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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I am one who also kinda likes the show, it is so much better than it was in the past. RC may not be the best but at least the show is really only focusing on one of the unholy three,Sonny.  Snarly seems to have been limited which is fine with me. Keep her with her serial killer. I hope that when Jason returns (we all know he will) that he will hate Sonny as much as we all do.

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Yes, I was hoping Mac might suggest one or the other or, hey, here's an idea, both of them get jobs before thinking of marriage, especially now that he and Felicia are going to have to pay not just their half of the rent, but the whole shebang since they kicked out Nathan.  I guess they'll expect Mac to pay for the marriage licence, as well.


What gets me is Maxie's face when they told them.  I mean, really, Maxie, you thought they'd be happy you've made another dunderheaded life choice?


No, you don't speak for all of us.  Not everyone hates the show.  Not everyone thinks this about Ron.  Not everyone thinks that GH is crap.  Not even everyone on this board.   Just saying.

I think the point may be that everyone on this board actually LOVES this show, that is why we snark, that is why we complain, that is why we want to hold Ron to a high standard. If the people here hated GH they would be on some other board.  I am 51 years old same as the show, I watched it as a child on my Grandmother's knee: I remember when Mark Hamill was the show's troubled teen, I knew Laura before Luke did and Scott before Laura did. That applies to a lot of people here.


Has some of Ron's stuff been good? Yep I love the poisoned water with Jerry Jaxs and McBain. I loved General Espionage when Anna and Robert saved Robin. I was in a big minority in enjoying the brief Anna and Luke pairing. I liked the return of the Jerome's as a crime family that could stand on equal footing with the same shades of gray as Sonny. The problem to me is that this was all a while ago and here lately Ron seems to be spinning his wheels and stripping his men.


He also has become to married to the camp and to the "Big Name": Nina was Not needed on the canvas and was brought on just so that MSt could become a GH actor, but she could have been brought on as a some how alive Alexis Quartermain, some one with ties to the canvas that are not as tenuous as Silas'. Ron also keeps characters that have failed long past the time to cut the loss: Kiki and Franco will just never work. RH could have been a great Steven Lars but that is a ship that has sailed. It is time to let them go.


The other thing that Ron needs to somehow deal with is that weather he likes it or not Soap Writing IS  a collaborative effort with the fans. He and any soap writer needs to be ready to take a turn when the majority of the people watching the show do not like where the plot is going. He may think he has creative control over the characters and that they are his but they are not: They are GH's and GH only exists as long as we watch. If Ron wants to write a vanity project go write a book. Soaps are communal property.


I use the comparison a lot to comic books but the idea is the same. The Authors of Spider-Man had an idea in the 90's that lead to the infamous Clone Saga, most fans hated it and they changed course in mid story. Ron needs to learn to do the same.


The problem is not that we do not love the Show the problem is perhaps we love it too much to see it fail.

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Fylaki, I want to shoot this post in the head!  So much right about it, but I have one small point of disagreement, sadly.  Soaps are a communal experience with the fans, many who have watched longer than Nimnuts has been around.  But I don't really see it as a collaborative effort with the fans, as much as I would like to.  Believe me, if I did, I'd be sending off outlines to him about how to better the show myself.  Sadly, soap characters have been screwed with by regime after regime on all the shows (though, I have to say, Ron's really giving the GH ones a run for their money right about now.)  To an extent, it's his sandbox and he currently has possession of the toys therein (which is another reason why I am so glad he can't get his paws on Todd, Starr, et al).  We, as the fans, have a choice of sucking and dealing or taking off for the barge.  And a part of me hopes that more do so, and send this show to it's sunset.  Sorry, but the last part is just how I've come to feel for the past year. 

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MSquared I think you are VERY right in that Ron and most current writers on all the shows don't get the communal aspect of the medium. What is really strange is that over the years as social media has risen, the respect for the input of fans seems to have declined. I am not sure why. (And Yes moderators  I know this may need its own thread LOL)


You are right that it is Ron's sand box right now but the fact remains that if he does not let us play with him then sooner or later Mommy ABC and Daddy Disney are going to take the sandbox away from him. 


Ron needs to understand that YES we need him to write the show, but HE needs us to watch. If GH got canceled I would be sad, very sad but Ron would be unemployed very unemployed. We all kind of need each other here.

