen and Pamela. The Ramos family, Christopher's girlfriend and the angry ex can go away. Still hoping Emma gets hers but it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.

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Well that was a cluster. This eppy should have been like waaayyy earlier not next to last.

The only really great thing was Pamela and John Ross dealing with the sheikh. Now THAT is Dallas.

I thought Sue Ellen in the state hospital was poorly done, she had on waaayy too much make-up.  Bobby and Anne looked out of place the whole thing was just uncomfortable and not believable. I think it was the rush job all in one eppy.

OMG I have no fucks to give about Christopher, Farm hand Jane and ex-Farm hand Drunk Dick. Christopher could just DIAF for all I care about him, The only time I took note was hoping he would actually KILL Drew. He couldn't even succeed at THAT.

My head almost exploded when Drew who killed the Ewing BABIES is all up in arms with Elena about JR stealing land from poor DEAD poppie ALL those years ago. UM don't you Ramos' think KILLING two Ewing babies is ENOUGH payback for poppie...OMG this is too stupid for words. Get the Mexican cluster off my screen.


More Pamela/John Ross and all Rylands. Where was mama Ryland? Less Mexican soap opera. I hope the Mexican drug cartel wipes out all things Ramos.

Edited by Cattitude
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I love Bobby.  More Sue Ellen, PamBecca, and Bobby is needed.

I like John Ross and PamBecca together.  It's to bad John Ross had to screw it up.

The Ramoses and Mexican drug dealers need to die.

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I love Bobby. More Sue Ellen, PamBecca, and Bobby is needed.

I like John Ross and PamBecca together. It's to bad John Ross had to screw it up.

The Ramoses and Mexican drug dealers need to die.

WORD to all of that, and I loved the old show in its times. What I don't like is the new show that I love seems hell bent on using the same story lines. That's so damn lazy it's not even funny.

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I thought Sue Ellen in the state hospital was poorly done, she had on waaayy too much make-up..

I saw Sue Ellen in the hospital with all that make up and laughed. Just so unrealistic.

Christopher and his GF. Boring. Rich Christopher is going to save poor girl from mean ex. Gag me.

Mexican cartel would be interesting if Mama Ryland was running it.

Edited by LGGirl
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So now we have Ryland's Mexican drug cartel and Trevino's Mexican drug cartel.  How ever will we be able to keep them straight?  Then we have the Mexican Ramos family, out for justice for dear dead Papi.  This is all so stereotypical, I'd be pissed if I were Mexican.  Hell, I'm pissed being American.  PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF DEAD PAPI, END THE RAMOS FAMILY SAGA SOON !!!

I am SO hoping Pamela gets the last laugh on the whole Emma tryst thing - like she was in on it and helped orchestrate it from the beginning.  And that she too will be instrumental in finagling deals by using her sexual enticements.  John Ross and Pamela working as the ultimate power couple.

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The Ramoses and Mexican drug dealers need to die.



The terrible Mexican soap opera continues. God Elena is such a fucking bore.


I canot adequately express how much I fucking hate Elena, Drew, Nickwhoever and the whole Mexican cartel.  THIS.MUST.STOP.


I saw Sue Ellen in the hospital with all that make up


The last time she fell off the wagon and was living on the streets she really went for it--minimum make up, messy hair and dirty clothes.

And because it cannot be said enough--FUCK THE RAMOS STORY.

thank you, I feel better now.

Edited by Patssy Stoned
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I am SO hoping Pamela gets the last laugh on the whole Emma tryst thing - like she was in on it and helped orchestrate it from the beginning. And that she too will be instrumental in finagling deals by using her sexual enticements. John Ross and Pamela working as the ultimate power couple.

That would be a good plot twist but from what we have seen so far I think that is beyond where the writers want to go.

