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S04.E02: The Candidate

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When an old family friend, Jessica Danforth, tells Oliver and Thea that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens are concerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered. Despite their protests, Jessica makes her announcement so the Green Arrow and Speedy vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Thea begins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In addition, Felicity is faced with a tough business decision and looks to one of her employees, Curtis Holt, for help.
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I can't believe that was a thing they just did on this show. 


YES I AM TALKING ABOUT LAUREL DIGGING UP HER SISTER'S CORPSE. What the hell is wrong with you Laurel???

Edited by Soulfire
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Well I have to say, I wasn't expecting them to actually show us Sara's mummified corpse. Yuck. Thanks for that.


I mean, I was hoping they would show it because the idea of it is just so ridiculous, but then I got what I asked for, and NO, haha.


WHY did they have to have her do it like this? WHY? Couldn't there have been a better reason? They had the perfect opportunity for her and Thea to have a moment, but she had to be underhanded about it? I just don't understand. 


I'm also disappointed in Diggle. Hiding his research about HIVE is not anywhere NEAR on par with what Oliver did, but I wish there wasn't even a little bit of hypocrisy present there. 


Quentin can die at any time now. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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And i love how people dig up graves with shovels and produce perfectly straight sides and right angles.... And dig out way more dirt than they need to...and WTH did i just watch??

Someone please refresh my memory: what happened to Ray?

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And i love how people dig up graves with shovels and produce perfectly straight sides and right angles.... And dig out way more dirt than they need to...and WTH did i just watch??

Someone please refresh my memory: what happened to Ray?

He was fiddling around with the ATOM suit and blew up the top floor of the building. ..he's dead....dun dun dun
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I LOVED all the Thea/Oliver stuff. Loving that there's repercussions from the pit. Their fight was awesome too. 


Olicity were perfect. Supportive and flirty and loving. Can't ask for anything more.


Episode needed more Diggle. I know he's on a darker path now that he's confiding in Laurel of all people.


As for Laurel. Selfish. That's pretty much all I got from that whole thing. It came across as she didn't really care about Thea, just wanted to know about the pit for Sara. Gross.


Oh and I forgot to say I loved CEO Felicity and I think I'm gonna enjoy her dynamic with Curtis. 

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1) Not enough Diggle (wtf, I thought this was the year of Diggle?)

2) This SL resurrection storyline is going to ruin LL's semblance of a character

3) Olicity are adorable and working

4) Oliver running for Mayor -- we all saw this coming, but it's still awesome to watch!

5) Thea is insane and it's pretty cool. She just needs to get away from LLs selfish ass

6) Thea/Oliver fight?! WOW. 

7) Everyone needs to stop shitting on Oliver

Edited by wonderwall
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So many thoughts, so few good.


Obvious setup episode.  Still love Thea/Speedy.  Total bullshit that we'd see the evolution of a villain with Anarky, seeing as how he was a villain (used to work with some other bad guy) before he even showed up.  Also total bullshit that Thea and Oliver are to blame.  And Quentin is still a total and utter prick (would have been justifiable homicide, NOT MURDER, God Guggie is a shit lawyer).  How did Anarky, a B-list Batman villain, kick Oliver's ass?  He just whaled on RAG a few months ago but now he's getting beat left and right.  


I think KC is getting worse as an actress.  And WHY ARE THEY HAVING LAUREL BRING BACK SARA?  Also, Sara was not embalmed.  She would be bony soup.  And the smell, my god the smell, would make people actually pass out and vomit.  


Stuff with Curtis was surprisingly boring, but again, setup episode.  Boards of Directors don't usually get bonuses.  They get a set payment and per diem.  Also, if she is CEO and not owner, they could vote to fire Felicity, but whatevs.


DD seemed upset that Anarky kidnapped the daughter, yet he's fine threatening Laurel to get Quentin to cooperate.  (Shades of Moira protecting her kids.)  Quentin still an unutterable prick.


Pretty boring episode overall.  I liked Oliver's chase scene v. Anarky, and buying the truck bc his gf brings home the Benjamins was pretty funny.

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Well then.


Ok, they tried with Laurel, they really did. I'm not disliking Laurel, or even Katie, as much as the last two seasons. I don't really like her either. I think I've hit the state where I'm indifferent and don't care. That's probably the worst stage for her to be at.


I laughed at the fact that nobody told her about Thea for six-seven months. Seriously hilarious. 


Oliver's running for Mayor? Oh boy. 


Olicity was perfect, as always. He bought her a fern! And packed her a lunch! And he called her his girlfriend!


Was there a continuity error? Because the opening scene was at night, Oliver says they're meeting with the Danforths in an hour and then it's morning. Or was it, like, six am when they were fighting? 


I can't believe they showed us Sara's corpse. I actually thought that maybe Sara's body wouldn't be there when Laurel opened it up.


I like new guy so far; he seems terrific. Him and Felicity are going to make a fun pair.