Edited by Fylaki
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As KerleyQ said, it was a joke, riffing on Ron's latest twitter exchange with fans.

But I stand behind my assessment that he needs to focus on actual logic. It's maddening for Dr. O. and Britt to have jobs while Patrick gets fired. It's maddening that Maxie has to be completely oblivious for the Levi story to work. It's maddening that the circumstances of Robins leaving seem to shift in the writers minds. It's maddening that we are supposed to care about either Sonny or Ava in this scenario. It doesn't take a huge budget to not strain credulity quite so much.

Now if the press conference leads to public scrutiny over Dr. O's past and other hospital messes, will eat my hat and say "well played, Ron!"

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Fylaki and MSqaured, I'm going to kidnap both of your posts. Don't worry, I'll give them 3 hots & a cot, so everything is okay.

IMO, Ron doesn't take criticism well at all, even when it's constructive. He has a tendency to double down when characters or storylines are generally panned. When he is forced to write due to public interests he destroys it in due time. Ex, Ava/Morgan & Alexis/Julian. Ava/Morgan were not suppose to be, yet they had chemistry & garnered attention from fans & the press. IMO, Ron systematically destroyed them. I feel his doing the same with Julian/Alexis. He has been forced to write for them because the ABC heads saw the public interests. Not only has Julian lied to Alexis about being in the mob, he's lied about Ric & caused a rift between her & Molly. all of which, could lead to the end of Julexis.

Playing in his sandbox is a great description.

CPP83, I graduated as an RN at 22 years old, so Rosalie could technically be early to mid-twenties.

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As KerleyQ said, it was a joke, riffing on Ron's latest twitter exchange with fans.


As has been said, it was a joke.  I know I'm not alone either in trying to watch this show and being defeated by its awfulness.  I record it every day, and try to watch it, not because I don't have anything better to do, or because I like to torture myself, but because I also LOVE THE SHOW.  If I didn't I wouldn't care, or watch, or complain.  There are still glimmers, here and there, as there were even under Guza.  But the show I've watched for 30+ years has lost misplaced its heart AND its head, it seems.  I know, my opinion.


I was actually glad, very glad, when I heard Ron C. was taking over as head writer.  I loved OLTL, and while I thought he had some stinker storylines it didn't affect the overall goodness of the show.  He really knew how to use vets, and he really appreciated him.  And that held true for a short time at GH......and then, it didn't.  Man oh Man, it didn't.


So yep, I pretty much hate what he's done to GH, and I maybe what he's done more than what Guza did, because I've SEEN that he can do so much better than endless camp, "in the know" jokes, outrageous characters and dismal talent.


And I'll keep it on my DVR and keep trying because I love the show in its entirety, hoping for a glimpse of what was and increasingly isn't.

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There's a group of recent preceding posts which I want to hold hostage in a hotel lobby with explosives while an Equinox briefcase is retrieved.


I would submit that using "we" for applausing Ron's work, he would not have an issue in its use. Only when it's critical is it "well, that's just your opinion, man." Can't have it both ways.


Rosalie was rocking the body in her scrubs. Glad to see more of her (and  how). I think Rosalie/Morgan is why Ron is quashing any Britt/Morgan hookups.


And at NutmegHaus, we thought "Daddy" was Mickey Diamond. A little Wikichecking and constructive SORASing, and she could be Scarface!Lily's kid.  When Sabrina(and Carrrrrrlos) come back, look for her to interact with them.

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When Sabrina(and Carrrrrrlos) come back, look for her to interact with them

At the Port Charles Hispanic Festival (maybe Sonny will even be there), which is held right outside the Asian Quarter (where no one lives anymore) near Charles Street which was an African-American neighborhood till Luke and Laura moved in and all the black folks (except ShhhYAWN, TJ and Jordon) left town and it became kind of the Port Charles Greenwhich Village


Okay we really do need more diversity here....But points to Ron in that at we have characters across the spectrum now. See when he does good we tell him!!


Rosalie was rocking the body in her scrubs. Glad to see more of her (and how). I think Rosalie/Morgan is why Ron is quashing any Britt/Morgan hookups.

