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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This show is confused.


Big centerpiece couple dialogue

Him: Marrying you is a no brainer

Her: I'm the lucky one, I love that little girl


Murderously insane couple

Him: I'm pretty straightforward. I'll follow you anywhere, do anything do be with you.

Her: I can't think of anything that makes me happier than being with you.


Ya'll know I like Nina & Franco together but damn, show, this is kinda nuts. Next I'll be giving Ava props on her mothering technique. 


Start making sense, show!!!

Wait, Franco and Nina are really going to live in Silas' apartment?  Really?  The apartment where Nina pretended to be wheelchair bound and wackily tried to rape Silas?  Really?  The apartment  where they made out over a bloody dead person they both kinda thought the other murdered?  Really?  And this is their fresh start?  REALLY?!?!


I mean, I'm super happy Carly and Sonny took the day off, but subbing in Franco and Nina just makes me feel like I'm being punched in the stomach instead of the face, you know?


OMG, and the bullshit off-screen job they gave Kiki (that the mooch got hooked up with by an off-screen friiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnmnnd) is some kind of financial gig because she's good with numbers?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  ETA - oh wait, she lied about having a job, HAHAHAHAHAHA.


Sam claiming she "completely" wants to marry Patrick is to laugh.  Did she mention how she and Jake(son) got mock married on her anniversary?


And, of course, that stupid intern's camera captured Dillon and Valerie's super incriminating conversation.  Set the countdown clock to it being aired during, I dunno, the premiere of Dillon's movie or something.

  • Love 7

I was about to sound the alarm that Kiki finally has a job. But apparently its just drinking in a bar. How does she pay for that? And most importantly why are Franco/Nina her best friends. 


Of course a video camera caught that confession of guilt. Lmao.


I loved Sams dress. What were those yellow things in that bowl???


Do Maxie and Nathan do anything other than have sex all the time.

  • Love 1

I know somebody talked about buying lots of brain and eyeball bleach a while back. Can whoever it was please contact me? I need a bunch of it after today.



I need to forget about two grown adults talking about the people they're crushing on as the loves of their lives. Especially since Val said she knew Dante considered her a mistake. Child, when you know that and persist in stalking him and "loving" him, you really are just a step away from boiling bunnies. Please -- someone, anyone -- tell me that we're NOT supposed to have sympathy for these two idiots. 


I also need to not see Franco and Nina kissing. I know MMV, but I still can't see what they contribute to the canvas. 


I guess I need ear bleach, too. I don't want to believe Dante the cop said he should have been the one sitting down with the 5 families. 


Please, please, please, let Robin or AJ wake up on Monday and write everything off as a bad dream.

  • Love 5

The level of compliments was so unbalanced, so ridiculous.

Patrick: You are amazing, strong, beautiful, make great arts and crafts, you saved me, saaavvveeeddd me!

Sam: I like you too.

I'm just shocked he didn't say Robin was fat. I guess if he remembered her name, he would have.

I loved the: "I'm gonna kiss you" "Make it good" *kisses chastely* part. Classic.

  • Love 3

You know, I snark a lot. But I have as a serious question. Which characters do you think the writers want us rooting for?


I watched bits and pieces of the show this week, and they were playing this soft music during Ava's and Julian's scenes. As though we were supposed to feel our heart strings tugged as this killer (in the literal way) brother/sister duo reminisced or whatever (okay, I wasn't paying that close of attention). But I got the distinct impression I was supposed to be enjoying the moment and smiling with them, as opposed to trying to figure to how to get inside the television to kill that smirking idiot.  But if I'm supposed to like Ava, shouldn't I then hate Sonny? But the one thing I've learned over the past 3 weeks is the EVERYBODY LOVES SONNY.


And if I shot myself in the head, lost all capacity to discern and think, and thus didn't find Julian's presence on this show so maddeningly revolting, shouldn't I dislike Anna? This is what I don't get. Who are the characters that we're supposed to root for?


Because as far as I can tell, we're supposed to root for Sonny, Carly, Franco, Nina, Morgan, Kiki, Michael, Sabrina, Jason, Maxie, Nathan, Julian, Alexis, Dante, Lulu, Patrick, Dillon, Sam, Jordan, TJ, Anna, Olivia, Spencer, and Hayden and Nikolas together (but not separately? I'm totally confused, but they are pushing them as a romantic duo). 


And I think we're supposed to identify with and feel sorry for Valerie and Liz, even if we don't approve.


Who does that leave on contract? Tracy and Paul? And I don't think we're supposed to hate Tracy.  Just judge her.

  • Love 1

Patrick's hair y'all.


Shut up Dante, you would all suck at running the mob. Hell, Sonny sucks right now. The only reason he's still alive is only stupid mobs run in Port Charles. Also stop pretending you care about Avery.