Aren't there other oil/energy companies in Dallas that could pose problems for the Ewings? Wait, that's old Dallas, who wants to watch that? (Lol)

Edited by Cobb Salad
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Elena and the Papi's revenge plot remains all sorts of obnoxious. Considering you caused an explosion that killed Chris and Pam's babies you may want to lay off the self righteousness there Drew. Elena maybe consider the fact that they haven't had your ass arrested for aiding your criminal brother justice. Also, how cold is Elena that Chris's genuine sadness over what their relationship has become barely warrants a reaction from her. This guy was supposed to be the love of her life? Elena clearly has little interest in anyone who doesn't serve her interests. She really is no different from the Ewings that she loves to judge.

Trevinio's calm facade is starting to slip up.

Promo for next week? Oh My God - is Pamela finally getting a storyline? Probably not, I'm sure that Emma will still get the last laugh. God this show, they had it so good last season and they've diminished every positive aspect of it this season.

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According to TV guide this season will have



There will be a shooting, pregnancy and death.

I have a feeling it'll all happen in the mid season finale.

Do you think Pamela shoots John Ross? The promo looks that way..

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Didn't the Ewings spend most of last season looking for Elena's brother ? He did Cliff's dirty work and it got those babies killed. The mastermind of the explosion was determined to be Cliff. The Ewings could get Cliff put away for life for that. So, wouldn't that be preferable to having Cliff face trumped-up charges that he'll probably disprove eventually ? Cliff could get put away for a long time for a crime that he actually committed. Yet Christopher lets Elena's brother walk away from that parking garage ? The guy killed his babies. Also, there's the slight chance that Cliff, already in jail for murder, would not so feverishly be trying to expose how the Ewings framed him for the murder of JR since he'd already be up the river for a long time anyway. I know. The slightest of chances. I think this is by far the most preposterous thing so far in the whole three seasons.

I'm interested in the whole Ryland storyline. I want to know what Emma Bell does with her knowledge that her dad was trying to set John Ross up so that she'd stop seeing him.

Upthread, somebody thought that the same cartel that was working with Ryland is the one that Nicholas is trying to deliver Ewing Global to. Something about the same actor being in cartel scenes with both Ryland and Nicholas ? If so, then the FBI is already investigating the cartel because Ryland was working with the Feds.

Edited by Mary
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Well we all know the super graphic threesome will be Pamela, John Ross and Emma(at least I hope it's not Christopher, Healther and her ex *snore*). I am kind of excited to see how Pamela handles them.

Why do I think none of the 4 lives in danger will be Elena...BOO!

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I'd say the the diaphragm pinning will be Emma.

I'm not really looking forward to the Pamela showdown because given the backseat she's taken in favour of Emma and Elena I can't see this being in anyway satisfactory.

Agree that the threesome will be Emma, John Ross and Pamela. I can't fathom why she does it though.

Edited by Chas411
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Cutting Pamela back this 1st half of Dallas to showcase others was a fools errand. Showcasing Emma and Elena over Pamela on Dallas did jack shit for me .

There should have been more Pamela not less. She is the best of the younger women and to hold her back to "help" the others hurt the show as a whole.

Edited by maraleia
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Oh my, they had so much momentum at the end of the 2nd season with Pam and John Ross getting married and becoming this potential power couple. Combine that with the ready to blow secret that her father was framed for the death of JR looming over her it all had the makings of a great season 3. I was so ready to see her come into her own still reeling with the death of the twins, her strained relationship with Afton, her and John Ross dealing with trust issues, and what means would she use in helping running the company. Instead Julie/ Pam basically guest starred as wall paper, and John Ross was wasted on tranquilized Emma.

We finally had a season where we could focus on character development within the Ewings. Who are they now that JR is gone, but still having to clean up the "masterpiece" mess he's left behind. Cliff is in jail for something he didn't do, even though he's responsible for hurting his only child. He's got some deep s*** to pull himself out of, with no one to blame but his own selfish actions. Anne could have helped Sue Ellen with her drinking again, possibly trying to (but unsuccessfully) keep it from Bobby & John Ross, only to get sober again and kick some ass in business/philanthropy. Emma should have left looking for Drew...I mean they squandered so much. Elena should have been pared down this season to a great extent until the inevitable reunion with Christopher.