I could swear Ron was going with a Morgan/Kaka redux with a side of Serena. Yet the GH FB page asked whether Morgan/Rosalie were the new couple. IIRC Cartini don't control the promos or FB page. Is that still true? IMO, Ron will be pissed if he's forced to give up another Morgan/Kaka story & write for a another public driven pairing.

It makes me giggle thou because they keep trying to make a KA pairing happen & are often derailed. Note to TPTB, I don't find KA sexy or see chemistry with male pairings.

Ron ruined AJ's death. It was more about everyone that hates AJ, especially Sonny vs AJ or his family.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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And my point is that I like the show, General Hospital, that is currently on the air right now.   Not the show that was on 10 years or 15 or 20 or 50 years ago.  I like the show that was on yesterday and a week ago and a month ago.  That is my point.   Shoot in the head all the posts you want about how much you loved the GH of yore.  When I said that not everyone hates GH, I meant not everyone hates GH NOW.  Because reading the comments I was referring to were "we" statements that crapped all over the CURRENT GH and I was just stating that not everyone feels that the current GH deserves to be crapped all over.  Some of us, me being one of them, the current GH.   That is my point.  And I probably won't get any bullets of love for it, but I'm OK with that.

But what is it you like? 


Those criticizing the storyline point to specific things:


Characters that do not work Levi/Kiki/Nina, if you think they are working then how? Where do they fit into on the show? What makes them work for you?


Plot lines taking place off stage: Lucy/Scott/Bobbie/Kevin, how does a show that we do not see work? 


Characters acting out of character: Tracy and the suddenly stupid: How did this happen (This one is actually easy to explain but I want to hear your opinion) Spencer and the nine year old gay-vampire attitude, do nine year olds act like this?  Carly being with the man who had her son raped. We spent too many years with Guza telling us that Carlyisthebestmotherevahwholovewithallherheart  to buy her sleeping with the man who had her son sodomized in prison, how do you then enjoy this.


I am not being scarastic I really want to know. Like I said soaps are weather Ron likes it or not a collaborative effort, so if there are things you like, tell us how and why.


And Yes there are some things likable. I meant what I said about there actually being diversity, that is a good thing. I like the Jerome's and even Sonny/Ava/Morgan story is not bad since it is kind of a standard soap thing. I love Anna as Police Comish and like the beefing up of the PCPD with Dante, Nathan and eventually I would assume Jordan. I love Scotty as DA and would like to see Flea as mayor But to simply cosign everything Ron does is hard to swallow. I do not think at any single point does anyone love everything. I think the point is for many of us the bad outweighs the good and Ron makes it worse by being defensive.


BTW these are the questions Ron should answer instead of getting annoyed. Like I said people love this show


I think that loving a soap is like loving your wife not your girlfriend, You can love your girlfriend today and find a new one in a few months when you have grown tired of her. With a wife (or husband...I just happen to have a wife) you need to find a new reason to love her each day forever, and that is built on your past and your history. I don't always like everything about Mrs. Fylaki, I dont have to, but I do need to love her at her core....The same is true for my soap. I may never love Scrubs (in my mind it was always suppose to be Robin and Lucky with Nic as the spoiler) but I need to love the core.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 7

But to simply cosign everything Ron does is hard to swallow. I do not think at any single point does anyone love everything. I think the point is for many of us the bad outweighs the good and Ron makes it worse by being defensive.


That's kinda my stance.  I've said before and I'll say again, I think the show is more enjoyable/watchable now than it was during the Guza years, with its interchangable mob wars and the insistent focus on the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  But with a sprawling canvas like we have now, not every storyline is going to work for every single viewer so it becomes about averages, the good over the bad, there being a storyline you love with all your heart that balances out the storyline that make you want to rip your hair out.  And for me personally, the balance is out of whack at the moment.


And it's odd to me that Ron seems insistent on destryoing things that got good buzz last year (Scorpio spy shenanigans, Dr. O as a fun RECURRING villain, Brik, Morgan/Ava), but won't give up on things that didn't (Franco, Kiki, Sabrina).

Edited by TeeVee329
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Robin?  Or Emily with Lucky with Nikolas as the spoiler?  Robin was kinda aged out of that one for me.  (I can see Robin and Nik and Lucky and Em.)