Dillon and Valerie come off like they're in 5th grade.


I feel the intern guy would have made a better NuDillon. He's cute in a schlubby way.


Nathan, tell your annoying girlfriend to mind her own business and stop prying. Also, why is moron Maxie making up bullshit about getting carried away? Just say you couldn't stop giggling or something. Okay, fine, I know why she said it, but sometimes I have to ask the rhetorical questions.


Oh no! Kiki is spending her nights drinking! Who will save her? Where's Lulu's organ of drinking doom when you need it?

  • Love 6
What were those yellow things in that bowl???


Cheese puffs?


How does she pay for that?


If Silas's will is in probate, he got terrible estate advice. Heh.


feel the intern guy would have made a better NuDillon.


I find him so, so annoying. He's like a film-geek Spinelli but much, much worse. Ugh.


Maxie and Nathan had one of those dumb soap conversations where if he had just STFU and Maxie had been straightforward, there would have been no problem. Gah. I HATE that construct.


They have destroyed Dante for me especially when he said that he should have be the one at the mob meeting. He has spent his whole adult life trying to put mobsters in prison.


WTF was that about? When does Dante ever want to be associated with the mob?


Patrick's hair y'all.


I KNOW. It looks like he had a low-flow shower head and can't rinse out the soap. (I just saw that ep of Seinfeld. Heh.)


What were the previews? It was skipped on the East Coast for Obama.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

I guess I need ear bleach, too. I don't want to believe Dante the cop said he should have been the one sitting down with the 5 families. 


He was saying it because he was angry that Michael was there. At least that's my take on it, but watch, two weeks from now Dante and Michael will be fighting over who gets to put Sonny's stuffed raccoon statue* in their office.


Dante bringing up that he was experienced from his time undercover  . . . convenient that Lulu wasn't like, "hey, remember how that whole undercover job ended?" Cooooooonveeeeeeeeeenient.


*this is a real thing! Or it was. 


Dante: If Morgan goes off half-cocked, he'll either start a mob war or we'll all be at his funeral.


Oh Dante. If Morgan approaches a stairway, there's also a 50 percent chance he'll forget how to use them and you'll end up at his funeral.


And if I shot myself in the head, lost all capacity to discern and think, and thus didn't find Julian's presence on this show so maddeningly revolting, shouldn't I dislike Anna? This is what I don't get. Who are the characters that we're supposed to root for?


I suppose that could be a rare instance of letting us pick which one we want to root for.


I also need to not see Franco and Nina kissing. I know MMV, but I still can't see what they contribute to the canvas.



Stah power! Or something! Is that really how Michelle Stafford sounds? Because she still sounds like a 45 year old trying to sound 17.


The level of compliments was so unbalanced, so ridiculous.


Patrick: You are amazing, strong, beautiful, make great arts and crafts, you saved me, saaavvveeeddd me!


Sam: I like you too.


I mean, to be fair, it's supposed to be like that. Sam is obviously lukewarm about this and forcing herself into it.

Yep, Sam totally strikes me as the type to do some arts & crafts project to accept a marriage proposal.  Totally.  


I just can't with this show. 


You know, I felt like that at first, but then I realized she is just trying to be the cutesy person she (thinks) Patrick wants her to be.

Holy hell, and apparently Franco calls Kiki his daughter in the previews.  Not a good start, new writers!


Was I supposed to be impressed at him telling the realtor the place will sell at full market value? It's not like the realtor wouldn't like that as well! 

Do Maxie and Nathan do anything other than have sex all the time.


well, they were having dinner today.

  • Love 4

Laura was on, technically. At the very end of the episode, Patrick's doorbell rang, Sam answered it, and Laura was standing there. Fade to black. (or what HeatLifer just said)


When Patrick was telling Sam how devastated he'd been after … "uh … " did anyone else think he might actually utter the name Robin?  

Just me?


Edited by rur
  • Love 2

No. She wasn't teased, either.



Huh. Genie posted on her FB page that Laura was back today. Or maybe that Laura was coming back? Because all she said was that "Laura is back" and if she didn't post it, then her publicist did or whoever...OR she was supposed to be on and...and...I got nothin'.



ETA: Never mind! I see that she was.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

OhEmGEE, y'all!


ulKis told Dante to SHUT UP!


Hath Hell Frozeneth Over?


I just want to know: Was Laura on today?


I've said that before :)



But then the show is going to ask us to buy that Sam is legimiately torn when the Jake(son) reveal happens.


Has Laura ever had a scene with Patrick or Sam?


I don't know about Sam but Patrick helped Robin back in 2006 with Laura's brain stuff (me not good with science), so they had a couple of scenes together.