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Cliffhanger:  Southfork is on fire, Sue Ellen is passed out drunk while the fire rages, and Bobby and Christopher are stumbling through the flames. But the big ewww moment was when Pamela joined John Ross and Emma for a threesome.  Only it was a trick. Pamela took pills right before and starts have convulsions in the middle of foreplay, leaving John Ross and Emma to frantically call 911. 

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I wasn't expecting Pamela to suggest a threesome when she found John Ross and Emma. I was hoping she'd lash out at them like she did to Ann and Sue Ellen. Just hope she doesn't end up overdosing. Loved the looks on John Ross' and Emma's faces when they were waiting to see what Pamela would do.

Christopher with what's her name and her kid: he's now got the family he lost when his twins died .... Zzzzzzzzz.

So who started the fire? Drew? The angry ex? Who really cares.

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Do ya'll think Pamela suggested the threesome because she was high and hurt or do you think she planned all of this to mess with John Ross' head?

Edited by maraleia
grammar and sentence structure
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Pamela 's breakingpoints

    The death of the twins
    The betrayal by her dad
    Bad relationship with her mother
    End of her and Chris
    Betraying her father for John Ross
    No close friends
    No one to trust
    Lacking support
    Seeing her life fall and burn
    The man she loves is lying to her
    He is cheating  on you with a so called friend
    Not only learns she can’t trust her husband, or her friend Emma, but she also feels betrayed by other members of the Ewing family.

She has given her faith to this man. She trusts no one. She’s got no friends. Her father was the biggest betrayal of her life  - Yahoo.com


"Now the one man that she’s like, ‘Oh my God, I’m in love with him, because I can see eye to eye with this guy. We’re so similar in so many ways, and have so many similar goals. We can be partners’… now he has betrayed her and humiliated her. This is such a huge blow.- Yahoo.com


It's all well and good to say the "I’m a strong woman" line but at some point you will break. maybe its a little, maybe its a lot but somethings got to give. Pamela has been through a lot and she is not a robot. She has all of this crushing down on her and now she cannot trust anybody and has no family she can turn to.The one person she has her heart and soul into is John Ross. Her husband has betrayed her in the worst way and everybody knew it but her .

Julie did an excellent job with her scenes tonight. She is a great actor who does great work with what dallas  has giving to her.But we should have seen more Pamela that Is where the story should  been focus on  . Pamela has been sidelined long enough for this dumb ass cheating storyline.

Its long past time Dallas start showing Pamela Ewing more on the show. This 2nd half of dallas that will be back on Aug 18 need to start bring Pamela out of the sleep they had her in. Start showcasing the talent you have in  Julie. G . Give Pamela her own story line and the time to play it out.

Edited by Aurora Minx
FYI- you can edit previous posts and add to them. Also, I bolded a section because of the yahoo.com stuff. What does that mean? Can you please edit the last bolded paragraph? Thanks!
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But the big ewww moment was when Pamela joined John Ross and Emma for a threesome.

I can not believe they went there, and they even showed Pamela and Emma kissing and both enticing John Ross at once. I don't remember the original Dallas ever going there. Somewhere JR is mighty jealous.

At least it woke me up from the rest the show, especially the ever boring Christopher getting a new family plot as he and Bobby tracked down the loser husband and saved Chris' new replacement son. Man that was hella boring. And why does Annalynne McCord seem like she's one of the walking dead in her role? It's pretty telling that she was more interesting in the otherwise awful 90210 update.

I was over Sue Ellen's pathetic drunken antics 30 years ago. I really wish they had a better, updated spin on Sue Ellen. This woman ran for Governor? Really? Why not have her evolve into the new master manipulator. This show could really use that.   

And good lord, Anne is just as pathetic in her own way. I thought again tonight that she's just a useless character.  