Rocky 4evah. Once they SOARSed Em, Nic and Lucky I never saw the age difference that much. In fact GV as Lucky looked older than Kim and his Lucky was shown to be a contemporary of Jason's (hence the Liz sharing)


There was a moment when Robin was looking to find a baby daddy (okay that was god awful storyline) when she and Lucky had dinner and she talked about how there father's had been friends and suddenly it clicked in my mind that this was where it was suppose to go: Lucky as the brave hard working cop, Robin as a forensic scientist and Nic as kind of a Stefan DiMera (sorry DOOL fans my spelling is off)


I was even hoping last year that a now WSB agent Lucky would be the one to rescue Robin, though having Nic be part of the rescue rangers came close


I do remember Guza giving ridiculous interviews that the Serial Drama girls would tear apart, referring to the show's theme as "love during wartime" or some such nonsense.

I recall those but I don't think he ever verbally attacked the fans the way Ron does.

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So yep, I pretty much hate what he's done to GH ... because I've SEEN that he can do so much better than endless camp, "in the know" jokes, outrageous characters and dismal talent.

This is why I get so ragey. RC is capable of writing much better than this. I mean how can the same man that wrote Kish be writing this Felix/Lucas/Brad mess? Of course, Kish had some problems too, no story is perfect, but it was a thoughtful, well done story at it's core. It just makes everything seem even worse when you know that the stories could be better.

I still enjoy the show sometimes, but that's more so because I think it's pretty bad and I find that funny. I watch it as if it's a comedy. But, honestly, I'm getting kinda bored and that is what always gets me to leave for awhile.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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But, honestly, I'm getting kinda bored and that is what always gets me to leave for awhile.


I think the problem is that all the stories right now are in their middles, nothing is crescendoing.  And everything (particularly Fluke) is being draaaaaged out so long that it's hard to care when the denouncement finally comes.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think the problem is that all the stories right now are in their middles, nothing is cresendoing.  And everything (particularly Fluke) is being draaaaaged out so long that it's hard to care when the denouncement finally comes.


That is definitely it. RC never knows how to end a story.


I mean, he's kinda fucked through no fault of his own with the Luke thing, but damn it's just been going on for way too long. I wish that we would get some kind of indication that someone is wondering about Luke . That would help somewhat. 

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I still enjoy the show sometimes, but that's more so because I think it's pretty bad and I find that funny. I watch it as if it's a comedy. But, honestly, I'm getting kinda bored and that is what always gets me to leave for awhile.


Yup. The other day - the last we saw Spencer, I didn't even feel like typing out anything out besides "Spencer sucks".

Still in meltdown mode, I'l be back with the popcorn.  


See, this is where I get ragey.  Yes, asshat, there are supposed to be story arc on SOAPS.  If a 10-22 episode season can do arc, why the hell can't a, what, 250+ a day soap do them?  That is how most television is written!  It's SERIALIZED.  Goes back to Dickens.  


It really is times like this that I do actually miss Guza.  Yeah, his stories were repetitive, revolved around three people, and he could be an ass to the press.  But I don't remember him being so combative with fans via social media.  What does Ron have to say for ABCD to can his ass?


Okay, I could see Nik/Robin/Lucky once they had GV.  But, my first love with Lucky was young JJ and I loved his friendship with Em, so I saw that growing into more with the added spice of Nikolas.

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That is definitely it. RC never knows how to end a story.


I mean, he's kinda fucked through no fault of his own with the Luke thing, but damn it's just been going on for way too long. I wish that we would get some kind of indication that someone is wondering about Luke . That would help somewhat. 


True, but I think it would have helped a LOT if he had just revealed who FakeLuke was already, even though it's probably Bill Eckert. But still, that would have been something.

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I mean, he's kinda fucked through no fault of his own with the Luke thing, but damn it's just been going on for way too long.

See I am putting this at his door. He knew AG was going to be out for a long while. He could have moved up the revel, brought on an actor to play Damian Smith (who MUST be Fluke) or David Gray or whoever Fluke is (cause it cannot logically be Bill) and moved the story forward. Then he could have built a story on the search for Luke: Anna, Sonny, Lulu, Dante and even off screen references to Lucky, Holly, Ethan and Robert could have made this an exciting time. Especially if he used the few scenes he did film with Tony to show us Luke in danger,instead of Fluke on the phone (though the Luke/.Fluke meeting was good...right till he blew the landing)


Ron needs to remember that he is writing a soap, which involves actors he needs to be flexible and to change, it's not novel, its a play


FakeLuke was already, even though it's probably Bill Eckert.