But then the show is going to ask us to buy that Sam is legimiately torn when the Jake(son) reveal happens.

Has Laura ever had a scene with Patrick or Sam?

I disagree with ulkis, especially after JP's interview a few weeks back. Sam is supposed to be completely in love with Patrick and wants to marry him. That is what they're selling to the audience.

Laura had scenes with Patrick and Robin way back when she was in her catatonic state and Robin helped her.

WTF was that about? When does Dante ever want to be associated with the mob?


I could see him going rogue after Lulu leaves him. Because making all the characters maniacal has gone so well so far!


Except for poor Patrick, who's so fresh and pure now he may be a 13 year old virgin again.


But yeah anyway. It may have been foreshadowing for the "going rogue" but also I think it was (for now) mostly anger that Michael went to meeting and him possibly getting sucked into the mob.

You have? I don't recall. Maybe it's been a loooong time since you have?


Does 6 months ago count as a long time? I pretty much always tell him to shut up when he's nice to Sonny as well. :)

  • Love 3


I have to defend Sam's wardrobe yesterday. She was home alone. Was she supposed to be dressed like Ava or Carly?

No, but I was referring to KeMo, the actress, saying that wardrobe -- upon her request -- was supposed to be choosing more mature clothing for "Sam".   

Ava and Carly have been dressed hideously, so no. 

I think Valerie, when her clothespeg skirts aren't skin-tight, is the best dresser on this show. 

  • Love 1

It would have been better if he had, tbh. That line was so freaking disrespectful to Robin/KMc. No words for it.

It is, but this is the show that is about propping Sam as the hottie female lead, and also Carly to a slightly lesser extent. It's all about storyline agenda. I remember when JJ left and Lucky was recast w/Shouty McYellerson. He was lusting after (re-cast) Sarah, Liz's older sister, and acknowledged to Liz's face that he wanted to kiss Sarah - after Liz and Lucky had been the teen super couple. I hated that the Liz character got crapped on re: L&L2, and it seemed like a lousy thing for Becky, the actress who'd been there for years. So then the Show had Liz and Jason kiss for the first time because of the Lucky and Sarah garbage. Later on came the implications that Robin and Liz are just medical professionals, not even pretty (Carly re: Liz "muffin face"), and are questionable mothers/spouses because of their careers/priorities. Blech  

  • Love 2

Later on came the implications that Robin and Liz are just medical professionals, not even pretty (Carly re: Liz "muffin face"), and are questionable mothers/spouses because of their careers/priorities. Blech  


Honestly, I don't think the writers are even thinking that deeply. It's just a generic compliment from generic Patrick.


Valerie saying sex with Dante was everything she imagined it would be was kinda sad. Really? Maybe it was hot but he didn't say one nice thing to her or smile at her. That's depressing if that's what she was envisaging in her head.

If Ron was still the HW, definitely. Now, I can only pray the new writers don't go that route.


Oh, it'll go that route. At the very least, it will definitely play somewhere, maybe not in a movie theater but it'll play.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 3
You know, I felt like that at first, but then I realized she is just trying to be the cutesy person she (thinks) Patrick wants her to be.



I would have bought it more if it turned out poorly, and then she and Patrick laughed over her attempt or something.  (I guess at least we didn't get scenes of Emma and Anna helping her make it, so, silver lining?) 

  • Love 3

I dont think Patrick calling Sam most beautiful was a dig at Robin at all. It seemed like pretty generic comment to make about their girlfriend. I can see why Scrub fans would be upset but I never gave a toss about them or Robin to care about what Patrick says to his current girlfriend. 


I liked Scrubs, a lot, but I don't think it was meant as an insult to Kim McC or Scrubs. Just lazy, generic dialogue.

  • Love 10

Honestly, I don't think the writers are even thinking that deeply.

Eh. I'll say this...Patrick and Robin weren't Kiki and Morgan. They were (and weirdly, still ARE, don't ask me why or how after they've been trashed to the nth degree) an extremely popular couple on this show for yeaaaaaaaars. Yet the writers have no respect for it. I don't care if Patrick calls Sam beautiful. She is! But to say she's the most beautiful woman he's EVER LAID HIS EYES ON is an intentional and unnecessary choice that, to me, IS a dig at all the women he was previously with, mainly Robin.

  • Love 7

In this case, IMHO, Patrick's dialogue was a floor wax and a dessert topping.  The problem is two-fold, as always: he's still collateral damage from the show throwing Robin under the bus (even if the writers don't consciously appear to be maintaining it, which I tend to doubt), and--even worse at the moment--that looming Jason reveal which we all know is going to blow Samtrick up like those police cruisers in last night's episode of The Player.  He's in a no-win scenario, and has been pretty much from the moment Robin left.


