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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Carly is such a hypocritical bitch.  If the situation was reversed, she (and Sonny) would never grant Ava any favors, would never allow her any extra time with Avery if she asked.  And why is Carly so shocked Ava's not going to go out of her way for her when Carly's a huge snot to her every time she doesn't need something?


Curtis is kinda the best.  First reading Franco on NYE, now telling Rebecca Budig some shit?  So great.


Shut up, Liz/Sam/Jason.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

I might have to just take a break from this show, until Liz is finally away from Saint Sam. I can't stand how Sam acts so holier than thou, like she's never done a bad thing in her life, or that she's never hurt Jake, or kept a child from his parents. The writers acting like this Sam/Liz thing is one sided with Sam as the victim is just beyond frustrating. Why they want Sam to be this perfect person is just beyond me. Liz should have kicked Sam out the minute she saw her.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 5

Which made no sense.  The two of them will stick out a lot more in a small place like Halifax than in a giant multi national city like Toronto.  I live in Toronto, and I assure you no one would give a crap if they saw an eighty year old guy in desperate need of a shower with his twenty year old pregnant hostage!


LOL.  I know Halifax well  - and I can tell you that a lot of people in this area wouldn't notice that much either.  The funny part was the premise that taking Sabrina to a smaller place would lessen the chances of Sabrina's "friendly, gregarious nature" giving them away.  Duh!  Don't they know that people in smaller communities tend to be very social!  Chances are that, in a small, friendly community, some  "friendly, gregarious" local would strike up a conversation with Sabrina and know her life history within a very short time! 

  • Love 3

Morgan needs to do something about his hair.  And at one point today it looked like he was wearing eyeliner.


Jason is such a friggin pansy.  My god, open your dog damn mouth.   I get that the idiots in charge think it's "fun" to watch 2 grown women snipe at each other, but newsflash, it's not.  I honestly thought Liz was definitely NOT behind the break ins, but the shit she was spewing at the end today makes her still sound bat crap crazy.  Maybe they decided to actually come up with a plausible explanation for Liz's nutty behavior and ARE going to have her loose her marbles.  Because still going around, telling the WIFE of the man you LIED to for 7 months that SHE is the one taking everything from YOU?   Instead of taking her lumps like a god damn adult, and admitting that yes she fucked up so it's understandable that people don't trust her, she deflects and whines about how big mean Sam has destroyed HER life?  And gee, I wonder where Jake is getting it from.   That little psycho in training PUSHED Sam aside and nobody said one word.  And Liz decides to throw venom at Sam with Jake standing right there, taking it all in?  Yeah, Sam should not have been in her home, but that doesn't discount Liz from setting an example for her child.   All 3 of them were morons today.  Sam for accusing Liz with Jake right upstairs, Jason for not saying ANYTHING, and Liz for daring to be surprised her honesty is being called into question.


Why is Kiki even still around?  She is in the same scene over and over again for like the past 4 months.  They don't even have to reshoot, just edit her in the new stuff.  She is either coddling/judging Morgan or jumping to Carly's aid to shame Ava.   It IS a shame since I don't actively hate Kiki anymore. 

  • Love 18

"Housewives of Beecher's Corners," really, Show? UGH. I'm sure whichever writer came up with this is patting him/herself on the back for being so current.


LOL that Sonny can make anything about him, even his son's medical condition. It's always about how everything affects Sonny.


I love how neighborhood kids not seeing anything are the critical evidence of Liz lying about the intruder. But news flash, Liz: Sam did not "steal" Jason from you. You wrecked your relationship with him all by yourself. It's always one step forward, twelve steps back with her on this.


Fuck you, Jason, being a passive jerk.


Princely peen vs. mob peen: Which is more powerful? Rebecca Budig is as big an idiot as Sam and Liz are.


For someone who said no wanted wants Lauren, Carly is really comfortable with letting her fight her battles for her. And for someone who's supposed to be at work, Lauren doesn't do much.

  • Love 7



Fuck you, Jason, being a passive jerk.



I KNOW!   What the HELL was that??  Billy must have LOVED getting that script. 


Billy: So is this where I get to speak??

Writer:  No, you sit there with a stupid look on your face while 2 grown ass women fight about you like you aren't there...

Billy:  But shouldn't I at least....

Writer:  Shhhh.....Just perfect that DUH face and you'll be great...

Billy: ..........

Writer:  PERFECT! 