Sorry i am better now. I will be so pissed if he takes the lazy and totally out of character way out and makes Fluke Bill (especially if he cannot come up with one good reason for Bill to hate Sonny: Hating Luke for getting him killed Okay, by Sonny?)

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ICGS, I don't agree with everything you said parts of GH are decent however IMO the majority is dreck, but I'll send you a bullet of love. I mean c'mon, who doesn't want to be shot in the head while giving birth?

Oh vey, is right. Someone needs to tell Ron about storytelling quick. Story arcs are a major part of it whether comedy, drama, comics, sci-fi and/or fantasy

I wanted a Rocky pairing & baby so bad. I even named the baby Robert Lorenzo Scorpio Spencer in my head.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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See I am putting this at his door. He knew AG was going to be out for a long while. He could have moved up the revel, brought on an actor to play Damian Smith (who MUST be Fluke) or David Gray or whoever Fluke is (cause it cannot logically be Bill) and moved the story forward ... Ron needs to remember that he is writing a soap, which involves actors he needs to be flexible and to change, it's not novel, its a play


OK you're right, I blame RC! 


@ulkis, you're right, revealing who Luke really is definitely would've helped.

I haven't been able to watch GH for a while. I start, but it's so awful I just delete.

Today I ff'd through it and man what a mess. Lucy Coe should be held face down in whatever's handy until she just stops talking. Sonny holding the odious Ava prisoner so she can spit out another Corinthii and then kill her - yeah, that's a great storyline.  And Alexis......sometimes it might just be best if kept her lips zipped.  Being sympathetic to Sonny, and telling Orange Glow what a great dad he is makes her seem like a real moron.

And seeing Bobbi in bed with Scott.....I only wish it was possible to unsee it. He's like some Disney animation of a mutated gopher or something. Just. NO.


Now if somebody would make gif of that phone bouncing off Morgan's head, I'd watch it constantly.  Lord knows nothing could actually hurt that bonehead.

And the ratings went UP last week??

Probably because school is out Elementry that is High school and college kids have jobs. I don't know one person that watches the show, except us on line.

This is not a collective mindhive of hate against Ron, Frank and GH.  I enjoy watching General Hospital.  I wouldn't watch it otherwise.  I'd take it off of my DVR if I didn't.  I loathed it under Guza and only watched it for Jonathan Jackson.  That was it.   Ron & Frank coming is the only reason I stuck around.  Could the show be better?  Absolutely.  Do I have issues?  Fucking yes!  But I like the show.  I have couples I enjoy.  Sonny actually gets called on shit by people.  The holy trinity doesn't take up the majority of screentime and aren't worshiped by the majority of the cast of characters.   I like most of the characters.  I watch almost entire episodes generally.  I watch freaking Sonny Corinthos scenes now sometimes.


This seems like the same writing to me for Sonny since about Sonny/Emily, imo. He's been called out on his shit many times since then. 2010 had a lot of beautiful Sonny call-outs especially I remember. But yeah, the writing since about Sonny/Emily is Sonny does something gross, everyone yells at him but act like he's some problem child who just can't help himself and they've been assigned to take care of and deep down are kinda fond of even when they just want to drop him off at the orphanage. I think the true test of real change will be what happens after the AJ reveal.


And there was no Kiki in today's episode.  That automatically made the episode fantastic compared to any episode featuring her.  And even better?  There was no Levi either!  I mean, awesome! No Kiki *and* no Levi!  Thank the Gods!  That's a good GH day!   Seriously, a good GH day also is Anna and Jordan, two gorgeous, awesome actresses sharing screentime where they aren't talking about their love lives but rather their jobs, their children, their choices and how they impact the world around them.  Yes, the setting is ridiculous, but they are working on a cheap-ass budget.  Blame it on the economy, not Ron and Frank, they are working with what they have.  It doesn't take away that we have two kick-ass, gorgeous actresses with a non-love-interest oriented storyline and they are taking the lead.