As for the rest of the episode that I saw: Intern Guy (Andy?) needed to be punched on general principle, but invoking the accidental-recording cliche on top of that rated at least two Olivia-class eyerolls.  Valerie and Dillon commiserating over their unrequited paramours, meta as it briefly got, was nothing compared to that.


Maxie...urgh.  Use your words, bitch.


Kiki apparently falling into the bottle, though...I'm morbidly curious to see where that goes, if in large part because I really want to see if Hayley Erin can handle a meaty story.  And in a way it actually makes sense for her to go into some sort of freefall after the past few months.  Francs and Neens buying Silas's apartment, however (that did happen, right?), is more than a little...odd.  And creepy.

  • Love 1

He's in a no-win scenario, and has been pretty much from the moment Robin left.

He's in a no-win situation because the writers PUT him there. He didn't have to be there. Sure. Robin is a prisoner. He doesn't know. But he could have expressed concern for Robin, wondered why she hasn't called, felt weird about moving on with Sam after his ex left to save Jason, felt sad that his daughter doesn't have his mother. The writers won't allow him to be complex. He's just there with this borderline obsession with Sam, like she's the best and most wonderful woman EVER. And she "saved him!!!" From what? Being single?

Meanwhile, Sam is respectful of Jason. I'm trying to imagine her ever having dialogue that Patrick is the most gorgeous man she's ever seen, or the smartest man she's ever known. It would never happen.

  • Love 9

He's in a no-win situation because the writers PUT him there. He didn't have to be there. Sure. Robin is a prisoner. He doesn't know. But he could have expressed concern for Robin, wondered why she hasn't called, felt weird about moving on with Sam after his ex left to save Jason, felt sad that his daughter doesn't have his mother. The writers won't allow him to be complex. He's just there with this borderline obsession with Sam, like she's the best and most wonderful woman EVER. And she "saved him!!!" From what? Being single?

Meanwhile, Sam is respectful of Jason. I'm trying to imagine her ever having dialogue that Patrick is the most gorgeous man she's ever seen, or the smartest man she's ever known. It would never happen.


Yeah, Patrick is where he is because of the hack writing, but he also can't express concern for Robin because of the same hacks that want to ignore the pink elephant in the room. So in the end, the writers (ha!) have screwed this character six ways to Sunday because of their ineptitude in writing Robin out.


And that ineptitude dragged Patrick (and Anna) right down with Robin. So the characters, in a roundabout way, are a prisoner to the hack writing just as Robin is an actual prisoner to the Legion of Doom and nobody wins.

  • Love 8

I just deleted my entire response to HeatLifer because...Wendy, girl, you just nailed it.  Sam is allowed to mention Jason (to be fair, it's the Holy Hitman, it'd be shocking if she didn't), which at least allows her to appear in-show like she's trying to deal with his "death" and move on--however damned flimsy it appears--while Patrick doesn't even really get that much of a cookie crumb.  Which makes him look like, yes, a chump.  And, in the end, nobody indeed wins.

  • Love 3

Patrick's hair y'all.


I'm at a complete loss for words over it. It's just mind boggling.


This episode was a straight-up disaster. I know this and I only watched like 1/10th of it.


I have no idea why I ever liked Dollar Store Dillon. He is so irritating. And his face is weird. Sorry for how horrible I am, but his face and Valerie's face are just so off and when they're together it's hard to watch tbh.

  • Love 2

I would have bought it more if it turned out poorly, and then she and Patrick laughed over her attempt or something. (I guess at least we didn't get scenes of Emma and Anna helping her make it, so, silver lining?)

I forget Sabrina/Patrick were even together, but it took me out of the scene because it seemed like something Sabrina would do, not Sam.
  • Love 2

Kiki apparently falling into the bottle, though...I'm morbidly curious to see where that goes, if in large part because I really want to see if Hayley Erin can handle a meaty story.


She just had a month long story in which she proved she can't. imo.


I have no idea why I ever liked Dollar Store Dillon. He is so irritating. And his face is weird. Sorry for how horrible I am, but his face and Valerie's face are just so off and when they're together it's hard to watch tbh.


Ha, I actually thought he showed some spark of non-cloyingness when he shouted at shoulda-been-nudillon-dude. So obviously, he just needs to be pissed all the time.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 3

Watching this show makes me feel like Britney Spears, circa 2007. I wanna hit my tv, car, whatever with an umbrella and shave my head.

One episode in my weekly catch up and I'm like shut up Michael. Shut up Sonny. Shut up Carly. Shut up Anna. Like, who gives a fuck about Duke Lavery? He like ddoesn't even go here.

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