  • Love 13

We don't get previews here in Canada, so can someone tell me if on tomorrow's if Jason opens his mouth to say that he doesn't beleive Liz is behind this?  Jake's the one who claimed he saw a man on NYE, not Liz.  Liz had no idea that Jason was coming over and would find the door open, so there's no way she would have done that.  


Also, why did none of them think for a second that it might be Jake?  I get that Liz wouldn't want to think the worst of the crazy child, but the other two should have come up with it once they realized that there was no evidence that anyone had been there.  Sam was just so desperate to beleive the worst of Liz, that she doesn't even toss out the possibility that it's the troubled child?


Ah Nik, never change.  "ELQ is the only thing I want in the world......wait I'm about to lose it.......getting into your pants is the only thing I want in the world..."

  • Love 4

Kiki: I don't want you to get into any hot water.

Morgan: the only hot water I'll be getting into is coffee.


Wow, that is an extraordinarily awful piece of dialogue.


Congratulations, Sam! You almost made it until the end of the show without being one of the characters who annoyed the shit out of my until you said "Liz is trying to take advantage of your loving nature."


I give credit to Ava for not hurling during Carly's "Sonny dances with her, sings to her, loves her, lifts her up into the heavens and makes everyone sing the circle of life to her!" speech.


Curtis: You should put this cat behind bars.


Is Curtis from 1930?


Dante whining tomorrow about mean Lulu to the man who shot him in the chest and the kid who snitched on him to Sonny and Jason, hoping that they would kill him. I hope they tell him to shut the fuck up.


Morgan. Morgan Morgan Morgan. Just SHUT UP. SHUT UP FOREVER. He gets most annoying character of the episode. My arm actually twitched because I wanted to air punch his face when he whined about lifting coffee bags.


Ava: Be there for Morgan, to make sure he stays out of trouble and takes his meds.


So basically, be his baby-sitter. Appealing relationship, that.


Amazingly, Sonny was one of the few people in this episode who did not irritate the crap out of me, although I have to wonder at his strategy of not turning in Ava when he has evidence and leaving a good amount of time for his bone headed son (the youngest one) and his idiot girlfriend to get shot. I'm pretty sure she's getting shot.

  • Love 5

Carly is such a hypocritical bitch.  If the situation was reversed, she (and Sonny) would never grant Ava any favors, would never allow her any extra time with Avery if she asked.  And why is Carly so shocked Ava's not going to go out of her way for her when Carly's a huge snot to her every time she doesn't need something?


Curtis is kinda the best.  First reading Franco on NYE, now telling Rebecca Budig some shit?  So great.


Shut up, Liz/Sam/Jason.


THIS. Carly flat out told Ava that she would NEVER be a part of Avery's life. And Sonny said they would make it like she never even existed. Because you know he's going to kill his daughter's mother. Nathan Varni can FOAD with his urging everyone to tune in for crap like Kiki berating Ava. I swear, his Sonny stanning is insanely gross.


I'm looking forward to seeing Curtis again, it's been a little while. I find him more interesting and hotter than Andre, although I don't have anything against Andre. But Curtis is hating all the right people right now, so he's on my very good side. 



And for someone who's supposed to be at work, Lauren doesn't do much.


Worst. Employee. Ever.

  • Love 5
I have to wonder at his strategy of not turning in Ava when he has evidence


I wondered this, too, but then remembered it was Sonny. He didn't let the law handle Michael's CLEARLY self-defense shooting of Claudia, which then led to Michael's rape. So of course he's going to do nothing and let it escalate to Morgan and/or Lauren getting hurt.


On the other hand: It's the PCPD. He's right not to be entirely assured they'll be able to handle the case.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

So Sam "took" Jason from Liez? STFU you batshit crazy, pathetic, hopeless loser.


Fuck you Jason, bitch ass, useless pansy.


These writers are such pieces of shit. Liez has been exposed. This is the part where Sam and Jason start getting to know each other again while Liez and DNAJ see a psychiatrist five days a week. There should be no more Sam vs Liez. The fact that these idiot writers are keeping this shit going is just proof of how creatively bankrupt, lazy, and pathetic they are.

  • Love 20

Fuck you Jason, bitch ass, useless pansy.


Yeah. He and Dante need to start a club.


I don't need or want the men to pick up the women, throw them on their shoulder and do all the talking for them, but when you let the men just let a woman who victimized the other get on their high horses and throw accusations in their face, the men look like utter ineffectual spineless wastes of space.