Edited by maraleia
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Have to say that I honestly felt bad for Pamela. That's a soul crushing thing to find out, especially if it's one of your friends doing your husband. Been there done that, and got the shirt and damn near everything else I wanted. But to this day, I have never forgotten nor have I forgiven. Rest of the show was pretty good except for Christopher who I could not care less about. See you in August.

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Ugh I feel like I need a shower after that episode.

And not even a happy shower that was worth the dirty feelings. That was the unsexy-est threesome I've ever seen. 

Joaquin poking holes in Elena's birth control? How does he expect her skeletal body to nourish another life??? 


Forgot to add: Harris Ryland's mother is going to come completely off her chain after seeing that kiss. I can't wait!! 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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That was horrible.  I love Bobby, PD and LG.  I hate what the writers are doing with Sue Ellen and PamBecca.  I just plain hate almost all the other characters, and not in a good way.

The Ramos, and the Mexican drug cartel are ruining everything.  Get them off this show.

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What in the bluedillyFUCK was THAT?

For all that Cidre says she never watched the original (and I believe her), someone on her staff did, because Southfork's NEVER been on fire before, with a person or two unconscious, have they? Or that Sue Ellen has previously been passed out drunk before. Oh WAIT! yes, Season six finale, May 1983, when Ray finds out that JR was the intended victim of the hit and run that paralyzed Micky. They got into a rip roaring fight and the house was set on fire. With a drunk Sue Ellen passed out, along with a toddler John Ross. Original Recipe did it SO MUCH better. So much FUCKING better.

And yeah, it was Heather's husband? Ex-husband? who torched the house this time. I fast forward all scenes with Christopher and dead-eyed Heather, because...zzzzzz. But I did catch his "I'm all in!" Really? You've known the twat for all of 2 weeks. And she fucking works for you. Nothing inappropriate about that!

John Ross just SUCKS at blackmail. His Daddy did it so much better. Even when pulled a fast one on Good Ole JR, he didn't leave with his tail atween his legs. He always left with that charmin' grin, and a twinkle in his eye, that told said person, not to rule JR out of the game.

That threesome was just..GROSS.

Oh YUCK. Now Annie's attracted to her abuser husband? All because Bobby ripped her a new one? And yes, Bobby ABSOLUTELY has the fucking right to decide who lives and does not live at Southfork!

And sorry, but Joaquin sending that video to Pamela wasn't malicious or cruel. She deserved to know. And the way Sue Ellen and Annie tried to 'splain how they didn't, to "protect" her just left a bad feeling in my mouth. I know I would want to know if my fiancé/husband was cheating on me!

And Pamela will be okay. They showed a preview of what's to come in August and she was hale and hearty.

yeah, knocking Skeletor up is going to accomplish, what, exactly?

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So, clearly you cannot catch lightning in a bottle twice. 

ETA: And the difference between being a weak drunk and needing prescription help in order to get your threesome freak on is what, exactly?    

Edited by BigMamaThorton
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And Pamela will be okay. They showed a preview of what's to come in August and she was hale and hearty.

I caught that, too.  Oops! Someone really messed up there!  And it should have been easy to catch.

I was thinking of the previous fire, too.  Sue Ellen passed out while Southfork is burning.  I guess some things never change.

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Mami needs to go find Drew in Mehico, and then Elena can go search for Mami in Mehico and they all can never return.  Fucking TMSO (tm Chas411).  At least Elena opined that it was J.R. who screwed dear dead Papi over, and not the current crop of Ewings.

Can we please get away from the drunken Sue Ellen storyline?  I loved the finally strong Sue Ellen when the new Dallas began.  She has learned so many of J.R.'s ways, it would be nice to have her mentor young John Ross - but NO, they have to make her a drunk AGAIN - lather, rinse, repeat.

I didn't see the three-way coming, and wasn't sure what Pamela was going to do, but hot damn, my husband sure perked up!

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A few episodes ago they made a point of showing that Southfork has armed security at the front gates.  And yet last night, vengeful Bo drove up the long driveway with apparent ease.