, it got me all frustrated that this same person is writing Maxie, Lulu, and Tracy as abominably stupid, because I was thinking yesterday how nice the Jordan and Anna scenes were and how they would never happen under Guza. 

It wasn't even so much that he didn't reveal who Fluke was, but the snarky, winky, talking down to the audience-y way he did it.


yeah, that too. It's like, yes, I would like to know, so why you gotta be so mean about it man?

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What made me ragey was the ruination of the Quartermaines, specifically AJ and Tracy. Mostly AJ. And the miscasting of Roger Howarth. The misuse of future Emmy caliber actor Tequan Richmond, and I ain't talking daytime Emmys. Wait till Shonda Rhimes gets a hold of him. He will be a star. The fact that cops and doctors look like idiots, and there is a dress up child running ELQ. But at least he's AJ's son. I'll be nice and hope the fallout from Sonny brutally killing AJ will be fucking amazing.

Oh and letting Johnny leave for characters who allegedly were never in Port Charles? So fucking Shawn level shooting range dumb.

But let's celebrate with a Jasus revival. It will be weird seeing a guy who can act in the role.

Oh and way to fuck up the character of Rafe by skimping on casting. Frank, that is your fault.

It wasn't even so much that he didn't reveal who Fluke was, but the snarky, winky, talking down to the audience-y way he did it.


Yea, that was just the petty, dick side of RC coming out.


Oh and letting Johnny leave for characters who allegedly were never in Port Charles? So fucking Shawn level shooting range dumb.


LMAO! This is my new go-to insult.

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I wanted a Rocky pairing & baby so bad. I even named the baby Robert Lorenzo Scorpio Spencer in my head.


Okay, I could see Nik/Robin/Lucky once they had GV.  But, my first love with Lucky was young JJ and I loved his friendship with Em, so I saw that growing into more with the added spice of Nikolas.

Years ago under another name I drew the ire of Liason fans by pointing out that Jason was too old for Liz, these same fans then came down on me that Robin was too old for Lucky.  I just kept shaking my head.


Rocky would be so soapy awesome. If Patrick does divorce Robin then maybe the endgame can be Patrick and Anne Logan's long lost daughter (she was a virgin but still had a child...dont laugh this is apparently an actual show on the CW this fall) and Robin and Lucky

seeing Bobbi in bed with Scott


Did Kin mean for Scott to look slightly nauseated? (All jokes about JZ's face aside.) This is one reason why I hate this story with a passion. It's not amusing to watch three people over 50 in a junior-high-school-level triangle.



When things implode with Levi as they inevitably will, Maxie will deserve all the "I told you so"s she'll get, especially from Mac.

And what's so sad/sweet is, if Mac is written even remotely close to being in character, he'll just go, "Awwww, honey" and give her a big hug as she cries on his shoulder.


As he should, IMO. His opinion of Levi or the marriage is not news to Maxi. (And may he never lose his contempt/disgust/hate for Levi.) And it's not as if someone telling Maxie "Told ya!" is going to make her rethink her choices in the future.


Well, Flea did pretend to be happy about it, I am not sure if that was fake or not.


The only way that makes any sense to me is that Felicia has decided that she's going to be supportive of Maxie no matter what to make up for being away for so long.


He knew AG was going to be out for a long while.


He didn't, really. TG was supposed to have one surgery and then recovery time, and he ended up needing two surgeries and a much longer recovery. That's no one's fault. But it's completely Ron's fault that he hasn't done a damn thing to move the story along. Mickey Diamond could be dropping the odd hint here and there, or someone could be wondering what's up with Luke. Instead, we get crickets.

Edited by dubbel zout
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He didn't, really. TG was supposed to have one surgery and then recovery time, and he ended up needing two surgeries and a much longer recovery. That's no one's fault. But it's completely Ron's fault that he hasn't done a damn thing to move the story along. Mickey Diamond could be dropping the odd hint here and there, or someone could be wondering what's up with Luke. Instead, we get crickets.


Well, except maybe Tony Geary's for thinking when he was younger that smoking pot would be a good solution for his back hurting after cliff diving.


I kid, I kid.

Edited by ulkis
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