  • Love 14

They mentioned that he did show up once in a while but apparently that's disappeared again. Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable being there now that she and Dante are separated.


Oh, that reminded me of this piece of dialogue Morgan had


Morgan: You're in a wheelchair and my first thought when I wake up is I have bi-polar disorder


I mean . . . are we supposed to be surprised at this?


Basically all of Morgan's dialogue was annoying because it's like, NO THAT'S JUST YOU AND YOUR TERRIBLE, NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY. It's not the meds, it's not bi-polar, it's hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim


Also, another weird dialogue entry


Morgan: I feel like I'm covered in wax!


me: ew.

  • Love 6

I'm looking forward to seeing Curtis again, it's been a little while. I find him more interesting and hotter than Andre, although I don't have anything against Andre. But Curtis is hating all the right people right now, so he's on my very good side. 



Sam needs a new PI partner now that Jackal is in another state.....Just sayin'

Yes, Liez how dare someone call you out on your honesty. Its not like you lied for 7 months.


She SAID she was SORRY.   Can't you just let it go?

  • Love 16

Yes, Liez how dare someone call you out on your honesty. Its not like you lied for 7 months.

Is she not allowed to defend herself? Liz isn't making this stalker stuff up, so why should she stand there, and let Sam bash her, and accuse her of something she isn't doing, in her own house. Liz asked Sam to leave her house multiple times today, and Sam ignored her request.

  • Love 4
Morgan: You're in a wheelchair and my first thought when I wake up is I have bi-polar disorder

I mean . . . are we supposed to be surprised at this?

Basically all of Morgan's dialogue was annoying because it's like, NO THAT'S JUST YOU AND YOUR TERRIBLE, NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY. It's not the meds, it's not bi-polar, it's hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim


I'm not arguing the larger point, but I think it's fair that Morgan is wallowing a bit. No one lets him forget he's bipolar, so it makes sense that's all he thinks about. BryDog isn't doing a very good job with the admittedly terrible lines he's getting, though. He comes across as really whiny instead of frustrated. And again, the writing for this is terrible.



Yes, Liez how dare someone call you out on your honesty. Its not like you lied for 7 months.

Is she not allowed to defend herself? Liz isn't making this stalker stuff up, so why should she stand there, and let Sam bash her, and accuse her of something she isn't doing, in her own house.


I don't think it's unreasonable for Sam to think Liz is lying, but Jason should be more supportive of Liz. And it's ridiculous that no one is even considering Jake might be the culprit. We just saw him blame Sam for everything. What a bunch of dopes.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I'm not arguing the larger point, but I think it's fair that Morgan is wallowing a bit. No one lets him forget he's bipolar, so it makes sense that's all he thinks about. BryDog isn't doing a very good job with the admittedly terrible lines he's getting, though. He comes across as really whiny instead of frustrated. And again, the writing for this is terrible.





I don't think it's wrong for Sam to think Liz is lying, but Jason should be more supportive of Liz. And it's ridiculous that no one is even considering Jake might be the culprit. What a bunch of dopes.

Yeah, I certainly don't think that Sam and Jason should trust Liz, but Sam came, unwanted, into Liz's house, and then decided to bash Liz, and accuse her of doing something that she didn't do, so Liz is allowed to defend herself.


Its stupid that they don't think that Jake did this. He's the obvious choice.

  • Love 4

Also, why did none of them think for a second that it might be Jake?  I get that Liz wouldn't want to think the worst of the crazy child, but the other two should have come up with it once they realized that there was no evidence that anyone had been there.  Sam was just so desperate to beleive the worst of Liz, that she doesn't even toss out the possibility that it's the troubled child?



I've thought it was kid creepy from the first.


Nicholas--I don't really wanna see your nipples--ever hear of a tee-shirt?

  • Love 3

You know, the wife and the guy who came back from the dead not getting POV in this storyline now more than ever is really getting to me. Honestly, I am looking at my screen scratching my head at what I am watching. 


Sam needs to be free of this fucking mess. She also needs to find Nik and make him miserable now that useless Hayden is not. 


Jason needs to stop standing in places, grinding his teeth and looking very stupid. 


Liz and Dead Kid, Jake need intensive therapy. It will be better if Grandmother kept the other two while these two get the help they need. No need for them to catch the delusion these two are having together. 