Poor Thea; but I'm glad Oliver was finally honest, and he's the only one who noticed something wrong! Seriously!!


I'm glad Felicity brought up the codenames. That was very much needed.


So, it's weird to have Lance know about Oliver and for Oliver to openly acknowledge it to him.


I liked Jessica Danforth too. Villain of the week was laughable. Damien Darhk was alright as well.

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Loved Felicity being a Boss in any way possible. The Thea/Oliver fight was awesome. Of course I love Olicity being their cute sexy selves. A bit Surpised Oliver announced his Candidacy this episode. Love Curtis already and wow I like the possibility of two badass villains with DD and Anarkhy this season.

Ugh Laurel digging up her sisters grave.

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I did think for a minute there that Sara wouldn't be in the grave and dun dun dun. But nope. There she was. All gross and stuff. I don't like this at all.

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So we got the slave labor camp from Year One, and Oliver's running for mayor, not bad.  I also liked Mister Terrific.


Last night Flash had a Blackgate mention, and tonight we got Anarky.  I for one would like appearances by Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon.  They have been getting more lax with the Batman properties, Warner wants the tv universe to be different from movies, and they've introduced the multiverse.


We better get Nyssa next week, because Nyssa is great.

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I LOVED all the Thea/Oliver stuff. Loving that there's repercussions from the pit. Their fight was awesome too. 


Olicity were perfect. Supportive and flirty and loving. Can't ask for anything more.


I really liked Oliver admitting he was wrong for not telling Thea about the Pit side effects, but it honestly never occurred to me that she might not know about that. How had NO ONE told Laurel about the Pit by now? God. This "team" is a big 'ol mess. 


Loved Oliver and Felicity, and that he was the supportive one for once. 


That Danforth storyline wasn't much of anything but a springboard for Oliver's mayoral run. Boo. 

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I was going to ask if Sara was in this episode. If she was a mummified corpse, don't need to see that. 


So with Laurel living with Thea, did she not notice Thea acting strangely at all? Or was she just in her "Laurel don't care" mode. 

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Seriously there was so much a hated about that episode... I need some time to process it.


At least, I finally understood OQ's desire to be Mayor. Enjoyed the Sibling love & fighting, very authentic & organic. Loving the new Oliver. The rest was just somewhere in between ok and horrible to down right disgusting.


But this episode really made me miss Moira.  :(


Felt this was a reduce, reuse, recycle episode. Seriously though something I think is really wrong with Laurel. Her brain just operates on such a messed up level. I really don't think she has been operating on full cylinders since s1.

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Was there a continuity error? Because the opening scene was at night, Oliver says they're meeting with the Danforths in an hour and then it's morning. Or was it, like, six am when they were fighting? 


Yeah, I think it was about 6am because Thea said that they were having them over for breakfast at 9am and she only had time for a shower.

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I called it last week. Oliver runs for Mayor.

I called Oliver going undercover with Shadowspire for Amanda at least a month ago.  Now if he uses archery to bond with that Baron guy and that makes the Baron's second--in-command jealous, I win all the stuffed animals.

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Was there a continuity error? Because the opening scene was at night, Oliver says they're meeting with the Danforths in an hour and then it's morning. Or was it, like, six am when they were fighting? 


I think they were supposed to be fighting right before dawn. 

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Laurel is so fucking selfish. Seriously, the most selfish, self center Bitch on this show. That first scene in the apartment with Thea...*g* how can I make this all about me. After seeing the effects of the pit on Thea she decided to dig up her dead sister and throw her in the pit. Sara is finally at peace and this Bitch is going to toss her into the pit knowing Sara is going to come out messed up.

Can some please kill this Bitch off!

Glad no one had to die to get Oliver to run for mayor.

Flashbacks are Year One, wonder if they'll bring China White back since she was the drug lord in the book.

Everything Felicity, Felicity/Curtis and Olicity was perfect. Although I'LL be really fucking pissed off if they don't give Felicity a code name after all that. They used everything we've said about why when needs a code name in this episode

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Strong stuff on the Oliver/Thea front tonight though Oliver getting his ass kicked in that fight was embarrassing.  Laurel digging up Sara's corpse...yeah. Even when she does something like this, it always comes off as self-absorbed with her.  That has Weekend at Bernie's written all over it...

Edited by benteen
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Other thoughts:


The Thea/Oliver stuff is all great. Love that they are acknowledging that Thea came out of the Pit wrong, and that they are actually trying to fix it. 


Flashback Oliver finally got a haircut! Our long national nightmare has come to an end!


Not enough Dig. I need him and Ollie to go back to being BFFs.


Felicity as CEO is a lot of fun, and I like her new co-worker/friend. 


Freaking Lance. What an unbelievable hypocrite. Constantly acting like Oliver is some kind of super criminal when he is having regular meeting with the new evil mastermind. Shut the hell up. 