I don't get Drew - either he's super-sorry and guilt-ridden over killing Christopher and Pamela's twins, or he hates the Ewings for "killing" his father.  Which is it?

And though Anne is not exactly a prize, I'm a little sick of screaming, righteous Bobby.  Like, Bobby, chill out for a second and hear your damn wife out before you start bellowing and throwing people out of the house.  Was he ever this sanctimonious before?

The threeway really surprised me.  Was it Pamela's plan to overdose in their company, as a final act of revenge?  I don't think she was taking pills to find the courage to keep her man by playing into his sexual fantasies, I think she was setting them up.  Does anyone else see it that way?

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The threeway really surprised me.  Was it Pamela's plan to overdose in their company, as a final act of revenge?  I don't think she was taking pills to find the courage to keep her man by playing into his sexual fantasies, I think she was setting them up.  Does anyone else see it that way?

Yup! How she could know what to take that would implicate the other two in what I assume will be a public rescue and not kill her I cannot figure out, but she clearly had what she did planned out, and her statement to SwillingSueEllen beforehand was indicative of that.

  And, yes, if the Ewings were going to take custody of Sue Ellen, then they should have taken precautions. She has proven that she cannot be trusted. They should not have left her alone, nor should they keep any alcohol around that's not locked up. I had a problem with Linda Gray's portrayal when the show made her a political candidate and a successful businesswoman,  and Ms. Gray was still all trembly in her interations with other characters. She does an excellent job at portraying the alcoholic side of Sue Ellen, but  has never been able to bring out another dimension. I think that's why the show was so tempted to revisit.

   Other than hoping Pambecca is truly a manipulative genius with a knack for revenge, I have little interest in what happens next.

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Kind of disappointed with how they've dropped the ball on John Ross/Pamela. Last season they were probably the best part of the show for me. I full expect him back in Elena's arms by the end of the season.

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the 3 way was out there not what I would have wanted but now that I read an interview. I see it now as more of a mind game PR was playing with them . Its a start to the hell she will bring to John Ross . I want the writers to do good by Pamela to stop sidelining her and lets her be her real self .

Pamela payback story line better be good.

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The show was all over the place. The only time I perked up was when John Ross had a WTF look when Pamela showed up and he thought she was going to kill him. For a split second I was hoping she was in on it with John Ross from the jump.

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Well at least the TMSO was kept to a minimum but of course only to make room for boring ass Christopher and farm hand Jane drama. ugh! I just wanted Christopher to DIAF...damn he didn't.

What is it 1975. What young woman uses a diaphram in this day and age with so many contraceptive choices? Yah, good luck with Elena getting pregnant she has no body fat. I LOL at her comfort food choice, I doubt she EVER ate bacon in her life.

Bobby I used to love ya, but OMG what a self-righteous dick. First blowing a gasket b/c John Ross wants to add on to the house when Miss Ellie herself gave John Ross part of Southfork. Then when he went off on Anne in front of Sue Ellen, um that is only slightly less abusive then her first husband. Then he kicks out Emma, just to turn around and HELP and condone Christopher having a relationship with an employee. No THAT's not terrible at all.

Drew right up there with Bobby. I couldn't believe he said the Ewings killed poppie so they must pay, um ya killed TWO Ewing babies. Poppie was a grown azz man, the babies were innocent. ugh!

I love all things Mama Ryland, JL is most excellent. I also like Harris and now that Bobby is being so high and mightly I like Harris and Anne so much better. I know he was horrible to her once upon a time, but she did shoot him and put him in prison so I call even on that old score. Anne is one of my favorites and I also like the Rylands, even Emma.

I think Pamela purposely did what she did, but I'm unclear if she meant to die or be saved. She seemed pretty broken so I wouldn't be surpised if she meant to die and frame them. I did love John Ross being perplexed as the viewers were, then just going what the hell and joining in. I hope Pamela gets way more story next season.

I like the Rylands, Pamela and John Ross, Anne and Sue Ellen, maybe Bobby if he can be redeemed everyone else I could care less. More of them next season would be great.

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