Also, something needs to happen in this show for it to get a little better. Earthquake, Blizzard, Disease breakout, Mob Wars, Cooperate Takeovers, ...like anything would do. Something besides people standing around talking needs to happen. 

  • Love 8

Yea Liz, I too can't understand how someone could think you might be lying and manipulating things to get back on Jason's dick. It's really hard to imagine!


Curtis is perfection and I am gonna be so very sad when they ruin him completely. It'll probably start soon since I imagine he'll join the "Sonny is the hero of Port Charles" brigade any minute now. Everyone does.


I was watching the Carly/Ava scenes up until Kiki came in to act as Carly's cheerleader again. I can't with that shit. It boggles my fucking mind that TPTB really think we should feel bad for Sonny/Carly that they don't get to see Avery more. 


I have to fast forward all the Hayden/Nik stuff now because it is just insanely awful. I am flabbergasted by it. I don't know why, I should expect it, but it's just on a whole other level. Nik tried to have her murdered. I just. I don't even know.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 12

I was watching the Carly/Ava scenes up until Kiki came in to act as Carly's cheerleader again. I can't with that shit. It boggles my fucking mind that TPTB really think we should feel bad for Sonny/Carly that they don't get to see Avery more. 


Those scenes cracked me up because it was like, "hey audience! This is still a thing!" No one cares. Please let them share custody and let's all move on.


Of course, unless they still want to make her Morgan's then I'll pay attention. It would be hilarious to see Ava, Sonny and Carly band together to keep custody from Morgan.


Oh! I forgot another great Morgan line today:


Morgan: So you think I'm a liar now?

  • Love 6

I hope Curtis is more integrated into the cast soon!  So far, they seem to be doing a better job with Andre.  Having his character thrown in with the likes of Robert and Anna is quite a coup for him.  On a side note, all I keep getting are "adversarial siblings" vibes every single time Jordan and Curtis are in scenes together.  It's the things that they say to each other and how she treats him.  It reminds me of a big sister who constantly has to admonish and discipline her naughty little brother.  

  • Love 1

On yet another note about the character of Curtis, he was never supposed to exist.  I remember reading somewhere that the actor playing Curtis (Donnell Turner) came in for an audition for the role of Andre.  Supposedly, he didn't get it because he came across as being too young for the part.  An odd explanation considering Donnell Turner (Curtis) is around 42-43 in real life and Anthony Montgomery (Andre) is 44 in real life.  Anyway, it was said that despite Donnell not getting the part of Andre, TPTB liked him anyway and created the role of Curtis just for him.  Interesting!  Though I suppose this explains why Andre is being a bit more developed as a character than Curtis.

  • Love 6

After the boring snoozefest of yesterday, today was gross on all levels.


LMAO that Liz could dare not think that Jason wouldn't believe her after she's lied 472304906837275621 times. Those scenes were all just hard to watch. Sam and Liz are both way too old to be that catty over this guy. Even if he wasn't a hired killer, past or not, he still wouldn't be all that great. I mean, this was such utter shite of the highest order. And I know it's the new writers, but I still blame Ron for this. He never should have resurrected the Triangle of Doom.


If Kiki honestly thinks that SCarly are so great, let them fucking adopt her. I'm going to the UO thread to give my thoughts on this character further, but I've utterly hated her smugness every single second even though I know Ava deserves it from her. But still, someone needs to get every single Corinthii in that house, along with Kiki and burn it down to the ground. And scatter the ashes to the winds so they can't come back. There is literally no one worth saving. Avery's a Jerome in my eyes but definitely in this scenario.


I suppose Morgan, Kiki or Avery is going to get shot and Ava will have to be the real town pariah even more than she already is, not the fake one that Liz claims to be, since it will be ALL. HER. FAULT. And Sonny will come out smelling like a rose because he's just the bestest, most wonderful parent that ever lived. Can I vomit now? Because that is all I think about doing when watching this show.


I really hate that these idiots took all of the sparkly chem that Nik and Rebecca Budig have and just ruined it. No words. I actually think she's got chem with Curtis. He was the only thing worth watching today.


What the hell animal crawled on to Morgan's head and died?


Thanks for that interesting info, Syndicate, on Curtis. I'm going to enjoy him for as long as I can before he will sadly be ruined, like my friend peachmangosteen said.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 5

I don't think it's unreasonable for Sam to think Liz is lying, but Jason should be more supportive of Liz. And it's ridiculous that no one is even considering Jake might be the culprit. We just saw him blame Sam for everything. What a bunch of dopes.