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Strong stuff on the Oliver/Thea front tonight though Oliver getting his ass kicked in that fight was embarrassing.  Laurel digging up Sara's corpse...yeah. Even when she does something like this, it always comes off as self-absorbed with her.  That has Weekend at Bernie's written all over it...

Which fight?  He got his ass kicked all over the place.  It makes NO SENSE.


I may be approaching dtissagirl levels of "this show is so dumb I will just point and laugh and not be mad" chill.

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Disappointed Diggle still doesn't have a codename. How is it right that the two people who were there with Oliver from the beginning don't have a codename for their safety?! Oh, I forgot. BECAUSE COMICS.

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I'm still stuck on this Laurel thing. They have her get the idea to resurrect Sara after she's seen THEA try TO MURDER OLIVER. She literally helps Diggle pull Thea off Oliver and she decides to do the same thing to SARA. WHATT???!!

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LOL I knew you guys would be brutal on Laurel, but I am giving her a total pass because I think she does legitimately care about Thea and in the hands of better writers even resurrecting Sara could have been about Thea (helping her do something about that she was mind raped to kill Sara to begin with). But since the writers are a wee bit lazy and are using their creative juices to give me LOTS of other things I like - I will give them a pass on resurrecting Sara the quickest and easiest way possible.  Besides, it's not like Thea couldn't say "no" if she wanted to - she could kill Laurel if she wanted to lol. 




1. Love the fight scenes - they are doing a great job of incorporating the whole team

2. Love the one-liners from everyone

3. Love Felicity running the company and wanting a code name

4. Love Oliver being unsure about rather or not he and Diggle will kill each other when left alone to work together

5. Love villains that actually impress me with their evil and/or crazy ways

6. SO love Oliver being Oliver Queen again - can't wait to see him be mayor (uh, self defense class - that's it!)

7. Love Laurel and Thea girl bonding - even if it's a crazy idea

8. Love that we are going to get Sara back


All in all, I feel like the show is back after a really sub-par season three.  I'm happy!

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I'm still stuck on this Laurel thing. They have her get the idea to resurrect Sara after she's seen THEA try TO MURDER OLIVER. She literally helps Diggle pull Thea off Oliver and she decides to do the same thing to SARA. WHATT???!!

With the understanding that Thea was still slightly alive, whereas Sara's super duper dead.  So it will be at least as bad, and if she had two brain cells she could theorize that it'd be worse.

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Also, the next board meeting is in SIX MONTHS. DAMN YOU, SHOW.

Yeah I caught that too! Not Funny Show!! I'm still so worried this show will commit suicide and kill Felicity off but in my mind Quentin and Laurel are doing things that should earn them a trip six feet under

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I guess Laurel can fix Thea and then Sara?

I see no other way she can think that it's a good idea to resurrect Sara.


How could Laurel think she could fix Thea? She didn't even KNOW about the LP until tonight, which is...god, so many levels of stupid I cannot. 

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What is Laurel doing to fix Thea?  She didn't even notice there was a problem, and when she did, because she helped pull Thea off her brother, who Thea was trying to murder, Laurel thinks "Hey, I'd like some of that for my superdead sister!"  There's no connection bw Thea being brought back and Sara being dead and then brought back.  Laurel's just totally batshit crazy.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I'm really liking Damien as a villain. Everything Ra's wasn't. He has a really great screen presence and I'm looking forward to seeing how bad he gets. He likes control and doesn't like mess. Doesn't like people touching him? All very mysterious. I like it.

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How could Laurel think she could fix Thea? She didn't even KNOW about the LP until tonight, which is...god, so many levels of stupid I cannot. 


It's really stupid. You know, Laurel is a lot of things, but this does take the cake. I think the writing has failed her because not even normal Laurel would be THIS stupid....right? 


Actually....she did stay in a building during a man made earthquake just to grab paper, so....

Edited by Lady Calypso
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I'm going to be unpopular. I liked it. I loved Jessica, I wish she would have stuck around longer. Come on show, I'm just asking for either Jeri or Susanna, it's not hard.

I liked that Quinton is being forced. He's not an ass for that. I don't like that he's always blaming Ollie. I mean. Dudes alive. A real, lI've assassin kidnapper. Boo hoo. Wait till you have to dance with Tim Drake, Lonnie.

I loved everything Felicity. Curtis was alright.

Thea you are great. I'm so sorry you're crazy. But then Oliver has done much worse for information. Like chill "Green Arrow".

Laurel. She wasn't written as awfully as everyone else thinks she was in my opinion. I actually got everything she thought and all her actions. I'd want to bring my sister back as well. I get it. Plus the writers had to come up with a reason as to why Sara comes back. This works.

Also we got a fern. And a plain clothes Ollie almost fight. I'm happy.

But Thea needs to work on her Batman voice. She was fine last season so that's weird.

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How could Laurel think she could fix Thea? She didn't even KNOW about the LP until tonight, which is...god, so many levels of stupid I cannot.

Sorry, I meant she thinks the league/Malcolm will help. Like she said verbatim
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