Jason should? He is the one whose life she played god with.

  • Love 8

I was so distracted by the crapfest that is Dante/Lulu/Val that I forgot to comment on the best part of yesterday's show: Robert & Anna!! Those two could teach a class in on-screen chemistry that gets better with each passing decade. Their scenes together are (seemingly) effortless, yet they move the story along at a quick pace and draw the viewer in. Some of the younger actors (I'm looking at you BC) would be wise to take note. 



TR and FH are brilliant, and I adore them ... but I have to kind of defend the younger actors playing newer characters here.   TR and FH had fantastic, compelling stories and good writing back when Robert and Anna developed as characters on the show, and they got to develop a great vibe with each other way before the storytelling really went to shit.   So they actually have something to build on, and a character history to work off of.  


Which is not to say they're not two of the most talented actors this show has ever seen -- personally, I think they're both in the top 10 for all the actors in all of the eras combined.  


But these poor new kids are just lost in the woods.  They have no good, emotional stories (or even stories or characters that make sense) to help them grow as actors. 

  • Love 8

You know, the wife and the guy who came back from the dead not getting POV in this storyline now more than ever is really getting to me. Honestly, I am looking at my screen scratching my head at what I am watching. 



Coming to you from the playbook of ........................


1. Billy Miller was cast for KeMo.


2. This whole thing is lying the ground work for a Jasam reunion. Just wait for it. PATIENTLY. 


3. Liz is the heavy in the Jasam love story that is soon coming.


4. Sam is a saint. The abundant POV she gets makes it obvious. 


With actual canon, is all of the above not crystal clear to you? 

  • Love 3

The whole scene of Carly sithering up to Ava's table to ask for unsupervised visits with Avery was creepy. Think about it, Ava: why is Carly trying to get the supervisor out of the picture? Is a baby really going to notice whether another adult (a stranger) is in the room while daddy is swooping her up and down, laughing and treating Avery like the apple of his eye? (Could Sonny actually do that when he's in a wheelchair?) Why do Carly and Sonny have to be alone with the baby? It has to be for their sake, not Avery's. Carly has an agenda in mind. In other circumstances I might suspect child sexual abuse possibilities.


Of course it's also true that Ava is inviting danger into Avery's life by working with Paul and Raj to ship guns via art crates. Sonny and Ava  are both in businesses that endanger their lives and their kids'. I guess Ava is in denial about herself, or maybe Paul has trapped her.


Morgan needs a job, and Sonny gave him one. But if the coffee bidness is a front for the illegal activities, Sonny has put Morgan in danger. So why couldn't Carly give Morgan a job within her organization? She apparently tried, with her bartending offer. That job has some physical lifting and effort in it, but Morgan hasn't stuck with it. What makes Sonny think that this coffee job will work out? Sonny and Carly should work together to coordinate a safe career option or options for Morgan. No dead-end jobs. Could Morgan manage Sonny's club, give lessons, hire trainers, order and maintain equipment, etc? Additionally, could they get career testing and counseling for Morgan, to bring out his interests and talents?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

But Jake's too obvious, plus they brought up Liz's own mental health for a reason.

Nah. Everyone has been hit with the stupid stick in this storyline. Jake claimed to see a man in the window. Jake loathes Sam right now. He desperately craves Jason's attention. And he believes that Sam is the obstacle keeping his dream family apart. And keeping his dad from being with him 100% of the time. Breaking a picture is something a child would do. He even claimed to have seen Sam do it.

Of course, I would've been tossing Sam head first into my closed front door if she started to accuse me of terrorizing my 3 kids by staging a break in and a peeping Tom. After being asked repeatedly to leave my home and refusing to go.

I just want someone to just call a goddamn home security company and have the house wired and have cameras installed. Shit that would actually secure the damn house for everyone living there. Instead Jason watching the house like an idiot.

Maybe the voyeur was real, but it seems pretty obvious to me that Jake broke the picture and opened the door to get Jason back home.

  • Love 3

Why are these new writers doubling down on showcasing vulnerable Sonny who loves his children?  The creators of this show must be turning in their graves every single time that violent thug is shown in a scene at the hospital.  It is beyond the pale that the actor with the most scenes at the hospital this month has been mob boss Sonny and his enabling family.

  • Love 7
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